]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/spdk/dpdk/doc/guides/conf.py
update sources to ceph Nautilus 14.2.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / spdk / dpdk / doc / guides / conf.py
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
2 # Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation
4 from __future__ import print_function
5 import subprocess
6 from docutils import nodes
7 from distutils.version import LooseVersion
8 from sphinx import __version__ as sphinx_version
9 from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge
10 from pygments.formatters.latex import LatexFormatter
11 from os import listdir
12 from os.path import basename
13 from os.path import dirname
14 from os.path import join as path_join
16 try:
17 # Python 2.
18 import ConfigParser as configparser
19 except:
20 # Python 3.
21 import configparser
23 try:
24 import sphinx_rtd_theme
26 html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
27 html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
28 except:
29 print('Install the sphinx ReadTheDocs theme for improved html documentation '
30 'layout: pip install sphinx_rtd_theme')
31 pass
33 project = 'Data Plane Development Kit'
34 html_logo = '../logo/DPDK_logo_vertical_rev_small.png'
35 latex_logo = '../logo/DPDK_logo_horizontal_tag.png'
36 html_add_permalinks = ""
37 html_show_copyright = False
38 highlight_language = 'none'
40 version = subprocess.check_output(['make', '-sRrC', '../../', 'showversion'])
41 version = version.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
42 release = version
44 master_doc = 'index'
46 # Maximum feature description string length
47 feature_str_len = 25
49 # Figures, tables and code-blocks automatically numbered if they have caption
50 numfig = True
52 latex_documents = [
53 ('index',
54 'doc.tex',
55 '',
56 '',
57 'manual')
58 ]
60 # Latex directives to be included directly in the latex/pdf docs.
61 custom_latex_preamble = r"""
62 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
63 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
64 \usepackage{helvet}
65 \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
66 \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{Verbatim}{xleftmargin=5mm}
67 """
69 # Configuration for the latex/pdf docs.
70 latex_elements = {
71 'papersize': 'a4paper',
72 'pointsize': '11pt',
73 # remove blank pages
74 'classoptions': ',openany,oneside',
75 'babel': '\\usepackage[english]{babel}',
76 # customize Latex formatting
77 'preamble': custom_latex_preamble
78 }
81 # Override the default Latex formatter in order to modify the
82 # code/verbatim blocks.
83 class CustomLatexFormatter(LatexFormatter):
84 def __init__(self, **options):
85 super(CustomLatexFormatter, self).__init__(**options)
86 # Use the second smallest font size for code/verbatim blocks.
87 self.verboptions = r'formatcom=\footnotesize'
89 # Replace the default latex formatter.
90 PygmentsBridge.latex_formatter = CustomLatexFormatter
92 # Configuration for man pages
93 man_pages = [("testpmd_app_ug/run_app", "testpmd",
94 "tests for dpdk pmds", "", 1),
95 ("tools/pdump", "dpdk-pdump",
96 "enable packet capture on dpdk ports", "", 1),
97 ("tools/proc_info", "dpdk-procinfo",
98 "access dpdk port stats and memory info", "", 1),
99 ("tools/pmdinfo", "dpdk-pmdinfo",
100 "dump a PMDs hardware support info", "", 1),
101 ("tools/devbind", "dpdk-devbind",
102 "check device status and bind/unbind them from drivers", "", 8)]
105 # ####### :numref: fallback ########
106 # The following hook functions add some simple handling for the :numref:
107 # directive for Sphinx versions prior to 1.3.1. The functions replace the
108 # :numref: reference with a link to the target (for all Sphinx doc types).
109 # It doesn't try to label figures/tables.
110 def numref_role(reftype, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner):
111 """
112 Add a Sphinx role to handle numref references. Note, we can't convert
113 the link here because the doctree isn't build and the target information
114 isn't available.
115 """
116 # Add an identifier to distinguish numref from other references.
117 newnode = nodes.reference('',
118 '',
119 refuri='_local_numref_#%s' % text,
120 internal=True)
121 return [newnode], []
124 def process_numref(app, doctree, from_docname):
125 """
126 Process the numref nodes once the doctree has been built and prior to
127 writing the files. The processing involves replacing the numref with a
128 link plus text to indicate if it is a Figure or Table link.
