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1 {"version":3,"file":"xterm.js","sources":["../src/xterm.ts","../src/ui/ScreenDprMonitor.ts","../src/ui/RenderDebouncer.ts","../src/ui/Lifecycle.ts","../src/renderer/dom/DomRendererRowFactory.ts","../src/renderer/dom/DomRenderer.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/Types.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/StaticCharAtlas.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/NoneCharAtlas.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/LRUMap.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/DynamicCharAtlas.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/CharAtlasUtils.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/CharAtlasGenerator.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/CharAtlasCache.ts","../src/renderer/atlas/BaseCharAtlas.ts","../src/renderer/TextRenderLayer.ts","../src/renderer/SelectionRenderLayer.ts","../src/renderer/Renderer.ts","../src/renderer/LinkRenderLayer.ts","../src/renderer/GridCache.ts","../src/renderer/CursorRenderLayer.ts","../src/renderer/ColorManager.ts","../src/renderer/CharacterJoinerRegistry.ts","../src/renderer/BaseRenderLayer.ts","../src/public/Terminal.ts","../src/handlers/AltClickHandler.ts","../src/core/input/TextDecoder.ts","../src/core/input/Keyboard.ts","../src/core/data/Charsets.ts","../src/common/data/EscapeSequences.ts","../src/common/TypedArrayUtils.ts","../src/common/Platform.ts","../src/common/Lifecycle.ts","../src/common/EventEmitter2.ts","../src/common/EventEmitter.ts","../src/common/Clone.ts","../src/common/CircularList.ts","../src/WindowsMode.ts","../src/Viewport.ts","../src/Terminal.ts","../src/Strings.ts","../src/SoundManager.ts","../src/SelectionModel.ts","../src/SelectionManager.ts","../src/MouseZoneManager.ts","../src/MouseHelper.ts","../src/Linkifier.ts","../src/InputHandler.ts","../src/EscapeSequenceParser.ts","../src/CompositionHelper.ts","../src/Clipboard.ts","../src/CharWidth.ts","../src/CharMeasure.ts","../src/BufferSet.ts","../src/BufferReflow.ts","../src/BufferLine.ts","../src/Buffer.ts","../src/AccessibilityManager.ts","../node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n *\n * This file is the entry point for browserify.\n */\n\nimport { Terminal } from './public/Terminal';\n\nmodule.exports = Terminal;\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { Disposable } from '../common/Lifecycle';\n\nexport type ScreenDprListener = (newDevicePixelRatio?: number, oldDevicePixelRatio?: number) => void;\n\n/**\n * The screen device pixel ratio monitor allows listening for when the\n * window.devicePixelRatio value changes. This is done not with polling but with\n * the use of window.matchMedia to watch media queries. When the event fires,\n * the listener will be reattached using a different media query to ensure that\n * any further changes will register.\n *\n * The listener should fire on both window zoom changes and switching to a\n * monitor with a different DPI.\n */\nexport class ScreenDprMonitor extends Disposable {\n private _currentDevicePixelRatio: number = window.devicePixelRatio;\n private _outerListener: ((this: MediaQueryList, ev: MediaQueryListEvent) => any) | undefined;\n private _listener: ScreenDprListener | undefined;\n private _resolutionMediaMatchList: MediaQueryList | undefined;\n\n public setListener(listener: ScreenDprListener): void {\n if (this._listener) {\n this.clearListener();\n }\n this._listener = listener;\n this._outerListener = () => {\n if (!this._listener) {\n return;\n }\n this._listener(window.devicePixelRatio, this._currentDevicePixelRatio);\n this._updateDpr();\n };\n this._updateDpr();\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n this.clearListener();\n }\n\n private _updateDpr(): void {\n if (!this._resolutionMediaMatchList || !this._outerListener) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Clear listeners for old DPR\n this._resolutionMediaMatchList.removeListener(this._outerListener);\n\n // Add listeners for new DPR\n this._currentDevicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;\n this._resolutionMediaMatchList = window.matchMedia(`screen and (resolution: ${window.devicePixelRatio}dppx)`);\n this._resolutionMediaMatchList.addListener(this._outerListener);\n }\n\n public clearListener(): void {\n if (!this._resolutionMediaMatchList || !this._listener || !this._outerListener) {\n return;\n }\n this._resolutionMediaMatchList.removeListener(this._outerListener);\n this._resolutionMediaMatchList = undefined;\n this._listener = undefined;\n this._outerListener = undefined;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable } from '../common/Types';\n\n/**\n * Debounces calls to render terminal rows using animation frames.\n */\nexport class RenderDebouncer implements IDisposable {\n private _rowStart: number | undefined;\n private _rowEnd: number | undefined;\n private _rowCount: number | undefined;\n private _animationFrame: number | undefined;\n\n constructor(\n private _renderCallback: (start: number, end: number) => void\n ) {\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n if (this._animationFrame) {\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n this._animationFrame = undefined;\n }\n }\n\n public refresh(rowStart: number, rowEnd: number, rowCount: number): void {\n this._rowCount = rowCount;\n // Get the min/max row start/end for the arg values\n rowStart = rowStart !== undefined ? rowStart : 0;\n rowEnd = rowEnd !== undefined ? rowEnd : this._rowCount - 1;\n // Set the properties to the updated values\n this._rowStart = this._rowStart !== undefined ? Math.min(this._rowStart, rowStart) : rowStart;\n this._rowEnd = this._rowEnd !== undefined ? Math.max(this._rowEnd, rowEnd) : rowEnd;\n\n if (this._animationFrame) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._innerRefresh());\n }\n\n private _innerRefresh(): void {\n // Make sure values are set\n if (this._rowStart === undefined || this._rowEnd === undefined || this._rowCount === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Clamp values\n this._rowStart = Math.max(this._rowStart, 0);\n this._rowEnd = Math.min(this._rowEnd, this._rowCount - 1);\n\n // Run render callback\n this._renderCallback(this._rowStart, this._rowEnd);\n\n // Reset debouncer\n this._rowStart = undefined;\n this._rowEnd = undefined;\n this._animationFrame = undefined;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable } from '../common/Types';\n\n/**\n * Adds a disposable listener to a node in the DOM, returning the disposable.\n * @param type The event type.\n * @param handler The handler for the listener.\n */\nexport function addDisposableDomListener(\n node: Element | Window | Document,\n type: string,\n handler: (e: any) => void,\n useCapture?: boolean\n): IDisposable {\n node.addEventListener(type, handler, useCapture);\n return {\n dispose: () => {\n if (!handler) {\n // Already disposed\n return;\n }\n node.removeEventListener(type, handler, useCapture);\n }\n };\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { NULL_CELL_CODE, WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR } from '../../Buffer';\nimport { IBufferLine, ITerminalOptions } from '../../Types';\nimport { INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR } from '../atlas/Types';\nimport { CellData, AttributeData } from '../../BufferLine';\n\nexport const BOLD_CLASS = 'xterm-bold';\nexport const DIM_CLASS = 'xterm-dim';\nexport const ITALIC_CLASS = 'xterm-italic';\nexport const UNDERLINE_CLASS = 'xterm-underline';\nexport const CURSOR_CLASS = 'xterm-cursor';\nexport const CURSOR_BLINK_CLASS = 'xterm-cursor-blink';\nexport const CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS = 'xterm-cursor-block';\nexport const CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS = 'xterm-cursor-bar';\nexport const CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS = 'xterm-cursor-underline';\n\nexport class DomRendererRowFactory {\n private _workCell: CellData = new CellData();\n\n constructor(\n private _terminalOptions: ITerminalOptions,\n private _document: Document\n ) {\n }\n\n public createRow(lineData: IBufferLine, isCursorRow: boolean, cursorStyle: string | undefined, cursorX: number, cursorBlink: boolean, cellWidth: number, cols: number): DocumentFragment {\n const fragment = this._document.createDocumentFragment();\n\n // Find the line length first, this prevents the need to output a bunch of\n // empty cells at the end. This cannot easily be integrated into the main\n // loop below because of the colCount feature (which can be removed after we\n // properly support reflow and disallow data to go beyond the right-side of\n // the viewport).\n let lineLength = 0;\n for (let x = Math.min(lineData.length, cols) - 1; x >= 0; x--) {\n if (lineData.loadCell(x, this._workCell).getCode() !== NULL_CELL_CODE || (isCursorRow && x === cursorX)) {\n lineLength = x + 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n for (let x = 0; x < lineLength; x++) {\n lineData.loadCell(x, this._workCell);\n const width = this._workCell.getWidth();\n\n // The character to the left is a wide character, drawing is owned by the char at x-1\n if (width === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n\n const charElement = this._document.createElement('span');\n if (width > 1) {\n charElement.style.width = `${cellWidth * width}px`;\n }\n\n if (isCursorRow && x === cursorX) {\n charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_CLASS);\n\n if (cursorBlink) {\n charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_BLINK_CLASS);\n }\n\n switch (cursorStyle) {\n case 'bar':\n charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS);\n break;\n case 'underline':\n charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS);\n break;\n default:\n charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (this._workCell.isBold() && this._terminalOptions.enableBold) {\n charElement.classList.add(BOLD_CLASS);\n }\n\n if (this._workCell.isItalic()) {\n charElement.classList.add(ITALIC_CLASS);\n }\n\n if (this._workCell.isDim()) {\n charElement.classList.add(DIM_CLASS);\n }\n\n if (this._workCell.isUnderline()) {\n charElement.classList.add(UNDERLINE_CLASS);\n }\n\n charElement.textContent = this._workCell.getChars() || WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR;\n\n const swapColor = this._workCell.isInverse();\n\n // fg\n if (this._workCell.isFgRGB()) {\n let style = charElement.getAttribute('style') || '';\n style += `${swapColor ? 'background-' : ''}color:rgb(${(AttributeData.toColorRGB(this._workCell.getFgColor())).join(',')});`;\n charElement.setAttribute('style', style);\n } else if (this._workCell.isFgPalette()) {\n let fg = this._workCell.getFgColor();\n if (this._workCell.isBold() && fg < 8 && !swapColor &&\n this._terminalOptions.enableBold && this._terminalOptions.drawBoldTextInBrightColors) {\n fg += 8;\n }\n charElement.classList.add(`xterm-${swapColor ? 'b' : 'f'}g-${fg}`);\n } else if (swapColor) {\n charElement.classList.add(`xterm-bg-${INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR}`);\n }\n\n // bg\n if (this._workCell.isBgRGB()) {\n let style = charElement.getAttribute('style') || '';\n style += `${swapColor ? '' : 'background-'}color:rgb(${(AttributeData.toColorRGB(this._workCell.getBgColor())).join(',')});`;\n charElement.setAttribute('style', style);\n } else if (this._workCell.isBgPalette()) {\n charElement.classList.add(`xterm-${swapColor ? 'f' : 'b'}g-${this._workCell.getBgColor()}`);\n } else if (swapColor) {\n charElement.classList.add(`xterm-fg-${INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR}`);\n }\n\n fragment.appendChild(charElement);\n }\n return fragment;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IRenderer, IRenderDimensions, IColorSet } from '../Types';\nimport { ILinkifierEvent, ITerminal, CharacterJoinerHandler } from '../../Types';\nimport { ITheme } from 'xterm';\nimport { ColorManager } from '../ColorManager';\nimport { RenderDebouncer } from '../../ui/RenderDebouncer';\nimport { BOLD_CLASS, ITALIC_CLASS, CURSOR_CLASS, CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS, CURSOR_BLINK_CLASS, CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS, CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS, DomRendererRowFactory } from './DomRendererRowFactory';\nimport { INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR } from '../atlas/Types';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from '../../common/EventEmitter2';\nimport { Disposable } from '../../common/Lifecycle';\n\nconst TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX = 'xterm-dom-renderer-owner-';\nconst ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS = 'xterm-rows';\nconst FG_CLASS_PREFIX = 'xterm-fg-';\nconst BG_CLASS_PREFIX = 'xterm-bg-';\nconst FOCUS_CLASS = 'xterm-focus';\nconst SELECTION_CLASS = 'xterm-selection';\n\nlet nextTerminalId = 1;\n\n// TODO: Pull into an addon when TS composite projects allow easier sharing of code (not just\n// interfaces) between core and addons\n\n/**\n * A fallback renderer for when canvas is slow. This is not meant to be\n * particularly fast or feature complete, more just stable and usable for when\n * canvas is not an option.\n */\nexport class DomRenderer extends Disposable implements IRenderer {\n private _renderDebouncer: RenderDebouncer;\n private _rowFactory: DomRendererRowFactory;\n private _terminalClass: number = nextTerminalId++;\n\n private _themeStyleElement: HTMLStyleElement;\n private _dimensionsStyleElement: HTMLStyleElement;\n private _rowContainer: HTMLElement;\n private _rowElements: HTMLElement[] = [];\n private _selectionContainer: HTMLElement;\n\n public dimensions: IRenderDimensions;\n public colorManager: ColorManager;\n\n private _onCanvasResize = new EventEmitter2<{ width: number, height: number }>();\n public get onCanvasResize(): IEvent<{ width: number, height: number }> { return this._onCanvasResize.event; }\n private _onRender = new EventEmitter2<{ start: number, end: number }>();\n public get onRender(): IEvent<{ start: number, end: number }> { return this._onRender.event; }\n\n constructor(private _terminal: ITerminal, theme: ITheme | undefined) {\n super();\n const allowTransparency = this._terminal.options.allowTransparency;\n this.colorManager = new ColorManager(document, allowTransparency);\n this.setTheme(theme);\n\n this._rowContainer = document.createElement('div');\n this._rowContainer.classList.add(ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS);\n this._rowContainer.style.lineHeight = 'normal';\n this._rowContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n this._refreshRowElements(this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows);\n this._selectionContainer = document.createElement('div');\n this._selectionContainer.classList.add(SELECTION_CLASS);\n this._selectionContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n\n this.dimensions = {\n scaledCharWidth: null,\n scaledCharHeight: null,\n scaledCellWidth: null,\n scaledCellHeight: null,\n scaledCharLeft: null,\n scaledCharTop: null,\n scaledCanvasWidth: null,\n scaledCanvasHeight: null,\n canvasWidth: null,\n canvasHeight: null,\n actualCellWidth: null,\n actualCellHeight: null\n };\n this._updateDimensions();\n\n this._renderDebouncer = new RenderDebouncer(this._renderRows.bind(this));\n this._rowFactory = new DomRendererRowFactory(_terminal.options, document);\n\n this._terminal.element.classList.add(TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX + this._terminalClass);\n this._terminal.screenElement.appendChild(this._rowContainer);\n this._terminal.screenElement.appendChild(this._selectionContainer);\n\n this._terminal.linkifier.onLinkHover(e => this._onLinkHover(e));\n this._terminal.linkifier.onLinkLeave(e => this._onLinkLeave(e));\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n this._terminal.element.classList.remove(TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX + this._terminalClass);\n this._terminal.screenElement.removeChild(this._rowContainer);\n this._terminal.screenElement.removeChild(this._selectionContainer);\n this._terminal.screenElement.removeChild(this._themeStyleElement);\n this._terminal.screenElement.removeChild(this._dimensionsStyleElement);\n super.dispose();\n }\n\n private _updateDimensions(): void {\n this.dimensions.scaledCharWidth = Math.floor(this._terminal.charMeasure.width * window.devicePixelRatio);\n this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight = Math.ceil(this._terminal.charMeasure.height * window.devicePixelRatio);\n this.dimensions.scaledCellWidth = this.dimensions.scaledCharWidth + Math.round(this._terminal.options.letterSpacing);\n this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight = Math.floor(this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight * this._terminal.options.lineHeight);\n this.dimensions.scaledCharLeft = 0;\n this.dimensions.scaledCharTop = 0;\n this.dimensions.scaledCanvasWidth = this.dimensions.scaledCellWidth * this._terminal.cols;\n this.dimensions.scaledCanvasHeight = this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight * this._terminal.rows;\n this.dimensions.canvasWidth = Math.round(this.dimensions.scaledCanvasWidth / window.devicePixelRatio);\n this.dimensions.canvasHeight = Math.round(this.dimensions.scaledCanvasHeight / window.devicePixelRatio);\n this.dimensions.actualCellWidth = this.dimensions.canvasWidth / this._terminal.cols;\n this.dimensions.actualCellHeight = this.dimensions.canvasHeight / this._terminal.rows;\n\n this._rowElements.forEach(element => {\n element.style.width = `${this.dimensions.canvasWidth}px`;\n element.style.height = `${this.dimensions.actualCellHeight}px`;\n element.style.lineHeight = `${this.dimensions.actualCellHeight}px`;\n // Make sure rows don't overflow onto following row\n element.style.overflow = 'hidden';\n });\n\n if (!this._dimensionsStyleElement) {\n this._dimensionsStyleElement = document.createElement('style');\n this._terminal.screenElement.appendChild(this._dimensionsStyleElement);\n }\n\n const styles =\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS} span {` +\n ` display: inline-block;` +\n ` height: 100%;` +\n ` vertical-align: top;` +\n ` width: ${this.dimensions.actualCellWidth}px` +\n `}`;\n\n this._dimensionsStyleElement.innerHTML = styles;\n\n this._selectionContainer.style.height = (<any>this._terminal)._viewportElement.style.height;\n this._terminal.screenElement.style.width = `${this.dimensions.canvasWidth}px`;\n this._terminal.screenElement.style.height = `${this.dimensions.canvasHeight}px`;\n }\n\n public setTheme(theme: ITheme | undefined): IColorSet {\n if (theme) {\n this.colorManager.setTheme(theme);\n }\n\n if (!this._themeStyleElement) {\n this._themeStyleElement = document.createElement('style');\n this._terminal.screenElement.appendChild(this._themeStyleElement);\n }\n\n // Base CSS\n let styles =\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS} {` +\n ` color: ${this.colorManager.colors.foreground.css};` +\n ` background-color: ${this.colorManager.colors.background.css};` +\n ` font-family: ${this._terminal.getOption('fontFamily')};` +\n ` font-size: ${this._terminal.getOption('fontSize')}px;` +\n `}`;\n // Text styles\n styles +=\n `${this._terminalSelector} span:not(.${BOLD_CLASS}) {` +\n ` font-weight: ${this._terminal.options.fontWeight};` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} span.${BOLD_CLASS} {` +\n ` font-weight: ${this._terminal.options.fontWeightBold};` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} span.${ITALIC_CLASS} {` +\n ` font-style: italic;` +\n `}`;\n // Blink animation\n styles +=\n `@keyframes blink {` +\n ` 0% { opacity: 1.0; }` +\n ` 50% { opacity: 0.0; }` +\n ` 100% { opacity: 1.0; }` +\n `}`;\n // Cursor\n styles +=\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}:not(.${FOCUS_CLASS}) .${CURSOR_CLASS} {` +\n ` outline: 1px solid ${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css};` +\n ` outline-offset: -1px;` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}.${FOCUS_CLASS} .${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_BLINK_CLASS} {` +\n ` animation: blink 1s step-end infinite;` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}.${FOCUS_CLASS} .${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS} {` +\n ` background-color: ${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css};` +\n ` color: ${this.colorManager.colors.cursorAccent.css};` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}.${FOCUS_CLASS} .${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS} {` +\n ` box-shadow: 1px 0 0 ${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css} inset;` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}.${FOCUS_CLASS} .${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS} {` +\n ` box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 ${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css} inset;` +\n `}`;\n // Selection\n styles +=\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${SELECTION_CLASS} {` +\n ` position: absolute;` +\n ` top: 0;` +\n ` left: 0;` +\n ` z-index: 1;` +\n ` pointer-events: none;` +\n `}` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${SELECTION_CLASS} div {` +\n ` position: absolute;` +\n ` background-color: ${this.colorManager.colors.selection.css};` +\n `}`;\n // Colors\n this.colorManager.colors.ansi.forEach((c, i) => {\n styles +=\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${FG_CLASS_PREFIX}${i} { color: ${c.css}; }` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${BG_CLASS_PREFIX}${i} { background-color: ${c.css}; }`;\n });\n styles +=\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${FG_CLASS_PREFIX}${INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR} { color: ${this.colorManager.colors.background.css}; }` +\n `${this._terminalSelector} .${BG_CLASS_PREFIX}${INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR} { background-color: ${this.colorManager.colors.foreground.css}; }`;\n\n this._themeStyleElement.innerHTML = styles;\n return this.colorManager.colors;\n }\n\n public onWindowResize(devicePixelRatio: number): void {\n this._updateDimensions();\n }\n\n private _refreshRowElements(cols: number, rows: number): void {\n // Add missing elements\n for (let i = this._rowElements.length; i <= rows; i++) {\n const row = document.createElement('div');\n this._rowContainer.appendChild(row);\n this._rowElements.push(row);\n }\n // Remove excess elements\n while (this._rowElements.length > rows) {\n this._rowContainer.removeChild(this._rowElements.pop());\n }\n }\n\n public onResize(cols: number, rows: number): void {\n this._refreshRowElements(cols, rows);\n this._updateDimensions();\n this._onCanvasResize.fire({\n width: this.dimensions.canvasWidth,\n height: this.dimensions.canvasHeight\n });\n }\n\n public onCharSizeChanged(): void {\n this._updateDimensions();\n }\n\n public onBlur(): void {\n this._rowContainer.classList.remove(FOCUS_CLASS);\n }\n\n public onFocus(): void {\n this._rowContainer.classList.add(FOCUS_CLASS);\n }\n\n public onSelectionChanged(start: [number, number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: boolean): void {\n // Remove all selections\n while (this._selectionContainer.children.length) {\n this._selectionContainer.removeChild(this._selectionContainer.children[0]);\n }\n\n // Selection does not exist\n if (!start || !end) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Translate from buffer position to viewport position\n const viewportStartRow = start[1] - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n const viewportEndRow = end[1] - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n const viewportCappedStartRow = Math.max(viewportStartRow, 0);\n const viewportCappedEndRow = Math.min(viewportEndRow, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n\n // No need to draw the selection\n if (viewportCappedStartRow >= this._terminal.rows || viewportCappedEndRow < 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Create the selections\n const documentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\n\n if (columnSelectMode) {\n documentFragment.appendChild(\n this._createSelectionElement(viewportCappedStartRow, start[0], end[0], viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow + 1)\n );\n } else {\n // Draw first row\n const startCol = viewportStartRow === viewportCappedStartRow ? start[0] : 0;\n const endCol = viewportCappedStartRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : this._terminal.cols;\n documentFragment.appendChild(this._createSelectionElement(viewportCappedStartRow, startCol, endCol));\n // Draw middle rows\n const middleRowsCount = viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow - 1;\n documentFragment.appendChild(this._createSelectionElement(viewportCappedStartRow + 1, 0, this._terminal.cols, middleRowsCount));\n // Draw final row\n if (viewportCappedStartRow !== viewportCappedEndRow) {\n // Only draw viewportEndRow if it's not the same as viewporttartRow\n const endCol = viewportEndRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : this._terminal.cols;\n documentFragment.appendChild(this._createSelectionElement(viewportCappedEndRow, 0, endCol));\n }\n }\n this._selectionContainer.appendChild(documentFragment);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a selection element at the specified position.\n * @param row The row of the selection.\n * @param colStart The start column.\n * @param colEnd The end columns.\n */\n private _createSelectionElement(row: number, colStart: number, colEnd: number, rowCount: number = 1): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement('div');\n element.style.height = `${rowCount * this.dimensions.actualCellHeight}px`;\n element.style.top = `${row * this.dimensions.actualCellHeight}px`;\n element.style.left = `${colStart * this.dimensions.actualCellWidth}px`;\n element.style.width = `${this.dimensions.actualCellWidth * (colEnd - colStart)}px`;\n return element;\n }\n\n public onCursorMove(): void {\n // No-op, the cursor is drawn when rows are drawn\n }\n\n public onOptionsChanged(): void {\n // Force a refresh\n this._updateDimensions();\n this.setTheme(undefined);\n this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n }\n\n public clear(): void {\n this._rowElements.forEach(e => e.innerHTML = '');\n }\n\n public refreshRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n this._renderDebouncer.refresh(start, end, this._terminal.rows);\n }\n\n private _renderRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n const terminal = this._terminal;\n\n const cursorAbsoluteY = terminal.buffer.ybase + terminal.buffer.y;\n const cursorX = this._terminal.buffer.x;\n const cursorBlink = this._terminal.options.cursorBlink;\n\n for (let y = start; y <= end; y++) {\n const rowElement = this._rowElements[y];\n rowElement.innerHTML = '';\n\n const row = y + terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n const lineData = terminal.buffer.lines.get(row);\n const cursorStyle = terminal.options.cursorStyle;\n rowElement.appendChild(this._rowFactory.createRow(lineData, row === cursorAbsoluteY, cursorStyle, cursorX, cursorBlink, this.dimensions.actualCellWidth, terminal.cols));\n }\n\n this._onRender.fire({ start, end });\n }\n\n private get _terminalSelector(): string {\n return `.${TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX}${this._terminalClass}`;\n }\n\n public registerCharacterJoiner(handler: CharacterJoinerHandler): number { return -1; }\n public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): boolean { return false; }\n\n private _onLinkHover(e: ILinkifierEvent): void {\n this._setCellUnderline(e.x1, e.x2, e.y1, e.y2, e.cols, true);\n }\n\n private _onLinkLeave(e: ILinkifierEvent): void {\n this._setCellUnderline(e.x1, e.x2, e.y1, e.y2, e.cols, false);\n }\n\n private _setCellUnderline(x: number, x2: number, y: number, y2: number, cols: number, enabled: boolean): void {\n while (x !== x2 || y !== y2) {\n const row = this._rowElements[y];\n if (!row) {\n return;\n }\n const span = <HTMLElement>row.children[x];\n if (span) {\n span.style.textDecoration = enabled ? 'underline' : 'none';\n }\n if (++x >= cols) {\n x = 0;\n y++;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { FontWeight } from 'xterm';\nimport { IColorSet } from '../Types';\n\nexport const DEFAULT_COLOR = 256;\nexport const INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR = 257;\nexport const DIM_OPACITY = 0.5;\n\nexport const CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING = 1;\n\nexport interface IGlyphIdentifier {\n chars: string;\n code: number;\n bg: number;\n fg: number;\n bold: boolean;\n dim: boolean;\n italic: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface ICharAtlasConfig {\n type: 'none' | 'static' | 'dynamic';\n devicePixelRatio: number;\n fontSize: number;\n fontFamily: string;\n fontWeight: FontWeight;\n fontWeightBold: FontWeight;\n scaledCharWidth: number;\n scaledCharHeight: number;\n allowTransparency: boolean;\n colors: IColorSet;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { DIM_OPACITY, IGlyphIdentifier, DEFAULT_COLOR, ICharAtlasConfig, CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING } from './Types';\nimport { generateStaticCharAtlasTexture } from './CharAtlasGenerator';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\nimport { is256Color } from './CharAtlasUtils';\n\nexport default class StaticCharAtlas extends BaseCharAtlas {\n private _texture: HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap;\n\n constructor(private _document: Document, private _config: ICharAtlasConfig) {\n super();\n }\n\n private _canvasFactory = (width: number, height: number) => {\n const canvas = this._document.createElement('canvas');\n canvas.width = width;\n canvas.height = height;\n\n // This is useful for debugging\n // document.body.appendChild(canvas);\n\n return canvas;\n }\n\n protected _doWarmUp(): void {\n const result = generateStaticCharAtlasTexture(window, this._canvasFactory, this._config);\n if (result instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {\n this._texture = result;\n } else {\n result.then(texture => {\n this._texture = texture;\n });\n }\n }\n\n private _isCached(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier, colorIndex: number): boolean {\n const isAscii = glyph.code < 256;\n // A color is basic if it is one of the 4 bit ANSI colors.\n const isBasicColor = glyph.fg < 16;\n const isDefaultColor = glyph.fg === DEFAULT_COLOR;\n const isDefaultBackground = glyph.bg === DEFAULT_COLOR;\n return isAscii && (isBasicColor || isDefaultColor) && isDefaultBackground && !glyph.italic;\n }\n\n public draw(\n ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n x: number,\n y: number\n ): boolean {\n // we're not warmed up yet\n if (this._texture === null || this._texture === undefined) {\n return false;\n }\n\n let colorIndex = 0;\n if (is256Color(glyph.fg)) {\n colorIndex = 2 + glyph.fg + (glyph.bold ? 16 : 0);\n } else if (glyph.fg === DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n // If default color and bold\n if (glyph.bold) {\n colorIndex = 1;\n }\n }\n if (!this._isCached(glyph, colorIndex)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n ctx.save();\n\n // ImageBitmap's draw about twice as fast as from a canvas\n const charAtlasCellWidth = this._config.scaledCharWidth + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n const charAtlasCellHeight = this._config.scaledCharHeight + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n\n // Apply alpha to dim the character\n if (glyph.dim) {\n ctx.globalAlpha = DIM_OPACITY;\n }\n\n ctx.drawImage(\n this._texture,\n glyph.code * charAtlasCellWidth,\n colorIndex * charAtlasCellHeight,\n charAtlasCellWidth,\n this._config.scaledCharHeight,\n x,\n y,\n charAtlasCellWidth,\n this._config.scaledCharHeight\n );\n\n ctx.restore();\n\n return true;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n *\n * A dummy CharAtlas implementation that always fails to draw characters.\n */\n\nimport { IGlyphIdentifier, ICharAtlasConfig } from './Types';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\n\nexport default class NoneCharAtlas extends BaseCharAtlas {\n constructor(document: Document, config: ICharAtlasConfig) {\n super();\n }\n\n public draw(\n ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n x: number,\n y: number\n ): boolean {\n return false;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\ninterface ILinkedListNode<T> {\n prev: ILinkedListNode<T>;\n next: ILinkedListNode<T>;\n key: number;\n value: T;\n}\n\nexport default class LRUMap<T> {\n private _map: { [key: number]: ILinkedListNode<T> } = {};\n private _head: ILinkedListNode<T> = null;\n private _tail: ILinkedListNode<T> = null;\n private _nodePool: ILinkedListNode<T>[] = [];\n public size: number = 0;\n\n constructor(public capacity: number) { }\n\n private _unlinkNode(node: ILinkedListNode<T>): void {\n const prev = node.prev;\n const next = node.next;\n if (node === this._head) {\n this._head = next;\n }\n if (node === this._tail) {\n this._tail = prev;\n }\n if (prev !== null) {\n prev.next = next;\n }\n if (next !== null) {\n next.prev = prev;\n }\n }\n\n private _appendNode(node: ILinkedListNode<T>): void {\n const tail = this._tail;\n if (tail !== null) {\n tail.next = node;\n }\n node.prev = tail;\n node.next = null;\n this._tail = node;\n if (this._head === null) {\n this._head = node;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Preallocate a bunch of linked-list nodes. Allocating these nodes ahead of time means that\n * they're more likely to live next to each other in memory, which seems to improve performance.\n *\n * Each empty object only consumes about 60 bytes of memory, so this is pretty cheap, even for\n * large maps.\n */\n public prealloc(count: number): void {\n const nodePool = this._nodePool;\n for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n nodePool.push({\n prev: null,\n next: null,\n key: null,\n value: null\n });\n }\n }\n\n public get(key: number): T | null {\n // This is unsafe: We're assuming our keyspace doesn't overlap with Object.prototype. However,\n // it's faster than calling hasOwnProperty, and in our case, it would never overlap.\n const node = this._map[key];\n if (node !== undefined) {\n this._unlinkNode(node);\n this._appendNode(node);\n return node.value;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets a value from a key without marking it as the most recently used item.\n */\n public peekValue(key: number): T | null {\n const node = this._map[key];\n if (node !== undefined) {\n return node.value;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n public peek(): T | null {\n const head = this._head;\n return head === null ? null : head.value;\n }\n\n public set(key: number, value: T): void {\n // This is unsafe: See note above.\n let node = this._map[key];\n if (node !== undefined) {\n // already exists, we just need to mutate it and move it to the end of the list\n node = this._map[key];\n this._unlinkNode(node);\n node.value = value;\n } else if (this.size >= this.capacity) {\n // we're out of space: recycle the head node, move it to the tail\n node = this._head;\n this._unlinkNode(node);\n delete this._map[node.key];\n node.key = key;\n node.value = value;\n this._map[key] = node;\n } else {\n // make a new element\n const nodePool = this._nodePool;\n if (nodePool.length > 0) {\n // use a preallocated node if we can\n node = nodePool.pop();\n node.key = key;\n node.value = value;\n } else {\n node = {\n prev: null,\n next: null,\n key,\n value\n };\n }\n this._map[key] = node;\n this.size++;\n }\n this._appendNode(node);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { DIM_OPACITY, IGlyphIdentifier, INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR, ICharAtlasConfig } from './Types';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\nimport { DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS } from '../ColorManager';\nimport { clearColor } from './CharAtlasGenerator';\nimport LRUMap from './LRUMap';\nimport { isFirefox, isSafari } from '../../common/Platform';\nimport { IColor } from '../Types';\n\n// In practice we're probably never going to exhaust a texture this large. For debugging purposes,\n// however, it can be useful to set this to a really tiny value, to verify that LRU eviction works.\nconst TEXTURE_WIDTH = 1024;\nconst TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 1024;\n\nconst TRANSPARENT_COLOR = {\n css: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',\n rgba: 0\n};\n\n// Drawing to the cache is expensive: If we have to draw more than this number of glyphs to the\n// cache in a single frame, give up on trying to cache anything else, and try to finish the current\n// frame ASAP.\n//\n// This helps to limit the amount of damage a program can do when it would otherwise thrash the\n// cache.\nconst FRAME_CACHE_DRAW_LIMIT = 100;\n\n/**\n * The number of milliseconds to wait before generating the ImageBitmap, this is to debounce/batch\n * the operation as window.createImageBitmap is asynchronous.\n */\nconst GLYPH_BITMAP_COMMIT_DELAY = 100;\n\ninterface IGlyphCacheValue {\n index: number;\n isEmpty: boolean;\n inBitmap: boolean;\n}\n\nexport function getGlyphCacheKey(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier): number {\n // Note that this only returns a valid key when code < 256\n // Layout:\n // 0b00000000000000000000000000000001: italic (1)\n // 0b00000000000000000000000000000010: dim (1)\n // 0b00000000000000000000000000000100: bold (1)\n // 0b00000000000000000000111111111000: fg (9)\n // 0b00000000000111111111000000000000: bg (9)\n // 0b00011111111000000000000000000000: code (8)\n // 0b11100000000000000000000000000000: unused (3)\n return glyph.code << 21 | glyph.bg << 12 | glyph.fg << 3 | (glyph.bold ? 0 : 4) + (glyph.dim ? 0 : 2) + (glyph.italic ? 0 : 1);\n}\n\nexport default class DynamicCharAtlas extends BaseCharAtlas {\n // An ordered map that we're using to keep track of where each glyph is in the atlas texture.\n // It's ordered so that we can determine when to remove the old entries.\n private _cacheMap: LRUMap<IGlyphCacheValue>;\n\n // The texture that the atlas is drawn to\n private _cacheCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;\n private _cacheCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n\n // A temporary context that glyphs are drawn to before being transfered to the atlas.\n private _tmpCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n\n // The number of characters stored in the atlas by width/height\n private _width: number;\n private _height: number;\n\n private _drawToCacheCount: number = 0;\n\n // An array of glyph keys that are waiting on the bitmap to be generated.\n private _glyphsWaitingOnBitmap: IGlyphCacheValue[] = [];\n\n // The timeout that is used to batch bitmap generation so it's not requested for every new glyph.\n private _bitmapCommitTimeout: number | null = null;\n\n // The bitmap to draw from, this is much faster on other browsers than others.\n private _bitmap: ImageBitmap | null = null;\n\n constructor(document: Document, private _config: ICharAtlasConfig) {\n super();\n this._cacheCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n this._cacheCanvas.width = TEXTURE_WIDTH;\n this._cacheCanvas.height = TEXTURE_HEIGHT;\n // The canvas needs alpha because we use clearColor to convert the background color to alpha.\n // It might also contain some characters with transparent backgrounds if allowTransparency is\n // set.\n this._cacheCtx = this._cacheCanvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: true});\n\n const tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n tmpCanvas.width = this._config.scaledCharWidth;\n tmpCanvas.height = this._config.scaledCharHeight;\n this._tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: this._config.allowTransparency});\n\n this._width = Math.floor(TEXTURE_WIDTH / this._config.scaledCharWidth);\n this._height = Math.floor(TEXTURE_HEIGHT / this._config.scaledCharHeight);\n const capacity = this._width * this._height;\n this._cacheMap = new LRUMap(capacity);\n this._cacheMap.prealloc(capacity);\n\n // This is useful for debugging\n // document.body.appendChild(this._cacheCanvas);\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n if (this._bitmapCommitTimeout !== null) {\n window.clearTimeout(this._bitmapCommitTimeout);\n this._bitmapCommitTimeout = null;\n }\n }\n\n public beginFrame(): void {\n this._drawToCacheCount = 0;\n }\n\n public draw(\n ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n x: number,\n y: number\n ): boolean {\n // Space is always an empty cell, special case this as it's so common\n if (glyph.code === 32) {\n return true;\n }\n\n // Exit early for uncachable glyphs\n if (!this._canCache(glyph)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const glyphKey = getGlyphCacheKey(glyph);\n const cacheValue = this._cacheMap.get(glyphKey);\n if (cacheValue !== null && cacheValue !== undefined) {\n this._drawFromCache(ctx, cacheValue, x, y);\n return true;\n } else if (this._drawToCacheCount < FRAME_CACHE_DRAW_LIMIT) {\n let index;\n if (this._cacheMap.size < this._cacheMap.capacity) {\n index = this._cacheMap.size;\n } else {\n // we're out of space, so our call to set will delete this item\n index = this._cacheMap.peek().index;\n }\n const cacheValue = this._drawToCache(glyph, index);\n this._cacheMap.set(glyphKey, cacheValue);\n this._drawFromCache(ctx, cacheValue, x, y);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n private _canCache(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier): boolean {\n // Only cache ascii and extended characters for now, to be safe. In the future, we could do\n // something more complicated to determine the expected width of a character.\n //\n // If we switch the renderer over to webgl at some point, we may be able to use blending modes\n // to draw overlapping glyphs from the atlas:\n // https://github.com/servo/webrender/issues/464#issuecomment-255632875\n // https://webglfundamentals.org/webgl/lessons/webgl-text-texture.html\n return glyph.code < 256;\n }\n\n private _toCoordinateX(index: number): number {\n return (index % this._width) * this._config.scaledCharWidth;\n }\n\n private _toCoordinateY(index: number): number {\n return Math.floor(index / this._width) * this._config.scaledCharHeight;\n }\n\n private _drawFromCache(\n ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n cacheValue: IGlyphCacheValue,\n x: number,\n y: number\n ): void {\n // We don't actually need to do anything if this is whitespace.\n if (cacheValue.isEmpty) {\n return;\n }\n const cacheX = this._toCoordinateX(cacheValue.index);\n const cacheY = this._toCoordinateY(cacheValue.index);\n ctx.drawImage(\n cacheValue.inBitmap ? this._bitmap : this._cacheCanvas,\n cacheX,\n cacheY,\n this._config.scaledCharWidth,\n this._config.scaledCharHeight,\n x,\n y,\n this._config.scaledCharWidth,\n this._config.scaledCharHeight\n );\n }\n\n private _getColorFromAnsiIndex(idx: number): IColor {\n if (idx < this._config.colors.ansi.length) {\n return this._config.colors.ansi[idx];\n }\n return DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[idx];\n }\n\n private _getBackgroundColor(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier): IColor {\n if (this._config.allowTransparency) {\n // The background color might have some transparency, so we need to render it as fully\n // transparent in the atlas. Otherwise we'd end up drawing the transparent background twice\n // around the anti-aliased edges of the glyph, and it would look too dark.\n return TRANSPARENT_COLOR;\n } else if (glyph.bg === INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n return this._config.colors.foreground;\n } else if (glyph.bg < 256) {\n return this._getColorFromAnsiIndex(glyph.bg);\n }\n return this._config.colors.background;\n }\n\n private _getForegroundColor(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier): IColor {\n if (glyph.fg === INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n return this._config.colors.background;\n } else if (glyph.fg < 256) {\n // 256 color support\n return this._getColorFromAnsiIndex(glyph.fg);\n }\n return this._config.colors.foreground;\n }\n\n // TODO: We do this (or something similar) in multiple places. We should split this off\n // into a shared function.\n private _drawToCache(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier, index: number): IGlyphCacheValue {\n this._drawToCacheCount++;\n\n this._tmpCtx.save();\n\n // draw the background\n const backgroundColor = this._getBackgroundColor(glyph);\n // Use a 'copy' composite operation to clear any existing glyph out of _tmpCtxWithAlpha, regardless of\n // transparency in backgroundColor\n this._tmpCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';\n this._tmpCtx.fillStyle = backgroundColor.css;\n this._tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, this._config.scaledCharWidth, this._config.scaledCharHeight);\n this._tmpCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';\n\n // draw the foreground/glyph\n const fontWeight = glyph.bold ? this._config.fontWeightBold : this._config.fontWeight;\n const fontStyle = glyph.italic ? 'italic' : '';\n this._tmpCtx.font =\n `${fontStyle} ${fontWeight} ${this._config.fontSize * this._config.devicePixelRatio}px ${this._config.fontFamily}`;\n this._tmpCtx.textBaseline = 'middle';\n\n this._tmpCtx.fillStyle = this._getForegroundColor(glyph).css;\n\n // Apply alpha to dim the character\n if (glyph.dim) {\n this._tmpCtx.globalAlpha = DIM_OPACITY;\n }\n // Draw the character\n this._tmpCtx.fillText(glyph.chars, 0, this._config.scaledCharHeight / 2);\n this._tmpCtx.restore();\n\n // clear the background from the character to avoid issues with drawing over the previous\n // character if it extends past it's bounds\n const imageData = this._tmpCtx.getImageData(\n 0, 0, this._config.scaledCharWidth, this._config.scaledCharHeight\n );\n let isEmpty = false;\n if (!this._config.allowTransparency) {\n isEmpty = clearColor(imageData, backgroundColor);\n }\n\n // copy the data from imageData to _cacheCanvas\n const x = this._toCoordinateX(index);\n const y = this._toCoordinateY(index);\n // putImageData doesn't do any blending, so it will overwrite any existing cache entry for us\n this._cacheCtx.putImageData(imageData, x, y);\n\n // Add the glyph and queue it to the bitmap (if the browser supports it)\n const cacheValue = {\n index,\n isEmpty,\n inBitmap: false\n };\n this._addGlyphToBitmap(cacheValue);\n\n return cacheValue;\n }\n\n private _addGlyphToBitmap(cacheValue: IGlyphCacheValue): void {\n // Support is patchy for createImageBitmap at the moment, pass a canvas back\n // if support is lacking as drawImage works there too. Firefox is also\n // included here as ImageBitmap appears both buggy and has horrible\n // performance (tested on v55).\n if (!('createImageBitmap' in window) || isFirefox || isSafari) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Add the glyph to the queue\n this._glyphsWaitingOnBitmap.push(cacheValue);\n\n // Check if bitmap generation timeout already exists\n if (this._bitmapCommitTimeout !== null) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._bitmapCommitTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => this._generateBitmap(), GLYPH_BITMAP_COMMIT_DELAY);\n }\n\n private _generateBitmap(): void {\n const glyphsMovingToBitmap = this._glyphsWaitingOnBitmap;\n this._glyphsWaitingOnBitmap = [];\n window.createImageBitmap(this._cacheCanvas).then(bitmap => {\n // Set bitmap\n this._bitmap = bitmap;\n\n // Mark all new glyphs as in bitmap, excluding glyphs that came in after\n // the bitmap was requested\n for (let i = 0; i < glyphsMovingToBitmap.length; i++) {\n const value = glyphsMovingToBitmap[i];\n // It doesn't matter if the value was already evicted, it will be\n // released from memory after this block if so.\n value.inBitmap = true;\n }\n });\n this._bitmapCommitTimeout = null;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from '../../Types';\nimport { IColorSet } from '../Types';\nimport { DEFAULT_COLOR, ICharAtlasConfig } from './Types';\n\nexport function generateConfig(scaledCharWidth: number, scaledCharHeight: number, terminal: ITerminal, colors: IColorSet): ICharAtlasConfig {\n // null out some fields that don't matter\n const clonedColors = <IColorSet>{\n foreground: colors.foreground,\n background: colors.background,\n cursor: null,\n cursorAccent: null,\n selection: null,\n // For the static char atlas, we only use the first 16 colors, but we need all 256 for the\n // dynamic character atlas.\n ansi: colors.ansi.slice(0, 16)\n };\n return {\n type: terminal.options.experimentalCharAtlas,\n devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,\n scaledCharWidth,\n scaledCharHeight,\n fontFamily: terminal.options.fontFamily,\n fontSize: terminal.options.fontSize,\n fontWeight: terminal.options.fontWeight,\n fontWeightBold: terminal.options.fontWeightBold,\n allowTransparency: terminal.options.allowTransparency,\n colors: clonedColors\n };\n}\n\nexport function configEquals(a: ICharAtlasConfig, b: ICharAtlasConfig): boolean {\n for (let i = 0; i < a.colors.ansi.length; i++) {\n if (a.colors.ansi[i].rgba !== b.colors.ansi[i].rgba) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return a.type === b.type &&\n a.devicePixelRatio === b.devicePixelRatio &&\n a.fontFamily === b.fontFamily &&\n a.fontSize === b.fontSize &&\n a.fontWeight === b.fontWeight &&\n a.fontWeightBold === b.fontWeightBold &&\n a.allowTransparency === b.allowTransparency &&\n a.scaledCharWidth === b.scaledCharWidth &&\n a.scaledCharHeight === b.scaledCharHeight &&\n a.colors.foreground === b.colors.foreground &&\n a.colors.background === b.colors.background;\n}\n\nexport function is256Color(colorCode: number): boolean {\n return colorCode < DEFAULT_COLOR;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { FontWeight } from 'xterm';\nimport { isFirefox, isSafari } from '../../common/Platform';\nimport { IColor } from '../Types';\nimport { ICharAtlasConfig, CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING } from './Types';\n\n/**\n * Generates a char atlas.\n * @param context The window or worker context.\n * @param canvasFactory A function to generate a canvas with a width or height.\n * @param config The config for the new char atlas.