]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/build/examples/kitchensink/data/feed.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / build / examples / kitchensink / data / feed.js
1 Ext.data.JsonP.feedCb({
2 "proposals": [
3 {
4 "topics": [
5 "Conversation",
6 "Live Stream"
7 ],
8 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
9 "end_time": "2010-11-16T14:25:00",
10 "description": "TBD",
11 "title": "A Conversation with Carol Bartz, CEO, Yahoo!",
12 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15362",
13 "date": "11/16/2010",
14 "speakers": [
15 {
16 "icon": null,
17 "first_name": "John ",
18 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
19 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
20 "name": "John Battelle",
21 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
22 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
23 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
24 "id": 6262,
25 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
26 "last_name": "Battelle"
27 },
28 {
29 "icon": null,
30 "first_name": "Carol",
31 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_60981.jpg",
32 "position": "CEO",
33 "name": "Carol Bartz",
34 "affiliation": "Yahoo!",
35 "url": "",
36 "bio": "<p>Carol Bartz is the chief executive officer and a director of Yahoo!. Previously, Bartz served as executive chairman of the board of Autodesk, Inc. In April, 2006, she stepped down as chairman, president and CEO of Autodesk after 14 years with the company. During her tenure, the company diversified its product line and grew revenues from $285 million to $1.523 billion in FY06.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Bartz previously held positions at Sun Microsystems, most recently serving as vice president of worldwide field operations and an executive officer of the company. Before joining Sun, she held product line and sales management positions at Digital Equipment Corporation and 3M Corporation.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Bartz holds an honors degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin. She was granted an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from William Woods University.</p>",
37 "id": 60981,
38 "twitter": "",
39 "last_name": "Bartz"
40 }
41 ],
42 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
43 "id": 15362,
44 "time": "2010-11-16T14:00:00",
45 "pretty_time": "2:00pm",
46 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
47 },
48 {
49 "topics": [
50 "Conversation",
51 "Live Stream"
52 ],
53 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
54 "end_time": "2010-11-15T15:10:00",
55 "description": "TBD",
56 "title": "A Conversation with Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google",
57 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16285",
58 "date": "11/15/2010",
59 "speakers": [
60 {
61 "icon": null,
62 "first_name": "John ",
63 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
64 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
65 "name": "John Battelle",
66 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
67 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
68 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
69 "id": 6262,
70 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
71 "last_name": "Battelle"
72 },
73 {
74 "icon": null,
75 "first_name": "Tim",
76 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_251.jpg",
77 "position": "Founder and CEO",
78 "name": "Tim O'Reilly",
79 "affiliation": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
80 "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/",
81 "bio": "<p>Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Media</a>, Inc., thought by many to be the best computer book publisher in the world. O’Reilly Media also hosts conferences on technology topics, including the <a href=\"http://www.oscon.com/\">O’Reilly Open Source Convention</a>, the <a href=\"http://www.web2summit.com\">Web 2.0 Summit</a>, <a href=\"http://strataconf.com\">Strata: The Business of Data</a>, and many others. O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s Make: magazine and Maker Faire has been compared to the West Coast Computer Faire, which launched the personal computer revolution. Tim’s blog, <a href=\"http://radar.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Radar</a>, “watches the alpha geeks” to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of importance to the technical community. Tim is also a partner at <a href=\"http://oatv.com/\">O&#8217;Reilly AlphaTech Ventures</a>, O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s early stage venture firm, and is on the board of <a href=\"www.safaribooksonline.com/\">Safari Books Online</a>.</p>",
82 "id": 251,
83 "twitter": "timoreilly",
84 "last_name": "O'Reilly"
85 },
86 {
87 "icon": null,
88 "first_name": "Eric",
89 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_102517.jpg",
90 "position": "Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer ",
91 "name": "Eric Schmidt",
92 "affiliation": "Google",
93 "url": "",
94 "bio": "<p>Since joining Google in 2001, Eric Schmidt has helped grow the company from a Silicon Valley startup to a global enterprise. Under his leadership, Google has dramatically scaled its infrastructure and broadened its offerings while maintaining a culture of strong innovation. His background uniquely prepares him to lead Google&#8217;s efforts toward technological solutions that focus on users. With founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and the rest of the executive team, Eric oversees the company&#8217;s technical and business strategy.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to joining Google, Eric was the Chairman and CEO of Novell and Chief Technology Officer at Sun Microsystems, Inc., where he led the development of Java, Sun&#8217;s platform-independent programming technology. Earlier in his career, Eric was a member of the research staff at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) and held positions at Bell Laboratories and Zilog. He holds a bachelor&#8217;s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University as well as a master&#8217;s and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Eric is a member of President Obama&#8217;s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2006 and inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as a fellow in 2007. Eric also chairs the board of the New America Foundation.</p>",
95 "id": 102517,
96 "twitter": "",
97 "last_name": "Schmidt"
98 }
99 ],
100 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
101 "id": 16285,
102 "time": "2010-11-15T14:35:00",
103 "pretty_time": "2:35pm",
104 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
105 },
106 {
107 "topics": [
108 "Conversation"
109 ],
110 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
111 "end_time": "2010-11-17T17:10:00",
112 "description": "TBD",
113 "title": "A Conversation with Ev Williams, Co-founder, Twitter",
114 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15370",
115 "date": "11/17/2010",
116 "speakers": [
117 {
118 "icon": null,
119 "first_name": "Evan",
120 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40285.jpg",
121 "position": "Co-founder",
122 "name": "Evan Williams",
123 "affiliation": "Twitter, Inc.",
124 "url": "http://www.twitter.com/",
125 "bio": "<p>Evan Williams is a co-founder and board member of Twitter and, after serving as CEO for two years, he is now focusing on product design and vision. Previously, he was co-founder and CEO of Pyra Labs, who created Blogger in 1999. In 2003, Blogger was purchased by Google, where Williams worked as a product and engineering manager until late 2004. Williams was raised on a farm in Nebraska and dropped out of college as a sophomore, prior starting his first Internet company in 1994.</p>",
126 "id": 40285,
127 "twitter": "ev",
128 "last_name": "Williams"
129 }
130 ],
131 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
132 "id": 15370,
133 "time": "2010-11-17T16:40:00",
134 "pretty_time": "4:40pm",
135 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
136 },
137 {
138 "topics": [
139 "Conversation"
140 ],
141 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
142 "end_time": "2010-11-17T14:40:00",
143 "description": "TBD",
144 "title": "A Conversation with Frank Quattrone, Founder, Qatalyst Partners",
145 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15399",
146 "date": "11/17/2010",
147 "speakers": [
148 {
149 "icon": null,
150 "first_name": "Bill",
151 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_68392.jpg",
152 "position": "General Partner",
153 "name": "Bill Gurley",
154 "affiliation": "Benchmark Capital",
155 "url": "http://www.benchmark.com/",
156 "bio": "<p>Bill Gurley joined Benchmark Capital in 1999 after spending two years as a partner with Hummer Winblad Venture Partners. Before entering the venture capital business, Bill spent four years on Wall Street as a top-ranked research analyst, including three years at CS First Boston focusing on the personal computer hardware and software business. His research coverage included such companies as Dell, Compaq, and Microsoft, and he was the lead analyst on the Amazon IPO. In both 1995 and 1996, Bill was a member of the Institutional Investor All-American Research Team. Prior to his investment career, Bill was a design engineer at Compaq Computer, where he worked on products such as the 486/50 and Compaq’s initial multi-processor server. Before Compaq, he served in the technical marketing group of Advanced Micro Devices embedded processor division. For the past seven years, Bill has also authored the Above the Crowd newsletter, which focuses on the evolution and economics of high technology businesses. His current investments include Clicker, FanBase, Linden Lab/SecondLife, LiveOps, Nanosolar, OpenTable (IPO: OPEN), Scale Computing, Tropos Networks, and Zillow.com.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Bill received a BS in computer science from the School of Engineering at the University of Florida, and an MBA from the University of Texas.</p>",
157 "id": 68392,
158 "twitter": "bgurley",
159 "last_name": "Gurley"
160 },
161 {
162 "icon": null,
163 "first_name": "Frank ",
164 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_78307.jpg",
165 "position": "CEO",
166 "name": "Frank Quattrone",
167 "affiliation": "Qatalyst Partners",
168 "url": "http://www.qatalyst.com/",
169 "bio": "<p>Frank Quattrone is a founding member and CEO of Qatalyst. Frank has advised technology companies since 1981, and successfully built and led global technology banking franchises for Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse. Over the past three decades, Frank and the teams he has led have advised on more than 400 mergers and acquisitions with an aggregate transaction value over $500 billion and on more than 350 financings that raised over $65 billion for technology companies worldwide.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Over the past three decades Frank has enjoyed the privilege of advising technology leaders including Accenture, Adobe, Amazon.com, AOL, Apple, Applied Materials, Ascend, Cascade, Cerent, Cisco, Cypress, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Intuit, KLA-Tencor, Linear Technology, Lucent, National Semiconductor, Nortel, Novell, Oracle, RIM, ST Microelectronics, Synopsys, SynOptics, 3Com, TiVo, VeriFone, VeriSign, Veritas and Xilinx.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Frank serves as Board Chairman of The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, CA, as Advisory Board Chair of the Northern California Innocence Project at Santa Clara Law School, and as a Trustee of Castilleja School.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Frank is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and received a B.S. in Economics summa cum laude from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. from Stanford University Graduate School of Business where he was an Arjay Miller Scholar.</p>",
170 "id": 78307,
171 "twitter": "",
172 "last_name": "Quattrone"
173 }
174 ],
175 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
176 "id": 15399,
177 "time": "2010-11-17T14:15:00",
178 "pretty_time": "2:15pm",
179 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
180 },
181 {
182 "topics": [
183 "Conversation"
184 ],
185 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
186 "end_time": "2010-11-16T09:40:00",
187 "description": "TBD",
188 "title": "A Conversation with HP",
189 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16181",
190 "date": "11/16/2010",
191 "speakers": [
192 {
193 "icon": null,
194 "first_name": "John ",
195 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
196 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
197 "name": "John Battelle",
198 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
199 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
200 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
201 "id": 6262,
202 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
203 "last_name": "Battelle"
204 },
205 {
206 "icon": null,
207 "first_name": "Todd",
208 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_101040.jpg",
209 "position": "Executive Vice President, Personal Systems Group",
210 "name": "Todd Bradley",
211 "affiliation": "HP",
212 "url": "",
213 "bio": "<p>Todd Bradley is executive vice president of HP’s Personal Systems Group, a $35 billion annual revenue business that includes personal computers, mobile devices, technical workstations, personal storage solutions and Internet services. He is also a member of HP’s 10-person Executive Council.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Under Bradley’s leadership, PSG has accelerated profitable growth, firmly establishing HP as the #1 PC vendor in the world. During his four year tenure, the business has added more than $10 billion in revenues and increased profitability threefold. His organization reset the global PC industry with its “The Computer Is Personal Again” campaign, setting a new standard for design, user interface and the overall customer experience. At the helm of the largest global supply chain in the IT industry, Bradley has promoted environmental and social responsibility across thousands of suppliers and channel partners and millions of customers whose lives and businesses HP touches.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>During his 30-year management career, Bradley has held senior roles at GE Capital, Dun &#38; Bradstreet and FedEx. Prior to joining HP, Bradley was the chief executive officer of Palm. Before that, Bradley was executive vice president of global operations for Gateway. \nBradley holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Towson University, He serves as a director of LiveOps and trustee of the American Film Institute.\n4/2010</p>",
214 "id": 101040,
215 "twitter": "",
216 "last_name": "Bradley"
217 },
218 {
219 "icon": null,
220 "first_name": "Jon",
221 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_53208.jpg",
222 "position": "Senior Vice President and General Manager",
223 "name": "Jon Rubinstein",
224 "affiliation": "Palm Global Business Unit, HP",
225 "url": "",
226 "bio": "<p>Jon has helped launch some of the most influential computing products of our time. He served as Palm&#8217;s Chairman and CEO prior to its acquisition by HP and was the driving force behind the company&#8217;s return to innovation with its award-winning webOS software and innovative smartphone devices. As head of the Palm global business unit, Jon is leading HP&#8217;s efforts in the mobility space, responsible for webOS software development and webOS based hardware products.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>As a member of Apple&#8217;s senior executive staff, Jon was instrumental in conceiving the iPod and as head of hardware engineering, led the rapid rollout of the iMac, a product that revitalized Apple and revolutionized personal computer design. Before joining Apple, Jon built his career at computer companies including Hewlett-Packard and NeXT, and founded his own company, Firepower Systems Inc.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Jon is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a senior member of the IEEE. He received bachelor&#8217;s and master&#8217;s degrees in electrical engineering from Cornell University and a master&#8217;s degree in computer science from Colorado State University.</p>",
227 "id": 53208,
228 "twitter": "",
229 "last_name": "Rubinstein"
230 }
231 ],
232 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
233 "id": 16181,
234 "time": "2010-11-16T09:10:00",
235 "pretty_time": "9:10am",
236 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
237 },
238 {
239 "topics": [
240 "Conversation",
241 "Live Stream"
242 ],
243 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
244 "end_time": "2010-11-17T12:15:00",
245 "description": "TBD",
246 "title": "A Conversation with Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn",
247 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15398",
248 "date": "11/17/2010",
249 "speakers": [
250 {
251 "icon": null,
252 "first_name": "John ",
253 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
254 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
255 "name": "John Battelle",
256 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
257 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
258 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
259 "id": 6262,
260 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
261 "last_name": "Battelle"
262 },
263 {
264 "icon": null,
265 "first_name": "Jeff",
266 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_93293.jpg",
267 "position": "CEO",
268 "name": "Jeff Weiner",
269 "affiliation": "LinkedIn",
270 "url": "http://www.linkedin.com/",
271 "bio": "<p>Jeff is Chief Executive Officer of LinkedIn. Prior to LinkedIn, Jeff was an Executive in Residence at Accel Partners and Greylock Partners where he focused primarily on advising the leadership teams of the firms&#8217; consumer technology portfolio companies while also working closely with the partners to evaluate new investment opportunities. Jeff previously served in key leadership roles at Yahoo! for over seven years. He was most recently the Executive Vice President of Yahoo!&#8217;s Network Division where he managed the company’s consumer web product portfolio, including Yahoo!&#8217;s Front Page, Mail, Search, and Media products. In addition to LinkedIn, Jeff serves on the Board of Directors for DonorsChoose.org and Malaria No More. He holds a B.S. in Economics from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.</p>",
272 "id": 93293,
273 "twitter": "",
274 "last_name": "Weiner"
275 }
276 ],
277 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
278 "id": 15398,
279 "time": "2010-11-17T11:50:00",
280 "pretty_time": "11:50am",
281 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
282 },
283 {
284 "topics": [
285 "Conversation"
286 ],
287 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
288 "end_time": "2010-11-16T12:05:00",
289 "description": "TBD",
290 "title": "A Conversation with Jim Balsillie, CEO, Research In Motion",
291 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16289",
292 "date": "11/16/2010",
293 "speakers": [
294 {
295 "icon": null,
296 "first_name": "John ",
297 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
298 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
299 "name": "John Battelle",
300 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
301 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
302 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
303 "id": 6262,
304 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
305 "last_name": "Battelle"
306 },
307 {
308 "icon": null,
309 "first_name": "Jim",
310 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_102588.jpg",
311 "position": "Co-CEO",
312 "name": "Jim Balsillie",
313 "affiliation": "Research In Motion",
314 "url": "",
315 "bio": "<p>Since 1992, Jim Balsillie has been co-CEO at Research In Motion (RIM), maker of the world renowned BlackBerry wireless solution.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2002, Mr. Balsillie founded The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), a world-class global research institute focused on the restructuring of international governance. In 2007, Mr. Balsillie announced the creation of the new Canadian International Council (CIC) of which he is the Chair. In 2008, he founded the Balsillie School of International Affairs.\nMr. Balsillie is a graduate of the University of Toronto and the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He is a chartered accountant and a fellow of the Ontario Institute of Chartered Accountants. He also holds numerous honorary doctorate degrees.</p>",
316 "id": 102588,
317 "twitter": "",
318 "last_name": "Balsillie"
319 }
320 ],
321 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
322 "id": 16289,
323 "time": "2010-11-16T11:40:00",
324 "pretty_time": "11:40am",
325 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
326 },
327 {
328 "topics": [
329 "Conversation",
330 "Live Stream"
331 ],
332 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
333 "end_time": "2010-11-17T11:50:00",
334 "description": "TBD",
335 "title": "A Conversation with Julius Genachowski, Chairman, FCC",
336 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16397",
337 "date": "11/17/2010",
338 "speakers": [
339 {
340 "icon": null,
341 "first_name": "John",
342 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40504.jpg",
343 "position": "National Political Columnist & Correspondent",
344 "name": "John Heilemann",
345 "affiliation": "New York Magazine",
346 "url": "",
347 "bio": "<p>John Heilemann writes “The Power Grid” column for New York magazine, as well as longer features. An award-winning journalist and author, he has covered politics, business, and their intersection for nearly two decades, in America and abroad. His recent cover stories for New York have included “Obama Is From Mars, Wall Street Is From Venus,” a look at the dysfunctional relationship between Obama and Wall Street and the push for financial reform; “Obama Lost, Obama Found,” an assessment of the president’s first year in the Oval Office; and “Inside Obama’s Economic Brain Trust,” on the White House’s efforts to rescue the American economy from ruin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s book about the 2008 presidential election, “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,” coauthored with Time’s Mark Halperin was published by HarperCollins in January 2010; it spent seven weeks in the #1 spot on the New York Times best seller list. Game Change is being developed into a movie by HBO Films, and Heilemann and Halperin are set to write a sequel covering the 2012 election for Penguin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann is a former correspondent and columnist for The Economist and Wired (where his coverage of the Microsoft antitrust trial made him a finalist for a National Magazine Award) and a former staff writer for The New Yorker. His book Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era was named by BusinessWeek (among others) as one of the best books of 2001. His four-part documentary on the World Wide Web aired on Discovery in 2008.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s writing has been anthologized in “The Best American Political Writing” three times (2005, 2007, and 2008) and in “The Best American Crime Writing” (2006). He appears regularly as a commentator on Morning Joe, The Chris Matthews Show, Hardball, and Charlie Rose, as well as other shows on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. A native of Los Angeles, he lives in Brooklyn.</p>",
348 "id": 40504,
349 "twitter": "",
350 "last_name": "Heilemann"
351 }
352 ],
353 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
354 "id": 16397,
355 "time": "2010-11-17T11:20:00",
356 "pretty_time": "11:20am",
357 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
358 },
359 {
360 "topics": [
361 "Conversation"
362 ],
363 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
364 "end_time": "2010-11-16T17:20:00",
365 "description": "TBD",
366 "title": "A Conversation with Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook",
367 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15679",
368 "date": "11/16/2010",
369 "speakers": [
370 {
371 "icon": null,
372 "first_name": "Mark",
373 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_14999.jpg",
374 "position": "CEO and Co-Founder",