129 """
131 # Iterate over the reference nodes in the doctree.
132 for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.reference):
133 target = node.get('refuri', '')
135 # Look for numref nodes.
136 if target.startswith('_local_numref_#'):
137 target = target.replace('_local_numref_#', '')
139 # Get the target label and link information from the Sphinx env.
140 data = app.builder.env.domains['std'].data
141 docname, label, _ = data['labels'].get(target, ('', '', ''))
142 relative_url = app.builder.get_relative_uri(from_docname, docname)
144 # Add a text label to the link.
145 if target.startswith('figure'):
146 caption = 'Figure'
147 elif target.startswith('table'):
148 caption = 'Table'
149 else:
150 caption = 'Link'
152 # New reference node with the updated link information.
153 newnode = nodes.reference('',
154 caption,
155 refuri='%s#%s' % (relative_url, label),
156 internal=True)
157 node.replace_self(newnode)
160 def generate_overview_table(output_filename, table_id, section, table_name, title):
161 """
162 Function to generate the Overview Table from the ini files that define
163 the features for each driver.
165 The default features for the table and their order is defined by the
166 'default.ini' file.
168 """
169 # Default warning string.
170 warning = 'Warning generate_overview_table()'
172 # Get the default features and order from the 'default.ini' file.
173 ini_path = path_join(dirname(output_filename), 'features')
174 config = configparser.ConfigParser()
175 config.optionxform = str
176 config.read(path_join(ini_path, 'default.ini'))
177 default_features = config.items(section)
179 # Create a dict of the valid features to validate the other ini files.
180 valid_features = {}
181 max_feature_length = 0
182 for feature in default_features:
183 key = feature[0]
184 valid_features[key] = ' '
185 max_feature_length = max(max_feature_length, len(key))
187 # Get a list of driver ini files, excluding 'default.ini'.
188 ini_files = [basename(file) for file in listdir(ini_path)
189 if file.endswith('.ini') and file != 'default.ini']
190 ini_files.sort()
192 # Build up a list of the table header names from the ini filenames.
193 pmd_names = []
194 for ini_filename in ini_files:
195 name = ini_filename[:-4]
196 name = name.replace('_vf', 'vf')
197 pmd_names.append(name)
199 # Pad the table header names.
200 max_header_len = len(max(pmd_names, key=len))
201 header_names = []
202 for name in pmd_names:
203 if '_vec' in name:
204 pmd, vec = name.split('_')
205 name = '{0:{fill}{align}{width}}vec'.format(pmd,
206 fill='.', align='<', width=max_header_len-3)
207 else:
208 name = '{0:{fill}{align}{width}}'.format(name,
209 fill=' ', align='<', width=max_header_len)
210 header_names.append(name)
212 # Create a dict of the defined features for each driver from the ini files.
213 ini_data = {}
214 for ini_filename in ini_files:
215 config = configparser.ConfigParser()
216 config.optionxform = str
217 config.read(path_join(ini_path, ini_filename))
219 # Initialize the dict with the default.ini value.
220 ini_data[ini_filename] = valid_features.copy()
222 # Check for a valid ini section.
223 if not config.has_section(section):
224 print("{}: File '{}' has no [{}] secton".format(warning,
225 ini_filename,
226 section))
227 continue
229 # Check for valid features names.
230 for name, value in config.items(section):
231 if name not in valid_features:
232 print("{}: Unknown feature '{}' in '{}'".format(warning,
233 name,
234 ini_filename))
235 continue
237 if value is not '':
238 # Get the first letter only.
239 ini_data[ini_filename][name] = value[0]
241 # Print out the RST Driver Overview table from the ini file data.