\n */\nexport function generateStaticCharAtlasTexture(context: Window, canvasFactory: (width: number, height: number) => HTMLCanvasElement, config: ICharAtlasConfig): HTMLCanvasElement | Promise<ImageBitmap> {\n const cellWidth = config.scaledCharWidth + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n const cellHeight = config.scaledCharHeight + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n const canvas = canvasFactory(\n /*255 ascii chars*/255 * cellWidth,\n (/*default+default bold*/2 + /*0-15*/16 + /*0-15 bold*/16) * cellHeight\n );\n const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: config.allowTransparency});\n\n ctx.fillStyle = config.colors.background.css;\n ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n\n ctx.save();\n ctx.fillStyle = config.colors.foreground.css;\n ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeight, config);\n ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';\n\n // Default color\n for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n ctx.save();\n ctx.beginPath();\n ctx.rect(i * cellWidth, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight);\n ctx.clip();\n ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), i * cellWidth, cellHeight / 2);\n ctx.restore();\n }\n // Default color bold\n ctx.save();\n ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeightBold, config);\n for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n ctx.save();\n ctx.beginPath();\n ctx.rect(i * cellWidth, cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight);\n ctx.clip();\n ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), i * cellWidth, cellHeight * 1.5);\n ctx.restore();\n }\n ctx.restore();\n\n // Colors 0-15\n ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeight, config);\n for (let colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) {\n const y = (colorIndex + 2) * cellHeight;\n // Draw ascii characters\n for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n ctx.save();\n ctx.beginPath();\n ctx.rect(i * cellWidth, y, cellWidth, cellHeight);\n ctx.clip();\n ctx.fillStyle = config.colors.ansi[colorIndex].css;\n ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), i * cellWidth, y + cellHeight / 2);\n ctx.restore();\n }\n }\n\n // Colors 0-15 bold\n ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeightBold, config);\n for (let colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) {\n const y = (colorIndex + 2 + 16) * cellHeight;\n // Draw ascii characters\n for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n ctx.save();\n ctx.beginPath();\n ctx.rect(i * cellWidth, y, cellWidth, cellHeight);\n ctx.clip();\n ctx.fillStyle = config.colors.ansi[colorIndex].css;\n ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), i * cellWidth, y + cellHeight / 2);\n ctx.restore();\n }\n }\n ctx.restore();\n\n // Support is patchy for createImageBitmap at the moment, pass a canvas back\n // if support is lacking as drawImage works there too. Firefox is also\n // included here as ImageBitmap appears both buggy and has horrible\n // performance (tested on v55).\n if (!('createImageBitmap' in context) || isFirefox || isSafari) {\n // Don't attempt to clear background colors if createImageBitmap is not supported\n return canvas;\n }\n\n const charAtlasImageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n\n // Remove the background color from the image so characters may overlap\n clearColor(charAtlasImageData, config.colors.background);\n\n return context.createImageBitmap(charAtlasImageData);\n}\n\n/**\n * Makes a partiicular rgb color in an ImageData completely transparent.\n * @returns True if the result is \"empty\", meaning all pixels are fully transparent.\n */\nexport function clearColor(imageData: ImageData, color: IColor): boolean {\n let isEmpty = true;\n const r = color.rgba >>> 24;\n const g = color.rgba >>> 16 & 0xFF;\n const b = color.rgba >>> 8 & 0xFF;\n for (let offset = 0; offset < imageData.data.length; offset += 4) {\n if (imageData.data[offset] === r &&\n imageData.data[offset + 1] === g &&\n imageData.data[offset + 2] === b) {\n imageData.data[offset + 3] = 0;\n } else {\n isEmpty = false;\n }\n }\n return isEmpty;\n}\n\nfunction getFont(fontWeight: FontWeight, config: ICharAtlasConfig): string {\n return `${fontWeight} ${config.fontSize * config.devicePixelRatio}px ${config.fontFamily}`;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from '../../Types';\nimport { IColorSet } from '../Types';\nimport { generateConfig, configEquals } from './CharAtlasUtils';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\nimport DynamicCharAtlas from './DynamicCharAtlas';\nimport NoneCharAtlas from './NoneCharAtlas';\nimport StaticCharAtlas from './StaticCharAtlas';\nimport { ICharAtlasConfig } from './Types';\n\nconst charAtlasImplementations = {\n 'none': NoneCharAtlas,\n 'static': StaticCharAtlas,\n 'dynamic': DynamicCharAtlas\n};\n\ninterface ICharAtlasCacheEntry {\n atlas: BaseCharAtlas;\n config: ICharAtlasConfig;\n // N.B. This implementation potentially holds onto copies of the terminal forever, so\n // this may cause memory leaks.\n ownedBy: ITerminal[];\n}\n\nconst charAtlasCache: ICharAtlasCacheEntry[] = [];\n\n/**\n * Acquires a char atlas, either generating a new one or returning an existing\n * one that is in use by another terminal.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param colors The colors to use.\n */\nexport function acquireCharAtlas(\n terminal: ITerminal,\n colors: IColorSet,\n scaledCharWidth: number,\n scaledCharHeight: number\n): BaseCharAtlas {\n const newConfig = generateConfig(scaledCharWidth, scaledCharHeight, terminal, colors);\n\n // Check to see if the terminal already owns this config\n for (let i = 0; i < charAtlasCache.length; i++) {\n const entry = charAtlasCache[i];\n const ownedByIndex = entry.ownedBy.indexOf(terminal);\n if (ownedByIndex >= 0) {\n if (configEquals(entry.config, newConfig)) {\n return entry.atlas;\n }\n // The configs differ, release the terminal from the entry\n if (entry.ownedBy.length === 1) {\n entry.atlas.dispose();\n charAtlasCache.splice(i, 1);\n } else {\n entry.ownedBy.splice(ownedByIndex, 1);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // Try match a char atlas from the cache\n for (let i = 0; i < charAtlasCache.length; i++) {\n const entry = charAtlasCache[i];\n if (configEquals(entry.config, newConfig)) {\n // Add the terminal to the cache entry and return\n entry.ownedBy.push(terminal);\n return entry.atlas;\n }\n }\n\n const newEntry: ICharAtlasCacheEntry = {\n atlas: new charAtlasImplementations[terminal.options.experimentalCharAtlas](\n document,\n newConfig\n ),\n config: newConfig,\n ownedBy: [terminal]\n };\n charAtlasCache.push(newEntry);\n return newEntry.atlas;\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes a terminal reference from the cache, allowing its memory to be freed.\n * @param terminal The terminal to remove.\n */\nexport function removeTerminalFromCache(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n for (let i = 0; i < charAtlasCache.length; i++) {\n const index = charAtlasCache[i].ownedBy.indexOf(terminal);\n if (index !== -1) {\n if (charAtlasCache[i].ownedBy.length === 1) {\n // Remove the cache entry if it's the only terminal\n charAtlasCache[i].atlas.dispose();\n charAtlasCache.splice(i, 1);\n } else {\n // Remove the reference from the cache entry\n charAtlasCache[i].ownedBy.splice(index, 1);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IGlyphIdentifier } from './Types';\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\n\nexport default abstract class BaseCharAtlas implements IDisposable {\n private _didWarmUp: boolean = false;\n\n public dispose(): void { }\n\n /**\n * Perform any work needed to warm the cache before it can be used. May be called multiple times.\n * Implement _doWarmUp instead if you only want to get called once.\n */\n public warmUp(): void {\n if (!this._didWarmUp) {\n this._doWarmUp();\n this._didWarmUp = true;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Perform any work needed to warm the cache before it can be used. Used by the default\n * implementation of warmUp(), and will only be called once.\n */\n protected _doWarmUp(): void { }\n\n /**\n * Called when we start drawing a new frame.\n *\n * TODO: We rely on this getting called by TextRenderLayer. This should really be called by\n * Renderer instead, but we need to make Renderer the source-of-truth for the char atlas, instead\n * of BaseRenderLayer.\n */\n public beginFrame(): void { }\n\n /**\n * May be called before warmUp finishes, however it is okay for the implementation to\n * do nothing and return false in that case.\n *\n * @param ctx Where to draw the character onto.\n * @param glyph Information about what to draw\n * @param x The position on the context to start drawing at\n * @param y The position on the context to start drawing at\n * @returns The success state. True if we drew the character.\n */\n public abstract draw(\n ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n x: number,\n y: number\n ): boolean;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { NULL_CELL_CODE } from '../Buffer';\nimport { IColorSet, IRenderDimensions, ICharacterJoinerRegistry } from './Types';\nimport { CharData, ITerminal, ICellData } from '../Types';\nimport { GridCache } from './GridCache';\nimport { BaseRenderLayer } from './BaseRenderLayer';\nimport { CellData, AttributeData, Content } from '../BufferLine';\nimport { JoinedCellData } from './CharacterJoinerRegistry';\n\n/**\n * This CharData looks like a null character, which will forc a clear and render\n * when the character changes (a regular space ' ' character may not as it's\n * drawn state is a cleared cell).\n */\n// const OVERLAP_OWNED_CHAR_DATA: CharData = [null, '', 0, -1];\n\nexport class TextRenderLayer extends BaseRenderLayer {\n private _state: GridCache<CharData>;\n private _characterWidth: number;\n private _characterFont: string;\n private _characterOverlapCache: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};\n private _characterJoinerRegistry: ICharacterJoinerRegistry;\n private _workCell = new CellData();\n\n constructor(container: HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet, characterJoinerRegistry: ICharacterJoinerRegistry, alpha: boolean) {\n super(container, 'text', zIndex, alpha, colors);\n this._state = new GridCache<CharData>();\n this._characterJoinerRegistry = characterJoinerRegistry;\n }\n\n public resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void {\n super.resize(terminal, dim);\n\n // Clear the character width cache if the font or width has changed\n const terminalFont = this._getFont(terminal, false, false);\n if (this._characterWidth !== dim.scaledCharWidth || this._characterFont !== terminalFont) {\n this._characterWidth = dim.scaledCharWidth;\n this._characterFont = terminalFont;\n this._characterOverlapCache = {};\n }\n // Resizing the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state\n this._state.clear();\n this._state.resize(terminal.cols, terminal.rows);\n }\n\n public reset(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n this._state.clear();\n this.clearAll();\n }\n\n private _forEachCell(\n terminal: ITerminal,\n firstRow: number,\n lastRow: number,\n joinerRegistry: ICharacterJoinerRegistry | null,\n callback: (\n cell: ICellData,\n x: number,\n y: number\n ) => void\n ): void {\n for (let y = firstRow; y <= lastRow; y++) {\n const row = y + terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n const line = terminal.buffer.lines.get(row);\n const joinedRanges = joinerRegistry ? joinerRegistry.getJoinedCharacters(row) : [];\n for (let x = 0; x < terminal.cols; x++) {\n line.loadCell(x, this._workCell);\n let cell = this._workCell;\n\n // If true, indicates that the current character(s) to draw were joined.\n let isJoined = false;\n let lastCharX = x;\n\n // The character to the left is a wide character, drawing is owned by\n // the char at x-1\n if (cell.getWidth() === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // Process any joined character ranges as needed. Because of how the\n // ranges are produced, we know that they are valid for the characters\n // and attributes of our input.\n if (joinedRanges.length > 0 && x === joinedRanges[0][0]) {\n isJoined = true;\n const range = joinedRanges.shift();\n\n // We already know the exact start and end column of the joined range,\n // so we get the string and width representing it directly\n\n cell = new JoinedCellData(\n this._workCell,\n line.translateToString(true, range[0], range[1]),\n range[1] - range[0]\n );\n\n // Skip over the cells occupied by this range in the loop\n lastCharX = range[1] - 1;\n }\n\n // If the character is an overlapping char and the character to the\n // right is a space, take ownership of the cell to the right. We skip\n // this check for joined characters because their rendering likely won't\n // yield the same result as rendering the last character individually.\n if (!isJoined && this._isOverlapping(cell)) {\n // If the character is overlapping, we want to force a re-render on every\n // frame. This is specifically to work around the case where two\n // overlaping chars `a` and `b` are adjacent, the cursor is moved to b and a\n // space is added. Without this, the first half of `b` would never\n // get removed, and `a` would not re-render because it thinks it's\n // already in the correct state.\n // this._state.cache[x][y] = OVERLAP_OWNED_CHAR_DATA;\n if (lastCharX < line.length - 1 && line.getCodePoint(lastCharX + 1) === NULL_CELL_CODE) {\n // patch width to 2\n cell.content &= ~Content.WIDTH_MASK;\n cell.content |= 2 << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT;\n // this._clearChar(x + 1, y);\n // The overlapping char's char data will force a clear and render when the\n // overlapping char is no longer to the left of the character and also when\n // the space changes to another character.\n // this._state.cache[x + 1][y] = OVERLAP_OWNED_CHAR_DATA;\n }\n }\n\n callback(\n cell,\n x,\n y\n );\n\n x = lastCharX;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Draws the background for a specified range of columns. Tries to batch adjacent cells of the\n * same color together to reduce draw calls.\n */\n private _drawBackground(terminal: ITerminal, firstRow: number, lastRow: number): void {\n const ctx = this._ctx;\n const cols = terminal.cols;\n let startX: number = 0;\n let startY: number = 0;\n let prevFillStyle: string | null = null;\n\n ctx.save();\n\n this._forEachCell(terminal, firstRow, lastRow, null, (cell, x, y) => {\n // libvte and xterm both draw the background (but not foreground) of invisible characters,\n // so we should too.\n let nextFillStyle = null; // null represents default background color\n\n if (cell.isInverse()) {\n if (cell.isFgDefault()) {\n nextFillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css;\n } else if (cell.isFgRGB()) {\n nextFillStyle = `rgb(${AttributeData.toColorRGB(cell.getFgColor()).join(',')})`;\n } else {\n nextFillStyle = this._colors.ansi[cell.getFgColor()].css;\n }\n } else if (cell.isBgRGB()) {\n nextFillStyle = `rgb(${AttributeData.toColorRGB(cell.getBgColor()).join(',')})`;\n } else if (cell.isBgPalette()) {\n nextFillStyle = this._colors.ansi[cell.getBgColor()].css;\n }\n\n if (prevFillStyle === null) {\n // This is either the first iteration, or the default background was set. Either way, we\n // don't need to draw anything.\n startX = x;\n startY = y;\n } if (y !== startY) {\n // our row changed, draw the previous row\n ctx.fillStyle = prevFillStyle;\n this.fillCells(startX, startY, cols - startX, 1);\n startX = x;\n startY = y;\n } else if (prevFillStyle !== nextFillStyle) {\n // our color changed, draw the previous characters in this row\n ctx.fillStyle = prevFillStyle;\n this.fillCells(startX, startY, x - startX, 1);\n startX = x;\n startY = y;\n }\n\n prevFillStyle = nextFillStyle;\n });\n\n // flush the last color we encountered\n if (prevFillStyle !== null) {\n ctx.fillStyle = prevFillStyle;\n this.fillCells(startX, startY, cols - startX, 1);\n }\n\n ctx.restore();\n }\n\n private _drawForeground(terminal: ITerminal, firstRow: number, lastRow: number): void {\n this._forEachCell(terminal, firstRow, lastRow, this._characterJoinerRegistry, (cell, x, y) => {\n if (cell.isInvisible()) {\n return;\n }\n if (cell.isUnderline()) {\n this._ctx.save();\n\n if (cell.isInverse()) {\n if (cell.isBgDefault()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.background.css;\n } else if (cell.isBgRGB()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(${AttributeData.toColorRGB(cell.getBgColor()).join(',')})`;\n } else {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[cell.getBgColor()].css;\n }\n } else {\n if (cell.isFgDefault()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css;\n } else if (cell.isFgRGB()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(${AttributeData.toColorRGB(cell.getFgColor()).join(',')})`;\n } else {\n let fg = cell.getFgColor();\n if (terminal.options.drawBoldTextInBrightColors && cell.isBold() && fg < 8) {\n fg += 8;\n }\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[fg].css;\n }\n }\n\n this.fillBottomLineAtCells(x, y, cell.getWidth());\n this._ctx.restore();\n }\n this.drawChars(terminal, cell, x, y);\n });\n }\n\n public onGridChanged(terminal: ITerminal, firstRow: number, lastRow: number): void {\n // Resize has not been called yet\n if (this._state.cache.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._charAtlas) {\n this._charAtlas.beginFrame();\n }\n\n this.clearCells(0, firstRow, terminal.cols, lastRow - firstRow + 1);\n this._drawBackground(terminal, firstRow, lastRow);\n this._drawForeground(terminal, firstRow, lastRow);\n }\n\n public onOptionsChanged(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n this.setTransparency(terminal, terminal.options.allowTransparency);\n }\n\n /**\n * Whether a character is overlapping to the next cell.\n */\n private _isOverlapping(cell: ICellData): boolean {\n // Only single cell characters can be overlapping, rendering issues can\n // occur without this check\n if (cell.getWidth() !== 1) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // We assume that any ascii character will not overlap\n if (cell.getCode() < 256) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const chars = cell.getChars();\n\n // Deliver from cache if available\n if (this._characterOverlapCache.hasOwnProperty(chars)) {\n return this._characterOverlapCache[chars];\n }\n\n // Setup the font\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.font = this._characterFont;\n\n // Measure the width of the character, but Math.floor it\n // because that is what the renderer does when it calculates\n // the character dimensions we are comparing against\n const overlaps = Math.floor(this._ctx.measureText(chars).width) > this._characterWidth;\n\n // Restore the original context\n this._ctx.restore();\n\n // Cache and return\n this._characterOverlapCache[chars] = overlaps;\n return overlaps;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clear the charcater at the cell specified.\n * @param x The column of the char.\n * @param y The row of the char.\n */\n // private _clearChar(x: number, y: number): void {\n // let colsToClear = 1;\n // // Clear the adjacent character if it was wide\n // const state = this._state.cache[x][y];\n // if (state && state[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] === 2) {\n // colsToClear = 2;\n // }\n // this.clearCells(x, y, colsToClear, 1);\n // }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from '../Types';\nimport { IColorSet, IRenderDimensions } from './Types';\nimport { BaseRenderLayer } from './BaseRenderLayer';\n\ninterface ISelectionState {\n start: [number, number];\n end: [number, number];\n columnSelectMode: boolean;\n ydisp: number;\n}\n\nexport class SelectionRenderLayer extends BaseRenderLayer {\n private _state: ISelectionState;\n\n constructor(container: HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet) {\n super(container, 'selection', zIndex, true, colors);\n this._clearState();\n }\n\n private _clearState(): void {\n this._state = {\n start: null,\n end: null,\n columnSelectMode: null,\n ydisp: null\n };\n }\n\n public resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void {\n super.resize(terminal, dim);\n // Resizing the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state\n this._clearState();\n }\n\n public reset(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n if (this._state.start && this._state.end) {\n this._clearState();\n this.clearAll();\n }\n }\n\n public onSelectionChanged(terminal: ITerminal, start: [number, number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: boolean): void {\n // Selection has not changed\n if (!this._didStateChange(start, end, columnSelectMode, terminal.buffer.ydisp)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Remove all selections\n this.clearAll();\n\n // Selection does not exist\n if (!start || !end) {\n this._clearState();\n return;\n }\n\n // Translate from buffer position to viewport position\n const viewportStartRow = start[1] - terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n const viewportEndRow = end[1] - terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n const viewportCappedStartRow = Math.max(viewportStartRow, 0);\n const viewportCappedEndRow = Math.min(viewportEndRow, terminal.rows - 1);\n\n // No need to draw the selection\n if (viewportCappedStartRow >= terminal.rows || viewportCappedEndRow < 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.selection.css;\n\n if (columnSelectMode) {\n const startCol = start[0];\n const width = end[0] - startCol;\n const height = viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow + 1;\n this.fillCells(startCol, viewportCappedStartRow, width, height);\n } else {\n // Draw first row\n const startCol = viewportStartRow === viewportCappedStartRow ? start[0] : 0;\n const startRowEndCol = viewportCappedStartRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : terminal.cols;\n this.fillCells(startCol, viewportCappedStartRow, startRowEndCol - startCol, 1);\n\n // Draw middle rows\n const middleRowsCount = Math.max(viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow - 1, 0);\n this.fillCells(0, viewportCappedStartRow + 1, terminal.cols, middleRowsCount);\n\n // Draw final row\n if (viewportCappedStartRow !== viewportCappedEndRow) {\n // Only draw viewportEndRow if it's not the same as viewportStartRow\n const endCol = viewportEndRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : terminal.cols;\n this.fillCells(0, viewportCappedEndRow, endCol, 1);\n }\n }\n\n // Save state for next render\n this._state.start = [start[0], start[1]];\n this._state.end = [end[0], end[1]];\n this._state.columnSelectMode = columnSelectMode;\n this._state.ydisp = terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n }\n\n private _didStateChange(start: [number, number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: boolean, ydisp: number): boolean {\n return !this._areCoordinatesEqual(start, this._state.start) ||\n !this._areCoordinatesEqual(end, this._state.end) ||\n columnSelectMode !== this._state.columnSelectMode ||\n ydisp !== this._state.ydisp;\n }\n\n private _areCoordinatesEqual(coord1: [number, number], coord2: [number, number]): boolean {\n if (!coord1 || !coord2) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return coord1[0] === coord2[0] && coord1[1] === coord2[1];\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { TextRenderLayer } from './TextRenderLayer';\nimport { SelectionRenderLayer } from './SelectionRenderLayer';\nimport { CursorRenderLayer } from './CursorRenderLayer';\nimport { ColorManager } from './ColorManager';\nimport { IRenderLayer, IColorSet, IRenderer, IRenderDimensions, ICharacterJoinerRegistry } from './Types';\nimport { ITerminal, CharacterJoinerHandler } from '../Types';\nimport { LinkRenderLayer } from './LinkRenderLayer';\nimport { RenderDebouncer } from '../ui/RenderDebouncer';\nimport { ScreenDprMonitor } from '../ui/ScreenDprMonitor';\nimport { ITheme } from 'xterm';\nimport { CharacterJoinerRegistry } from '../renderer/CharacterJoinerRegistry';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from '../common/EventEmitter2';\nimport { Disposable } from '../common/Lifecycle';\n\nexport class Renderer extends Disposable implements IRenderer {\n private _renderDebouncer: RenderDebouncer;\n\n private _renderLayers: IRenderLayer[];\n private _devicePixelRatio: number;\n private _screenDprMonitor: ScreenDprMonitor;\n private _isPaused: boolean = false;\n private _needsFullRefresh: boolean = false;\n private _characterJoinerRegistry: ICharacterJoinerRegistry;\n\n public colorManager: ColorManager;\n public dimensions: IRenderDimensions;\n\n private _onCanvasResize = new EventEmitter2<{ width: number, height: number }>();\n public get onCanvasResize(): IEvent<{ width: number, height: number }> { return this._onCanvasResize.event; }\n private _onRender = new EventEmitter2<{ start: number, end: number }>();\n public get onRender(): IEvent<{ start: number, end: number }> { return this._onRender.event; }\n\n constructor(private _terminal: ITerminal, theme: ITheme) {\n super();\n const allowTransparency = this._terminal.options.allowTransparency;\n this.colorManager = new ColorManager(document, allowTransparency);\n this._characterJoinerRegistry = new CharacterJoinerRegistry(_terminal);\n if (theme) {\n this.colorManager.setTheme(theme);\n }\n\n this._renderLayers = [\n new TextRenderLayer(this._terminal.screenElement, 0, this.colorManager.colors, this._characterJoinerRegistry, allowTransparency),\n new SelectionRenderLayer(this._terminal.screenElement, 1, this.colorManager.colors),\n new LinkRenderLayer(this._terminal.screenElement, 2, this.colorManager.colors, this._terminal),\n new CursorRenderLayer(this._terminal.screenElement, 3, this.colorManager.colors)\n ];\n this.dimensions = {\n scaledCharWidth: null,\n scaledCharHeight: null,\n scaledCellWidth: null,\n scaledCellHeight: null,\n scaledCharLeft: null,\n scaledCharTop: null,\n scaledCanvasWidth: null,\n scaledCanvasHeight: null,\n canvasWidth: null,\n canvasHeight: null,\n actualCellWidth: null,\n actualCellHeight: null\n };\n this._devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;\n this._updateDimensions();\n this.onOptionsChanged();\n\n this._renderDebouncer = new RenderDebouncer(this._renderRows.bind(this));\n this._screenDprMonitor = new ScreenDprMonitor();\n this._screenDprMonitor.setListener(() => this.onWindowResize(window.devicePixelRatio));\n this.register(this._screenDprMonitor);\n\n // Detect whether IntersectionObserver is detected and enable renderer pause\n // and resume based on terminal visibility if so\n if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) {\n const observer = new IntersectionObserver(e => this.onIntersectionChange(e[e.length - 1]), { threshold: 0 });\n observer.observe(this._terminal.element);\n this.register({ dispose: () => observer.disconnect() });\n }\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n this._renderLayers.forEach(l => l.dispose());\n }\n\n public onIntersectionChange(entry: IntersectionObserverEntry): void {\n this._isPaused = entry.intersectionRatio === 0;\n if (!this._isPaused && this._needsFullRefresh) {\n this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n this._needsFullRefresh = false;\n }\n }\n\n public onWindowResize(devicePixelRatio: number): void {\n // If the device pixel ratio changed, the char atlas needs to be regenerated\n // and the terminal needs to refreshed\n if (this._devicePixelRatio !== devicePixelRatio) {\n this._devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;\n this.onResize(this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows);\n }\n }\n\n public setTheme(theme: ITheme): IColorSet {\n this.colorManager.setTheme(theme);\n\n // Clear layers and force a full render\n this._renderLayers.forEach(l => {\n l.onThemeChanged(this._terminal, this.colorManager.colors);\n l.reset(this._terminal);\n });\n\n if (this._isPaused) {\n this._needsFullRefresh = true;\n } else {\n this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n }\n\n return this.colorManager.colors;\n }\n\n public onResize(cols: number, rows: number): void {\n // Update character and canvas dimensions\n this._updateDimensions();\n\n // Resize all render layers\n this._renderLayers.forEach(l => l.resize(this._terminal, this.dimensions));\n\n // Force a refresh\n if (this._isPaused) {\n this._needsFullRefresh = true;\n } else {\n this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n }\n\n // Resize the screen\n this._terminal.screenElement.style.width = `${this.dimensions.canvasWidth}px`;\n this._terminal.screenElement.style.height = `${this.dimensions.canvasHeight}px`;\n\n this._onCanvasResize.fire({\n width: this.dimensions.canvasWidth,\n height: this.dimensions.canvasHeight\n });\n }\n\n public onCharSizeChanged(): void {\n this.onResize(this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows);\n }\n\n public onBlur(): void {\n this._runOperation(l => l.onBlur(this._terminal));\n }\n\n public onFocus(): void {\n this._runOperation(l => l.onFocus(this._terminal));\n }\n\n public onSelectionChanged(start: [number, number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: boolean = false): void {\n this._runOperation(l => l.onSelectionChanged(this._terminal, start, end, columnSelectMode));\n }\n\n public onCursorMove(): void {\n this._runOperation(l => l.onCursorMove(this._terminal));\n }\n\n public onOptionsChanged(): void {\n this.colorManager.allowTransparency = this._terminal.options.allowTransparency;\n this._runOperation(l => l.onOptionsChanged(this._terminal));\n }\n\n public clear(): void {\n this._runOperation(l => l.reset(this._terminal));\n }\n\n private _runOperation(operation: (layer: IRenderLayer) => void): void {\n if (this._isPaused) {\n this._needsFullRefresh = true;\n } else {\n this._renderLayers.forEach(l => operation(l));\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Queues a refresh between two rows (inclusive), to be done on next animation\n * frame.\n * @param start The start row.\n * @param end The end row.\n */\n public refreshRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n if (this._isPaused) {\n this._needsFullRefresh = true;\n return;\n }\n this._renderDebouncer.refresh(start, end, this._terminal.rows);\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs the refresh loop callback, calling refresh only if a refresh is\n * necessary before queueing up the next one.\n */\n private _renderRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n this._renderLayers.forEach(l => l.onGridChanged(this._terminal, start, end));\n this._onRender.fire({ start, end });\n }\n\n /**\n * Recalculates the character and canvas dimensions.\n */\n private _updateDimensions(): void {\n // Perform a new measure if the CharMeasure dimensions are not yet available\n if (!this._terminal.charMeasure.width || !this._terminal.charMeasure.height) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Calculate the scaled character width. Width is floored as it must be\n // drawn to an integer grid in order for the CharAtlas \"stamps\" to not be\n // blurry. When text is drawn to the grid not using the CharAtlas, it is\n // clipped to ensure there is no overlap with the next cell.\n this.dimensions.scaledCharWidth = Math.floor(this._terminal.charMeasure.width * window.devicePixelRatio);\n\n // Calculate the scaled character height. Height is ceiled in case\n // devicePixelRatio is a floating point number in order to ensure there is\n // enough space to draw the character to the cell.\n this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight = Math.ceil(this._terminal.charMeasure.height * window.devicePixelRatio);\n\n // Calculate the scaled cell height, if lineHeight is not 1 then the value\n // will be floored because since lineHeight can never be lower then 1, there\n // is a guarentee that the scaled line height will always be larger than\n // scaled char height.\n this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight = Math.floor(this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight * this._terminal.options.lineHeight);\n\n // Calculate the y coordinate within a cell that text should draw from in\n // order to draw in the center of a cell.\n this.dimensions.scaledCharTop = this._terminal.options.lineHeight === 1 ? 0 : Math.round((this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight - this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight) / 2);\n\n // Calculate the scaled cell width, taking the letterSpacing into account.\n this.dimensions.scaledCellWidth = this.dimensions.scaledCharWidth + Math.round(this._terminal.options.letterSpacing);\n\n // Calculate the x coordinate with a cell that text should draw from in\n // order to draw in the center of a cell.\n this.dimensions.scaledCharLeft = Math.floor(this._terminal.options.letterSpacing / 2);\n\n // Recalculate the canvas dimensions; scaled* define the actual number of\n // pixel in the canvas\n this.dimensions.scaledCanvasHeight = this._terminal.rows * this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight;\n this.dimensions.scaledCanvasWidth = this._terminal.cols * this.dimensions.scaledCellWidth;\n\n // The the size of the canvas on the page. It's very important that this\n // rounds to nearest integer and not ceils as browsers often set\n // window.devicePixelRatio as something like 1.100000023841858, when it's\n // actually 1.1. Ceiling causes blurriness as the backing canvas image is 1\n // pixel too large for the canvas element size.\n this.dimensions.canvasHeight = Math.round(this.dimensions.scaledCanvasHeight / window.devicePixelRatio);\n this.dimensions.canvasWidth = Math.round(this.dimensions.scaledCanvasWidth / window.devicePixelRatio);\n\n // Get the _actual_ dimensions of an individual cell. This needs to be\n // derived from the canvasWidth/Height calculated above which takes into\n // account window.devicePixelRatio. CharMeasure.width/height by itself is\n // insufficient when the page is not at 100% zoom level as CharMeasure is\n // measured in CSS pixels, but the actual char size on the canvas can\n // differ.\n this.dimensions.actualCellHeight = this.dimensions.canvasHeight / this._terminal.rows;\n this.dimensions.actualCellWidth = this.dimensions.canvasWidth / this._terminal.cols;\n }\n\n public registerCharacterJoiner(handler: CharacterJoinerHandler): number {\n return this._characterJoinerRegistry.registerCharacterJoiner(handler);\n }\n\n public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): boolean {\n return this._characterJoinerRegistry.deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ILinkifierEvent, ITerminal, ILinkifierAccessor } from '../Types';\nimport { IColorSet, IRenderDimensions } from './Types';\nimport { BaseRenderLayer } from './BaseRenderLayer';\nimport { INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR } from './atlas/Types';\nimport { is256Color } from './atlas/CharAtlasUtils';\n\nexport class LinkRenderLayer extends BaseRenderLayer {\n private _state: ILinkifierEvent = null;\n\n constructor(container: HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet, terminal: ILinkifierAccessor) {\n super(container, 'link', zIndex, true, colors);\n terminal.linkifier.onLinkHover(e => this._onLinkHover(e));\n terminal.linkifier.onLinkLeave(e => this._onLinkLeave(e));\n }\n\n public resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void {\n super.resize(terminal, dim);\n // Resizing the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state\n this._state = null;\n }\n\n public reset(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n this._clearCurrentLink();\n }\n\n private _clearCurrentLink(): void {\n if (this._state) {\n this.clearCells(this._state.x1, this._state.y1, this._state.cols - this._state.x1, 1);\n const middleRowCount = this._state.y2 - this._state.y1 - 1;\n if (middleRowCount > 0) {\n this.clearCells(0, this._state.y1 + 1, this._state.cols, middleRowCount);\n }\n this.clearCells(0, this._state.y2, this._state.x2, 1);\n this._state = null;\n }\n }\n\n private _onLinkHover(e: ILinkifierEvent): void {\n if (e.fg === INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.background.css;\n } else if (is256Color(e.fg)) {\n // 256 color support\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[e.fg].css;\n } else {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css;\n }\n\n if (e.y1 === e.y2) {\n // Single line link\n this.fillBottomLineAtCells(e.x1, e.y1, e.x2 - e.x1);\n } else {\n // Multi-line link\n this.fillBottomLineAtCells(e.x1, e.y1, e.cols - e.x1);\n for (let y = e.y1 + 1; y < e.y2; y++) {\n this.fillBottomLineAtCells(0, y, e.cols);\n }\n this.fillBottomLineAtCells(0, e.y2, e.x2);\n }\n this._state = e;\n }\n\n private _onLinkLeave(e: ILinkifierEvent): void {\n this._clearCurrentLink();\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nexport class GridCache<T> {\n public cache: T[][];\n\n public constructor() {\n this.cache = [];\n }\n\n public resize(width: number, height: number): void {\n for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {\n if (this.cache.length <= x) {\n this.cache.push([]);\n }\n for (let y = this.cache[x].length; y < height; y++) {\n this.cache[x].push(null);\n }\n this.cache[x].length = height;\n }\n this.cache.length = width;\n }\n\n public clear(): void {\n for (let x = 0; x < this.cache.length; x++) {\n for (let y = 0; y < this.cache[x].length; y++) {\n this.cache[x][y] = null;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IColorSet, IRenderDimensions } from './Types';\nimport { BaseRenderLayer } from './BaseRenderLayer';\nimport { ITerminal, ICellData } from '../Types';\nimport { CellData } from '../BufferLine';\n\ninterface ICursorState {\n x: number;\n y: number;\n isFocused: boolean;\n style: string;\n width: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * The time between cursor blinks.\n */\nconst BLINK_INTERVAL = 600;\n\nexport class CursorRenderLayer extends BaseRenderLayer {\n private _state: ICursorState;\n private _cursorRenderers: {[key: string]: (terminal: ITerminal, x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData) => void};\n private _cursorBlinkStateManager: CursorBlinkStateManager;\n private _cell: ICellData = new CellData();\n\n constructor(container: HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet) {\n super(container, 'cursor', zIndex, true, colors);\n this._state = {\n x: null,\n y: null,\n isFocused: null,\n style: null,\n width: null\n };\n this._cursorRenderers = {\n 'bar': this._renderBarCursor.bind(this),\n 'block': this._renderBlockCursor.bind(this),\n 'underline': this._renderUnderlineCursor.bind(this)\n };\n // TODO: Consider initial options? Maybe onOptionsChanged should be called at the end of open?\n }\n\n public resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void {\n super.resize(terminal, dim);\n // Resizing the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state\n this._state = {\n x: null,\n y: null,\n isFocused: null,\n style: null,\n width: null\n };\n }\n\n public reset(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n this._clearCursor();\n if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager.dispose();\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager = null;\n this.onOptionsChanged(terminal);\n }\n }\n\n public onBlur(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager.pause();\n }\n terminal.refresh(terminal.buffer.y, terminal.buffer.y);\n }\n\n public onFocus(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager.resume(terminal);\n } else {\n terminal.refresh(terminal.buffer.y, terminal.buffer.y);\n }\n }\n\n public onOptionsChanged(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n if (terminal.options.cursorBlink) {\n if (!this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager = new CursorBlinkStateManager(terminal, () => {\n this._render(terminal, true);\n });\n }\n } else {\n if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager.dispose();\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager = null;\n }\n // Request a refresh from the terminal as management of rendering is being\n // moved back to the terminal\n terminal.refresh(terminal.buffer.y, terminal.buffer.y);\n }\n }\n\n public onCursorMove(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager) {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager.restartBlinkAnimation(terminal);\n }\n }\n\n public onGridChanged(terminal: ITerminal, startRow: number, endRow: number): void {\n if (!this._cursorBlinkStateManager || this._cursorBlinkStateManager.isPaused) {\n this._render(terminal, false);\n } else {\n this._cursorBlinkStateManager.restartBlinkAnimation(terminal);\n }\n }\n\n private _render(terminal: ITerminal, triggeredByAnimationFrame: boolean): void {\n // Don't draw the cursor if it's hidden\n if (!terminal.cursorState || terminal.cursorHidden) {\n this._clearCursor();\n return;\n }\n\n const cursorY = terminal.buffer.ybase + terminal.buffer.y;\n const viewportRelativeCursorY = cursorY - terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n\n // Don't draw the cursor if it's off-screen\n if (viewportRelativeCursorY < 0 || viewportRelativeCursorY >= terminal.rows) {\n this._clearCursor();\n return;\n }\n\n terminal.buffer.lines.get(cursorY).loadCell(terminal.buffer.x, this._cell);\n if (this._cell.content === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!terminal.isFocused) {\n this._clearCursor();\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;\n this._renderBlurCursor(terminal, terminal.buffer.x, viewportRelativeCursorY, this._cell);\n this._ctx.restore();\n this._state.x = terminal.buffer.x;\n this._state.y = viewportRelativeCursorY;\n this._state.isFocused = false;\n this._state.style = terminal.options.cursorStyle;\n this._state.width = this._cell.getWidth();\n return;\n }\n\n // Don't draw the cursor if it's blinking\n if (this._cursorBlinkStateManager && !this._cursorBlinkStateManager.isCursorVisible) {\n this._clearCursor();\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._state) {\n // The cursor is already in the correct spot, don't redraw\n if (this._state.x === terminal.buffer.x &&\n this._state.y === viewportRelativeCursorY &&\n this._state.isFocused === terminal.isFocused &&\n this._state.style === terminal.options.cursorStyle &&\n this._state.width === this._cell.getWidth()) {\n return;\n }\n this._clearCursor();\n }\n\n this._ctx.save();\n this._cursorRenderers[terminal.options.cursorStyle || 'block'](terminal, terminal.buffer.x, viewportRelativeCursorY, this._cell);\n this._ctx.restore();\n\n this._state.x = terminal.buffer.x;\n this._state.y = viewportRelativeCursorY;\n this._state.isFocused = false;\n this._state.style = terminal.options.cursorStyle;\n this._state.width = this._cell.getWidth();\n }\n\n private _clearCursor(): void {\n if (this._state) {\n this.clearCells(this._state.x, this._state.y, this._state.width, 1);\n this._state = {\n x: null,\n y: null,\n isFocused: null,\n style: null,\n width: null\n };\n }\n }\n\n private _renderBarCursor(terminal: ITerminal, x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;\n this.fillLeftLineAtCell(x, y);\n this._ctx.restore();\n }\n\n private _renderBlockCursor(terminal: ITerminal, x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;\n this.fillCells(x, y, cell.getWidth(), 1);\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursorAccent.css;\n this.fillCharTrueColor(terminal, cell, x, y);\n this._ctx.restore();\n }\n\n private _renderUnderlineCursor(terminal: ITerminal, x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;\n this.fillBottomLineAtCells(x, y);\n this._ctx.restore();\n }\n\n private _renderBlurCursor(terminal: ITerminal, x: number, y: number, cell: ICellData): void {\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.strokeStyle = this._colors.cursor.css;\n this.strokeRectAtCell(x, y, cell.getWidth(), 1);\n this._ctx.restore();\n }\n}\n\nclass CursorBlinkStateManager {\n public isCursorVisible: boolean;\n\n private _animationFrame: number;\n private _blinkStartTimeout: number;\n private _blinkInterval: number;\n\n /**\n * The time at which the animation frame was restarted, this is used on the\n * next render to restart the timers so they don't need to restart the timers\n * multiple times over a short period.\n */\n private _animationTimeRestarted: number;\n\n constructor(\n terminal: ITerminal,\n private _renderCallback: () => void\n ) {\n this.isCursorVisible = true;\n if (terminal.isFocused) {\n this._restartInterval();\n }\n }\n\n public get isPaused(): boolean { return !(this._blinkStartTimeout || this._blinkInterval); }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n if (this._blinkInterval) {\n window.clearInterval(this._blinkInterval);\n this._blinkInterval = null;\n }\n if (this._blinkStartTimeout) {\n window.clearTimeout(this._blinkStartTimeout);\n this._blinkStartTimeout = null;\n }\n if (this._animationFrame) {\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n this._animationFrame = null;\n }\n }\n\n public restartBlinkAnimation(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n if (this.isPaused) {\n return;\n }\n // Save a timestamp so that the restart can be done on the next interval\n this._animationTimeRestarted = Date.now();\n // Force a cursor render to ensure it's visible and in the correct position\n this.isCursorVisible = true;\n if (!this._animationFrame) {\n this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n this._renderCallback();\n this._animationFrame = null;\n });\n }\n }\n\n private _restartInterval(timeToStart: number = BLINK_INTERVAL): void {\n // Clear any existing interval\n if (this._blinkInterval) {\n window.clearInterval(this._blinkInterval);\n }\n\n // Setup the initial timeout which will hide the cursor, this is done before\n // the regular interval is setup in order to support restarting the blink\n // animation in a lightweight way (without thrashing clearInterval and\n // setInterval).\n this._blinkStartTimeout = <number><any>setTimeout(() => {\n // Check if another animation restart was requested while this was being\n // started\n if (this._animationTimeRestarted) {\n const time = BLINK_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - this._animationTimeRestarted);\n this._animationTimeRestarted = null;\n if (time > 0) {\n this._restartInterval(time);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n // Hide the cursor\n this.isCursorVisible = false;\n this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n this._renderCallback();\n this._animationFrame = null;\n });\n\n // Setup the blink interval\n this._blinkInterval = <number><any>setInterval(() => {\n // Adjust the animation time if it was restarted\n if (this._animationTimeRestarted) {\n // calc time diff\n // Make restart interval do a setTimeout initially?\n const time = BLINK_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - this._animationTimeRestarted);\n this._animationTimeRestarted = null;\n this._restartInterval(time);\n return;\n }\n\n // Invert visibility and render\n this.isCursorVisible = !this.isCursorVisible;\n this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n this._renderCallback();\n this._animationFrame = null;\n });\n }, BLINK_INTERVAL);\n }, timeToStart);\n }\n\n public pause(): void {\n this.isCursorVisible = true;\n if (this._blinkInterval) {\n window.clearInterval(this._blinkInterval);\n this._blinkInterval = null;\n }\n if (this._blinkStartTimeout) {\n window.clearTimeout(this._blinkStartTimeout);\n this._blinkStartTimeout = null;\n }\n if (this._animationFrame) {\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n this._animationFrame = null;\n }\n }\n\n public resume(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n this._animationTimeRestarted = null;\n this._restartInterval();\n this.restartBlinkAnimation(terminal);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IColorManager, IColor, IColorSet } from './Types';\nimport { ITheme } from 'xterm';\n\nconst DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = fromHex('#ffffff');\nconst DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = fromHex('#000000');\nconst DEFAULT_CURSOR = fromHex('#ffffff');\nconst DEFAULT_CURSOR_ACCENT = fromHex('#000000');\nconst DEFAULT_SELECTION = {\n css: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',\n rgba: 0xFFFFFF77\n};\n\n// An IIFE to generate DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS. Do not mutate DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS, instead make a copy\n// and mutate that.\nexport const DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS = (() => {\n const colors = [\n // dark:\n fromHex('#2e3436'),\n fromHex('#cc0000'),\n fromHex('#4e9a06'),\n fromHex('#c4a000'),\n fromHex('#3465a4'),\n fromHex('#75507b'),\n fromHex('#06989a'),\n fromHex('#d3d7cf'),\n // bright:\n fromHex('#555753'),\n fromHex('#ef2929'),\n fromHex('#8ae234'),\n fromHex('#fce94f'),\n fromHex('#729fcf'),\n fromHex('#ad7fa8'),\n fromHex('#34e2e2'),\n fromHex('#eeeeec')\n ];\n\n // Fill in the remaining 240 ANSI colors.\n // Generate colors (16-231)\n const v = [0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff];\n for (let i = 0; i < 216; i++) {\n const r = v[(i / 36) % 6 | 0];\n const g = v[(i / 6) % 6 | 0];\n const b = v[i % 6];\n colors.push({\n css: `#${toPaddedHex(r)}${toPaddedHex(g)}${toPaddedHex(b)}`,\n // Use >>> 0 to force a conversion to an unsigned int\n rgba: ((r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | 0xFF) >>> 0\n });\n }\n\n // Generate greys (232-255)\n for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {\n const c = 8 + i * 10;\n const ch = toPaddedHex(c);\n colors.push({\n css: `#${ch}${ch}${ch}`,\n rgba: ((c << 24) | (c << 16) | (c << 8) | 0xFF) >>> 0\n });\n }\n\n return colors;\n})();\n\nfunction fromHex(css: string): IColor {\n return {\n css,\n rgba: parseInt(css.slice(1), 16) << 8 | 0xFF\n };\n}\n\nfunction toPaddedHex(c: number): string {\n const s = c.toString(16);\n return s.length < 2 ? '0' + s : s;\n}\n\n/**\n * Manages the source of truth for a terminal's colors.\n */\nexport class ColorManager implements IColorManager {\n public colors: IColorSet;\n private _ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n private _litmusColor: CanvasGradient;\n\n constructor(document: Document, public allowTransparency: boolean) {\n const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n canvas.width = 1;\n canvas.height = 1;\n this._ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');\n this._ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';\n this._litmusColor = this._ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 1, 1);\n this.colors = {\n foreground: DEFAULT_FOREGROUND,\n background: DEFAULT_BACKGROUND,\n cursor: DEFAULT_CURSOR,\n cursorAccent: DEFAULT_CURSOR_ACCENT,\n selection: DEFAULT_SELECTION,\n ansi: DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS.slice()\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the terminal's theme.\n * @param theme The theme to use. If a partial theme is provided then default\n * colors will be used where colors are not defined.