]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/build/examples/classic/grid/list-view.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / classic / grid / list-view.js
1 Ext.require([
2 'Ext.grid.*',
3 'Ext.data.*',
4 'Ext.panel.*'
5 ]);
6 Ext.onReady(function(){
7 Ext.define('ImageModel', {
8 extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
9 fields: ['name', 'url', {name:'size', type: 'float'}, {name:'lastmod', type:'date', dateFormat:'timestamp'}]
10 });
11 var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', {
12 model: 'ImageModel',
13 proxy: {
14 type: 'ajax',
15 url: 'get-images.php',
16 reader: {
17 type: 'json',
18 rootProperty: 'images'
19 }
20 }
21 });
22 store.load();
24 var listView = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
25 width:425,
26 height:250,
27 collapsible:true,
28 title:'Simple ListView <i>(0 items selected)</i>',
29 renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
31 store: store,
32 multiSelect: true,
33 viewConfig: {
34 emptyText: 'No images to display'
35 },
37 columns: [{
38 text: 'File',
39 flex: (Ext.themeName === 'neptune-touch' || Ext.themeName === 'crisp') ? 47: 50,
40 dataIndex: 'name'
41 },{
42 text: 'Last Modified',
43 xtype: 'datecolumn',
44 format: 'm-d h:i a',
45 flex: 35,
46 dataIndex: 'lastmod'
47 },{
48 text: 'Size',
49 dataIndex: 'size',
50 tpl: '{size:fileSize}',
51 align: 'right',
52 flex: (Ext.themeName === 'neptune-touch' || Ext.themeName === 'crisp') ? 18: 15,
53 cls: 'listview-filesize'
54 }]
55 });
57 // little bit of feedback
58 listView.on('selectionchange', function(view, nodes){
59 var len = nodes.length,
60 suffix = len === 1 ? '' : 's',
61 str = 'Simple ListView <i>({0} item{1} selected)</i>';
63 listView.setTitle(Ext.String.format(str, len, suffix));
64 });
65 });