]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/seastar/src/net/ip.cc
import 15.2.0 Octopus source
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / seastar / src / net / ip.cc
1 /*
2 * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms
3 * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file
4 * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright
5 * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 *
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
15 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
16 * under the License.
17 */
18 /*
19 * Copyright (C) 2014 Cloudius Systems, Ltd.
20 *
21 */
23 #include <seastar/net/ip.hh>
24 #include <seastar/core/print.hh>
25 #include <seastar/core/future-util.hh>
26 #include <seastar/core/shared_ptr.hh>
27 #include <seastar/net/toeplitz.hh>
28 #include <seastar/core/metrics.hh>
30 namespace seastar {
32 namespace net {
34 ipv4_address::ipv4_address(const std::string& addr) {
35 boost::system::error_code ec;
36 auto ipv4 = boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(addr, ec);
37 if (ec) {
38 throw std::runtime_error(
39 format("Wrong format for IPv4 address {}. Please ensure it's in dotted-decimal format", addr));
40 }
41 ip = static_cast<uint32_t>(std::move(ipv4).to_ulong());
42 }
44 constexpr std::chrono::seconds ipv4::_frag_timeout;
45 constexpr uint32_t ipv4::_frag_low_thresh;
46 constexpr uint32_t ipv4::_frag_high_thresh;
48 ipv4::ipv4(interface* netif)
49 : _netif(netif)
50 , _global_arp(netif)
51 , _arp(_global_arp)
52 , _host_address(0)
53 , _gw_address(0)
54 , _netmask(0)
55 , _l3(netif, eth_protocol_num::ipv4, [this] { return get_packet(); })
56 , _tcp(*this)
57 , _icmp(*this)
58 , _udp(*this)
59 , _l4({ { uint8_t(ip_protocol_num::tcp), &_tcp }, { uint8_t(ip_protocol_num::icmp), &_icmp }, { uint8_t(ip_protocol_num::udp), &_udp }})
60 {
61 namespace sm = seastar::metrics;
62 // FIXME: ignored future
63 (void)_l3.receive(
64 [this](packet p, ethernet_address ea) {
65 return handle_received_packet(std::move(p), ea);
66 },
67 [this](forward_hash& out_hash_data, packet& p, size_t off) {
68 return forward(out_hash_data, p, off);
69 });
71 _metrics.add_group("ipv4", {
72 //
73 // Linearized events: DERIVE:0:u
74 //
75 sm::make_derive("linearizations", [] { return ipv4_packet_merger::linearizations(); },
76 sm::description("Counts a number of times a buffer linearization was invoked during buffers merge process. "
77 "Divide it by a total IPv4 receive packet rate to get an average number of lineraizations per packet."))
78 });
79 _frag_timer.set_callback([this] { frag_timeout(); });
80 }
82 bool ipv4::forward(forward_hash& out_hash_data, packet& p, size_t off)
83 {
84 auto iph = p.get_header<ip_hdr>(off);
86 out_hash_data.push_back(iph->src_ip.ip);
87 out_hash_data.push_back(iph->dst_ip.ip);
89 auto h = ntoh(*iph);
90 auto l4 = _l4[h.ip_proto];
91 if (l4) {
92 if (h.mf() == false && h.offset() == 0) {
93 // This IP datagram is atomic, forward according to tcp or udp connection hash
94 l4->forward(out_hash_data, p, off + sizeof(ip_hdr));
95 }
96 // else forward according to ip fields only
97 }
98 return true;
99 }
101 bool ipv4::in_my_netmask(ipv4_address a) const {
102 return !((a.ip ^ _host_address.ip) & _netmask.ip);
103 }
105 bool ipv4::needs_frag(packet& p, ip_protocol_num prot_num, net::hw_features hw_features) {
106 if (p.len() + ipv4_hdr_len_min <= hw_features.mtu) {
107 return false;
108 }
110 if ((prot_num == ip_protocol_num::tcp && hw_features.tx_tso) ||
111 (prot_num == ip_protocol_num::udp && hw_features.tx_ufo)) {
112 return false;
113 }
115 return true;
