]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/test/cls_rgw/test_cls_rgw_stats.cc
update ceph source to reef 18.1.2
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / test / cls_rgw / test_cls_rgw_stats.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #include <vector>
5 #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
6 #include <boost/intrusive/set.hpp>
7 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
8 #include "cls/rgw/cls_rgw_client.h"
9 #include "common/debug.h"
10 #include "common/dout.h"
11 #include "common/errno.h"
12 #include "common/random_string.h"
13 #include "global/global_context.h"
14 #include "test/librados/test_cxx.h"
16 #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw
17 #define dout_context g_ceph_context
20 // simulation parameters:
22 // total number of index operations to prepare
23 constexpr size_t max_operations = 2048;
24 // total number of object names. each operation chooses one at random
25 constexpr size_t max_entries = 32;
26 // maximum number of pending operations. once the limit is reached, the oldest
27 // pending operation is finished before another can start
28 constexpr size_t max_pending = 16;
29 // object size is randomly distributed between 0 and 4M
30 constexpr size_t max_object_size = 4*1024*1024;
31 // multipart upload threshold
32 constexpr size_t max_part_size = 1024*1024;
35 // create/destroy a pool that's shared by all tests in the process
36 struct RadosEnv : public ::testing::Environment {
37 static std::optional<std::string> pool_name;
38 public:
39 static librados::Rados rados;
40 static librados::IoCtx ioctx;
42 void SetUp() override {
43 // create pool
44 std::string name = get_temp_pool_name();
45 ASSERT_EQ("", create_one_pool_pp(name, rados));
46 pool_name = name;
47 ASSERT_EQ(rados.ioctx_create(name.c_str(), ioctx), 0);
48 }
49 void TearDown() override {
50 ioctx.close();
51 if (pool_name) {
52 ASSERT_EQ(destroy_one_pool_pp(*pool_name, rados), 0);
53 }
54 }
55 };
56 std::optional<std::string> RadosEnv::pool_name;
57 librados::Rados RadosEnv::rados;
58 librados::IoCtx RadosEnv::ioctx;
60 auto *const rados_env = ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(new RadosEnv);
63 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const rgw_bucket_category_stats& c) {
64 return out << "{count=" << c.num_entries << " size=" << c.total_size << '}';
65 }
68 // librados helpers
69 rgw_bucket_entry_ver last_version(librados::IoCtx& ioctx)
70 {
71 rgw_bucket_entry_ver ver;
72 ver.pool = ioctx.get_id();
73 ver.epoch = ioctx.get_last_version();
74 return ver;
75 }
77 int index_init(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, const std::string& oid)
78 {
79 librados::ObjectWriteOperation op;
80 cls_rgw_bucket_init_index(op);
81 return ioctx.operate(oid, &op);
82 }
84 int index_prepare(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, const std::string& oid,
85 const cls_rgw_obj_key& key, const std::string& tag,
86 RGWModifyOp type)
87 {
88 librados::ObjectWriteOperation op;
89 const std::string loc; // empty
90 constexpr bool log_op = false;
91 constexpr int flags = 0;
92 rgw_zone_set zones;
93 cls_rgw_bucket_prepare_op(op, type, tag, key, loc, log_op, flags, zones);
94 return ioctx.operate(oid, &op);
95 }
97 int index_complete(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, const std::string& oid,
98 const cls_rgw_obj_key& key, const std::string& tag,
99 RGWModifyOp type, const rgw_bucket_entry_ver& ver,
100 const rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta& meta,
101 std::list<cls_rgw_obj_key>* remove_objs)
102 {
103 librados::ObjectWriteOperation op;
104 constexpr bool log_op = false;
105 constexpr int flags = 0;
106 constexpr rgw_zone_set* zones = nullptr;
107 cls_rgw_bucket_complete_op(op, type, tag, ver, key, meta,
108 remove_objs, log_op, flags, zones);
109 return ioctx.operate(oid, &op);
110 }
112 void read_stats(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, const std::string& oid,
113 rgw_bucket_dir_stats& stats)
114 {
115 auto oids = std::map<int, std::string>{{0, oid}};
116 std::map<int, rgw_cls_list_ret> results;
117 ASSERT_EQ(0, CLSRGWIssueGetDirHeader(ioctx, oids, results, 8)());
118 ASSERT_EQ(1, results.size());
119 stats = std::move(results.begin()->second.dir.header.stats);
120 }
122 static void account_entry(rgw_bucket_dir_stats& stats,
