]> git.proxmox.com Git - extjs.git/blob - extjs/modern/modern/src/form/FieldSet.js
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[extjs.git] / extjs / modern / modern / src / form / FieldSet.js
1 /**
2 * A FieldSet is a great way to visually separate elements of a form. It's normally used when you have a form with
3 * fields that can be divided into groups - for example a customer's billing details in one fieldset and their shipping
4 * address in another. A fieldset can be used inside a form or on its own elsewhere in your app. Fieldsets can
5 * optionally have a title at the top and instructions at the bottom. Here's how we might create a FieldSet inside a
6 * form:
7 *
8 * @example
9 * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
10 * fullscreen: true,
11 * items: [
12 * {
13 * xtype: 'fieldset',
14 * title: 'About You',
15 * instructions: 'Tell us all about yourself',
16 * items: [
17 * {
18 * xtype: 'textfield',
19 * name : 'firstName',
20 * label: 'First Name'
21 * },
22 * {
23 * xtype: 'textfield',
24 * name : 'lastName',
25 * label: 'Last Name'
26 * }
27 * ]
28 * }
29 * ]
30 * });
31 *
32 * Above we created a {@link Ext.form.Panel form} with a fieldset that contains two text fields. In this case, all
33 * of the form fields are in the same fieldset, but for longer forms we may choose to use multiple fieldsets. We also
34 * configured a {@link #title} and {@link #instructions} to give the user more information on filling out the form if
35 * required.
36 */
37 Ext.define('Ext.form.FieldSet', {
38 extend : 'Ext.Container',
39 alias : 'widget.fieldset',
40 requires: ['Ext.Title'],
42 config: {
43 /**
44 * @cfg
45 * @inheritdoc
46 */
47 baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-fieldset',
49 /**
50 * @cfg {String} title
51 * Optional fieldset title, rendered just above the grouped fields.
52 *
53 * ## Example
54 *
55 * Ext.create('Ext.form.Fieldset', {
56 * fullscreen: true,
57 *
58 * title: 'Login',
59 *
60 * items: [{
61 * xtype: 'textfield',
62 * label: 'Email'
63 * }]
64 * });
65 *
66 * @accessor
67 */
68 title: null,
70 /**
71 * @cfg {String} instructions
72 * Optional fieldset instructions, rendered just below the grouped fields.
73 *
74 * ## Example
75 *
76 * Ext.create('Ext.form.Fieldset', {
77 * fullscreen: true,
78 *
79 * instructions: 'Please enter your email address.',
80 *
81 * items: [{
82 * xtype: 'textfield',
83 * label: 'Email'
84 * }]
85 * });
86 *
87 * @accessor
88 */
89 instructions: null
90 },
92 /**
93 * @private
94 */
95 applyTitle: function(title) {
96 if (typeof title == 'string') {
97 title = {title: title};
98 }
100 Ext.applyIf(title, {
101 docked : 'top',
102 baseCls: this.getBaseCls() + '-title'
103 });
105 return Ext.factory(title, Ext.Title, this._title);
106 },
108 /**
109 * @private
110 */
111 updateTitle: function(newTitle, oldTitle) {
112 if (newTitle) {
113 this.add(newTitle);
114 }
115 if (oldTitle) {
116 this.remove(oldTitle);
117 }
118 },
120 /**
121 * @private
122 */
123 getTitle: function() {
124 var title = this._title;
126 if (title && title instanceof Ext.Title) {
127 return title.getTitle();
128 }
130 return title;
131 },
133 /**
134 * @private
135 */
136 applyInstructions: function(instructions) {
137 if (typeof instructions == 'string') {
138 instructions = {title: instructions};
139 }
141 Ext.applyIf(instructions, {
142 docked : 'bottom',
143 baseCls: this.getBaseCls() + '-instructions'
144 });
146 return Ext.factory(instructions, Ext.Title, this._instructions);
147 },
149 /**
150 * @private
151 */
152 updateInstructions: function(newInstructions, oldInstructions) {
153 if (newInstructions) {
154 this.add(newInstructions);
155 }
156 if (oldInstructions) {
157 this.remove(oldInstructions);
158 }
159 },
161 /**
162 * @private
163 */
164 getInstructions: function() {
165 var instructions = this._instructions;
167 if (instructions && instructions instanceof Ext.Title) {
168 return instructions.getTitle();
169 }
171 return instructions;
172 },
174 /**
175 * A convenient method to disable all fields in this FieldSet
176 * @return {Ext.form.FieldSet} This FieldSet
177 */
179 updateDisabled: function(newDisabled) {
180 this.getFieldsAsArray().forEach(function(field) {
181 field.setDisabled(newDisabled);
182 });
184 return this;
185 },
187 /**
188 * @private
189 */
190 getFieldsAsArray: function() {
191 var fields = [],
192 getFieldsFrom = function(item) {
193 if (item.isField) {
194 fields.push(item);
195 }
197 if (item.isContainer) {
198 item.getItems().each(getFieldsFrom);
199 }
200 };
202 this.getItems().each(getFieldsFrom);
204 return fields;
205 }
206 });