]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/seastar/scripts/stall-analyser.py
import quincy beta 17.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / seastar / scripts / stall-analyser.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import argparse
4 import sys
5 import re
7 import addr2line
9 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
10 description='A reactor stall backtrace graph analyser.',
11 epilog="""
12 stall-analyser helps analyze a series of reactor-stall backtraces using a graph.
13 Each node in the graph includes:
14 `addr` - a program address
15 Each link in the graph includes:
16 `total` - the total sum of stalls, in milliseconds
17 of all reactor stalls that pass via this caller/callee link.
18 `count` - number of backtraces going through the link.
20 When printed, the graph is traversed in descending `total` order
21 to emphasize stall backtraces that are frequent and long.
23 Each node in the printed output is preceded with [level#index pct%],
24 where `level` is the level of that node in the graph (0 are root nodes),
25 `index` is the index in the parent node's list of callers/callees, and
26 `pct` is the percantage of this link's `total` time relative to
27 its siblings.
29 When given an executable, addresses are decoding using `addr2line`
30 """)
31 parser.add_argument('--address-threshold', default='0x100000000',
32 help='Skip common backtrace prefix terminated by one or more addresses greater or equal to the threshold (0=disabled)')
33 parser.add_argument('-e', '--executable',
34 help='Decode addresses to lines using given executable')
35 parser.add_argument('-f', '--full-function-names', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
36 help="When demangling C++ function names, display all information, including the type of the function's parameters. Otherwise, they are omitted (see `c++filt(1) -p`).")
37 parser.add_argument('-w', '--width', type=int, default=None,
38 help='Smart trim of long lines to width characters (0=disabled)')
39 parser.add_argument('-d', '--direction', choices=['bottom-up', 'top-down'], default='bottom-up',
40 help='Print graph bottom-up (default, callees first) or top-down (callers first)')
41 parser.add_argument('-m', '--minimum', type=int, default=None,
42 help='Process only stalls lasting the given time, in milliseconds, or longer')
43 parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch-threshold', type=float, default=0.05,
44 help='Drop branches responsible for less than this threshold relative to the previous level, not global. (default 5%%)')
45 parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?',
46 help='File containing reactor stall backtraces. Read from stdin if missing.')
48 args = parser.parse_args()
50 resolver = addr2line.BacktraceResolver(executable=args.executable, concise=not args.full_function_names) if args.executable else None
52 class Node:
53 def __init__(self, addr:str):
54 self.addr = addr
55 self.callers = {}
56 self.callees = {}
57 self.printed = False
59 def __repr__(self):
60 return f"Node({self.addr})"
62 class Link:
63 def __init__(self, node, t:int):
64 self.node = node
65 self.total = t
66 self.count = 1
68 def __eq__(self, other):
69 return self.total == other.total and self.count == other.count
71 def __ne__(self, other):
72 return not (self == other)
74 def __lt__(self, other):
75 return self.total < other.total or self.total == other.total and self.count < other.count
77 def add(self, t:int):
78 self.total += t
79 self.count += 1
81 def link_caller(self, t:int, n):
82 if n.addr in self.callers:
83 link = self.callers[n.addr]
84 link.add(t)
85 n.callees[self.addr].add(t)
86 else:
87 self.callers[n.addr] = self.Link(n, t)
88 n.callees[self.addr] = self.Link(self, t)
89 return n
91 def unlink_caller(self, addr:str):
92 link = self.callers.pop(addr)
93 link.node.callees.pop(self.addr)
95 def link_callee(self, t:int, n):
96 if n.addr in self.callees:
97 link = self.callees[n.addr]
98 link.add(t)
99 n.callers[self.addr].add(t)
100 else:
101 self.callees[n.addr] = self.Link(n, t)
102 n.callers[self.addr] = self.Link(self, t)
103 return n
105 def unlink_callee(self, addr:str):
106 link = self.callees.pop(addr)
107 link.node.callers.pop(self.addr)
109 def sorted_links(self, links:list, descending=True):
110 return sorted([l for l in links if l.node.addr], reverse=descending)
112 def sorted_callers(self, descending=True):
113 return self.sorted_links(self.callers.values(), descending)
115 def sorted_callees(self, descending=True):
116 return self.sorted_links(self.callees.values(), descending)
118 class Graph:
119 def __init__(self):
120 # Each node in the tree contains:
121 self.count = 0
122 self.total = 0
123 self.nodes = {}
124 self.tail = Node('')
125 self.head = Node('')
127 def add(self, prev:Node, t:int, addr:str):
128 if addr in self.nodes:
129 n = self.nodes[addr]
130 else:
131 n = Node(addr)
132 self.nodes[addr] = n
133 if prev:
134 if prev.addr in self.head.callees:
135 self.head.unlink_callee(prev.addr)
136 prev.link_caller(t, n)
137 if addr in self.tail.callers:
138 self.tail.unlink_caller(addr)
139 elif not n.callees or addr in self.tail.callers:
140 self.tail.link_caller(t, n)
141 return n
143 def add_head(self, t:int, n:Node):
144 self.head.link_callee(t, n)
146 def smart_print(self, lines:str, width:int):
147 def _print(l:str, width:int):
148 if not width or len(l) <= width:
149 print(l)
150 return
151 i = l.rfind(" at ")
152 if i < 0:
153 print(l[:width])
154 return
155 sfx = l[i:]
156 w = width - len(sfx) - 3
157 if w > 0:
158 pfx = l[:w]
159 else:
160 pfx = ""
161 print(f"{pfx}...{sfx}")
162 for l in lines.splitlines():
163 if l:
164 _print(l, width)
166 def print_graph(self, direction:str):
167 top_down = (direction == 'top-down')
168 print(f"""