123 const rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta& meta)
124 {
125 rgw_bucket_category_stats& c = stats[meta.category];
126 c.num_entries++;
127 c.total_size += meta.accounted_size;
128 c.total_size_rounded += cls_rgw_get_rounded_size(meta.accounted_size);
129 c.actual_size += meta.size;
130 }
132 static void unaccount_entry(rgw_bucket_dir_stats& stats,
133 const rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta& meta)
134 {
135 rgw_bucket_category_stats& c = stats[meta.category];
136 c.num_entries--;
137 c.total_size -= meta.accounted_size;
138 c.total_size_rounded -= cls_rgw_get_rounded_size(meta.accounted_size);
139 c.actual_size -= meta.size;
140 }
143 // a map of cached dir entries representing the expected state of cls_rgw
144 struct object : rgw_bucket_dir_entry, boost::intrusive::set_base_hook<> {
145 explicit object(const cls_rgw_obj_key& key) {
146 this->key = key;
147 }
148 };
150 struct object_key {
151 using type = cls_rgw_obj_key;
152 const type& operator()(const object& o) const { return o.key; }
153 };
155 using object_map_base = boost::intrusive::set<object,
156 boost::intrusive::key_of_value<object_key>>;
158 struct object_map : object_map_base {
159 ~object_map() {
160 clear_and_dispose(std::default_delete<object>{});
161 }
162 };
165 // models a bucket index operation, starting with cls_rgw_bucket_prepare_op().
166 // stores all of the state necessary to complete the operation, either with
167 // cls_rgw_bucket_complete_op() or cls_rgw_suggest_changes(). uploads larger
168 // than max_part_size are modeled as multipart uploads
169 struct operation {
170 RGWModifyOp type;
171 cls_rgw_obj_key key;
172 std::string tag;
173 rgw_bucket_entry_ver ver;
174 std::string upload_id; // empty unless multipart
175 rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta;
176 };
179 class simulator {
180 public:
181 simulator(librados::IoCtx& ioctx, std::string oid)
182 : ioctx(ioctx), oid(std::move(oid)), pending(max_pending)
183 {
184 // generate a set of object keys. each operation chooses one at random
185 keys.reserve(max_entries);
186 for (size_t i = 0; i < max_entries; i++) {
187 keys.emplace_back(gen_rand_alphanumeric_upper(g_ceph_context, 12));
188 }
189 }
191 void run();
193 private:
194 void start();
195 int try_start(const cls_rgw_obj_key& key,
196 const std::string& tag);
198 void finish(const operation& op);
199 void complete(const operation& op, RGWModifyOp type);
200 void suggest(const operation& op, char suggestion);
202 int init_multipart(const operation& op);
203 void complete_multipart(const operation& op);
205 object_map::iterator find_or_create(const cls_rgw_obj_key& key);
207 librados::IoCtx& ioctx;
208 std::string oid;
210 std::vector<cls_rgw_obj_key> keys;
211 object_map objects;
212 boost::circular_buffer<operation> pending;
213 rgw_bucket_dir_stats stats;
214 };
217 void simulator::run()
218 {
219 // init the bucket index object
220 ASSERT_EQ(0, index_init(ioctx, oid));
221 // run the simulation for N steps
222 for (size_t i = 0; i < max_operations; i++) {
223 if (pending.full()) {
224 // if we're at max_pending, finish the oldest operation
225 auto& op = pending.front();
226 finish(op);
227 pending.pop_front();
229 // verify bucket stats
230 rgw_bucket_dir_stats stored_stats;
231 read_stats(ioctx, oid, stored_stats);
233 const rgw_bucket_dir_stats& expected_stats = stats;
234 ASSERT_EQ(expected_stats, stored_stats);
235 }
237 // initiate the next operation
238 start();
240 // verify bucket stats
241 rgw_bucket_dir_stats stored_stats;
242 read_stats(ioctx, oid, stored_stats);
244 const rgw_bucket_dir_stats& expected_stats = stats;
245 ASSERT_EQ(expected_stats, stored_stats);
246 }
247 }
249 object_map::iterator simulator::find_or_create(const cls_rgw_obj_key& key)
250 {
251 object_map::insert_commit_data commit;
252 auto result = objects.insert_check(key, std::less<cls_rgw_obj_key>{}, commit);
253 if (result.second) { // inserting new entry
254 auto p = new object(key);
255 result.first = objects.insert_commit(*p, commit);
256 }
257 return result.first;
258 }
260 int simulator::try_start(const cls_rgw_obj_key& key, const std::string& tag)
261 {
262 // choose randomly betwen create and delete
263 const auto type = static_cast<RGWModifyOp>(
264 ceph::util::generate_random_number<size_t, size_t>(CLS_RGW_OP_ADD,
266 auto op = operation{type, key, tag};
268 op.meta.category = RGWObjCategory::Main;
