]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-widget-toolkit.git/blob - src/window/PasswordEdit.js
add totp, wa and recovery creation and tfa edit windows
[proxmox-widget-toolkit.git] / src / window / PasswordEdit.js
1 Ext.define('Proxmox.window.PasswordEdit', {
2 extend: 'Proxmox.window.Edit',
3 alias: 'proxmoxWindowPasswordEdit',
4 mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
6 subject: gettext('Password'),
8 url: '/api2/extjs/access/password',
10 fieldDefaults: {
11 labelWidth: 120,
12 },
14 items: [
15 {
16 xtype: 'textfield',
17 inputType: 'password',
18 fieldLabel: gettext('Password'),
19 minLength: 5,
20 allowBlank: false,
21 name: 'password',
22 listeners: {
23 change: (field) => field.next().validate(),
24 blur: (field) => field.next().validate(),
25 },
26 },
27 {
28 xtype: 'textfield',
29 inputType: 'password',
30 fieldLabel: gettext('Confirm password'),
31 name: 'verifypassword',
32 allowBlank: false,
33 vtype: 'password',
34 initialPassField: 'password',
35 submitValue: false,
36 },
37 {
38 xtype: 'hiddenfield',
39 name: 'userid',
40 cbind: {
41 value: '{userid}',
42 },
43 },
44 ],
45 });