]> git.proxmox.com Git - pmg-gui.git/blob - js/Workspace.js
use new proxmoxlib.js (package proxmox-widget-toolkit)
[pmg-gui.git] / js / Workspace.js
1 /*
2 * Workspace base class
3 *
4 * popup login window when auth fails (call onLogin handler)
5 * update (re-login) ticket every 15 minutes
6 *
7 */
9 Ext.define('PMG.Workspace', {
10 extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
12 title: 'Proxmox Mail Gateway',
14 loginData: null, // Data from last login call
16 onLogin: function(loginData) {},
18 // private
19 updateLoginData: function(loginData) {
20 var me = this;
22 me.loginData = loginData;
23 Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken = loginData.CSRFPreventionToken;
24 Proxmox.UserName = loginData.username;
26 // creates a session cookie (expire = null)
27 // that way the cookie gets deleted after browser window close
28 Ext.util.Cookies.set('PMGAuthCookie', loginData.ticket, null, '/', null, true);
29 me.onLogin(loginData);
30 },
32 // private
33 showLogin: function() {
34 var me = this;
36 Proxmox.Utils.authClear();
37 Proxmox.UserName = null;
38 me.loginData = null;
40 if (!me.login) {
41 me.login = Ext.create('PMG.window.LoginWindow', {
42 handler: function(data) {
43 me.login = null;
44 me.updateLoginData(data);
45 }
46 });
47 }
48 me.onLogin(null);
49 me.login.show();
50 },
52 initComponent : function() {
53 var me = this;
55 Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init();
57 // fixme: what about other errors
58 Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function(conn, response, options) {
59 if (response.status == 401) { // auth failure
60 me.showLogin();
61 }
62 });
64 me.callParent();
66 if (!Proxmox.Utils.authOK()) {
67 me.showLogin();
68 } else {
69 if (me.loginData) {
70 me.onLogin(me.loginData);
71 }
72 }
74 Ext.TaskManager.start({
75 run: function() {
76 var ticket = Proxmox.Utils.authOK();
77 if (!ticket || !Proxmox.UserName) {
78 return;
79 }
81 Ext.Ajax.request({
82 params: {
83 username: Proxmox.UserName,
84 password: ticket
85 },
86 url: '/api2/json/access/ticket',
87 method: 'POST',
88 failure: function() {
89 me.showLogin();
90 },
91 success: function(response, opts) {
92 var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
93 me.updateLoginData(obj.data);
94 }
95 });
96 },
97 interval: 15*60*1000
98 });
99 }
100 });
102 Ext.define('PMG.StdWorkspace', {
103 extend: 'PMG.Workspace',
105 alias: ['widget.pmgStdWorkspace'],
107 onLogin: function(loginData) {
108 var me = this;
110 me.updateUserInfo();
112 if (loginData) {
113 Proxmox.Utils.API2Request({
114 url: '/version',
115 method: 'GET',
116 success: function(response) {
117 PMG.VersionInfo = response.result.data;
118 me.updateVersionInfo();
119 }
120 });
121 }
122 },
124 updateUserInfo: function() {
125 var me = this;
127 var ui = me.query('#userinfo')[0];
129 if (Proxmox.UserName) {
130 var msg = Ext.String.format(gettext("You are logged in as {0}"), "'" + Proxmox.UserName + "'");
131 ui.update('<div class="x-unselectable" style="white-space:nowrap;">' + msg + '</div>');
132 } else {
133 ui.update('');
134 }
135 ui.updateLayout();
136 },
138 updateVersionInfo: function() {
139 var me = this;
141 var ui = me.query('#versioninfo')[0];
143 if (PMG.VersionInfo) {
144 var version = PMG.VersionInfo.version + '-' + PMG.VersionInfo.release + '/' +
145 PMG.VersionInfo.repoid;
146 ui.update('Mail Gateway ' + version);
147 } else {
148 ui.update('Mail Gateway');
149 }
150 ui.updateLayout();
151 },
153 initComponent : function() {
154 var me = this;
156 Ext.History.init();
158 // var sprovider = Ext.create('PVE.StateProvider');
159 // Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(sprovider);
161 Ext.apply(me, {
162 layout: { type: 'border' },