169 This graph is printed in {direction} order, where {'callers' if top_down else 'callees'} are printed first.
170 Use --direction={'bottom-up' if top_down else 'top-down'} to print {'callees' if top_down else 'callers'} first.
172 [level#index/out_of pct%] below denotes:
173 level - nesting level in the graph
174 index - index of node among to its siblings
175 out_of - number of siblings
176 pct - percentage of total stall time of this call relative to its siblings
177 """)
178 varargs = vars(args)
179 clopts = ""
180 for k in varargs.keys():
181 val = varargs[k]
182 opt = re.sub('_', '-', k)
183 if val is None:
184 continue
185 elif not isinstance(val, bool):
186 clopts += f" --{opt}={val}"
187 elif val:
188 clopts += f" --{opt}"
189 print(f"Command line options:{clopts}\n")
191 def _prefix(prefix_list:list):
192 prefix = ''
193 for p in prefix_list:
194 prefix += p
195 return prefix
197 def _recursive_print_graph(n:Node, total:int=0, count:int=0, level:int=-1, idx:int=0, out_of:int=0, rel:float=1.0, prefix_list=[], skip_stats=False):
198 nonlocal top_down
199 if level >= 0:
200 avg = round(total / count) if count else 0
201 prefix = _prefix(prefix_list)
202 p = '+' if idx == 1 or idx == out_of else '|'
203 p += '+'
204 l = f"[{level}#{idx}/{out_of} {round(100*rel)}%]"
205 cont_indent = len(l) + 1
206 if skip_stats:
207 l = f"{' ' * (len(l)-2)} -"
208 stats = ''
209 else:
210 stats = f" total={total} count={count} avg={avg}"
211 l = f"{prefix}{p}{l} addr={n.addr}{stats}"
212 p = "| "
213 if resolver:
214 lines = resolver.resolve_address(n.addr).splitlines()
215 if len(lines) == 1:
216 li = lines[0]
217 if li.startswith("??"):
218 l += f": {lines[0]}"
219 else:
220 l += f":\n{prefix}{p}{' '*cont_indent}{li.strip()}"
221 else:
222 l += ":\n"
223 if top_down:
224 lines.reverse()
225 for li in lines:
226 l += f"{prefix}{p}{' '*cont_indent}{li.strip()}\n"
227 width = args.width or 0
228 self.smart_print(l, width)
229 if n.printed:
230 print(f"{prefix}-> continued at addr={n.addr} above")
231 return
232 n.printed = True
233 next = n.sorted_callees() if top_down else n.sorted_callers()
234 if not next:
235 return
236 link = next[0]
237 if level >= 0 and len(next) == 1 and link.total == total and link.count == count:
238 _recursive_print_graph(link.node, link.total, link.count, level, idx, out_of, rel, prefix_list, skip_stats=True)
239 else:
240 total = sum(link.total for link in next)
241 next_prefix_list = prefix_list + ["| " if idx < out_of else " "] if level >= 0 else []
242 i = 1
243 last_idx = len(next)
244 omitted_idx = 0
245 omitted_total = 0
246 omitted_count = 0
247 for link in next:
248 rel = link.total / total
249 if rel < args.branch_threshold:
250 if not omitted_idx:
251 omitted_idx = i
252 omitted_total += link.total
253 omitted_count += link.count
254 else:
255 _recursive_print_graph(link.node, link.total, link.count, level + 1, i, last_idx, rel, next_prefix_list)
256 i += 1
257 if omitted_idx:
258 prefix = _prefix(next_prefix_list)
259 p = '++'
260 rel = omitted_total / total
261 avg = round(omitted_total / omitted_count) if count else 0
262 l = f"[{level+1}#{omitted_idx}/{last_idx} {round(100*rel)}%]"
263 print(f"{prefix}{p}{l} {last_idx - omitted_idx + 1} more branches total={omitted_total} count={omitted_count} avg={avg}")
265 r = self.head if top_down else self.tail
266 _recursive_print_graph(r)
268 graph = Graph()
270 # process each backtrace and insert it to the tree
271 #
272 # The backtraces are assumed to be in bottom-up order, i.e.