\n */\n public setTheme(theme: ITheme): void {\n this.colors.foreground = this._parseColor(theme.foreground, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND);\n this.colors.background = this._parseColor(theme.background, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND);\n this.colors.cursor = this._parseColor(theme.cursor, DEFAULT_CURSOR, true);\n this.colors.cursorAccent = this._parseColor(theme.cursorAccent, DEFAULT_CURSOR_ACCENT, true);\n this.colors.selection = this._parseColor(theme.selection, DEFAULT_SELECTION, true);\n this.colors.ansi[0] = this._parseColor(theme.black, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[0]);\n this.colors.ansi[1] = this._parseColor(theme.red, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[1]);\n this.colors.ansi[2] = this._parseColor(theme.green, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[2]);\n this.colors.ansi[3] = this._parseColor(theme.yellow, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[3]);\n this.colors.ansi[4] = this._parseColor(theme.blue, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[4]);\n this.colors.ansi[5] = this._parseColor(theme.magenta, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[5]);\n this.colors.ansi[6] = this._parseColor(theme.cyan, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[6]);\n this.colors.ansi[7] = this._parseColor(theme.white, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[7]);\n this.colors.ansi[8] = this._parseColor(theme.brightBlack, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[8]);\n this.colors.ansi[9] = this._parseColor(theme.brightRed, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[9]);\n this.colors.ansi[10] = this._parseColor(theme.brightGreen, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[10]);\n this.colors.ansi[11] = this._parseColor(theme.brightYellow, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[11]);\n this.colors.ansi[12] = this._parseColor(theme.brightBlue, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[12]);\n this.colors.ansi[13] = this._parseColor(theme.brightMagenta, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[13]);\n this.colors.ansi[14] = this._parseColor(theme.brightCyan, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[14]);\n this.colors.ansi[15] = this._parseColor(theme.brightWhite, DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[15]);\n }\n\n private _parseColor(\n css: string,\n fallback: IColor,\n allowTransparency: boolean = this.allowTransparency\n ): IColor {\n if (!css) {\n return fallback;\n }\n\n // If parsing the value results in failure, then it must be ignored, and the attribute must\n // retain its previous value.\n // -- https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#fill-and-stroke-styles\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._litmusColor;\n this._ctx.fillStyle = css;\n if (typeof this._ctx.fillStyle !== 'string') {\n console.warn(`Color: ${css} is invalid using fallback ${fallback.css}`);\n return fallback;\n }\n\n this._ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);\n const data = this._ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;\n\n if (!allowTransparency && data[3] !== 0xFF) {\n // Ideally we'd just ignore the alpha channel, but...\n //\n // Browsers may not give back exactly the same RGB values we put in, because most/all\n // convert the color to a pre-multiplied representation. getImageData converts that back to\n // a un-premultipled representation, but the precision loss may make the RGB channels unuable\n // on their own.\n //\n // E.g. In Chrome #12345610 turns into #10305010, and in the extreme case, 0xFFFFFF00 turns\n // into 0x00000000.\n //\n // \"Note: Due to the lossy nature of converting to and from premultiplied alpha color values,\n // pixels that have just been set using putImageData() might be returned to an equivalent\n // getImageData() as different values.\"\n // -- https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#pixel-manipulation\n //\n // So let's just use the fallback color in this case instead.\n console.warn(\n `Color: ${css} is using transparency, but allowTransparency is false. ` +\n `Using fallback ${fallback.css}.`\n );\n return fallback;\n }\n\n return {\n css,\n rgba: (data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]) >>> 0\n };\n }\n}\n","import { ITerminal, IBufferLine, ICellData, CharData } from '../Types';\nimport { ICharacterJoinerRegistry, ICharacterJoiner } from './Types';\nimport { CellData, Content, AttributeData } from '../BufferLine';\nimport { WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR } from '../Buffer';\n\nexport class JoinedCellData extends AttributeData implements ICellData {\n private _width: number;\n // .content carries no meaning for joined CellData, simply nullify it\n // thus we have to overload all other .content accessors\n public content: number = 0;\n public fg: number;\n public bg: number;\n public combinedData: string = '';\n\n constructor(firstCell: ICellData, chars: string, width: number) {\n super();\n this.fg = firstCell.fg;\n this.bg = firstCell.bg;\n this.combinedData = chars;\n this._width = width;\n }\n\n public isCombined(): number {\n // always mark joined cell data as combined\n return Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK;\n }\n\n public getWidth(): number {\n return this._width;\n }\n\n public getChars(): string {\n return this.combinedData;\n }\n\n public getCode(): number {\n // code always gets the highest possible fake codepoint (read as -1)\n // this is needed as code is used by caches as identifier\n return 0x1FFFFF;\n }\n\n public setFromCharData(value: CharData): void {\n throw new Error('not implemented');\n }\n\n public getAsCharData(): CharData {\n return [this.fg, this.getChars(), this.getWidth(), this.getCode()];\n }\n}\n\nexport class CharacterJoinerRegistry implements ICharacterJoinerRegistry {\n\n private _characterJoiners: ICharacterJoiner[] = [];\n private _nextCharacterJoinerId: number = 0;\n private _workCell: CellData = new CellData();\n\n constructor(private _terminal: ITerminal) {\n }\n\n public registerCharacterJoiner(handler: (text: string) => [number, number][]): number {\n const joiner: ICharacterJoiner = {\n id: this._nextCharacterJoinerId++,\n handler\n };\n\n this._characterJoiners.push(joiner);\n return joiner.id;\n }\n\n public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): boolean {\n for (let i = 0; i < this._characterJoiners.length; i++) {\n if (this._characterJoiners[i].id === joinerId) {\n this._characterJoiners.splice(i, 1);\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n public getJoinedCharacters(row: number): [number, number][] {\n if (this._characterJoiners.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const line = this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(row);\n if (line.length === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n const ranges: [number, number][] = [];\n const lineStr = line.translateToString(true);\n\n // Because some cells can be represented by multiple javascript characters,\n // we track the cell and the string indexes separately. This allows us to\n // translate the string ranges we get from the joiners back into cell ranges\n // for use when rendering\n let rangeStartColumn = 0;\n let currentStringIndex = 0;\n let rangeStartStringIndex = 0;\n let rangeAttrFG = line.getFg(0);\n let rangeAttrBG = line.getBg(0);\n\n for (let x = 0; x < line.getTrimmedLength(); x++) {\n line.loadCell(x, this._workCell);\n\n if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 0) {\n // If this character is of width 0, skip it.\n continue;\n }\n\n // End of range\n if (this._workCell.fg !== rangeAttrFG || this._workCell.bg !== rangeAttrBG) {\n // If we ended up with a sequence of more than one character,\n // look for ranges to join.\n if (x - rangeStartColumn > 1) {\n const joinedRanges = this._getJoinedRanges(\n lineStr,\n rangeStartStringIndex,\n currentStringIndex,\n line,\n rangeStartColumn\n );\n for (let i = 0; i < joinedRanges.length; i++) {\n ranges.push(joinedRanges[i]);\n }\n }\n\n // Reset our markers for a new range.\n rangeStartColumn = x;\n rangeStartStringIndex = currentStringIndex;\n rangeAttrFG = this._workCell.fg;\n rangeAttrBG = this._workCell.bg;\n }\n\n currentStringIndex += this._workCell.getChars().length || WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR.length;\n }\n\n // Process any trailing ranges.\n if (this._terminal.cols - rangeStartColumn > 1) {\n const joinedRanges = this._getJoinedRanges(\n lineStr,\n rangeStartStringIndex,\n currentStringIndex,\n line,\n rangeStartColumn\n );\n for (let i = 0; i < joinedRanges.length; i++) {\n ranges.push(joinedRanges[i]);\n }\n }\n\n return ranges;\n }\n\n /**\n * Given a segment of a line of text, find all ranges of text that should be\n * joined in a single rendering unit. Ranges are internally converted to\n * column ranges, rather than string ranges.\n * @param line String representation of the full line of text\n * @param startIndex Start position of the range to search in the string (inclusive)\n * @param endIndex End position of the range to search in the string (exclusive)\n */\n private _getJoinedRanges(line: string, startIndex: number, endIndex: number, lineData: IBufferLine, startCol: number): [number, number][] {\n const text = line.substring(startIndex, endIndex);\n // At this point we already know that there is at least one joiner so\n // we can just pull its value and assign it directly rather than\n // merging it into an empty array, which incurs unnecessary writes.\n const joinedRanges: [number, number][] = this._characterJoiners[0].handler(text);\n for (let i = 1; i < this._characterJoiners.length; i++) {\n // We merge any overlapping ranges across the different joiners\n const joinerRanges = this._characterJoiners[i].handler(text);\n for (let j = 0; j < joinerRanges.length; j++) {\n CharacterJoinerRegistry._mergeRanges(joinedRanges, joinerRanges[j]);\n }\n }\n this._stringRangesToCellRanges(joinedRanges, lineData, startCol);\n return joinedRanges;\n }\n\n /**\n * Modifies the provided ranges in-place to adjust for variations between\n * string length and cell width so that the range represents a cell range,\n * rather than the string range the joiner provides.\n * @param ranges String ranges containing start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) index\n * @param line Cell data for the relevant line in the terminal\n * @param startCol Offset within the line to start from\n */\n private _stringRangesToCellRanges(ranges: [number, number][], line: IBufferLine, startCol: number): void {\n let currentRangeIndex = 0;\n let currentRangeStarted = false;\n let currentStringIndex = 0;\n let currentRange = ranges[currentRangeIndex];\n\n // If we got through all of the ranges, stop searching\n if (!currentRange) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (let x = startCol; x < this._terminal.cols; x++) {\n const width = line.getWidth(x);\n const length = line.getString(x).length || WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR.length;\n\n // We skip zero-width characters when creating the string to join the text\n // so we do the same here\n if (width === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // Adjust the start of the range\n if (!currentRangeStarted && currentRange[0] <= currentStringIndex) {\n currentRange[0] = x;\n currentRangeStarted = true;\n }\n\n // Adjust the end of the range\n if (currentRange[1] <= currentStringIndex) {\n currentRange[1] = x;\n\n // We're finished with this range, so we move to the next one\n currentRange = ranges[++currentRangeIndex];\n\n // If there are no more ranges left, stop searching\n if (!currentRange) {\n break;\n }\n\n // Ranges can be on adjacent characters. Because the end index of the\n // ranges are exclusive, this means that the index for the start of a\n // range can be the same as the end index of the previous range. To\n // account for the start of the next range, we check here just in case.\n if (currentRange[0] <= currentStringIndex) {\n currentRange[0] = x;\n currentRangeStarted = true;\n } else {\n currentRangeStarted = false;\n }\n }\n\n // Adjust the string index based on the character length to line up with\n // the column adjustment\n currentStringIndex += length;\n }\n\n // If there is still a range left at the end, it must extend all the way to\n // the end of the line.\n if (currentRange) {\n currentRange[1] = this._terminal.cols;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Merges the range defined by the provided start and end into the list of\n * existing ranges. The merge is done in place on the existing range for\n * performance and is also returned.\n * @param ranges Existing range list\n * @param newRange Tuple of two numbers representing the new range to merge in.\n * @returns The ranges input with the new range merged in place\n */\n private static _mergeRanges(ranges: [number, number][], newRange: [number, number]): [number, number][] {\n let inRange = false;\n for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {\n const range = ranges[i];\n if (!inRange) {\n if (newRange[1] <= range[0]) {\n // Case 1: New range is before the search range\n ranges.splice(i, 0, newRange);\n return ranges;\n }\n\n if (newRange[1] <= range[1]) {\n // Case 2: New range is either wholly contained within the\n // search range or overlaps with the front of it\n range[0] = Math.min(newRange[0], range[0]);\n return ranges;\n }\n\n if (newRange[0] < range[1]) {\n // Case 3: New range either wholly contains the search range\n // or overlaps with the end of it\n range[0] = Math.min(newRange[0], range[0]);\n inRange = true;\n }\n\n // Case 4: New range starts after the search range\n continue;\n } else {\n if (newRange[1] <= range[0]) {\n // Case 5: New range extends from previous range but doesn't\n // reach the current one\n ranges[i - 1][1] = newRange[1];\n return ranges;\n }\n\n if (newRange[1] <= range[1]) {\n // Case 6: New range extends from prvious range into the\n // current range\n ranges[i - 1][1] = Math.max(newRange[1], range[1]);\n ranges.splice(i, 1);\n inRange = false;\n return ranges;\n }\n\n // Case 7: New range extends from previous range past the\n // end of the current range\n ranges.splice(i, 1);\n i--;\n }\n }\n\n if (inRange) {\n // Case 8: New range extends past the last existing range\n ranges[ranges.length - 1][1] = newRange[1];\n } else {\n // Case 9: New range starts after the last existing range\n ranges.push(newRange);\n }\n\n return ranges;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IRenderLayer, IColorSet, IRenderDimensions } from './Types';\nimport { ITerminal, ICellData } from '../Types';\nimport { DIM_OPACITY, INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR, IGlyphIdentifier, DEFAULT_COLOR } from './atlas/Types';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './atlas/BaseCharAtlas';\nimport { acquireCharAtlas } from './atlas/CharAtlasCache';\nimport { CellData, AttributeData } from '../BufferLine';\nimport { WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR, WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE } from '../Buffer';\nimport { JoinedCellData } from './CharacterJoinerRegistry';\n\nexport abstract class BaseRenderLayer implements IRenderLayer {\n private _canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;\n protected _ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n private _scaledCharWidth: number = 0;\n private _scaledCharHeight: number = 0;\n private _scaledCellWidth: number = 0;\n private _scaledCellHeight: number = 0;\n private _scaledCharLeft: number = 0;\n private _scaledCharTop: number = 0;\n\n protected _charAtlas: BaseCharAtlas;\n\n /**\n * An object that's reused when drawing glyphs in order to reduce GC.\n */\n private _currentGlyphIdentifier: IGlyphIdentifier = {\n chars: '',\n code: 0,\n bg: 0,\n fg: 0,\n bold: false,\n dim: false,\n italic: false\n };\n\n constructor(\n private _container: HTMLElement,\n id: string,\n zIndex: number,\n private _alpha: boolean,\n protected _colors: IColorSet\n ) {\n this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n this._canvas.classList.add(`xterm-${id}-layer`);\n this._canvas.style.zIndex = zIndex.toString();\n this._initCanvas();\n this._container.appendChild(this._canvas);\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n this._container.removeChild(this._canvas);\n if (this._charAtlas) {\n this._charAtlas.dispose();\n }\n }\n\n private _initCanvas(): void {\n this._ctx = this._canvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: this._alpha});\n // Draw the background if this is an opaque layer\n if (!this._alpha) {\n this.clearAll();\n }\n }\n\n public onOptionsChanged(terminal: ITerminal): void {}\n public onBlur(terminal: ITerminal): void {}\n public onFocus(terminal: ITerminal): void {}\n public onCursorMove(terminal: ITerminal): void {}\n public onGridChanged(terminal: ITerminal, startRow: number, endRow: number): void {}\n public onSelectionChanged(terminal: ITerminal, start: [number, number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: boolean = false): void {}\n\n public onThemeChanged(terminal: ITerminal, colorSet: IColorSet): void {\n this._refreshCharAtlas(terminal, colorSet);\n }\n\n protected setTransparency(terminal: ITerminal, alpha: boolean): void {\n // Do nothing when alpha doesn't change\n if (alpha === this._alpha) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Create new canvas and replace old one\n const oldCanvas = this._canvas;\n this._alpha = alpha;\n // Cloning preserves properties\n this._canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>this._canvas.cloneNode();\n this._initCanvas();\n this._container.replaceChild(this._canvas, oldCanvas);\n\n // Regenerate char atlas and force a full redraw\n this._refreshCharAtlas(terminal, this._colors);\n this.onGridChanged(terminal, 0, terminal.rows - 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Refreshes the char atlas, aquiring a new one if necessary.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param colorSet The color set to use for the char atlas.\n */\n private _refreshCharAtlas(terminal: ITerminal, colorSet: IColorSet): void {\n if (this._scaledCharWidth <= 0 && this._scaledCharHeight <= 0) {\n return;\n }\n this._charAtlas = acquireCharAtlas(terminal, colorSet, this._scaledCharWidth, this._scaledCharHeight);\n this._charAtlas.warmUp();\n }\n\n public resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void {\n this._scaledCellWidth = dim.scaledCellWidth;\n this._scaledCellHeight = dim.scaledCellHeight;\n this._scaledCharWidth = dim.scaledCharWidth;\n this._scaledCharHeight = dim.scaledCharHeight;\n this._scaledCharLeft = dim.scaledCharLeft;\n this._scaledCharTop = dim.scaledCharTop;\n this._canvas.width = dim.scaledCanvasWidth;\n this._canvas.height = dim.scaledCanvasHeight;\n this._canvas.style.width = `${dim.canvasWidth}px`;\n this._canvas.style.height = `${dim.canvasHeight}px`;\n\n // Draw the background if this is an opaque layer\n if (!this._alpha) {\n this.clearAll();\n }\n\n this._refreshCharAtlas(terminal, this._colors);\n }\n\n public abstract reset(terminal: ITerminal): void;\n\n /**\n * Fills 1+ cells completely. This uses the existing fillStyle on the context.\n * @param x The column to start at.\n * @param y The row to start at\n * @param width The number of columns to fill.\n * @param height The number of rows to fill.\n */\n protected fillCells(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void {\n this._ctx.fillRect(\n x * this._scaledCellWidth,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight,\n width * this._scaledCellWidth,\n height * this._scaledCellHeight);\n }\n\n /**\n * Fills a 1px line (2px on HDPI) at the bottom of the cell. This uses the\n * existing fillStyle on the context.\n * @param x The column to fill.\n * @param y The row to fill.\n */\n protected fillBottomLineAtCells(x: number, y: number, width: number = 1): void {\n this._ctx.fillRect(\n x * this._scaledCellWidth,\n (y + 1) * this._scaledCellHeight - window.devicePixelRatio - 1 /* Ensure it's drawn within the cell */,\n width * this._scaledCellWidth,\n window.devicePixelRatio);\n }\n\n /**\n * Fills a 1px line (2px on HDPI) at the left of the cell. This uses the\n * existing fillStyle on the context.\n * @param x The column to fill.\n * @param y The row to fill.\n */\n protected fillLeftLineAtCell(x: number, y: number): void {\n this._ctx.fillRect(\n x * this._scaledCellWidth,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight,\n window.devicePixelRatio,\n this._scaledCellHeight);\n }\n\n /**\n * Strokes a 1px rectangle (2px on HDPI) around a cell. This uses the existing\n * strokeStyle on the context.\n * @param x The column to fill.\n * @param y The row to fill.\n */\n protected strokeRectAtCell(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void {\n this._ctx.lineWidth = window.devicePixelRatio;\n this._ctx.strokeRect(\n x * this._scaledCellWidth + window.devicePixelRatio / 2,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight + (window.devicePixelRatio / 2),\n width * this._scaledCellWidth - window.devicePixelRatio,\n (height * this._scaledCellHeight) - window.devicePixelRatio);\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears the entire canvas.\n */\n protected clearAll(): void {\n if (this._alpha) {\n this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height);\n } else {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.background.css;\n this._ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears 1+ cells completely.\n * @param x The column to start at.\n * @param y The row to start at.\n * @param width The number of columns to clear.\n * @param height The number of rows to clear.\n */\n protected clearCells(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void {\n if (this._alpha) {\n this._ctx.clearRect(\n x * this._scaledCellWidth,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight,\n width * this._scaledCellWidth,\n height * this._scaledCellHeight);\n } else {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.background.css;\n this._ctx.fillRect(\n x * this._scaledCellWidth,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight,\n width * this._scaledCellWidth,\n height * this._scaledCellHeight);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Draws a truecolor character at the cell. The character will be clipped to\n * ensure that it fits with the cell, including the cell to the right if it's\n * a wide character. This uses the existing fillStyle on the context.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param cell The cell data for the character to draw.\n * @param x The column to draw at.\n * @param y The row to draw at.\n * @param color The color of the character.\n */\n protected fillCharTrueColor(terminal: ITerminal, cell: CellData, x: number, y: number): void {\n this._ctx.font = this._getFont(terminal, false, false);\n this._ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';\n this._clipRow(terminal, y);\n this._ctx.fillText(\n cell.getChars(),\n x * this._scaledCellWidth + this._scaledCharLeft,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight + this._scaledCharTop + this._scaledCharHeight / 2);\n }\n\n /**\n * Draws one or more characters at a cell. If possible this will draw using\n * the character atlas to reduce draw time.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param chars The character or characters.\n * @param code The character code.\n * @param width The width of the characters.\n * @param x The column to draw at.\n * @param y The row to draw at.\n * @param fg The foreground color, in the format stored within the attributes.\n * @param bg The background color, in the format stored within the attributes.\n * This is used to validate whether a cached image can be used.\n * @param bold Whether the text is bold.\n */\n protected drawChars(terminal: ITerminal, cell: ICellData, x: number, y: number): void {\n\n // skip cache right away if we draw in RGB\n // Note: to avoid bad runtime JoinedCellData will be skipped\n // in the cache handler (atlasDidDraw == false) itself and\n // fall through to uncached later down below\n if (cell.isFgRGB() || cell.isBgRGB() || cell instanceof JoinedCellData) {\n this._drawUncachedChars(terminal, cell, x, y);\n return;\n }\n\n let fg;\n let bg;\n if (cell.isInverse()) {\n fg = (cell.isBgDefault()) ? INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR : cell.getBgColor();\n bg = (cell.isFgDefault()) ? INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR : cell.getFgColor();\n } else {\n bg = (cell.isBgDefault()) ? DEFAULT_COLOR : cell.getBgColor();\n fg = (cell.isFgDefault()) ? DEFAULT_COLOR : cell.getFgColor();\n }\n\n const drawInBrightColor = terminal.options.drawBoldTextInBrightColors && cell.isBold() && fg < 8 && fg !== INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR;\n\n fg += drawInBrightColor ? 8 : 0;\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.chars = cell.getChars() || WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR;\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.code = cell.getCode() || WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE;\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.bg = bg;\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.fg = fg;\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.bold = cell.isBold() && terminal.options.enableBold;\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.dim = !!cell.isDim();\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier.italic = !!cell.isItalic();\n const atlasDidDraw = this._charAtlas && this._charAtlas.draw(\n this._ctx,\n this._currentGlyphIdentifier,\n x * this._scaledCellWidth + this._scaledCharLeft,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight + this._scaledCharTop\n );\n\n if (!atlasDidDraw) {\n this._drawUncachedChars(terminal, cell, x, y);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Draws one or more characters at one or more cells. The character(s) will be\n * clipped to ensure that they fit with the cell(s), including the cell to the\n * right if the last character is a wide character.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param chars The character.\n * @param width The width of the character.\n * @param fg The foreground color, in the format stored within the attributes.\n * @param x The column to draw at.\n * @param y The row to draw at.\n */\n private _drawUncachedChars(terminal: ITerminal, cell: ICellData, x: number, y: number): void {\n this._ctx.save();\n this._ctx.font = this._getFont(terminal, cell.isBold() && terminal.options.enableBold, !!cell.isItalic());\n this._ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';\n\n if (cell.isInverse()) {\n if (cell.isBgDefault()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.background.css;\n } else if (cell.isBgRGB()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(${AttributeData.toColorRGB(cell.getBgColor()).join(',')})`;\n } else {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[cell.getBgColor()].css;\n }\n } else {\n if (cell.isFgDefault()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css;\n } else if (cell.isFgRGB()) {\n this._ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(${AttributeData.toColorRGB(cell.getFgColor()).join(',')})`;\n } else {\n let fg = cell.getFgColor();\n if (terminal.options.drawBoldTextInBrightColors && cell.isBold() && fg < 8) {\n fg += 8;\n }\n this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[fg].css;\n }\n }\n\n this._clipRow(terminal, y);\n\n // Apply alpha to dim the character\n if (cell.isDim()) {\n this._ctx.globalAlpha = DIM_OPACITY;\n }\n // Draw the character\n this._ctx.fillText(\n cell.getChars(),\n x * this._scaledCellWidth + this._scaledCharLeft,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight + this._scaledCharTop + this._scaledCharHeight / 2);\n this._ctx.restore();\n }\n\n /**\n * Clips a row to ensure no pixels will be drawn outside the cells in the row.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param y The row to clip.\n */\n private _clipRow(terminal: ITerminal, y: number): void {\n this._ctx.beginPath();\n this._ctx.rect(\n 0,\n y * this._scaledCellHeight,\n terminal.cols * this._scaledCellWidth,\n this._scaledCellHeight);\n this._ctx.clip();\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the current font.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param isBold If we should use the bold fontWeight.\n */\n protected _getFont(terminal: ITerminal, isBold: boolean, isItalic: boolean): string {\n const fontWeight = isBold ? terminal.options.fontWeightBold : terminal.options.fontWeight;\n const fontStyle = isItalic ? 'italic' : '';\n\n return `${fontStyle} ${fontWeight} ${terminal.options.fontSize * window.devicePixelRatio}px ${terminal.options.fontFamily}`;\n }\n}\n\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { Terminal as ITerminalApi, ITerminalOptions, IMarker, IDisposable, ILinkMatcherOptions, ITheme, ILocalizableStrings } from 'xterm';\nimport { ITerminal } from '../Types';\nimport { Terminal as TerminalCore } from '../Terminal';\nimport * as Strings from '../Strings';\nimport { IEvent } from '../common/EventEmitter2';\n\nexport class Terminal implements ITerminalApi {\n private _core: ITerminal;\n\n constructor(options?: ITerminalOptions) {\n this._core = new TerminalCore(options);\n }\n\n public get onCursorMove(): IEvent<void> { return this._core.onCursorMove; }\n public get onLineFeed(): IEvent<void> { return this._core.onLineFeed; }\n public get onSelectionChange(): IEvent<void> { return this._core.onSelectionChange; }\n public get onData(): IEvent<string> { return this._core.onData; }\n public get onTitleChange(): IEvent<string> { return this._core.onTitleChange; }\n public get onScroll(): IEvent<number> { return this._core.onScroll; }\n public get onKey(): IEvent<{ key: string, domEvent: KeyboardEvent }> { return this._core.onKey; }\n public get onRender(): IEvent<{ start: number, end: number }> { return this._core.onRender; }\n public get onResize(): IEvent<{ cols: number, rows: number }> { return this._core.onResize; }\n\n public get element(): HTMLElement { return this._core.element; }\n public get textarea(): HTMLTextAreaElement { return this._core.textarea; }\n public get rows(): number { return this._core.rows; }\n public get cols(): number { return this._core.cols; }\n public get markers(): ReadonlyArray<IMarker> { return this._core.markers; }\n public blur(): void {\n this._core.blur();\n }\n public focus(): void {\n this._core.focus();\n }\n public on(type: 'blur' | 'focus' | 'linefeed' | 'selection', listener: () => void): void;\n public on(type: 'data', listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;\n public on(type: 'key', listener: (key?: string, event?: KeyboardEvent) => void): void;\n public on(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown', listener: (event?: KeyboardEvent) => void): void;\n public on(type: 'refresh', listener: (data?: { start: number; end: number; }) => void): void;\n public on(type: 'resize', listener: (data?: { cols: number; rows: number; }) => void): void;\n public on(type: 'scroll', listener: (ydisp?: number) => void): void;\n public on(type: 'title', listener: (title?: string) => void): void;\n public on(type: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;\n public on(type: any, listener: any): void {\n this._core.on(type, listener);\n }\n public off(type: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void {\n this._core.off(type, listener);\n }\n public emit(type: string, data?: any): void {\n this._core.emit(type, data);\n }\n public addDisposableListener(type: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): IDisposable {\n return this._core.addDisposableListener(type, handler);\n }\n public resize(columns: number, rows: number): void {\n this._core.resize(columns, rows);\n }\n public writeln(data: string): void {\n this._core.writeln(data);\n }\n public open(parent: HTMLElement): void {\n this._core.open(parent);\n }\n public attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean): void {\n this._core.attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler);\n }\n public addCsiHandler(flag: string, callback: (params: number[], collect: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n return this._core.addCsiHandler(flag, callback);\n }\n public addOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n return this._core.addOscHandler(ident, callback);\n }\n public registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: (event: MouseEvent, uri: string) => void, options?: ILinkMatcherOptions): number {\n return this._core.registerLinkMatcher(regex, handler, options);\n }\n public deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): void {\n this._core.deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId);\n }\n public registerCharacterJoiner(handler: (text: string) => [number, number][]): number {\n return this._core.registerCharacterJoiner(handler);\n }\n public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): void {\n this._core.deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId);\n }\n public addMarker(cursorYOffset: number): IMarker {\n return this._core.addMarker(cursorYOffset);\n }\n public hasSelection(): boolean {\n return this._core.hasSelection();\n }\n public getSelection(): string {\n return this._core.getSelection();\n }\n public clearSelection(): void {\n this._core.clearSelection();\n }\n public selectAll(): void {\n this._core.selectAll();\n }\n public selectLines(start: number, end: number): void {\n this._core.selectLines(start, end);\n }\n public dispose(): void {\n this._core.dispose();\n }\n public destroy(): void {\n this._core.destroy();\n }\n public scrollLines(amount: number): void {\n this._core.scrollLines(amount);\n }\n public scrollPages(pageCount: number): void {\n this._core.scrollPages(pageCount);\n }\n public scrollToTop(): void {\n this._core.scrollToTop();\n }\n public scrollToBottom(): void {\n this._core.scrollToBottom();\n }\n public scrollToLine(line: number): void {\n this._core.scrollToLine(line);\n }\n public clear(): void {\n this._core.clear();\n }\n public write(data: string): void {\n this._core.write(data);\n }\n public getOption(key: 'bellSound' | 'bellStyle' | 'cursorStyle' | 'fontFamily' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontWeightBold' | 'rendererType' | 'termName'): string;\n public getOption(key: 'allowTransparency' | 'cancelEvents' | 'convertEol' | 'cursorBlink' | 'debug' | 'disableStdin' | 'enableBold' | 'macOptionIsMeta' | 'rightClickSelectsWord' | 'popOnBell' | 'screenKeys' | 'useFlowControl' | 'visualBell'): boolean;\n public getOption(key: 'colors'): string[];\n public getOption(key: 'cols' | 'fontSize' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'rows' | 'tabStopWidth' | 'scrollback'): number;\n public getOption(key: 'handler'): (data: string) => void;\n public getOption(key: string): any;\n public getOption(key: any): any {\n return this._core.getOption(key);\n }\n public setOption(key: 'bellSound' | 'fontFamily' | 'termName', value: string): void;\n public setOption(key: 'fontWeight' | 'fontWeightBold', value: 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900'): void;\n public setOption(key: 'bellStyle', value: 'none' | 'visual' | 'sound' | 'both'): void;\n public setOption(key: 'cursorStyle', value: 'block' | 'underline' | 'bar'): void;\n public setOption(key: 'allowTransparency' | 'cancelEvents' | 'convertEol' | 'cursorBlink' | 'debug' | 'disableStdin' | 'enableBold' | 'macOptionIsMeta' | 'rightClickSelectsWord' | 'popOnBell' | 'screenKeys' | 'useFlowControl' | 'visualBell', value: boolean): void;\n public setOption(key: 'colors', value: string[]): void;\n public setOption(key: 'fontSize' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'tabStopWidth' | 'scrollback', value: number): void;\n public setOption(key: 'handler', value: (data: string) => void): void;\n public setOption(key: 'theme', value: ITheme): void;\n public setOption(key: 'cols' | 'rows', value: number): void;\n public setOption(key: string, value: any): void;\n public setOption(key: any, value: any): void {\n this._core.setOption(key, value);\n }\n public refresh(start: number, end: number): void {\n this._core.refresh(start, end);\n }\n public reset(): void {\n this._core.reset();\n }\n public static applyAddon(addon: any): void {\n addon.apply(Terminal);\n }\n public static get strings(): ILocalizableStrings {\n return Strings;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal, IBufferLine } from '../Types';\nimport { ICircularList } from '../common/Types';\nimport { C0 } from '../common/data/EscapeSequences';\n\nconst enum Direction {\n UP = 'A',\n DOWN = 'B',\n RIGHT = 'C',\n LEFT = 'D'\n}\n\nexport class AltClickHandler {\n private _startRow: number;\n private _startCol: number;\n private _endRow: number;\n private _endCol: number;\n private _lines: ICircularList<IBufferLine>;\n\n constructor(\n private _mouseEvent: MouseEvent,\n private _terminal: ITerminal\n ) {\n this._lines = this._terminal.buffer.lines;\n this._startCol = this._terminal.buffer.x;\n this._startRow = this._terminal.buffer.y;\n\n const coordinates = this._terminal.mouseHelper.getCoords(\n this._mouseEvent,\n this._terminal.element,\n this._terminal.charMeasure,\n this._terminal.cols,\n this._terminal.rows,\n false\n );\n\n if (coordinates) {\n [this._endCol, this._endRow] = coordinates.map((coordinate: number) => {\n return coordinate - 1;\n });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Writes the escape sequences of arrows to the terminal\n */\n public move(): void {\n if (this._mouseEvent.altKey && this._endCol !== undefined && this._endRow !== undefined) {\n this._terminal.handler(this._arrowSequences());\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Concatenates all the arrow sequences together.\n * Resets the starting row to an unwrapped row, moves to the requested row,\n * then moves to requested col.\n */\n private _arrowSequences(): string {\n // The alt buffer should try to navigate between rows\n if (!this._terminal.buffer.hasScrollback) {\n return this._resetStartingRow() + this._moveToRequestedRow() + this._moveToRequestedCol();\n }\n\n // Only move horizontally for the normal buffer\n return this._moveHorizontallyOnly();\n }\n\n /**\n * If the initial position of the cursor is on a row that is wrapped, move the\n * cursor up to the first row that is not wrapped to have accurate vertical\n * positioning.\n */\n private _resetStartingRow(): string {\n if (this._moveToRequestedRow().length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n return repeat(this._bufferLine(\n this._startCol, this._startRow, this._startCol,\n this._startRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._startRow), false\n ).length, this._sequence(Direction.LEFT));\n }\n\n /**\n * Using the reset starting and ending row, move to the requested row,\n * ignoring wrapped rows\n */\n private _moveToRequestedRow(): string {\n const startRow = this._startRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._startRow);\n const endRow = this._endRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._endRow);\n\n const rowsToMove = Math.abs(startRow - endRow) - this._wrappedRowsCount();\n\n return repeat(rowsToMove, this._sequence(this._verticalDirection()));\n }\n\n /**\n * Move to the requested col on the ending row\n */\n private _moveToRequestedCol(): string {\n let startRow;\n if (this._moveToRequestedRow().length > 0) {\n startRow = this._endRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._endRow);\n } else {\n startRow = this._startRow;\n }\n\n const endRow = this._endRow;\n const direction = this._horizontalDirection();\n\n return repeat(this._bufferLine(\n this._startCol, startRow, this._endCol, endRow,\n direction === Direction.RIGHT\n ).length, this._sequence(direction));\n }\n\n private _moveHorizontallyOnly(): string {\n const direction = this._horizontalDirection();\n return repeat(Math.abs(this._startCol - this._endCol), this._sequence(direction));\n }\n\n /**\n * Utility functions\n */\n\n /**\n * Calculates the number of wrapped rows between the unwrapped starting and\n * ending rows. These rows need to ignored since the cursor skips over them.\n */\n private _wrappedRowsCount(): number {\n let wrappedRows = 0;\n const startRow = this._startRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._startRow);\n const endRow = this._endRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._endRow);\n\n for (let i = 0; i < Math.abs(startRow - endRow); i++) {\n const direction = this._verticalDirection() === Direction.UP ? -1 : 1;\n\n if (this._lines.get(startRow + (direction * i)).isWrapped) {\n wrappedRows++;\n }\n }\n\n return wrappedRows;\n }\n\n /**\n * Calculates the number of wrapped rows that make up a given row.\n * @param currentRow The row to determine how many wrapped rows make it up\n */\n private _wrappedRowsForRow(currentRow: number): number {\n let rowCount = 0;\n let lineWraps = this._lines.get(currentRow).isWrapped;\n\n while (lineWraps && currentRow >= 0 && currentRow < this._terminal.rows) {\n rowCount++;\n currentRow--;\n lineWraps = this._lines.get(currentRow).isWrapped;\n }\n\n return rowCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * Direction determiners\n */\n\n /**\n * Determines if the right or left arrow is needed\n */\n private _horizontalDirection(): Direction {\n let startRow;\n if (this._moveToRequestedRow().length > 0) {\n startRow = this._endRow - this._wrappedRowsForRow(this._endRow);\n } else {\n startRow = this._startRow;\n }\n\n if ((this._startCol < this._endCol &&\n startRow <= this._endRow) || // down/right or same y/right\n (this._startCol >= this._endCol &&\n startRow < this._endRow)) { // down/left or same y/left\n return Direction.RIGHT;\n }\n return Direction.LEFT;\n }\n\n /**\n * Determines if the up or down arrow is needed\n */\n private _verticalDirection(): Direction {\n if (this._startRow > this._endRow) {\n return Direction.UP;\n }\n return Direction.DOWN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs the string of chars in the buffer from a starting row and col\n * to an ending row and col\n * @param startCol The starting column position\n * @param startRow The starting row position\n * @param endCol The ending column position\n * @param endRow The ending row position\n * @param forward Direction to move\n */\n private _bufferLine(\n startCol: number,\n startRow: number,\n endCol: number,\n endRow: number,\n forward: boolean\n ): string {\n let currentCol = startCol;\n let currentRow = startRow;\n let bufferStr = '';\n\n while (currentCol !== endCol || currentRow !== endRow) {\n currentCol += forward ? 1 : -1;\n\n if (forward && currentCol > this._terminal.cols - 1) {\n bufferStr += this._terminal.buffer.translateBufferLineToString(\n currentRow, false, startCol, currentCol\n );\n currentCol = 0;\n startCol = 0;\n currentRow++;\n } else if (!forward && currentCol < 0) {\n bufferStr += this._terminal.buffer.translateBufferLineToString(\n currentRow, false, 0, startCol + 1\n );\n currentCol = this._terminal.cols - 1;\n startCol = currentCol;\n currentRow--;\n }\n }\n\n return bufferStr + this._terminal.buffer.translateBufferLineToString(\n currentRow, false, startCol, currentCol\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs the escape sequence for clicking an arrow\n * @param direction The direction to move\n */\n private _sequence(direction: Direction): string {\n const mod = this._terminal.applicationCursor ? 'O' : '[';\n return C0.ESC + mod + direction;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string repeated a given number of times\n * Polyfill from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/repeat\n * @param count The number of times to repeat the string\n * @param string The string that is to be repeated\n */\nfunction repeat(count: number, str: string): string {\n count = Math.floor(count);\n let rpt = '';\n for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n rpt += str;\n }\n return rpt;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n/**\n * StringToUtf32 - decodes UTF16 sequences into UTF32 codepoints.\n * To keep the decoder in line with JS strings it handles single surrogates as UCS2.\n */\nexport class StringToUtf32 {\n private _interim: number = 0;\n\n /**\n * Clears interim and resets decoder to clean state.\n */\n public clear(): void {\n this._interim = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Decode JS string to UTF32 codepoints.\n * The methods assumes stream input and will store partly transmitted\n * surrogate pairs and decode them with the next data chunk.\n * Note: The method does no bound checks for target, therefore make sure\n * the provided input data does not exceed the size of `target`.\n * Returns the number of written codepoints in `target`.\n */\n decode(input: string, target: Uint32Array): number {\n const length = input.length;\n\n if (!length) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n let size = 0;\n let startPos = 0;\n\n // handle leftover surrogate high\n if (this._interim) {\n const second = input.charCodeAt(startPos++);\n if (0xDC00 <= second && second <= 0xDFFF) {\n target[size++] = (this._interim - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;\n } else {\n // illegal codepoint (USC2 handling)\n target[size++] = this._interim;\n target[size++] = second;\n }\n this._interim = 0;\n }\n\n for (let i = startPos; i < length; ++i) {\n const code = input.charCodeAt(i);\n // surrogate pair first\n if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) {\n if (++i >= length) {\n this._interim = code;\n return size;\n }\n const second = input.charCodeAt(i);\n if (0xDC00 <= second && second <= 0xDFFF) {\n target[size++] = (code - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;\n } else {\n // illegal codepoint (USC2 handling)\n target[size++] = code;\n target[size++] = second;\n }\n continue;\n }\n target[size++] = code;\n }\n return size;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert UTF32 codepoint into JS string.\n */\nexport function stringFromCodePoint(codePoint: number): string {\n if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) {\n // UTF32 to UTF16 conversion (see comments in utf32ToString)\n codePoint -= 0x10000;\n return String.fromCharCode((codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800) + String.fromCharCode((codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00);\n }\n return String.fromCharCode(codePoint);\n}\n\n/**\n * Convert UTF32 char codes into JS string.\n * Basically the same as `stringFromCodePoint` but for multiple codepoints\n * in a loop (which is a lot faster).\n */\nexport function utf32ToString(data: Uint32Array, start: number = 0, end: number = data.length): string {\n let result = '';\n for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {\n let codepoint = data[i];\n if (codepoint > 0xFFFF) {\n // JS string are encoded as UTF16, thus a non BMP codepoint gets converted into a surrogate pair\n // conversion rules:\n // - subtract 0x10000 from code point, leaving a 20 bit number\n // - add high 10 bits to 0xD800 --> first surrogate\n // - add low 10 bits to 0xDC00 --> second surrogate\n codepoint -= 0x10000;\n result += String.fromCharCode((codepoint >> 10) + 0xD800) + String.fromCharCode((codepoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00);\n } else {\n result += String.fromCharCode(codepoint);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License)\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IKeyboardEvent } from '../../common/Types';\nimport { IKeyboardResult, KeyboardResultType } from '../Types';\nimport { C0 } from '../../common/data/EscapeSequences';\n\n// reg + shift key mappings for digits and special chars\nconst KEYCODE_KEY_MAPPINGS: { [key: number]: [string, string]} = {\n // digits 0-9\n 48: ['0', ')'],\n 49: ['1', '!'],\n 50: ['2', '@'],\n 51: ['3', '#'],\n 52: ['4', '$'],\n 53: ['5', '%'],\n 54: ['6', '^'],\n 55: ['7', '&'],\n 56: ['8', '*'],\n 57: ['9', '('],\n\n // special chars\n 186: [';', ':'],\n 187: ['=', '+'],\n 188: [',', '<'],\n 189: ['-', '_'],\n 190: ['.', '>'],\n 191: ['/', '?'],\n 192: ['`', '~'],\n 219: ['[', '{'],\n 220: ['\\\\', '|'],\n 221: [']', '}'],\n 222: ['\\'', '\"']\n};\n\nexport function evaluateKeyboardEvent(\n ev: IKeyboardEvent,\n applicationCursorMode: boolean,\n isMac: boolean,\n macOptionIsMeta: boolean\n): IKeyboardResult {\n const result: IKeyboardResult = {\n type: KeyboardResultType.SEND_KEY,\n // Whether to cancel event propagation (NOTE: this may not be needed since the event is\n // canceled at the end of keyDown\n cancel: false,\n // The new key even to emit\n key: undefined\n };\n const modifiers = (ev.shiftKey ? 1 : 0) | (ev.altKey ? 2 : 0) | (ev.ctrlKey ? 4 : 0) | (ev.metaKey ? 8 : 0);\n switch (ev.keyCode) {\n case 0:\n if (ev.key === 'UIKeyInputUpArrow') {\n if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OA';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[A';\n }\n }\n else if (ev.key === 'UIKeyInputLeftArrow') {\n if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OD';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[D';\n }\n }\n else if (ev.key === 'UIKeyInputRightArrow') {\n if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OC';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[C';\n }\n }\n else if (ev.key === 'UIKeyInputDownArrow') {\n if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OB';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[B';\n }\n }\n break;\n case 8:\n // backspace\n if (ev.shiftKey) {\n result.key = C0.BS; // ^H\n break;\n } else if (ev.altKey) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + C0.DEL; // \\e ^?\n break;\n }\n result.key = C0.DEL; // ^?\n break;\n case 9:\n // tab\n if (ev.shiftKey) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[Z';\n break;\n }\n result.key = C0.HT;\n result.cancel = true;\n break;\n case 13:\n // return/enter\n result.key = C0.CR;\n result.cancel = true;\n break;\n case 27:\n // escape\n result.key = C0.ESC;\n result.cancel = true;\n break;\n case 37:\n // left-arrow\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'D';\n // HACK: Make Alt + left-arrow behave like Ctrl + left-arrow: move one word backwards\n // http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/108106\n // macOS uses different escape sequences than linux\n if (result.key === C0.ESC + '[1;3D') {\n result.key = isMac ? C0.ESC + 'b' : C0.ESC + '[1;5D';\n }\n } else if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OD';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[D';\n }\n break;\n case 39:\n // right-arrow\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'C';\n // HACK: Make Alt + right-arrow behave like Ctrl + right-arrow: move one word forward\n // http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/108106\n // macOS uses different escape sequences than linux\n if (result.key === C0.ESC + '[1;3C') {\n result.key = isMac ? C0.ESC + 'f' : C0.ESC + '[1;5C';\n }\n } else if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OC';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[C';\n }\n break;\n case 38:\n // up-arrow\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'A';\n // HACK: Make Alt + up-arrow behave like Ctrl + up-arrow\n // http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/108106\n if (result.key === C0.ESC + '[1;3A') {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;5A';\n }\n } else if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OA';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[A';\n }\n break;\n case 40:\n // down-arrow\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'B';\n // HACK: Make Alt + down-arrow behave like Ctrl + down-arrow\n // http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/108106\n if (result.key === C0.ESC + '[1;3B') {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;5B';\n }\n } else if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OB';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[B';\n }\n break;\n case 45:\n // insert\n if (!ev.shiftKey && !ev.ctrlKey) {\n // <Ctrl> or <Shift> + <Insert> are used to\n // copy-paste on some systems.