375 "name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
376 "affiliation": "Facebook",
377 "url": "http://www.facebook.com/",
378 "bio": "<p>Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook, which he founded in 2004. Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, families and coworkers. Mark is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of Facebook&#8217;s service and development of its core technology and infrastructure. Mark attended Harvard University and studied computer science before moving the company to Palo Alto, California.</p>",
379 "id": 14999,
380 "twitter": "",
381 "last_name": "Zuckerberg"
382 }
383 ],
384 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
385 "id": 15679,
386 "time": "2010-11-16T16:50:00",
387 "pretty_time": "4:50pm",
388 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
389 },
390 {
391 "topics": [
392 "Conversation"
393 ],
394 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
395 "end_time": "2010-11-15T17:45:00",
396 "description": "TBD",
397 "title": "A Conversation with Neil Smit, President, Comcast Cable Communications",
398 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17202",
399 "date": "11/15/2010",
400 "speakers": [
401 {
402 "icon": null,
403 "first_name": "John ",
404 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
405 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
406 "name": "John Battelle",
407 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
408 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
409 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
410 "id": 6262,
411 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
412 "last_name": "Battelle"
413 },
414 {
415 "icon": null,
416 "first_name": "Neil",
417 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_104732.jpg",
418 "position": "President",
419 "name": "Neil Smit",
420 "affiliation": "Comcast Cable Communications",
421 "url": "",
422 "bio": "<p>Neil Smit serves as President of Comcast Cable Communications, responsible for all business aspects of the Company’s cable operations.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mr. Smit joined Comcast in March, 2010 from Charter Communications where he served as Chief Executive Officer and Director since 2005. Prior to joining Charter, Mr. Smit was the President of Time Warner’s America Online Access Business overseeing Internet access services, including America Online (AOL), CompuServe and Netscape ISPs. He also served at AOL as Executive Vice President, Member Services, and Chief Operating Officer of MapQuest. Mr. Smit also was a regional president with Nabisco and served in a number of management positions at Pillsbury. For five and a half years, Mr. Smit served on active duty with the Navy SEAL Teams and retired from the service as a Lieutenant Commander.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mr. Smit has served on the boards of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA), CableLabs and C-Span. He has a bachelor’s of science degree from Duke University and a master’s degree from Tufts University’s Fletcher School. He resides in Philadelphia with his wife and sons.</p>",
423 "id": 104732,
424 "twitter": "",
425 "last_name": "Smit"
426 }
427 ],
428 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
429 "id": 17202,
430 "time": "2010-11-15T17:30:00",
431 "pretty_time": "5:30pm",
432 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
433 },
434 {
435 "topics": [
436 "Conversation"
437 ],
438 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
439 "end_time": "2010-11-15T17:30:00",
440 "description": "TBD",
441 "title": "A Conversation with Robin Li, Chairman & CEO, Baidu",
442 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15408",
443 "date": "11/15/2010",
444 "speakers": [
445 {
446 "icon": null,
447 "first_name": "John ",
448 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
449 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
450 "name": "John Battelle",
451 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
452 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
453 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
454 "id": 6262,
455 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
456 "last_name": "Battelle"
457 },
458 {
459 "icon": null,
460 "first_name": "Robin",
461 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_93485.jpg",
462 "position": "Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO",
463 "name": "Robin Li",
464 "affiliation": "Baidu, Inc.",
465 "url": "",
466 "bio": "<p>Robin Li is the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Baidu, Inc., and oversees the company’s overall strategy and business operations.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In the nine years since founding Baidu in January 2000, Robin has turned the company into the largest Chinese search engine, with over 70% market share, and the third largest independent search engine in the world. In 2005, Baidu completed its successful IPO on NASDAQ, and in 2007 became the first Chinese company to be included in the NASDAQ-100 Index.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to Baidu, Robin was already regarded as one of the world’s top search engine experts. His hyperlink analysis, patented in 1996, is among the inventions that shaped today&#8217;s search engine technology. Robin worked as a staff engineer for Infoseek, a pioneer internet search engine company, from July 1997 to December 1999, and as a senior consultant for IDD Information Services from May 1994 to June 1997.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Robin received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Management from Peking University in 1991, and a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1994.</p>",
467 "id": 93485,
468 "twitter": "",
469 "last_name": "Li"
470 }
471 ],
472 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
473 "id": 15408,
474 "time": "2010-11-15T17:00:00",
475 "pretty_time": "5:00pm",
476 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
477 },
478 {
479 "topics": [
480 "Conversation"
481 ],
482 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
483 "end_time": "2010-11-16T08:55:00",
484 "description": "TBD",
485 "title": "A Conversation with Shantanu Narayen, CEO, Adobe",
486 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15512",
487 "date": "11/16/2010",
488 "speakers": [
489 {
490 "icon": null,
491 "first_name": "John ",
492 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
493 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
494 "name": "John Battelle",
495 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
496 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
497 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
498 "id": 6262,
499 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
500 "last_name": "Battelle"
501 },
502 {
503 "icon": null,
504 "first_name": "Shantanu",
505 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_64196.jpg",
506 "position": "President and CEO",
507 "name": "Shantanu Narayen",
508 "affiliation": "Adobe Systems Incorporated",
509 "url": "",
510 "bio": "<p>Shantanu Narayen is president and chief executive officer of Adobe, one of the world’s largest and most diversified software companies. Narayen’s leadership, technology insight and operational expertise have strengthened Adobe’s culture of innovation, expanded the company into new markets, and extended its product portfolio and global reach. In 2005, Narayen co-led the $3.4 billion acquisition of Macromedia, expanding Adobe’s software platform and solutions, and strengthening the company’s presence in key markets ranging from enterprises and vertical industries to mobile devices and multimedia publishing.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to his appointment as CEO in December of 2007, Narayen was Adobe’s president and COO, responsible for the company’s day-to-day global operations, product research and development, marketing and corporate development. Previously, he held key product research and development positions within Adobe, including executive vice president of worldwide products, senior vice president of worldwide product development and vice president and general manager of the engineering technology group.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Adobe in 1998, Narayen was co-founder of Pictra, Inc., an early pioneer of digital photo sharing over the Internet. Prior to that, he served as director of desktop and collaboration products at Silicon Graphics, Inc. and held various senior management positions at Apple Computer, Inc.\nNarayen holds five patents and is a frequent speaker at industry and academic events. He serves on the Board of Metavante Technologies, Inc. and the Advisory Board of the Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley. Narayen holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from Osmania University in India, a master’s degree in computer science from Bowling Green State University and a master’s degree in business administration from the Haas School of Business.</p>",
511 "id": 64196,
512 "twitter": "",
513 "last_name": "Narayen"
514 }
515 ],
516 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
517 "id": 15512,
518 "time": "2010-11-16T08:30:00",
519 "pretty_time": "8:30am",
520 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
521 },
522 {
523 "topics": [
524 "Conversation"
525 ],
526 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
527 "end_time": "2010-11-16T12:30:00",
528 "description": "TBD",
529 "title": "A Conversation with Yuri Milner, CEO, Digital Sky Technologies",
530 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15492",
531 "date": "11/16/2010",
532 "speakers": [
533 {
534 "icon": null,
535 "first_name": "John ",
536 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
537 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
538 "name": "John Battelle",
539 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
540 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
541 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
542 "id": 6262,
543 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
544 "last_name": "Battelle"
545 },
546 {
547 "icon": null,
548 "first_name": "Yuri",
549 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_95614.jpg",
550 "position": "CEO and Founder",
551 "name": "Yuri Milner",
552 "affiliation": "Digital Sky Technologies (DST)",
553 "url": "",
554 "bio": "<p>Yuri Milner is CEO and Founding Partner of DST. At DST, Yuri led the investments in over two dozen leading Internet companies and raised over $1bn in 8 rounds of financing. Currently, Yuri serves on the board of directors of Mail.ru, vKontakte and Forticom. Yuri also serves as a member of the Presidential Commission for Modernisation and Technological Development of Russia&#8217;s Economy.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before DST, Yuri held various management positions in Russia, including the CEO of Mail.ru between 2001 and 2003, where he turned the company around operationally and positioned it to become the #1 Russian language website.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Between 1990 and 1992 Yuri attended Wharton Business School and later joined the World Bank where he was involved in the development of the financial sector in Russia.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He returned to Russia in 1996 and was responsible for the first tender offer for a public company in post Soviet times. Yuri started investing in the Internet sector in 1999.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Yuri graduated from Moscow State University in 1985 with an advanced degree in theoretical physics and subsequently conducted research at the Institute of physics in the Russian Academy of Sciences between 1985 and 1989.</p>",
555 "id": 95614,
556 "twitter": "",
557 "last_name": "Milner"
558 }
559 ],
560 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
561 "id": 15492,
562 "time": "2010-11-16T12:05:00",
563 "pretty_time": "12:05pm",
564 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
565 },
566 {
567 "topics": [],
568 "room": "Pacific Heights",
569 "end_time": "2010-11-17T09:45:00",
570 "description": "As Bing progresses down its path of helping people make more informed decisions, come see the innovations we're introducing in the fall release. See how we're helping people do things on the go with our mobile updates, enable people to do more than just scan links with our new user experience, and leverage their network of friends to tap into their collective wisdom.",
571 "title": "Bing: A Focus on Decisions ",
572 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17209",
573 "date": "11/17/2010",
574 "speakers": [
575 {
576 "icon": null,
577 "first_name": "Stefan",
578 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_67949.jpg",
579 "position": "Director of Search",
580 "name": "Stefan Weitz",
581 "affiliation": "Microsoft",
582 "url": "",
583 "bio": "<p>Stefan Weitz is a Director of Search at Microsoft and is charged with working with people and organizations across the industry to promote and improve Search technologies. While focused on Microsoft’s product line, he works across the industry to understand searcher behavior and in his role as an evangelist for Search, gathers and synthesizes feedback to drive product improvements. Prior to Search, Stefan led the strategy to develop the next generation MSN portal platform and developed Microsoft’s muni WiFi strategy, leading the charge to blanket WiFi across metropolitan cities. A 12-year Microsoft veteran, he has worked in various groups including Windows Server, Security, and IT. Stefan is a huge gadget ‘junkie’ and can often be found in electronics shops across the world looking for the elusive perfect piece of tech.</p>",
584 "id": 67949,
585 "twitter": "",
586 "last_name": "Weitz"
587 }
588 ],
589 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Workshops",
590 "id": 17209,
591 "time": "2010-11-17T09:00:00",
592 "pretty_time": "9:00am",
593 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
594 },
595 {
596 "topics": [],
597 "room": "Bently Reserve",
598 "end_time": "2010-11-16T00:00:00",
599 "description": "Where will you be after dark? Get tangled up in Web After Dark, the official Web 2.0 Summit opening night after-party.",
600 "title": "Canaan's Web After Dark - The Official Opening Night Party",
601 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17061",
602 "date": "11/15/2010",
603 "speakers": [],
604 "proposal_type": "Event",
605 "id": 17061,
606 "time": "2010-11-15T21:00:00",
607 "pretty_time": "9:00pm",
608 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
609 },
610 {
611 "topics": [],
612 "room": "Garden Court",
613 "end_time": "2010-11-17T18:15:00",
614 "description": "Join us in the Garden Court immediately following the general sessions to celebrate three fantastic days of delving into the Points of Control in the Internet economy. Enjoy a beverage and make those final connections before you depart Web 2.0 Summit for this year.",
615 "title": "Closing Reception, Sponsored by TriNet",
616 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17411",
617 "date": "11/17/2010",
618 "speakers": [],
619 "proposal_type": "Event",
620 "id": 17411,
621 "time": "2010-11-17T17:15:00",
622 "pretty_time": "5:15pm",
623 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
624 },
625 {
626 "topics": [],
627 "room": "Sponsor Gallery",
628 "end_time": "2010-11-16T18:20:00",
629 "description": "What’s short and sweet...and the hottest new short URL? Join us Tuesday evening in the Sponsor Gallery for a cocktail reception, hosted by .CO, to find out!",
630 "title": "Evening Reception, Sponsored by .CO",
631 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17590",
632 "date": "11/16/2010",
633 "speakers": [],
634 "proposal_type": "Event",
635 "id": 17590,
636 "time": "2010-11-16T17:20:00",
637 "pretty_time": "5:20pm",
638 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
639 },
640 {
641 "topics": [
642 "High Order Bit",
643 "Live Stream"
644 ],
645 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
646 "end_time": "2010-11-17T11:00:00",
647 "description": "TBD",
648 "title": "Gen Z: The Age of the Curator",
649 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15879",
650 "date": "11/17/2010",
651 "speakers": [
652 {
653 "icon": null,
654 "first_name": "Katherine",
655 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_100387.jpg",
656 "position": "CEO & Director",
657 "name": "Katherine Savitt",
658 "affiliation": "Lockerz, LLC",
659 "url": "",
660 "bio": "<p>Katherine Savitt is the Chief Executive Officer and a director of Lockerz, LLC, a website offering social network, entertainment and commerce for 13-30 year olds. Formed in 2009 with 50 members, the invitation-only site has rapidly grown to 14 million members in 195 countries. Before founding Lockerz, Savitt was Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. from March 2006 to January 2009, where she led both the global marketing efforts of the company&#8217;s four brands as well as the digital and ecommerce businesses for the Corporation. Prior to joining American Eagle Outfitters, Kathy served as Vice President of Strategic Communications, Content and Entertainment Initiatives of Amazon.com from 2002 to February 2006, and also served on Jeff Bezos&#8217; S-team (senior management committee). From 1993 to 2002, Kathy served as President and co-Founder of MWW/Savitt, an integrated marketing communications and public relations firm. Kathy has extensive senior leadership experience with retail, e-commerce, content and social media businesses and, in addition to being a Lockerz director, currently is a member of the Board of Directors of Vitamin Shoppe, Inc. and Build-A-Bear Workshop.</p>",
661 "id": 100387,
662 "twitter": "",
663 "last_name": "Savitt"
664 }
665 ],
666 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
667 "id": 15879,
668 "time": "2010-11-17T10:50:00",
669 "pretty_time": "10:50am",
670 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
671 },
672 {
673 "topics": [
674 "Ignite",
675 "Live Stream"
676 ],
677 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
678 "end_time": "2010-11-17T10:50:00",
679 "description": "TBD",
680 "title": "Ignite: OK Go, Rube Goldberg Machine",
681 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16159",
682 "date": "11/17/2010",
683 "speakers": [
684 {
685 "icon": null,
686 "first_name": "Adam",
687 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_100923.jpg",
688 "position": "President & CEO",
689 "name": "Adam Sadowsky",
690 "affiliation": "Syyn Labs",
691 "url": "http://www.syynlabs.com/",
692 "bio": "<p>Adam is an entrepreneur with experience in a broad range of industry sectors. He’s been involved in early stages with companies in software, product design, video games, genetics research, and online sales. The common thread through all of these is that his role has always been helping talented and creative people achieve extraordinary results. Currently, he&#8217;s the President of Syyn Labs, a collection of extraordinarily talented technology artists all formerly trained in a wide variety of disciplines including robotics, physics, software engineering, and design. Leading this team, Adam orchestrated the build of the massive Rube Goldberg machine for the OK Go music video &#8220;This Too Shall Pass&#8221;, and the &#8220;organ&#8221; built from 24 automobiles played by Gary Numan in an online commercial for DieHard Battery.</p>\n\n\n\t<p><em>Around the world human experiences are shared through dynamic and engaging talks called Ignite. In exactly five minutes using exactly 20 slides Ignite speakers share personal and professional passions though thought-provoking, and lightening-fast, presentations on life, robots, and beyond. Web 2.0 Summit has scoured the globe to find you the best of the best Ignites, hand-selected by <a href=\"http://igniteshow.com/\">Ignite Show</a> host and co-founder Brady Forrest, and conference chair John Battelle. Enjoy!</em></p>",
693 "id": 100923,
694 "twitter": null,
695 "last_name": "Sadowsky"
696 }
697 ],
698 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
699 "id": 16159,
700 "time": "2010-11-17T10:45:00",
701 "pretty_time": "10:45am",
702 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
703 },
704 {
705 "topics": [
706 "Ignite"
707 ],
708 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
709 "end_time": "2010-11-16T15:35:00",
710 "description": "TBD",
711 "title": "Ignite: Crowdsourced Jobs for Haiti",
712 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16158",
713 "date": "11/16/2010",
714 "speakers": [
715 {
716 "icon": null,
717 "first_name": "Leila",
718 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_75524.jpg",
719 "position": "CEO",
720 "name": "Leila Janah",
721 "affiliation": "Samasource",
722 "url": "http://www.samasource.org/",
723 "bio": "<p>Leila Chirayath Janah is the founder of Samasource, a social business that connects over 550 women, youth, and refugees living in poverty to microwork — small, computer-based tasks that build skills and generate life-changing income. Samasource was a winner in the Stanford Social Enterprise Challenge in 2008 and is a current grantee of the Rockefeller Foundation. In recognition of her work, Leila received the Rainer Arnhold Fellowship and has been invited to serve as a TED and Social Enterprise Institute Fellow. Janah is a frequent speaker on social entrepreneurship, technology, and international development at institutions including MIT, the Stanford Graduate School of Business, UC Berkeley, Columbia, and Harvard. Her work has been profiled by CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The New Scientist, and GOOD, and she is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and Social Edge.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to Samasource, Janah was a founding Director of Incentives for Global Health, an organization formed by Professors Thomas Pogge and Aidan Hollis and advised by Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen to develop new financing mechanisms for pharmaceutical R&#38;D on diseases of the poor. She has served as a Visiting Scholar with the Stanford Program on Global Justice and a Visiting Researcher at Australian National University’s Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Leila received her BA from Harvard University in 2005, where she led the Harvard International Development Group and published work on the Rwandan genocide. Earlier in her career, Janah worked for Katzenbach Partners, a management consulting firm based in New York, the World Bank’s Development Research Group, and as a travel writer for Let’s Go guidebooks in Mozambique, Brazil, and Borneo. She resides in San Francisco.</p>\n\n\n\t<p><em>Around the world human experiences are shared through dynamic and engaging talks called Ignite. In exactly five minutes using exactly 20 slides Ignite speakers share personal and professional passions though thought-provoking, and lightening-fast, presentations on life, robots, and beyond. Web 2.0 Summit has scoured the globe to find you the best of the best Ignites, hand-selected by <a href=\"http://igniteshow.com/\">Ignite Show</a> host and co-founder Brady Forrest, and conference chair John Battelle. Enjoy!</em></p>",
724 "id": 75524,
725 "twitter": "leila_c",
726 "last_name": "Janah"
727 }
728 ],
729 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
730 "id": 16158,
731 "time": "2010-11-16T15:30:00",
732 "pretty_time": "3:30pm",
733 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
734 },
735 {
736 "topics": [
737 "Ignite"
738 ],
739 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
740 "end_time": "2010-11-16T10:25:00",
741 "description": "In the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, a loosely coordinated group of volunteers accomplished something no one had ever done before: Mapping a country in the midst of a humanitarian crisis... from thousands of miles away.",
742 "title": "Ignite: How Crowdsourcing Changed Disaster Relief Forever",
743 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16192",
744 "date": "11/16/2010",
745 "speakers": [
746 {
747 "icon": null,
748 "first_name": "Schuyler",
749 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_2118.jpg",
750 "position": "Troublemaker",
751 "name": "Schuyler Erle",
752 "affiliation": "SimpleGeo",
753 "url": "",
