]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/spdk/test/vhost/fiotest/autotest.sh
add subtree-ish sources for 12.0.3
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / spdk / test / vhost / fiotest / autotest.sh
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 set -e
3 BASE_DIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
4 [[ -z "$TEST_DIR" ]] && TEST_DIR="$(cd $BASE_DIR/../../../../ && pwd)"
6 dry_run=false
7 no_shutdown=false
8 fio_bin="fio"
9 fio_jobs="$BASE_DIR/fio_jobs/"
10 test_type=spdk_vhost
11 reuse_vms=false
12 force_build=false
13 vms=()
14 used_vms=""
15 disk_split=""
16 x=""
18 max_sectors_kb=4
20 function usage()
21 {
22 [[ ! -z $2 ]] && ( echo "$2"; echo ""; )
23 echo "Shortcut script for doing automated test"
24 echo "Usage: $(basename $1) [OPTIONS]"
25 echo
26 echo "-h, --help print help and exit"
27 echo " --test-type=TYPE Perform specified test:"
28 echo " virtio - test host virtio-scsi-pci using file as disk image"
29 echo " kernel_vhost - use kernel driver vhost-scsi"
30 echo " spdk_vhost - use spdk vhost"
31 echo "-x set -x for script debug"
32 echo " --fio-bin=FIO Use specific fio binary (will be uploaded to VM)"
33 echo " --qemu-src=QEMU_DIR Location of the QEMU sources"
34 echo " --dpdk-src=DPDK_DIR Location of the DPDK sources"
35 echo " --fio-jobs= Fio configs to use for tests. Can point to a directory or"
36 echo " can point to a directory with regex mask, example: ./dir/*.job"
37 echo " All VMs will run the same fio job when FIO executes."
38 echo " (no unique jobs for specific VMs)"
39 echo " --work-dir=WORK_DIR Where to find build file. Must exist. [default: $TEST_DIR]"
40 echo " --dry-run Don't perform any tests, run only and wait for enter to terminate"
41 echo " --no-shutdown Don't shutdown at the end but leave envirionment working"
42 echo " --force-build Force SPDK rebuild with the specified DPDK path."
43 echo " --vm=NUM[,OS][,DISKS] VM configuration. This parameter might be used more than once:"
44 echo " NUM - VM number (mandatory)"
45 echo " OS - VM os disk path (optional)"
46 echo " DISKS - VM os test disks/devices path (virtio - optional, kernel_vhost - mandatory)"
47 echo " --disk-split By default all test types execute fio jobs on all disks which are available on guest"
48 echo " system. Use this option if only some of the disks should be used for testing."
49 echo " Example: --disk-split=4,1-3 will result in VM 1 using it's first disk (ex. /dev/sda)"
50 echo " and VM 2 using it's disks 1-3 (ex. /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd)"
51 echo " --max-sectors=NUM Set max_sectors_kb for test disk to NUM (default: $max_sectors_kb)"
52 exit 0
53 }
55 #default raw file is NVMe drive
57 while getopts 'xh-:' optchar; do
58 case "$optchar" in
59 -)
60 case "$OPTARG" in
61 help) usage $0 ;;
62 work-dir=*) TEST_DIR="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
63 fio-bin=*) fio_bin="--fio-bin=${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
64 qemu-src=*) QEMU_SRC_DIR="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
65 dpdk-src=*) DPDK_SRC_DIR="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
66 fio-jobs=*) fio_jobs="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
67 dry-run) dry_run=true ;;
68 no-shutdown) no_shutdown=true ;;
69 test-type=*) test_type="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
70 force-build) force_build=true ;;
71 vm=*) vms+=("${OPTARG#*=}") ;;
72 disk-split=*) disk_split="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
73 max-sectors=*) max_sectors_kb="${OPTARG#*=}" ;;
74 *) usage $0 "Invalid argument '$OPTARG'" ;;
75 esac
76 ;;
77 h) usage $0 ;;
78 x) set -x
79 x="-x" ;;
80 *) usage $0 "Invalid argument '$OPTARG'"
81 esac
82 done
83 shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
85 if [[ -d "$fio_jobs" ]]; then
86 fio_jobs="$fio_jobs/*.job"
87 fi
89 . $BASE_DIR/common.sh
91 trap 'error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' ERR
93 echo "==============="
94 echo "INFO: checking qemu"
96 if [[ ! -x $INSTALL_DIR/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 ]]; then
97 echo "INFO: can't find $INSTALL_DIR/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 - building and installing"
99 if [[ ! -d $QEMU_SRC_DIR ]]; then
100 echo "ERROR: Cannot find qemu source in $QEMU_SRC_DIR"
101 exit 1
102 else
103 echo "INFO: qemu source exists $QEMU_SRC_DIR - building"
104 qemu_build_and_install
105 fi
106 fi
108 echo "==============="
109 echo ""
110 echo "INFO: checking spdk"
111 echo ""
113 if [[ ! -x $SPDK_BUILD_DIR/app/vhost/vhost ]] || $force_build ; then
114 echo "INFO: $SPDK_BUILD_DIR/app/vhost/vhost - building and installing"
115 spdk_build_and_install
116 fi
118 vm_kill_all
120 if [[ $test_type == "spdk_vhost" ]]; then
121 echo "==============="
122 echo ""
123 echo "INFO: running SPDK"
124 echo ""
125 $BASE_DIR/run_vhost.sh $x --work-dir=$TEST_DIR
126 echo
127 fi
129 echo "==============="
130 echo ""
131 echo "Setting up VM"
132 echo ""
134 rpc_py="python $SPDK_BUILD_DIR/scripts/rpc.py "
135 rpc_py+="-s "
137 for vm_conf in ${vms[@]}; do
138 IFS=',' read -ra conf <<< "$vm_conf"
139 setup_cmd="$BASE_DIR/vm_setup.sh $x --work-dir=$TEST_DIR --test-type=$test_type"
140 if [[ x"${conf[0]}" == x"" ]] || ! assert_number ${conf[0]}; then
141 echo "ERROR: invalid VM configuration syntax $vm_conf"
142 exit 1;
143 fi
145 # Sanity check if VM is not defined twice
146 for vm_num in $used_vms; do
147 if [[ $vm_num -eq ${conf[0]} ]]; then
148 echo "ERROR: VM$vm_num defined more than twice ( $(printf "'%s' " "${vms[@]}"))!"