\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[2~';\n }\n break;\n case 46:\n // delete\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[3;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[3~';\n }\n break;\n case 36:\n // home\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'H';\n } else if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OH';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[H';\n }\n break;\n case 35:\n // end\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'F';\n } else if (applicationCursorMode) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OF';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[F';\n }\n break;\n case 33:\n // page up\n if (ev.shiftKey) {\n result.type = KeyboardResultType.PAGE_UP;\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[5~';\n }\n break;\n case 34:\n // page down\n if (ev.shiftKey) {\n result.type = KeyboardResultType.PAGE_DOWN;\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[6~';\n }\n break;\n case 112:\n // F1-F12\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'P';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OP';\n }\n break;\n case 113:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'Q';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OQ';\n }\n break;\n case 114:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'R';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OR';\n }\n break;\n case 115:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[1;' + (modifiers + 1) + 'S';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + 'OS';\n }\n break;\n case 116:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[15;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[15~';\n }\n break;\n case 117:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[17;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[17~';\n }\n break;\n case 118:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[18;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[18~';\n }\n break;\n case 119:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[19;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[19~';\n }\n break;\n case 120:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[20;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[20~';\n }\n break;\n case 121:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[21;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[21~';\n }\n break;\n case 122:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[23;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[23~';\n }\n break;\n case 123:\n if (modifiers) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[24;' + (modifiers + 1) + '~';\n } else {\n result.key = C0.ESC + '[24~';\n }\n break;\n default:\n // a-z and space\n if (ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey && !ev.metaKey) {\n if (ev.keyCode >= 65 && ev.keyCode <= 90) {\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode - 64);\n } else if (ev.keyCode === 32) {\n // NUL\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(0);\n } else if (ev.keyCode >= 51 && ev.keyCode <= 55) {\n // escape, file sep, group sep, record sep, unit sep\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode - 51 + 27);\n } else if (ev.keyCode === 56) {\n // delete\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(127);\n } else if (ev.keyCode === 219) {\n // ^[ - Control Sequence Introducer (CSI)\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(27);\n } else if (ev.keyCode === 220) {\n // ^\\ - String Terminator (ST)\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(28);\n } else if (ev.keyCode === 221) {\n // ^] - Operating System Command (OSC)\n result.key = String.fromCharCode(29);\n }\n } else if ((!isMac || macOptionIsMeta) && ev.altKey && !ev.metaKey) {\n // On macOS this is a third level shift when !macOptionIsMeta. Use <Esc> instead.\n const keyMapping = KEYCODE_KEY_MAPPINGS[ev.keyCode];\n const key = keyMapping && keyMapping[!ev.shiftKey ? 0 : 1];\n if (key) {\n result.key = C0.ESC + key;\n } else if (ev.keyCode >= 65 && ev.keyCode <= 90) {\n const keyCode = ev.ctrlKey ? ev.keyCode - 64 : ev.keyCode + 32;\n result.key = C0.ESC + String.fromCharCode(keyCode);\n }\n } else if (isMac && !ev.altKey && !ev.ctrlKey && ev.metaKey) {\n if (ev.keyCode === 65) { // cmd + a\n result.type = KeyboardResultType.SELECT_ALL;\n }\n } else if (ev.key && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey && !ev.metaKey && ev.keyCode >= 48 && ev.key.length === 1) {\n // Include only keys that that result in a _single_ character; don't include num lock, volume up, etc.\n result.key = ev.key;\n } else if (ev.key && ev.ctrlKey) {\n if (ev.key === '_') { // ^_\n result.key = C0.US;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ICharset } from '../Types';\n\n/**\n * The character sets supported by the terminal. These enable several languages\n * to be represented within the terminal with only 8-bit encoding. See ISO 2022\n * for a discussion on character sets. Only VT100 character sets are supported.\n */\nexport const CHARSETS: { [key: string]: ICharset | null } = {};\n\n/**\n * The default character set, US.\n */\nexport const DEFAULT_CHARSET: ICharset | null = CHARSETS['B'];\n\n/**\n * DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set.\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt102-ug/table5-13.html\n * A lot of curses apps use this if they see TERM=xterm.\n * testing: echo -e '\\e(0a\\e(B'\n * The xterm output sometimes seems to conflict with the\n * reference above. xterm seems in line with the reference\n * when running vttest however.\n * The table below now uses xterm's output from vttest.\n */\nCHARSETS['0'] = {\n '`': '\\u25c6', // '◆'\n 'a': '\\u2592', // '▒'\n 'b': '\\u0009', // '\\t'\n 'c': '\\u000c', // '\\f'\n 'd': '\\u000d', // '\\r'\n 'e': '\\u000a', // '\\n'\n 'f': '\\u00b0', // '°'\n 'g': '\\u00b1', // '±'\n 'h': '\\u2424', // '\\u2424' (NL)\n 'i': '\\u000b', // '\\v'\n 'j': '\\u2518', // '┘'\n 'k': '\\u2510', // '┐'\n 'l': '\\u250c', // '┌'\n 'm': '\\u2514', // '└'\n 'n': '\\u253c', // '┼'\n 'o': '\\u23ba', // '⎺'\n 'p': '\\u23bb', // '⎻'\n 'q': '\\u2500', // '─'\n 'r': '\\u23bc', // '⎼'\n 's': '\\u23bd', // '⎽'\n 't': '\\u251c', // '├'\n 'u': '\\u2524', // '┤'\n 'v': '\\u2534', // '┴'\n 'w': '\\u252c', // '┬'\n 'x': '\\u2502', // '│'\n 'y': '\\u2264', // '≤'\n 'z': '\\u2265', // '≥'\n '{': '\\u03c0', // 'π'\n '|': '\\u2260', // '≠'\n '}': '\\u00a3', // '£'\n '~': '\\u00b7' // '·'\n};\n\n/**\n * British character set\n * ESC (A\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-5.html\n */\nCHARSETS['A'] = {\n '#': '£'\n};\n\n/**\n * United States character set\n * ESC (B\n */\nCHARSETS['B'] = null;\n\n/**\n * Dutch character set\n * ESC (4\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-6.html\n */\nCHARSETS['4'] = {\n '#': '£',\n '@': '¾',\n '[': 'ij',\n '\\\\': '½',\n ']': '|',\n '{': '¨',\n '|': 'f',\n '}': '¼',\n '~': '´'\n};\n\n/**\n * Finnish character set\n * ESC (C or ESC (5\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-7.html\n */\nCHARSETS['C'] =\nCHARSETS['5'] = {\n '[': 'Ä',\n '\\\\': 'Ö',\n ']': 'Å',\n '^': 'Ü',\n '`': 'é',\n '{': 'ä',\n '|': 'ö',\n '}': 'å',\n '~': 'ü'\n};\n\n/**\n * French character set\n * ESC (R\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-8.html\n */\nCHARSETS['R'] = {\n '#': '£',\n '@': 'à',\n '[': '°',\n '\\\\': 'ç',\n ']': '§',\n '{': 'é',\n '|': 'ù',\n '}': 'è',\n '~': '¨'\n};\n\n/**\n * French Canadian character set\n * ESC (Q\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-9.html\n */\nCHARSETS['Q'] = {\n '@': 'à',\n '[': 'â',\n '\\\\': 'ç',\n ']': 'ê',\n '^': 'î',\n '`': 'ô',\n '{': 'é',\n '|': 'ù',\n '}': 'è',\n '~': 'û'\n};\n\n/**\n * German character set\n * ESC (K\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-10.html\n */\nCHARSETS['K'] = {\n '@': '§',\n '[': 'Ä',\n '\\\\': 'Ö',\n ']': 'Ü',\n '{': 'ä',\n '|': 'ö',\n '}': 'ü',\n '~': 'ß'\n};\n\n/**\n * Italian character set\n * ESC (Y\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-11.html\n */\nCHARSETS['Y'] = {\n '#': '£',\n '@': '§',\n '[': '°',\n '\\\\': 'ç',\n ']': 'é',\n '`': 'ù',\n '{': 'à',\n '|': 'ò',\n '}': 'è',\n '~': 'ì'\n};\n\n/**\n * Norwegian/Danish character set\n * ESC (E or ESC (6\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-12.html\n */\nCHARSETS['E'] =\nCHARSETS['6'] = {\n '@': 'Ä',\n '[': 'Æ',\n '\\\\': 'Ø',\n ']': 'Å',\n '^': 'Ü',\n '`': 'ä',\n '{': 'æ',\n '|': 'ø',\n '}': 'å',\n '~': 'ü'\n};\n\n/**\n * Spanish character set\n * ESC (Z\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-13.html\n */\nCHARSETS['Z'] = {\n '#': '£',\n '@': '§',\n '[': '¡',\n '\\\\': 'Ñ',\n ']': '¿',\n '{': '°',\n '|': 'ñ',\n '}': 'ç'\n};\n\n/**\n * Swedish character set\n * ESC (H or ESC (7\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-14.html\n */\nCHARSETS['H'] =\nCHARSETS['7'] = {\n '@': 'É',\n '[': 'Ä',\n '\\\\': 'Ö',\n ']': 'Å',\n '^': 'Ü',\n '`': 'é',\n '{': 'ä',\n '|': 'ö',\n '}': 'å',\n '~': 'ü'\n};\n\n/**\n * Swiss character set\n * ESC (=\n * Reference: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table2-15.html\n */\nCHARSETS['='] = {\n '#': 'ù',\n '@': 'à',\n '[': 'é',\n '\\\\': 'ç',\n ']': 'ê',\n '^': 'î',\n '_': 'è',\n '`': 'ô',\n '{': 'ä',\n '|': 'ö',\n '}': 'ü',\n '~': 'û'\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n/**\n * C0 control codes\n * See = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes\n */\nexport namespace C0 {\n /** Null (Caret = ^@, C = \\0) */\n export const NUL = '\\x00';\n /** Start of Heading (Caret = ^A) */\n export const SOH = '\\x01';\n /** Start of Text (Caret = ^B) */\n export const STX = '\\x02';\n /** End of Text (Caret = ^C) */\n export const ETX = '\\x03';\n /** End of Transmission (Caret = ^D) */\n export const EOT = '\\x04';\n /** Enquiry (Caret = ^E) */\n export const ENQ = '\\x05';\n /** Acknowledge (Caret = ^F) */\n export const ACK = '\\x06';\n /** Bell (Caret = ^G, C = \\a) */\n export const BEL = '\\x07';\n /** Backspace (Caret = ^H, C = \\b) */\n export const BS = '\\x08';\n /** Character Tabulation, Horizontal Tabulation (Caret = ^I, C = \\t) */\n export const HT = '\\x09';\n /** Line Feed (Caret = ^J, C = \\n) */\n export const LF = '\\x0a';\n /** Line Tabulation, Vertical Tabulation (Caret = ^K, C = \\v) */\n export const VT = '\\x0b';\n /** Form Feed (Caret = ^L, C = \\f) */\n export const FF = '\\x0c';\n /** Carriage Return (Caret = ^M, C = \\r) */\n export const CR = '\\x0d';\n /** Shift Out (Caret = ^N) */\n export const SO = '\\x0e';\n /** Shift In (Caret = ^O) */\n export const SI = '\\x0f';\n /** Data Link Escape (Caret = ^P) */\n export const DLE = '\\x10';\n /** Device Control One (XON) (Caret = ^Q) */\n export const DC1 = '\\x11';\n /** Device Control Two (Caret = ^R) */\n export const DC2 = '\\x12';\n /** Device Control Three (XOFF) (Caret = ^S) */\n export const DC3 = '\\x13';\n /** Device Control Four (Caret = ^T) */\n export const DC4 = '\\x14';\n /** Negative Acknowledge (Caret = ^U) */\n export const NAK = '\\x15';\n /** Synchronous Idle (Caret = ^V) */\n export const SYN = '\\x16';\n /** End of Transmission Block (Caret = ^W) */\n export const ETB = '\\x17';\n /** Cancel (Caret = ^X) */\n export const CAN = '\\x18';\n /** End of Medium (Caret = ^Y) */\n export const EM = '\\x19';\n /** Substitute (Caret = ^Z) */\n export const SUB = '\\x1a';\n /** Escape (Caret = ^[, C = \\e) */\n export const ESC = '\\x1b';\n /** File Separator (Caret = ^\\) */\n export const FS = '\\x1c';\n /** Group Separator (Caret = ^]) */\n export const GS = '\\x1d';\n /** Record Separator (Caret = ^^) */\n export const RS = '\\x1e';\n /** Unit Separator (Caret = ^_) */\n export const US = '\\x1f';\n /** Space */\n export const SP = '\\x20';\n /** Delete (Caret = ^?) */\n export const DEL = '\\x7f';\n}\n\n/**\n * C1 control codes\n * See = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes\n */\nexport namespace C1 {\n /** padding character */\n export const PAD = '\\x80';\n /** High Octet Preset */\n export const HOP = '\\x81';\n /** Break Permitted Here */\n export const BPH = '\\x82';\n /** No Break Here */\n export const NBH = '\\x83';\n /** Index */\n export const IND = '\\x84';\n /** Next Line */\n export const NEL = '\\x85';\n /** Start of Selected Area */\n export const SSA = '\\x86';\n /** End of Selected Area */\n export const ESA = '\\x87';\n /** Horizontal Tabulation Set */\n export const HTS = '\\x88';\n /** Horizontal Tabulation With Justification */\n export const HTJ = '\\x89';\n /** Vertical Tabulation Set */\n export const VTS = '\\x8a';\n /** Partial Line Down */\n export const PLD = '\\x8b';\n /** Partial Line Up */\n export const PLU = '\\x8c';\n /** Reverse Index */\n export const RI = '\\x8d';\n /** Single-Shift 2 */\n export const SS2 = '\\x8e';\n /** Single-Shift 3 */\n export const SS3 = '\\x8f';\n /** Device Control String */\n export const DCS = '\\x90';\n /** Private Use 1 */\n export const PU1 = '\\x91';\n /** Private Use 2 */\n export const PU2 = '\\x92';\n /** Set Transmit State */\n export const STS = '\\x93';\n /** Destructive backspace, intended to eliminate ambiguity about meaning of BS. */\n export const CCH = '\\x94';\n /** Message Waiting */\n export const MW = '\\x95';\n /** Start of Protected Area */\n export const SPA = '\\x96';\n /** End of Protected Area */\n export const EPA = '\\x97';\n /** Start of String */\n export const SOS = '\\x98';\n /** Single Graphic Character Introducer */\n export const SGCI = '\\x99';\n /** Single Character Introducer */\n export const SCI = '\\x9a';\n /** Control Sequence Introducer */\n export const CSI = '\\x9b';\n /** String Terminator */\n export const ST = '\\x9c';\n /** Operating System Command */\n export const OSC = '\\x9d';\n /** Privacy Message */\n export const PM = '\\x9e';\n /** Application Program Command */\n export const APC = '\\x9f';\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nexport type TypedArray = Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Uint8ClampedArray\n | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array\n | Float32Array | Float64Array;\n\n\n/**\n * polyfill for TypedArray.fill\n * This is needed to support .fill in all safari versions and IE 11.\n */\nexport function fill<T extends TypedArray>(array: T, value: number, start?: number, end?: number): T {\n // all modern engines that support .fill\n if (array.fill) {\n return array.fill(value, start, end) as T;\n }\n return fillFallback(array, value, start, end);\n}\n\nexport function fillFallback<T extends TypedArray>(array: T, value: number, start: number = 0, end: number = array.length): T {\n // safari and IE 11\n // since IE 11 does not support Array.prototype.fill either\n // we cannot use the suggested polyfill from MDN\n // instead we simply fall back to looping\n if (start >= array.length) {\n return array;\n }\n start = (array.length + start) % array.length;\n if (end >= array.length) {\n end = array.length;\n } else {\n end = (array.length + end) % array.length;\n }\n for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {\n array[i] = value;\n }\n return array;\n}\n\n/**\n * Concat two typed arrays `a` and `b`.\n * Returns a new typed array.\n */\nexport function concat<T extends TypedArray>(a: T, b: T): T {\n const result = new (a.constructor as any)(a.length + b.length);\n result.set(a);\n result.set(b, a.length);\n return result;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\ninterface INavigator {\n userAgent: string;\n language: string;\n platform: string;\n}\n\n// We're declaring a navigator global here as we expect it in all runtimes (node and browser), but\n// we want this module to live in common.\ndeclare const navigator: INavigator;\n\nconst isNode = (typeof navigator === 'undefined') ? true : false;\nconst userAgent = (isNode) ? 'node' : navigator.userAgent;\nconst platform = (isNode) ? 'node' : navigator.platform;\n\nexport const isFirefox = !!~userAgent.indexOf('Firefox');\nexport const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(userAgent);\nexport const isMSIE = !!~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || !!~userAgent.indexOf('Trident');\n\n// Find the users platform. We use this to interpret the meta key\n// and ISO third level shifts.\n// http://stackoverflow.com/q/19877924/577598\nexport const isMac = contains(['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'], platform);\nexport const isIpad = platform === 'iPad';\nexport const isIphone = platform === 'iPhone';\nexport const isMSWindows = contains(['Windows', 'Win16', 'Win32', 'WinCE'], platform);\nexport const isLinux = platform.indexOf('Linux') >= 0;\n\n/**\n * Return if the given array contains the given element\n * @param arr The array to search for the given element.\n * @param el The element to look for into the array\n */\nfunction contains(arr: any[], el: any): boolean {\n return arr.indexOf(el) >= 0;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable } from './Types';\n\n/**\n * A base class that can be extended to provide convenience methods for managing the lifecycle of an\n * object and its components.\n */\nexport abstract class Disposable implements IDisposable {\n protected _disposables: IDisposable[] = [];\n protected _isDisposed: boolean = false;\n\n constructor() {\n }\n\n /**\n * Disposes the object, triggering the `dispose` method on all registered IDisposables.\n */\n public dispose(): void {\n this._isDisposed = true;\n this._disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose());\n this._disposables.length = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers a disposable object.\n * @param d The disposable to register.\n */\n public register<T extends IDisposable>(d: T): void {\n this._disposables.push(d);\n }\n\n /**\n * Unregisters a disposable object if it has been registered, if not do\n * nothing.\n * @param d The disposable to unregister.\n */\n public unregister<T extends IDisposable>(d: T): void {\n const index = this._disposables.indexOf(d);\n if (index !== -1) {\n this._disposables.splice(index, 1);\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable } from './Types';\n\ninterface IListener<T> {\n (e: T): void;\n}\n\nexport interface IEvent<T> {\n (listener: (e: T) => any): IDisposable;\n}\n\nexport class EventEmitter2<T> {\n private _listeners: IListener<T>[] = [];\n private _event?: IEvent<T>;\n\n public get event(): IEvent<T> {\n if (!this._event) {\n this._event = (listener: (e: T) => any) => {\n this._listeners.push(listener);\n const disposable = {\n dispose: () => {\n for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) {\n if (this._listeners[i] === listener) {\n this._listeners.splice(i, 1);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n };\n return disposable;\n };\n }\n return this._event;\n }\n\n public fire(data: T): void {\n const queue: IListener<T>[] = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners.length; i++) {\n queue.push(this._listeners[i]);\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {\n queue[i].call(undefined, data);\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable, IEventEmitter, XtermListener } from './Types';\nimport { Disposable } from './Lifecycle';\n\nexport class EventEmitter extends Disposable implements IEventEmitter, IDisposable {\n private _events: {[type: string]: XtermListener[]};\n\n constructor() {\n super();\n // Restore the previous events if available, this will happen if the\n // constructor is called multiple times on the same object (terminal reset).\n this._events = (<any>this)._events || {};\n }\n\n public on(type: string, listener: XtermListener): void {\n this._events[type] = this._events[type] || [];\n this._events[type].push(listener);\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds a disposable listener to the EventEmitter, returning the disposable.\n * @param type The event type.\n * @param handler The handler for the listener.\n */\n public addDisposableListener(type: string, handler: XtermListener): IDisposable {\n // TODO: Rename addDisposableEventListener to more easily disambiguate from Dom listener\n this.on(type, handler);\n let disposed = false;\n return {\n dispose: () => {\n if (disposed) {\n // Already disposed\n return;\n }\n this.off(type, handler);\n disposed = true;\n }\n };\n }\n\n public off(type: string, listener: XtermListener): void {\n if (!this._events[type]) {\n return;\n }\n\n const obj = this._events[type];\n let i = obj.length;\n\n while (i--) {\n if (obj[i] === listener) {\n obj.splice(i, 1);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n public removeAllListeners(type: string): void {\n if (this._events[type]) {\n delete this._events[type];\n }\n }\n\n public emit(type: string, ...args: any[]): void {\n if (!this._events[type]) {\n return;\n }\n const obj = this._events[type];\n for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {\n obj[i].apply(this, args);\n }\n }\n\n public emitMayRemoveListeners(type: string, ...args: any[]): void {\n if (!this._events[type]) {\n return;\n }\n const obj = this._events[type];\n let length = obj.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {\n obj[i].apply(this, args);\n i -= length - obj.length;\n length = obj.length;\n }\n }\n\n public listeners(type: string): XtermListener[] {\n return this._events[type] || [];\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n this._events = {};\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n/*\n * A simple utility for cloning values\n */\nexport function clone<T>(val: T, depth: number = 5): T | null {\n if (typeof val !== 'object') {\n return val;\n }\n\n // cloning null always returns null\n if (val === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // If we're cloning an array, use an array as the base, otherwise use an object\n const clonedObject: any = Array.isArray(val) ? [] : {};\n\n for (const key in val) {\n // Recursively clone eack item unless we're at the maximum depth\n clonedObject[key] = depth <= 1 ? val[key] : clone(val[key], depth - 1);\n }\n\n return clonedObject as T;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ICircularList } from './Types';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './EventEmitter2';\n\nexport interface IInsertEvent {\n index: number;\n amount: number;\n}\n\nexport interface IDeleteEvent {\n index: number;\n amount: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents a circular list; a list with a maximum size that wraps around when push is called,\n * overriding values at the start of the list.\n */\nexport class CircularList<T> implements ICircularList<T> {\n protected _array: (T | undefined)[];\n private _startIndex: number;\n private _length: number;\n\n public onDeleteEmitter = new EventEmitter2<IDeleteEvent>();\n public get onDelete(): IEvent<IDeleteEvent> { return this.onDeleteEmitter.event; }\n public onInsertEmitter = new EventEmitter2<IInsertEvent>();\n public get onInsert(): IEvent<IInsertEvent> { return this.onInsertEmitter.event; }\n public onTrimEmitter = new EventEmitter2<number>();\n public get onTrim(): IEvent<number> { return this.onTrimEmitter.event; }\n\n constructor(\n private _maxLength: number\n ) {\n this._array = new Array<T>(this._maxLength);\n this._startIndex = 0;\n this._length = 0;\n }\n\n public get maxLength(): number {\n return this._maxLength;\n }\n\n public set maxLength(newMaxLength: number) {\n // There was no change in maxLength, return early.\n if (this._maxLength === newMaxLength) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Reconstruct array, starting at index 0. Only transfer values from the\n // indexes 0 to length.\n const newArray = new Array<T | undefined>(newMaxLength);\n for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(newMaxLength, this.length); i++) {\n newArray[i] = this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(i)];\n }\n this._array = newArray;\n this._maxLength = newMaxLength;\n this._startIndex = 0;\n }\n\n public get length(): number {\n return this._length;\n }\n\n public set length(newLength: number) {\n if (newLength > this._length) {\n for (let i = this._length; i < newLength; i++) {\n this._array[i] = undefined;\n }\n }\n this._length = newLength;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the value at an index.\n *\n * Note that for performance reasons there is no bounds checking here, the index reference is\n * circular so this should always return a value and never throw.\n * @param index The index of the value to get.\n * @return The value corresponding to the index.\n */\n public get(index: number): T | undefined {\n return this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(index)];\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the value at an index.\n *\n * Note that for performance reasons there is no bounds checking here, the index reference is\n * circular so this should always return a value and never throw.\n * @param index The index to set.\n * @param value The value to set.\n */\n public set(index: number, value: T | undefined): void {\n this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(index)] = value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Pushes a new value onto the list, wrapping around to the start of the array, overriding index 0\n * if the maximum length is reached.\n * @param value The value to push onto the list.\n */\n public push(value: T): void {\n this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(this._length)] = value;\n if (this._length === this._maxLength) {\n this._startIndex = ++this._startIndex % this._maxLength;\n this.onTrimEmitter.fire(1);\n } else {\n this._length++;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Advance ringbuffer index and return current element for recycling.\n * Note: The buffer must be full for this method to work.\n * @throws When the buffer is not full.\n */\n public recycle(): T {\n if (this._length !== this._maxLength) {\n throw new Error('Can only recycle when the buffer is full');\n }\n this._startIndex = ++this._startIndex % this._maxLength;\n this.onTrimEmitter.fire(1);\n return this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(this._length - 1)]!;\n }\n\n /**\n * Ringbuffer is at max length.\n */\n public get isFull(): boolean {\n return this._length === this._maxLength;\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes and returns the last value on the list.\n * @return The popped value.\n */\n public pop(): T | undefined {\n return this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(this._length-- - 1)];\n }\n\n /**\n * Deletes and/or inserts items at a particular index (in that order). Unlike\n * Array.prototype.splice, this operation does not return the deleted items as a new array in\n * order to save creating a new array. Note that this operation may shift all values in the list\n * in the worst case.\n * @param start The index to delete and/or insert.\n * @param deleteCount The number of elements to delete.\n * @param items The items to insert.\n */\n public splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: T[]): void {\n // Delete items\n if (deleteCount) {\n for (let i = start; i < this._length - deleteCount; i++) {\n this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(i)] = this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(i + deleteCount)];\n }\n this._length -= deleteCount;\n }\n\n // Add items\n for (let i = this._length - 1; i >= start; i--) {\n this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(i + items.length)] = this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(i)];\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {\n this._array[this._getCyclicIndex(start + i)] = items[i];\n }\n\n // Adjust length as needed\n if (this._length + items.length > this._maxLength) {\n const countToTrim = (this._length + items.length) - this._maxLength;\n this._startIndex += countToTrim;\n this._length = this._maxLength;\n this.onTrimEmitter.fire(countToTrim);\n } else {\n this._length += items.length;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Trims a number of items from the start of the list.\n * @param count The number of items to remove.\n */\n public trimStart(count: number): void {\n if (count > this._length) {\n count = this._length;\n }\n this._startIndex += count;\n this._length -= count;\n this.onTrimEmitter.fire(count);\n }\n\n public shiftElements(start: number, count: number, offset: number): void {\n if (count <= 0) {\n return;\n }\n if (start < 0 || start >= this._length) {\n throw new Error('start argument out of range');\n }\n if (start + offset < 0) {\n throw new Error('Cannot shift elements in list beyond index 0');\n }\n\n if (offset > 0) {\n for (let i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n this.set(start + i + offset, this.get(start + i));\n }\n const expandListBy = (start + count + offset) - this._length;\n if (expandListBy > 0) {\n this._length += expandListBy;\n while (this._length > this._maxLength) {\n this._length--;\n this._startIndex++;\n this.onTrimEmitter.fire(1);\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n this.set(start + i + offset, this.get(start + i));\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the cyclic index for the specified regular index. The cyclic index can then be used on the\n * backing array to get the element associated with the regular index.\n * @param index The regular index.\n * @returns The cyclic index.\n */\n private _getCyclicIndex(index: number): number {\n return (this._startIndex + index) % this._maxLength;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\nimport { ITerminal } from './Types';\nimport { CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX, NULL_CELL_CODE, WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE } from './Buffer';\n\nexport function applyWindowsMode(terminal: ITerminal): IDisposable {\n // Winpty does not support wraparound mode which means that lines will never\n // be marked as wrapped. This causes issues for things like copying a line\n // retaining the wrapped new line characters or if consumers are listening\n // in on the data stream.\n //\n // The workaround for this is to listen to every incoming line feed and mark\n // the line as wrapped if the last character in the previous line is not a\n // space. This is certainly not without its problems, but generally on\n // Windows when text reaches the end of the terminal it's likely going to be\n // wrapped.\n return terminal.onLineFeed(() => {\n const line = terminal.buffer.lines.get(terminal.buffer.ybase + terminal.buffer.y - 1);\n const lastChar = line.get(terminal.cols - 1);\n\n if (lastChar[CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX] !== NULL_CELL_CODE && lastChar[CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX] !== WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE) {\n const nextLine = terminal.buffer.lines.get(terminal.buffer.ybase + terminal.buffer.y);\n nextLine.isWrapped = true;\n }\n });\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IColorSet } from './renderer/Types';\nimport { ITerminal, IViewport } from './Types';\nimport { CharMeasure } from './CharMeasure';\nimport { Disposable } from './common/Lifecycle';\nimport { addDisposableDomListener } from './ui/Lifecycle';\n\nconst FALLBACK_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH = 15;\n\n/**\n * Represents the viewport of a terminal, the visible area within the larger buffer of output.\n * Logic for the virtual scroll bar is included in this object.\n */\nexport class Viewport extends Disposable implements IViewport {\n public scrollBarWidth: number = 0;\n private _currentRowHeight: number = 0;\n private _lastRecordedBufferLength: number = 0;\n private _lastRecordedViewportHeight: number = 0;\n private _lastRecordedBufferHeight: number = 0;\n private _lastTouchY: number;\n private _lastScrollTop: number = 0;\n\n // Stores a partial line amount when scrolling, this is used to keep track of how much of a line\n // is scrolled so we can \"scroll\" over partial lines and feel natural on touchpads. This is a\n // quick fix and could have a more robust solution in place that reset the value when needed.\n private _wheelPartialScroll: number = 0;\n\n private _refreshAnimationFrame: number | null = null;\n private _ignoreNextScrollEvent: boolean = false;\n\n /**\n * Creates a new Viewport.\n * @param _terminal The terminal this viewport belongs to.\n * @param _viewportElement The DOM element acting as the viewport.\n * @param _scrollArea The DOM element acting as the scroll area.\n * @param _charMeasure A DOM element used to measure the character size of. the terminal.\n */\n constructor(\n private _terminal: ITerminal,\n private _viewportElement: HTMLElement,\n private _scrollArea: HTMLElement,\n private _charMeasure: CharMeasure\n ) {\n super();\n\n // Measure the width of the scrollbar. If it is 0 we can assume it's an OSX overlay scrollbar.\n // Unfortunately the overlay scrollbar would be hidden underneath the screen element in that case,\n // therefore we account for a standard amount to make it visible\n this.scrollBarWidth = (this._viewportElement.offsetWidth - this._scrollArea.offsetWidth) || FALLBACK_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH;\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._viewportElement, 'scroll', this._onScroll.bind(this)));\n\n // Perform this async to ensure the CharMeasure is ready.\n setTimeout(() => this.syncScrollArea(), 0);\n }\n\n public onThemeChanged(colors: IColorSet): void {\n this._viewportElement.style.backgroundColor = colors.background.css;\n }\n\n /**\n * Refreshes row height, setting line-height, viewport height and scroll area height if\n * necessary.\n */\n private _refresh(): void {\n if (this._refreshAnimationFrame === null) {\n this._refreshAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(() => this._innerRefresh());\n }\n }\n\n private _innerRefresh(): void {\n if (this._charMeasure.height > 0) {\n this._currentRowHeight = this._terminal.renderer.dimensions.scaledCellHeight / window.devicePixelRatio;\n this._lastRecordedViewportHeight = this._viewportElement.offsetHeight;\n const newBufferHeight = Math.round(this._currentRowHeight * this._lastRecordedBufferLength) + (this._lastRecordedViewportHeight - this._terminal.renderer.dimensions.canvasHeight);\n if (this._lastRecordedBufferHeight !== newBufferHeight) {\n this._lastRecordedBufferHeight = newBufferHeight;\n this._scrollArea.style.height = this._lastRecordedBufferHeight + 'px';\n }\n }\n\n // Sync scrollTop\n const scrollTop = this._terminal.buffer.ydisp * this._currentRowHeight;\n if (this._viewportElement.scrollTop !== scrollTop) {\n // Ignore the next scroll event which will be triggered by setting the scrollTop as we do not\n // want this event to scroll the terminal\n this._ignoreNextScrollEvent = true;\n this._viewportElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;\n }\n\n this._refreshAnimationFrame = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates dimensions and synchronizes the scroll area if necessary.\n */\n public syncScrollArea(): void {\n // If buffer height changed\n if (this._lastRecordedBufferLength !== this._terminal.buffer.lines.length) {\n this._lastRecordedBufferLength = this._terminal.buffer.lines.length;\n this._refresh();\n return;\n }\n\n // If viewport height changed\n if (this._lastRecordedViewportHeight !== (<any>this._terminal).renderer.dimensions.canvasHeight) {\n this._refresh();\n return;\n }\n\n // If the buffer position doesn't match last scroll top\n const newScrollTop = this._terminal.buffer.ydisp * this._currentRowHeight;\n if (this._lastScrollTop !== newScrollTop) {\n this._refresh();\n return;\n }\n\n // If element's scroll top changed, this can happen when hiding the element\n if (this._lastScrollTop !== this._viewportElement.scrollTop) {\n this._refresh();\n return;\n }\n\n // If row height changed\n if (this._terminal.renderer.dimensions.scaledCellHeight / window.devicePixelRatio !== this._currentRowHeight) {\n this._refresh();\n return;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles scroll events on the viewport, calculating the new viewport and requesting the\n * terminal to scroll to it.\n * @param ev The scroll event.\n */\n private _onScroll(ev: Event): void {\n // Record current scroll top position\n this._lastScrollTop = this._viewportElement.scrollTop;\n\n // Don't attempt to scroll if the element is not visible, otherwise scrollTop will be corrupt\n // which causes the terminal to scroll the buffer to the top\n if (!this._viewportElement.offsetParent) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Ignore the event if it was flagged to ignore (when the source of the event is from Viewport)\n if (this._ignoreNextScrollEvent) {\n this._ignoreNextScrollEvent = false;\n return;\n }\n\n const newRow = Math.round(this._lastScrollTop / this._currentRowHeight);\n const diff = newRow - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n this._terminal.scrollLines(diff, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles mouse wheel events by adjusting the viewport's scrollTop and delegating the actual\n * scrolling to `onScroll`, this event needs to be attached manually by the consumer of\n * `Viewport`.\n * @param ev The mouse wheel event.\n */\n public onWheel(ev: WheelEvent): void {\n const amount = this._getPixelsScrolled(ev);\n if (amount === 0) {\n return;\n }\n this._viewportElement.scrollTop += amount;\n // Prevent the page from scrolling when the terminal scrolls\n ev.preventDefault();\n }\n\n private _getPixelsScrolled(ev: WheelEvent): number {\n // Do nothing if it's not a vertical scroll event\n if (ev.deltaY === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n // Fallback to WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL\n let amount = ev.deltaY;\n if (ev.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE) {\n amount *= this._currentRowHeight;\n } else if (ev.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE) {\n amount *= this._currentRowHeight * this._terminal.rows;\n }\n return amount;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the number of pixels scrolled by the mouse event taking into account what type of delta\n * is being used.\n * @param ev The mouse wheel event.\n */\n public getLinesScrolled(ev: WheelEvent): number {\n // Do nothing if it's not a vertical scroll event\n if (ev.deltaY === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n // Fallback to WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE\n let amount = ev.deltaY;\n if (ev.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL) {\n amount /= this._currentRowHeight + 0.0; // Prevent integer division\n this._wheelPartialScroll += amount;\n amount = Math.floor(Math.abs(this._wheelPartialScroll)) * (this._wheelPartialScroll > 0 ? 1 : -1);\n this._wheelPartialScroll %= 1;\n } else if (ev.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE) {\n amount *= this._terminal.rows;\n }\n return amount;\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the touchstart event, recording the touch occurred.\n * @param ev The touch event.\n */\n public onTouchStart(ev: TouchEvent): void {\n this._lastTouchY = ev.touches[0].pageY;\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the touchmove event, scrolling the viewport if the position shifted.\n * @param ev The touch event.\n */\n public onTouchMove(ev: TouchEvent): void {\n const deltaY = this._lastTouchY - ev.touches[0].pageY;\n this._lastTouchY = ev.touches[0].pageY;\n if (deltaY === 0) {\n return;\n }\n this._viewportElement.scrollTop += deltaY;\n ev.preventDefault();\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License)\n * @license MIT\n *\n * Originally forked from (with the author's permission):\n * Fabrice Bellard's javascript vt100 for jslinux:\n * http://bellard.org/jslinux/\n * Copyright (c) 2011 Fabrice Bellard\n * The original design remains. The terminal itself\n * has been extended to include xterm CSI codes, among\n * other features.\n *\n * Terminal Emulation References:\n * http://vt100.net/\n * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.txt\n * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html\n * http://invisible-island.net/vttest/\n * http://www.inwap.com/pdp10/ansicode.txt\n * http://linux.die.net/man/4/console_codes\n * http://linux.die.net/man/7/urxvt\n */\n\nimport { IInputHandlingTerminal, IViewport, ICompositionHelper, ITerminalOptions, ITerminal, IBrowser, ILinkifier, ILinkMatcherOptions, CustomKeyEventHandler, LinkMatcherHandler, CharacterJoinerHandler, IBufferLine, IAttributeData, IMouseZoneManager } from './Types';\nimport { IRenderer } from './renderer/Types';\nimport { BufferSet } from './BufferSet';\nimport { Buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA } from './Buffer';\nimport { CompositionHelper } from './CompositionHelper';\nimport { EventEmitter } from './common/EventEmitter';\nimport { Viewport } from './Viewport';\nimport { rightClickHandler, moveTextAreaUnderMouseCursor, pasteHandler, copyHandler } from './Clipboard';\nimport { C0 } from './common/data/EscapeSequences';\nimport { InputHandler } from './InputHandler';\nimport { Renderer } from './renderer/Renderer';\nimport { Linkifier } from './Linkifier';\nimport { SelectionManager } from './SelectionManager';\nimport { CharMeasure } from './CharMeasure';\nimport * as Browser from './common/Platform';\nimport { addDisposableDomListener } from './ui/Lifecycle';\nimport * as Strings from './Strings';\nimport { MouseHelper } from './MouseHelper';\nimport { DEFAULT_BELL_SOUND, SoundManager } from './SoundManager';\nimport { MouseZoneManager } from './MouseZoneManager';\nimport { AccessibilityManager } from './AccessibilityManager';\nimport { ScreenDprMonitor } from './ui/ScreenDprMonitor';\nimport { ITheme, IMarker, IDisposable } from 'xterm';\nimport { removeTerminalFromCache } from './renderer/atlas/CharAtlasCache';\nimport { DomRenderer } from './renderer/dom/DomRenderer';\nimport { IKeyboardEvent } from './common/Types';\nimport { evaluateKeyboardEvent } from './core/input/Keyboard';\nimport { KeyboardResultType, ICharset } from './core/Types';\nimport { clone } from './common/Clone';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\nimport { Attributes } from './BufferLine';\nimport { applyWindowsMode } from './WindowsMode';\n\n// Let it work inside Node.js for automated testing purposes.\nconst document = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window.document : null;\n\n/**\n * The amount of write requests to queue before sending an XOFF signal to the\n * pty process. This number must be small in order for ^C and similar sequences\n * to be responsive.\n */\nconst WRITE_BUFFER_PAUSE_THRESHOLD = 5;\n\n/**\n * The max number of ms to spend on writes before allowing the renderer to\n * catch up with a 0ms setTimeout. A value of < 33 to keep us close to\n * 30fps, and a value of < 16 to try to run at 60fps. Of course, the real FPS\n * depends on the time it takes for the renderer to draw the frame.\n */\nconst WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS = 12;\n\nconst MINIMUM_COLS = 2; // Less than 2 can mess with wide chars\nconst MINIMUM_ROWS = 1;\n\n/**\n * The set of options that only have an effect when set in the Terminal constructor.\n */\nconst CONSTRUCTOR_ONLY_OPTIONS = ['cols', 'rows'];\n\nconst DEFAULT_OPTIONS: ITerminalOptions = {\n cols: 80,\n rows: 24,\n convertEol: false,\n termName: 'xterm',\n cursorBlink: false,\n cursorStyle: 'block',\n bellSound: DEFAULT_BELL_SOUND,\n bellStyle: 'none',\n drawBoldTextInBrightColors: true,\n enableBold: true,\n experimentalCharAtlas: 'static',\n fontFamily: 'courier-new, courier, monospace',\n fontSize: 15,\n fontWeight: 'normal',\n fontWeightBold: 'bold',\n lineHeight: 1.0,\n letterSpacing: 0,\n scrollback: 1000,\n screenKeys: false,\n screenReaderMode: false,\n debug: false,\n macOptionIsMeta: false,\n macOptionClickForcesSelection: false,\n cancelEvents: false,\n disableStdin: false,\n useFlowControl: false,\n allowTransparency: false,\n tabStopWidth: 8,\n theme: null,\n rightClickSelectsWord: Browser.isMac,\n rendererType: 'canvas',\n windowsMode: false\n};\n\nexport class Terminal extends EventEmitter implements ITerminal, IDisposable, IInputHandlingTerminal {\n public textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement;\n public element: HTMLElement;\n public screenElement: HTMLElement;\n\n /**\n * The HTMLElement that the terminal is created in, set by Terminal.open.\n */\n private _parent: HTMLElement;\n private _context: Window;\n private _document: Document;\n private _viewportScrollArea: HTMLElement;\n private _viewportElement: HTMLElement;\n private _helperContainer: HTMLElement;\n private _compositionView: HTMLElement;\n\n private _visualBellTimer: number;\n\n public browser: IBrowser = <any>Browser;\n\n public options: ITerminalOptions;\n\n // TODO: This can be changed to an enum or boolean, 0 and 1 seem to be the only options\n public cursorState: number;\n public cursorHidden: boolean;\n\n private _customKeyEventHandler: CustomKeyEventHandler;\n\n // modes\n public applicationKeypad: boolean;\n public applicationCursor: boolean;\n public originMode: boolean;\n public insertMode: boolean;\n public wraparoundMode: boolean; // defaults: xterm - true, vt100 - false\n public bracketedPasteMode: boolean;\n\n // charset\n // The current charset\n public charset: ICharset;\n public gcharset: number;\n public glevel: number;\n public charsets: ICharset[];\n\n // mouse properties\n private _decLocator: boolean; // This is unstable and never set\n public x10Mouse: boolean;\n public vt200Mouse: boolean;\n private _vt300Mouse: boolean; // This is unstable and never set\n public normalMouse: boolean;\n public mouseEvents: boolean;\n public sendFocus: boolean;\n public utfMouse: boolean;\n public sgrMouse: boolean;\n public urxvtMouse: boolean;\n\n // misc\n private _refreshStart: number;\n private _refreshEnd: number;\n public savedCols: number;\n\n public curAttrData: IAttributeData;\n private _eraseAttrData: IAttributeData;\n\n public params: (string | number)[];\n public currentParam: string | number;\n\n // user input states\n public writeBuffer: string[];\n private _writeInProgress: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Whether _xterm.js_ sent XOFF in order to catch up with the pty process.\n * This is a distinct state from writeStopped so that if the user requested\n * XOFF via ^S that it will not automatically resume when the writeBuffer goes\n * below threshold.\n */\n private _xoffSentToCatchUp: boolean;\n\n /** Whether writing has been stopped as a result of XOFF */\n // private _writeStopped: boolean;\n\n // Store if user went browsing history in scrollback\n private _userScrolling: boolean;\n\n private _inputHandler: InputHandler;\n public soundManager: SoundManager;\n public renderer: IRenderer;\n public selectionManager: SelectionManager;\n public linkifier: ILinkifier;\n public buffers: BufferSet;\n public viewport: IViewport;\n private _compositionHelper: ICompositionHelper;\n public charMeasure: CharMeasure;\n private _mouseZoneManager: IMouseZoneManager;\n public mouseHelper: MouseHelper;\n private _accessibilityManager: AccessibilityManager;\n private _screenDprMonitor: ScreenDprMonitor;\n private _theme: ITheme;\n private _windowsMode: IDisposable | undefined;\n\n // bufferline to clone/copy from for new blank lines\n private _blankLine: IBufferLine = null;\n\n public cols: number;\n public rows: number;\n\n private _onCursorMove = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onCursorMove(): IEvent<void> { return this._onCursorMove.event; }\n private _onData = new EventEmitter2<string>();\n public get onData(): IEvent<string> { return this._onData.event; }\n private _onKey = new EventEmitter2<{ key: string, domEvent: KeyboardEvent }>();\n public get onKey(): IEvent<{ key: string, domEvent: KeyboardEvent }> { return this._onKey.event; }\n private _onLineFeed = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onLineFeed(): IEvent<void> { return this._onLineFeed.event; }\n private _onRender = new EventEmitter2<{ start: number, end: number }>();\n public get onRender(): IEvent<{ start: number, end: number }> { return this._onRender.event; }\n private _onResize = new EventEmitter2<{ cols: number, rows: number }>();\n public get onResize(): IEvent<{ cols: number, rows: number }> { return this._onResize.event; }\n private _onScroll = new EventEmitter2<number>();\n public get onScroll(): IEvent<number> { return this._onScroll.event; }\n private _onSelectionChange = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onSelectionChange(): IEvent<void> { return this._onSelectionChange.event; }\n private _onTitleChange = new EventEmitter2<string>();\n public get onTitleChange(): IEvent<string> { return this._onTitleChange.event; }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new `Terminal` object.\n *\n * @param options An object containing a set of options, the available options are:\n * - `cursorBlink` (boolean): Whether the terminal cursor blinks\n * - `cols` (number): The number of columns of the terminal (horizontal size)\n * - `rows` (number): The number of rows of the terminal (vertical size)\n *\n * @public\n * @class Xterm Xterm\n * @alias module:xterm/src/xterm\n */\n constructor(\n options: ITerminalOptions = {}\n ) {\n super();\n this.options = clone(options);\n this._setup();\n\n // TODO: Remove these in v4\n // Fire old style events from new emitters\n this.onCursorMove(() => this.emit('cursormove'));\n this.onData(e => this.emit('data', e));\n this.onKey(e => this.emit('key', e.key, e.domEvent));\n this.onLineFeed(() => this.emit('linefeed'));\n this.onRender(e => this.emit('refresh', e));\n this.onResize(e => this.emit('resize', e));\n this.onSelectionChange(() => this.emit('selection'));\n this.onScroll(e => this.emit('scroll', e));\n this.onTitleChange(e => this.emit('title', e));\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n if (this._windowsMode) {\n this._windowsMode.dispose();\n this._windowsMode = undefined;\n }\n this._customKeyEventHandler = null;\n removeTerminalFromCache(this);\n this.handler = () => {};\n this.write = () => {};\n if (this.element && this.element.parentNode) {\n this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated Use dispose instead.