754 "bio": "<p>Schuyler Erle has been a Free Software developer and evangelist for over a dozen years. He was a co-author of &#8216;Mapping Hacks&#8217; and &#8216;Google Maps Hacks&#8217;. Schuyler was also a co-founder of the OpenLayers and TileCache projects, and is a charter member of the OSGeo Foundation. Schuyler currently resides in San Francisco, where he designs and builds new and exotic geospatial technology at SimpleGeo.</p>\n\n\n\t<p><em>Around the world human experiences are shared through dynamic and engaging talks called Ignite. In exactly five minutes using exactly 20 slides Ignite speakers share personal and professional passions though thought-provoking, and lightening-fast, presentations on life, robots, and beyond. Web 2.0 Summit has scoured the globe to find you the best of the best Ignites, hand-selected by <a href=\"http://igniteshow.com/\">Ignite Show</a> host</em> <em>and co-founder Brady Forrest, and conference chair John Battelle. Enjoy!</em></p>",
755 "id": 2118,
756 "twitter": "",
757 "last_name": "Erle"
758 }
759 ],
760 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
761 "id": 16192,
762 "time": "2010-11-16T10:20:00",
763 "pretty_time": "10:20am",
764 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
765 },
766 {
767 "topics": [
768 "Ignite",
769 "Live Stream"
770 ],
771 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
772 "end_time": "2010-11-15T16:10:00",
773 "description": "TBD",
774 "title": "Ignite: Internet Culture: What Does It Mean?!?!",
775 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16217",
776 "date": "11/15/2010",
777 "speakers": [
778 {
779 "icon": null,
780 "first_name": "Ben",
781 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_34738.jpg",
782 "position": "Chief Cheezburger",
783 "name": "Ben Huh",
784 "affiliation": "I Can Has Cheezburger",
785 "url": "http://icanhascheezburger.com/",
786 "bio": "<p>Ben is a former journalist turned dot com entrepreneur who has a knack for\nnailing the zeitgeist. He has been credited with bringing Internet memes to\nthe mainstream and popularizing Internet culture. The success of his\nbusiness is attributed to his knowledge of memes, viral content, and crowd\nsourcing. Ben graduated with a BSJ from Northwestern University&#8217;s Medill\nSchool of Journalism.</p>\n\n\n\t<p><em>Around the world human experiences are shared through dynamic and engaging talks called Ignite. In exactly five minutes using exactly 20 slides Ignite speakers share personal and professional passions though thought-provoking, and lightening-fast, presentations on life, robots, and beyond. Web 2.0 Summit has scoured the globe to find you the best of the best Ignites, hand-selected by <a href=\"http://igniteshow.com/\">Ignite Show</a> host and co-founder</em> <em>Brady Forrest, and conference chair John Battelle. Enjoy!<em></em></em></p>",
787 "id": 34738,
788 "twitter": "",
789 "last_name": "Huh"
790 }
791 ],
792 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
793 "id": 16217,
794 "time": "2010-11-15T16:05:00",
795 "pretty_time": "4:05pm",
796 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
797 },
798 {
799 "topics": [
800 "Ignite"
801 ],
802 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
803 "end_time": "2010-11-17T15:30:00",
804 "description": "Clark will loiter at the intersection of journalism and geolocation, discuss the power of place and story, and share a vision she had in the desert.",
805 "title": "Ignite: Narrative Landscapes",
806 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16161",
807 "date": "11/17/2010",
808 "speakers": [
809 {
810 "icon": null,
811 "first_name": "Krissy",
812 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_100927.jpg",
813 "position": "Los Angeles Bureau Chief",
814 "name": "Krissy Clark",
815 "affiliation": "KQED Public Radio",
816 "url": "http://www.storieseverywhere.org/",
817 "bio": "<p>Krissy Clark is an award-winning journalist, documentary-maker, and audio artist with a passion for location-aware technologies and their power as storytelling tools. She is currently the Los Angeles Bureau Chief for KQED public radio, where she uncovers the wide array of people, places and events that make Southern California such a fascinating region or, in the words of Wernor Herzog, &#8220;a place of cultural substance.&#8221;</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Clark has spent more than a decade covering public affairs, politics, the economy and the environment for national public radio outlets including <em>APM</em>, <em>NPR</em>, and the <em>BBC</em>. She is a frequent contributor to the business show <em>Marketplace</em>, where she covered the gulf oil spill and its economic implications. She is also a former staff reporter and editor for the weekly syndicated show <em>Weekend America.</em></p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2009 Clark received a Knight Journalism Fellowship at Stanford to explore the geospatial web and its applications for innovating journalism, working with the Stanford Computer Science Department, the Bill Lane Center for the Study of the American West, and the Hasso Platner Institute of Design, or d.school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>&#8220;Foreclosure City,&#8221; Clark&#8217;s documentary on the epicenter of the nation&#8217;s foreclosure crisis, Las Vegas, made her a finalist for the Livingston Award for Journalists under 35, one of journalism&#8217;s highest honors. Earlier in her career she spent several years in a small town in Colorado where she reported on the rural American West for the environmental newspaper High Country News. There, her documentary on the legacy of nuclear weapons development in western states was awarded Best Documentary by the Public Radio News Directors Inc.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Clark graduated cum laude with honors from Yale University, where she earned a B.A. in The Humanities. She is a frequent speaker on journalism and the geospatial web at institutions including Google, Stanford&#8217;s Human Computer Interaction Group, and the American Association of University Women.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>As a fifth generation Californian, Clark is keenly interested in history and the way people shape places, and places shape people. Her audio installation, <em>Block of Time: O&#8217;Farrell Street</em>, was featured alongside MIT&#8217;s <em>SENSEable Cities</em> project and Stamen Design&#8217;s <em>TenderVoice/TenderNoise</em> at the City Centered Festival in San Francisco, sponsored by the Gray Area Foundation for the Arts. Block of Time and other experiments in narrative landscapes can be found at her website, <a href=\"http://storieseverywhere.org/\">storieseverywhere.org</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>If you want to know more about Krissy&#8217;s work, this <a href=\"http://knight.stanford.edu/news/2010/knight2.0/clark/\">short article</a> she wrote might help.</p>\n\n\n\t<p><em>Around the world human experiences are shared through dynamic and engaging talks called Ignite. In exactly five minutes using exactly 20 slides Ignite speakers share personal and professional passions though thought-provoking, and lightening-fast, presentations on life, robots, and beyond. Web 2.0 Summit has scoured the globe to find you the best of the best Ignites, hand-selected by <a href=\"http://igniteshow.com/\">Ignite Show</a> host and co-founder Brady Forrest, and conference chair John Battelle. Enjoy!</em></p>",
818 "id": 100927,
819 "twitter": "kristianiaclark",
820 "last_name": "Clark"
821 }
822 ],
823 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
824 "id": 16161,
825 "time": "2010-11-17T15:25:00",
826 "pretty_time": "3:25pm",
827 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
828 },
829 {
830 "topics": [
831 "High Order Bit",
832 "Live Stream"
833 ],
834 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
835 "end_time": "2010-11-16T14:40:00",
836 "description": "TBD",
837 "title": "Innovation vs Punditry",
838 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15537",
839 "date": "11/16/2010",
840 "speakers": [
841 {
842 "icon": null,
843 "first_name": "Vinod",
844 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_26580.jpg",
845 "position": "Founder and Partner",
846 "name": "Vinod Khosla",
847 "affiliation": "Khosla Ventures",
848 "url": "http://www.khoslaventures.com/",
849 "bio": "<p>Vinod grew up dreaming of being an entrepreneur, despite growing up in an Indian Army household with no business or technology connections. Since the age of 16, when he first heard about Intel starting up, he dreamt of starting his own technology company.\nUpon graduating with a bachelor&#8217;s in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Vinod failed, at age 20, to start a soy milk company to service the many people in India who did not have refrigerators. He came instead to the U.S. and got his master&#8217;s in biomedical engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University. His start-up dreams attracted him to Silicon Valley, where he got an MBA at Stanford University in 1980.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Upon graduation he was one of the three founders of Daisy Systems, which was the first significant computer-aided design system for electrical engineers. The company went on to achieve significant revenue, profits, and an IPO, but Khosla, driven by the frustration of having to design the computer hardware on which the Daisy software needed to be built, started the standards-based Sun Microsystems in 1982 to build workstations for software developers. At Sun he pioneered &#8220;open systems&#8221; and RISC processors. Sun was funded by longtime friend and board member John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield &#38; Byers.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 1986 Vinod switched sides and joined Kleiner Perkins, where he was and continues to be a general partner of KPCB funds through KP X. Through the years there, with other partners, he took on Intel&#8217;s monopoly with Nexgen/AMD (the only microprocessor to have significant success against Intel, sold to AMD for 28 percent of AMD), incubated the idea and business plan for Juniper to take on Cisco&#8217;s dominance of the router market, formulated the very early advertising-based search strategy for Excite, and transformed the moribund telecommunications business and its archaic SONET implementations with Cerent (sold to Cisco for $7B). He helped in creating value, having fun, succeeding, failing (remember Dynabook?), and driving impact in partnership with entrepreneurs and the partners at KPCB.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2004, Vinod, driven by the need for flexibility to accommodate four teenaged children and a desire to be more experimental, to fund sometimes imprudent &#8220;science experiments,&#8221; and to take on both for-profit and for &#8220;social impact&#8221; ventures, formed khoslaventures, funded entirely with family funds. His goals remain the same: work and learn from fun and knowledgeable entrepreneurs, build impactful companies through the leverage of innovation, and spend time in a partnership that makes a difference. Vinod has a passion for nascent technologies that can have a beneficial effect and economic impact on society. His greatest passion is being a mentor to entrepreneurs, helping them build technology-based businesses. Vinod serves on the boards of a few companies, but he generally meets directly with most of the portfolio companies as they face transitions or key decisions.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Khosla is a charter member of TiE, a not-for-profit global network of entrepreneurs and professionals founded in 1992 that now has more than forty chapters in nine countries. He is also a founding board member of the Indian School of Business. His current passion is social entrepreneurship, with a special emphasis on microfinance as a poverty alleviation tool. He is a supporter of many microfinance organizations in India and Africa. He has been experimenting with education and global housing. Vinod is also passionate about alternative energy, petroleum independence, and the environment.</p>",
850 "id": 26580,
851 "twitter": "",
852 "last_name": "Khosla"
853 }
854 ],
855 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
856 "id": 15537,
857 "time": "2010-11-16T14:25:00",
858 "pretty_time": "2:25pm",
859 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
860 },
861 {
862 "topics": [],
863 "room": "Sea Cliff",
864 "end_time": "2010-11-15T14:00:00",
865 "description": "The Innovators Luncheon is an opportunity for early stage creative startups to present their elevator pitch to a panel of established and respected Venture Capitalists, and a gathering of industry decision makers that is comprised of Web 2.0 Summit attendees.",
866 "title": "Innovation: New Ideas from Promising Start-ups",
867 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17102",
868 "date": "11/15/2010",
869 "speakers": [
870 {
871 "icon": null,
872 "first_name": "Todor",
873 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40376.jpg",
874 "position": "Investment Partner",
875 "name": "Todor Tashev",
876 "affiliation": "Omidyar Network",
877 "url": "",
878 "bio": "<p>Todor leads Omidyar Network&#8217;s Financial Capital function, overseeing the process for making, managing, and evaluating investments. In addition, he leads the Consumer Internet &#38; Mobile investment area, making investments that encourage people to express themselves, connect to others with shared interests, and take action on what matters to them. His portfolio includes Digg, Linden Lab, and Metaweb, among others. Todor serves as a board member for Common Sense Media and Meetup, a board advisor for O&#8217;Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, and a board observer for Federated Media Publishing and Socialtext.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to joining Omidyar Network, Todor advised the founding team of LiveOps, a leader in the on-demand and virtual call center space, on a range of strategy and fundraising issues. At Tellme Networks, he developed and led the company&#8217;s mobile applications strategy, targeting the largest U.S. wireless carriers. Earlier, at JP Morgan, he worked on more than $200 million in private equity investments across a range of industries and investment stages. Todor has an MBA from the Harvard Business School, an MA in international economics from Carleton University, Canada, and an International Law degree (LLM) from the Moscow Institute of International Relations.</p>",
879 "id": 40376,
880 "twitter": "",
881 "last_name": "Tashev"
882 },
883 {
884 "icon": null,
885 "first_name": "Ryan",
886 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40576.jpg",
887 "position": "Managing Director",
888 "name": "Ryan McIntyre",
889 "affiliation": "Foundry Group",
890 "url": "http://www.ryanmcintyre.com/",
891 "bio": "<p>Over the past eighteen years, Ryan McIntyre has been an software engineer, entrepreneur, angel investor and venture capitalist.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He is a Managing Director at Foundry Group, a venture firm he co-founded in 2007.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He has led Foundry Group&#8217;s investment in <a href=\"http://www.emsense.com/\">EmSense</a>, <a href=\"http://www.pogoplug.com/\">Cloud Engines</a>, <a href=\"http://www.memeo.com/\">Memeo</a>, <a href=\"http://www.sendgrid.com/\">SendGrid</a>, <a href=\"http://www.simplegeo.com/\">SimpleGeo</a>, <a href=\"http://www.smithandtinker.com/\">Smith &#38; Tinker</a> and <a href=\"http://www.topspinmedia.com/\">Topspin Media</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to Foundry Group, Ryan started his career in venture capital at Mobius Venture Capital in January 2000.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Mobius Venture Capital, Ryan co-founded the internet search engine Excite in 1993, which went public in 1996 and later became Excite@Home, \nfollowing the $6.7 billion merger of Excite and @Home in 1999.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Notable companies that Ryan has invested in include Postini (acq. GOOG), Sling Media (acq. DISH), and StubHub (acq. EBAY).</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Symbolic Systems with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University</p>",
892 "id": 40576,
893 "twitter": "",
894 "last_name": "McIntyre"
895 },
896 {
897 "icon": null,
898 "first_name": "Christopher",
899 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_86684.jpg",
900 "position": "Director, Investments",
901 "name": "Christopher Bishko",
902 "affiliation": "Omidyar Network",
903 "url": "",
904 "bio": "<p>Chris’s expertise spans a variety of subsectors within the technology and financial services industries. At Omidyar Network, Chris brings his diverse experience to his role in making investments across the Media, Markets &#38; Transparency initiative, particularly within the Consumer Internet &#38; Mobile investment area. Chris has worked on numerous investments during his tenure and currently oversees a portfolio that includes Quikr, Wikimedia Foundation, and Goodmail.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Omidyar Network, Chris was an Executive Director with JPMorgan Chase &#38; Co., where he began his career in 1992. During his 16 years in investment banking, Chris held a variety of positions across technology, client coverage, equity capital markets, and proprietary investing. As a private equity investment professional, Chris was a member of a team responsible for more than $450 million of investments. Chris received a BS from Duke University, where he graduated magna cum laude and majored in biomedical engineering and English literature.</p>",
905 "id": 86684,
906 "twitter": "",
907 "last_name": "Bishko"
908 },
909 {
910 "icon": null,
911 "first_name": "Dave",
912 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_362.jpg",
913 "position": "Master of...",
914 "name": "Dave McClure",
915 "affiliation": "500 Hats",
916 "url": "http://500hats.typepad.com/",
917 "bio": "<p><a href=\"http://www.linkedin.com/in/davemcclure\"><b>Dave McClure</b> <img></img></a> has been geeking out in Silicon Valley for almost twenty years as a software developer, entrepreneur, startup advisor, angel investor, blogger, &#38; internet marketing nerd. He is an advisor or investor for Mint, Mashery, Simply Hired, TeachStreet, Oortle, CrazyEgg, SlideShare, Eventvue, RichRelevance, HealthUnity, &#38; Canopy Financial.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Dave is the conference chair for <a href=\"http://startonomics.com\">Startonomics.com</a>, and runs a monthly dinner series for entrepreneurs called <a href=\"http://startup2startup.com\">Startup2Startup.com</a>. He has been a guest lecturer at Stanford University for the nation&#8217;s first-ever course on building Facebook Apps. Dave is a board member for microfinance accelerator Unitus, advisor to microfinance lender Kiva.org, and a co-founder of the Silicon Valley Microfinance Network.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>From 2005 to 2006, Dave launched and ran marketing for job search engine Simply Hired, and its evil twin Simply Fired. From 2001 to 2004, Dave worked at PayPal as Director of Marketing, where he founded and ran the PayPal Developer Network program. Prior to PayPal Dave was a database consultant and programmer for several companies including Microsoft and Intel. In 1994 he founded Aslan Computing, an internet and e-commerce firm later acquired by Servinet/Panurgy in 1998.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before coming to Silicon Valley, Dave barely graduated from the Johns Hopkins University with a BS in Mathematical Sciences Engineering and a minor in frisbee, billiards, and foosball. His interests include microfinance and economic innovation, entrepreneurship and venture capital, ultimate frisbee, cartoons and animation, and an ever-growing collection of silly hats.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>For more info see Dave&#8217;s blog: <a href=\"http://500hats.typepad.com\">Master of 500 Hats</a></p>",
918 "id": 362,
919 "twitter": null,
920 "last_name": "McClure"
921 },
922 {
923 "icon": null,
924 "first_name": "Geoff",
925 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_9154.jpg",
926 "position": "Managing Director",
927 "name": "Geoff Yang",
928 "affiliation": "Redpoint Ventures",
929 "url": "",
930 "bio": "<p>Geoffrey Y. Yang is a founding partner of Redpoint Ventures, a $2 billion family of early-stage venture capital funds. Previously, Geoff was a general partner with Institutional Venture Partners, a firm he joined in 1987.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>During his 25 years in the venture capital business, Geoff has emphasized investments in consumer media and infrastructure. He led media and advertising investments including Ask Jeeves, Clicker Media, Excite, Gaia Online, Machinima, MySpace, Scribd, and TiVo. He also led networking investments including BigBand, Calix, Foundry Networks, Juniper Networks, MMC Networks and Wellfleet.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Geoff was formerly Director of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) and Director and President of the Western Association of Venture Capitalists (WAVC). In addition, Geoff has served on the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC).</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Geoff holds a BSE in Engineering and a BA from Princeton, and an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business.</p>",
931 "id": 9154,
932 "twitter": "",
933 "last_name": "Yang"
934 }
935 ],
936 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Lunch",
937 "id": 17102,
938 "time": "2010-11-15T12:30:00",
939 "pretty_time": "12:30pm",
940 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
941 },
942 {
943 "topics": [
944 "High Order Bit"
945 ],
946 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
947 "end_time": "2010-11-16T09:10:00",
948 "description": "TBD",
949 "title": "Internet Trends",
950 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15368",
951 "date": "11/16/2010",
952 "speakers": [
953 {
954 "icon": null,
955 "first_name": "Mary",
956 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_24444.jpg",
957 "position": "Venture Capitalist",
958 "name": "Mary Meeker",
959 "affiliation": "Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers",
960 "url": "http://www.kpcb.com/",
961 "bio": "<p>Mary Meeker is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield &#38; Byers and served as a managing director and research analyst at Morgan Stanley from 1991 to 2010. Since beginning her career as a securities analyst in 1986, Mary has focused on emerging technology trends and companies. Mary is co-author of the industry-defining books, The Internet Report (1995) and The Internet Advertising Report (1996), and co-author of The Internet Retailing Report (1997), The Online Classified Advertising Report: It&#8217;s About Search / Find / Obtain (SFO) (2002), The China Internet Report (2004), The Mobile Internet Report (2009), <a href=\"http://www.kpcb.com/usainc/\">USA Inc.</a>, a non-partisan report that looks at the U.S. government (and its financials) from a business perspective (2011), and The Technology IPO Yearbook. Her reports are widely read around the world. She has covered companies that have created more than 200,000 jobs over the past 25 years while the companies increased their collective market value by more than $900 billion, as of February, 2011. These companies include Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Adobe, Intuit, Electronic Arts, Activision, Yahoo!, Amazon.com, eBay, priceline.com, Google and Alibaba. Mary graduated from DePauw University. She also received an MBA from Cornell and a Doctor of Letters from DePauw.</p>",
962 "id": 24444,
963 "twitter": "",
964 "last_name": "Meeker"
965 }
966 ],
967 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
968 "id": 15368,
969 "time": "2010-11-16T08:55:00",
970 "pretty_time": "8:55am",
971 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
972 },
973 {
974 "topics": [],
975 "room": "Marina",
976 "end_time": "2010-11-15T14:00:00",
977 "description": "Wyse Technologies CEO Tarken Maner will share his vision of the \"thin client\" world and the implications for business, individuals, and society. We'll also discuss the cost-savings enterprise can realize with a move to cloud computing - as well as the challenges that stand in the way. ",
978 "title": "Is the PC Dead? Re-imagining Cloud Computing for the Next Six Billion New Users of the Web.",
979 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17549",
980 "date": "11/15/2010",
981 "speakers": [
982 {