273 # the first address indicates the innermost frame and the last
274 # address is in the outermost, in calling order.
275 #
276 # This helps identifying closely related reactor stalls
277 # where a code path that stalls may be called from multiple
278 # call sites.
279 def process_graph(t: int, trace: list[str]):
280 n = None
281 for addr in trace:
282 n = graph.add(n, t, addr)
283 graph.add_head(t, n)
285 address_threshold = int(args.address_threshold, 0)
286 tally = {}
288 def print_stats(tally:dict, tmin):
289 data = []
290 total_time = 0
291 total_count = 0
292 processed_count = 0
293 min_time = 1000000
294 max_time = 0
295 median = None
296 p95 = None
297 p99 = None
298 p999 = None
299 for t in sorted(tally.keys()):
300 count = tally[t]
301 data.append((t, count))
302 total_time += t * count
303 if t < min_time:
304 min_time = t
305 if t > max_time:
306 max_time = t
307 total_count += count
308 if t >= tmin:
309 processed_count += count
310 running_count = 0
311 for (t, count) in data:
312 running_count += count
313 if median is None and running_count >= total_count / 2:
314 median = t
315 elif p95 is None and running_count >= (total_count * 95) / 100:
316 p95 = t
317 elif p99 is None and running_count >= (total_count * 99) / 100:
318 p99 = t
319 elif p999 is None and running_count >= (total_count * 999) / 1000:
320 p999 = t
321 print(f"Processed {total_count} stalls lasting a total of {total_time} milliseconds.")
322 if tmin:
323 print(f"Of which, {processed_count} lasted {tmin} milliseconds or longer.")
324 avg_time = total_time / total_count if total_count else 0
325 print(f"min={min_time} avg={avg_time:.1f} median={median} p95={p95} p99={p99} p999={p999} max={max_time}")
327 input = open(args.file) if args.file else sys.stdin
328 count = 0
329 comment = re.compile('^\s*#')
330 pattern = re.compile('Reactor stall')
331 for s in input:
332 if comment.search(s) or not pattern.search(s):
333 continue
334 count += 1
335 trace = s.split()
336 for i in range(0, len(trace)):
337 if trace[i] == 'Reactor':
338 i += 3
339 break
340 t = int(trace[i])
341 tally[t] = tally.pop(t, 0) + 1
342 trace = trace[i + 6:]
343 # The address_threshold typically indicates a library call
344 # and the backtrace up-to and including it are usually of
345 # no interest as they all contain the stall backtrace geneneration code, e.g.:
346 # seastar::internal::cpu_stall_detector::generate_trace
347 # void seastar::backtrace<seastar::backtrace_buffer::append_backtrace_oneline()::{lambda(seastar::frame)#1}>(seastar::backt>
348 # (inlined by) seastar::backtrace_buffer::append_backtrace_oneline() at ./build/release/seastar/./seastar/src/core/reactor.cc:771
349 # (inlined by) seastar::print_with_backtrace(seastar::backtrace_buffer&, bool) at ./build/release/seastar/./seastar/src/core/reactor.cc>
350 # seastar::internal::cpu_stall_detector::generate_trace() at ./build/release/seastar/./seastar/src/core/reactor.cc:1257
351 # seastar::internal::cpu_stall_detector::maybe_report() at ./build/release/seastar/./seastar/src/core/reactor.cc:1103
352 # (inlined by) seastar::internal::cpu_stall_detector::on_signal() at ./build/release/seastar/./seastar/src/core/reactor.cc:1117
353 # (inlined by) seastar::reactor::block_notifier(int) at ./build/release/seastar/./seastar/src/core/reactor.cc:1240
354 # ?? ??:0
355 if address_threshold:
356 for i in range(0, len(trace)):
357 if int(trace[i], 0) >= address_threshold:
358 while int(trace[i], 0) >= address_threshold:
359 i += 1
360 trace = trace[i:]
361 break
362 tmin = args.minimum or 0
363 if t >= tmin:
364 process_graph(t, trace)
366 try:
367 print_stats(tally, tmin)
368 graph.print_graph(args.direction)
369 except BrokenPipeError:
370 pass