\n */\n public destroy(): void {\n this.dispose();\n }\n\n private _setup(): void {\n Object.keys(DEFAULT_OPTIONS).forEach((key) => {\n if (this.options[key] === null || this.options[key] === undefined) {\n this.options[key] = DEFAULT_OPTIONS[key];\n }\n });\n\n // this.context = options.context || window;\n // this.document = options.document || document;\n // TODO: WHy not document.body?\n this._parent = document ? document.body : null;\n\n this.cols = Math.max(this.options.cols, MINIMUM_COLS);\n this.rows = Math.max(this.options.rows, MINIMUM_ROWS);\n\n if (this.options.handler) {\n this.onData(this.options.handler);\n }\n\n this.cursorState = 0;\n this.cursorHidden = false;\n this._customKeyEventHandler = null;\n\n // modes\n this.applicationKeypad = false;\n this.applicationCursor = false;\n this.originMode = false;\n this.insertMode = false;\n this.wraparoundMode = true; // defaults: xterm - true, vt100 - false\n this.bracketedPasteMode = false;\n\n // charset\n this.charset = null;\n this.gcharset = null;\n this.glevel = 0;\n // TODO: Can this be just []?\n this.charsets = [null];\n\n this.curAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone();\n this._eraseAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone();\n\n this.params = [];\n this.currentParam = 0;\n\n // user input states\n this.writeBuffer = [];\n this._writeInProgress = false;\n\n this._xoffSentToCatchUp = false;\n // this._writeStopped = false;\n this._userScrolling = false;\n\n // Register input handler and refire/handle events\n this._inputHandler = new InputHandler(this);\n this._inputHandler.onCursorMove(() => this._onCursorMove.fire());\n this._inputHandler.onLineFeed(() => this._onLineFeed.fire());\n this._inputHandler.onData(e => this._onData.fire(e));\n this.register(this._inputHandler);\n\n // Reuse renderer if the Terminal is being recreated via a reset call.\n this.renderer = this.renderer || null;\n this.selectionManager = this.selectionManager || null;\n this.linkifier = this.linkifier || new Linkifier(this);\n this._mouseZoneManager = this._mouseZoneManager || null;\n this.soundManager = this.soundManager || new SoundManager(this);\n\n // Create the terminal's buffers and set the current buffer\n this.buffers = new BufferSet(this);\n if (this.selectionManager) {\n this.selectionManager.clearSelection();\n this.selectionManager.initBuffersListeners();\n }\n\n if (this.options.windowsMode) {\n this._windowsMode = applyWindowsMode(this);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Convenience property to active buffer.\n */\n public get buffer(): Buffer {\n return this.buffers.active;\n }\n\n /**\n * back_color_erase feature for xterm.\n */\n public eraseAttrData(): IAttributeData {\n this._eraseAttrData.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | 0xFFFFFF);\n this._eraseAttrData.bg |= this.curAttrData.bg & ~0xFC000000;\n return this._eraseAttrData;\n }\n\n /**\n * Focus the terminal. Delegates focus handling to the terminal's DOM element.\n */\n public focus(): void {\n if (this.textarea) {\n this.textarea.focus({ preventScroll: true });\n }\n }\n\n public get isFocused(): boolean {\n return document.activeElement === this.textarea && document.hasFocus();\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal.\n * @param key The option key.\n */\n public getOption(key: string): any {\n if (!(key in DEFAULT_OPTIONS)) {\n throw new Error('No option with key \"' + key + '\"');\n }\n\n return this.options[key];\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets an option on the terminal.\n * @param key The option key.\n * @param value The option value.\n */\n public setOption(key: string, value: any): void {\n if (!(key in DEFAULT_OPTIONS)) {\n throw new Error('No option with key \"' + key + '\"');\n }\n if (CONSTRUCTOR_ONLY_OPTIONS.indexOf(key) !== -1) {\n console.error(`Option \"${key}\" can only be set in the constructor`);\n }\n if (this.options[key] === value) {\n return;\n }\n switch (key) {\n case 'bellStyle':\n if (!value) {\n value = 'none';\n }\n break;\n case 'cursorStyle':\n if (!value) {\n value = 'block';\n }\n break;\n case 'fontWeight':\n if (!value) {\n value = 'normal';\n }\n break;\n case 'fontWeightBold':\n if (!value) {\n value = 'bold';\n }\n break;\n case 'lineHeight':\n if (value < 1) {\n console.warn(`${key} cannot be less than 1, value: ${value}`);\n return;\n }\n case 'rendererType':\n if (!value) {\n value = 'canvas';\n }\n break;\n case 'tabStopWidth':\n if (value < 1) {\n console.warn(`${key} cannot be less than 1, value: ${value}`);\n return;\n }\n break;\n case 'theme':\n // If open has been called we do not want to set options.theme as the\n // source of truth is owned by the renderer.\n if (this.renderer) {\n this._setTheme(<ITheme>value);\n return;\n }\n break;\n case 'scrollback':\n value = Math.min(value, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);\n\n if (value < 0) {\n console.warn(`${key} cannot be less than 0, value: ${value}`);\n return;\n }\n if (this.options[key] !== value) {\n const newBufferLength = this.rows + value;\n if (this.buffer.lines.length > newBufferLength) {\n const amountToTrim = this.buffer.lines.length - newBufferLength;\n const needsRefresh = (this.buffer.ydisp - amountToTrim < 0);\n this.buffer.lines.trimStart(amountToTrim);\n this.buffer.ybase = Math.max(this.buffer.ybase - amountToTrim, 0);\n this.buffer.ydisp = Math.max(this.buffer.ydisp - amountToTrim, 0);\n if (needsRefresh) {\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n }\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n this.options[key] = value;\n switch (key) {\n case 'fontFamily':\n case 'fontSize':\n // When the font changes the size of the cells may change which requires a renderer clear\n if (this.renderer) {\n this.renderer.clear();\n this.charMeasure.measure(this.options);\n }\n break;\n case 'drawBoldTextInBrightColors':\n case 'experimentalCharAtlas':\n case 'enableBold':\n case 'letterSpacing':\n case 'lineHeight':\n case 'fontWeight':\n case 'fontWeightBold':\n // When the font changes the size of the cells may change which requires a renderer clear\n if (this.renderer) {\n this.renderer.clear();\n this.renderer.onResize(this.cols, this.rows);\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n }\n break;\n case 'rendererType':\n if (this.renderer) {\n this.unregister(this.renderer);\n this.renderer.dispose();\n this.renderer = null;\n }\n this._setupRenderer();\n this.renderer.onCharSizeChanged();\n if (this._theme) {\n this.renderer.setTheme(this._theme);\n }\n this.mouseHelper.setRenderer(this.renderer);\n break;\n case 'scrollback':\n this.buffers.resize(this.cols, this.rows);\n if (this.viewport) {\n this.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n break;\n case 'screenReaderMode':\n if (value) {\n if (!this._accessibilityManager) {\n this._accessibilityManager = new AccessibilityManager(this);\n }\n } else {\n if (this._accessibilityManager) {\n this._accessibilityManager.dispose();\n this._accessibilityManager = null;\n }\n }\n break;\n case 'tabStopWidth': this.buffers.setupTabStops(); break;\n case 'windowsMode':\n if (value) {\n if (!this._windowsMode) {\n this._windowsMode = applyWindowsMode(this);\n }\n } else {\n if (this._windowsMode) {\n this._windowsMode.dispose();\n this._windowsMode = undefined;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n // Inform renderer of changes\n if (this.renderer) {\n this.renderer.onOptionsChanged();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Binds the desired focus behavior on a given terminal object.\n */\n private _onTextAreaFocus(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {\n if (this.sendFocus) {\n this.handler(C0.ESC + '[I');\n }\n this.updateCursorStyle(ev);\n this.element.classList.add('focus');\n this.showCursor();\n this.emit('focus');\n }\n\n /**\n * Blur the terminal, calling the blur function on the terminal's underlying\n * textarea.\n */\n public blur(): void {\n return this.textarea.blur();\n }\n\n /**\n * Binds the desired blur behavior on a given terminal object.\n */\n private _onTextAreaBlur(): void {\n // Text can safely be removed on blur. Doing it earlier could interfere with\n // screen readers reading it out.\n this.textarea.value = '';\n this.refresh(this.buffer.y, this.buffer.y);\n if (this.sendFocus) {\n this.handler(C0.ESC + '[O');\n }\n this.element.classList.remove('focus');\n this.emit('blur');\n }\n\n /**\n * Initialize default behavior\n */\n private _initGlobal(): void {\n this._bindKeys();\n\n // Bind clipboard functionality\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'copy', (event: ClipboardEvent) => {\n // If mouse events are active it means the selection manager is disabled and\n // copy should be handled by the host program.\n if (!this.hasSelection()) {\n return;\n }\n copyHandler(event, this, this.selectionManager);\n }));\n const pasteHandlerWrapper = (event: ClipboardEvent) => pasteHandler(event, this);\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'paste', pasteHandlerWrapper));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'paste', pasteHandlerWrapper));\n\n // Handle right click context menus\n if (Browser.isFirefox) {\n // Firefox doesn't appear to fire the contextmenu event on right click\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'mousedown', (event: MouseEvent) => {\n if (event.button === 2) {\n rightClickHandler(event, this, this.selectionManager, this.options.rightClickSelectsWord);\n }\n }));\n } else {\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'contextmenu', (event: MouseEvent) => {\n rightClickHandler(event, this, this.selectionManager, this.options.rightClickSelectsWord);\n }));\n }\n\n // Move the textarea under the cursor when middle clicking on Linux to ensure\n // middle click to paste selection works. This only appears to work in Chrome\n // at the time is writing.\n if (Browser.isLinux) {\n // Use auxclick event over mousedown the latter doesn't seem to work. Note\n // that the regular click event doesn't fire for the middle mouse button.\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'auxclick', (event: MouseEvent) => {\n if (event.button === 1) {\n moveTextAreaUnderMouseCursor(event, this);\n }\n }));\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Apply key handling to the terminal\n */\n private _bindKeys(): void {\n const self = this;\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'keydown', function (ev: KeyboardEvent): void {\n if (document.activeElement !== this) {\n return;\n }\n self._keyDown(ev);\n }, true));\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'keypress', function (ev: KeyboardEvent): void {\n if (document.activeElement !== this) {\n return;\n }\n self._keyPress(ev);\n }, true));\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'keyup', (ev: KeyboardEvent) => {\n if (!wasModifierKeyOnlyEvent(ev)) {\n this.focus();\n }\n\n self._keyUp(ev);\n }, true));\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'keydown', (ev: KeyboardEvent) => this._keyDown(ev), true));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'keypress', (ev: KeyboardEvent) => this._keyPress(ev), true));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'compositionstart', () => this._compositionHelper.compositionstart()));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'compositionupdate', (e: CompositionEvent) => this._compositionHelper.compositionupdate(e)));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'compositionend', () => this._compositionHelper.compositionend()));\n this.register(this.onRender(() => this._compositionHelper.updateCompositionElements()));\n this.register(this.onRender(e => this._queueLinkification(e.start, e.end)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Opens the terminal within an element.\n *\n * @param parent The element to create the terminal within.\n */\n public open(parent: HTMLElement): void {\n this._parent = parent || this._parent;\n\n if (!this._parent) {\n throw new Error('Terminal requires a parent element.');\n }\n\n // Grab global elements\n this._context = this._parent.ownerDocument.defaultView;\n this._document = this._parent.ownerDocument;\n\n this._screenDprMonitor = new ScreenDprMonitor();\n this._screenDprMonitor.setListener(() => this.emit('dprchange', window.devicePixelRatio));\n this.register(this._screenDprMonitor);\n\n // Create main element container\n this.element = this._document.createElement('div');\n this.element.dir = 'ltr'; // xterm.css assumes LTR\n this.element.classList.add('terminal');\n this.element.classList.add('xterm');\n this.element.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');\n this._parent.appendChild(this.element);\n\n // Performance: Use a document fragment to build the terminal\n // viewport and helper elements detached from the DOM\n const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\n this._viewportElement = document.createElement('div');\n this._viewportElement.classList.add('xterm-viewport');\n fragment.appendChild(this._viewportElement);\n this._viewportScrollArea = document.createElement('div');\n this._viewportScrollArea.classList.add('xterm-scroll-area');\n this._viewportElement.appendChild(this._viewportScrollArea);\n\n this.screenElement = document.createElement('div');\n this.screenElement.classList.add('xterm-screen');\n // Create the container that will hold helpers like the textarea for\n // capturing DOM Events. Then produce the helpers.\n this._helperContainer = document.createElement('div');\n this._helperContainer.classList.add('xterm-helpers');\n this.screenElement.appendChild(this._helperContainer);\n fragment.appendChild(this.screenElement);\n\n this._mouseZoneManager = new MouseZoneManager(this);\n this.register(this._mouseZoneManager);\n this.register(this.onScroll(() => this._mouseZoneManager.clearAll()));\n this.linkifier.attachToDom(this._mouseZoneManager);\n\n this.textarea = document.createElement('textarea');\n this.textarea.classList.add('xterm-helper-textarea');\n // TODO: New API to set title? This could say \"Terminal bash input\", etc.\n this.textarea.setAttribute('aria-label', Strings.promptLabel);\n this.textarea.setAttribute('aria-multiline', 'false');\n this.textarea.setAttribute('autocorrect', 'off');\n this.textarea.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'off');\n this.textarea.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false');\n this.textarea.tabIndex = 0;\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'focus', (ev: KeyboardEvent) => this._onTextAreaFocus(ev)));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.textarea, 'blur', () => this._onTextAreaBlur()));\n this._helperContainer.appendChild(this.textarea);\n\n this._compositionView = document.createElement('div');\n this._compositionView.classList.add('composition-view');\n this._compositionHelper = new CompositionHelper(this.textarea, this._compositionView, this);\n this._helperContainer.appendChild(this._compositionView);\n\n this.charMeasure = new CharMeasure(document, this._helperContainer);\n\n // Performance: Add viewport and helper elements from the fragment\n this.element.appendChild(fragment);\n\n this._setupRenderer();\n this._theme = this.options.theme;\n this.options.theme = null;\n this.viewport = new Viewport(this, this._viewportElement, this._viewportScrollArea, this.charMeasure);\n this.viewport.onThemeChanged(this.renderer.colorManager.colors);\n this.register(this.viewport);\n\n this.register(this.onCursorMove(() => this.renderer.onCursorMove()));\n this.register(this.onResize(() => this.renderer.onResize(this.cols, this.rows)));\n this.register(this.addDisposableListener('blur', () => this.renderer.onBlur()));\n this.register(this.addDisposableListener('focus', () => this.renderer.onFocus()));\n this.register(this.addDisposableListener('dprchange', () => this.renderer.onWindowResize(window.devicePixelRatio)));\n // dprchange should handle this case, we need this as well for browsers that don't support the\n // matchMedia query.\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(window, 'resize', () => this.renderer.onWindowResize(window.devicePixelRatio)));\n this.register(this.charMeasure.onCharSizeChanged(() => this.renderer.onCharSizeChanged()));\n this.register(this.renderer.onCanvasResize(() => this.viewport.syncScrollArea()));\n\n this.selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this, this.charMeasure);\n this.register(this.selectionManager.onSelectionChange(() => this._onSelectionChange.fire()));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this.element, 'mousedown', (e: MouseEvent) => this.selectionManager.onMouseDown(e)));\n this.register(this.selectionManager.onRedrawRequest(e => this.renderer.onSelectionChanged(e.start, e.end, e.columnSelectMode)));\n this.register(this.selectionManager.onLinuxMouseSelection(text => {\n // If there's a new selection, put it into the textarea, focus and select it\n // in order to register it as a selection on the OS. This event is fired\n // only on Linux to enable middle click to paste selection.\n this.textarea.value = text;\n this.textarea.focus();\n this.textarea.select();\n }));\n this.register(this.onScroll(() => {\n this.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n this.selectionManager.refresh();\n }));\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._viewportElement, 'scroll', () => this.selectionManager.refresh()));\n\n this.mouseHelper = new MouseHelper(this.renderer);\n // apply mouse event classes set by escape codes before terminal was attached\n this.element.classList.toggle('enable-mouse-events', this.mouseEvents);\n if (this.mouseEvents) {\n this.selectionManager.disable();\n } else {\n this.selectionManager.enable();\n }\n\n if (this.options.screenReaderMode) {\n // Note that this must be done *after* the renderer is created in order to\n // ensure the correct order of the dprchange event\n this._accessibilityManager = new AccessibilityManager(this);\n }\n\n // Measure the character size\n this.charMeasure.measure(this.options);\n\n // Setup loop that draws to screen\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n\n // Initialize global actions that need to be taken on the document.\n this._initGlobal();\n\n // Listen for mouse events and translate\n // them into terminal mouse protocols.\n this.bindMouse();\n\n }\n\n private _setupRenderer(): void {\n switch (this.options.rendererType) {\n case 'canvas': this.renderer = new Renderer(this, this.options.theme); break;\n case 'dom': this.renderer = new DomRenderer(this, this.options.theme); break;\n default: throw new Error(`Unrecognized rendererType \"${this.options.rendererType}\"`);\n }\n this.renderer.onRender(e => this._onRender.fire(e));\n this.register(this.renderer);\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the theme on the renderer. The renderer must have been initialized.\n * @param theme The theme to set.\n */\n private _setTheme(theme: ITheme): void {\n this._theme = theme;\n const colors = this.renderer.setTheme(theme);\n if (this.viewport) {\n this.viewport.onThemeChanged(colors);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * XTerm mouse events\n * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#Mouse%20Tracking\n * To better understand these\n * the xterm code is very helpful:\n * Relevant files:\n * button.c, charproc.c, misc.c\n * Relevant functions in xterm/button.c:\n * BtnCode, EmitButtonCode, EditorButton, SendMousePosition\n */\n public bindMouse(): void {\n const el = this.element;\n const self = this;\n let pressed = 32;\n\n // mouseup, mousedown, wheel\n // left click: ^[[M 3<^[[M#3<\n // wheel up: ^[[M`3>\n function sendButton(ev: MouseEvent | WheelEvent): void {\n let button;\n let pos;\n\n // get the xterm-style button\n button = getButton(ev);\n\n // get mouse coordinates\n pos = self.mouseHelper.getRawByteCoords(ev, self.screenElement, self.charMeasure, self.cols, self.rows);\n if (!pos) return;\n\n sendEvent(button, pos);\n\n switch ((<any>ev).overrideType || ev.type) {\n case 'mousedown':\n pressed = button;\n break;\n case 'mouseup':\n // keep it at the left\n // button, just in case.\n pressed = 32;\n break;\n case 'wheel':\n // nothing. don't\n // interfere with\n // `pressed`.\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // motion example of a left click:\n // ^[[M 3<^[[M@4<^[[M@5<^[[M@6<^[[M@7<^[[M#7<\n function sendMove(ev: MouseEvent): void {\n let button = pressed;\n const pos = self.mouseHelper.getRawByteCoords(ev, self.screenElement, self.charMeasure, self.cols, self.rows);\n if (!pos) return;\n\n // buttons marked as motions\n // are incremented by 32\n button += 32;\n\n sendEvent(button, pos);\n }\n\n // encode button and\n // position to characters\n function encode(data: number[], ch: number): void {\n if (!self.utfMouse) {\n if (ch === 255) {\n data.push(0);\n return;\n }\n if (ch > 127) ch = 127;\n data.push(ch);\n } else {\n if (ch > 2047) {\n data.push(2047);\n return;\n }\n data.push(ch);\n }\n }\n\n // send a mouse event:\n // regular/utf8: ^[[M Cb Cx Cy\n // urxvt: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M\n // sgr: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M/m\n // vt300: ^[[ 24(1/3/5)~ [ Cx , Cy ] \\r\n // locator: CSI P e ; P b ; P r ; P c ; P p & w\n function sendEvent(button: number, pos: {x: number, y: number}): void {\n // self.emit('mouse', {\n // x: pos.x - 32,\n // y: pos.x - 32,\n // button: button\n // });\n\n if (self._vt300Mouse) {\n // NOTE: Unstable.\n // http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt3xx-gp/chapter15.html\n button &= 3;\n pos.x -= 32;\n pos.y -= 32;\n let data = C0.ESC + '[24';\n if (button === 0) data += '1';\n else if (button === 1) data += '3';\n else if (button === 2) data += '5';\n else if (button === 3) return;\n else data += '0';\n data += '~[' + pos.x + ',' + pos.y + ']\\r';\n self.handler(data);\n return;\n }\n\n if (self._decLocator) {\n // NOTE: Unstable.\n button &= 3;\n pos.x -= 32;\n pos.y -= 32;\n if (button === 0) button = 2;\n else if (button === 1) button = 4;\n else if (button === 2) button = 6;\n else if (button === 3) button = 3;\n self.handler(C0.ESC + '['\n + button\n + ';'\n + (button === 3 ? 4 : 0)\n + ';'\n + pos.y\n + ';'\n + pos.x\n + ';'\n // Not sure what page is meant to be\n + (<any>pos).page || 0\n + '&w');\n return;\n }\n\n if (self.urxvtMouse) {\n pos.x -= 32;\n pos.y -= 32;\n pos.x++;\n pos.y++;\n self.handler(C0.ESC + '[' + button + ';' + pos.x + ';' + pos.y + 'M');\n return;\n }\n\n if (self.sgrMouse) {\n pos.x -= 32;\n pos.y -= 32;\n self.handler(C0.ESC + '[<'\n + (((button & 3) === 3 ? button & ~3 : button) - 32)\n + ';'\n + pos.x\n + ';'\n + pos.y\n + ((button & 3) === 3 ? 'm' : 'M'));\n return;\n }\n\n const data: number[] = [];\n\n encode(data, button);\n encode(data, pos.x);\n encode(data, pos.y);\n\n self.handler(C0.ESC + '[M' + String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data));\n }\n\n function getButton(ev: MouseEvent): number {\n let button;\n let shift;\n let meta;\n let ctrl;\n let mod;\n\n // two low bits:\n // 0 = left\n // 1 = middle\n // 2 = right\n // 3 = release\n // wheel up/down:\n // 1, and 2 - with 64 added\n switch ((<any>ev).overrideType || ev.type) {\n case 'mousedown':\n button = ev.button !== null && ev.button !== undefined\n ? +ev.button\n : ev.which !== null && ev.which !== undefined\n ? ev.which - 1\n : null;\n\n if (Browser.isMSIE) {\n button = button === 1 ? 0 : button === 4 ? 1 : button;\n }\n break;\n case 'mouseup':\n button = 3;\n break;\n case 'DOMMouseScroll':\n button = ev.detail < 0\n ? 64\n : 65;\n break;\n case 'wheel':\n button = (<WheelEvent>ev).deltaY < 0\n ? 64\n : 65;\n break;\n }\n\n // next three bits are the modifiers:\n // 4 = shift, 8 = meta, 16 = control\n shift = ev.shiftKey ? 4 : 0;\n meta = ev.metaKey ? 8 : 0;\n ctrl = ev.ctrlKey ? 16 : 0;\n mod = shift | meta | ctrl;\n\n // no mods\n if (self.vt200Mouse) {\n // ctrl only\n mod &= ctrl;\n } else if (!self.normalMouse) {\n mod = 0;\n }\n\n // increment to SP\n button = (32 + (mod << 2)) + button;\n\n return button;\n }\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(el, 'mousedown', (ev: MouseEvent) => {\n\n // Prevent the focus on the textarea from getting lost\n // and make sure we get focused on mousedown\n ev.preventDefault();\n this.focus();\n\n // Don't send the mouse button to the pty if mouse events are disabled or\n // if the selection manager is having selection forced (ie. a modifier is\n // held).\n if (!this.mouseEvents || this.selectionManager.shouldForceSelection(ev)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // send the button\n sendButton(ev);\n\n // fix for odd bug\n // if (this.vt200Mouse && !this.normalMouse) {\n if (this.vt200Mouse) {\n (<any>ev).overrideType = 'mouseup';\n sendButton(ev);\n return this.cancel(ev);\n }\n\n // TODO: All mouse handling should be pulled into its own file.\n\n // bind events\n let moveHandler: (event: MouseEvent) => void;\n if (this.normalMouse) {\n moveHandler = (event: MouseEvent) => {\n // Do nothing if normal mouse mode is on. This can happen if the mouse is held down when the\n // terminal exits normalMouse mode.\n if (!this.normalMouse) {\n return;\n }\n sendMove(event);\n };\n // TODO: these event listeners should be managed by the disposable, the Terminal reference may\n // be kept aroud if Terminal.dispose is fired when the mouse is down\n this._document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveHandler);\n }\n\n // x10 compatibility mode can't send button releases\n const handler = (ev: MouseEvent) => {\n if (this.normalMouse && !this.x10Mouse) {\n sendButton(ev);\n }\n if (moveHandler) {\n // Even though this should only be attached when this.normalMouse is true, holding the\n // mouse button down when normalMouse changes can happen. Just always try to remove it.\n this._document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveHandler);\n moveHandler = null;\n }\n this._document.removeEventListener('mouseup', handler);\n return this.cancel(ev);\n };\n this._document.addEventListener('mouseup', handler);\n\n return this.cancel(ev);\n }));\n\n // if (this.normalMouse) {\n // on(this.document, 'mousemove', sendMove);\n // }\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(el, 'wheel', (ev: WheelEvent) => {\n if (!this.mouseEvents) {\n // Convert wheel events into up/down events when the buffer does not have scrollback, this\n // enables scrolling in apps hosted in the alt buffer such as vim or tmux.\n if (!this.buffer.hasScrollback) {\n const amount = this.viewport.getLinesScrolled(ev);\n\n // Do nothing if there's no vertical scroll\n if (amount === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Construct and send sequences\n const sequence = C0.ESC + (this.applicationCursor ? 'O' : '[') + ( ev.deltaY < 0 ? 'A' : 'B');\n let data = '';\n for (let i = 0; i < Math.abs(amount); i++) {\n data += sequence;\n }\n this.handler(data);\n }\n return;\n }\n if (this.x10Mouse || this._vt300Mouse || this._decLocator) return;\n sendButton(ev);\n ev.preventDefault();\n }));\n\n // allow wheel scrolling in\n // the shell for example\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(el, 'wheel', (ev: WheelEvent) => {\n if (this.mouseEvents) return;\n this.viewport.onWheel(ev);\n return this.cancel(ev);\n }));\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(el, 'touchstart', (ev: TouchEvent) => {\n if (this.mouseEvents) return;\n this.viewport.onTouchStart(ev);\n return this.cancel(ev);\n }));\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(el, 'touchmove', (ev: TouchEvent) => {\n if (this.mouseEvents) return;\n this.viewport.onTouchMove(ev);\n return this.cancel(ev);\n }));\n }\n\n /**\n * Tells the renderer to refresh terminal content between two rows (inclusive) at the next\n * opportunity.\n * @param start The row to start from (between 0 and this.rows - 1).\n * @param end The row to end at (between start and this.rows - 1).\n */\n public refresh(start: number, end: number): void {\n if (this.renderer) {\n this.renderer.refreshRows(start, end);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Queues linkification for the specified rows.\n * @param start The row to start from (between 0 and this.rows - 1).\n * @param end The row to end at (between start and this.rows - 1).\n */\n private _queueLinkification(start: number, end: number): void {\n if (this.linkifier) {\n this.linkifier.linkifyRows(start, end);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Change the cursor style for different selection modes\n */\n public updateCursorStyle(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {\n if (this.selectionManager && this.selectionManager.shouldColumnSelect(ev)) {\n this.element.classList.add('column-select');\n } else {\n this.element.classList.remove('column-select');\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Display the cursor element\n */\n public showCursor(): void {\n if (!this.cursorState) {\n this.cursorState = 1;\n this.refresh(this.buffer.y, this.buffer.y);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Scroll the terminal down 1 row, creating a blank line.\n * @param isWrapped Whether the new line is wrapped from the previous line.\n */\n public scroll(isWrapped: boolean = false): void {\n let newLine: IBufferLine;\n newLine = this._blankLine;\n const eraseAttr = this.eraseAttrData();\n if (!newLine || newLine.length !== this.cols || newLine.getFg(0) !== eraseAttr.fg || newLine.getBg(0) !== eraseAttr.bg) {\n newLine = this.buffer.getBlankLine(eraseAttr, isWrapped);\n this._blankLine = newLine;\n }\n newLine.isWrapped = isWrapped;\n\n const topRow = this.buffer.ybase + this.buffer.scrollTop;\n const bottomRow = this.buffer.ybase + this.buffer.scrollBottom;\n\n if (this.buffer.scrollTop === 0) {\n // Determine whether the buffer is going to be trimmed after insertion.\n const willBufferBeTrimmed = this.buffer.lines.isFull;\n\n // Insert the line using the fastest method\n if (bottomRow === this.buffer.lines.length - 1) {\n if (willBufferBeTrimmed) {\n this.buffer.lines.recycle().copyFrom(newLine);\n } else {\n this.buffer.lines.push(newLine.clone());\n }\n } else {\n this.buffer.lines.splice(bottomRow + 1, 0, newLine.clone());\n }\n\n // Only adjust ybase and ydisp when the buffer is not trimmed\n if (!willBufferBeTrimmed) {\n this.buffer.ybase++;\n // Only scroll the ydisp with ybase if the user has not scrolled up\n if (!this._userScrolling) {\n this.buffer.ydisp++;\n }\n } else {\n // When the buffer is full and the user has scrolled up, keep the text\n // stable unless ydisp is right at the top\n if (this._userScrolling) {\n this.buffer.ydisp = Math.max(this.buffer.ydisp - 1, 0);\n }\n }\n } else {\n // scrollTop is non-zero which means no line will be going to the\n // scrollback, instead we can just shift them in-place.\n const scrollRegionHeight = bottomRow - topRow + 1/*as it's zero-based*/;\n this.buffer.lines.shiftElements(topRow + 1, scrollRegionHeight - 1, -1);\n this.buffer.lines.set(bottomRow, newLine.clone());\n }\n\n // Move the viewport to the bottom of the buffer unless the user is\n // scrolling.\n if (!this._userScrolling) {\n this.buffer.ydisp = this.buffer.ybase;\n }\n\n // Flag rows that need updating\n this.updateRange(this.buffer.scrollTop);\n this.updateRange(this.buffer.scrollBottom);\n\n this._onScroll.fire(this.buffer.ydisp);\n }\n\n /**\n * Scroll the display of the terminal\n * @param disp The number of lines to scroll down (negative scroll up).\n * @param suppressScrollEvent Don't emit the scroll event as scrollLines. This is used\n * to avoid unwanted events being handled by the viewport when the event was triggered from the\n * viewport originally.\n */\n public scrollLines(disp: number, suppressScrollEvent?: boolean): void {\n if (disp < 0) {\n if (this.buffer.ydisp === 0) {\n return;\n }\n this._userScrolling = true;\n } else if (disp + this.buffer.ydisp >= this.buffer.ybase) {\n this._userScrolling = false;\n }\n\n const oldYdisp = this.buffer.ydisp;\n this.buffer.ydisp = Math.max(Math.min(this.buffer.ydisp + disp, this.buffer.ybase), 0);\n\n // No change occurred, don't trigger scroll/refresh\n if (oldYdisp === this.buffer.ydisp) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!suppressScrollEvent) {\n this._onScroll.fire(this.buffer.ydisp);\n }\n\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Scroll the display of the terminal by a number of pages.\n * @param pageCount The number of pages to scroll (negative scrolls up).\n */\n public scrollPages(pageCount: number): void {\n this.scrollLines(pageCount * (this.rows - 1));\n }\n\n /**\n * Scrolls the display of the terminal to the top.\n */\n public scrollToTop(): void {\n this.scrollLines(-this.buffer.ydisp);\n }\n\n /**\n * Scrolls the display of the terminal to the bottom.\n */\n public scrollToBottom(): void {\n this.scrollLines(this.buffer.ybase - this.buffer.ydisp);\n }\n\n public scrollToLine(line: number): void {\n const scrollAmount = line - this.buffer.ydisp;\n if (scrollAmount !== 0) {\n this.scrollLines(scrollAmount);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Writes text to the terminal.\n * @param data The text to write to the terminal.\n */\n public write(data: string): void {\n // Ensure the terminal isn't disposed\n if (this._isDisposed) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Ignore falsy data values (including the empty string)\n if (!data) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.writeBuffer.push(data);\n\n // Send XOFF to pause the pty process if the write buffer becomes too large so\n // xterm.js can catch up before more data is sent. This is necessary in order\n // to keep signals such as ^C responsive.\n if (this.options.useFlowControl && !this._xoffSentToCatchUp && this.writeBuffer.length >= WRITE_BUFFER_PAUSE_THRESHOLD) {\n // XOFF - stop pty pipe\n // XON will be triggered by emulator before processing data chunk\n this.handler(C0.DC3);\n this._xoffSentToCatchUp = true;\n }\n\n if (!this._writeInProgress && this.writeBuffer.length > 0) {\n // Kick off a write which will write all data in sequence recursively\n this._writeInProgress = true;\n // Kick off an async innerWrite so more writes can come in while processing data\n setTimeout(() => {\n this._innerWrite();\n });\n }\n }\n\n protected _innerWrite(bufferOffset: number = 0): void {\n // Ensure the terminal isn't disposed\n if (this._isDisposed) {\n this.writeBuffer = [];\n }\n\n const startTime = Date.now();\n while (this.writeBuffer.length > bufferOffset) {\n const data = this.writeBuffer[bufferOffset];\n bufferOffset++;\n\n // If XOFF was sent in order to catch up with the pty process, resume it if\n // we reached the end of the writeBuffer to allow more data to come in.\n if (this._xoffSentToCatchUp && this.writeBuffer.length === bufferOffset) {\n this.handler(C0.DC1);\n this._xoffSentToCatchUp = false;\n }\n\n this._refreshStart = this.buffer.y;\n this._refreshEnd = this.buffer.y;\n\n // HACK: Set the parser state based on it's state at the time of return.\n // This works around the bug #662 which saw the parser state reset in the\n // middle of parsing escape sequence in two chunks. For some reason the\n // state of the parser resets to 0 after exiting parser.parse. This change\n // just sets the state back based on the correct return statement.\n\n this._inputHandler.parse(data);\n\n this.updateRange(this.buffer.y);\n this.refresh(this._refreshStart, this._refreshEnd);\n\n if (Date.now() - startTime >= WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS) {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (this.writeBuffer.length > bufferOffset) {\n // Allow renderer to catch up before processing the next batch\n setTimeout(() => this._innerWrite(bufferOffset), 0);\n } else {\n this._writeInProgress = false;\n this.writeBuffer = [];\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Writes text to the terminal, followed by a break line character (\\n).\n * @param data The text to write to the terminal.\n */\n public writeln(data: string): void {\n this.write(data + '\\r\\n');\n }\n\n /**\n * Attaches a custom key event handler which is run before keys are processed,\n * giving consumers of xterm.js ultimate control as to what keys should be\n * processed by the terminal and what keys should not.\n * @param customKeyEventHandler The custom KeyboardEvent handler to attach.\n * This is a function that takes a KeyboardEvent, allowing consumers to stop\n * propagation and/or prevent the default action. The function returns whether\n * the event should be processed by xterm.js.\n */\n public attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler: CustomKeyEventHandler): void {\n this._customKeyEventHandler = customKeyEventHandler;\n }\n\n /** Add handler for CSI escape sequence. See xterm.d.ts for details. */\n public addCsiHandler(flag: string, callback: (params: number[], collect: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n return this._inputHandler.addCsiHandler(flag, callback);\n }\n /** Add handler for OSC escape sequence. See xterm.d.ts for details. */\n public addOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n return this._inputHandler.addOscHandler(ident, callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers a link matcher, allowing custom link patterns to be matched and\n * handled.\n * @param regex The regular expression to search for, specifically\n * this searches the textContent of the rows. You will want to use \\s to match\n * a space ' ' character for example.\n * @param handler The callback when the link is called.\n * @param options Options for the link matcher.\n * @return The ID of the new matcher, this can be used to deregister.\n */\n public registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: LinkMatcherHandler, options?: ILinkMatcherOptions): number {\n const matcherId = this.linkifier.registerLinkMatcher(regex, handler, options);\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n return matcherId;\n }\n\n /**\n * Deregisters a link matcher if it has been registered.\n * @param matcherId The link matcher's ID (returned after register)\n */\n public deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): void {\n if (this.linkifier.deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId)) {\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n }\n }\n\n public registerCharacterJoiner(handler: CharacterJoinerHandler): number {\n const joinerId = this.renderer.registerCharacterJoiner(handler);\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n return joinerId;\n }\n\n public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): void {\n if (this.renderer.deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId)) {\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n }\n }\n\n public get markers(): IMarker[] {\n return this.buffer.markers;\n }\n\n public addMarker(cursorYOffset: number): IMarker {\n // Disallow markers on the alt buffer\n if (this.buffer !== this.buffers.normal) {\n return;\n }\n\n return this.buffer.addMarker(this.buffer.ybase + this.buffer.y + cursorYOffset);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets whether the terminal has an active selection.\n */\n public hasSelection(): boolean {\n return this.selectionManager ? this.selectionManager.hasSelection : false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the terminal's current selection, this is useful for implementing copy\n * behavior outside of xterm.js.\n */\n public getSelection(): string {\n return this.selectionManager ? this.selectionManager.selectionText : '';\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears the current terminal selection.\n */\n public clearSelection(): void {\n if (this.selectionManager) {\n this.selectionManager.clearSelection();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Selects all text within the terminal.\n */\n public selectAll(): void {\n if (this.selectionManager) {\n this.selectionManager.selectAll();\n }\n }\n\n public selectLines(start: number, end: number): void {\n if (this.selectionManager) {\n this.selectionManager.selectLines(start, end);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Handle a keydown event\n * Key Resources:\n * - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/KeyboardEvent\n * @param ev The keydown event to be handled.\n */\n protected _keyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean {\n if (this._customKeyEventHandler && this._customKeyEventHandler(event) === false) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (!this._compositionHelper.keydown(event)) {\n if (this.buffer.ybase !== this.buffer.ydisp) {\n this.scrollToBottom();\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n const result = evaluateKeyboardEvent(event, this.applicationCursor, this.browser.isMac, this.options.macOptionIsMeta);\n\n this.updateCursorStyle(event);\n\n // if (result.key === C0.DC3) { // XOFF\n // this._writeStopped = true;\n // } else if (result.key === C0.DC1) { // XON\n // this._writeStopped = false;\n // }\n\n if (result.type === KeyboardResultType.PAGE_DOWN || result.type === KeyboardResultType.PAGE_UP) {\n const scrollCount = this.rows - 1;\n this.scrollLines(result.type === KeyboardResultType.PAGE_UP ? -scrollCount : scrollCount);\n return this.cancel(event, true);\n }\n\n if (result.type === KeyboardResultType.SELECT_ALL) {\n this.selectAll();\n }\n\n if (this._isThirdLevelShift(this.browser, event)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (result.cancel) {\n // The event is canceled at the end already, is this necessary?\n this.cancel(event, true);\n }\n\n if (!result.key) {\n return true;\n }\n\n this.emit('keydown', event);\n this._onKey.fire({ key: result.key, domEvent: event });\n this.showCursor();\n this.handler(result.key);\n\n return this.cancel(event, true);\n }\n\n private _isThirdLevelShift(browser: IBrowser, ev: IKeyboardEvent): boolean {\n const thirdLevelKey =\n (browser.isMac && !this.options.macOptionIsMeta && ev.altKey && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey) ||\n (browser.isMSWindows && ev.altKey && ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey);\n\n if (ev.type === 'keypress') {\n return thirdLevelKey;\n }\n\n // Don't invoke for arrows, pageDown, home, backspace, etc. (on non-keypress events)\n return thirdLevelKey && (!ev.keyCode || ev.keyCode > 47);\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the G level of the terminal\n * @param g\n */\n public setgLevel(g: number): void {\n this.glevel = g;\n this.charset = this.charsets[g];\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the charset for the given G level of the terminal\n * @param g\n * @param charset\n */\n public setgCharset(g: number, charset: ICharset): void {\n this.charsets[g] = charset;\n if (this.glevel === g) {\n this.charset = charset;\n }\n }\n\n protected _keyUp(ev: KeyboardEvent): void {\n this.updateCursorStyle(ev);\n }\n\n /**\n * Handle a keypress event.\n * Key Resources:\n * - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/KeyboardEvent\n * @param ev The keypress event to be handled.\n */\n protected _keyPress(ev: KeyboardEvent): boolean {\n let key;\n\n if (this._customKeyEventHandler && this._customKeyEventHandler(ev) === false) {\n return false;\n }\n\n this.cancel(ev);\n\n if (ev.charCode) {\n key = ev.charCode;\n } else if (ev.which === null || ev.which === undefined) {\n key = ev.keyCode;\n } else if (ev.which !== 0 && ev.charCode !== 0) {\n key = ev.which;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (!key || (\n (ev.altKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) && !this._isThirdLevelShift(this.browser, ev)\n )) {\n return false;\n }\n\n key = String.fromCharCode(key);\n\n this.emit('keypress', key, ev);\n this._onKey.fire({ key, domEvent: ev });\n this.showCursor();\n this.handler(key);\n\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * Ring the bell.\n * Note: We could do sweet things with webaudio here\n */\n public bell(): void {\n this.emit('bell');\n if (this._soundBell()) {\n this.soundManager.playBellSound();\n }\n\n if (this._visualBell()) {\n this.element.classList.add('visual-bell-active');\n clearTimeout(this._visualBellTimer);\n this._visualBellTimer = window.setTimeout(() => {\n this.element.classList.remove('visual-bell-active');\n }, 200);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Log the current state to the console.\n */\n public log(text: string, data?: any): void {\n if (!this.options.debug) return;\n if (!this._context.console || !this._context.console.log) return;\n this._context.console.log(text, data);\n }\n\n /**\n * Log the current state as error to the console.\n */\n public error(text: string, data?: any): void {\n if (!this.options.debug) return;\n if (!this._context.console || !this._context.console.error) return;\n this._context.console.error(text, data);\n }\n\n /**\n * Resizes the terminal.\n *\n * @param x The number of columns to resize to.\n * @param y The number of rows to resize to.\n */\n public resize(x: number, y: number): void {\n if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (x === this.cols && y === this.rows) {\n // Check if we still need to measure the char size (fixes #785).\n if (this.charMeasure && (!this.charMeasure.width || !this.charMeasure.height)) {\n this.charMeasure.measure(this.options);\n }\n return;\n }\n\n if (x < MINIMUM_COLS) x = MINIMUM_COLS;\n if (y < MINIMUM_ROWS) y = MINIMUM_ROWS;\n\n this.buffers.resize(x, y);\n\n this.cols = x;\n this.rows = y;\n this.buffers.setupTabStops(this.cols);\n\n if (this.charMeasure) {\n this.charMeasure.measure(this.options);\n }\n\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n this._onResize.fire({ cols: x, rows: y });\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates the range of rows to refresh\n * @param y The number of rows to refresh next.\n */\n public updateRange(y: number): void {\n if (y < this._refreshStart) this._refreshStart = y;\n if (y > this._refreshEnd) this._refreshEnd = y;\n // if (y > this.refreshEnd) {\n // this.refreshEnd = y;\n // if (y > this.rows - 1) {\n // this.refreshEnd = this.rows - 1;\n // }\n // }\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the range of refreshing to the maximum value\n */\n public maxRange(): void {\n this._refreshStart = 0;\n this._refreshEnd = this.rows - 1;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clear the entire buffer, making the prompt line the new first line.\n */\n public clear(): void {\n if (this.buffer.ybase === 0 && this.buffer.y === 0) {\n // Don't clear if it's already clear\n return;\n }\n this.buffer.lines.set(0, this.buffer.lines.get(this.buffer.ybase + this.buffer.y));\n this.buffer.lines.length = 1;\n this.buffer.ydisp = 0;\n this.buffer.ybase = 0;\n this.buffer.y = 0;\n for (let i = 1; i < this.rows; i++) {\n this.buffer.lines.push(this.buffer.getBlankLine(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA));\n }\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n this._onScroll.fire(this.buffer.ydisp);\n }\n\n /**\n * Evaluate if the current terminal is the given argument.\n * @param term The terminal name to evaluate\n */\n public is(term: string): boolean {\n return (this.options.termName + '').indexOf(term) === 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Emit the data event and populate the given data.\n * @param data The data to populate in the event.\n */\n public handler(data: string): void {\n // Prevents all events to pty process if stdin is disabled\n if (this.options.disableStdin) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Clear the selection if the selection manager is available and has an active selection\n if (this.selectionManager && this.selectionManager.hasSelection) {\n this.selectionManager.clearSelection();\n }\n\n // Input is being sent to the terminal, the terminal should focus the prompt.\n if (this.buffer.ybase !== this.buffer.ydisp) {\n this.scrollToBottom();\n }\n this._onData.fire(data);\n }\n\n /**\n * Emit the 'title' event and populate the given title.\n * @param title The title to populate in the event.\n */\n public handleTitle(title: string): void {\n this._onTitleChange.fire(title);\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC\n */\n\n /**\n * ESC D Index (IND is 0x84).\n */\n public index(): void {\n this.buffer.y++;\n if (this.buffer.y > this.buffer.scrollBottom) {\n this.buffer.y--;\n this.scroll();\n }\n // If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line.\n if (this.buffer.x >= this.cols) {\n this.buffer.x--;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC M Reverse Index (RI is 0x8d).\n *\n * Move the cursor up one row, inserting a new blank line if necessary.\n */\n public reverseIndex(): void {\n if (this.buffer.y === this.buffer.scrollTop) {\n // possibly move the code below to term.reverseScroll();\n // test: echo -ne '\\e[1;1H\\e[44m\\eM\\e[0m'\n // blankLine(true) is xterm/linux behavior\n const scrollRegionHeight = this.buffer.scrollBottom - this.buffer.scrollTop;\n this.buffer.lines.shiftElements(this.buffer.y + this.buffer.ybase, scrollRegionHeight, 1);\n this.buffer.lines.set(this.buffer.y + this.buffer.ybase, this.buffer.getBlankLine(this.eraseAttrData()));\n this.updateRange(this.buffer.scrollTop);\n this.updateRange(this.buffer.scrollBottom);\n } else {\n this.buffer.y--;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC c Full Reset (RIS).\n */\n public reset(): void {\n this.options.rows = this.rows;\n this.options.cols = this.cols;\n const customKeyEventHandler = this._customKeyEventHandler;\n const inputHandler = this._inputHandler;\n const cursorState = this.cursorState;\n this._setup();\n this._customKeyEventHandler = customKeyEventHandler;\n this._inputHandler = inputHandler;\n this.cursorState = cursorState;\n this.refresh(0, this.rows - 1);\n if (this.viewport) {\n this.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n }\n\n\n /**\n * ESC H Tab Set (HTS is 0x88).\n */\n public tabSet(): void {\n this.buffer.tabs[this.buffer.x] = true;\n }\n\n // TODO: Remove cancel function and cancelEvents option\n public cancel(ev: Event, force?: boolean): boolean {\n if (!this.options.cancelEvents && !force) {\n return;\n }\n ev.preventDefault();\n ev.stopPropagation();\n return false;\n }\n\n private _visualBell(): boolean {\n return false;\n // return this.options.bellStyle === 'visual' ||\n // this.options.bellStyle === 'both';\n }\n\n private _soundBell(): boolean {\n return this.options.bellStyle === 'sound';\n // return this.options.bellStyle === 'sound' ||\n // this.options.bellStyle === 'both';\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Helpers\n */\n\nfunction wasModifierKeyOnlyEvent(ev: KeyboardEvent): boolean {\n return ev.keyCode === 16 || // Shift\n ev.keyCode === 17 || // Ctrl\n ev.keyCode === 18; // Alt\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nexport let blankLine = 'Blank line';\nexport let promptLabel = 'Terminal input';\nexport let tooMuchOutput = 'Too much output to announce, navigate to rows manually to read';\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal, ISoundManager } from './Types';\n\n// Source: https://freesound.org/people/altemark/sounds/45759/\n// This sound is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported\n// (CC BY 3.0) license. It was created by 'altemark'. No modifications have been\n// made, apart from the conversion to base64.