983 "icon": null,
984 "first_name": "Charlene",
985 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_2511.jpg",
986 "position": "Founder, Thought Leader",
987 "name": "Charlene Li",
988 "affiliation": "Altimeter Group",
989 "url": "http://www.altimetergroup.com/",
990 "bio": "<p>Charlene Li is founder of the Altimeter Group and the coauthor of the critically acclaimed, bestselling book Groundswell.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>She is one of the foremost experts on social media and technologies, and is a consultant and independent thought leader on leadership, strategy, social technologies, interactive media, and marketing. Formerly, Li was vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research and a consultant with Monitor Group. She was named by Fast Company as one of the most creative people in business in both 2008 and 2010, and one of the Most Influential Women in Technology in 2009.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Charlene is a frequently-quoted expert and has appeared on 60 Minutes, The McNeil NewsHour, ABC News, CNN, and CNBC. She is also frequently quoted by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist, Businessweek, USAToday, Reuters, and The Associated Press. She is a much-sought after public speaker and will be appearing at the World Business Forum in Radio City Music hall in October 2010. She has also presented frequently at top conferences such the American Society of Association Executives, SXSW, Web 2.0 Expo, and Search Engine Strategies.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Charlene is a graduate of Harvard Business School and received a magna cum laude degree from Harvard College. You can follow her blog at <a href=\"http://charleneli.com/blog\">charleneli.com/blog</a> or at <a href=\"http://twitter.com/charleneli\">twitter.com/charleneli</a></p>\n\n\n\t<p><em>Personal</em> \nCharlene is the mother of two kids and and the wife of <a href=\"http://nuevaventures.typepad.com/files/team.html\">Come Lague</a>, a venture capitalist with <a href=\"http://www.nuevaventures.com/\">Nueva Ventures</a>. She is also an avid fan of reality TV shows, science fiction, and sudoku. She lives in the Bay Area with her family.</p>",
991 "id": 2511,
992 "twitter": "charleneli",
993 "last_name": "Li"
994 },
995 {
996 "icon": null,
997 "first_name": "Tarkan",
998 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_81154.jpg",
999 "position": "President and CEO",
1000 "name": "Tarkan Maner",
1001 "affiliation": "Wyse Technology Inc.",
1002 "url": "http://www.wyse.com/",
1003 "bio": "<p>Tarkan Maner is the President and CEO at Wyse Technology, the global leader in zero client-centric virtual, green and cloud computing solutions. He leads all aspects of Wyse&#8217;s global business operations and organization. Tarkan is a leading industry visionary around virtual and cloud-based hardware and software technology solutions which bring the most innovative, secure, green and rich user experience along with the lowest Total Cost of Ownership for enterprises and consumers. He globally evangelizes the cloud computing gospel as the ultimate solution to break the monopoly of the &#8220;fat&#8221; PC and its devious ecosystem of unnecessary, unsecure and expensive &#8220;so-called&#8221; technologies. Tarkan is regarded as one of the leading experts in the ICT industry for democratizing the innovation process at Wyse by involving its global customers and partners into the technology development lifecycle. His and his team&#8217;s focus and leadership in the technology innovation, customer intimacy, operational excellence, and most importantly, team building perfection have been crucial for Wyse&#8217;s consistently solid growth and profitability, since he joined the company, especially throughout the economic up-down cycles of the last decade.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Tarkan was named President and CEO of Wyse in February, 2007. He joined Wyse in May, 2005, as the Chief Marketing Officer. He was appointed as the President, Worldwide Field Operations in 2006, leading Wyse&#8217;s global sales, marketing, channels, business development and customer service organizations and programs. Prior to joining Wyse, he led marketing, product management, business development, and strategic alliance initiatives at Computer Associates (CA). He was instrumental in developing CA&#8217;s corporate vision, strategy, product roadmap, and its global brand. Earlier, at IBM, Tarkan led global product marketing and business development initiatives for the company&#8217;s innovative Internet Security, Network Computing, and eCommerce divisions. Before IBM, he held senior product management and marketing roles in the eCommerce Software Group at Sterling Software and later, Sterling Commerce, after its spin-off and IPO.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Tarkan graduated from Istanbul Technical University in Turkey with a B.S. degree in Engineering Management. He received his MBA degree from Midwestern State University, in Wichita Falls, Texas. Tarkan also attended the invitation-only Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School along with several business and political leaders of today. Tarkan currently serves on the board of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, a coalition of senior executives to improve the quality of life for all citizens of the region and the world through its advocacy around public and private policy issues. Tarkan is regarded as one of the most globally-networked business leaders of our time, and is a sought-after speaker/commentator on current ICT, business, economic and social issues, globally.</p>",
1004 "id": 81154,
1005 "twitter": "",
1006 "last_name": "Maner"
1007 }
1008 ],
1009 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Lunch",
1010 "id": 17549,
1011 "time": "2010-11-15T12:30:00",
1012 "pretty_time": "12:30pm",
1013 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1014 },
1015 {
1016 "topics": [
1017 "Point of Control"
1018 ],
1019 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1020 "end_time": "2010-11-16T11:40:00",
1021 "description": "TBD",
1022 "title": "Managing Hypergrowth",
1023 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15376",
1024 "date": "11/16/2010",
1025 "speakers": [
1026 {
1027 "icon": null,
1028 "first_name": "Adam",
1029 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_104052.jpg",
1030 "position": "Sr. Editor at Large",
1031 "name": "Adam Lashinsky",
1032 "affiliation": "Fortune Magazine",
1033 "url": "http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/",
1034 "bio": "<p>Adam Lashinsky covers Silicon Valley and Wall Street for FORTUNE. He has been on the magazine’s staff since 2001, and for two years before that was a contributing columnist. In addition, he is a weekly panelist on the Fox News Channel’s “Cavuto on Business” program on Saturday mornings, and he appears frequently on other Fox News and Fox Business Network programs. He also co-chairs FORTUNE’s annual technology conference, Fortune Brainstorm Tech, and is a seasoned speaker and panel moderator.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Lashinsky’s cover-story subjects in FORTUNE have included Apple, Hewlett-Packard and Google. He also has written in-depth articles on Wells Fargo, Intel, Oracle, eBay, Twitter, and the venture-capital industry, as well as on diverse topics from San Francisco politics to oil-exploration technology to the post-Katrina economic recovery of New Orleans. His book, Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired – and Secretive – Company Really Works, is scheduled to be published in January, 2012, by Hachette Book Group’s Business Plus imprint.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to joining FORTUNE, Lashinsky was a columnist for The San Jose Mercury News and TheStreet.com. Before moving to California, he was a reporter and editor for Crain&#8217;s Chicago Business. As a Henry Luce Scholar, he also worked for a year in Tokyo as a reporter for the Nikkei Weekly, the English-language version of Japan&#8217;s main economic daily. He began his career in the Washington, D.C., bureau of Crain Communications.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>A native of Chicago, Lashinsky earned a degree in history and political science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989. He lives in San Francisco with his wife and daughter.</p>",
1035 "id": 104052,
1036 "twitter": "adamlashinsky",
1037 "last_name": "Lashinsky"
1038 },
1039 {
1040 "icon": null,
1041 "first_name": "Susan",
1042 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_85768.jpg",
1043 "position": "Chairman",
1044 "name": "Susan Lyne",
1045 "affiliation": "Gilt Groupe",
1046 "url": "http://www.gilt.com/company",
1047 "bio": "<p>Susan Lyne serves as Chairman of Gilt Groupe, an innovative ecommerce company offering highly coveted products and experiences at insider prices. Susan joined the company as Chief Executive Officer in September 2008, less than a year after Gilt’s launch as a women’s apparel and accessories business. Today the company has over three million members, 500 employees, operates six distinct business lines in the US as well as the leading flash sale site in Japan. Susan assumed the role of Chairman in September 2010.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>From November 2004 to July 2008, Susan was President and CEO of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (MSLO). In that capacity, she steered the company’s recovery and return to profitability, led by a three-fold increase in advertising revenue and the diversification of its merchandising business.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining MSLO, Susan spent eight years at Disney/ABC, rising to President of ABC Entertainment where she oversaw the development of shows such as Desperate Housewives, Lost, and Grey&#8217;s Anatomy. Prior to that she ran the network’s long-form division, fielding a schedule of original movies and miniseries that won time periods and earned numerous awards.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Susan’s early career was spent in the magazine industry. She was managing editor of New Times and later of The Village Voice and, in 1987, created and launched Premiere Magazine for News Corp.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Susan serves on the board of AOL and is a trustee of The New School. She lives in New York City.</p>",
1048 "id": 85768,
1049 "twitter": "",
1050 "last_name": "Lyne"
1051 },
1052 {
1053 "icon": null,
1054 "first_name": "Tony",
1055 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_28309.jpg",
1056 "position": "CEO and Founder",
1057 "name": "Tony Hsieh",
1058 "affiliation": "Zappos.com",
1059 "url": "http://www.zappos.com/",
1060 "bio": "<p>Tony originally got involved with Zappos as an advisor and investor in 1999, about 2 months after the company was founded. Over time, Tony ended up spending more and more time with the company because it was both the most fun and the most promising out of all the companies that he was involved with. He eventually joined Zappos full time in 2000. Under his leadership, Zappos has grown gross merchandise sales from $1.6M in 2000 to $840M in 2007 by focusing relentlessly on customer service.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Tony focuses on continuing to grow the business at a rapid pace while maintaining the culture and feel of a small company. Prior to joining Zappos, Tony co-founded Venture Frogs with Alfred Lin. Venture Frogs is an incubator and investment firm that invested in Internet startups, including Ask Jeeves, Tellme Networks, and of course, Zappos.com. Prior to Venture Frogs, Tony co-founded LinkExchange, an advertising network that was successfully sold to Microsoft for $265M in 1998.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Tony met Alfred Lin (COO/CFO) in college, when Tony was running a pizza business and Alfred was his #1 customer.</p>",
1061 "id": 28309,
1062 "twitter": "",
1063 "last_name": "Hsieh"
1064 }
1065 ],
1066 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1067 "id": 15376,
1068 "time": "2010-11-16T11:00:00",
1069 "pretty_time": "11:00am",
1070 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1071 },
1072 {
1073 "topics": [
1074 "Live Stream",
1075 "Point of Control"
1076 ],
1077 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1078 "end_time": "2010-11-16T15:00:00",
1079 "description": "TBD",
1080 "title": "Mobile Networks, A Discussion with AT&T",
1081 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15365",
1082 "date": "11/16/2010",
1083 "speakers": [
1084 {
1085 "icon": null,
1086 "first_name": "Tim",
1087 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_251.jpg",
1088 "position": "Founder and CEO",
1089 "name": "Tim O'Reilly",
1090 "affiliation": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
1091 "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/",
1092 "bio": "<p>Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Media</a>, Inc., thought by many to be the best computer book publisher in the world. O’Reilly Media also hosts conferences on technology topics, including the <a href=\"http://www.oscon.com/\">O’Reilly Open Source Convention</a>, the <a href=\"http://www.web2summit.com\">Web 2.0 Summit</a>, <a href=\"http://strataconf.com\">Strata: The Business of Data</a>, and many others. O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s Make: magazine and Maker Faire has been compared to the West Coast Computer Faire, which launched the personal computer revolution. Tim’s blog, <a href=\"http://radar.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Radar</a>, “watches the alpha geeks” to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of importance to the technical community. Tim is also a partner at <a href=\"http://oatv.com/\">O&#8217;Reilly AlphaTech Ventures</a>, O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s early stage venture firm, and is on the board of <a href=\"www.safaribooksonline.com/\">Safari Books Online</a>.</p>",
1093 "id": 251,
1094 "twitter": "timoreilly",
1095 "last_name": "O'Reilly"
1096 },
1097 {
1098 "icon": null,
1099 "first_name": "John",
1100 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_102523.jpg",
1101 "position": "CTO",
1102 "name": "John Donovan",
1103 "affiliation": "AT&T",
1104 "url": "",
1105 "bio": "<p>Mr. Donovan is chief technology officer for AT&#38;T. In this role, he oversees the company&#8217;s global technology direction and innovation road map, including product development, network and engineering operations, AT&#38;T Labs and the security and intellectual property organizations.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mr. Donovan previously was executive vice president of product, sales, marketing and operations at Verisign Inc., a technology company that provides Internet infrastructure services. At VeriSign, Mr. Donovan was responsible for leading VeriSign’s global sales organization, driving the expansion of broad solutions offerings, and integrating a global professional services capability.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before that, he was chairman and CEO of inCode Telecom Group Inc., where he helped shape strategic direction and positioning for wireless network operators around the globe. Previously, Mr. Donovan was a partner with Deloitte Consulting, where he was the Americas Industry Practice director for telecom.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He is chairman of the board of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) and is a director on the board of The Wholesale Applications Community (WAC).</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He has authored two books, The Value Enterprise, published in January 1998, and Value Creating Growth, published in 1999. Donovan received a B.S.E.E. from the University of Notre Dame and earned an M.B.A. in finance from the University of Minnesota.</p>",
1106 "id": 102523,
1107 "twitter": "",
1108 "last_name": "Donovan"
1109 }
1110 ],
1111 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1112 "id": 15365,
1113 "time": "2010-11-16T14:40:00",
1114 "pretty_time": "2:40pm",
1115 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1116 },
1117 {
1118 "topics": [],
1119 "room": "Sponsor Gallery",
1120 "end_time": "2010-11-15T19:00:00",
1121 "description": "Join us in the Sponsor Gallery immediately following sessions. Have a drink and some delectable nibbles, network with other Summit attendees, and visit our Sponsors at the leading edge of the Points of Control conversation.",
1122 "title": "Opening Reception, Sponsored by Comcast",
1123 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17404",
1124 "date": "11/15/2010",
1125 "speakers": [],
1126 "proposal_type": "Event",
1127 "id": 17404,
1128 "time": "2010-11-15T17:45:00",
1129 "pretty_time": "5:45pm",
1130 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1131 },
1132 {
1133 "topics": [
1134 "Live Stream"
1135 ],
1136 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1137 "end_time": "2010-11-15T14:35:00",
1138 "description": "TBD",
1139 "title": "Opening Welcome",
1140 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15731",
1141 "date": "11/15/2010",
1142 "speakers": [
1143 {
1144 "icon": null,
1145 "first_name": "John ",
1146 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
1147 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
1148 "name": "John Battelle",
1149 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
1150 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
1151 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
1152 "id": 6262,
1153 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
1154 "last_name": "Battelle"
1155 },
1156 {
1157 "icon": null,
1158 "first_name": "Tim",
1159 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_251.jpg",
1160 "position": "Founder and CEO",
1161 "name": "Tim O'Reilly",
1162 "affiliation": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
1163 "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/",
1164 "bio": "<p>Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Media</a>, Inc., thought by many to be the best computer book publisher in the world. O’Reilly Media also hosts conferences on technology topics, including the <a href=\"http://www.oscon.com/\">O’Reilly Open Source Convention</a>, the <a href=\"http://www.web2summit.com\">Web 2.0 Summit</a>, <a href=\"http://strataconf.com\">Strata: The Business of Data</a>, and many others. O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s Make: magazine and Maker Faire has been compared to the West Coast Computer Faire, which launched the personal computer revolution. Tim’s blog, <a href=\"http://radar.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Radar</a>, “watches the alpha geeks” to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of importance to the technical community. Tim is also a partner at <a href=\"http://oatv.com/\">O&#8217;Reilly AlphaTech Ventures</a>, O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s early stage venture firm, and is on the board of <a href=\"www.safaribooksonline.com/\">Safari Books Online</a>.</p>",
1165 "id": 251,
1166 "twitter": "timoreilly",
1167 "last_name": "O'Reilly"
1168 }
1169 ],
1170 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1171 "id": 15731,
1172 "time": "2010-11-15T14:30:00",
1173 "pretty_time": "2:30pm",
1174 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1175 },
1176 {
1177 "topics": [
1178 "High Order Bit",
1179 "Live Stream"
1180 ],
1181 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1182 "end_time": "2010-11-17T11:10:00",
1183 "description": "TBD",
1184 "title": "Picture Talking",
1185 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15400",
1186 "date": "11/17/2010",
1187 "speakers": [
1188 {
1189 "icon": null,
1190 "first_name": "Brian",
1191 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_74644.jpg",
1192 "position": "CEO",
1193 "name": "Brian Pokorny",
1194 "affiliation": "DailyBooth",
1195 "url": "http://www.dailybooth.com/",
1196 "bio": "<p>In March 2010 Brian Pokorny became the CEO of Dailybooth. Brian Pokorny was previously a general partner at SV Angel, where he focused on consumer-Internet investments within social media, mobile, and real-time data companies. Brian is an angel investor in Twitter, Square, Tweetdeck, Dailybooth, Bump, Blippy, Milo, Posterous, Chomp, Formspring, OMGPOP, and has advisory positions with Ooyala, Stitcher, and Rupture. Prior to SV Angel, he was a founding team member and partner at Baseline Ventures, a leading seed-stage investment firm, and earlier spent 3.5 years at Google in Sales and Content Partnerships. Before this, he had various roles within sales operations and finance at Juniper Networks, TIBCO Software, and Applied Materials. Brian graduated with a degree in Operations and Management Information Systems from Santa Clara University.</p>",
1197 "id": 74644,
1198 "twitter": "",
1199 "last_name": "Pokorny"
1200 }
1201 ],
1202 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1203 "id": 15400,
1204 "time": "2010-11-17T11:00:00",
1205 "pretty_time": "11:00am",
1206 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1207 },
1208 {
1209 "topics": [
1210 "High Order Bit",
1211 "Live Stream"
1212 ],
1213 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1214 "end_time": "2010-11-15T15:55:00",
1215 "description": "TBD",
1216 "title": "Playing for High Stakes in the New App Economy",
1217 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16287",
1218 "date": "11/15/2010",
1219 "speakers": [
1220 {
1221 "icon": null,
1222 "first_name": "Mark",
1223 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_8031.jpg",
1224 "position": "CEO and Founder",
1225 "name": "Mark Pincus",
1226 "affiliation": "Zynga",
1227 "url": "http://zynga.com/",
1228 "bio": "<p>Mark Pincus is a leading Internet entrepreneur, having founded and established four successful companies.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In January 2007, Mark founded Zynga and has grown the company to become the leading social games provider with over 235 million monthly active users playing its games. Mark has created a team of more than 700 employees including senior executives from EA, Yahoo! and others to create such hits as FarmVille, Café World, Zynga Poker, FishVille, Mafia Wars, PetVille and YoVille. In October 2009, Mark started Zynga.org which is committed to transforming the world through virtual social goods. Zynga.org has raised more than $3 million for several international nonprofits.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to Zynga, in 2003, Mark founded Tribe Networks (tribe.net), one of the first online communities and social networking sites, which foreshadowed the popularity of social networks.. Tribe partnered with major local newspapers and was funded by The Washington Post, Knight Ridder Digital and Mayfield Venture Capital. In 2007, Cisco purchased the core tribe.net assets to provide an initial platform for its digital media services group.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to Tribe, Mark co-founded SupportSoft, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRT), originally known as Support.com, a provider of service and support automation software. Mark served as chairman and CEO and led the company through its successful IPO to become one of the world’s leading publicly traded enterprise software companies. Mark’s initial Internet success came with Freeloader, the first web-based consumer push information service. Freeloader was acquired seven months after launch by Individual, Inc. for $38 million. Prior to Freeloader, Mark worked in various capacities in venture capital, business development and financial services.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mark is an advocate for entrepreneurs and regularly speaks at events such as GDC, Web 2.0 and SNAP Summit. In 2009, Mark was named “CEO of the Year” at the Crunchies. Mark earned his B.A. from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and his MBA from Harvard Business School. A native of Chicago, Mark has lived in several cities across U.S. including Philadelphia, Boston, Washington DC and Denver and currently resides in San Francisco with his wife and Lola, his American Bulldog.</p>",
1229 "id": 8031,
1230 "twitter": "",
1231 "last_name": "Pincus"
1232 }
1233 ],
1234 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1235 "id": 16287,
1236 "time": "2010-11-15T15:45:00",
1237 "pretty_time": "3:45pm",
1238 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1239 },
1240 {
1241 "topics": [
1242 "Live Stream",