242 outfile = open(output_filename, 'w')
243 num_cols = len(header_names)
245 print_table_css(outfile, table_id)
246 print('.. table:: ' + table_name + '\n', file=outfile)
247 print_table_header(outfile, num_cols, header_names, title)
248 print_table_body(outfile, num_cols, ini_files, ini_data, default_features)
251 def print_table_header(outfile, num_cols, header_names, title):
252 """ Print the RST table header. The header names are vertical. """
253 print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols)
255 line = ''
256 for name in header_names:
257 line += ' ' + name[0]
259 print_table_row(outfile, title, line)
261 for i in range(1, len(header_names[0])):
262 line = ''
263 for name in header_names:
264 line += ' ' + name[i]
266 print_table_row(outfile, '', line)
268 print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols)
271 def print_table_body(outfile, num_cols, ini_files, ini_data, default_features):
272 """ Print out the body of the table. Each row is a NIC feature. """
274 for feature, _ in default_features:
275 line = ''
277 for ini_filename in ini_files:
278 line += ' ' + ini_data[ini_filename][feature]
280 print_table_row(outfile, feature, line)
282 print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols)
285 def print_table_row(outfile, feature, line):
286 """ Print a single row of the table with fixed formatting. """
287 line = line.rstrip()
288 print(' {:<{}}{}'.format(feature, feature_str_len, line), file=outfile)
291 def print_table_divider(outfile, num_cols):
292 """ Print the table divider line. """
293 line = ' '
294 column_dividers = ['='] * num_cols
295 line += ' '.join(column_dividers)
297 feature = '=' * feature_str_len
299 print_table_row(outfile, feature, line)
302 def print_table_css(outfile, table_id):
303 template = """
304 .. raw:: html
306 <style>
307 .wy-nav-content {
308 opacity: .99;
309 }
310 table#idx {
311 cursor: default;
312 overflow: hidden;
313 }
314 table#idx th, table#idx td {
315 text-align: center;
316 }
317 table#idx th {
318 font-size: 72%;
319 white-space: pre-wrap;
320 vertical-align: top;
321 padding: 0.5em 0;
322 min-width: 0.9em;
323 width: 2em;
324 }
325 table#idx col:first-child {
326 width: 0;
327 }
328 table#idx th:first-child {
329 vertical-align: bottom;
330 }
331 table#idx td {
332 font-size: 70%;
333 padding: 1px;
334 }
335 table#idx td:first-child {
336 padding-left: 1em;
337 text-align: left;
338 }
339 table#idx tr:nth-child(2n-1) td {
340 background-color: rgba(210, 210, 210, 0.2);
341 }
342 table#idx th:not(:first-child):hover,
343 table#idx td:not(:first-child):hover {
344 position: relative;
345 }
346 table#idx th:not(:first-child):hover::after,
347 table#idx td:not(:first-child):hover::after {
348 content: '';
349 height: 6000px;
350 top: -3000px;
351 width: 100%;
352 left: 0;
353 position: absolute;
354 z-index: -1;
355 background-color: #ffb;
356 }
357 table#idx tr:hover td {
358 background-color: #ffb;
359 }
360 </style>
361 """
362 print(template.replace("idx", "id%d" % (table_id)), file=outfile)
365 def setup(app):
366 table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/nics/overview_table.txt'
367 generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
368 'Features',
369 'Features availability in networking drivers',
370 'Feature')
371 table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
372 generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
373 'Features',
374 'Features availability in crypto drivers',
375 'Feature')
376 table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_cipher_table.txt'
377 generate_overview_table(table_file, 2,
378 'Cipher',
379 'Cipher algorithms in crypto drivers',
380 'Cipher algorithm')
381 table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_auth_table.txt'
382 generate_overview_table(table_file, 3,
383 'Auth',
384 'Authentication algorithms in crypto drivers',
385 'Authentication algorithm')
386 table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/cryptodevs/overview_aead_table.txt'
387 generate_overview_table(table_file, 4,
388 'AEAD',
389 'AEAD algorithms in crypto drivers',
390 'AEAD algorithm')
391 table_file = dirname(__file__) + '/compressdevs/overview_feature_table.txt'
392 generate_overview_table(table_file, 1,
393 'Features',
394 'Features availability in compression drivers',
395 'Feature')
397 if LooseVersion(sphinx_version) < LooseVersion('1.3.1'):
398 print('Upgrade sphinx to version >= 1.3.1 for '
399 'improved Figure/Table number handling.')
400 # Add a role to handle :numref: references.
401 app.add_role('numref', numref_role)
402 # Process the numref references once the doctree has been created.
403 app.connect('doctree-resolved', process_numref)
405 app.add_stylesheet('css/custom.css')