269 op.meta.size = op.meta.accounted_size =
270 ceph::util::generate_random_number(1, max_object_size);
272 if (type == CLS_RGW_OP_ADD && op.meta.size > max_part_size) {
273 // simulate multipart for uploads over the max_part_size threshold
274 op.upload_id = gen_rand_alphanumeric_upper(g_ceph_context, 12);
276 int r = init_multipart(op);
277 if (r != 0) {
278 derr << "> failed to prepare multipart upload key=" << key
279 << " upload=" << op.upload_id << " tag=" << tag
280 << " type=" << type << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
281 return r;
282 }
284 dout(1) << "> prepared multipart upload key=" << key
285 << " upload=" << op.upload_id << " tag=" << tag
286 << " type=" << type << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
287 } else {
288 // prepare operation
289 int r = index_prepare(ioctx, oid, op.key, op.tag, op.type);
290 if (r != 0) {
291 derr << "> failed to prepare operation key=" << key
292 << " tag=" << tag << " type=" << type
293 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
294 return r;
295 }
297 dout(1) << "> prepared operation key=" << key
298 << " tag=" << tag << " type=" << type
299 << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
300 }
301 op.ver = last_version(ioctx);
303 ceph_assert(!pending.full());
304 pending.push_back(std::move(op));
305 return 0;
306 }
308 void simulator::start()
309 {
310 // choose a random object key
311 const size_t index = ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, keys.size() - 1);
312 const auto& key = keys[index];
313 // generate a random tag
314 const auto tag = gen_rand_alphanumeric_upper(g_ceph_context, 12);
316 // retry until success. failures don't count towards max_operations
317 while (try_start(key, tag) != 0)
318 ;
319 }
321 void simulator::finish(const operation& op)
322 {
323 if (op.type == CLS_RGW_OP_ADD && !op.upload_id.empty()) {
324 // multipart uploads either complete or abort based on part uploads
325 complete_multipart(op);
326 return;
327 }
329 // complete most operations, but finish some with cancel or dir suggest
330 constexpr int cancel_percent = 10;
331 constexpr int suggest_update_percent = 10;
332 constexpr int suggest_remove_percent = 10;
334 int result = ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, 99);
335 if (result < cancel_percent) {
336 complete(op, CLS_RGW_OP_CANCEL);
337 return;
338 }
339 result -= cancel_percent;
340 if (result < suggest_update_percent) {
341 suggest(op, CEPH_RGW_UPDATE);
342 return;
343 }
344 result -= suggest_update_percent;
345 if (result < suggest_remove_percent) {
346 suggest(op, CEPH_RGW_REMOVE);
347 return;
348 }
349 complete(op, op.type);
350 }
352 void simulator::complete(const operation& op, RGWModifyOp type)
353 {
354 int r = index_complete(ioctx, oid, op.key, op.tag, type,
355 op.ver, op.meta, nullptr);
356 if (r != 0) {
357 derr << "< failed to complete operation key=" << op.key
358 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << op.type
359 << " size=" << op.meta.size
360 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
361 return;
362 }
364 if (type == CLS_RGW_OP_CANCEL) {
365 dout(1) << "< canceled operation key=" << op.key
366 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << op.type
367 << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
368 } else if (type == CLS_RGW_OP_ADD) {
369 auto obj = find_or_create(op.key);
370 if (obj->exists) {
371 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
372 }
373 obj->exists = true;
374 obj->meta = op.meta;
375 account_entry(stats, obj->meta);
376 dout(1) << "< completed write operation key=" << op.key
377 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << type
378 << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
379 } else {
380 ceph_assert(type == CLS_RGW_OP_DEL);
381 auto obj = objects.find(op.key, std::less<cls_rgw_obj_key>{});
382 if (obj != objects.end()) {
383 if (obj->exists) {
384 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
385 }
386 objects.erase_and_dispose(obj, std::default_delete<object>{});
387 }
388 dout(1) << "< completed delete operation key=" << op.key
389 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << type << dendl;
390 }
391 }
393 void simulator::suggest(const operation& op, char suggestion)
394 {
395 // read and decode the current dir entry
396 rgw_cls_bi_entry bi_entry;