1243 "Point of Control"
1244 ],
1245 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1246 "end_time": "2010-11-15T15:45:00",
1247 "description": "TBD",
1248 "title": "Point of Control: Commerce",
1249 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15369",
1250 "date": "11/15/2010",
1251 "speakers": [
1252 {
1253 "icon": null,
1254 "first_name": "Tim",
1255 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_251.jpg",
1256 "position": "Founder and CEO",
1257 "name": "Tim O'Reilly",
1258 "affiliation": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
1259 "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/",
1260 "bio": "<p>Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Media</a>, Inc., thought by many to be the best computer book publisher in the world. O’Reilly Media also hosts conferences on technology topics, including the <a href=\"http://www.oscon.com/\">O’Reilly Open Source Convention</a>, the <a href=\"http://www.web2summit.com\">Web 2.0 Summit</a>, <a href=\"http://strataconf.com\">Strata: The Business of Data</a>, and many others. O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s Make: magazine and Maker Faire has been compared to the West Coast Computer Faire, which launched the personal computer revolution. Tim’s blog, <a href=\"http://radar.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Radar</a>, “watches the alpha geeks” to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of importance to the technical community. Tim is also a partner at <a href=\"http://oatv.com/\">O&#8217;Reilly AlphaTech Ventures</a>, O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s early stage venture firm, and is on the board of <a href=\"www.safaribooksonline.com/\">Safari Books Online</a>.</p>",
1261 "id": 251,
1262 "twitter": "timoreilly",
1263 "last_name": "O'Reilly"
1264 },
1265 {
1266 "icon": null,
1267 "first_name": "Scott",
1268 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_68243.jpg",
1269 "position": "President",
1270 "name": "Scott Thompson",
1271 "affiliation": "PayPal, Inc.",
1272 "url": "",
1273 "bio": "<p>Scott Thompson is president of PayPal with overall responsibility for growing the global leader in online payments. Succeeding Rajiv Dutta in 2008, Scott previously served as PayPal&#8217;s senior vice president and chief technology officer where he oversaw information technology, product development, and architecture for PayPal.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to PayPal, Scott worked for Inovant, a subsidiary of Visa formed to oversee global technology for the organization. As executive vice president of technology solutions at Inovant, he was responsible for all development, support and maintenance of Visa&#8217;s global payment system.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Scott was also chief information officer of Barclays Global Investors, where he implemented a new strategic technology platform and global infrastructure. In addition, he has worked with Coopers and Lybrand, delivering information technology solutions to leading financial services clients such as Wells Fargo.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Scott received a bachelor&#8217;s degree in accounting and computer science from Stonehill College.</p>",
1274 "id": 68243,
1275 "twitter": "",
1276 "last_name": "Thompson"
1277 },
1278 {
1279 "icon": null,
1280 "first_name": "Keith ",
1281 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_16443.jpg",
1282 "position": "COO",
1283 "name": "Keith Rabois",
1284 "affiliation": "Square",
1285 "url": "",
1286 "bio": "<p>Keith Rabois is Chief Operating Officer at <a href=\"http://www.squareup.com\">Square</a>,\nthe innovative new payments company founded by Jack Dorsey that\nempowers anyone to accept payments everywhere. Keith oversees the\ncompany&#8217;s business operations including marketing, communications,\nbusiness development, distribution, human resources, and risk\nmanagement. Keith specializes in transforming early-stage startups\ninto successful businesses and has deep expertise in the financial\nservices industry and government affairs. An accomplished executive,\nentrepreneur and angel investor, Keith has held leadership roles at\nPayPal, LinkedIn, Slide and began his career practicing law at the\nprestigious Sullivan &#38; Cromwell. Keith was an early investor in\nseveral high-profile Internet companies including YouTube and\ncurrently serves on the board of directors of Yelp, Xoom, and Milo.\nKeith holds a JD from Harvard Law School and an undergraduate degree in\npolitical science from Stanford University.</p>",
1287 "id": 16443,
1288 "twitter": "",
1289 "last_name": "Rabois"
1290 },
1291 {
1292 "icon": null,
1293 "first_name": "Michael",
1294 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_88998.jpg",
1295 "position": "Founder & CEO",
1296 "name": "Michael Rubin",
1297 "affiliation": "GSI Commerce",
1298 "url": "http://www.gsicommerce.com/",
1299 "bio": "<p>Michael G. Rubin is founder and CEO of GSI Commerce Inc., a leading provider of e-commerce and interactive marketing solutions. With revenues of more than $1.0 billion, GSI’s services enable more than 500 of the world’s leading consumer brands and retailers to capture the full potential of the online channel.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>GSI delivers customized solutions through its three divisions: e-commerce services, interactive marketing services and consumer engagement. GSI’s global e-commerce platform provides technology, order fulfillment, customer care and all of the intricate processes that make online shopping possible. The company also offers a full suite of interactive marketing services through its Global Marketing Services division, which includes TrueAction, a full-service digital agency, and e-Dialog, one of the world’s leading e-mail marketing providers. GSI’s Consumer Engagement division provides brands and retailers a platform for online private sales through RueLaLa.com, and an online, off-price marketplace, SmartBargains.com</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Rubin started GSI in 1999 but has been a CEO his entire career. At age 12, he launched his first business in the basement of his family’s home. Today, at the age of 37, he is the leader of a fast-growing Internet company. This global organization employs 5,500 people, rising to over 10,000 employees during the holiday shopping season.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Having received numerous awards for his entrepreneurial skills and accomplishments, Rubin was named one of 2010’s “15 Most Powerful CEOs 40 and Under,” by Forbes magazine, and was recently featured on CBS’ hit television series Undercover Boss.</p>",
1300 "id": 88998,
1301 "twitter": "",
1302 "last_name": "Rubin"
1303 }
1304 ],
1305 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1306 "id": 15369,
1307 "time": "2010-11-15T15:10:00",
1308 "pretty_time": "3:10pm",
1309 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1310 },
1311 {
1312 "topics": [
1313 "Point of Control"
1314 ],
1315 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1316 "end_time": "2010-11-15T16:45:00",
1317 "description": "TBD",
1318 "title": "Point of Control: Consumer Platforms",
1319 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15364",
1320 "date": "11/15/2010",
1321 "speakers": [
1322 {
1323 "icon": null,
1324 "first_name": "John ",
1325 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_6262.jpg",
1326 "position": "Founder & Executive Chairman",
1327 "name": "John Battelle",
1328 "affiliation": "Federated Media Publishing Inc.",
1329 "url": "http://www.fmpub.net/",
1330 "bio": "<p>John Battelle, 45, is an entrepreneur, journalist, professor, and author who has founded or co-founded scores of online, conference, magazine, and other media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his work at Federated Media, one of the largest media companies on the Internet, Battelle continues to serve as the Executive Producer and Program Chair of the Web 2 Summit, as well as a partner with BoingBoing.net. Battelle also maintains Searchblog, an ongoing analysis site that covers the intersection of media, technology, and culture at <a href=\"http://www.battellemedia.com/\">www.battellemedia.com</a>.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Battelle occupied the Bloomberg chair in Business Journalism for the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He was Chairman and CEO of Standard Media International (SMI), publisher of The Industry Standard and TheStandard.com. Prior to that, he was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine and Wired Ventures.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2005 Battelle authored The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (Penguin/Portfolio), an international bestseller published in more than 25 languages. He is at work on his second book, with the working title What We Hath Wrought: A History of the Internet’s Next 30 Years. He is an expert in the field of media and technology, and has appeared on many national and international news channels such as CBS, BBC, CNN, PBS, Discovery, CNBC, and dozens more.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle was a founding Board member of the Online Publishers Association and currently sits on the board of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. He sits on various startup advisory boards and served for nearly a decade on the Board of his children&#8217;s school.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Battelle’s honors and awards include: &#8220;Global Leader for Tomorrow&#8221; and &#8220;Young Global Leader&#8221; by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; finalist rank in the &#8220;Entrepreneur of the Year&#8221; competition by Ernst &#38; Young; &#8220;Innovator &#8211; One of Ten Best Marketers in the Business&#8221;by Advertising Age; and one of the &#8220;Most Important People on The Web&#8221; by PCWorld. Battelle holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a master&#8217;s degrees in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.</p>",
1331 "id": 6262,
1332 "twitter": "johnbattelle",
1333 "last_name": "Battelle"
1334 },
1335 {
1336 "icon": null,
1337 "first_name": "Nikesh",
1338 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_93317.jpg",
1339 "position": "President, Global Sales Operations and Business Development ",
1340 "name": "Nikesh Arora",
1341 "affiliation": "Google",
1342 "url": "",
1343 "bio": "<p>Nikesh oversees all revenue and customer operations, as well as marketing and partnerships. Since joining Google in 2004, he has held several positions with the company. Most recently, he led Google&#8217;s global direct sales operations. He also developed and managed the company&#8217;s operations in the European, Middle Eastern and African markets and was responsible for creating and expanding strategic partnerships in those regions for the benefit of Google&#8217;s growing number of users and advertisers.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>With a background as an analyst, Nikesh&#8217;s main areas of focus have been consulting, IT, marketing and finance. Prior to joining Google, he was Chief Marketing Officer and a member of the management board at T-Mobile. While there, he spearheaded all product development, terminals, brand and marketing activities of T-Mobile Europe. In 1999, he started working with Deutsche Telekom and founded T-Motion PLC, a mobile multimedia subsidiary of T-Mobile International. Prior to joining Deutsche Telekom, Nikesh held management positions at Putnam Investments and Fidelity Investments in Boston.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Nikesh holds a Master&#8217;s degree from Boston College and an MBA from Northeastern University, both of which were awarded with distinction. He also holds the CFA designation. In 1989, Nikesh graduated from the Institute of Technology in Varanasi, India, with a bachelor&#8217;s degree in electrical engineering.</p>",
1344 "id": 93317,
1345 "twitter": "",
1346 "last_name": "Arora"
1347 },
1348 {
1349 "icon": null,
1350 "first_name": "John",
1351 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_101402.jpg",
1352 "position": "Chief Marketing Officer",
1353 "name": "John Hayes",
1354 "affiliation": "American Express",
1355 "url": "",
1356 "bio": "<p>American Express has been at the forefront of innovation and reinvention throughout its 160-year history. Chief Marketing Officer, John Hayes has continued the company’s legacy of customer-focused innovation, which remains the hallmark of American Express today. For the past 15 years, John has overseen American Express’s global marketing efforts, shaping both the company and its brand.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to overseeing marketing strategies and product development, John leads the company’s global brand management, advertising, digital marketing, corporate sponsorships, market research and publishing organizations. He has been the force behind marketing campaigns such as “My life. My card.” and has created and led over 200 new product launches including the coveted Centurion card and Blue from American Express.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>John is recognized as a thought leader and market-mover in a constantly changing marketplace.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He believes that the chief challenge for brands today isn’t customer awareness; it’s customer engagement.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to joining American Express, John was the President of Lowe and Partners, and held senior positions at Geer DuBois, Ammirati &#38; Puris and Saatchi &#38; Saatchi Compton.</p>",
1357 "id": 101402,
1358 "twitter": "",
1359 "last_name": "Hayes"
1360 },
1361 {
1362 "icon": null,
1363 "first_name": "Yusuf",
1364 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_4211.jpg",
1365 "position": "Sr Vice President, Online Audience Business",
1366 "name": "Yusuf Mehdi",
1367 "affiliation": "Microsoft",
1368 "url": "http://www.bing.com/",
1369 "bio": "<p>As senior vice president of the Online Audience Business, Yusuf Mehdi has revenue and market share responsibility for the Bing and MSN businesses at Microsoft. His team leads global product management, strategic partnerships, business development and US marketing execution.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before his current role, Mehdi served as Microsoft&#8217;s chief advertising strategist and senior vice president of Strategic Partnerships. He negotiated a number of strategic agreements, including the US$6 billion purchase of aQuantive, Inc.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, Mehdi led research and development for the Information Services division during which time he led an 1,800-person engineering team to develop and launch Microsoft&#8217;s initial web search platform and next generation advertising platform in Microsoft adCenter.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior, Mehdi was responsible for the marketing of Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 1.0 through 5.0, and under his direction, Internet Explorer became the world&#8217;s most popular software for browsing the Web.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mehdi began his career at Microsoft in 1992, playing key roles in the launch and marketing of Microsoft Windows, including the notable releases of Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Microsoft in 1992, Mehdi was a product manager at Reuters Group PLC, where he helped roll out the first PC-based Reuters Terminal, which became the standard computing platform for the company.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>A native of Washington, Mehdi earned a bachelor&#8217;s degree in economics from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Washington. He and his wife and three children live in Washington.</p>",
1370 "id": 4211,
1371 "twitter": "",
1372 "last_name": "Mehdi"
1373 }
1374 ],
1375 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1376 "id": 15364,
1377 "time": "2010-11-15T16:10:00",
1378 "pretty_time": "4:10pm",
1379 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1380 },
1381 {
1382 "topics": [
1383 "Point of Control"
1384 ],
1385 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1386 "end_time": "2010-11-17T16:30:00",
1387 "description": "TBD",
1388 "title": "Point of Control: Content",
1389 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15363",
1390 "date": "11/17/2010",
1391 "speakers": [
1392 {
1393 "icon": null,
1394 "first_name": "John",
1395 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40504.jpg",
1396 "position": "National Political Columnist & Correspondent",
1397 "name": "John Heilemann",
1398 "affiliation": "New York Magazine",
1399 "url": "",
1400 "bio": "<p>John Heilemann writes “The Power Grid” column for New York magazine, as well as longer features. An award-winning journalist and author, he has covered politics, business, and their intersection for nearly two decades, in America and abroad. His recent cover stories for New York have included “Obama Is From Mars, Wall Street Is From Venus,” a look at the dysfunctional relationship between Obama and Wall Street and the push for financial reform; “Obama Lost, Obama Found,” an assessment of the president’s first year in the Oval Office; and “Inside Obama’s Economic Brain Trust,” on the White House’s efforts to rescue the American economy from ruin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s book about the 2008 presidential election, “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,” coauthored with Time’s Mark Halperin was published by HarperCollins in January 2010; it spent seven weeks in the #1 spot on the New York Times best seller list. Game Change is being developed into a movie by HBO Films, and Heilemann and Halperin are set to write a sequel covering the 2012 election for Penguin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann is a former correspondent and columnist for The Economist and Wired (where his coverage of the Microsoft antitrust trial made him a finalist for a National Magazine Award) and a former staff writer for The New Yorker. His book Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era was named by BusinessWeek (among others) as one of the best books of 2001. His four-part documentary on the World Wide Web aired on Discovery in 2008.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s writing has been anthologized in “The Best American Political Writing” three times (2005, 2007, and 2008) and in “The Best American Crime Writing” (2006). He appears regularly as a commentator on Morning Joe, The Chris Matthews Show, Hardball, and Charlie Rose, as well as other shows on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. A native of Los Angeles, he lives in Brooklyn.</p>",
1401 "id": 40504,
1402 "twitter": "",
1403 "last_name": "Heilemann"
1404 },
1405 {
1406 "icon": null,
1407 "first_name": "Reed",
1408 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_27030.jpg",
1409 "position": "CEO",
1410 "name": "Reed Hastings",
1411 "affiliation": "Netflix",
1412 "url": "",
1413 "bio": "<p>Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix in 1997 and launched the subscription service in 1999. Netflix grew to one million subscribers in less than four years, and reached 12.3 million subscribers by the end of 2009.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In nine out of ten surveys since 2005 Netflix has been ranked number one in customer satisfaction across all of ecommerce by independent researcher ForeSee Results. In 2010, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ASCI) ranked Netflix number one for customer satisfaction among all e-retail, e-brokerage and e-travel sites. In the fall of 2005, Netflix was the winner of Fast Company&#8217;s national Customers First Award, with Reed appearing on the cover of the October issue.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Also in 2005, Time magazine added Reed to its &#8220;Time 100&#8221; list of the 100 most influential global citizens. Newsweek wrote that &#8220;Netflix revolutionized the way we watch movies.&#8221; In March 2010, Barron’s included Reed among its 30 most respected CEOs of the year.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In March 2007 Reed was appointed to Microsoft Corp.’s board of directors and he was inducted into the Video Business Hall of Fame in December.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Earlier in his career, Reed founded Pure Software, which he built into one of the world’s 50 largest public software companies. After a successful public offering and a number of acquisitions, Pure was acquired by Rational Software in 1997.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Reed is an active educational philanthropist and board member of many non-profits. In addition, he was President of the California State Board of Education from 2000 to 2004. He has led successful statewide political campaigns for more charter public schools and easier passage of local school bonds.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Reed received a BA from Bowdoin College in 1983 and an MSCS degree from Stanford University in 1988. He holds several patents. Between Bowdoin and Stanford, Reed served in the U.S. Peace Corps as a high school math teacher in Swaziland.</p>",
1414 "id": 27030,
1415 "twitter": "",
1416 "last_name": "Hastings"
1417 },
1418 {
1419 "icon": null,
1420 "first_name": "Peter",
1421 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_98374.jpg",
1422 "position": "Founder",
1423 "name": "Peter Chernin",
1424 "affiliation": "Chernin Entertainment & The Chernin Group",
1425 "url": "",
1426 "bio": "<p>Peter Chernin currently owns and runs Chernin Entertainment, which produces motion pictures and television programs, and The Chernin Group, which pursues strategic opportunities in media, technology, and entertainment.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to starting Chernin Entertainment and The Chernin Group in 2009, Mr. Chernin served as President and Chief Operating Officer of News Corporation, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Fox Group, where he oversaw the global operations of the company’s film, television, satellite, cable, and digital media businesses.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Under his leadership, News Corporation gained a reputation as one of the most successful, forward-thinking media companies of its time. With a primary focus on the company’s entertainment and digital assets, Mr. Chernin helped catapult virtually all the company’s businesses into leadership positions. Twentieth Century Fox Film celebrated consistent record operating profits and was home to one of the most critically acclaimed specialty labels, Fox Searchlight. The Fox Broadcasting Company held the number one position in all key demographics year after year. Twentieth Century Fox Television grew to be the leading supplier of entertainment programming. And the company’s cable and satellite programming experienced explosive growth – reaching hundreds of millions of people around the globe in less than 10 years.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>While at News Corp, Mr. Chernin played an instrumental role in preparing the company for the digital age. He led the company’s highly successful expansion into the broadband and mobile markets, through the creation of Fox Interactive Media, Hulu, Jamba, and other digital properties.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mr. Chernin has gained a reputation as an executive with a unique mastery of both the creative and corporate sides of the media business. Prior to his President and COO post at News Corporation, he headed Twentieth Century Fox Filmed Entertainment and, earlier, the Fox Broadcasting Company. He has also had oversight of Fox’s tremendous growth in sports, cable and general entertainment television programming and distribution in the U.S. and internationally.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to joining News Corporation, Mr. Chernin served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Lorimar Film Entertainment. Earlier, he was Executive Vice President, Programming and Marketing for Showtime/The Movie Channel Inc. Previously, Mr. Chernin was in television production and book publishing.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mr. Chernin sits on the Boards of American Express and Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. He is also Chairman of Malaria No More, a non-profit dedicated to ending deaths due to malaria.</p>",