149 exit 1
150 fi
151 done
153 setup_cmd+=" -f ${conf[0]}"
154 used_vms+=" ${conf[0]}"
155 [[ x"${conf[1]}" != x"" ]] && setup_cmd+=" --os=${conf[1]}"
156 [[ x"${conf[2]}" != x"" ]] && setup_cmd+=" --disk=${conf[2]}"
158 if [[ $test_type == "spdk_vhost" ]]; then
159 echo "INFO: Adding device via RPC ..."
160 echo ""
162 eval $(grep "^vhost_reactor_mask=" $BASE_DIR/autotest.config)
163 while IFS=':' read -ra disks; do
164 for disk in "${disks[@]}"; do
165 $rpc_py construct_vhost_scsi_controller naa.$disk.${conf[0]} \
166 --cpumask $vhost_reactor_mask
167 $rpc_py add_vhost_scsi_lun naa.$disk.${conf[0]} 0 $disk
168 done
169 done <<< "${conf[2]}"
170 unset IFS;
171 $rpc_py get_vhost_scsi_controllers
172 fi
173 $setup_cmd
174 done
176 # Run everything
177 $BASE_DIR/vm_run.sh $x --work-dir=$TEST_DIR $used_vms
178 vm_wait_for_boot 600 $used_vms
180 echo "==============="
181 echo ""
182 echo "INFO: Testing..."
184 echo "INFO: Running fio jobs ..."
185 run_fio="python $BASE_DIR/run_fio.py "
186 run_fio+="$fio_bin "
187 run_fio+="--job-file="
188 for job in $fio_jobs; do
189 run_fio+="$job,"
190 done
191 run_fio="${run_fio::-1}"
192 run_fio+=" "
193 run_fio+="--out=$TEST_DIR "
195 if [[ ! $disk_split == '' ]]; then
196 run_fio+="--split-disks=$disk_split "
197 fi
199 # Check if all VM have disk in tha same location
200 DISK=""
202 for vm_num in $used_vms; do
203 vm_dir=$VM_BASE_DIR/$vm_num
204 host_name="VM-$vm_num-$(cat $BASE_DIR/autotest.config|grep qemu_mask|awk -F'=' '{print $2}'|sed "$(($vm_num+1))q;d")"
205 echo "INFO: Setting up hostname: $host_name"
206 vm_ssh $vm_num "hostname $host_name"
207 vm_start_fio_server $fio_bin $readonly $vm_num
208 vm_check_scsi_location $vm_num
210 SCSI_DISK="${SCSI_DISK::-1}"
211 for DISK in $SCSI_DISK; do
212 echo "INFO: VM$vm_num Setting max_sectors_kb=$max_sectors_kb on disk $DISK"
213 echo ""
214 vm_ssh $vm_num "echo $max_sectors_kb > /sys/block/$DISK/queue/max_sectors_kb"
215 done
217 vm_reset_scsi_devices $vm_num $SCSI_DISK
219 run_fio+="$(cat $vm_dir/fio_socket):"
220 for disk in $SCSI_DISK; do
221 run_fio+="/dev/$disk:"
222 done
223 run_fio="${run_fio::-1}"
224 run_fio+=","
225 done
227 run_fio="${run_fio%,}"
228 run_fio+=" "
229 run_fio="${run_fio::-1}"
231 echo -e "$run_fio"
233 if $dry_run; then
234 read -p "Enter to kill evething" xx
235 sleep 3
236 at_app_exit
237 exit 0
238 fi
240 $run_fio
242 for vm_num in $used_vms; do
243 vm_reset_scsi_devices $vm_num $SCSI_DISK
244 done
246 if ! $no_shutdown; then
247 echo "==============="
248 echo "INFO: Testing done -> shutting down"
249 at_app_exit
250 echo "==============="
251 else
252 echo "==============="
253 echo
254 echo "INFO: Leaving environment working!"
255 echo ""
256 echo "==============="
257 fi