163 border: false,
164 items: [
165 {
166 region: 'north',
167 layout: {
168 type: 'hbox',
169 align: 'middle'
170 },
171 baseCls: 'x-plain',
172 defaults: {
173 baseCls: 'x-plain'
174 },
175 border: false,
176 margin: '2 0 2 5',
177 items: [
178 {
179 html: '<a class="x-unselectable" target=_blank href="http://www.proxmox.com">' +
180 '<img style="padding-top:4px;padding-right:5px" src="/pve2/images/proxmox_logo.png"/></a>'
181 },
182 {
183 minWidth: 200,
184 id: 'versioninfo',
185 html: 'Mail Gateway'
186 },
187 {
188 flex: 1
189 },
190 {
191 pack: 'end',
192 id: 'userinfo',
193 stateful: false
194 },
195 {
196 pack: 'end',
197 margin: '0 5 0 10',
198 xtype: 'button',
199 baseCls: 'x-btn',
200 iconCls: 'fa fa-sign-out',
201 text: gettext("Logout"),
202 handler: function() {
203 me.showLogin();
204 // fixme: me.setContent(null);
205 }
206 }
207 ]
208 },
209 {
210 region: 'center',
211 stateful: true,
212 stateId: 'pvecenter',
213 minWidth: 100,
214 minHeight: 100,
215 id: 'content',
216 xtype: 'pmgPanelConfig',
217 items: [
218 {
219 xtype: 'panel',
220 title: 'Mail Filter',
221 itemId: 'filter',
222 expandedOnInit: true,
223 items: [{ xtype: 'pmgRuleConfiguration' }]
224 },
225 {
226 xtype: 'panel',
227 groups: ['filter'],
228 title: 'Actions',
229 itemId: 'filter-actions',
230 html: "Actions"
231 },
232 {
233 xtype: 'panel',
234 groups: ['filter'],
235 title: 'Who',
236 itemId: 'filter-who',
237 html: "Who"
238 },
239 {
240 xtype: 'panel',
241 groups: ['filter'],
242 title: 'What',
243 itemId: 'filter-what',
244 html: "What"
245 },
246 {
247 xtype: 'panel',
248 groups: ['filter'],
249 title: 'When',
250 itemId: 'filter-when',
251 html: "When"
252 },
254 {
255 xtype: 'panel',
256 title: 'Configuration',
257 itemId: 'configuration',
258 expandedOnInit: true,
259 items: [{ xtype: 'pmgSystemConfiguration' }]
260 },
261 {
262 xtype: 'panel',
263 groups: ['configuration'],
264 title: 'Mail Proxy',
265 itemId: 'config-mail-proxy',
266 html: "Mail Proxy"
267 },
268 {
269 xtype: 'panel',
270 groups: ['configuration'],
271 title: 'Spam Detector',
272 itemId: 'config-spam',
273 html: "Spam Detector"
274 },
275 {
276 xtype: 'panel',
277 groups: ['configuration'],
278 title: 'Virus Detector',
279 itemId: 'config-virus',
280 html: "Virus Detector"
281 },
282 {
283 xtype: 'panel',
284 groups: ['configuration'],
285 title: 'User Management',
286 itemId: 'config-users',
287 html: "User Management"
288 },
289 {
290 xtype: 'panel',
291 groups: ['configuration'],
292 title: 'Cluster',
293 itemId: 'config-cluster',
294 html: "Cluster"
295 },
296 {
297 xtype: 'panel',
298 groups: ['configuration'],
299 title: 'License',
300 itemId: 'config-license',
301 html: "License"
302 },
304 {
305 xtype: 'panel',
306 title: 'Administration',
307 itemId: 'admin',
308 expandedOnInit: true,
309 items: [{ xtype: 'pmgServerAdministration' }]
310 },
311 {
312 xtype: 'panel',
313 groups: ['admin'],
314 title: 'Statistics',
315 itemId: 'statistics',
316 html: "Statistics"
317 },
318 {
319 xtype: 'panel',
320 groups: ['admin'],
321 title: 'Quarantine',
322 itemId: 'quarantine',
323 html: "Quarantine"
324 },
325 {
326 xtype: 'panel',
327 groups: ['admin'],
328 title: 'Tracking Center',
329 itemId: 'tracking',
330 html: "Tracking Center"
331 },
332 {
333 xtype: 'panel',
334 groups: ['admin'],
335 title: 'Queues',
336 itemId: 'queues',
337 html: "Queues"
338 }
339 ]
340 }
341 ]
342 });
344 me.callParent();
346 me.updateUserInfo();
348 // on resize, center all modal windows
349 Ext.on('resize', function(){
350 var wins = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('window[modal]');
351 if (wins.length > 0) {
352 wins.forEach(function(win){
353 win.alignTo(me, 'c-c');
354 });
355 }
356 });
357 }
358 });