116 }
118 future<>
119 ipv4::handle_received_packet(packet p, ethernet_address from) {
120 auto iph = p.get_header<ip_hdr>(0);
121 if (!iph) {
122 return make_ready_future<>();
123 }
125 // Skip checking csum of reassembled IP datagram
126 if (!hw_features().rx_csum_offload && !p.offload_info_ref().reassembled) {
127 checksummer csum;
128 csum.sum(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iph), sizeof(*iph));
129 if (csum.get() != 0) {
130 return make_ready_future<>();
131 }
132 }
134 auto h = ntoh(*iph);
135 unsigned ip_len = h.len;
136 unsigned ip_hdr_len = h.ihl * 4;
137 unsigned pkt_len = p.len();
138 auto offset = h.offset();
139 if (pkt_len > ip_len) {
140 // Trim extra data in the packet beyond IP total length
141 p.trim_back(pkt_len - ip_len);
142 } else if (pkt_len < ip_len) {
143 // Drop if it contains less than IP total length
144 return make_ready_future<>();
145 }
146 // Drop if the reassembled datagram will be larger than maximum IP size
147 if (offset + p.len() > net::ip_packet_len_max) {
148 return make_ready_future<>();
149 }
151 // FIXME: process options
152 if (in_my_netmask(h.src_ip) && h.src_ip != _host_address) {
153 _arp.learn(from, h.src_ip);
154 }
156 if (_packet_filter) {
157 bool handled = false;
158 auto r = _packet_filter->handle(p, &h, from, handled);
159 if (handled) {
160 return r;
161 }
162 }
164 if (h.dst_ip != _host_address) {
165 // FIXME: forward
166 return make_ready_future<>();
167 }
169 // Does this IP datagram need reassembly
170 auto mf = h.mf();
171 if (mf == true || offset != 0) {
172 frag_limit_mem();
173 auto frag_id = ipv4_frag_id{h.src_ip, h.dst_ip, h.id, h.ip_proto};
174 auto& frag = _frags[frag_id];
175 if (mf == false) {
176 frag.last_frag_received = true;
177 }
178 // This is a newly created frag_id
179 if (frag.mem_size == 0) {
180 _frags_age.push_back(frag_id);
181 frag.rx_time = clock_type::now();
182 }
183 auto added_size = frag.merge(h, offset, std::move(p));
184 _frag_mem += added_size;
185 if (frag.is_complete()) {
186 // All the fragments are received
187 auto dropped_size = frag.mem_size;
188 auto& ip_data = frag.data.map.begin()->second;
189 // Choose a cpu to forward this packet
190 auto cpu_id = engine().cpu_id();
191 auto l4 = _l4[h.ip_proto];
192 if (l4) {
193 size_t l4_offset = 0;
194 forward_hash hash_data;
195 hash_data.push_back(hton(h.src_ip.ip));
196 hash_data.push_back(hton(h.dst_ip.ip));
197 auto forwarded = l4->forward(hash_data, ip_data, l4_offset);
198 if (forwarded) {
199 cpu_id = _netif->hash2cpu(toeplitz_hash(_netif->rss_key(), hash_data));
200 // No need to forward if the dst cpu is the current cpu
201 if (cpu_id == engine().cpu_id()) {
202 l4->received(std::move(ip_data), h.src_ip, h.dst_ip);
203 } else {
204 auto to = _netif->hw_address();
205 auto pkt = frag.get_assembled_packet(from, to);
206 _netif->forward(cpu_id, std::move(pkt));
207 }
208 }
209 }
211 // Delete this frag from _frags and _frags_age
212 frag_drop(frag_id, dropped_size);
213 _frags_age.remove(frag_id);
214 } else {
215 // Some of the fragments are missing
216 if (!_frag_timer.armed()) {
217 frag_arm();
218 }
219 }
220 return make_ready_future<>();
221 }
223 auto l4 = _l4[h.ip_proto];
224 if (l4) {
225 // Trim IP header and pass to upper layer
226 p.trim_front(ip_hdr_len);
227 l4->received(std::move(p), h.src_ip, h.dst_ip);
228 }
229 return make_ready_future<>();
230 }
232 future<ethernet_address> ipv4::get_l2_dst_address(ipv4_address to) {
233 // Figure out where to send the packet to. If it is a directly connected
234 // host, send to it directly, otherwise send to the default gateway.