1427 "id": 98374,
1428 "twitter": "",
1429 "last_name": "Chernin"
1430 }
1431 ],
1432 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1433 "id": 15363,
1434 "time": "2010-11-17T16:00:00",
1435 "pretty_time": "4:00pm",
1436 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1437 },
1438 {
1439 "topics": [
1440 "Live Stream",
1441 "Point of Control"
1442 ],
1443 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1444 "end_time": "2010-11-17T10:45:00",
1445 "description": "TBD",
1446 "title": "Point of Control: Education",
1447 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16120",
1448 "date": "11/17/2010",
1449 "speakers": [
1450 {
1451 "icon": null,
1452 "first_name": "John",
1453 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40504.jpg",
1454 "position": "National Political Columnist & Correspondent",
1455 "name": "John Heilemann",
1456 "affiliation": "New York Magazine",
1457 "url": "",
1458 "bio": "<p>John Heilemann writes “The Power Grid” column for New York magazine, as well as longer features. An award-winning journalist and author, he has covered politics, business, and their intersection for nearly two decades, in America and abroad. His recent cover stories for New York have included “Obama Is From Mars, Wall Street Is From Venus,” a look at the dysfunctional relationship between Obama and Wall Street and the push for financial reform; “Obama Lost, Obama Found,” an assessment of the president’s first year in the Oval Office; and “Inside Obama’s Economic Brain Trust,” on the White House’s efforts to rescue the American economy from ruin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s book about the 2008 presidential election, “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,” coauthored with Time’s Mark Halperin was published by HarperCollins in January 2010; it spent seven weeks in the #1 spot on the New York Times best seller list. Game Change is being developed into a movie by HBO Films, and Heilemann and Halperin are set to write a sequel covering the 2012 election for Penguin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann is a former correspondent and columnist for The Economist and Wired (where his coverage of the Microsoft antitrust trial made him a finalist for a National Magazine Award) and a former staff writer for The New Yorker. His book Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era was named by BusinessWeek (among others) as one of the best books of 2001. His four-part documentary on the World Wide Web aired on Discovery in 2008.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s writing has been anthologized in “The Best American Political Writing” three times (2005, 2007, and 2008) and in “The Best American Crime Writing” (2006). He appears regularly as a commentator on Morning Joe, The Chris Matthews Show, Hardball, and Charlie Rose, as well as other shows on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. A native of Los Angeles, he lives in Brooklyn.</p>",
1459 "id": 40504,
1460 "twitter": "",
1461 "last_name": "Heilemann"
1462 },
1463 {
1464 "icon": null,
1465 "first_name": "Ted",
1466 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_102571.jpg",
1467 "position": "President and CEO",
1468 "name": "Ted Mitchell",
1469 "affiliation": "NewSchools Venture Fund",
1470 "url": "",
1471 "bio": "<p>Ted Mitchell is the President and CEO of NewSchools Venture Fund. He also serves as President of the California State Board of Education. He serves on the board of directors of <a href=\"http://www.laalliance.org/\">Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools</a>, <a href=\"http://bellwethereducation.org/\">Bellwether Education Partners</a>, <a href=\"http://www.encorpsteachers.org/\">EnCorps</a>, <a href=\"http://www.friendshipschools.org/\">Friendship Public Charter School</a>, <a href=\"http://www.greendotpublicschools.org/\">Green Dot Public Schools</a>, and <a href=\"http://www.nlns.org/\">New Leaders for New Schools</a>.\nPrior to taking the helm at NewSchools in 2005, Ted served as president of Occidental College in Los Angeles. He has also served as Deputy to the President at Stanford University, Vice Chancellor and Dean of the School of Education and Information Studies at University of California &#8211; Los Angeles, and as Professor and Chair of the Department of Education at Dartmouth College.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Ted Mitchell is a national leader in the effort to provide high-quality education for all students and has long been active in educational reform initiatives throughout California and Los Angeles. He chaired the Governor&#8217;s Committee on Educational Excellence, charged with making recommendations to improve California&#8217;s system of K-12 finance and governance, and currently serves on the California P-16 Council and chairs the Commission on Teacher Effectiveness for the Los Angeles Unified School District. In addition, he has been an active board member for a number of high-performing organizations, including Children Now, ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career, The McClatchy Company, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, as well as eight years of service on the NewSchools board before becoming CEO. He also serves on the advisory council for Stanford University&#8217;s Initiative on Improving K-12 Education and the advisory board of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Innovation Fund.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Ted graduated from Stanford with bachelor&#8217;s degrees in economics and history, and also earned a master&#8217;s degree in history and a doctorate in education there. He lives in southern California with his wife, Christine Beckman, who is a professor of strategy and management at the Paul Merage School of Business at University of California-Irvine, and their children Caroline and Theo.</p>",
1472 "id": 102571,
1473 "twitter": "",
1474 "last_name": "Mitchell"
1475 },
1476 {
1477 "icon": null,
1478 "first_name": "Diana",
1479 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_43443.jpg",
1480 "position": "Co-founder & Co-director",
1481 "name": "Diana Rhoten",
1482 "affiliation": "Startl",
1483 "url": "http://www.startl.org/",
1484 "bio": "<p>A social entrepreneur and researcher, Diana has spent her professional life designing and strategizing new organizational models and technological approaches that catalyze innovation.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Currently, Diana is the co-founder and co-director of a new social enterprise called <a href=\"http://www.startl.org\">Startl</a>. Launched publicly in 2010, Startl is a social enterprise dedicated to accelerating digital products for learning – from kindergarten to college, inside and outside the classroom. Startl recruits innovators and entrepreneurs, immerses them in rigorous product design and business development processes, and helps them build socially responsible and fiscally sustainable start-ups that will change the future of learning. In this way, Startl seeks to do for the nascent digital media and learning market what the Sundance Institute has done for the independent film community: support promising talent, stimulate alternative products, and open new distribution channels.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>At the same time, Diana is also leading a host of New York City institutions—including the New York Public Library, American Museum of Natural History, Museum for African Art, Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, Wildlife Conservation Society—through an adaptive design and experimental change process. The goal of this <a href=\"http://www.newyouthcity.org\">New Youth City Learning Network</a> project is to create new partnerships and pathways that help young people connect different learning opportunities through online tools and offline experiences.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2004, Diana established the Knowledge Institutions program at the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) to support the transformation of organizations focused on knowledge production and dissemination. Current projects look at the mounting challenges to public higher education, new models for scientific innovation and collaboration, and the social and technical factors that drive individual and collective creativity. While in her role at the SSRC, Diana also served a two-year appointment to the National Science Foundation, where she was the founding program director of the Virtual Organizations and the Cyberlearning programs.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Over the course of her career, Diana has worked with various clients on the design of new organizational strategies and structures for innovation, ranging from large-scale international agencies and national research centers to medium-scale technology corporations and small-scale not-for-profit entities. She has also published in numerous academic journals, including Science, Nature, Minerva, Thesis Eleven, and The Annual Review of Law and Social Science. Her recently completed volume entitled Knowledge Matters: The Public Mission of the University will be available in December 2010. For both her practical applications and theoretical contributions in this area, Diana was named a Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer (2005-2007), an award that honors individuals at the leading edge of science.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to coming to New York, Diana was the co-founder and research director of the Hybrid Vigor Institute in San Francisco, an assistant professor at Stanford University School of Education, a Fulbright fellow in Argentina, and a policy analyst and advisor for former Massachusetts Governor William Weld. She has a Ph.D. in international development and education and an M.A. in sociology from Stanford University, as well as an M.Ed. from Harvard University and a B.A. from Brown University.</p>",
1485 "id": 43443,
1486 "twitter": "",
1487 "last_name": "Rhoten"
1488 },
1489 {
1490 "icon": null,
1491 "first_name": "Davis",
1492 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_102587.jpg",
1493 "position": "Director",
1494 "name": "Davis Guggenheim",
1495 "affiliation": "Waiting for Superman",
1496 "url": "",
1497 "bio": "<p>Davis Guggenheim is a critically acclaimed, Academy Award-winning director\nand producer, whose early work includes many television dramas such as\nDEADWOOD, NYPD BLUE and 24. He transitioned into directing non-fiction films\nwith THE FIRST YEAR, which aired on PBS in 2001 and won a Peabody Award. AN\nINCONVENIENT TRUTH, featuring former Vice President Al Gore, was\nTheatrically distributed by Paramount in 2006, won an Academy Award for Best Documentary.\nIT MIGHT GET LOUD, featuring Jimmy Page, The Edge and Jack White was\ntheatrically distributed by Sony Pictures Classics in 2009. Guggenheim also\ndirected Barack Obama&#8217;s biographical film for the 2008 Democratic National\nConvention, as well as Obama&#8217;s 30-minute primetime infomercial.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Guggenheim&#8217;s latest film, WAITING FOR SUPERMAN, due out in the fall of 2010,\nhas been given theatrical distribution by Paramount. It premiered at the\n2010 Sundance Film Festival and took home the Best US Documentary Audience Award.</p>",
1498 "id": 102587,
1499 "twitter": "",
1500 "last_name": "Guggenheim"
1501 }
1502 ],
1503 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1504 "id": 16120,
1505 "time": "2010-11-17T10:15:00",
1506 "pretty_time": "10:15am",
1507 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1508 },
1509 {
1510 "topics": [
1511 "Point of Control"
1512 ],
1513 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1514 "end_time": "2010-11-16T16:50:00",
1515 "description": "TBD",
1516 "title": "Point of Control: Finance",
1517 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15375",
1518 "date": "11/16/2010",
1519 "speakers": [
1520 {
1521 "icon": null,
1522 "first_name": "John",
1523 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40504.jpg",
1524 "position": "National Political Columnist & Correspondent",
1525 "name": "John Heilemann",
1526 "affiliation": "New York Magazine",
1527 "url": "",
1528 "bio": "<p>John Heilemann writes “The Power Grid” column for New York magazine, as well as longer features. An award-winning journalist and author, he has covered politics, business, and their intersection for nearly two decades, in America and abroad. His recent cover stories for New York have included “Obama Is From Mars, Wall Street Is From Venus,” a look at the dysfunctional relationship between Obama and Wall Street and the push for financial reform; “Obama Lost, Obama Found,” an assessment of the president’s first year in the Oval Office; and “Inside Obama’s Economic Brain Trust,” on the White House’s efforts to rescue the American economy from ruin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s book about the 2008 presidential election, “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime,” coauthored with Time’s Mark Halperin was published by HarperCollins in January 2010; it spent seven weeks in the #1 spot on the New York Times best seller list. Game Change is being developed into a movie by HBO Films, and Heilemann and Halperin are set to write a sequel covering the 2012 election for Penguin.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann is a former correspondent and columnist for The Economist and Wired (where his coverage of the Microsoft antitrust trial made him a finalist for a National Magazine Award) and a former staff writer for The New Yorker. His book Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era was named by BusinessWeek (among others) as one of the best books of 2001. His four-part documentary on the World Wide Web aired on Discovery in 2008.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Heilemann’s writing has been anthologized in “The Best American Political Writing” three times (2005, 2007, and 2008) and in “The Best American Crime Writing” (2006). He appears regularly as a commentator on Morning Joe, The Chris Matthews Show, Hardball, and Charlie Rose, as well as other shows on CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. A native of Los Angeles, he lives in Brooklyn.</p>",
1529 "id": 40504,
1530 "twitter": "",
1531 "last_name": "Heilemann"
1532 },
1533 {
1534 "icon": null,
1535 "first_name": "Fred",
1536 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_25307.jpg",
1537 "position": "Managing Partner",
1538 "name": "Fred Wilson",
1539 "affiliation": "Union Square Ventures ",
1540 "url": "",
1541 "bio": "<p>Fred Wilson began his career in venture capital in 1987. He has focused exclusively on information technology investments for the past 17 years. From 1987 to 1996, Fred was first an Associate and then a General Partner at Euclid Partners, a New York based, early stage, venture capital firm founded in 1970. At Euclid Partners, Fred was responsible for a number of investments, including Freeloader, Multex, PowerCenter Systems and UCA&#38;L. In 1996, Fred co-founded Flatiron Partners. While at Flatiron, Fred was responsible for 14 investments including, ITXC, Patagon, Starmedia, TheStreet.com and Yoyodyne. Fred currently serves on the boards of Alacra, Comscore, iBiquity, Return Path, Instant Information and Tacoda Systems. Fred has a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and an MBA from The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Fred is married with three kids and lives in New York City.</p>",
1542 "id": 25307,
1543 "twitter": "",
1544 "last_name": "Wilson"
1545 },
1546 {
1547 "icon": null,
1548 "first_name": "John",
1549 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_40992.jpg",
1550 "position": "Partner",
1551 "name": "John Doerr",
1552 "affiliation": "Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers",
1553 "url": "http://www.kpcb.com/",
1554 "bio": "<p>John Doerr joined Intel in 1974 just as they invented the famous &#8220;8080&#8221; \n8 bit microprocessor. At Intel he held various engineering, marketing\nand management assignments, and was one of their top-ranked sales\nexecutives.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 1980 he joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield &#38; Byers and sponsored a\nseries of investments including Compaq, Cypress, Intuit, Netscape,\nLotus, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, S3, Sun Microsystems, Amazon.com,\nSymantec and Google. He was the founding CEO of Silicon Compilers.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Amazon.com, Move.com,\nand Google. The privately-held company boards include Zazzle, Miasole,\nBloom Energy, and Spatial Photonics. He holds patents for computer\nmemory devices he invented as a design engineer at Monsanto. John&#8217;s\ninterests include the Internet, green/clean technology, biotechnology,\ngenomics and improving K-12 education.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>John Doerr was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He holds Bachelor&#8217;s and\nMaster&#8217;s Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and an\nMBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.</p>",
1555 "id": 40992,
1556 "twitter": "",
1557 "last_name": "Doerr"
1558 }
1559 ],
1560 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1561 "id": 15375,
1562 "time": "2010-11-16T16:15:00",
1563 "pretty_time": "4:15pm",
1564 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1565 },
1566 {
1567 "topics": [
1568 "Live Stream",
1569 "Point of Control"
1570 ],
1571 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1572 "end_time": "2010-11-17T12:50:00",
1573 "description": "TBD",
1574 "title": "Point of Control: Location Based Services",
1575 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15361",
1576 "date": "11/17/2010",
1577 "speakers": [
1578 {
1579 "icon": null,
1580 "first_name": "Brady",
1581 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_358.jpg",
1582 "position": "Tech Evangelist",
1583 "name": "Brady Forrest",
1584 "affiliation": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
1585 "url": "http://radar.oreilly.com/brady",
1586 "bio": "<p>Brady Forrest is Program Chair for O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s <a href=\"http://whereconf.com/\">Where</a> and co-chair for <a href=\"http://androidopen.com/\">Android Open</a> . Additionally, he co-chaired the <a href=\"http://web2expo.com/\">Web 2.0 Expo</a> in San Francisco and NYC. Brady writes for <a href=\"http://radar.oreilly.com/\">O&#8217;Reilly Radar</a> tracking changes in technology. He previously worked at Microsoft on Live Search (he came to Microsoft when it acquired MongoMusic). Brady lives in Seattle, where he <a href=\"http://www.gravitybowl.com/\">builds cars for Burning Man</a> and runs <a href=\"http://igniteseattle.com/\">Ignite</a>. You can track his web travels at <a href=\"http://trufflehoney.com/\">Truffle Honey</a>.</p>",
1587 "id": 358,
1588 "twitter": "brady",
1589 "last_name": "Forrest"
1590 },
1591 {
1592 "icon": null,
1593 "first_name": "Jeremy",
1594 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_75226.jpg",
1595 "position": "Co-founder and CEO",
1596 "name": "Jeremy Stoppelman",
1597 "affiliation": "Yelp",
1598 "url": "http://yelp.com/",
1599 "bio": "<p>Jeremy co-founded Yelp Inc. in July 2004 with former colleague Russel Simmons. Prior to Yelp, Jeremy was the VP of engineering at PayPal. He left PayPal in the summer of 2003 to attend Harvard Business School. He joined a start-up incubator in the Summer of 2004 and left Harvard to launch Yelp. Jeremy holds a B.S. in computer engineering from the University of Illinois.</p>",
1600 "id": 75226,
1601 "twitter": "",
1602 "last_name": "Stoppelman"
1603 },
1604 {
1605 "icon": null,
1606 "first_name": "Matt",
1607 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_16523.jpg",
1608 "position": "CEO",
1609 "name": "Matt Galligan",
1610 "affiliation": "SimpleGeo",
1611 "url": "http://simplegeo.com/",
1612 "bio": "<p>Matt Galligan, 25, is the CEO and Co-Founder of <a href=\"http://simplegeo.com/\">SimpleGeo</a>, based out of Boulder, CO that provides a ready-to-use location infrastructure for app developers. He previously founded Socialthing, a company that was chosen to be part of the inaugural year of TechStars. Socialthing.com went into private beta in March, 2008 at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas. The company was acquired five months later by AOL. Socialthing was later rebranded as AOL Lifestream.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Matt currently resides in Boulder, CO and is an active member of the startup community there.</p>",
1613 "id": 16523,
1614 "twitter": "",
1615 "last_name": "Galligan"
1616 },
1617 {
1618 "icon": null,
1619 "first_name": "Cyriac",
1620 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_43267.jpg",
1621 "position": "Co-founder and CEO",
1622 "name": "Cyriac Roeding",
1623 "affiliation": "shopkick",
1624 "url": "",
1625 "bio": "<p>Cyriac Roeding is the Co-Founder and CEO of shopkick Inc., focused on bridging the mobile and the physical retail worlds. shopkick’s first mobile application CauseWorld turned into the fastest-growing and one of the largest mobile retail applications on the iPhone App Store and on Google Android within weeks after launch. shopkick was funded in 2009 by Kleiner Perkins Caufield &#38; Byers (KPCB), as part of its “iFund,” in cooperation with Apple, and by Reid Hoffman, Founder of LinkedIn and investor in Facebook. Previously, Roeding spent a year at Kleiner Perkins Caufield &#38; Byers as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence to identify next-generation cross-platform mobile and online venture concepts. \nPrior, Cyriac was Founder and EVP of CBS Mobile. He launched CBS Corporation’s (NYSE: CBS) mobile businesses across CBS Entertainment, CBS Sports, CBS News and the CW Network. In partnerships with technology start-ups, he created U.S. industry firsts such as location-based mobile advertising, mobile video breaking news and sports alerts, and avatar-based mobile games tied to major TV shows. He grew CBS Sports Mobile into one of the Top Ten highest traffic ad-supported mobile websites in the U.S.; created the first virtual reality video gaming experience across TV, online and mobile with &#8220;CSI: NY&#8221;; and launched the first Alternate Reality Game with full primetime TV drama episode (Numb3rs) and outdoor billboard integration.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to CBS, Cyriac was the Co-Founder of 12snap, a European mobile marketing and entertainment company with clients such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, L’Oreal, adidas and MTV Europe. Before that, he developed growth strategies at McKinsey &#38; Company for global media, software and high-tech players in Europe and in Silicon Valley.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Cyriac has received several industry honors, including the first Lion Awards for mobile concepts at the Cannes Lion Festival in France (in 2003 and 2004). In 2007 and 2008, Cyriac and his team received the only Emmy Award nominations for Mobile. For 2007, he was elected as Global and North American Chairman of the MMA, with 600 member companies worldwide.\nCyriac received a master’s degree summa cum laude in engineering and business administration from Germany’s Technical University of Karlsruhe, and studied Japanese management at Sophia University in Tokyo.</p>",
1626 "id": 43267,
1627 "twitter": "",
1628 "last_name": "Roeding"
1629 }
1630 ],
1631 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1632 "id": 15361,
1633 "time": "2010-11-17T12:15:00",
1634 "pretty_time": "12:15pm",
1635 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1636 },
1637 {
1638 "topics": [
1639 "Point of Control"
1640 ],
1641 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1642 "end_time": "2010-11-17T15:15:00",
1643 "description": "TBD",
1644 "title": "Point of Control: The Cloud",
1645 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15372",
1646 "date": "11/17/2010",
1647 "speakers": [
1648 {
1649 "icon": null,
1650 "first_name": "Tim",
1651 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_251.jpg",
1652 "position": "Founder and CEO",
1653 "name": "Tim O'Reilly",
1654 "affiliation": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
1655 "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/",
