]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/examples/kitchensink/classic/samples/view/grid/Spreadsheet.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / grid / Spreadsheet.js
1 /**
2 * Demonstrates the Spreadsheet selection model.
3 *
4 * Supported features:
5 *
6 * - Single / Range / Multiple individual row selection.
7 * - Single / Range cell selection.
8 * - Column selection by click selecting column headers.
9 * - Select / deselect all by clicking in the top-left, header.
10 * - Adds row number column to enable row selection.
11 * - Selection extensibility using a drag gesture. Configured in this case to be up or down.
12 *
13 * Copy/paste to system clipboard using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V.
14 */
15 Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.grid.Spreadsheet', {
16 extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
17 requires: [
18 'Ext.grid.selection.SpreadsheetModel',
19 'Ext.grid.plugin.Clipboard',
20 'KitchenSink.store.grid.MonthlySales'
21 ],
22 //<example>
23 exampleTitle: 'Spreadsheet with locking',
24 otherContent: [{
25 type: 'Controller',
26 path: 'classic/samples/view/grid/SpreadsheetController.js'
27 },{
28 type: 'Store',
29 path: 'classic/samples/store/grid/MonthlySales.js'
30 },{
31 type: 'Model',
32 path: 'classic/samples/model/grid/MonthlySales.js'
33 }],
34 //</example>
36 // There is no asymmetric data, we do not need to go to the expense of synching row heights
37 syncRowHeight: false,
39 xtype: 'spreadsheet',
40 controller: 'spreadsheet',
42 store: {
43 type: 'monthlysales'
44 },
45 columnLines: true,
46 height: 400,
47 width: 750,
48 title: 'Spreadsheet',
49 frame: true,
51 selModel: {
52 type: 'spreadsheet',
53 // Disables sorting by header click, though it will be still available via menu
54 columnSelect: true,
55 pruneRemoved: false,
56 extensible: 'y'
57 },
59 // Enable CTRL+C/X/V hot-keys to copy/cut/paste to the system clipboard.
60 plugins: [
61 'clipboard',
62 'selectionreplicator'
63 ],
65 listeners: {
66 selectionchange: 'onSelectionChange'
67 },
69 tools: [{
70 type: 'refresh',
71 handler: 'onRefresh',
72 tooltip: 'Reload Data'
73 }],
75 tbar: [{
76 xtype: 'component',
77 html: 'Selectable: '
78 }, {
79 text: 'Rows',
80 enableToggle: true,
81 toggleHandler: 'toggleRowSelect',
82 pressed: true
83 }, {
84 text: 'Cells',
85 enableToggle: true,
86 toggleHandler: 'toggleCellSelect',
87 pressed: true
88 }, {
89 text: 'Columns',
90 enableToggle: true,
91 toggleHandler: 'toggleColumnSelect',
92 pressed: true
93 }, '->', {
94 xtype: 'component',
95 reference: 'status'
96 }],
98 columns:[
99 { text: 'Year', dataIndex: 'year', width: 70, minWidth: 70, locked: true },
100 { text: 'Jan', dataIndex: 'jan', width: 100 },
101 { text: 'Feb', dataIndex: 'feb', width: 100 },
102 { text: 'Mar', dataIndex: 'mar', width: 100 },
103 { text: 'Apr', dataIndex: 'apr', width: 100 },
104 { text: 'May', dataIndex: 'may', width: 100 },
105 { text: 'Jun', dataIndex: 'jun', width: 100 },
106 { text: 'Jul', dataIndex: 'jul', width: 100 },
107 { text: 'Aug', dataIndex: 'aug', width: 100 },
108 { text: 'Sep', dataIndex: 'sep', width: 100 },
109 { text: 'Oct', dataIndex: 'oct', width: 100 },
110 { text: 'Nov', dataIndex: 'nov', width: 100 },
111 { text: 'Dec', dataIndex: 'dec', width: 100 }
112 ],
114 viewConfig: {
115 columnLines: true,
116 trackOver: false
117 }
118 });