235 ipv4_address dst;
236 if (in_my_netmask(to)) {
237 dst = to;
238 } else {
239 dst = _gw_address;
240 }
242 return _arp.lookup(dst);
243 }
245 void ipv4::send(ipv4_address to, ip_protocol_num proto_num, packet p, ethernet_address e_dst) {
246 auto needs_frag = this->needs_frag(p, proto_num, hw_features());
248 auto send_pkt = [this, to, proto_num, needs_frag, e_dst] (packet& pkt, uint16_t remaining, uint16_t offset) mutable {
249 auto iph = pkt.prepend_header<ip_hdr>();
250 iph->ihl = sizeof(*iph) / 4;
251 iph->ver = 4;
252 iph->dscp = 0;
253 iph->ecn = 0;
254 iph->len = pkt.len();
255 // FIXME: a proper id
256 iph->id = 0;
257 if (needs_frag) {
258 uint16_t mf = remaining > 0;
259 // The fragment offset is measured in units of 8 octets (64 bits)
260 auto off = offset / 8;
261 iph->frag = (mf << uint8_t(ip_hdr::frag_bits::mf)) | off;
262 } else {
263 iph->frag = 0;
264 }
265 iph->ttl = 64;
266 iph->ip_proto = (uint8_t)proto_num;
267 iph->csum = 0;
268 iph->src_ip = _host_address;
269 iph->dst_ip = to;
270 *iph = hton(*iph);
272 if (hw_features().tx_csum_ip_offload) {
273 iph->csum = 0;
274 pkt.offload_info_ref().needs_ip_csum = true;
275 } else {
276 checksummer csum;
277 csum.sum(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iph), sizeof(*iph));
278 iph->csum = csum.get();
279 }
281 _packetq.push_back(l3_protocol::l3packet{eth_protocol_num::ipv4, e_dst, std::move(pkt)});
282 };
284 if (needs_frag) {
285 uint16_t offset = 0;
286 uint16_t remaining = p.len();
287 auto mtu = hw_features().mtu;
289 while (remaining) {
290 auto can_send = std::min(uint16_t(mtu - net::ipv4_hdr_len_min), remaining);
291 remaining -= can_send;
292 auto pkt = p.share(offset, can_send);
293 send_pkt(pkt, remaining, offset);
294 offset += can_send;
295 }
296 } else {
297 // The whole packet can be send in one shot
298 send_pkt(p, 0, 0);
299 }
300 }
302 compat::optional<l3_protocol::l3packet> ipv4::get_packet() {
303 // _packetq will be mostly empty here unless it hold remnants of previously
304 // fragmented packet
305 if (_packetq.empty()) {
306 for (size_t i = 0; i < _pkt_providers.size(); i++) {
307 auto l4p = _pkt_providers[_pkt_provider_idx++]();
308 if (_pkt_provider_idx == _pkt_providers.size()) {
309 _pkt_provider_idx = 0;
310 }
311 if (l4p) {
312 auto l4pv = std::move(l4p.value());
313 send(l4pv.to, l4pv.proto_num, std::move(l4pv.p), l4pv.e_dst);
314 break;
315 }
316 }
317 }
319 compat::optional<l3_protocol::l3packet> p;
320 if (!_packetq.empty()) {
321 p = std::move(_packetq.front());
322 _packetq.pop_front();
323 }
324 return p;
325 }
327 void ipv4::set_host_address(ipv4_address ip) {
328 _host_address = ip;
329 _arp.set_self_addr(ip);
330 }
332 ipv4_address ipv4::host_address() const {
333 return _host_address;
334 }
336 void ipv4::set_gw_address(ipv4_address ip) {
337 _gw_address = ip;
338 }
340 ipv4_address ipv4::gw_address() const {
341 return _gw_address;
342 }
344 void ipv4::set_netmask_address(ipv4_address ip) {
345 _netmask = ip;
346 }
348 ipv4_address ipv4::netmask_address() const {
349 return _netmask;
350 }
352 void ipv4::set_packet_filter(ip_packet_filter * f) {
353 _packet_filter = f;
354 }
356 ip_packet_filter * ipv4::packet_filter() const {
357 return _packet_filter;
358 }
360 void ipv4::frag_limit_mem() {
361 if (_frag_mem <= _frag_high_thresh) {
362 return;
363 }
364 auto drop = _frag_mem - _frag_low_thresh;
365 while (drop) {
366 if (_frags_age.empty()) {
367 return;
368 }
369 // Drop the oldest frag (first element) from _frags_age
370 auto frag_id = _frags_age.front();