1656 "bio": "<p>Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Media</a>, Inc., thought by many to be the best computer book publisher in the world. O’Reilly Media also hosts conferences on technology topics, including the <a href=\"http://www.oscon.com/\">O’Reilly Open Source Convention</a>, the <a href=\"http://www.web2summit.com\">Web 2.0 Summit</a>, <a href=\"http://strataconf.com\">Strata: The Business of Data</a>, and many others. O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s Make: magazine and Maker Faire has been compared to the West Coast Computer Faire, which launched the personal computer revolution. Tim’s blog, <a href=\"http://radar.oreilly.com/\">O’Reilly Radar</a>, “watches the alpha geeks” to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of importance to the technical community. Tim is also a partner at <a href=\"http://oatv.com/\">O&#8217;Reilly AlphaTech Ventures</a>, O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s early stage venture firm, and is on the board of <a href=\"www.safaribooksonline.com/\">Safari Books Online</a>.</p>",
1657 "id": 251,
1658 "twitter": "timoreilly",
1659 "last_name": "O'Reilly"
1660 },
1661 {
1662 "icon": null,
1663 "first_name": "Paul",
1664 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_28559.jpg",
1665 "position": "President & CEO",
1666 "name": "Paul Maritz",
1667 "affiliation": "VMware, Inc.",
1668 "url": "http://www.vmware.com/",
1669 "bio": "<p>Paul Maritz joined VMware in July 2008 as President and CEO. Prior to joining VMware, he was President of EMC&#8217;s Cloud Infrastructure and Services Division after the company acquired Pi in February 2008 where he was the founder and CEO. Before founding Pi, he spent 14 years working at Microsoft, where he served as a member of the five-person Executive Committee that managed the overall company. As Vice President of the Platform Strategy and Developer Group, among other roles, he oversaw the development and marketing of System Software Products (including Windows 95, Windows NT, and Windows 2000), Development Tools (Visual Studio) and Database Products (SQL Server) and the complete Office and Exchange Product Lines. Prior to Microsoft, he spent five years working at Intel as a software and tools developer.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Born and raised in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Paul is a graduate in Mathematics and Computer Science of the Universities of Cape Town and Natal in South Africa. He serves on the board of VMware and several privately-held software companies. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of the Grameen Foundation, which sponsors third-world development projects and provides microfinance support around the world. He has an active interest in wildlife issues and in using technology to improve life in developing countries.</p>",
1670 "id": 28559,
1671 "twitter": "",
1672 "last_name": "Maritz"
1673 },
1674 {
1675 "icon": null,
1676 "first_name": "Marc",
1677 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_24836.jpg",
1678 "position": "Chairman & CEO",
1679 "name": "Marc Benioff",
1680 "affiliation": "salesforce.com",
1681 "url": "http://www.salesforce.com/",
1682 "bio": "<p>Marc Benioff is chairman and CEO of salesforce.com. He founded the company in 1999 with a vision to create an on-demand information management service that would replace traditional enterprise software technology. Benioff is regarded as the leader of what he has termed &#8220;The End of Software,&#8221; the now-proven belief that multi-tenant, on-demand applications democratize information by delivering immediate benefits at reduced risks and costs.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Under Benioff&#8217;s direction, salesforce.com has grown from a groundbreaking idea into a publicly traded company that is the market and technology leader in on-demand business services. For its revolutionary approach, salesforce.com has been lauded as one of BusinessWeek’s Top 100 Most Innovative Companies, named No. 7 on The Wired 40, and selected for the past two years as a Top Ten Disrupter by Forbes. The product has won the Software &#38; Information Industry Association Codie Award for Best CRM for the past six years, and the Codie Award for Best On-Demand Platform in 2007, as well as multiple “Editor’s Choice” designations from PC Magazine. Benioff has been widely recognized for pioneering innovation with honors such as the 2007 Ernst &#38; Young Entrepreneur of the Year, the SDForum Visionary Award, Alumni Entrepreneur of the Year by the University of Southern California (USC) Marshall School of Business, and being ranked No. 7 on the Top 100 Most Influential People in IT survey by eWEEK. He was appointed by President George W. Bush as the co-chairman of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee and served from 2003-2005, overseeing the publishing of critical reports on health care information technology, cybersecurity, and computational sciences.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Throughout his career, Benioff has also been committed to using information technology to produce positive social change. In 2000, he launched the Salesforce.com Foundation—now a multimillion-dollar global organization—establishing the “1/1/1 model,” whereby the company contributes one percent of profits, one percent of equity, and one percent of employee hours back to the communities it serves. In 2006, Benioff authored The Business of Changing the World, in which 20 great leaders reveal how businesses can go beyond writing a check and leverage the full scope of their resources to make a difference. Compassionate Capitalism, also authored by Benioff, is the first-ever best-practices guide for corporate philanthropy that illustrates the success of the integrated model. Acknowledging his commitment to building partnerships between business and society to improve the state of the world, the members of the World Economic Forum named Benioff as one of its Young Global Leaders, and in 2007 the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy presented Benioff with the coveted Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to launching salesforce.com, Benioff, a quarter century veteran of the software industry, spent 13 years at Oracle Corporation from 1986-1999. In 1984, he worked as an assembly language programmer in Apple Computer’s Macintosh Division. He founded entertainment software company Liberty Software in 1979 when he was 15 years old. Benioff received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern California in 1986.</p>",
1683 "id": 24836,
1684 "twitter": "",
1685 "last_name": "Benioff"
1686 },
1687 {
1688 "icon": null,
1689 "first_name": "Andy",
1690 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_100797.jpg",
1691 "position": "Senior Vice President",
1692 "name": "Andy Jassy",
1693 "affiliation": "Amazon Web Services and Amazon Infrastructure",
1694 "url": "",
1695 "bio": "<p>Andy Jassy leads the Amazon Web Services business (AWS) and the Technology Infrastructure organization for Amazon.com. AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon.com that provides software developers and businesses with cloud-based infrastructure services that are inexpensive, reliable, scalable, comprehensive and flexible. AWS has grown tremendously since its inception in 2006 and is now the underlying infrastructure for hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world from start-ups to enterprises to government agencies.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>As a member of Amazon.com’s senior executive team since 2002, Andy is also responsible for helping guide the company’s overall direction. He has held several key leadership positions since he joined Amazon in 1997. He authored the business plan for Amazon’s entry into the Music business and served as both its Director of Product Management and General Manager; started and built the Customer Relationship Management team; served as Director of Marketing; worked as Technical Assistant to Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos; and most recently, Andy started and continues to lead the Amazon Web Services business.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Andy earned his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and his master’s of business administration from Harvard Business School. He lives in Seattle and enjoys spending his free time with his wife and two children.</p>",
1696 "id": 100797,
1697 "twitter": "",
1698 "last_name": "Jassy"
1699 }
1700 ],
1701 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1702 "id": 15372,
1703 "time": "2010-11-17T14:40:00",
1704 "pretty_time": "2:40pm",
1705 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1706 },
1707 {
1708 "topics": [
1709 "Point of Control"
1710 ],
1711 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1712 "end_time": "2010-11-16T10:20:00",
1713 "description": "TBD",
1714 "title": "Point of Control: The New Geography of Gaming",
1715 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15493",
1716 "date": "11/16/2010",
1717 "speakers": [
1718 {
1719 "icon": null,
1720 "first_name": "Bing",
1721 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_95616.jpg",
1722 "position": "Partner",
1723 "name": "Bing Gordon",
1724 "affiliation": "Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers",
1725 "url": "",
1726 "bio": "<p>Bing was Chief Creative Officer of Electronic Arts from 1998 to 2008, after heading EA marketing and product development off and on since EA&#8217;s founding in 1982. He helped write the founding business plan that attracted KPCB as an initial investor. Bing drove EA&#8217;s branding strategy with EA Sports, EA&#8217;s pricing strategy for package goods and online games, and contributed design and marketing on many EA franchises including John Madden Football, The Sims, Sim City, Need for Speed, Tiger Woods Golf, Club Pogo and Command and Conquer.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Since joining Kleiner Perkins in 2008, he has focused on the “videogamification of everything”, and has led investments in Zynga, where he serves as Operating Director, and ng:moco. Bing has also been a director at Amazon since 2003, and held the game industry’s first endowed chair in game design, at USC School of Cinematic Arts. He is a trustee of the Urban School of San Francisco.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Gordon earned an M.B.A. degree from Stanford University, and a B.A. degree from Yale University. Bing’s favorite games of all time are World of Warcraft, the Sims, Diablo, Pogo, Civilization, Columns, Freecell, Farmville and Mafia Wars.</p>",
1727 "id": 95616,
1728 "twitter": "",
1729 "last_name": "Gordon"
1730 },
1731 {
1732 "icon": null,
1733 "first_name": "Don",
1734 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_100799.jpg",
1735 "position": "President, Interactive Entertainment Business",
1736 "name": "Don Mattrick",
1737 "affiliation": "Microsoft",
1738 "url": "",
1739 "bio": "<p>As president of the Interactive Entertainment Business, Don Mattrick is responsible for the businesses which develop key entertainment experiences that span gaming, music and video across multiple screens. Mattrick&#8217;s team drives development and marketing of Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, the controller-free Kinect for Xbox 360, Zune Music and Video, and Mediaroom, as well as PC and mobile interactive entertainment, manufacturing and supply chain management. In addition, his team cultivates relationships with third-party game publishers and developers around the world.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mattrick joined Microsoft in July 2007, bringing with him more than 23 years of broad industry and development experience, having helped bring to life such celebrated game franchises as &#8220;Need for Speed,&#8221; &#8220;Harry Potter&#8221; and &#8220;The Sims&#8221; during his tenures at Distinctive Software Inc. and Electronic Arts Inc. (EA). Previously, Mattrick had begun working with Microsoft as an external advisor to the Entertainment and Devices Division in February 2007, working with Robbie Bach and his senior leadership team on various initiatives to continue to evolve the Microsoft gaming platform experience.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Microsoft, Mattrick held several leadership positions at EA, most recently as president of the publisher&#8217;s worldwide studios. Previously, he oversaw EA&#8217;s global studios and research and development in several major sites, including Redwood Shores, Calif. (Silicon Valley), EALA in Los Angeles, EA Tiburon in Florida, EA Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Montreal, and EA UK Studio in Chertsey, England. At the age of 17, Mattrick founded Distinctive Software, which was acquired by EA in 1991 and subsequently became EA Canada.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Mattrick has been an active member of the province&#8217;s business and educational community. He has served on several public and private boards, including the advisory board for USC School of Cinematic Arts and the Premier&#8217;s Technology Council in British Columbia. In 2003, Mattrick was named one of America&#8217;s &#8220;Top Ten Influentials&#8221; in Fortune magazine&#8217;s annual &#8220;40 Under 40&#8221; list for his contributions to Electronic Arts&#8217; expansion initiatives. In 2005, the World Economic Forum appointed him to its Forum of Young Global Leaders, a group of 100 young leaders chosen to address the challenges of the 21st century. In acknowledgement of his role in building EA&#8217;s business in British Columbia and the active development of industry links with the University of British Columbia, Mattrick received the UBC Award as an Honorary Fellow from the Sauder School of Business in December 2005. In 1999, Simon Fraser University awarded him the highest honor the university can bestow, the Doctor of Laws.</p>",
1740 "id": 100799,
1741 "twitter": "",
1742 "last_name": "Mattrick"
1743 },
1744 {
1745 "icon": null,
1746 "first_name": "Robert",
1747 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_104298.jpg",
1748 "position": "CEO",
1749 "name": "Robert Kotick",
1750 "affiliation": "Activision Blizzard, Inc.",
1751 "url": "",
1752 "bio": "<p>Mr. Kotick has been a director and Chief Executive Officer of Activision, Inc. since February 1991 until July 2008, when he became Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard in connection with the combination of Activision and Vivendi Games.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>By merging Activision, Inc.’s top selling portfolio of console and handheld games with Blizzard Entertainment’s leading PC and online subscription franchises, Activision Blizzard is the largest, most profitable pure-play interactive entertainment software publisher in the world with leading market positions across every major category of the rapidly growing interactive entertainment software industry.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>For calendar 2009, Activision Blizzard delivered non-GAAP net revenues of $4.8 billion and non-GAAP operating income of $1.2 billion, marking the most profitable year in company’s history. The company is based in Santa Monica, California and operates in sixteen countries with more than 7,000 employees worldwide.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In addition to his responsibilities as Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard, Mr. Kotick is also a member of the Board of Trustees for The Center for Early Education, he is Chairman of the Committee of Trustees at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art where he serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and he is a member of the Board of Directors for the Tony Hawk Foundation.</p>",
1753 "id": 104298,
1754 "twitter": "",
1755 "last_name": "Kotick"
1756 }
1757 ],
1758 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1759 "id": 15493,
1760 "time": "2010-11-16T09:50:00",
1761 "pretty_time": "9:50am",
1762 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1763 },
1764 {
1765 "topics": [
1766 "High Order Bit",
1767 "Live Stream"
1768 ],
1769 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1770 "end_time": "2010-11-17T11:20:00",
1771 "description": "TBD",
1772 "title": "Point of Control: You",
1773 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17135",
1774 "date": "11/17/2010",
1775 "speakers": [
1776 {
1777 "icon": null,
1778 "first_name": "Toni",
1779 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_21190.jpg",
1780 "position": "CEO",
1781 "name": "Toni Schneider",
1782 "affiliation": "Automattic",
1783 "url": "",
1784 "bio": "<p><a href=\"http://toni.org/\">Toni Schneider</a> is the CEO of <a href=\"http://automattic.com/\">Automattic</a>, the company behind <a href=\"http://wordpress.com/\">WordPress.com</a>, and a partner at VC firm <a href=\"http://truevp.com/\">True Ventures</a>. He also serves on the boards of Bandcamp and Vodpod, advises BackType, and is an angel investor in Aurora Biofuels. Past startup credits include co-founder of Sphere (acquired by AOL) and CEO of Oddpost (acquired by Yahoo). Toni was voted startup CEO of the Year at the 2007 Crunchies. He grew up in Switzerland and studied computer science at Stanford.</p>",
1785 "id": 21190,
1786 "twitter": "",
1787 "last_name": "Schneider"
1788 }
1789 ],
1790 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1791 "id": 17135,
1792 "time": "2010-11-17T11:10:00",
1793 "pretty_time": "11:10am",
1794 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1795 },
1796 {
1797 "topics": [],
1798 "room": "Pacific Heights",
1799 "end_time": "2010-11-15T14:00:00",
1800 "description": "This panel will look at the rise of Q&A services as the intersection between three major points of control: social, search and mobile. Key players across the burgeoning Q&A category will come together to address the big changes underway in search, the challenges, the business models and who is in it to win.",
1801 "title": "Q&A: The New Search Insurgent",
1802 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17101",
1803 "date": "11/15/2010",
1804 "speakers": [
1805 {
1806 "icon": null,
1807 "first_name": "Danny",
1808 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_42950.jpg",
1809 "position": "Editor In Chief",
1810 "name": "Danny Sullivan",
1811 "affiliation": "Search Engine Land",
1812 "url": "http://searchengineland.com/",
1813 "bio": "<p>Widely considered a leading &#8220;search engine guru,&#8221; Danny Sullivan has been helping webmasters, marketers and everyday web users understand how search engines work for over a decade.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Danny&#8217;s expertise about search engines is often sought by the media, and he has been quoted in places like The Wall St. Journal, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, Forbes, The New Yorker and Newsweek and ABC&#8217;s Nightline.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Danny began covering search engines in late 1995, when he undertook a study of how they indexed web pages. The results were published online as &#8220;A Webmaster&#8217;s Guide To Search Engines,&#8221; a pioneering effort to answer the many questions site designers and Internet publicists had about search engines.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Danny currently heads up <a href=\"http://searchengineland.com\">Search Engine Land</a> as editor-in-chief, which covers all aspects of search marketing and search engine news. Danny also serves as Third Door Media&#8217;s chief content officer, which owns Search Engine Land and the <a href=\"http://searchmarketingexpo\">SMX: Search Marketing Expo conference series</a>. Danny also maintains a personal blog called <a href=\"http://daggle.com\">Daggle</a> and microblogs on Twitter: @dannysullivan.</p>",
1814 "id": 42950,
1815 "twitter": "",
1816 "last_name": "Sullivan"
1817 },
1818 {
1819 "icon": null,
1820 "first_name": "Doug",
1821 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_2064.jpg",
1822 "position": "President",
1823 "name": "Doug Leeds",
1824 "affiliation": "Ask.com",
1825 "url": "http://www.ask.com/",
1826 "bio": "<p>As President, Ask.com-U.S., Leeds oversees strategy, product development, and technology for Ask.com in the U.S. Previously, Leeds was Chief Operating Officer, Ask Network.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before becoming COO, Leeds was President, <a href=\"http://Dictionary.com/\">Dictionary.com</a>. In that role, he was responsible for overseeing all strategy and operations for <a href=\"http://Dictionary.com/\">Dictionary.com</a>, a wholly-owned subsidiary of <a href=\"http://Ask.com/\">Ask.com</a> (acquired July 2008). Prior to his role at <a href=\"http://Dictionary.com/\">Dictionary.com</a>, Leeds served as the Chief Strategy officer for <a href=\"http://Ask.com/\">Ask.com</a>. Before joining <a href=\"http://Ask.com/\">Ask.com</a>, Leeds spent almost five years at Yahoo! (including Overture Services), most recently as vice president, Global Product Justice, where he led the development of reputational products and services as well as oversaw product policy and legal compliance for all of Yahoo!&#8217;s products and services worldwide. Earlier in his career, Leeds held senior positions at mobile ISP OmniSky and mobile carrier Vodafone, and founded BootSpace, an advertising software start-up. Leeds received his B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley and his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.</p>",
1827 "id": 2064,
1828 "twitter": "",
1829 "last_name": "Leeds"
1830 },
1831 {
1832 "icon": null,
1833 "first_name": "Bob",
1834 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_68642.jpg",
1835 "position": "CEO",
1836 "name": "Bob Rosenschein",
1837 "affiliation": "Answers.com",
1838 "url": "http://www.answers.com/",
1839 "bio": "<p>Bob Rosenschein is CEO of Answers.com (NASDAQ:ANSW), a U.S. top 20 website [comScore 9/30/10], which he founded in 1999.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, he founded and ran Accent Software, a producer of multilingual software tools, which produced the first multilingual word processor for Windows and also consulted to Microsoft to develop right-to-left Hebrew and Arabic versions of Windows.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Previously, he worked for Data General, American Management Systems and the World Bank.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Mr. Rosenschein graduated with a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976, received the Prime Minister of Israel’s Award for Software Achievement in 1997, and was named an Ernst &#38; Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 Award Finalist in the Metropolitan New York region.</p>",
1840 "id": 68642,
1841 "twitter": "bobr",
1842 "last_name": "Rosenschein"
1843 },
1844 {
1845 "icon": null,
1846 "first_name": "Charlie",
1847 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_104485.jpg",
1848 "position": "Founder",
1849 "name": "Charlie Cheever",
1850 "affiliation": "Quora",
1851 "url": "http://www.quora.com/",
1852 "bio": "<p>Charlie Cheever is one of the founders of Quora. Previously, he worked at Facebook where he led Facebook Connect and Facebook Platform and also worked at Amazon.com. He graduated from Harvard University with an A. B. in Computer Science.</p>",
1853 "id": 104485,
1854 "twitter": "",
1855 "last_name": "Cheever"
1856 },
1857 {
1858 "icon": null,
1859 "first_name": "Damon",
1860 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_68854.jpg",
1861 "position": "Director of Engineering",
1862 "name": "Damon Horowitz",
1863 "affiliation": "Google",
1864 "url": "",
1865 "bio": "<p>Dr. Damon Horowitz is a leading thinker at the intersection of technology and the humanities.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Horowitz recently joined Google as a Director of Engineering, leading several initiatives at the intersection of social and search. He came to Google from Aardvark, the popular social search engine, where he was co-founder and CTO, overseeing product development and research strategy. Prior to Aardvark, Horowitz built several companies around applications of intelligent language processing. He co-founded Perspecta (acquired by Excite), was lead architect for Novation Biosciences (acquired by Agilent), and co-founded NewsDB (now Daylife).</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Horowitz teaches courses in philosophy, cognitive science, and computer science at many institutions, including Stanford, NYU, University of Pennsylvania, and San Quentin. He has spoken at conferences ranging from TED to AAAI to Web2.0, and his work has been featured in media ranging from the New York Times to Discovery Channel to TechCrunch. Horowitz was recently named one of the AdAge &#8220;Creativity 50&#8221; most inspiring thinkers and innovators of 2010.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Horowitz earned his B.A. from Columbia, M.S. from the MIT Media Lab, and Ph.D. from Stanford.</p>",