\nexport const DEFAULT_BELL_SOUND = 'data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRigBAABXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAZGF0YQQBAADpAFgCwAMlBZoG/wdmCcoKRAypDQ8PbRDBEQQTOxRtFYcWlBePGIUZXhoiG88bcBz7HHIdzh0WHlMeZx51HmkeUx4WHs8dah0AHXwc3hs9G4saxRnyGBIYGBcQFv8U4RPAEoYRQBACD70NWwwHC6gJOwjWBloF7gOBAhABkf8b/qv8R/ve+Xf4Ife79W/0JfPZ8Z/wde9N7ijtE+wU6xvqM+lb6H7nw+YX5mrlxuQz5Mzje+Ma49fioeKD4nXiYeJy4pHitOL04j/jn+MN5IPkFOWs5U3mDefM55/ogOl36m7rdOyE7abuyu8D8Unyj/Pg9D/2qfcb+Yn6/vuK/Qj/lAAlAg==';\n\nexport class SoundManager implements ISoundManager {\n private static _audioContext: AudioContext;\n\n static get audioContext(): AudioContext | null {\n if (!SoundManager._audioContext) {\n const audioContextCtor: typeof AudioContext = (<any>window).AudioContext || (<any>window).webkitAudioContext;\n if (!audioContextCtor) {\n console.warn('Web Audio API is not supported by this browser. Consider upgrading to the latest version');\n return null;\n }\n SoundManager._audioContext = new audioContextCtor();\n }\n return SoundManager._audioContext;\n }\n\n constructor(\n private _terminal: ITerminal\n ) {\n }\n\n public playBellSound(): void {\n const ctx = SoundManager.audioContext;\n if (!ctx) {\n return;\n }\n const bellAudioSource = ctx.createBufferSource();\n ctx.decodeAudioData(this._base64ToArrayBuffer(this._removeMimeType(this._terminal.options.bellSound)), (buffer) => {\n bellAudioSource.buffer = buffer;\n bellAudioSource.connect(ctx.destination);\n bellAudioSource.start(0);\n });\n }\n\n private _base64ToArrayBuffer(base64: string): ArrayBuffer {\n const binaryString = window.atob(base64);\n const len = binaryString.length;\n const bytes = new Uint8Array(len);\n\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);\n }\n\n return bytes.buffer;\n }\n\n private _removeMimeType(dataURI: string): string {\n // Split the input to get the mime-type and the data itself\n const splitUri = dataURI.split(',');\n\n // Return only the data\n return splitUri[1];\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from './Types';\n\n/**\n * Represents a selection within the buffer. This model only cares about column\n * and row coordinates, not wide characters.\n */\nexport class SelectionModel {\n /**\n * Whether select all is currently active.\n */\n public isSelectAllActive: boolean;\n\n /**\n * The [x, y] position the selection starts at.\n */\n public selectionStart: [number, number];\n\n /**\n * The minimal length of the selection from the start position. When double\n * clicking on a word, the word will be selected which makes the selection\n * start at the start of the word and makes this variable the length.\n */\n public selectionStartLength: number;\n\n /**\n * The [x, y] position the selection ends at.\n */\n public selectionEnd: [number, number];\n\n constructor(\n private _terminal: ITerminal\n ) {\n this.clearSelection();\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears the current selection.\n */\n public clearSelection(): void {\n this.selectionStart = null;\n this.selectionEnd = null;\n this.isSelectAllActive = false;\n this.selectionStartLength = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * The final selection start, taking into consideration select all.\n */\n public get finalSelectionStart(): [number, number] {\n if (this.isSelectAllActive) {\n return [0, 0];\n }\n\n if (!this.selectionEnd || !this.selectionStart) {\n return this.selectionStart;\n }\n\n return this.areSelectionValuesReversed() ? this.selectionEnd : this.selectionStart;\n }\n\n /**\n * The final selection end, taking into consideration select all, double click\n * word selection and triple click line selection.\n */\n public get finalSelectionEnd(): [number, number] {\n if (this.isSelectAllActive) {\n return [this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.buffer.ybase + this._terminal.rows - 1];\n }\n\n if (!this.selectionStart) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // Use the selection start + length if the end doesn't exist or they're reversed\n if (!this.selectionEnd || this.areSelectionValuesReversed()) {\n const startPlusLength = this.selectionStart[0] + this.selectionStartLength;\n if (startPlusLength > this._terminal.cols) {\n return [startPlusLength % this._terminal.cols, this.selectionStart[1] + Math.floor(startPlusLength / this._terminal.cols)];\n }\n return [startPlusLength, this.selectionStart[1]];\n }\n\n // Ensure the the word/line is selected after a double/triple click\n if (this.selectionStartLength) {\n // Select the larger of the two when start and end are on the same line\n if (this.selectionEnd[1] === this.selectionStart[1]) {\n return [Math.max(this.selectionStart[0] + this.selectionStartLength, this.selectionEnd[0]), this.selectionEnd[1]];\n }\n }\n return this.selectionEnd;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the selection start and end are reversed.\n */\n public areSelectionValuesReversed(): boolean {\n const start = this.selectionStart;\n const end = this.selectionEnd;\n if (!start || !end) {\n return false;\n }\n return start[1] > end[1] || (start[1] === end[1] && start[0] > end[0]);\n }\n\n /**\n * Handle the buffer being trimmed, adjust the selection position.\n * @param amount The amount the buffer is being trimmed.\n * @return Whether a refresh is necessary.\n */\n public onTrim(amount: number): boolean {\n // Adjust the selection position based on the trimmed amount.\n if (this.selectionStart) {\n this.selectionStart[1] -= amount;\n }\n if (this.selectionEnd) {\n this.selectionEnd[1] -= amount;\n }\n\n // The selection has moved off the buffer, clear it.\n if (this.selectionEnd && this.selectionEnd[1] < 0) {\n this.clearSelection();\n return true;\n }\n\n // If the selection start is trimmed, ensure the start column is 0.\n if (this.selectionStart && this.selectionStart[1] < 0) {\n this.selectionStart[1] = 0;\n }\n return false;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal, ISelectionManager, IBuffer, IBufferLine, ISelectionRedrawRequestEvent } from './Types';\nimport { MouseHelper } from './MouseHelper';\nimport * as Browser from './common/Platform';\nimport { CharMeasure } from './CharMeasure';\nimport { SelectionModel } from './SelectionModel';\nimport { AltClickHandler } from './handlers/AltClickHandler';\nimport { CellData } from './BufferLine';\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\n\n/**\n * The number of pixels the mouse needs to be above or below the viewport in\n * order to scroll at the maximum speed.\n */\nconst DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD = 50;\n\n/**\n * The maximum scrolling speed\n */\nconst DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_SPEED = 15;\n\n/**\n * The number of milliseconds between drag scroll updates.\n */\nconst DRAG_SCROLL_INTERVAL = 50;\n\n/**\n * The maximum amount of time that can have elapsed for an alt click to move the\n * cursor.\n */\nconst ALT_CLICK_MOVE_CURSOR_TIME = 500;\n\n/**\n * A string containing all characters that are considered word separated by the\n * double click to select work logic.\n */\nconst WORD_SEPARATORS = ' ()[]{}\\'\"';\n\nconst NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR = String.fromCharCode(160);\nconst ALL_NON_BREAKING_SPACE_REGEX = new RegExp(NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR, 'g');\n\n/**\n * Represents a position of a word on a line.\n */\ninterface IWordPosition {\n start: number;\n length: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * A selection mode, this drives how the selection behaves on mouse move.\n */\nexport const enum SelectionMode {\n NORMAL,\n WORD,\n LINE,\n COLUMN\n}\n\n/**\n * A class that manages the selection of the terminal. With help from\n * SelectionModel, SelectionManager handles with all logic associated with\n * dealing with the selection, including handling mouse interaction, wide\n * characters and fetching the actual text within the selection. Rendering is\n * not handled by the SelectionManager but the onRedrawRequest event is fired\n * when the selection is ready to be redrawn (on an animation frame).\n */\nexport class SelectionManager implements ISelectionManager {\n protected _model: SelectionModel;\n\n /**\n * The amount to scroll every drag scroll update (depends on how far the mouse\n * drag is above or below the terminal).\n */\n private _dragScrollAmount: number;\n\n /**\n * The current selection mode.\n */\n protected _activeSelectionMode: SelectionMode;\n\n /**\n * A setInterval timer that is active while the mouse is down whose callback\n * scrolls the viewport when necessary.\n */\n private _dragScrollIntervalTimer: NodeJS.Timer;\n\n /**\n * The animation frame ID used for refreshing the selection.\n */\n private _refreshAnimationFrame: number;\n\n /**\n * Whether selection is enabled.\n */\n private _enabled = true;\n\n private _mouseMoveListener: EventListener;\n private _mouseUpListener: EventListener;\n private _trimListener: IDisposable;\n private _workCell: CellData = new CellData();\n\n private _mouseDownTimeStamp: number;\n\n private _onLinuxMouseSelection = new EventEmitter2<string>();\n public get onLinuxMouseSelection(): IEvent<string> { return this._onLinuxMouseSelection.event; }\n private _onRedrawRequest = new EventEmitter2<ISelectionRedrawRequestEvent>();\n public get onRedrawRequest(): IEvent<ISelectionRedrawRequestEvent> { return this._onRedrawRequest.event; }\n private _onSelectionChange = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onSelectionChange(): IEvent<void> { return this._onSelectionChange.event; }\n\n constructor(\n private _terminal: ITerminal,\n private _charMeasure: CharMeasure\n ) {\n this._initListeners();\n this.enable();\n\n this._model = new SelectionModel(_terminal);\n this._activeSelectionMode = SelectionMode.NORMAL;\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n this._removeMouseDownListeners();\n }\n\n private get _buffer(): IBuffer {\n return this._terminal.buffers.active;\n }\n\n /**\n * Initializes listener variables.\n */\n private _initListeners(): void {\n this._mouseMoveListener = event => this._onMouseMove(<MouseEvent>event);\n this._mouseUpListener = event => this._onMouseUp(<MouseEvent>event);\n\n this.initBuffersListeners();\n }\n\n public initBuffersListeners(): void {\n this._trimListener = this._terminal.buffer.lines.onTrim(amount => this._onTrim(amount));\n this._terminal.buffers.onBufferActivate(e => this._onBufferActivate(e));\n }\n\n /**\n * Disables the selection manager. This is useful for when terminal mouse\n * are enabled.\n */\n public disable(): void {\n this.clearSelection();\n this._enabled = false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Enable the selection manager.\n */\n public enable(): void {\n this._enabled = true;\n }\n\n public get selectionStart(): [number, number] { return this._model.finalSelectionStart; }\n public get selectionEnd(): [number, number] { return this._model.finalSelectionEnd; }\n\n /**\n * Gets whether there is an active text selection.\n */\n public get hasSelection(): boolean {\n const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart;\n const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd;\n if (!start || !end) {\n return false;\n }\n return start[0] !== end[0] || start[1] !== end[1];\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the text currently selected.\n */\n public get selectionText(): string {\n const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart;\n const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd;\n if (!start || !end) {\n return '';\n }\n\n const result: string[] = [];\n\n if (this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.COLUMN) {\n // Ignore zero width selections\n if (start[0] === end[0]) {\n return '';\n }\n\n for (let i = start[1]; i <= end[1]; i++) {\n const lineText = this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(i, true, start[0], end[0]);\n result.push(lineText);\n }\n } else {\n // Get first row\n const startRowEndCol = start[1] === end[1] ? end[0] : undefined;\n result.push(this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(start[1], true, start[0], startRowEndCol));\n\n // Get middle rows\n for (let i = start[1] + 1; i <= end[1] - 1; i++) {\n const bufferLine = this._buffer.lines.get(i);\n const lineText = this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(i, true);\n if (bufferLine.isWrapped) {\n result[result.length - 1] += lineText;\n } else {\n result.push(lineText);\n }\n }\n\n // Get final row\n if (start[1] !== end[1]) {\n const bufferLine = this._buffer.lines.get(end[1]);\n const lineText = this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(end[1], true, 0, end[0]);\n if (bufferLine.isWrapped) {\n result[result.length - 1] += lineText;\n } else {\n result.push(lineText);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Format string by replacing non-breaking space chars with regular spaces\n // and joining the array into a multi-line string.\n const formattedResult = result.map(line => {\n return line.replace(ALL_NON_BREAKING_SPACE_REGEX, ' ');\n }).join(Browser.isMSWindows ? '\\r\\n' : '\\n');\n\n return formattedResult;\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears the current terminal selection.\n */\n public clearSelection(): void {\n this._model.clearSelection();\n this._removeMouseDownListeners();\n this.refresh();\n }\n\n /**\n * Queues a refresh, redrawing the selection on the next opportunity.\n * @param isLinuxMouseSelection Whether the selection should be registered as a new\n * selection on Linux.\n */\n public refresh(isLinuxMouseSelection?: boolean): void {\n // Queue the refresh for the renderer\n if (!this._refreshAnimationFrame) {\n this._refreshAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._refresh());\n }\n\n // If the platform is Linux and the refresh call comes from a mouse event,\n // we need to update the selection for middle click to paste selection.\n if (Browser.isLinux && isLinuxMouseSelection) {\n const selectionText = this.selectionText;\n if (selectionText.length) {\n this._onLinuxMouseSelection.fire(this.selectionText);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Fires the refresh event, causing consumers to pick it up and redraw the\n * selection state.\n */\n private _refresh(): void {\n this._refreshAnimationFrame = null;\n this._onRedrawRequest.fire({\n start: this._model.finalSelectionStart,\n end: this._model.finalSelectionEnd,\n columnSelectMode: this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.COLUMN\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Checks if the current click was inside the current selection\n * @param event The mouse event\n */\n public isClickInSelection(event: MouseEvent): boolean {\n const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n const start = this._model.finalSelectionStart;\n const end = this._model.finalSelectionEnd;\n\n if (!start || !end) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return this._areCoordsInSelection(coords, start, end);\n }\n\n protected _areCoordsInSelection(coords: [number, number], start: [number, number], end: [number, number]): boolean {\n return (coords[1] > start[1] && coords[1] < end[1]) ||\n (start[1] === end[1] && coords[1] === start[1] && coords[0] >= start[0] && coords[0] < end[0]) ||\n (start[1] < end[1] && coords[1] === end[1] && coords[0] < end[0]) ||\n (start[1] < end[1] && coords[1] === start[1] && coords[0] >= start[0]);\n }\n\n /**\n * Selects word at the current mouse event coordinates.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n public selectWordAtCursor(event: MouseEvent): void {\n const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n if (coords) {\n this._selectWordAt(coords, false);\n this._model.selectionEnd = null;\n this.refresh(true);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Selects all text within the terminal.\n */\n public selectAll(): void {\n this._model.isSelectAllActive = true;\n this.refresh();\n this._onSelectionChange.fire();\n }\n\n public selectLines(start: number, end: number): void {\n this._model.clearSelection();\n start = Math.max(start, 0);\n end = Math.min(end, this._terminal.buffer.lines.length - 1);\n this._model.selectionStart = [0, start];\n this._model.selectionEnd = [this._terminal.cols, end];\n this.refresh();\n this._onSelectionChange.fire();\n }\n\n /**\n * Handle the buffer being trimmed, adjust the selection position.\n * @param amount The amount the buffer is being trimmed.\n */\n private _onTrim(amount: number): void {\n const needsRefresh = this._model.onTrim(amount);\n if (needsRefresh) {\n this.refresh();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the 0-based [x, y] buffer coordinates of the current mouse event.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n private _getMouseBufferCoords(event: MouseEvent): [number, number] {\n const coords = this._terminal.mouseHelper.getCoords(event, this._terminal.screenElement, this._charMeasure, this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows, true);\n if (!coords) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // Convert to 0-based\n coords[0]--;\n coords[1]--;\n\n // Convert viewport coords to buffer coords\n coords[1] += this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n return coords;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the amount the viewport should be scrolled based on how far out of the\n * terminal the mouse is.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n private _getMouseEventScrollAmount(event: MouseEvent): number {\n let offset = MouseHelper.getCoordsRelativeToElement(event, this._terminal.screenElement)[1];\n const terminalHeight = this._terminal.rows * Math.ceil(this._charMeasure.height * this._terminal.options.lineHeight);\n if (offset >= 0 && offset <= terminalHeight) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (offset > terminalHeight) {\n offset -= terminalHeight;\n }\n\n offset = Math.min(Math.max(offset, -DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD), DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD);\n offset /= DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_THRESHOLD;\n return (offset / Math.abs(offset)) + Math.round(offset * (DRAG_SCROLL_MAX_SPEED - 1));\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the selection manager should force selection, regardless of\n * whether the terminal is in mouse events mode.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n public shouldForceSelection(event: MouseEvent): boolean {\n if (Browser.isMac) {\n return event.altKey && this._terminal.options.macOptionClickForcesSelection;\n }\n\n return event.shiftKey;\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles te mousedown event, setting up for a new selection.\n * @param event The mousedown event.\n */\n public onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void {\n this._mouseDownTimeStamp = event.timeStamp;\n // If we have selection, we want the context menu on right click even if the\n // terminal is in mouse mode.\n if (event.button === 2 && this.hasSelection) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Only action the primary button\n if (event.button !== 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Allow selection when using a specific modifier key, even when disabled\n if (!this._enabled) {\n if (!this.shouldForceSelection(event)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Don't send the mouse down event to the current process, we want to select\n event.stopPropagation();\n }\n\n // Tell the browser not to start a regular selection\n event.preventDefault();\n\n // Reset drag scroll state\n this._dragScrollAmount = 0;\n\n if (this._enabled && event.shiftKey) {\n this._onIncrementalClick(event);\n } else {\n if (event.detail === 1) {\n this._onSingleClick(event);\n } else if (event.detail === 2) {\n this._onDoubleClick(event);\n } else if (event.detail === 3) {\n this._onTripleClick(event);\n }\n }\n\n this._addMouseDownListeners();\n this.refresh(true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds listeners when mousedown is triggered.\n */\n private _addMouseDownListeners(): void {\n // Listen on the document so that dragging outside of viewport works\n this._terminal.element.ownerDocument.addEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMoveListener);\n this._terminal.element.ownerDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', this._mouseUpListener);\n this._dragScrollIntervalTimer = setInterval(() => this._dragScroll(), DRAG_SCROLL_INTERVAL);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes the listeners that are registered when mousedown is triggered.\n */\n private _removeMouseDownListeners(): void {\n if (this._terminal.element.ownerDocument) {\n this._terminal.element.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMoveListener);\n this._terminal.element.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._mouseUpListener);\n }\n clearInterval(this._dragScrollIntervalTimer);\n this._dragScrollIntervalTimer = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs an incremental click, setting the selection end position to the mouse\n * position.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n private _onIncrementalClick(event: MouseEvent): void {\n if (this._model.selectionStart) {\n this._model.selectionEnd = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a single click, resetting relevant state and setting the selection\n * start position.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n private _onSingleClick(event: MouseEvent): void {\n this._model.selectionStartLength = 0;\n this._model.isSelectAllActive = false;\n this._activeSelectionMode = this.shouldColumnSelect(event) ? SelectionMode.COLUMN : SelectionMode.NORMAL;\n\n // Initialize the new selection\n this._model.selectionStart = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n if (!this._model.selectionStart) {\n return;\n }\n this._model.selectionEnd = null;\n\n // Ensure the line exists\n const line = this._buffer.lines.get(this._model.selectionStart[1]);\n if (!line) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Return early if the click event is not in the buffer (eg. in scroll bar)\n if (line.length >= this._model.selectionStart[0]) {\n return;\n }\n\n // If the mouse is over the second half of a wide character, adjust the\n // selection to cover the whole character\n if (line.hasWidth(this._model.selectionStart[0]) === 0) {\n this._model.selectionStart[0]++;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a double click, selecting the current work.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n private _onDoubleClick(event: MouseEvent): void {\n const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n if (coords) {\n this._activeSelectionMode = SelectionMode.WORD;\n this._selectWordAt(coords, true);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Performs a triple click, selecting the current line and activating line\n * select mode.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n */\n private _onTripleClick(event: MouseEvent): void {\n const coords = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n if (coords) {\n this._activeSelectionMode = SelectionMode.LINE;\n this._selectLineAt(coords[1]);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the selection manager should operate in column select mode\n * @param event the mouse or keyboard event\n */\n public shouldColumnSelect(event: KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent): boolean {\n return event.altKey && !(Browser.isMac && this._terminal.options.macOptionClickForcesSelection);\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the mousemove event when the mouse button is down, recording the\n * end of the selection and refreshing the selection.\n * @param event The mousemove event.\n */\n private _onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent): void {\n // If the mousemove listener is active it means that a selection is\n // currently being made, we should stop propagation to prevent mouse events\n // to be sent to the pty.\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n\n // Record the previous position so we know whether to redraw the selection\n // at the end.\n const previousSelectionEnd = this._model.selectionEnd ? [this._model.selectionEnd[0], this._model.selectionEnd[1]] : null;\n\n // Set the initial selection end based on the mouse coordinates\n this._model.selectionEnd = this._getMouseBufferCoords(event);\n if (!this._model.selectionEnd) {\n this.refresh(true);\n return;\n }\n\n // Select the entire line if line select mode is active.\n if (this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.LINE) {\n if (this._model.selectionEnd[1] < this._model.selectionStart[1]) {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0] = 0;\n } else {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0] = this._terminal.cols;\n }\n } else if (this._activeSelectionMode === SelectionMode.WORD) {\n this._selectToWordAt(this._model.selectionEnd);\n }\n\n // Determine the amount of scrolling that will happen.\n this._dragScrollAmount = this._getMouseEventScrollAmount(event);\n\n // If the cursor was above or below the viewport, make sure it's at the\n // start or end of the viewport respectively. This should only happen when\n // NOT in column select mode.\n if (this._activeSelectionMode !== SelectionMode.COLUMN) {\n if (this._dragScrollAmount > 0) {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0] = this._terminal.cols;\n } else if (this._dragScrollAmount < 0) {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0] = 0;\n }\n }\n\n // If the character is a wide character include the cell to the right in the\n // selection. Note that selections at the very end of the line will never\n // have a character.\n if (this._model.selectionEnd[1] < this._buffer.lines.length) {\n if (this._buffer.lines.get(this._model.selectionEnd[1]).hasWidth(this._model.selectionEnd[0]) === 0) {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0]++;\n }\n }\n\n // Only draw here if the selection changes.\n if (!previousSelectionEnd ||\n previousSelectionEnd[0] !== this._model.selectionEnd[0] ||\n previousSelectionEnd[1] !== this._model.selectionEnd[1]) {\n this.refresh(true);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * The callback that occurs every DRAG_SCROLL_INTERVAL ms that does the\n * scrolling of the viewport.\n */\n private _dragScroll(): void {\n if (this._dragScrollAmount) {\n this._terminal.scrollLines(this._dragScrollAmount, false);\n // Re-evaluate selection\n // If the cursor was above or below the viewport, make sure it's at the\n // start or end of the viewport respectively. This should only happen when\n // NOT in column select mode.\n if (this._dragScrollAmount > 0) {\n if (this._activeSelectionMode !== SelectionMode.COLUMN) {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0] = this._terminal.cols;\n }\n this._model.selectionEnd[1] = Math.min(this._terminal.buffer.ydisp + this._terminal.rows, this._terminal.buffer.lines.length - 1);\n } else {\n if (this._activeSelectionMode !== SelectionMode.COLUMN) {\n this._model.selectionEnd[0] = 0;\n }\n this._model.selectionEnd[1] = this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n }\n this.refresh();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the mouseup event, removing the mousedown listeners.\n * @param event The mouseup event.\n */\n private _onMouseUp(event: MouseEvent): void {\n const timeElapsed = event.timeStamp - this._mouseDownTimeStamp;\n\n this._removeMouseDownListeners();\n\n if (this.selectionText.length <= 1 && timeElapsed < ALT_CLICK_MOVE_CURSOR_TIME) {\n (new AltClickHandler(event, this._terminal)).move();\n } else if (this.hasSelection) {\n this._onSelectionChange.fire();\n }\n }\n\n private _onBufferActivate(e: {activeBuffer: IBuffer, inactiveBuffer: IBuffer}): void {\n this.clearSelection();\n // Only adjust the selection on trim, shiftElements is rarely used (only in\n // reverseIndex) and delete in a splice is only ever used when the same\n // number of elements was just added. Given this is could actually be\n // beneficial to leave the selection as is for these cases.\n if (this._trimListener) {\n this._trimListener.dispose();\n }\n this._trimListener = e.activeBuffer.lines.onTrim(amount => this._onTrim(amount));\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts a viewport column to the character index on the buffer line, the\n * latter takes into account wide characters.\n * @param coords The coordinates to find the 2 index for.\n */\n private _convertViewportColToCharacterIndex(bufferLine: IBufferLine, coords: [number, number]): number {\n let charIndex = coords[0];\n for (let i = 0; coords[0] >= i; i++) {\n const length = bufferLine.loadCell(i, this._workCell).getChars().length;\n if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 0) {\n // Wide characters aren't included in the line string so decrement the\n // index so the index is back on the wide character.\n charIndex--;\n } else if (length > 1 && coords[0] !== i) {\n // Emojis take up multiple characters, so adjust accordingly. For these\n // we don't want ot include the character at the column as we're\n // returning the start index in the string, not the end index.\n charIndex += length - 1;\n }\n }\n return charIndex;\n }\n\n public setSelection(col: number, row: number, length: number): void {\n this._model.clearSelection();\n this._removeMouseDownListeners();\n this._model.selectionStart = [col, row];\n this._model.selectionStartLength = length;\n this.refresh();\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets positional information for the word at the coordinated specified.\n * @param coords The coordinates to get the word at.\n */\n private _getWordAt(coords: [number, number], allowWhitespaceOnlySelection: boolean, followWrappedLinesAbove: boolean = true, followWrappedLinesBelow: boolean = true): IWordPosition {\n // Ensure coords are within viewport (eg. not within scroll bar)\n if (coords[0] >= this._terminal.cols) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const bufferLine = this._buffer.lines.get(coords[1]);\n if (!bufferLine) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const line = this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(coords[1], false);\n\n // Get actual index, taking into consideration wide characters\n let startIndex = this._convertViewportColToCharacterIndex(bufferLine, coords);\n let endIndex = startIndex;\n\n // Record offset to be used later\n const charOffset = coords[0] - startIndex;\n let leftWideCharCount = 0;\n let rightWideCharCount = 0;\n let leftLongCharOffset = 0;\n let rightLongCharOffset = 0;\n\n if (line.charAt(startIndex) === ' ') {\n // Expand until non-whitespace is hit\n while (startIndex > 0 && line.charAt(startIndex - 1) === ' ') {\n startIndex--;\n }\n while (endIndex < line.length && line.charAt(endIndex + 1) === ' ') {\n endIndex++;\n }\n } else {\n // Expand until whitespace is hit. This algorithm works by scanning left\n // and right from the starting position, keeping both the index format\n // (line) and the column format (bufferLine) in sync. When a wide\n // character is hit, it is recorded and the column index is adjusted.\n let startCol = coords[0];\n let endCol = coords[0];\n\n // Consider the initial position, skip it and increment the wide char\n // variable\n if (bufferLine.getWidth(startCol) === 0) {\n leftWideCharCount++;\n startCol--;\n }\n if (bufferLine.getWidth(endCol) === 2) {\n rightWideCharCount++;\n endCol++;\n }\n\n // Adjust the end index for characters whose length are > 1 (emojis)\n const length = bufferLine.getString(endCol).length;\n if (length > 1) {\n rightLongCharOffset += length - 1;\n endIndex += length - 1;\n }\n\n // Expand the string in both directions until a space is hit\n while (startCol > 0 && startIndex > 0 && !this._isCharWordSeparator(bufferLine.loadCell(startCol - 1, this._workCell))) {\n bufferLine.loadCell(startCol - 1, this._workCell);\n const length = this._workCell.getChars().length;\n if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 0) {\n // If the next character is a wide char, record it and skip the column\n leftWideCharCount++;\n startCol--;\n } else if (length > 1) {\n // If the next character's string is longer than 1 char (eg. emoji),\n // adjust the index\n leftLongCharOffset += length - 1;\n startIndex -= length - 1;\n }\n startIndex--;\n startCol--;\n }\n while (endCol < bufferLine.length && endIndex + 1 < line.length && !this._isCharWordSeparator(bufferLine.loadCell(endCol + 1, this._workCell))) {\n bufferLine.loadCell(endCol + 1, this._workCell);\n const length = this._workCell.getChars().length;\n if (this._workCell.getWidth() === 2) {\n // If the next character is a wide char, record it and skip the column\n rightWideCharCount++;\n endCol++;\n } else if (length > 1) {\n // If the next character's string is longer than 1 char (eg. emoji),\n // adjust the index\n rightLongCharOffset += length - 1;\n endIndex += length - 1;\n }\n endIndex++;\n endCol++;\n }\n }\n\n // Incremenet the end index so it is at the start of the next character\n endIndex++;\n\n // Calculate the start _column_, converting the the string indexes back to\n // column coordinates.\n let start =\n startIndex // The index of the selection's start char in the line string\n + charOffset // The difference between the initial char's column and index\n - leftWideCharCount // The number of wide chars left of the initial char\n + leftLongCharOffset; // The number of additional chars left of the initial char added by columns with strings longer than 1 (emojis)\n\n // Calculate the length in _columns_, converting the the string indexes back\n // to column coordinates.\n let length = Math.min(this._terminal.cols, // Disallow lengths larger than the terminal cols\n endIndex // The index of the selection's end char in the line string\n - startIndex // The index of the selection's start char in the line string\n + leftWideCharCount // The number of wide chars left of the initial char\n + rightWideCharCount // The number of wide chars right of the initial char (inclusive)\n - leftLongCharOffset // The number of additional chars left of the initial char added by columns with strings longer than 1 (emojis)\n - rightLongCharOffset); // The number of additional chars right of the initial char (inclusive) added by columns with strings longer than 1 (emojis)\n\n if (!allowWhitespaceOnlySelection && line.slice(startIndex, endIndex).trim() === '') {\n return null;\n }\n\n // Recurse upwards if the line is wrapped and the word wraps to the above line\n if (followWrappedLinesAbove) {\n if (start === 0 && bufferLine.getCodePoint(0) !== 32 /*' '*/) {\n const previousBufferLine = this._buffer.lines.get(coords[1] - 1);\n if (previousBufferLine && bufferLine.isWrapped && previousBufferLine.getCodePoint(this._terminal.cols - 1) !== 32 /*' '*/) {\n const previousLineWordPosition = this._getWordAt([this._terminal.cols - 1, coords[1] - 1], false, true, false);\n if (previousLineWordPosition) {\n const offset = this._terminal.cols - previousLineWordPosition.start;\n start -= offset;\n length += offset;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Recurse downwards if the line is wrapped and the word wraps to the next line\n if (followWrappedLinesBelow) {\n if (start + length === this._terminal.cols && bufferLine.getCodePoint(this._terminal.cols - 1) !== 32 /*' '*/) {\n const nextBufferLine = this._buffer.lines.get(coords[1] + 1);\n if (nextBufferLine && nextBufferLine.isWrapped && nextBufferLine.getCodePoint(0) !== 32 /*' '*/) {\n const nextLineWordPosition = this._getWordAt([0, coords[1] + 1], false, false, true);\n if (nextLineWordPosition) {\n length += nextLineWordPosition.length;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return { start, length };\n }\n\n /**\n * Selects the word at the coordinates specified.\n * @param coords The coordinates to get the word at.\n * @param allowWhitespaceOnlySelection If whitespace should be selected\n */\n protected _selectWordAt(coords: [number, number], allowWhitespaceOnlySelection: boolean): void {\n const wordPosition = this._getWordAt(coords, allowWhitespaceOnlySelection);\n if (wordPosition) {\n // Adjust negative start value\n while (wordPosition.start < 0) {\n wordPosition.start += this._terminal.cols;\n coords[1]--;\n }\n this._model.selectionStart = [wordPosition.start, coords[1]];\n this._model.selectionStartLength = wordPosition.length;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the selection end to the word at the coordinated specified.\n * @param coords The coordinates to get the word at.\n */\n private _selectToWordAt(coords: [number, number]): void {\n const wordPosition = this._getWordAt(coords, true);\n if (wordPosition) {\n let endRow = coords[1];\n\n // Adjust negative start value\n while (wordPosition.start < 0) {\n wordPosition.start += this._terminal.cols;\n endRow--;\n }\n\n // Adjust wrapped length value, this only needs to happen when values are reversed as in that\n // case we're interested in the start of the word, not the end\n if (!this._model.areSelectionValuesReversed()) {\n while (wordPosition.start + wordPosition.length > this._terminal.cols) {\n wordPosition.length -= this._terminal.cols;\n endRow++;\n }\n }\n\n this._model.selectionEnd = [this._model.areSelectionValuesReversed() ? wordPosition.start : wordPosition.start + wordPosition.length, endRow];\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets whether the character is considered a word separator by the select\n * word logic.\n * @param char The character to check.\n */\n private _isCharWordSeparator(cell: CellData): boolean {\n // Zero width characters are never separators as they are always to the\n // right of wide characters\n if (cell.getWidth() === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n return WORD_SEPARATORS.indexOf(cell.getChars()) >= 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * Selects the line specified.\n * @param line The line index.\n */\n protected _selectLineAt(line: number): void {\n const wrappedRange = this._buffer.getWrappedRangeForLine(line);\n this._model.selectionStart = [0, wrappedRange.first];\n this._model.selectionEnd = [this._terminal.cols, wrappedRange.last];\n this._model.selectionStartLength = 0;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal, IMouseZoneManager, IMouseZone } from './Types';\nimport { Disposable } from './common/Lifecycle';\nimport { addDisposableDomListener } from './ui/Lifecycle';\n\nconst HOVER_DURATION = 500;\n\n/**\n * The MouseZoneManager allows components to register zones within the terminal\n * that trigger hover and click callbacks.\n *\n * This class was intentionally made not so robust initially as the only case it\n * needed to support was single-line links which never overlap. Improvements can\n * be made in the future.\n */\nexport class MouseZoneManager extends Disposable implements IMouseZoneManager {\n private _zones: IMouseZone[] = [];\n\n private _areZonesActive: boolean = false;\n private _mouseMoveListener: (e: MouseEvent) => any;\n private _mouseLeaveListener: (e: MouseEvent) => any;\n private _clickListener: (e: MouseEvent) => any;\n\n private _tooltipTimeout: number = null;\n private _currentZone: IMouseZone = null;\n private _lastHoverCoords: [number, number] = [null, null];\n private _initialSelectionLength: number;\n\n constructor(\n private _terminal: ITerminal\n ) {\n super();\n\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._terminal.element, 'mousedown', e => this._onMouseDown(e)));\n\n // These events are expensive, only listen to it when mouse zones are active\n this._mouseMoveListener = e => this._onMouseMove(e);\n this._mouseLeaveListener = e => this._onMouseLeave(e);\n this._clickListener = e => this._onClick(e);\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n this._deactivate();\n }\n\n public add(zone: IMouseZone): void {\n this._zones.push(zone);\n if (this._zones.length === 1) {\n this._activate();\n }\n }\n\n public clearAll(start?: number, end?: number): void {\n // Exit if there's nothing to clear\n if (this._zones.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Clear all if start/end weren't set\n if (!end) {\n start = 0;\n end = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n\n // Iterate through zones and clear them out if they're within the range\n for (let i = 0; i < this._zones.length; i++) {\n const zone = this._zones[i];\n if ((zone.y1 > start && zone.y1 <= end + 1) ||\n (zone.y2 > start && zone.y2 <= end + 1) ||\n (zone.y1 < start && zone.y2 > end + 1)) {\n if (this._currentZone && this._currentZone === zone) {\n this._currentZone.leaveCallback();\n this._currentZone = null;\n }\n this._zones.splice(i--, 1);\n }\n }\n\n // Deactivate the mouse zone manager if all the zones have been removed\n if (this._zones.length === 0) {\n this._deactivate();\n }\n }\n\n private _activate(): void {\n if (!this._areZonesActive) {\n this._areZonesActive = true;\n this._terminal.element.addEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMoveListener);\n this._terminal.element.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._mouseLeaveListener);\n this._terminal.element.addEventListener('click', this._clickListener);\n }\n }\n\n private _deactivate(): void {\n if (this._areZonesActive) {\n this._areZonesActive = false;\n this._terminal.element.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._mouseMoveListener);\n this._terminal.element.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._mouseLeaveListener);\n this._terminal.element.removeEventListener('click', this._clickListener);\n }\n }\n\n private _onMouseMove(e: MouseEvent): void {\n // TODO: Ideally this would only clear the hover state when the mouse moves\n // outside of the mouse zone\n if (this._lastHoverCoords[0] !== e.pageX || this._lastHoverCoords[1] !== e.pageY) {\n this._onHover(e);\n // Record the current coordinates\n this._lastHoverCoords = [e.pageX, e.pageY];\n }\n }\n\n private _onHover(e: MouseEvent): void {\n const zone = this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n\n // Do nothing if the zone is the same\n if (zone === this._currentZone) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Fire the hover end callback and cancel any existing timer if a new zone\n // is being hovered\n if (this._currentZone) {\n this._currentZone.leaveCallback();\n this._currentZone = null;\n if (this._tooltipTimeout) {\n clearTimeout(this._tooltipTimeout);\n }\n }\n\n // Exit if there is not zone\n if (!zone) {\n return;\n }\n this._currentZone = zone;\n\n // Trigger the hover callback\n if (zone.hoverCallback) {\n zone.hoverCallback(e);\n }\n\n // Restart the tooltip timeout\n this._tooltipTimeout = <number><any>setTimeout(() => this._onTooltip(e), HOVER_DURATION);\n }\n\n private _onTooltip(e: MouseEvent): void {\n this._tooltipTimeout = null;\n const zone = this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n if (zone && zone.tooltipCallback) {\n zone.tooltipCallback(e);\n }\n }\n\n private _onMouseDown(e: MouseEvent): void {\n // Store current terminal selection length, to check if we're performing\n // a selection operation\n this._initialSelectionLength = this._terminal.getSelection().length;\n\n // Ignore the event if there are no zones active\n if (!this._areZonesActive) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Find the active zone, prevent event propagation if found to prevent other\n // components from handling the mouse event.\n const zone = this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n if (zone) {\n if (zone.willLinkActivate(e)) {\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n }\n }\n\n private _onMouseLeave(e: MouseEvent): void {\n // Fire the hover end callback and cancel any existing timer if the mouse\n // leaves the terminal element\n if (this._currentZone) {\n this._currentZone.leaveCallback();\n this._currentZone = null;\n if (this._tooltipTimeout) {\n clearTimeout(this._tooltipTimeout);\n }\n }\n }\n\n private _onClick(e: MouseEvent): void {\n // Find the active zone and click it if found and no selection was\n // being performed\n const zone = this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n const currentSelectionLength = this._terminal.getSelection().length;\n\n if (zone && currentSelectionLength === this._initialSelectionLength) {\n zone.clickCallback(e);\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n }\n\n private _findZoneEventAt(e: MouseEvent): IMouseZone {\n const coords = this._terminal.mouseHelper.getCoords(e, this._terminal.screenElement, this._terminal.charMeasure, this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows);\n if (!coords) {\n return null;\n }\n const x = coords[0];\n const y = coords[1];\n for (let i = 0; i < this._zones.length; i++) {\n const zone = this._zones[i];\n if (zone.y1 === zone.y2) {\n // Single line link\n if (y === zone.y1 && x >= zone.x1 && x < zone.x2) {\n return zone;\n }\n } else {\n // Multi-line link\n if ((y === zone.y1 && x >= zone.x1) ||\n (y === zone.y2 && x < zone.x2) ||\n (y > zone.y1 && y < zone.y2)) {\n return zone;\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport class MouseZone implements IMouseZone {\n constructor(\n public x1: number,\n public y1: number,\n public x2: number,\n public y2: number,\n public clickCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any,\n public hoverCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any,\n public tooltipCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any,\n public leaveCallback: () => void,\n public willLinkActivate: (e: MouseEvent) => boolean\n ) {\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ICharMeasure, IMouseHelper } from './Types';\nimport { IRenderer } from './renderer/Types';\n\nexport class MouseHelper implements IMouseHelper {\n constructor(private _renderer: IRenderer) {}\n\n public setRenderer(renderer: IRenderer): void {\n this._renderer = renderer;\n }\n\n public static getCoordsRelativeToElement(event: {clientX: number, clientY: number}, element: HTMLElement): [number, number] {\n const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n return [event.clientX - rect.left, event.clientY - rect.top];\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets coordinates within the terminal for a particular mouse event. The result\n * is returned as an array in the form [x, y] instead of an object as it's a\n * little faster and this function is used in some low level code.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n * @param element The terminal's container element.\n * @param charMeasure The char measure object used to determine character sizes.\n * @param colCount The number of columns in the terminal.\n * @param rowCount The number of rows n the terminal.\n * @param isSelection Whether the request is for the selection or not. This will\n * apply an offset to the x value such that the left half of the cell will\n * select that cell and the right half will select the next cell.\n */\n public getCoords(event: {clientX: number, clientY: number}, element: HTMLElement, charMeasure: ICharMeasure, colCount: number, rowCount: number, isSelection?: boolean): [number, number] {\n // Coordinates cannot be measured if charMeasure has not been initialized\n if (!charMeasure.width || !charMeasure.height) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const coords = MouseHelper.getCoordsRelativeToElement(event, element);\n if (!coords) {\n return null;\n }\n\n coords[0] = Math.ceil((coords[0] + (isSelection ? this._renderer.dimensions.actualCellWidth / 2 : 0)) / this._renderer.dimensions.actualCellWidth);\n coords[1] = Math.ceil(coords[1] / this._renderer.dimensions.actualCellHeight);\n\n // Ensure coordinates are within the terminal viewport. Note that selections\n // need an addition point of precision to cover the end point (as characters\n // cover half of one char and half of the next).\n coords[0] = Math.min(Math.max(coords[0], 1), colCount + (isSelection ? 1 : 0));\n coords[1] = Math.min(Math.max(coords[1], 1), rowCount);\n\n return coords;\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets coordinates within the terminal for a particular mouse event, wrapping\n * them to the bounds of the terminal and adding 32 to both the x and y values\n * as expected by xterm.\n * @param event The mouse event.\n * @param element The terminal's container element.\n * @param charMeasure The char measure object used to determine character sizes.\n * @param colCount The number of columns in the terminal.\n * @param rowCount The number of rows in the terminal.\n */\n public getRawByteCoords(event: MouseEvent, element: HTMLElement, charMeasure: ICharMeasure, colCount: number, rowCount: number): { x: number, y: number } {\n const coords = this.getCoords(event, element, charMeasure, colCount, rowCount);\n let x = coords[0];\n let y = coords[1];\n\n // xterm sends raw bytes and starts at 32 (SP) for each.\n x += 32;\n y += 32;\n\n return { x, y };\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ILinkifierEvent, ILinkMatcher, LinkMatcherHandler, ILinkMatcherOptions, ILinkifier, ITerminal, IBufferStringIteratorResult, IMouseZoneManager } from './Types';\nimport { MouseZone } from './MouseZoneManager';\nimport { getStringCellWidth } from './CharWidth';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\n\n/**\n * The Linkifier applies links to rows shortly after they have been refreshed.\n */\nexport class Linkifier implements ILinkifier {\n /**\n * The time to wait after a row is changed before it is linkified. This prevents\n * the costly operation of searching every row multiple times, potentially a\n * huge amount of times.\n */\n protected static readonly TIME_BEFORE_LINKIFY = 200;\n\n /**\n * Limit of the unwrapping line expansion (overscan) at the top and bottom\n * of the actual viewport in ASCII characters.\n * A limit of 2000 should match most sane urls.\n */\n protected static readonly OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT = 2000;\n\n protected _linkMatchers: ILinkMatcher[] = [];\n\n private _mouseZoneManager: IMouseZoneManager;\n private _rowsTimeoutId: number;\n private _nextLinkMatcherId = 0;\n private _rowsToLinkify: { start: number, end: number };\n\n private _onLinkHover = new EventEmitter2<ILinkifierEvent>();\n public get onLinkHover(): IEvent<ILinkifierEvent> { return this._onLinkHover.event; }\n private _onLinkLeave = new EventEmitter2<ILinkifierEvent>();\n public get onLinkLeave(): IEvent<ILinkifierEvent> { return this._onLinkLeave.event; }\n private _onLinkTooltip = new EventEmitter2<ILinkifierEvent>();\n public get onLinkTooltip(): IEvent<ILinkifierEvent> { return this._onLinkTooltip.event; }\n\n constructor(\n protected _terminal: ITerminal\n ) {\n this._rowsToLinkify = {\n start: null,\n end: null\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Attaches the linkifier to the DOM, enabling linkification.