371 _frags_age.pop_front();
373 // Drop from _frags as well
374 auto& frag = _frags[frag_id];
375 auto dropped_size = frag.mem_size;
376 frag_drop(frag_id, dropped_size);
378 drop -= std::min(drop, dropped_size);
379 }
380 }
382 void ipv4::frag_timeout() {
383 if (_frags.empty()) {
384 return;
385 }
386 auto now = clock_type::now();
387 for (auto it = _frags_age.begin(); it != _frags_age.end();) {
388 auto frag_id = *it;
389 auto& frag = _frags[frag_id];
390 if (now > frag.rx_time + _frag_timeout) {
391 auto dropped_size = frag.mem_size;
392 // Drop from _frags
393 frag_drop(frag_id, dropped_size);
394 // Drop from _frags_age
395 it = _frags_age.erase(it);
396 } else {
397 // The further items can only be younger
398 break;
399 }
400 }
401 if (_frags.size() != 0) {
402 frag_arm(now);
403 } else {
404 _frag_mem = 0;
405 }
406 }
408 void ipv4::frag_drop(ipv4_frag_id frag_id, uint32_t dropped_size) {
409 _frags.erase(frag_id);
410 _frag_mem -= dropped_size;
411 }
413 int32_t ipv4::frag::merge(ip_hdr &h, uint16_t offset, packet p) {
414 uint32_t old = mem_size;
415 unsigned ip_hdr_len = h.ihl * 4;
416 // Store IP header
417 if (offset == 0) {
418 header = p.share(0, ip_hdr_len);
419 }
420 // Sotre IP payload
421 p.trim_front(ip_hdr_len);
422 data.merge(offset, std::move(p));
423 // Update mem size
424 mem_size = header.memory();
425 for (const auto& x : data.map) {
426 mem_size += x.second.memory();
427 }
428 auto added_size = mem_size - old;
429 return added_size;
430 }
432 bool ipv4::frag::is_complete() {
433 // If all the fragments are received, ipv4::frag::merge() should merge all
434 // the fragments into a single packet
435 auto offset = data.map.begin()->first;
436 auto nr_packet = data.map.size();
437 return last_frag_received && nr_packet == 1 && offset == 0;
438 }
440 packet ipv4::frag::get_assembled_packet(ethernet_address from, ethernet_address to) {
441 auto& ip_header = header;
442 auto& ip_data = data.map.begin()->second;
443 // Append a ethernet header, needed for forwarding
444 auto eh = ip_header.prepend_header<eth_hdr>();
445 eh->src_mac = from;
446 eh->dst_mac = to;
447 eh->eth_proto = uint16_t(eth_protocol_num::ipv4);
448 *eh = hton(*eh);
449 // Prepare a packet contains both ethernet header, ip header and ip data
450 ip_header.append(std::move(ip_data));
451 auto pkt = std::move(ip_header);
452 auto iph = pkt.get_header<ip_hdr>(sizeof(eth_hdr));
453 // len is the sum of each fragment
454 iph->len = hton(uint16_t(pkt.len() - sizeof(eth_hdr)));
455 // No fragmentation for the assembled datagram
456 iph->frag = 0;
457 // Since each fragment's csum is checked, no need to csum
458 // again for the assembled datagram
459 offload_info oi;
460 oi.reassembled = true;
461 pkt.set_offload_info(oi);
462 return pkt;
463 }
465 void icmp::received(packet p, ipaddr from, ipaddr to) {
466 auto hdr = p.get_header<icmp_hdr>(0);
467 if (!hdr || hdr->type != icmp_hdr::msg_type::echo_request) {
468 return;
469 }
470 hdr->type = icmp_hdr::msg_type::echo_reply;
471 hdr->code = 0;
472 hdr->csum = 0;
473 checksummer csum;
474 csum.sum(reinterpret_cast<char*>(hdr), p.len());
475 hdr->csum = csum.get();
477 if (_queue_space.try_wait(p.len())) { // drop packets that do not fit the queue
478 // FIXME: future is discarded
479 (void)_inet.get_l2_dst_address(from).then([this, from, p = std::move(p)] (ethernet_address e_dst) mutable {
480 _packetq.emplace_back(ipv4_traits::l4packet{from, std::move(p), e_dst, ip_protocol_num::icmp});
481 });
482 }
483 }
485 }
487 }