1866 "id": 68854,
1867 "twitter": "",
1868 "last_name": "Horowitz"
1869 }
1870 ],
1871 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Lunch",
1872 "id": 17101,
1873 "time": "2010-11-15T12:30:00",
1874 "pretty_time": "12:30pm",
1875 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
1876 },
1877 {
1878 "topics": [],
1879 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1880 "end_time": "2010-11-16T16:10:00",
1881 "description": "Five surprise guests with five special announcements.",
1882 "title": "Radar",
1883 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17136",
1884 "date": "11/16/2010",
1885 "speakers": [],
1886 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1887 "id": 17136,
1888 "time": "2010-11-16T15:45:00",
1889 "pretty_time": "3:45pm",
1890 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1891 },
1892 {
1893 "topics": [],
1894 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1895 "end_time": "2010-11-16T09:50:00",
1896 "description": "TBD",
1897 "title": "Special Announcement",
1898 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/16402",
1899 "date": "11/16/2010",
1900 "speakers": [],
1901 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1902 "id": 16402,
1903 "time": "2010-11-16T09:40:00",
1904 "pretty_time": "9:40am",
1905 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1906 },
1907 {
1908 "topics": [],
1909 "room": "Marina",
1910 "end_time": "2010-11-17T09:45:00",
1911 "description": "The modern enterprise is many things: a matrix structure, globalized, driven by distributed and virtual teams, and often needs to be highly engaged with communities. Come and hear how mobility can help ideas develop and coalesce to drive competitive advantage. ",
1912 "title": "Strategic Mobility in the Enterprise: Empowering Communities and Collaboration",
1913 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17439",
1914 "date": "11/17/2010",
1915 "speakers": [
1916 {
1917 "icon": null,
1918 "first_name": "Alec",
1919 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_104848.jpg",
1920 "position": "Vice President, Product Marketing",
1921 "name": "Alec Taylor",
1922 "affiliation": "Research in Motion",
1923 "url": "",
1924 "bio": "<p>Alec Taylor is Vice President, Product Marketing in the Software, Services and Enterprise Marketing Business Unit at Research in Motion Limited (RIM). In this role Alec and his team are responsible for marketing the total value of the BlackBerry platform to businesses, developers and partners.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Research in Motion in September 2010, Alec worked at Microsoft for eight years in a variety of sales and marketing leadership roles. Prior to joining Microsoft, Alec held senior positions with the global consulting firm KPMG.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Alec holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.</p>",
1925 "id": 104848,
1926 "twitter": "",
1927 "last_name": "Taylor"
1928 }
1929 ],
1930 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Workshops",
1931 "id": 17439,
1932 "time": "2010-11-17T09:00:00",
1933 "pretty_time": "9:00am",
1934 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1935 },
1936 {
1937 "topics": [],
1938 "room": "Presidio",
1939 "end_time": "2010-11-17T09:45:00",
1940 "description": "The Cloud is off to a good start – and certainly the hype is – but why does it seem it is being used by only savvy startups and sophisticated Fortune 500’s? What about the folks in between? They will be the biggest beneficiaries, so what’s holding them back? Learn about both the real and perceived barriers – and what Rackspace is doing about it.",
1941 "title": "The Cloud Adoption Gap: Building the Bridges",
1942 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17684",
1943 "date": "11/17/2010",
1944 "speakers": [
1945 {
1946 "icon": null,
1947 "first_name": "John ",
1948 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_34976.jpg",
1949 "position": "CTO",
1950 "name": "John Engates",
1951 "affiliation": "Rackspace Hosting",
1952 "url": "",
1953 "bio": "<p>John Engates joined Rackspace in August of 2000 and currently serves as Chief Technology Officer. Engates has worked in several areas of Rackspace including Operations, Professional Services and Customer Care. He was one of the leading forces behind Rackspace&#8217;s Microsoft Gold Certification. Prior to joining Rackspace, John was a founder of Internet Direct, one of the oldest and largest Internet service providers in Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at San Antonio and holds a B.B.A. in Accounting.</p>",
1954 "id": 34976,
1955 "twitter": "",
1956 "last_name": "Engates"
1957 }
1958 ],
1959 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Workshops",
1960 "id": 17684,
1961 "time": "2010-11-17T09:00:00",
1962 "pretty_time": "9:00am",
1963 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
1964 },
1965 {
1966 "topics": [
1967 "High Order Bit"
1968 ],
1969 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
1970 "end_time": "2010-11-16T15:45:00",
1971 "description": "TBD",
1972 "title": "The Crystal Ball",
1973 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15401",
1974 "date": "11/16/2010",
1975 "speakers": [
1976 {
1977 "icon": null,
1978 "first_name": "Ron",
1979 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_9216.jpg",
1980 "position": "Founder",
1981 "name": "Ron Conway",
1982 "affiliation": "SV Angel",
1983 "url": "",
1984 "bio": "<p>Ronald Conway has been an active angel investor for over 15 years. He was the Founder and Managing Partner of the Angel Investors LP funds (1998-2005) whose investments included: Google, Ask Jeeves, Paypal, Good Technology, Opsware, and Brightmail. He was recently awarded Best Angel at The 2009 TechCrunch Crunchies Awards. He was was named #6 in Forbes Magazine Midas list of top &#8220;deal-makers&#8221; in 2008 and is actively involved in numerous philanthropic endeavors. Ron was with National Semiconductor Corporation in marketing positions (1973-1979), Altos Computer Systems as a co-founder, President and CEO (1979-1990) and took Altos public on Nasdaq in 1982 and served as CEO of Personal Training Systems (PTS) (1991-1995). PTS was acquired by SmartForce/SkillSoft (Nasdaq SKIL). Ron has served/serves on Boards/Advisory Boards including: Twitter, Digg.com, Bright Mail, Ask Jeeves, Rupture (acquired by EA), Associated Content, Facebook, RockYou, ScanScout, Zappos, Trulia, StumbleUpon, Plaxo (acquired by Comcast), Photobucket (acquired by Fox), and Anchor Intelligence (co-founder).</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Philanthropically, Ron is Vice Chairman of the UCSF Medical Foundation in SF, Board Member of The Tiger Woods Foundation, and SF Homeless Connect, and on the Benefit Committee of Ronald McDonald House, College Track, and the Blacked Eyed Peas-PeaPod Academy Foundation.</p>",
1985 "id": 9216,
1986 "twitter": "",
1987 "last_name": "Conway"
1988 }
1989 ],
1990 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
1991 "id": 15401,
1992 "time": "2010-11-16T15:35:00",
1993 "pretty_time": "3:35pm",
1994 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
1995 },
1996 {
1997 "topics": [
1998 "High Order Bit"
1999 ],
2000 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
2001 "end_time": "2010-11-17T15:25:00",
2002 "description": "TBD",
2003 "title": "The Mesh: Why the Future of Business is Sharing ",
2004 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15749",
2005 "date": "11/17/2010",
2006 "speakers": [
2007 {
2008 "icon": null,
2009 "first_name": "Lisa",
2010 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_99357.jpg",
2011 "position": "Author",
2012 "name": "Lisa Gansky",
2013 "affiliation": "The Mesh: Why the Future of Business is Sharing",
2014 "url": "",
2015 "bio": "<p>Lisa is an author of The Mesh: Why the Future of Business is Sharing, to be published by Penguin Press, Fall 2010 and the Mesh Directory live and online at, <a href=\"http://www.meshing.it\">www.meshing.it</a></p>\n\n\n\t<p>For more than 18 years, Lisa has been an entrepreneur and environmentalist focused on building companies and supporting social ventures where there is an opportunity for well timed disruption and a resounding impact. A founder and CEO of several internet companies, including GNN (the first web portal sold to AOL) and the largest consumer photo sharing and print service, Ofoto (sold to Eastman Kodak in 2001), Lisa’s attention is on sustainable ventures with positive social impact. She puts a strong emphasis on clean energy, social networks, accelerating community engagement and awareness &#38; exploring new platforms &#38; business models.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Lisa currently serves as a Director of Dos Margaritas, an environmental foundation with programs focused in Latin America. She is an advisor &#38; investor in several social ventures including: New Resource Bank, Convio, Squidoo, Slide, TasteBook, MePlease, Instructables &#38; Greener World Media.</p>",
2016 "id": 99357,
2017 "twitter": "",
2018 "last_name": "Gansky"
2019 }
2020 ],
2021 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
2022 "id": 15749,
2023 "time": "2010-11-17T15:15:00",
2024 "pretty_time": "3:15pm",
2025 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
2026 },
2027 {
2028 "topics": [
2029 "High Order Bit"
2030 ],
2031 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
2032 "end_time": "2010-11-15T17:00:00",
2033 "description": "TBD",
2034 "title": "The Network Is The Platform For Transforming The World",
2035 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15798",
2036 "date": "11/15/2010",
2037 "speakers": [
2038 {
2039 "icon": null,
2040 "first_name": "Wim",
2041 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_100163.jpg",
2042 "position": "Chief Globalisation Officer",
2043 "name": "Wim Elfrink",
2044 "affiliation": "Cisco",
2045 "url": "",
2046 "bio": "<p>Wim Elfrink heads two global organizations for Cisco, co-leading Cisco’s $7.6B global Services \ndivision and driving the company’s globalisation strategy out of Cisco’s Globalisation Centre \nEast in Bangalore, India, where he moved with his family in 2007. Elfrink is a direct report to \nCisco Chairman and CEO John Chambers and is an officer of the company.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Elfrink became Cisco’s first ever Chief Globalisation Officer in 2006. In this role, he is \nresponsible for leading Cisco’s efforts to become the world’s most globally relevant company, by \nincubating new business models and partner ecosystems, growing in strategic markets, and \ntransforming global operations. The globalisation strategy is designed to help Cisco deliver a \ngreater choice of solutions, business models and partners for its customers worldwide. Elfrink \nalso leads Cisco’s Smart+Connected Communities initiative, which uses the network as the \nplatform to transform physical communities to connected communities, run on networked \ninformation, to enable economic, social and environmental sustainability.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2010, Elfrink’s responsibilities as Chief Globalisation Officer were expanded to include \nco-leadership of Cisco’s market adjacency strategy with Cisco Chairman and CEO John \nChambers, helping to operationalize Cisco’s entry into new emerging markets, emerging \nsolutions, new ecosystem partners, and other selected adjacencies through the Emerging \nSolutions Council. In addition, Elfrink co-leads the Emerging Countries Council and focuses on \nCisco’s next-generation strategy for emerging countries, including services sales and delivery, \nwith a special focus on Brazil, Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia and Mexico.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>As co-lead for Cisco Services, Elfrink focuses on growing and expanding pre-chasm emerging \nservices aligned tightly with his broad new role for Cisco’s market adjacency and emerging \ncountries strategy. Since May 2002, Elfrink has grown the Cisco Services division from $3.3B \nwhen he assumed leadership to more than $7.6B in 2010. In December 2009 Daily News &#38; \nAnalysis, a leading Indian newspaper named Elfrink one of Bangalore’s 50 Most Influential \nPeople – one of 12 from the corporate world and the only expat to be featured.</p>",
2047 "id": 100163,
2048 "twitter": "",
2049 "last_name": "Elfrink"
2050 }
2051 ],
2052 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
2053 "id": 15798,
2054 "time": "2010-11-15T16:45:00",
2055 "pretty_time": "4:45pm",
2056 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
2057 },
2058 {
2059 "topics": [
2060 "High Order Bit"
2061 ],
2062 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
2063 "end_time": "2010-11-17T16:40:00",
2064 "description": "TBD",
2065 "title": "The Perfect Ad",
2066 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15367",
2067 "date": "11/17/2010",
2068 "speakers": [
2069 {
2070 "icon": null,
2071 "first_name": "Susan",
2072 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_69669.jpg",
2073 "position": "SVP, Advertising",
2074 "name": "Susan Wojcicki",
2075 "affiliation": "Google",
2076 "url": "",
2077 "bio": "<p>Susan Wojcicki is senior vice president of advertising at Google responsible for the design, innovation and engineering of all of\nGoogle&#8217;s advertising and measurement platform products, including AdWords, AdSense, DoubleClick and Google Analytics.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Susan joined Google in 1999 as the company&#8217;s first marketing manager and worked on the initial marketing programs and branding and then the syndication of Google search to partners. She also led the initial development of several key successful consumer products including Google Images, Google Books and Google Video.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Before joining Google, Susan worked at Intel and was a management consultant at Bain &#38; Company and R.B. Webber &#38; Company. She graduated with honors from Harvard University, holds a master&#8217;s in economics from the University of California at Santa Cruz, and an MBA from UCLA.</p>",
2078 "id": 69669,
2079 "twitter": "",
2080 "last_name": "Wojcicki"
2081 }
2082 ],
2083 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
2084 "id": 15367,
2085 "time": "2010-11-17T16:30:00",
2086 "pretty_time": "4:30pm",
2087 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
2088 },
2089 {
2090 "topics": [
2091 "Conversation"
2092 ],
2093 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
2094 "end_time": "2010-11-15T21:00:00",
2095 "description": "Join us and entertainment industry mogul, Ariel Emanuel – co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor Entertainment – for this year’s official Web 2.0 Dinner immediately after our Opening Reception. Sponsored by Dell.",
2096 "title": "Web 2.0 Summit Dinner with Special Guest: Ariel Emanuel. Sponsored by Dell",
2097 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15442",
2098 "date": "11/15/2010",
2099 "speakers": [
2100 {
2101 "icon": null,
2102 "first_name": "Ariel",
2103 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_94342.jpg",
2104 "position": "Co-CEO",
2105 "name": "Ariel Emanuel",
2106 "affiliation": "William Morris Endeavor Entertainment",
2107 "url": "",
2108 "bio": "<p>Ariel Emanuel serves as co-CEO of WME Entertainment. He was a founding partner of the \nEndeavor Agency and was instrumental in shaping its June 2009 merger with the William Morris \nAgency.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Emanuel represents such clients as writer / directors Michael Moore (“Sicko”), Martin Scorsese \n(“The Departed”), Matthew Vaughn (“Kick Ass”), Peter Berg (“Hancock”), Steve Zaillian \n(“American Gangster”), Aaron Sorkin (creator of “The West Wing”) and Larry David ( \n“Seinfeld” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm”); live event providers such as World Wrestling \nEntertainment and Ultimate Fighting Championship; and actors Michael Douglas (“Wall Street \n2”), Charlize Theron (“Hancock”),“Mark Wahlberg (“The Departed”) and Sacha Baron Cohen \n(“Bruno”).</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Emanuel is a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Film Institute and is active in \nP.S. Arts, an industry supported non-profit agency working to bring arts education to public \nschool students all over Southern California. An environmental and political activist, he also \nserved as the co-chair of the Earth to L.A. biennial fund-raising event for the Natural Resources \nDefense Council.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Prior to founding Endeavor, Emanuel was a partner at InterTalent and a senior agent at \nInternational Creative Management. He began his entertainment industry career as an agent \ntrainee at Creative Artists Agency.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Emanuel graduated from Macalester College in St. Paul, MN. \nHe lives with his wife Sarah and their three children in Los Angeles.</p>",
2109 "id": 94342,
2110 "twitter": "",
2111 "last_name": "Emanuel"
2112 },
2113 {
2114 "icon": null,
2115 "first_name": "Julia",
2116 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_105103.jpg",
2117 "position": "Media and Entertainment Reporter",
2118 "name": "Julia Boorstin",
2119 "affiliation": "CNBC",
2120 "url": "",
2121 "bio": "<p>Julia Boorstin joined CNBC in May 2006 as a general assignment reporter. In December 2006, Boorstin became CNBC&#8217;s media and entertainment reporter working from CNBC&#8217;s Los Angeles Bureau. Boorstin covers media with a special focus on the intersection of media and technology.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Julia Boorstin joined CNBC from Fortune magazine where she was a business writer and reporter since 2000, covering a wide range of stories on everything from media companies to retail to business trends. During that time, she was also a contributor to &#8220;Street Life,&#8221; a live market wrap-up segment on CNN Headline News.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>In 2003, 2004 and 2006, The Journalist and Financial Reporting newsletter named Boorstin to the &#8220;TJFR 30 under 30&#8221; list of the most promising business journalists under 30 years old. She has also worked for the State Department&#8217;s delegation to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (O.E.C.D.) and for Vice President Gore&#8217;s Domestic Policy office.</p>\n\n\n\t<p>She graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in history. She was also an editor on The Daily Princetonian.</p>",
2122 "id": 105103,
2123 "twitter": "",
2124 "last_name": "Boorstin"
2125 }
2126 ],
2127 "proposal_type": "Event",
2128 "id": 15442,
2129 "time": "2010-11-15T19:00:00",
2130 "pretty_time": "7:00pm",
2131 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
2132 },
2133 {
2134 "topics": [],
2135 "room": "Sea Cliff",
2136 "end_time": "2010-11-17T09:45:00",
2137 "description": "The media industry has historically been controlled by a small number of large institutions, with many of the most important decisions made by only a handful of people. But things have changed. New platforms have given consumers a voice, and an instant audience. ",
2138 "title": "When the People Control the Media",
2139 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17550",
2140 "date": "11/17/2010",
2141 "speakers": [
2142 {
2143 "icon": null,
2144 "first_name": "Luke ",
2145 "photo": null,
2146 "position": "Vice President & General Manager, Yahoo!",
2147 "name": "Luke Beatty",
2148 "affiliation": "Yahoo!",
2149 "url": "http://www.yahoo.com/",
2150 "bio": "<p>Luke is a Vice President and General Manager of Associated Content form Yahoo!, which he founded in 2005, was acquired by Yahoo! 2010. Associated Content is known as the web’s first crowd sourced media platform. Prior to founding Associated Content, Luke was the VP of Business Development at WAND, a leading developer of media search and advertising taxonomies technologies. Luke is recognized for his expertise in social media collection and distribution platforms, online advertising models and digital media trends. In 2007, Luke was selected as one of the Business Journal&#8217;s &#8220;40 under 40.&#8221; Among other advisory roles, he serves on the board of directors of Publish2, a next-generation platform for journalists. Luke is an avid fly fisherman, youth lacrosse coach and sits on the Board of Directors for the Denver Sports Commission. He holds a bachelor&#8217;s degree from Connecticut College and a master&#8217;s degree from Harvard University.</p>",
2151 "id": 104541,
2152 "twitter": "",
2153 "last_name": "Beatty"
2154 }
2155 ],
2156 "proposal_type": "Sponsored Workshops",
2157 "id": 17550,
2158 "time": "2010-11-17T09:00:00",
2159 "pretty_time": "9:00am",
2160 "day": "Wednesday, 11/17/2010"
2161 },
2162 {
2163 "topics": [
2164 "High Order Bit",
2165 "Live Stream"
2166 ],
2167 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
2168 "end_time": "2010-11-15T16:05:00",
2169 "description": "TBD",
2170 "title": "Where Good Ideas Come From",
2171 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/15397",
2172 "date": "11/15/2010",
2173 "speakers": [
2174 {
2175 "icon": null,
2176 "first_name": "Steven",
2177 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_29744.jpg",
2178 "position": "Author",
2179 "name": "Steven Berlin Johnson",
2180 "affiliation": "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation",
2181 "url": "",
2182 "bio": "<p>Steven Johnson is the best-selling author of five books on the intersection of science, technology and personal experience, including the New York Times Notable Book The Ghost Map and Everything Bad Is Good For You, one of the most talked about books of 2005. He is also the co-creator of three influential web sites: FEED, Plastic.com, and most recently, the hyperlocal community site outside.in.Steven is a contributing editor for Wired magazine and a Distinguished Writer In Residence at the New York University Department of Journalism. He lives in Brooklyn with his\nwife and three sons, and blogs at stevenberlinjohnson.com.</p>",
2183 "id": 29744,
2184 "twitter": "",
2185 "last_name": "Johnson"
2186 }
2187 ],
2188 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
2189 "id": 15397,
2190 "time": "2010-11-15T15:55:00",
2191 "pretty_time": "3:55pm",
2192 "day": "Monday, 11/15/2010"
2193 },
2194 {
2195 "topics": [
2196 "High Order Bit"
2197 ],
2198 "room": "Grand Ballroom",
2199 "end_time": "2010-11-16T16:15:00",
2200 "description": "TBD",
2201 "title": "You Know You're Old If... What TV Looks Like for Today's Generation",
2202 "url": "http://www.web2summit.com/web2010/public/schedule/detail/17690",
2203 "date": "11/16/2010",
2204 "speakers": [
2205 {
2206 "icon": null,
2207 "first_name": "Jim",
2208 "photo": "http://assets.en.oreilly.com/1/eventprovider/1/_@user_1477.jpg",
2209 "position": "CEO",
2210 "name": "Jim Lanzone",
2211 "affiliation": "Clicker.com",
2212 "url": "http://clicker.com/",
2213 "bio": "<p>Jim Lanzone is the founder and CEO of <a href=\"http://Clicker.com/\">Clicker.com</a>, launched in November 2009, which provides the first comprehensive, unbiased, and structured programming guide for Internet television. Clicker has been named one of the Top 100 Sites of 2010 by PCMagazine, OnMedia&#8217;s Top 100 Private Companies, 8 Companies That Are Reinventing Television by Mashable, and 5 Best PC Movie &#38; TV Services by PCWorld. GQ called Clicker the &#8220;TVGuide for Internet television.&#8221;</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Jim is the former CEO of <a href=\"http://Ask.com/\">Ask.com</a>, where he held several executive roles between 2001 and 2008, including SVP of Product Management and GM of Ask.com US. Before moving to Ask.com, Lanzone was co-founder and president of <a href=\"http://eTour.com/\">eTour.com</a>, an early website &#8220;discovery engine&#8221; that was acquired by Ask in May 2001. Jim holds a BA from UCLA and a JD/MBA from Emory University.</p>",
2214 "id": 1477,
2215 "twitter": "",
2216 "last_name": "Lanzone"
2217 }
2218 ],
2219 "proposal_type": "Plenary",
2220 "id": 17690,
2221 "time": "2010-11-16T16:10:00",
2222 "pretty_time": "4:10pm",
2223 "day": "Tuesday, 11/16/2010"
2224 }
2225 ]
2226 });