\n * @param mouseZoneManager The mouse zone manager to register link zones with.\n */\n public attachToDom(mouseZoneManager: IMouseZoneManager): void {\n this._mouseZoneManager = mouseZoneManager;\n }\n\n /**\n * Queue linkification on a set of rows.\n * @param start The row to linkify from (inclusive).\n * @param end The row to linkify to (inclusive).\n */\n public linkifyRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n // Don't attempt linkify if not yet attached to DOM\n if (!this._mouseZoneManager) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Increase range to linkify\n if (this._rowsToLinkify.start === null) {\n this._rowsToLinkify.start = start;\n this._rowsToLinkify.end = end;\n } else {\n this._rowsToLinkify.start = Math.min(this._rowsToLinkify.start, start);\n this._rowsToLinkify.end = Math.max(this._rowsToLinkify.end, end);\n }\n\n // Clear out any existing links on this row range\n this._mouseZoneManager.clearAll(start, end);\n\n // Restart timer\n if (this._rowsTimeoutId) {\n clearTimeout(this._rowsTimeoutId);\n }\n this._rowsTimeoutId = <number><any>setTimeout(() => this._linkifyRows(), Linkifier.TIME_BEFORE_LINKIFY);\n }\n\n /**\n * Linkifies the rows requested.\n */\n private _linkifyRows(): void {\n this._rowsTimeoutId = null;\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n // Ensure the start row exists\n const absoluteRowIndexStart = buffer.ydisp + this._rowsToLinkify.start;\n if (absoluteRowIndexStart >= buffer.lines.length) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Invalidate bad end row values (if a resize happened)\n const absoluteRowIndexEnd = buffer.ydisp + Math.min(this._rowsToLinkify.end, this._terminal.rows) + 1;\n\n // Iterate over the range of unwrapped content strings within start..end\n // (excluding).\n // _doLinkifyRow gets full unwrapped lines with the start row as buffer offset\n // for every matcher.\n // The unwrapping is needed to also match content that got wrapped across\n // several buffer lines. To avoid a worst case scenario where the whole buffer\n // contains just a single unwrapped string we limit this line expansion beyond\n // the viewport to +OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT chars (overscan) at top and bottom.\n // This comes with the tradeoff that matches longer than OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT\n // chars will not match anymore at the viewport borders.\n const overscanLineLimit = Math.ceil(Linkifier.OVERSCAN_CHAR_LIMIT / this._terminal.cols);\n const iterator = this._terminal.buffer.iterator(\n false, absoluteRowIndexStart, absoluteRowIndexEnd, overscanLineLimit, overscanLineLimit);\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n const lineData: IBufferStringIteratorResult = iterator.next();\n for (let i = 0; i < this._linkMatchers.length; i++) {\n this._doLinkifyRow(lineData.range.first, lineData.content, this._linkMatchers[i]);\n }\n }\n\n this._rowsToLinkify.start = null;\n this._rowsToLinkify.end = null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers a link matcher, allowing custom link patterns to be matched and\n * handled.\n * @param regex The regular expression to search for. Specifically, this\n * searches the textContent of the rows. You will want to use \\s to match a\n * space ' ' character for example.\n * @param handler The callback when the link is called.\n * @param options Options for the link matcher.\n * @return The ID of the new matcher, this can be used to deregister.\n */\n public registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: LinkMatcherHandler, options: ILinkMatcherOptions = {}): number {\n if (!handler) {\n throw new Error('handler must be defined');\n }\n const matcher: ILinkMatcher = {\n id: this._nextLinkMatcherId++,\n regex,\n handler,\n matchIndex: options.matchIndex,\n validationCallback: options.validationCallback,\n hoverTooltipCallback: options.tooltipCallback,\n hoverLeaveCallback: options.leaveCallback,\n willLinkActivate: options.willLinkActivate,\n priority: options.priority || 0\n };\n this._addLinkMatcherToList(matcher);\n return matcher.id;\n }\n\n /**\n * Inserts a link matcher to the list in the correct position based on the\n * priority of each link matcher. New link matchers of equal priority are\n * considered after older link matchers.\n * @param matcher The link matcher to be added.\n */\n private _addLinkMatcherToList(matcher: ILinkMatcher): void {\n if (this._linkMatchers.length === 0) {\n this._linkMatchers.push(matcher);\n return;\n }\n\n for (let i = this._linkMatchers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (matcher.priority <= this._linkMatchers[i].priority) {\n this._linkMatchers.splice(i + 1, 0, matcher);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n this._linkMatchers.splice(0, 0, matcher);\n }\n\n /**\n * Deregisters a link matcher if it has been registered.\n * @param matcherId The link matcher's ID (returned after register)\n * @return Whether a link matcher was found and deregistered.\n */\n public deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): boolean {\n for (let i = 0; i < this._linkMatchers.length; i++) {\n if (this._linkMatchers[i].id === matcherId) {\n this._linkMatchers.splice(i, 1);\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Linkifies a row given a specific handler.\n * @param rowIndex The row index to linkify (absolute index).\n * @param text string content of the unwrapped row.\n * @param matcher The link matcher for this line.\n */\n private _doLinkifyRow(rowIndex: number, text: string, matcher: ILinkMatcher): void {\n // clone regex to do a global search on text\n const rex = new RegExp(matcher.regex.source, matcher.regex.flags + 'g');\n let match;\n let stringIndex = -1;\n while ((match = rex.exec(text)) !== null) {\n const uri = match[typeof matcher.matchIndex !== 'number' ? 0 : matcher.matchIndex];\n if (!uri) {\n // something matched but does not comply with the given matchIndex\n // since this is most likely a bug the regex itself we simply do nothing here\n // DEBUG: print match and throw\n if ((<any>this._terminal).debug) {\n console.log({match, matcher});\n throw new Error('match found without corresponding matchIndex');\n }\n break;\n }\n\n // Get index, match.index is for the outer match which includes negated chars\n // therefore we cannot use match.index directly, instead we search the position\n // of the match group in text again\n // also correct regex and string search offsets for the next loop run\n stringIndex = text.indexOf(uri, stringIndex + 1);\n rex.lastIndex = stringIndex + uri.length;\n if (stringIndex < 0) {\n // invalid stringIndex (should not have happened)\n break;\n }\n\n // get the buffer index as [absolute row, col] for the match\n const bufferIndex = this._terminal.buffer.stringIndexToBufferIndex(rowIndex, stringIndex);\n if (bufferIndex[0] < 0) {\n // invalid bufferIndex (should not have happened)\n break;\n }\n\n const line = this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(bufferIndex[0]);\n const attr = line.getFg(bufferIndex[1]);\n let fg: number | undefined;\n if (attr) {\n fg = (attr >> 9) & 0x1ff;\n }\n\n if (matcher.validationCallback) {\n matcher.validationCallback(uri, isValid => {\n // Discard link if the line has already changed\n if (this._rowsTimeoutId) {\n return;\n }\n if (isValid) {\n this._addLink(bufferIndex[1], bufferIndex[0] - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp, uri, matcher, fg);\n }\n });\n } else {\n this._addLink(bufferIndex[1], bufferIndex[0] - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp, uri, matcher, fg);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers a link to the mouse zone manager.\n * @param x The column the link starts.\n * @param y The row the link is on.\n * @param uri The URI of the link.\n * @param matcher The link matcher for the link.\n * @param fg The link color for hover event.\n */\n private _addLink(x: number, y: number, uri: string, matcher: ILinkMatcher, fg: number): void {\n const width = getStringCellWidth(uri);\n const x1 = x % this._terminal.cols;\n const y1 = y + Math.floor(x / this._terminal.cols);\n let x2 = (x1 + width) % this._terminal.cols;\n let y2 = y1 + Math.floor((x1 + width) / this._terminal.cols);\n if (x2 === 0) {\n x2 = this._terminal.cols;\n y2--;\n }\n\n this._mouseZoneManager.add(new MouseZone(\n x1 + 1,\n y1 + 1,\n x2 + 1,\n y2 + 1,\n e => {\n if (matcher.handler) {\n return matcher.handler(e, uri);\n }\n window.open(uri, '_blank');\n },\n () => {\n this._onLinkHover.fire(this._createLinkHoverEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2, fg));\n this._terminal.element.classList.add('xterm-cursor-pointer');\n },\n e => {\n this._onLinkTooltip.fire(this._createLinkHoverEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2, fg));\n if (matcher.hoverTooltipCallback) {\n matcher.hoverTooltipCallback(e, uri);\n }\n },\n () => {\n this._onLinkLeave.fire(this._createLinkHoverEvent(x1, y1, x2, y2, fg));\n this._terminal.element.classList.remove('xterm-cursor-pointer');\n if (matcher.hoverLeaveCallback) {\n matcher.hoverLeaveCallback();\n }\n },\n e => {\n if (matcher.willLinkActivate) {\n return matcher.willLinkActivate(e, uri);\n }\n return true;\n }\n ));\n }\n\n private _createLinkHoverEvent(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, fg: number): ILinkifierEvent {\n return { x1, y1, x2, y2, cols: this._terminal.cols, fg };\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License)\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IInputHandler, IDcsHandler, IEscapeSequenceParser, IInputHandlingTerminal } from './Types';\nimport { C0, C1 } from './common/data/EscapeSequences';\nimport { CHARSETS, DEFAULT_CHARSET } from './core/data/Charsets';\nimport { NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CODE, DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA } from './Buffer';\nimport { wcwidth } from './CharWidth';\nimport { EscapeSequenceParser } from './EscapeSequenceParser';\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\nimport { Disposable } from './common/Lifecycle';\nimport { concat } from './common/TypedArrayUtils';\nimport { StringToUtf32, stringFromCodePoint, utf32ToString } from './core/input/TextDecoder';\nimport { CellData, Attributes, FgFlags, BgFlags, AttributeData } from './BufferLine';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\n\n/**\n * Map collect to glevel. Used in `selectCharset`.\n */\nconst GLEVEL: {[key: string]: number} = {'(': 0, ')': 1, '*': 2, '+': 3, '-': 1, '.': 2};\n\n\n/**\n * DCS subparser implementations\n */\n\n/**\n * DCS $ q Pt ST\n * DECRQSS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECRQSS.html)\n * Request Status String (DECRQSS), VT420 and up.\n * Response: DECRPSS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECRPSS.html)\n */\nclass DECRQSS implements IDcsHandler {\n private _data: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array(0);\n\n constructor(private _terminal: any) { }\n\n hook(collect: string, params: number[], flag: number): void {\n this._data = new Uint32Array(0);\n }\n\n put(data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number): void {\n this._data = concat(this._data, data.subarray(start, end));\n }\n\n unhook(): void {\n const data = utf32ToString(this._data);\n this._data = new Uint32Array(0);\n switch (data) {\n // valid: DCS 1 $ r Pt ST (xterm)\n case '\"q': // DECSCA\n return this._terminal.handler(`${C0.ESC}P1$r0\"q${C0.ESC}\\\\`);\n case '\"p': // DECSCL\n return this._terminal.handler(`${C0.ESC}P1$r61\"p${C0.ESC}\\\\`);\n case 'r': // DECSTBM\n const pt = '' + (this._terminal.buffer.scrollTop + 1) +\n ';' + (this._terminal.buffer.scrollBottom + 1) + 'r';\n return this._terminal.handler(`${C0.ESC}P1$r${pt}${C0.ESC}\\\\`);\n case 'm': // SGR\n // TODO: report real settings instead of 0m\n return this._terminal.handler(`${C0.ESC}P1$r0m${C0.ESC}\\\\`);\n case ' q': // DECSCUSR\n const STYLES: {[key: string]: number} = {'block': 2, 'underline': 4, 'bar': 6};\n let style = STYLES[this._terminal.getOption('cursorStyle')];\n style -= this._terminal.getOption('cursorBlink');\n return this._terminal.handler(`${C0.ESC}P1$r${style} q${C0.ESC}\\\\`);\n default:\n // invalid: DCS 0 $ r Pt ST (xterm)\n this._terminal.error('Unknown DCS $q %s', data);\n this._terminal.handler(`${C0.ESC}P0$r${C0.ESC}\\\\`);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * DCS Ps; Ps| Pt ST\n * DECUDK (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECUDK.html)\n * not supported\n */\n\n/**\n * DCS + q Pt ST (xterm)\n * Request Terminfo String\n * not implemented\n */\n\n/**\n * DCS + p Pt ST (xterm)\n * Set Terminfo Data\n * not supported\n */\n\n\n\n/**\n * The terminal's standard implementation of IInputHandler, this handles all\n * input from the Parser.\n *\n * Refer to http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html to understand\n * each function's header comment.\n */\nexport class InputHandler extends Disposable implements IInputHandler {\n private _parseBuffer: Uint32Array = new Uint32Array(4096);\n private _stringDecoder: StringToUtf32 = new StringToUtf32();\n private _workCell: CellData = new CellData();\n\n private _onCursorMove = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onCursorMove(): IEvent<void> { return this._onCursorMove.event; }\n private _onData = new EventEmitter2<string>();\n public get onData(): IEvent<string> { return this._onData.event; }\n private _onLineFeed = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onLineFeed(): IEvent<void> { return this._onLineFeed.event; }\n private _onScroll = new EventEmitter2<number>();\n public get onScroll(): IEvent<number> { return this._onScroll.event; }\n\n constructor(\n protected _terminal: IInputHandlingTerminal,\n private _parser: IEscapeSequenceParser = new EscapeSequenceParser())\n {\n super();\n\n this.register(this._parser);\n\n /**\n * custom fallback handlers\n */\n this._parser.setCsiHandlerFallback((collect: string, params: number[], flag: number) => {\n this._terminal.error('Unknown CSI code: ', { collect, params, flag: String.fromCharCode(flag) });\n });\n this._parser.setEscHandlerFallback((collect: string, flag: number) => {\n this._terminal.error('Unknown ESC code: ', { collect, flag: String.fromCharCode(flag) });\n });\n this._parser.setExecuteHandlerFallback((code: number) => {\n this._terminal.error('Unknown EXECUTE code: ', { code });\n });\n this._parser.setOscHandlerFallback((identifier: number, data: string) => {\n this._terminal.error('Unknown OSC code: ', { identifier, data });\n });\n\n /**\n * print handler\n */\n this._parser.setPrintHandler((data, start, end): void => this.print(data, start, end));\n\n /**\n * CSI handler\n */\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('@', (params, collect) => this.insertChars(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('A', (params, collect) => this.cursorUp(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('B', (params, collect) => this.cursorDown(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('C', (params, collect) => this.cursorForward(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('D', (params, collect) => this.cursorBackward(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('E', (params, collect) => this.cursorNextLine(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('F', (params, collect) => this.cursorPrecedingLine(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('G', (params, collect) => this.cursorCharAbsolute(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('H', (params, collect) => this.cursorPosition(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('I', (params, collect) => this.cursorForwardTab(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('J', (params, collect) => this.eraseInDisplay(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('K', (params, collect) => this.eraseInLine(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('L', (params, collect) => this.insertLines(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('M', (params, collect) => this.deleteLines(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('P', (params, collect) => this.deleteChars(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('S', (params, collect) => this.scrollUp(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('T', (params, collect) => this.scrollDown(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('X', (params, collect) => this.eraseChars(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('Z', (params, collect) => this.cursorBackwardTab(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('`', (params, collect) => this.charPosAbsolute(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('a', (params, collect) => this.hPositionRelative(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('b', (params, collect) => this.repeatPrecedingCharacter(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('c', (params, collect) => this.sendDeviceAttributes(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('d', (params, collect) => this.linePosAbsolute(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('e', (params, collect) => this.vPositionRelative(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('f', (params, collect) => this.hVPosition(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('g', (params, collect) => this.tabClear(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('h', (params, collect) => this.setMode(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('l', (params, collect) => this.resetMode(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('m', (params, collect) => this.charAttributes(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('n', (params, collect) => this.deviceStatus(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('p', (params, collect) => this.softReset(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('q', (params, collect) => this.setCursorStyle(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('r', (params, collect) => this.setScrollRegion(params, collect));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('s', (params, collect) => this.saveCursor(params));\n this._parser.setCsiHandler('u', (params, collect) => this.restoreCursor(params));\n\n /**\n * execute handler\n */\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.BEL, () => this.bell());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.LF, () => this.lineFeed());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.VT, () => this.lineFeed());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.FF, () => this.lineFeed());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.CR, () => this.carriageReturn());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.BS, () => this.backspace());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.HT, () => this.tab());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.SO, () => this.shiftOut());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C0.SI, () => this.shiftIn());\n // FIXME: What do to with missing? Old code just added those to print.\n\n // some C1 control codes - FIXME: should those be enabled by default?\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C1.IND, () => this.index());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C1.NEL, () => this.nextLine());\n this._parser.setExecuteHandler(C1.HTS, () => this.tabSet());\n\n /**\n * OSC handler\n */\n // 0 - icon name + title\n this._parser.setOscHandler(0, (data) => this.setTitle(data));\n // 1 - icon name\n // 2 - title\n this._parser.setOscHandler(2, (data) => this.setTitle(data));\n // 3 - set property X in the form \"prop=value\"\n // 4 - Change Color Number\n // 5 - Change Special Color Number\n // 6 - Enable/disable Special Color Number c\n // 7 - current directory? (not in xterm spec, see https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/issues/3939)\n // 10 - Change VT100 text foreground color to Pt.\n // 11 - Change VT100 text background color to Pt.\n // 12 - Change text cursor color to Pt.\n // 13 - Change mouse foreground color to Pt.\n // 14 - Change mouse background color to Pt.\n // 15 - Change Tektronix foreground color to Pt.\n // 16 - Change Tektronix background color to Pt.\n // 17 - Change highlight background color to Pt.\n // 18 - Change Tektronix cursor color to Pt.\n // 19 - Change highlight foreground color to Pt.\n // 46 - Change Log File to Pt.\n // 50 - Set Font to Pt.\n // 51 - reserved for Emacs shell.\n // 52 - Manipulate Selection Data.\n // 104 ; c - Reset Color Number c.\n // 105 ; c - Reset Special Color Number c.\n // 106 ; c; f - Enable/disable Special Color Number c.\n // 110 - Reset VT100 text foreground color.\n // 111 - Reset VT100 text background color.\n // 112 - Reset text cursor color.\n // 113 - Reset mouse foreground color.\n // 114 - Reset mouse background color.\n // 115 - Reset Tektronix foreground color.\n // 116 - Reset Tektronix background color.\n // 117 - Reset highlight color.\n // 118 - Reset Tektronix cursor color.\n // 119 - Reset highlight foreground color.\n\n /**\n * ESC handlers\n */\n this._parser.setEscHandler('7', () => this.saveCursor([]));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('8', () => this.restoreCursor([]));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('D', () => this.index());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('E', () => this.nextLine());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('H', () => this.tabSet());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('M', () => this.reverseIndex());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('=', () => this.keypadApplicationMode());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('>', () => this.keypadNumericMode());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('c', () => this.reset());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('n', () => this.setgLevel(2));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('o', () => this.setgLevel(3));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('|', () => this.setgLevel(3));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('}', () => this.setgLevel(2));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('~', () => this.setgLevel(1));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('%@', () => this.selectDefaultCharset());\n this._parser.setEscHandler('%G', () => this.selectDefaultCharset());\n for (const flag in CHARSETS) {\n this._parser.setEscHandler('(' + flag, () => this.selectCharset('(' + flag));\n this._parser.setEscHandler(')' + flag, () => this.selectCharset(')' + flag));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('*' + flag, () => this.selectCharset('*' + flag));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('+' + flag, () => this.selectCharset('+' + flag));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('-' + flag, () => this.selectCharset('-' + flag));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('.' + flag, () => this.selectCharset('.' + flag));\n this._parser.setEscHandler('/' + flag, () => this.selectCharset('/' + flag)); // TODO: supported?\n }\n\n /**\n * error handler\n */\n this._parser.setErrorHandler((state) => {\n this._terminal.error('Parsing error: ', state);\n return state;\n });\n\n /**\n * DCS handler\n */\n this._parser.setDcsHandler('$q', new DECRQSS(this._terminal));\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n this._terminal = null;\n }\n\n public parse(data: string): void {\n // Ensure the terminal is not disposed\n if (!this._terminal) {\n return;\n }\n\n let buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n const cursorStartX = buffer.x;\n const cursorStartY = buffer.y;\n\n // TODO: Consolidate debug/logging #1560\n if ((<any>this._terminal).debug) {\n this._terminal.log('data: ' + data);\n }\n\n if (this._parseBuffer.length < data.length) {\n this._parseBuffer = new Uint32Array(data.length);\n }\n this._parser.parse(this._parseBuffer, this._stringDecoder.decode(data, this._parseBuffer));\n\n buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n if (buffer.x !== cursorStartX || buffer.y !== cursorStartY) {\n this._onCursorMove.fire();\n }\n }\n\n public print(data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number): void {\n let code: number;\n let chWidth: number;\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n const charset = this._terminal.charset;\n const screenReaderMode = this._terminal.options.screenReaderMode;\n const cols = this._terminal.cols;\n const wraparoundMode = this._terminal.wraparoundMode;\n const insertMode = this._terminal.insertMode;\n const curAttr = this._terminal.curAttrData;\n let bufferRow = buffer.lines.get(buffer.y + buffer.ybase);\n\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.y);\n for (let pos = start; pos < end; ++pos) {\n code = data[pos];\n\n // calculate print space\n // expensive call, therefore we save width in line buffer\n chWidth = wcwidth(code);\n\n // get charset replacement character\n // charset is only defined for ASCII, therefore we only\n // search for an replacement char if code < 127\n if (code < 127 && charset) {\n const ch = charset[String.fromCharCode(code)];\n if (ch) {\n code = ch.charCodeAt(0);\n }\n }\n\n if (screenReaderMode) {\n this._terminal.emit('a11y.char', stringFromCodePoint(code));\n }\n\n // insert combining char at last cursor position\n // FIXME: needs handling after cursor jumps\n // buffer.x should never be 0 for a combining char\n // since they always follow a cell consuming char\n // therefore we can test for buffer.x to avoid overflow left\n if (!chWidth && buffer.x) {\n if (!bufferRow.getWidth(buffer.x - 1)) {\n // found empty cell after fullwidth, need to go 2 cells back\n // it is save to step 2 cells back here\n // since an empty cell is only set by fullwidth chars\n bufferRow.addCodepointToCell(buffer.x - 2, code);\n } else {\n bufferRow.addCodepointToCell(buffer.x - 1, code);\n }\n continue;\n }\n\n // goto next line if ch would overflow\n // TODO: needs a global min terminal width of 2\n // FIXME: additionally ensure chWidth fits into a line\n // --> maybe forbid cols<xy at higher level as it would\n // introduce a bad runtime penalty here\n if (buffer.x + chWidth - 1 >= cols) {\n // autowrap - DECAWM\n // automatically wraps to the beginning of the next line\n if (wraparoundMode) {\n buffer.x = 0;\n buffer.y++;\n if (buffer.y > buffer.scrollBottom) {\n buffer.y--;\n this._terminal.scroll(true);\n } else {\n // The line already exists (eg. the initial viewport), mark it as a\n // wrapped line\n buffer.lines.get(buffer.y).isWrapped = true;\n }\n // row changed, get it again\n bufferRow = buffer.lines.get(buffer.y + buffer.ybase);\n } else {\n if (chWidth === 2) {\n // FIXME: check for xterm behavior\n // What to do here? We got a wide char that does not fit into last cell\n continue;\n }\n // FIXME: Do we have to set buffer.x to cols - 1, if not wrapping?\n }\n }\n\n // insert mode: move characters to right\n if (insertMode) {\n // right shift cells according to the width\n bufferRow.insertCells(buffer.x, chWidth, buffer.getNullCell(curAttr));\n // test last cell - since the last cell has only room for\n // a halfwidth char any fullwidth shifted there is lost\n // and will be set to empty cell\n if (bufferRow.getWidth(cols - 1) === 2) {\n bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(cols - 1, NULL_CELL_CODE, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg);\n }\n }\n\n // write current char to buffer and advance cursor\n bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(buffer.x++, code, chWidth, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg);\n\n // fullwidth char - also set next cell to placeholder stub and advance cursor\n // for graphemes bigger than fullwidth we can simply loop to zero\n // we already made sure above, that buffer.x + chWidth will not overflow right\n if (chWidth > 0) {\n while (--chWidth) {\n // other than a regular empty cell a cell following a wide char has no width\n bufferRow.setCellFromCodePoint(buffer.x++, 0, 0, curAttr.fg, curAttr.bg);\n }\n }\n }\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.y);\n }\n\n /**\n * Forward addCsiHandler from parser.\n */\n public addCsiHandler(flag: string, callback: (params: number[], collect: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n return this._parser.addCsiHandler(flag, callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * Forward addOscHandler from parser.\n */\n public addOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n return this._parser.addOscHandler(ident, callback);\n }\n\n /**\n * BEL\n * Bell (Ctrl-G).\n */\n public bell(): void {\n this._terminal.bell();\n }\n\n /**\n * LF\n * Line Feed or New Line (NL). (LF is Ctrl-J).\n */\n public lineFeed(): void {\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n if (this._terminal.options.convertEol) {\n buffer.x = 0;\n }\n buffer.y++;\n if (buffer.y > buffer.scrollBottom) {\n buffer.y--;\n this._terminal.scroll();\n }\n // If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line.\n if (buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n buffer.x--;\n }\n\n this._onLineFeed.fire();\n }\n\n /**\n * CR\n * Carriage Return (Ctrl-M).\n */\n public carriageReturn(): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * BS\n * Backspace (Ctrl-H).\n */\n public backspace(): void {\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x > 0) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x--;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * TAB\n * Horizontal Tab (HT) (Ctrl-I).\n */\n public tab(): void {\n const originalX = this._terminal.buffer.x;\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.buffer.nextStop();\n if (this._terminal.options.screenReaderMode) {\n this._terminal.emit('a11y.tab', this._terminal.buffer.x - originalX);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * SO\n * Shift Out (Ctrl-N) -> Switch to Alternate Character Set. This invokes the\n * G1 character set.\n */\n public shiftOut(): void {\n this._terminal.setgLevel(1);\n }\n\n /**\n * SI\n * Shift In (Ctrl-O) -> Switch to Standard Character Set. This invokes the G0\n * character set (the default).\n */\n public shiftIn(): void {\n this._terminal.setgLevel(0);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps @\n * Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH).\n */\n public insertChars(params: number[]): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(this._terminal.buffer.y + this._terminal.buffer.ybase).insertCells(\n this._terminal.buffer.x,\n params[0] || 1,\n this._terminal.buffer.getNullCell(this._terminal.eraseAttrData())\n );\n this._terminal.updateRange(this._terminal.buffer.y);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps A\n * Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU).\n */\n public cursorUp(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.y -= param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y < 0) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = 0;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps B\n * Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD).\n */\n public cursorDown(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.y += param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y >= this._terminal.rows) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n // If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line.\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x--;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps C\n * Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF).\n */\n public cursorForward(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x += param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.cols - 1;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps D\n * Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB).\n */\n public cursorBackward(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n // If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line.\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x--;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x -= param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x < 0) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = 0;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps E\n * Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL).\n * same as CSI Ps B ?\n */\n public cursorNextLine(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.y += param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y >= this._terminal.rows) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x = 0;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps F\n * Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL).\n * reuse CSI Ps A ?\n */\n public cursorPrecedingLine(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.y -= param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y < 0) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = 0;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x = 0;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps G\n * Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA).\n */\n public cursorCharAbsolute(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x = param - 1;\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps ; Ps H\n * Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP).\n */\n public cursorPosition(params: number[]): void {\n let col: number;\n let row: number = params[0] - 1;\n\n if (params.length >= 2) {\n col = params[1] - 1;\n } else {\n col = 0;\n }\n\n if (row < 0) {\n row = 0;\n } else if (row >= this._terminal.rows) {\n row = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n\n if (col < 0) {\n col = 0;\n } else if (col >= this._terminal.cols) {\n col = this._terminal.cols - 1;\n }\n\n this._terminal.buffer.x = col;\n this._terminal.buffer.y = row;\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps I\n * Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT).\n */\n public cursorForwardTab(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0] || 1;\n while (param--) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.buffer.nextStop();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Helper method to erase cells in a terminal row.\n * The cell gets replaced with the eraseChar of the terminal.\n * @param y row index\n * @param start first cell index to be erased\n * @param end end - 1 is last erased cell\n */\n private _eraseInBufferLine(y: number, start: number, end: number, clearWrap: boolean = false): void {\n const line = this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(this._terminal.buffer.ybase + y);\n line.replaceCells(\n start,\n end,\n this._terminal.buffer.getNullCell(this._terminal.eraseAttrData())\n );\n if (clearWrap) {\n line.isWrapped = false;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Helper method to reset cells in a terminal row.\n * The cell gets replaced with the eraseChar of the terminal and the isWrapped property is set to false.\n * @param y row index\n */\n private _resetBufferLine(y: number): void {\n this._eraseInBufferLine(y, 0, this._terminal.cols, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps J Erase in Display (ED).\n * Ps = 0 -> Erase Below (default).\n * Ps = 1 -> Erase Above.\n * Ps = 2 -> Erase All.\n * Ps = 3 -> Erase Saved Lines (xterm).\n * CSI ? Ps J\n * Erase in Display (DECSED).\n * Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase Below (default).\n * Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase Above.\n * Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All.\n */\n public eraseInDisplay(params: number[]): void {\n let j;\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 0:\n j = this._terminal.buffer.y;\n this._terminal.updateRange(j);\n this._eraseInBufferLine(j++, this._terminal.buffer.x, this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.buffer.x === 0);\n for (; j < this._terminal.rows; j++) {\n this._resetBufferLine(j);\n }\n this._terminal.updateRange(j);\n break;\n case 1:\n j = this._terminal.buffer.y;\n this._terminal.updateRange(j);\n // Deleted front part of line and everything before. This line will no longer be wrapped.\n this._eraseInBufferLine(j, 0, this._terminal.buffer.x + 1, true);\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x + 1 >= this._terminal.cols) {\n // Deleted entire previous line. This next line can no longer be wrapped.\n this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(j + 1).isWrapped = false;\n }\n while (j--) {\n this._resetBufferLine(j);\n }\n this._terminal.updateRange(0);\n break;\n case 2:\n j = this._terminal.rows;\n this._terminal.updateRange(j - 1);\n while (j--) {\n this._resetBufferLine(j);\n }\n this._terminal.updateRange(0);\n break;\n case 3:\n // Clear scrollback (everything not in viewport)\n const scrollBackSize = this._terminal.buffer.lines.length - this._terminal.rows;\n if (scrollBackSize > 0) {\n this._terminal.buffer.lines.trimStart(scrollBackSize);\n this._terminal.buffer.ybase = Math.max(this._terminal.buffer.ybase - scrollBackSize, 0);\n this._terminal.buffer.ydisp = Math.max(this._terminal.buffer.ydisp - scrollBackSize, 0);\n // Force a scroll event to refresh viewport\n this._onScroll.fire(0);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps K Erase in Line (EL).\n * Ps = 0 -> Erase to Right (default).\n * Ps = 1 -> Erase to Left.\n * Ps = 2 -> Erase All.\n * CSI ? Ps K\n * Erase in Line (DECSEL).\n * Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase to Right (default).\n * Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase to Left.\n * Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All.\n */\n public eraseInLine(params: number[]): void {\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 0:\n this._eraseInBufferLine(this._terminal.buffer.y, this._terminal.buffer.x, this._terminal.cols);\n break;\n case 1:\n this._eraseInBufferLine(this._terminal.buffer.y, 0, this._terminal.buffer.x + 1);\n break;\n case 2:\n this._eraseInBufferLine(this._terminal.buffer.y, 0, this._terminal.cols);\n break;\n }\n this._terminal.updateRange(this._terminal.buffer.y);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps L\n * Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL).\n */\n public insertLines(params: number[]): void {\n let param: number = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n const row: number = buffer.y + buffer.ybase;\n\n const scrollBottomRowsOffset = this._terminal.rows - 1 - buffer.scrollBottom;\n const scrollBottomAbsolute = this._terminal.rows - 1 + buffer.ybase - scrollBottomRowsOffset + 1;\n while (param--) {\n // test: echo -e '\\e[44m\\e[1L\\e[0m'\n // blankLine(true) - xterm/linux behavior\n buffer.lines.splice(scrollBottomAbsolute - 1, 1);\n buffer.lines.splice(row, 0, buffer.getBlankLine(this._terminal.eraseAttrData()));\n }\n\n // this.maxRange();\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.y);\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.scrollBottom);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps M\n * Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL).\n */\n public deleteLines(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n const row: number = buffer.y + buffer.ybase;\n\n let j: number;\n j = this._terminal.rows - 1 - buffer.scrollBottom;\n j = this._terminal.rows - 1 + buffer.ybase - j;\n while (param--) {\n // test: echo -e '\\e[44m\\e[1M\\e[0m'\n // blankLine(true) - xterm/linux behavior\n buffer.lines.splice(row, 1);\n buffer.lines.splice(j, 0, buffer.getBlankLine(this._terminal.eraseAttrData()));\n }\n\n // this.maxRange();\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.y);\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.scrollBottom);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps P\n * Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH).\n */\n public deleteChars(params: number[]): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(this._terminal.buffer.y + this._terminal.buffer.ybase).deleteCells(\n this._terminal.buffer.x,\n params[0] || 1,\n this._terminal.buffer.getNullCell(this._terminal.eraseAttrData())\n );\n this._terminal.updateRange(this._terminal.buffer.y);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps S Scroll up Ps lines (default = 1) (SU).\n */\n public scrollUp(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0] || 1;\n\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n while (param--) {\n buffer.lines.splice(buffer.ybase + buffer.scrollTop, 1);\n buffer.lines.splice(buffer.ybase + buffer.scrollBottom, 0, buffer.getBlankLine(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA));\n }\n // this.maxRange();\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.scrollTop);\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.scrollBottom);\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps T Scroll down Ps lines (default = 1) (SD).\n */\n public scrollDown(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (params.length < 2 && !collect) {\n let param = params[0] || 1;\n\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n while (param--) {\n buffer.lines.splice(buffer.ybase + buffer.scrollBottom, 1);\n buffer.lines.splice(buffer.ybase + buffer.scrollTop, 0, buffer.getBlankLine(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA));\n }\n // this.maxRange();\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.scrollTop);\n this._terminal.updateRange(buffer.scrollBottom);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps X\n * Erase Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH).\n */\n public eraseChars(params: number[]): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.lines.get(this._terminal.buffer.y + this._terminal.buffer.ybase).replaceCells(\n this._terminal.buffer.x,\n this._terminal.buffer.x + (params[0] || 1),\n this._terminal.buffer.getNullCell(this._terminal.eraseAttrData())\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps Z Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT).\n */\n public cursorBackwardTab(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0] || 1;\n\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n\n while (param--) {\n buffer.x = buffer.prevStop();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute\n * [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA).\n */\n public charPosAbsolute(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x = param - 1;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.cols - 1;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm a Character Position Relative\n * [columns] (default = [row,col+1]) (HPR)\n * reuse CSI Ps C ?\n */\n public hPositionRelative(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.x += param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.cols - 1;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps b Repeat the preceding graphic character Ps times (REP).\n */\n public repeatPrecedingCharacter(params: number[]): void {\n // make buffer local for faster access\n const buffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n const line = buffer.lines.get(buffer.ybase + buffer.y);\n line.loadCell(buffer.x - 1, this._workCell);\n line.replaceCells(buffer.x,\n buffer.x + (params[0] || 1),\n (this._workCell.content !== undefined) ? this._workCell : buffer.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA)\n );\n // FIXME: no updateRange here?\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps c Send Device Attributes (Primary DA).\n * Ps = 0 or omitted -> request attributes from terminal. The\n * response depends on the decTerminalID resource setting.\n * -> CSI ? 1 ; 2 c (``VT100 with Advanced Video Option'')\n * -> CSI ? 1 ; 0 c (``VT101 with No Options'')\n * -> CSI ? 6 c (``VT102'')\n * -> CSI ? 6 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 6 ; 8 ; 9 ; 1 5 ; c (``VT220'')\n * The VT100-style response parameters do not mean anything by\n * themselves. VT220 parameters do, telling the host what fea-\n * tures the terminal supports:\n * Ps = 1 -> 132-columns.\n * Ps = 2 -> Printer.\n * Ps = 6 -> Selective erase.\n * Ps = 8 -> User-defined keys.\n * Ps = 9 -> National replacement character sets.\n * Ps = 1 5 -> Technical characters.\n * Ps = 2 2 -> ANSI color, e.g., VT525.\n * Ps = 2 9 -> ANSI text locator (i.e., DEC Locator mode).\n * CSI > Ps c\n * Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA).\n * Ps = 0 or omitted -> request the terminal's identification\n * code. The response depends on the decTerminalID resource set-\n * ting. It should apply only to VT220 and up, but xterm extends\n * this to VT100.\n * -> CSI > Pp ; Pv ; Pc c\n * where Pp denotes the terminal type\n * Pp = 0 -> ``VT100''.\n * Pp = 1 -> ``VT220''.\n * and Pv is the firmware version (for xterm, this was originally\n * the XFree86 patch number, starting with 95). In a DEC termi-\n * nal, Pc indicates the ROM cartridge registration number and is\n * always zero.\n * More information:\n * xterm/charproc.c - line 2012, for more information.\n * vim responds with ^[[?0c or ^[[?1c after the terminal's response (?)\n */\n public sendDeviceAttributes(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (params[0] > 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!collect) {\n if (this._terminal.is('xterm') || this._terminal.is('rxvt-unicode') || this._terminal.is('screen')) {\n this._terminal.handler(C0.ESC + '[?1;2c');\n } else if (this._terminal.is('linux')) {\n this._terminal.handler(C0.ESC + '[?6c');\n }\n } else if (collect === '>') {\n // xterm and urxvt\n // seem to spit this\n // out around ~370 times (?).\n if (this._terminal.is('xterm')) {\n this._terminal.handler(C0.ESC + '[>0;276;0c');\n } else if (this._terminal.is('rxvt-unicode')) {\n this._terminal.handler(C0.ESC + '[>85;95;0c');\n } else if (this._terminal.is('linux')) {\n // not supported by linux console.\n // linux console echoes parameters.\n this._terminal.handler(params[0] + 'c');\n } else if (this._terminal.is('screen')) {\n this._terminal.handler(C0.ESC + '[>83;40003;0c');\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm d Vertical Position Absolute (VPA)\n * [row] (default = [1,column])\n */\n public linePosAbsolute(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.y = param - 1;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y >= this._terminal.rows) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm e Vertical Position Relative (VPR)\n * [rows] (default = [row+1,column])\n * reuse CSI Ps B ?\n */\n public vPositionRelative(params: number[]): void {\n let param = params[0];\n if (param < 1) {\n param = 1;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.y += param;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y >= this._terminal.rows) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n // If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line.\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x--;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps ; Ps f\n * Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default =\n * [1,1]) (HVP).\n */\n public hVPosition(params: number[]): void {\n if (params[0] < 1) params[0] = 1;\n if (params[1] < 1) params[1] = 1;\n\n this._terminal.buffer.y = params[0] - 1;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.y >= this._terminal.rows) {\n this._terminal.buffer.y = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n }\n\n this._terminal.buffer.x = params[1] - 1;\n if (this._terminal.buffer.x >= this._terminal.cols) {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.cols - 1;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps g Tab Clear (TBC).\n * Ps = 0 -> Clear Current Column (default).\n * Ps = 3 -> Clear All.\n * Potentially:\n * Ps = 2 -> Clear Stops on Line.\n * http://vt100.net/annarbor/aaa-ug/section6.html\n */\n public tabClear(params: number[]): void {\n const param = params[0];\n if (param <= 0) {\n delete this._terminal.buffer.tabs[this._terminal.buffer.x];\n } else if (param === 3) {\n this._terminal.buffer.tabs = {};\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm h Set Mode (SM).\n * Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM).\n * Ps = 4 -> Insert Mode (IRM).\n * Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM).\n * Ps = 2 0 -> Automatic Newline (LNM).\n * CSI ? Pm h\n * DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET).\n * Ps = 1 -> Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM).\n * Ps = 2 -> Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3\n * (DECANM), and set VT100 mode.\n * Ps = 3 -> 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM).\n * Ps = 4 -> Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM).\n * Ps = 5 -> Reverse Video (DECSCNM).\n * Ps = 6 -> Origin Mode (DECOM).\n * Ps = 7 -> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).\n * Ps = 8 -> Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).\n * Ps = 9 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the sec-\n * tion Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 -> Show toolbar (rxvt).\n * Ps = 1 2 -> Start Blinking Cursor (att610).\n * Ps = 1 8 -> Print form feed (DECPFF).\n * Ps = 1 9 -> Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX).\n * Ps = 2 5 -> Show Cursor (DECTCEM).\n * Ps = 3 0 -> Show scrollbar (rxvt).\n * Ps = 3 5 -> Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt).\n * Ps = 3 8 -> Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK).\n * Ps = 4 0 -> Allow 80 -> 132 Mode.\n * Ps = 4 1 -> more(1) fix (see curses resource).\n * Ps = 4 2 -> Enable Nation Replacement Character sets (DECN-\n * RCM).\n * Ps = 4 4 -> Turn On Margin Bell.\n * Ps = 4 5 -> Reverse-wraparound Mode.\n * Ps = 4 6 -> Start Logging. This is normally disabled by a\n * compile-time option.\n * Ps = 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be dis-\n * abled by the titeInhibit resource).\n * Ps = 6 6 -> Application keypad (DECNKM).\n * Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM).\n * Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press and\n * release. See the section Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Use Hilite Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Use All Motion Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Send FocusIn/FocusOut events.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Enable Extended Mouse Mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt).\n * Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Interpret \"meta\" key, sets eighth bit.\n * (enables the eightBitInput resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Enable special modifiers for Alt and Num-\n * Lock keys. (This enables the numLock resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This\n * enables the metaSendsEscape resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete\n * key.