397 int r = cls_rgw_bi_get(ioctx, oid, BIIndexType::Plain, op.key, &bi_entry);
398 if (r != 0) {
399 derr << "< no bi entry to suggest for operation key=" << op.key
400 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << op.type
401 << " size=" << op.meta.size
402 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
403 return;
404 }
405 ASSERT_EQ(bi_entry.type, BIIndexType::Plain);
407 rgw_bucket_dir_entry entry;
408 auto p = bi_entry.data.cbegin();
409 ASSERT_NO_THROW(decode(entry, p));
411 ASSERT_EQ(entry.key, op.key);
413 // clear pending info and write it back; this cancels those pending
414 // operations (we'll see EINVAL when we try to complete them), but dir
415 // suggest is ignored unless the pending_map is empty
416 entry.pending_map.clear();
418 bi_entry.data.clear();
419 encode(entry, bi_entry.data);
421 r = cls_rgw_bi_put(ioctx, oid, bi_entry);
422 ASSERT_EQ(0, r);
424 // now suggest changes for this entry
425 entry.ver = last_version(ioctx);
426 entry.exists = (suggestion == CEPH_RGW_UPDATE);
427 entry.meta = op.meta;
429 bufferlist update;
430 cls_rgw_encode_suggestion(suggestion, entry, update);
432 librados::ObjectWriteOperation write_op;
433 cls_rgw_suggest_changes(write_op, update);
434 r = ioctx.operate(oid, &write_op);
435 if (r != 0) {
436 derr << "< failed to suggest operation key=" << op.key
437 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << op.type
438 << " size=" << op.meta.size
439 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
440 return;
441 }
443 // update our cache accordingly
444 if (suggestion == CEPH_RGW_UPDATE) {
445 auto obj = find_or_create(op.key);
446 if (obj->exists) {
447 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
448 }
449 obj->exists = true;
450 obj->meta = op.meta;
451 account_entry(stats, obj->meta);
452 dout(1) << "< suggested update operation key=" << op.key
453 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << op.type
454 << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
455 } else {
456 ceph_assert(suggestion == CEPH_RGW_REMOVE);
457 auto obj = objects.find(op.key, std::less<cls_rgw_obj_key>{});
458 if (obj != objects.end()) {
459 if (obj->exists) {
460 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
461 }
462 objects.erase_and_dispose(obj, std::default_delete<object>{});
463 }
464 dout(1) << "< suggested remove operation key=" << op.key
465 << " tag=" << op.tag << " type=" << op.type << dendl;
466 }
467 }
469 int simulator::init_multipart(const operation& op)
470 {
471 // create (not just prepare) the meta object
472 const auto meta_key = cls_rgw_obj_key{
473 fmt::format("_multipart_{}.2~{}.meta", op.key.name, op.upload_id)};
474 const std::string empty_tag; // empty tag enables complete without prepare
475 const rgw_bucket_entry_ver empty_ver;
476 rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta_meta;
477 meta_meta.category = RGWObjCategory::MultiMeta;
478 int r = index_complete(ioctx, oid, meta_key, empty_tag, CLS_RGW_OP_ADD,
479 empty_ver, meta_meta, nullptr);
480 if (r != 0) {
481 derr << " < failed to create multipart meta key=" << meta_key
482 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
483 return r;
484 } else {
485 // account for meta object
486 auto obj = find_or_create(meta_key);
487 if (obj->exists) {
488 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
489 }
490 obj->exists = true;
491 obj->meta = meta_meta;
492 account_entry(stats, obj->meta);
493 }
495 // prepare part uploads
496 std::list<cls_rgw_obj_key> remove_objs;
497 size_t part_id = 0;
499 size_t remaining = op.meta.size;
500 while (remaining > max_part_size) {
501 remaining -= max_part_size;
502 const auto part_size = std::min(remaining, max_part_size);
503 const auto part_key = cls_rgw_obj_key{
504 fmt::format("_multipart_{}.2~{}.{}", op.key.name, op.upload_id, part_id)};
505 part_id++;
507 r = index_prepare(ioctx, oid, part_key, op.tag, op.type);
508 if (r != 0) {
509 // if part prepare fails, remove the meta object and remove_objs
510 [[maybe_unused]] int ignored =
511 index_complete(ioctx, oid, meta_key, empty_tag, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL,
512 empty_ver, meta_meta, &remove_objs);
513 derr << " > failed to prepare part key=" << part_key
514 << " size=" << part_size << dendl;
515 return r; // return the error from prepare
516 }
517 dout(1) << " > prepared part key=" << part_key
518 << " size=" << part_size << dendl;
