]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/examples/kitchensink/classic/samples/view/grid/WidgetGrid.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / examples / kitchensink / classic / samples / view / grid / WidgetGrid.js
1 /**
2 * This example shows how to create Widgets in grid columns. Widgets are lightweight
3 * components with a simpler lifecycle.
4 */
5 Ext.define('KitchenSink.view.grid.WidgetGrid', {
6 extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
7 requires: [
8 'Ext.grid.column.Action',
9 'Ext.ProgressBarWidget',
10 'Ext.slider.Widget',
11 'Ext.sparkline.*'
12 ],
13 xtype: 'widget-grid',
14 store: 'Widgets',
15 collapsible: true,
16 height: 350,
17 width: 1050,
18 title: 'Widget Grid',
19 viewConfig: {
20 stripeRows: true,
21 enableTextSelection: false,
22 markDirty: false
23 },
24 trackMouseOver: false,
25 disableSelection: true,
26 //<example>
27 otherContent: [{
28 type: 'Store',
29 path: 'classic/samples/store/Widgets.js'
30 },{
31 type: 'Model',
32 path: 'classic/samples/model/Widget.js'
33 }],
34 //</example>
36 initComponent: function () {
37 var me = this;
39 me.columns = [{
40 text: 'Button',
41 width: 105,
42 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
43 dataIndex: 'progress',
44 widget: {
45 width: 90,
46 textAlign: 'left',
47 xtype: 'splitbutton',
48 iconCls: 'widget-grid-user',
49 handler: function(btn) {
50 var rec = btn.getWidgetRecord();
51 Ext.Msg.alert("Button clicked", "Hey! " + rec.get('name'));
52 }
53 }
54 }, {
55 text : 'Progress',
56 xtype : 'widgetcolumn',
57 width : 120,
58 dataIndex: 'progress',
59 widget: {
60 xtype: 'progressbarwidget',
61 textTpl: [
62 '{percent:number("0")}% done'
63 ]
64 }
65 },
66 {
67 text: 'Run Mode',
68 width: 150,
69 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
70 widget: {
71 xtype: 'combo',
72 store: [
73 'Local',
74 'Remote'
75 ]
76 }
77 },
78 {
79 text : 'Slider',
80 xtype : 'widgetcolumn',
81 width : 120,
82 dataIndex: 'progress',
83 widget: {
84 xtype: 'sliderwidget',
85 minValue: 0,
86 maxValue: 1,
87 decimalPrecision: 2,
88 listeners: {
89 change: function(slider, value) {
91 // If the widget has been decorated by the WidgetColumn with context-returning methods
92 // then extract data and update its context record.
93 if (slider.getWidgetRecord) {
94 var rec = slider.getWidgetRecord();
95 if (rec) {
96 rec.set('progress', value);
97 }
98 }
99 }
100 }
101 }
102 }, {
103 text: 'Line',
104 width: 100,
105 dataIndex: 'sequence1',
106 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
107 widget: {
108 xtype: 'sparklineline',
109 tipTpl: 'Value: {y:number("0.00")}'
110 }
111 }, {
112 text: 'Bar',
113 width: 100,
114 dataIndex: 'sequence2',
115 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
116 widget: {
117 xtype: 'sparklinebar'
118 }
119 }, {
120 text: 'Discrete',
121 width: 100,
122 dataIndex: 'sequence3',
123 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
124 widget: {
125 xtype: 'sparklinediscrete'
126 }
127 }, {
128 text: 'Bullet',
129 width: 100,
130 dataIndex: 'sequence4',
131 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
132 widget: {
133 xtype: 'sparklinebullet'
134 }
135 }, {
136 text: 'Pie',
137 width: 60,
138 dataIndex: 'sequence5',
139 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
140 widget: {
141 xtype: 'sparklinepie'
142 }
143 }, {
144 text: 'Box',
145 width: 100,
146 dataIndex: 'sequence6',
147 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
148 widget: {
149 xtype: 'sparklinebox'
150 }
151 }, {
152 text: 'TriState',
153 width: 100,
154 dataIndex: 'sequence7',
155 xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
156 widget: {
157 xtype: 'sparklinetristate'
158 }
159 }];
161 me.tbar = [];
162 for (var i = 0; i < me.columns.length; i++) {
163 me.tbar.push({
164 text: me.columns[i].text,
165 enableToggle: true,
166 pressed: true,
167 scope: me,
168 toggleHandler: me.onButtonToggle
169 });
170 }
172 me.callParent();
173 me.on({
174 columnshow: me.onColumnToggle,
175 columnhide: me.onColumnToggle
176 });
177 },
179 onButtonToggle: function(btn, pressed) {
180 if (this.processing) {
181 return;
182 }
184 this.processing = true;
185 var header = this.headerCt.child('[text=' + btn.text + ']');
186 header.setVisible(pressed);
187 this.processing = false;
188 },
190 onColumnToggle: function(headerCt, header) {
191 if (this.processing) {
192 return;
193 }
194 this.processing = true;
195 var btn = this.down('toolbar').child('[text=' + header.text + ']');
196 btn.setPressed(header.isVisible());
197 this.processing = false;
198 }
199 });