]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_xterm.js.git/blob - src/test/escape-sequences-test.js
fix tests
[mirror_xterm.js.git] / src / test / escape-sequences-test.js
1 var glob = require('glob');
2 var fs = require('fs');
3 var os = require('os');
4 var pty = require('node-pty');
5 var Terminal = require('../xterm');
7 if (os.platform() === 'win32') {
8 // Skip tests on Windows since pty.open isn't supported
9 return;
10 }
12 var CONSOLE_LOG = console.log;
14 // expect files need terminal at 80x25!
15 var COLS = 80;
16 var ROWS = 25;
18 /** some helpers for pty interaction */
19 // we need a pty in between to get the termios decorations
20 // for the basic test cases a raw pty device is enough
21 var primitive_pty = pty.native.open(COLS, ROWS);
23 // fake sychronous pty write - read
24 // we just pipe the data from slave to master as a child program would do
25 // pty.js opens pipe fds with O_NONBLOCK
26 // just wait 10ms instead of setting fds to blocking mode
27 function ptyWriteRead(s, cb) {
28 fs.writeSync(primitive_pty.slave, s);
29 setTimeout(() => {
30 var b = Buffer(64000);
31 var bytes = fs.readSync(primitive_pty.master, b, 0, 64000);
32 cb(b.toString('utf8', 0, bytes));
33 });
34 }
36 // make sure raw pty is at x=0 and has no pending data
37 function ptyReset(cb) {
38 ptyWriteRead('\r\n', cb);
39 }
41 /* debug helpers */
42 // generate colorful noisy output to compare xterm and emulator cell states
43 function formatError(in_, out_, expected) {
44 function addLineNumber(start, color) {
45 var counter = start || 0;
46 return function(s) {
47 counter += 1;
48 return '\x1b[33m' + (' ' + counter).slice(-2) + color + s;
49 }
50 }
51 var line80 = '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890';
52 var s = '';
53 s += '\n\x1b[34m' + JSON.stringify(in_);
54 s += '\n\x1b[33m ' + line80 + '\n';
55 s += out_.split('\n').map(addLineNumber(0, '\x1b[31m')).join('\n');
56 s += '\n\x1b[33m ' + line80 + '\n';
57 s += expected.split('\n').map(addLineNumber(0, '\x1b[32m')).join('\n');
58 return s;
59 }
61 // simple debug output of terminal cells
62 function terminalToString(term) {
63 var result = '';
64 var line_s = '';
65 for (var line = term.buffer.ybase; line < term.buffer.ybase + term.rows; line++) {
66 line_s = '';
67 for (var cell=0; cell<term.cols; ++cell) {
68 line_s += term.buffer.lines.get(line)[cell][1];
69 }
70 // rtrim empty cells as xterm does
71 line_s = line_s.replace(/\s+$/, '');
72 result += line_s;
73 result += '\n';
74 }
75 return result;
76 }
78 /** tests */
79 describe('xterm output comparison', function() {
80 var xterm;
82 beforeEach(function () {
83 xterm = new Terminal(COLS, ROWS);
84 xterm.refresh = function() {};
85 xterm.viewport = {
86 syncScrollArea: function() {}
87 };
88 });
90 // omit stack trace for escape sequence files
91 Error.stackTraceLimit = 0;
92 var files = glob.sync('**/escape_sequence_files/*.in');
93 // only successful tests for now
94 var skip = [
95 10, 16, 17, 19, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39,
96 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
97 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
98 63, 68
99 ];
100 if (os.platform() === 'darwin') {
101 // These are failing on macOS only
102 skip.push(3, 7, 11, 67);
103 }
104 for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
105 if (skip.indexOf(i) >= 0) {
106 continue;
107 }
108 (function(filename) {
109 it(filename.split('/').slice(-1)[0], done => {
110 ptyReset(() => {
111 var in_file = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
112 ptyWriteRead(in_file, from_pty => {
113 // uncomment this to get log from terminal
114 //console.log = function(){};
116 // Perform a synchronous .write(data)
117 xterm.writeBuffer.push(from_pty);
118 xterm.innerWrite();
120 var from_emulator = terminalToString(xterm);
121 console.log = CONSOLE_LOG;
122 var expected = fs.readFileSync(filename.split('.')[0] + '.text', 'utf8');
123 // Some of the tests have whitespace on the right of lines, we trim all the linex
124 // from xterm.js so ignore this for now at least.
125 var expectedRightTrimmed = expected.split('\n').map(function (l) {
126 return l.replace(/\s+$/, '');
127 }).join('\n');
128 if (from_emulator != expectedRightTrimmed) {
129 // uncomment to get noisy output
130 throw new Error(formatError(in_file, from_emulator, expected));
131 // throw new Error('mismatch');
132 }
133 done();
134 });
135 });
136 });
137 })(files[i]);
138 }
139 });