519 remove_objs.push_back(part_key);
520 }
521 return 0;
522 }
524 void simulator::complete_multipart(const operation& op)
525 {
526 const std::string empty_tag; // empty tag enables complete without prepare
527 const rgw_bucket_entry_ver empty_ver;
529 // try to finish part uploads
530 size_t part_id = 0;
531 std::list<cls_rgw_obj_key> remove_objs;
533 RGWModifyOp type = op.type; // OP_ADD, or OP_CANCEL for abort
535 size_t remaining = op.meta.size;
536 while (remaining > max_part_size) {
537 remaining -= max_part_size;
538 const auto part_size = std::min(remaining, max_part_size);
539 const auto part_key = cls_rgw_obj_key{
540 fmt::format("_multipart_{}.2~{}.{}", op.key.name, op.upload_id, part_id)};
541 part_id++;
543 // cancel 10% of part uploads (and abort the multipart upload)
544 constexpr int cancel_percent = 10;
545 const int result = ceph::util::generate_random_number(0, 99);
546 if (result < cancel_percent) {
547 type = CLS_RGW_OP_CANCEL; // abort multipart
548 dout(1) << " < canceled part key=" << part_key
549 << " size=" << part_size << dendl;
550 } else {
551 rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta;
552 meta.category = op.meta.category;
553 meta.size = meta.accounted_size = part_size;
555 int r = index_complete(ioctx, oid, part_key, op.tag, op.type,
556 empty_ver, meta, nullptr);
557 if (r != 0) {
558 derr << " < failed to complete part key=" << part_key
559 << " size=" << meta.size << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
560 type = CLS_RGW_OP_CANCEL; // abort multipart
561 } else {
562 dout(1) << " < completed part key=" << part_key
563 << " size=" << meta.size << dendl;
564 // account for successful part upload
565 auto obj = find_or_create(part_key);
566 if (obj->exists) {
567 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
568 }
569 obj->exists = true;
570 obj->meta = meta;
571 account_entry(stats, obj->meta);
572 }
573 }
574 remove_objs.push_back(part_key);
575 }
577 // delete the multipart meta object
578 const auto meta_key = cls_rgw_obj_key{
579 fmt::format("_multipart_{}.2~{}.meta", op.key.name, op.upload_id)};
580 rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta_meta;
581 meta_meta.category = RGWObjCategory::MultiMeta;
583 int r = index_complete(ioctx, oid, meta_key, empty_tag, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL,
584 empty_ver, meta_meta, nullptr);
585 if (r != 0) {
586 derr << " < failed to remove multipart meta key=" << meta_key
587 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
588 } else {
589 // unaccount for meta object
590 auto obj = objects.find(meta_key, std::less<cls_rgw_obj_key>{});
591 if (obj != objects.end()) {
592 if (obj->exists) {
593 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
594 }
595 objects.erase_and_dispose(obj, std::default_delete<object>{});
596 }
597 }
599 // create or cancel the head object
600 r = index_complete(ioctx, oid, op.key, empty_tag, type,
601 empty_ver, op.meta, &remove_objs);
602 if (r != 0) {
603 derr << "< failed to complete multipart upload key=" << op.key
604 << " upload=" << op.upload_id << " tag=" << op.tag
605 << " type=" << type << " size=" << op.meta.size
606 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
607 return;
608 }
610 if (type == CLS_RGW_OP_ADD) {
611 dout(1) << "< completed multipart upload key=" << op.key
612 << " upload=" << op.upload_id << " tag=" << op.tag
613 << " type=" << op.type << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
615 // account for head stats
616 auto obj = find_or_create(op.key);
617 if (obj->exists) {
618 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
619 }
620 obj->exists = true;
621 obj->meta = op.meta;
622 account_entry(stats, obj->meta);
623 } else {
624 dout(1) << "< canceled multipart upload key=" << op.key
625 << " upload=" << op.upload_id << " tag=" << op.tag
626 << " type=" << op.type << " size=" << op.meta.size << dendl;
627 }
629 // unaccount for remove_objs
630 for (const auto& part_key : remove_objs) {
631 auto obj = objects.find(part_key, std::less<cls_rgw_obj_key>{});
632 if (obj != objects.end()) {
633 if (obj->exists) {
634 unaccount_entry(stats, obj->meta);
635 }
636 objects.erase_and_dispose(obj, std::default_delete<object>{});
637 }
638 }
639 }
641 TEST(cls_rgw_stats, simulate)
642 {
643 const char* bucket_oid = __func__;
644 auto sim = simulator{RadosEnv::ioctx, bucket_oid};
645 sim.run();
646 }