]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/build/examples/classic/feed-viewer/viewer/FeedGrid.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / classic / feed-viewer / viewer / FeedGrid.js
1 Ext.define('FeedViewer.FeedGrid', {
2 extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
4 alias: 'widget.feedgrid',
6 /**
7 * @event rowdblclick
8 * Fires when a row is double clicked
9 * @param {FeedViewer.FeedGrid} this
10 * @param {Ext.data.Model} model
11 */
13 /**
14 * @event select
15 * Fires when a grid row is selected
16 * @param {FeedViewer.FeedGrid} this
17 * @param {Ext.data.Model} model
18 */
20 initComponent: function(){
21 Ext.apply(this, {
22 cls: 'feed-grid',
23 store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
24 model: 'FeedItem',
25 sortInfo: {
26 property: 'pubDate',
27 direction: 'DESC'
28 },
29 proxy: {
30 type: 'ajax',
31 url: 'feed-proxy.php',
32 reader: {
33 type: 'xml',
34 record: 'item'
35 },
36 listeners: {
37 exception: this.onProxyException,
38 scope: this
39 }
40 },
41 listeners: {
42 load: this.onLoad,
43 scope: this
44 }
45 }),
47 viewConfig: {
48 itemId: 'view',
49 plugins: [{
50 pluginId: 'preview',
51 ptype: 'preview',
52 bodyField: 'description',
53 expanded: true
54 }],
55 listeners: {
56 scope: this,
57 itemdblclick: this.onRowDblClick
58 }
59 },
60 columns: [{
61 text: 'Title',
62 dataIndex: 'title',
63 flex: 1,
64 renderer: this.formatTitle
65 }, {
66 text: 'Author',
67 dataIndex: 'author',
68 hidden: true,
69 width: 200
71 }, {
72 text: 'Date',
73 dataIndex: 'pubDate',
74 renderer: this.formatDate,
75 width: 200
76 }]
77 });
78 this.callParent(arguments);
79 this.on('selectionchange', this.onSelect, this);
80 },
82 /**
83 * Reacts to a double click
84 * @private
85 * @param {Object} view The view
86 * @param {Object} index The row index
87 */
88 onRowDblClick: function(view, record, item, index, e) {
89 this.fireEvent('rowdblclick', this, this.store.getAt(index));
90 },
93 /**
94 * React to a grid item being selected
95 * @private
96 * @param {Ext.model.Selection} model The selection model
97 * @param {Array} selections An array of selections
98 */
99 onSelect: function(model, selections){
100 var selected = selections[0];
101 if (selected) {
102 this.fireEvent('select', this, selected);
103 }
104 },
106 /**
107 * Listens for the store loading
108 * @private
109 */
110 onLoad: function(store, records, success) {
111 if (this.getStore().getCount()) {
112 this.getSelectionModel().select(0);
113 }
114 },
116 /**
117 * Listen for proxy eerrors.
118 */
119 onProxyException: function(proxy, response, operation) {
120 Ext.Msg.alert("Error with data from server", operation.error);
121 this.view.el.update('');
123 // Update the detail view with a dummy empty record
124 this.fireEvent('select', this, {data:{}});
125 },
127 /**
128 * Instructs the grid to load a new feed
129 * @param {String} url The url to load
130 */
131 loadFeed: function(url){
132 var store = this.store;
134 store.getProxy().setExtraParam('feed', url);
135 store.load();
136 },
138 /**
139 * Title renderer
140 * @private
141 */
142 formatTitle: function(value, p, record){
143 return Ext.String.format('<div class="topic"><b>{0}</b><span class="author">{1}</span></div>', value, record.get('author') || "Unknown");
144 },
146 /**
147 * Date renderer
148 * @private
149 */
150 formatDate: function(date){
151 if (!date) {
152 return '';
153 }
155 var now = new Date(), d = Ext.Date.clearTime(now, true), notime = Ext.Date.clearTime(date, true).getTime();
157 if (notime === d.getTime()) {
158 return 'Today ' + Ext.Date.format(date, 'g:i a');
159 }
161 d = Ext.Date.add(d, 'd', -6);
162 if (d.getTime() <= notime) {
163 return Ext.Date.format(date, 'D g:i a');
164 }
165 return Ext.Date.format(date, 'Y/m/d g:i a');
166 }
167 });