\n * Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This\n * enables the altSendsEscape resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Keep selection even if not highlighted.\n * (This enables the keepSelection resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the CLIPBOARD selection. (This enables\n * the selectToClipboard resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Enable Urgency window manager hint when\n * Control-G is received. (This enables the bellIsUrgent\n * resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Enable raising of the window when Control-G\n * is received. (enables the popOnBell resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be\n * disabled by the titeInhibit resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Save cursor as in DECSC. (This may be dis-\n * abled by the titeInhibit resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate\n * Screen Buffer, clearing it first. (This may be disabled by\n * the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1\n * 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based\n * applications rather than the 4 7 mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Set Sun function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Set HP function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Set SCO function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).\n * Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Set VT220 keyboard emulation.\n * Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Set bracketed paste mode.\n * Modes:\n * http: *vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html\n */\n public setMode(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (params.length > 1) {\n for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {\n this.setMode([params[i]]);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (!collect) {\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 4:\n this._terminal.insertMode = true;\n break;\n case 20:\n // this._t.convertEol = true;\n break;\n }\n } else if (collect === '?') {\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 1:\n this._terminal.applicationCursor = true;\n break;\n case 2:\n this._terminal.setgCharset(0, DEFAULT_CHARSET);\n this._terminal.setgCharset(1, DEFAULT_CHARSET);\n this._terminal.setgCharset(2, DEFAULT_CHARSET);\n this._terminal.setgCharset(3, DEFAULT_CHARSET);\n // set VT100 mode here\n break;\n case 3: // 132 col mode\n this._terminal.savedCols = this._terminal.cols;\n this._terminal.resize(132, this._terminal.rows);\n break;\n case 6:\n this._terminal.originMode = true;\n break;\n case 7:\n this._terminal.wraparoundMode = true;\n break;\n case 12:\n // this.cursorBlink = true;\n break;\n case 66:\n this._terminal.log('Serial port requested application keypad.');\n this._terminal.applicationKeypad = true;\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n break;\n case 9: // X10 Mouse\n // no release, no motion, no wheel, no modifiers.\n case 1000: // vt200 mouse\n // no motion.\n // no modifiers, except control on the wheel.\n case 1002: // button event mouse\n case 1003: // any event mouse\n // any event - sends motion events,\n // even if there is no button held down.\n\n // TODO: Why are params[0] compares nested within a switch for params[0]?\n\n this._terminal.x10Mouse = params[0] === 9;\n this._terminal.vt200Mouse = params[0] === 1000;\n this._terminal.normalMouse = params[0] > 1000;\n this._terminal.mouseEvents = true;\n if (this._terminal.element) {\n this._terminal.element.classList.add('enable-mouse-events');\n }\n if (this._terminal.selectionManager) {\n this._terminal.selectionManager.disable();\n }\n this._terminal.log('Binding to mouse events.');\n break;\n case 1004: // send focusin/focusout events\n // focusin: ^[[I\n // focusout: ^[[O\n this._terminal.sendFocus = true;\n break;\n case 1005: // utf8 ext mode mouse\n this._terminal.utfMouse = true;\n // for wide terminals\n // simply encodes large values as utf8 characters\n break;\n case 1006: // sgr ext mode mouse\n this._terminal.sgrMouse = true;\n // for wide terminals\n // does not add 32 to fields\n // press: ^[[<b;x;yM\n // release: ^[[<b;x;ym\n break;\n case 1015: // urxvt ext mode mouse\n this._terminal.urxvtMouse = true;\n // for wide terminals\n // numbers for fields\n // press: ^[[b;x;yM\n // motion: ^[[b;x;yT\n break;\n case 25: // show cursor\n this._terminal.cursorHidden = false;\n break;\n case 1048: // alt screen cursor\n this.saveCursor(params);\n break;\n case 1049: // alt screen buffer cursor\n this.saveCursor(params);\n // FALL-THROUGH\n case 47: // alt screen buffer\n case 1047: // alt screen buffer\n this._terminal.buffers.activateAltBuffer(this._terminal.eraseAttrData());\n this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n this._terminal.showCursor();\n break;\n case 2004: // bracketed paste mode (https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste)\n this._terminal.bracketedPasteMode = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm l Reset Mode (RM).\n * Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM).\n * Ps = 4 -> Replace Mode (IRM).\n * Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM).\n * Ps = 2 0 -> Normal Linefeed (LNM).\n * CSI ? Pm l\n * DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST).\n * Ps = 1 -> Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM).\n * Ps = 2 -> Designate VT52 mode (DECANM).\n * Ps = 3 -> 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM).\n * Ps = 4 -> Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM).\n * Ps = 5 -> Normal Video (DECSCNM).\n * Ps = 6 -> Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM).\n * Ps = 7 -> No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).\n * Ps = 8 -> No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM).\n * Ps = 9 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press.\n * Ps = 1 0 -> Hide toolbar (rxvt).\n * Ps = 1 2 -> Stop Blinking Cursor (att610).\n * Ps = 1 8 -> Don't print form feed (DECPFF).\n * Ps = 1 9 -> Limit print to scrolling region (DECPEX).\n * Ps = 2 5 -> Hide Cursor (DECTCEM).\n * Ps = 3 0 -> Don't show scrollbar (rxvt).\n * Ps = 3 5 -> Disable font-shifting functions (rxvt).\n * Ps = 4 0 -> Disallow 80 -> 132 Mode.\n * Ps = 4 1 -> No more(1) fix (see curses resource).\n * Ps = 4 2 -> Disable Nation Replacement Character sets (DEC-\n * NRCM).\n * Ps = 4 4 -> Turn Off Margin Bell.\n * Ps = 4 5 -> No Reverse-wraparound Mode.\n * Ps = 4 6 -> Stop Logging. (This is normally disabled by a\n * compile-time option).\n * Ps = 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer.\n * Ps = 6 6 -> Numeric keypad (DECNKM).\n * Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends delete (DECBKM).\n * Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press and\n * release. See the section Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Don't use Hilite Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Don't use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Don't use All Motion Mouse Tracking.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Don't send FocusIn/FocusOut events.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Disable Extended Mouse Mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Don't scroll to bottom on tty output\n * (rxvt).\n * Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Don't scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Don't interpret \"meta\" key. (This disables\n * the eightBitInput resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Disable special modifiers for Alt and Num-\n * Lock keys. (This disables the numLock resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Don't send ESC when Meta modifies a key.\n * (This disables the metaSendsEscape resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send VT220 Remove from the editing-keypad\n * Delete key.\n * Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Don't send ESC when Alt modifies a key.\n * (This disables the altSendsEscape resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Do not keep selection when not highlighted.\n * (This disables the keepSelection resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the PRIMARY selection. (This disables\n * the selectToClipboard resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Disable Urgency window manager hint when\n * Control-G is received. (This disables the bellIsUrgent\n * resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Disable raising of the window when Control-\n * G is received. (This disables the popOnBell resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer, clearing screen\n * first if in the Alternate Screen. (This may be disabled by\n * the titeInhibit resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be\n * disabled by the titeInhibit resource).\n * Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor\n * as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit\n * resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0\n * 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather\n * than the 4 7 mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Reset terminfo/termcap function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Reset Sun function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Reset HP function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Reset SCO function-key mode.\n * Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Reset legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6).\n * Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Reset keyboard emulation to Sun/PC style.\n * Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Reset bracketed paste mode.\n */\n public resetMode(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (params.length > 1) {\n for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {\n this.resetMode([params[i]]);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (!collect) {\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 4:\n this._terminal.insertMode = false;\n break;\n case 20:\n // this._t.convertEol = false;\n break;\n }\n } else if (collect === '?') {\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 1:\n this._terminal.applicationCursor = false;\n break;\n case 3:\n if (this._terminal.cols === 132 && this._terminal.savedCols) {\n this._terminal.resize(this._terminal.savedCols, this._terminal.rows);\n }\n delete this._terminal.savedCols;\n break;\n case 6:\n this._terminal.originMode = false;\n break;\n case 7:\n this._terminal.wraparoundMode = false;\n break;\n case 12:\n // this.cursorBlink = false;\n break;\n case 66:\n this._terminal.log('Switching back to normal keypad.');\n this._terminal.applicationKeypad = false;\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n break;\n case 9: // X10 Mouse\n case 1000: // vt200 mouse\n case 1002: // button event mouse\n case 1003: // any event mouse\n this._terminal.x10Mouse = false;\n this._terminal.vt200Mouse = false;\n this._terminal.normalMouse = false;\n this._terminal.mouseEvents = false;\n if (this._terminal.element) {\n this._terminal.element.classList.remove('enable-mouse-events');\n }\n if (this._terminal.selectionManager) {\n this._terminal.selectionManager.enable();\n }\n break;\n case 1004: // send focusin/focusout events\n this._terminal.sendFocus = false;\n break;\n case 1005: // utf8 ext mode mouse\n this._terminal.utfMouse = false;\n break;\n case 1006: // sgr ext mode mouse\n this._terminal.sgrMouse = false;\n break;\n case 1015: // urxvt ext mode mouse\n this._terminal.urxvtMouse = false;\n break;\n case 25: // hide cursor\n this._terminal.cursorHidden = true;\n break;\n case 1048: // alt screen cursor\n this.restoreCursor(params);\n break;\n case 1049: // alt screen buffer cursor\n // FALL-THROUGH\n case 47: // normal screen buffer\n case 1047: // normal screen buffer - clearing it first\n // Ensure the selection manager has the correct buffer\n this._terminal.buffers.activateNormalBuffer();\n if (params[0] === 1049) {\n this.restoreCursor(params);\n }\n this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n this._terminal.showCursor();\n break;\n case 2004: // bracketed paste mode (https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste)\n this._terminal.bracketedPasteMode = false;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Pm m Character Attributes (SGR).\n * Ps = 0 -> Normal (default).\n * Ps = 1 -> Bold.\n * Ps = 2 -> Faint, decreased intensity (ISO 6429).\n * Ps = 4 -> Underlined.\n * Ps = 5 -> Blink (appears as Bold).\n * Ps = 7 -> Inverse.\n * Ps = 8 -> Invisible, i.e., hidden (VT300).\n * Ps = 2 2 -> Normal (neither bold nor faint).\n * Ps = 2 4 -> Not underlined.\n * Ps = 2 5 -> Steady (not blinking).\n * Ps = 2 7 -> Positive (not inverse).\n * Ps = 2 8 -> Visible, i.e., not hidden (VT300).\n * Ps = 3 0 -> Set foreground color to Black.\n * Ps = 3 1 -> Set foreground color to Red.\n * Ps = 3 2 -> Set foreground color to Green.\n * Ps = 3 3 -> Set foreground color to Yellow.\n * Ps = 3 4 -> Set foreground color to Blue.\n * Ps = 3 5 -> Set foreground color to Magenta.\n * Ps = 3 6 -> Set foreground color to Cyan.\n * Ps = 3 7 -> Set foreground color to White.\n * Ps = 3 9 -> Set foreground color to default (original).\n * Ps = 4 0 -> Set background color to Black.\n * Ps = 4 1 -> Set background color to Red.\n * Ps = 4 2 -> Set background color to Green.\n * Ps = 4 3 -> Set background color to Yellow.\n * Ps = 4 4 -> Set background color to Blue.\n * Ps = 4 5 -> Set background color to Magenta.\n * Ps = 4 6 -> Set background color to Cyan.\n * Ps = 4 7 -> Set background color to White.\n * Ps = 4 9 -> Set background color to default (original).\n *\n * If 16-color support is compiled, the following apply. Assume\n * that xterm's resources are set so that the ISO color codes are\n * the first 8 of a set of 16. Then the aixterm colors are the\n * bright versions of the ISO colors:\n * Ps = 9 0 -> Set foreground color to Black.\n * Ps = 9 1 -> Set foreground color to Red.\n * Ps = 9 2 -> Set foreground color to Green.\n * Ps = 9 3 -> Set foreground color to Yellow.\n * Ps = 9 4 -> Set foreground color to Blue.\n * Ps = 9 5 -> Set foreground color to Magenta.\n * Ps = 9 6 -> Set foreground color to Cyan.\n * Ps = 9 7 -> Set foreground color to White.\n * Ps = 1 0 0 -> Set background color to Black.\n * Ps = 1 0 1 -> Set background color to Red.\n * Ps = 1 0 2 -> Set background color to Green.\n * Ps = 1 0 3 -> Set background color to Yellow.\n * Ps = 1 0 4 -> Set background color to Blue.\n * Ps = 1 0 5 -> Set background color to Magenta.\n * Ps = 1 0 6 -> Set background color to Cyan.\n * Ps = 1 0 7 -> Set background color to White.\n *\n * If xterm is compiled with the 16-color support disabled, it\n * supports the following, from rxvt:\n * Ps = 1 0 0 -> Set foreground and background color to\n * default.\n *\n * If 88- or 256-color support is compiled, the following apply.\n * Ps = 3 8 ; 5 ; Ps -> Set foreground color to the second\n * Ps.\n * Ps = 4 8 ; 5 ; Ps -> Set background color to the second\n * Ps.\n */\n public charAttributes(params: number[]): void {\n // Optimize a single SGR0.\n if (params.length === 1 && params[0] === 0) {\n this._terminal.curAttrData.fg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg;\n this._terminal.curAttrData.bg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg;\n return;\n }\n\n const l = params.length;\n let p;\n const attr = this._terminal.curAttrData;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n p = params[i];\n if (p >= 30 && p <= 37) {\n // fg color 8\n attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK);\n attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 30);\n } else if (p >= 40 && p <= 47) {\n // bg color 8\n attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK);\n attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 40);\n } else if (p >= 90 && p <= 97) {\n // fg color 16\n attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK);\n attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 90) | 8;\n } else if (p >= 100 && p <= 107) {\n // bg color 16\n attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK);\n attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 100) | 8;\n } else if (p === 0) {\n // default\n attr.fg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg;\n attr.bg = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg;\n } else if (p === 1) {\n // bold text\n attr.fg |= FgFlags.BOLD;\n } else if (p === 3) {\n // italic text\n attr.bg |= BgFlags.ITALIC;\n } else if (p === 4) {\n // underlined text\n attr.fg |= FgFlags.UNDERLINE;\n } else if (p === 5) {\n // blink\n attr.fg |= FgFlags.BLINK;\n } else if (p === 7) {\n // inverse and positive\n // test with: echo -e '\\e[31m\\e[42mhello\\e[7mworld\\e[27mhi\\e[m'\n attr.fg |= FgFlags.INVERSE;\n } else if (p === 8) {\n // invisible\n attr.fg |= FgFlags.INVISIBLE;\n } else if (p === 2) {\n // dimmed text\n attr.bg |= BgFlags.DIM;\n } else if (p === 22) {\n // not bold nor faint\n attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.BOLD;\n attr.bg &= ~BgFlags.DIM;\n } else if (p === 23) {\n // not italic\n attr.bg &= ~BgFlags.ITALIC;\n } else if (p === 24) {\n // not underlined\n attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.UNDERLINE;\n } else if (p === 25) {\n // not blink\n attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.BLINK;\n } else if (p === 27) {\n // not inverse\n attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.INVERSE;\n } else if (p === 28) {\n // not invisible\n attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.INVISIBLE;\n } else if (p === 39) {\n // reset fg\n attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n attr.fg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n } else if (p === 49) {\n // reset bg\n attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n attr.bg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n } else if (p === 38) {\n // fg color 256\n if (params[i + 1] === 2) {\n i += 2;\n attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_RGB;\n attr.fg &= ~Attributes.RGB_MASK;\n attr.fg |= AttributeData.fromColorRGB([params[i], params[i + 1], params[i + 2]]);\n i += 2;\n } else if (params[i + 1] === 5) {\n i += 2;\n p = params[i] & 0xff;\n attr.fg &= ~Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK;\n attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P256 | p;\n }\n } else if (p === 48) {\n // bg color 256\n if (params[i + 1] === 2) {\n i += 2;\n attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_RGB;\n attr.bg &= ~Attributes.RGB_MASK;\n attr.bg |= AttributeData.fromColorRGB([params[i], params[i + 1], params[i + 2]]);\n i += 2;\n } else if (params[i + 1] === 5) {\n i += 2;\n p = params[i] & 0xff;\n attr.bg &= ~Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK;\n attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P256 | p;\n }\n } else if (p === 100) {\n // reset fg/bg\n attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n attr.fg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.fg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n attr.bg |= DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.bg & (Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK | Attributes.RGB_MASK);\n } else {\n this._terminal.error('Unknown SGR attribute: %d.', p);\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR).\n * Ps = 5 -> Status Report. Result (``OK'') is\n * CSI 0 n\n * Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column].\n * Result is\n * CSI r ; c R\n * CSI ? Ps n\n * Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific).\n * Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as CSI\n * ? r ; c R (assumes page is zero).\n * Ps = 1 5 -> Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready).\n * or CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready).\n * Ps = 2 5 -> Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked)\n * or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked).\n * Ps = 2 6 -> Report Keyboard status as\n * CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American).\n * The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote key-\n * board ready and LK01 respectively.\n * Ps = 5 3 -> Report Locator status as\n * CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or\n * CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not.\n */\n public deviceStatus(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (!collect) {\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 5:\n // status report\n this._onData.fire(`${C0.ESC}[0n`);\n break;\n case 6:\n // cursor position\n const y = this._terminal.buffer.y + 1;\n const x = this._terminal.buffer.x + 1;\n this._onData.fire(`${C0.ESC}[${y};${x}R`);\n break;\n }\n } else if (collect === '?') {\n // modern xterm doesnt seem to\n // respond to any of these except ?6, 6, and 5\n switch (params[0]) {\n case 6:\n // cursor position\n const y = this._terminal.buffer.y + 1;\n const x = this._terminal.buffer.x + 1;\n this._onData.fire(`${C0.ESC}[?${y};${x}R`);\n break;\n case 15:\n // no printer\n // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?11n');\n break;\n case 25:\n // dont support user defined keys\n // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?21n');\n break;\n case 26:\n // north american keyboard\n // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?27;1;0;0n');\n break;\n case 53:\n // no dec locator/mouse\n // this.handler(C0.ESC + '[?50n');\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI ! p Soft terminal reset (DECSTR).\n * http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table4-10.html\n */\n public softReset(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (collect === '!') {\n this._terminal.cursorHidden = false;\n this._terminal.insertMode = false;\n this._terminal.originMode = false;\n this._terminal.wraparoundMode = true; // defaults: xterm - true, vt100 - false\n this._terminal.applicationKeypad = false; // ?\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n this._terminal.applicationCursor = false;\n this._terminal.buffer.scrollTop = 0;\n this._terminal.buffer.scrollBottom = this._terminal.rows - 1;\n this._terminal.curAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA;\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.buffer.y = 0; // ?\n this._terminal.charset = null;\n this._terminal.glevel = 0; // ??\n this._terminal.charsets = [null]; // ??\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps SP q Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520).\n * Ps = 0 -> blinking block.\n * Ps = 1 -> blinking block (default).\n * Ps = 2 -> steady block.\n * Ps = 3 -> blinking underline.\n * Ps = 4 -> steady underline.\n * Ps = 5 -> blinking bar (xterm).\n * Ps = 6 -> steady bar (xterm).\n */\n public setCursorStyle(params?: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (collect === ' ') {\n const param = params[0] < 1 ? 1 : params[0];\n switch (param) {\n case 1:\n case 2:\n this._terminal.setOption('cursorStyle', 'block');\n break;\n case 3:\n case 4:\n this._terminal.setOption('cursorStyle', 'underline');\n break;\n case 5:\n case 6:\n this._terminal.setOption('cursorStyle', 'bar');\n break;\n }\n const isBlinking = param % 2 === 1;\n this._terminal.setOption('cursorBlink', isBlinking);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * CSI Ps ; Ps r\n * Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of win-\n * dow) (DECSTBM).\n * CSI ? Pm r\n */\n public setScrollRegion(params: number[], collect?: string): void {\n if (collect) {\n return;\n }\n this._terminal.buffer.scrollTop = (params[0] || 1) - 1;\n this._terminal.buffer.scrollBottom = (params[1] && params[1] <= this._terminal.rows ? params[1] : this._terminal.rows) - 1;\n this._terminal.buffer.x = 0;\n this._terminal.buffer.y = 0;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * CSI s\n * ESC 7\n * Save cursor (ANSI.SYS).\n */\n public saveCursor(params: number[]): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.savedX = this._terminal.buffer.x;\n this._terminal.buffer.savedY = this._terminal.buffer.y;\n this._terminal.buffer.savedCurAttrData.fg = this._terminal.curAttrData.fg;\n this._terminal.buffer.savedCurAttrData.bg = this._terminal.curAttrData.bg;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * CSI u\n * ESC 8\n * Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS).\n */\n public restoreCursor(params: number[]): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = this._terminal.buffer.savedX || 0;\n this._terminal.buffer.y = this._terminal.buffer.savedY || 0;\n this._terminal.curAttrData.fg = this._terminal.buffer.savedCurAttrData.fg;\n this._terminal.curAttrData.bg = this._terminal.buffer.savedCurAttrData.bg;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * OSC 0; <data> ST (set icon name + window title)\n * OSC 2; <data> ST (set window title)\n * Proxy to set window title. Icon name is not supported.\n */\n public setTitle(data: string): void {\n this._terminal.handleTitle(data);\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC E\n * C1.NEL\n * DEC mnemonic: NEL (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/NEL)\n * Moves cursor to first position on next line.\n */\n public nextLine(): void {\n this._terminal.buffer.x = 0;\n this.index();\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC =\n * DEC mnemonic: DECKPAM (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECKPAM.html)\n * Enables the numeric keypad to send application sequences to the host.\n */\n public keypadApplicationMode(): void {\n this._terminal.log('Serial port requested application keypad.');\n this._terminal.applicationKeypad = true;\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC >\n * DEC mnemonic: DECKPNM (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECKPNM.html)\n * Enables the keypad to send numeric characters to the host.\n */\n public keypadNumericMode(): void {\n this._terminal.log('Switching back to normal keypad.');\n this._terminal.applicationKeypad = false;\n if (this._terminal.viewport) {\n this._terminal.viewport.syncScrollArea();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC % @\n * ESC % G\n * Select default character set. UTF-8 is not supported (string are unicode anyways)\n * therefore ESC % G does the same.\n */\n public selectDefaultCharset(): void {\n this._terminal.setgLevel(0);\n this._terminal.setgCharset(0, DEFAULT_CHARSET); // US (default)\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC ( C\n * Designate G0 Character Set, VT100, ISO 2022.\n * ESC ) C\n * Designate G1 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT100).\n * ESC * C\n * Designate G2 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT220).\n * ESC + C\n * Designate G3 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT220).\n * ESC - C\n * Designate G1 Character Set (VT300).\n * ESC . C\n * Designate G2 Character Set (VT300).\n * ESC / C\n * Designate G3 Character Set (VT300). C = A -> ISO Latin-1 Supplemental. - Supported?\n */\n public selectCharset(collectAndFlag: string): void {\n if (collectAndFlag.length !== 2) {\n this.selectDefaultCharset();\n return;\n }\n if (collectAndFlag[0] === '/') {\n return; // TODO: Is this supported?\n }\n this._terminal.setgCharset(GLEVEL[collectAndFlag[0]], CHARSETS[collectAndFlag[1]] || DEFAULT_CHARSET);\n return;\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC D\n * C1.IND\n * DEC mnemonic: IND (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/IND.html)\n * Moves the cursor down one line in the same column.\n */\n public index(): void {\n this._terminal.index(); // TODO: save to move from terminal?\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC H\n * C1.HTS\n * DEC mnemonic: HTS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/HTS.html)\n * Sets a horizontal tab stop at the column position indicated by\n * the value of the active column when the terminal receives an HTS.\n */\n public tabSet(): void {\n this._terminal.tabSet(); // TODO: save to move from terminal?\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC M\n * C1.RI\n * DEC mnemonic: HTS\n * Moves the cursor up one line in the same column. If the cursor is at the top margin,\n * the page scrolls down.\n */\n public reverseIndex(): void {\n this._terminal.reverseIndex(); // TODO: save to move from terminal?\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC c\n * DEC mnemonic: RIS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/RIS.html)\n * Reset to initial state.\n */\n public reset(): void {\n this._parser.reset();\n this._terminal.reset(); // TODO: save to move from terminal?\n }\n\n /**\n * ESC n\n * ESC o\n * ESC |\n * ESC }\n * ESC ~\n * DEC mnemonic: LS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/LS.html)\n * When you use a locking shift, the character set remains in GL or GR until\n * you use another locking shift. (partly supported)\n */\n public setgLevel(level: number): void {\n this._terminal.setgLevel(level); // TODO: save to move from terminal?\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ParserState, ParserAction, IParsingState, IDcsHandler, IEscapeSequenceParser } from './Types';\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\nimport { Disposable } from './common/Lifecycle';\nimport { utf32ToString } from './core/input/TextDecoder';\n\ninterface IHandlerCollection<T> {\n [key: string]: T[];\n}\n\ntype CsiHandler = (params: number[], collect: string) => boolean | void;\ntype OscHandler = (data: string) => boolean | void;\n\n/**\n * Returns an array filled with numbers between the low and high parameters (right exclusive).\n * @param low The low number.\n * @param high The high number.\n */\nfunction r(low: number, high: number): number[] {\n let c = high - low;\n const arr = new Array(c);\n while (c--) {\n arr[c] = --high;\n }\n return arr;\n}\n\n/**\n * Transition table for EscapeSequenceParser.\n * NOTE: data in the underlying table is packed like this:\n * currentState << 8 | characterCode --> action << 4 | nextState\n */\nexport class TransitionTable {\n public table: Uint8Array | number[];\n\n constructor(length: number) {\n this.table = (typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined')\n ? new Array(length)\n : new Uint8Array(length);\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a transition to the transition table.\n * @param code input character code\n * @param state current parser state\n * @param action parser action to be done\n * @param next next parser state\n */\n add(code: number, state: number, action: number | null, next: number | null): void {\n this.table[state << 8 | code] = ((action | 0) << 4) | ((next === undefined) ? state : next);\n }\n\n /**\n * Add transitions for multiple input character codes.\n * @param codes input character code array\n * @param state current parser state\n * @param action parser action to be done\n * @param next next parser state\n */\n addMany(codes: number[], state: number, action: number | null, next: number | null): void {\n for (let i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {\n this.add(codes[i], state, action, next);\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Default definitions for the VT500_TRANSITION_TABLE.\n */\nconst PRINTABLES = r(0x20, 0x7f);\nconst EXECUTABLES = r(0x00, 0x18);\nEXECUTABLES.push(0x19);\nEXECUTABLES.push.apply(EXECUTABLES, r(0x1c, 0x20));\n// Pseudo-character placeholder for printable non-ascii characters.\nconst NON_ASCII_PRINTABLE = 0xA0;\n\n/**\n * VT500 compatible transition table.\n * Taken from https://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser.\n */\nexport const VT500_TRANSITION_TABLE = (function (): TransitionTable {\n const table: TransitionTable = new TransitionTable(4095);\n\n const states: number[] = r(ParserState.GROUND, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH + 1);\n let state: any;\n\n // table with default transition\n for (state in states) {\n // NOTE: table lookup is capped at 0xa0 in parse to keep the table small\n for (let code = 0; code <= NON_ASCII_PRINTABLE; ++code) {\n table.add(code, state, ParserAction.ERROR, ParserState.GROUND);\n }\n }\n // printables\n table.addMany(PRINTABLES, ParserState.GROUND, ParserAction.PRINT, ParserState.GROUND);\n // global anywhere rules\n for (state in states) {\n table.addMany([0x18, 0x1a, 0x99, 0x9a], state, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x80, 0x90), state, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x90, 0x98), state, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.add(0x9c, state, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.GROUND); // ST as terminator\n table.add(0x1b, state, ParserAction.CLEAR, ParserState.ESCAPE); // ESC\n table.add(0x9d, state, ParserAction.OSC_START, ParserState.OSC_STRING); // OSC\n table.addMany([0x98, 0x9e, 0x9f], state, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING);\n table.add(0x9b, state, ParserAction.CLEAR, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY); // CSI\n table.add(0x90, state, ParserAction.CLEAR, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY); // DCS\n }\n // rules for executables and 7f\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.GROUND, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.ESCAPE);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.ESCAPE);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.OSC_STRING, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.OSC_STRING);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.EXECUTE, ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE);\n // osc\n table.add(0x5d, ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.OSC_START, ParserState.OSC_STRING);\n table.addMany(PRINTABLES, ParserState.OSC_STRING, ParserAction.OSC_PUT, ParserState.OSC_STRING);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.OSC_STRING, ParserAction.OSC_PUT, ParserState.OSC_STRING);\n table.addMany([0x9c, 0x1b, 0x18, 0x1a, 0x07], ParserState.OSC_STRING, ParserAction.OSC_END, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x1c, 0x20), ParserState.OSC_STRING, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.OSC_STRING);\n // sos/pm/apc does nothing\n table.addMany([0x58, 0x5e, 0x5f], ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING);\n table.addMany(PRINTABLES, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING);\n table.add(0x9c, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.SOS_PM_APC_STRING);\n // csi entries\n table.add(0x5b, ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.CLEAR, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.CSI_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x3a), ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.add(0x3b, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.addMany([0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f], ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x3a), ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.add(0x3b, ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.CSI_PARAM);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.CSI_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany([0x3a, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f], ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x40), ParserState.CSI_IGNORE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.CSI_IGNORE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.add(0x3a, ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.CSI_ENTRY, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x40), ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.CSI_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.CSI_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.CSI_PARAM, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.CSI_INTERMEDIATE);\n // esc_intermediate\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x7f), ParserState.ESCAPE_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.ESC_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x50), ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.ESC_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x51, 0x58), ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.ESC_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany([0x59, 0x5a, 0x5c], ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.ESC_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.addMany(r(0x60, 0x7f), ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.ESC_DISPATCH, ParserState.GROUND);\n // dcs entry\n table.add(0x50, ParserState.ESCAPE, ParserAction.CLEAR, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY);\n table.addMany(r(0x1c, 0x20), ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.add(0x3a, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x3a), ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.add(0x3b, ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.addMany([0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f], ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x80), ParserState.DCS_IGNORE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x1c, 0x20), ParserState.DCS_IGNORE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.addMany(r(0x1c, 0x20), ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x3a), ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.add(0x3b, ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.PARAM, ParserState.DCS_PARAM);\n table.addMany([0x3a, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f], ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x1c, 0x20), ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x20, 0x30), ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.COLLECT, ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE);\n table.addMany(r(0x30, 0x40), ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_IGNORE);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.DCS_INTERMEDIATE, ParserAction.DCS_HOOK, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.DCS_PARAM, ParserAction.DCS_HOOK, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH);\n table.addMany(r(0x40, 0x7f), ParserState.DCS_ENTRY, ParserAction.DCS_HOOK, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH);\n table.addMany(EXECUTABLES, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH, ParserAction.DCS_PUT, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH);\n table.addMany(PRINTABLES, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH, ParserAction.DCS_PUT, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH);\n table.add(0x7f, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH, ParserAction.IGNORE, ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH);\n table.addMany([0x1b, 0x9c], ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH, ParserAction.DCS_UNHOOK, ParserState.GROUND);\n table.add(NON_ASCII_PRINTABLE, ParserState.OSC_STRING, ParserAction.OSC_PUT, ParserState.OSC_STRING);\n return table;\n})();\n\n/**\n * Dummy DCS handler as default fallback.\n */\nclass DcsDummy implements IDcsHandler {\n hook(collect: string, params: number[], flag: number): void { }\n put(data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number): void { }\n unhook(): void { }\n}\n\n/**\n * EscapeSequenceParser.\n * This class implements the ANSI/DEC compatible parser described by\n * Paul Williams (https://vt100.net/emu/dec_ansi_parser).\n * To implement custom ANSI compliant escape sequences it is not needed to\n * alter this parser, instead consider registering a custom handler.\n * For non ANSI compliant sequences change the transition table with\n * the optional `transitions` contructor argument and\n * reimplement the `parse` method.\n * NOTE: The parameter element notation is currently not supported.\n * TODO: implement error recovery hook via error handler return values\n */\nexport class EscapeSequenceParser extends Disposable implements IEscapeSequenceParser {\n public initialState: number;\n public currentState: number;\n\n // buffers over several parse calls\n protected _osc: string;\n protected _params: number[];\n protected _collect: string;\n\n // handler lookup containers\n protected _printHandler: (data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number) => void;\n protected _executeHandlers: any;\n protected _csiHandlers: IHandlerCollection<CsiHandler>;\n protected _escHandlers: any;\n protected _oscHandlers: IHandlerCollection<OscHandler>;\n protected _dcsHandlers: any;\n protected _activeDcsHandler: IDcsHandler | null;\n protected _errorHandler: (state: IParsingState) => IParsingState;\n\n // fallback handlers\n protected _printHandlerFb: (data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number) => void;\n protected _executeHandlerFb: (code: number) => void;\n protected _csiHandlerFb: (collect: string, params: number[], flag: number) => void;\n protected _escHandlerFb: (collect: string, flag: number) => void;\n protected _oscHandlerFb: (identifier: number, data: string) => void;\n protected _dcsHandlerFb: IDcsHandler;\n protected _errorHandlerFb: (state: IParsingState) => IParsingState;\n\n constructor(readonly TRANSITIONS: TransitionTable = VT500_TRANSITION_TABLE) {\n super();\n\n this.initialState = ParserState.GROUND;\n this.currentState = this.initialState;\n this._osc = '';\n this._params = [0];\n this._collect = '';\n\n // set default fallback handlers and handler lookup containers\n this._printHandlerFb = (data, start, end): void => { };\n this._executeHandlerFb = (code: number): void => { };\n this._csiHandlerFb = (collect: string, params: number[], flag: number): void => { };\n this._escHandlerFb = (collect: string, flag: number): void => { };\n this._oscHandlerFb = (identifier: number, data: string): void => { };\n this._dcsHandlerFb = new DcsDummy();\n this._errorHandlerFb = (state: IParsingState): IParsingState => state;\n this._printHandler = this._printHandlerFb;\n this._executeHandlers = Object.create(null);\n this._csiHandlers = Object.create(null);\n this._escHandlers = Object.create(null);\n this._oscHandlers = Object.create(null);\n this._dcsHandlers = Object.create(null);\n this._activeDcsHandler = null;\n this._errorHandler = this._errorHandlerFb;\n\n // swallow 7bit ST (ESC+\\)\n this.setEscHandler('\\\\', () => {});\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n this._printHandlerFb = null;\n this._executeHandlerFb = null;\n this._csiHandlerFb = null;\n this._escHandlerFb = null;\n this._oscHandlerFb = null;\n this._dcsHandlerFb = null;\n this._errorHandlerFb = null;\n this._printHandler = null;\n this._executeHandlers = null;\n this._escHandlers = null;\n this._csiHandlers = null;\n this._oscHandlers = null;\n this._dcsHandlers = null;\n this._activeDcsHandler = null;\n this._errorHandler = null;\n }\n\n setPrintHandler(callback: (data: Uint32Array, start: number, end: number) => void): void {\n this._printHandler = callback;\n }\n clearPrintHandler(): void {\n this._printHandler = this._printHandlerFb;\n }\n\n setExecuteHandler(flag: string, callback: () => void): void {\n this._executeHandlers[flag.charCodeAt(0)] = callback;\n }\n clearExecuteHandler(flag: string): void {\n if (this._executeHandlers[flag.charCodeAt(0)]) delete this._executeHandlers[flag.charCodeAt(0)];\n }\n setExecuteHandlerFallback(callback: (code: number) => void): void {\n this._executeHandlerFb = callback;\n }\n\n addCsiHandler(flag: string, callback: CsiHandler): IDisposable {\n const index = flag.charCodeAt(0);\n if (this._csiHandlers[index] === undefined) {\n this._csiHandlers[index] = [];\n }\n const handlerList = this._csiHandlers[index];\n handlerList.push(callback);\n return {\n dispose: () => {\n const handlerIndex = handlerList.indexOf(callback);\n if (handlerIndex !== -1) {\n handlerList.splice(handlerIndex, 1);\n }\n }\n };\n }\n setCsiHandler(flag: string, callback: (params: number[], collect: string) => void): void {\n this._csiHandlers[flag.charCodeAt(0)] = [callback];\n }\n clearCsiHandler(flag: string): void {\n if (this._csiHandlers[flag.charCodeAt(0)]) delete this._csiHandlers[flag.charCodeAt(0)];\n }\n setCsiHandlerFallback(callback: (collect: string, params: number[], flag: number) => void): void {\n this._csiHandlerFb = callback;\n }\n\n setEscHandler(collectAndFlag: string, callback: () => void): void {\n this._escHandlers[collectAndFlag] = callback;\n }\n clearEscHandler(collectAndFlag: string): void {\n if (this._escHandlers[collectAndFlag]) delete this._escHandlers[collectAndFlag];\n }\n setEscHandlerFallback(callback: (collect: string, flag: number) => void): void {\n this._escHandlerFb = callback;\n }\n\n addOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => boolean): IDisposable {\n if (this._oscHandlers[ident] === undefined) {\n this._oscHandlers[ident] = [];\n }\n const handlerList = this._oscHandlers[ident];\n handlerList.push(callback);\n return {\n dispose: () => {\n const handlerIndex = handlerList.indexOf(callback);\n if (handlerIndex !== -1) {\n handlerList.splice(handlerIndex, 1);\n }\n }\n };\n }\n setOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => void): void {\n this._oscHandlers[ident] = [callback];\n }\n clearOscHandler(ident: number): void {\n if (this._oscHandlers[ident]) delete this._oscHandlers[ident];\n }\n setOscHandlerFallback(callback: (identifier: number, data: string) => void): void {\n this._oscHandlerFb = callback;\n }\n\n setDcsHandler(collectAndFlag: string, handler: IDcsHandler): void {\n this._dcsHandlers[collectAndFlag] = handler;\n }\n clearDcsHandler(collectAndFlag: string): void {\n if (this._dcsHandlers[collectAndFlag]) delete this._dcsHandlers[collectAndFlag];\n }\n setDcsHandlerFallback(handler: IDcsHandler): void {\n this._dcsHandlerFb = handler;\n }\n\n setErrorHandler(callback: (state: IParsingState) => IParsingState): void {\n this._errorHandler = callback;\n }\n clearErrorHandler(): void {\n this._errorHandler = this._errorHandlerFb;\n }\n\n reset(): void {\n this.currentState = this.initialState;\n this._osc = '';\n this._params = [0];\n this._collect = '';\n this._activeDcsHandler = null;\n }\n\n parse(data: Uint32Array, length: number): void {\n let code = 0;\n let transition = 0;\n let error = false;\n let currentState = this.currentState;\n let print = -1;\n let dcs = -1;\n let osc = this._osc;\n let collect = this._collect;\n let params = this._params;\n const table: Uint8Array | number[] = this.TRANSITIONS.table;\n let dcsHandler: IDcsHandler | null = this._activeDcsHandler;\n let callback: Function | null = null;\n\n // process input string\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n code = data[i];\n\n // shortcut for most chars (print action)\n if (currentState === ParserState.GROUND && code > 0x1f && code < 0x80) {\n print = (~print) ? print : i;\n do i++;\n while (i < length && data[i] > 0x1f && data[i] < 0x80);\n i--;\n continue;\n }\n\n // shortcut for CSI params\n if (currentState === ParserState.CSI_PARAM && (code > 0x2f && code < 0x39)) {\n params[params.length - 1] = params[params.length - 1] * 10 + code - 48;\n continue;\n }\n\n // normal transition & action lookup\n transition = table[currentState << 8 | (code < 0xa0 ? code : NON_ASCII_PRINTABLE)];\n switch (transition >> 4) {\n case ParserAction.PRINT:\n print = (~print) ? print : i;\n break;\n case ParserAction.EXECUTE:\n if (~print) {\n this._printHandler(data, print, i);\n print = -1;\n }\n callback = this._executeHandlers[code];\n if (callback) callback();\n else this._executeHandlerFb(code);\n break;\n case ParserAction.IGNORE:\n // handle leftover print or dcs chars\n if (~print) {\n this._printHandler(data, print, i);\n print = -1;\n } else if (~dcs) {\n dcsHandler.put(data, dcs, i);\n dcs = -1;\n }\n break;\n case ParserAction.ERROR:\n // chars higher than 0x9f are handled by this action\n // to keep the transition table small\n if (code > 0x9f) {\n switch (currentState) {\n case ParserState.GROUND:\n print = (~print) ? print : i;\n break;\n case ParserState.CSI_IGNORE:\n transition |= ParserState.CSI_IGNORE;\n break;\n case ParserState.DCS_IGNORE:\n transition |= ParserState.DCS_IGNORE;\n break;\n case ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH:\n dcs = (~dcs) ? dcs : i;\n transition |= ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH;\n break;\n default:\n error = true;\n }\n } else {\n error = true;\n }\n // if we end up here a real error happened\n if (error) {\n const inject: IParsingState = this._errorHandler(\n {\n position: i,\n code,\n currentState,\n print,\n dcs,\n osc,\n collect,\n params,\n abort: false\n });\n if (inject.abort) return;\n // TODO: inject return values\n error = false;\n }\n break;\n case ParserAction.CSI_DISPATCH:\n // Trigger CSI Handler\n const handlers = this._csiHandlers[code];\n let j = handlers ? handlers.length - 1 : -1;\n for (; j >= 0; j--) {\n // undefined or true means success and to stop bubbling\n if (handlers[j](params, collect) !== false) {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (j < 0) {\n this._csiHandlerFb(collect, params, code);\n }\n break;\n case ParserAction.PARAM:\n if (code === 0x3b) params.push(0);\n else params[params.length - 1] = params[params.length - 1] * 10 + code - 48;\n break;\n case ParserAction.COLLECT:\n collect += String.fromCharCode(code);\n break;\n case ParserAction.ESC_DISPATCH:\n callback = this._escHandlers[collect + String.fromCharCode(code)];\n if (callback) callback(collect, code);\n else this._escHandlerFb(collect, code);\n break;\n case ParserAction.CLEAR:\n if (~print) {\n this._printHandler(data, print, i);\n print = -1;\n }\n osc = '';\n params = [0];\n collect = '';\n dcs = -1;\n break;\n case ParserAction.DCS_HOOK:\n dcsHandler = this._dcsHandlers[collect + String.fromCharCode(code)];\n if (!dcsHandler) dcsHandler = this._dcsHandlerFb;\n dcsHandler.hook(collect, params, code);\n break;\n case ParserAction.DCS_PUT:\n dcs = (~dcs) ? dcs : i;\n break;\n case ParserAction.DCS_UNHOOK:\n if (dcsHandler) {\n if (~dcs) dcsHandler.put(data, dcs, i);\n dcsHandler.unhook();\n dcsHandler = null;\n }\n if (code === 0x1b) transition |= ParserState.ESCAPE;\n osc = '';\n params = [0];\n collect = '';\n dcs = -1;\n break;\n case ParserAction.OSC_START:\n if (~print) {\n this._printHandler(data, print, i);\n print = -1;\n }\n osc = '';\n break;\n case ParserAction.OSC_PUT:\n for (let j = i + 1; ; j++) {\n if (j >= length\n || (code = data[j]) < 0x20\n || (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x9f)) {\n osc += utf32ToString(data, i, j);\n i = j - 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n case ParserAction.OSC_END:\n if (osc && code !== 0x18 && code !== 0x1a) {\n // NOTE: OSC subparsing is not part of the original parser\n // we do basic identifier parsing here to offer a jump table for OSC as well\n const idx = osc.indexOf(';');\n if (idx === -1) {\n this._oscHandlerFb(-1, osc); // this is an error (malformed OSC)\n } else {\n // Note: NaN is not handled here\n // either catch it with the fallback handler\n // or with an explicit NaN OSC handler\n const identifier = parseInt(osc.substring(0, idx));\n const content = osc.substring(idx + 1);\n // Trigger OSC Handler\n const handlers = this._oscHandlers[identifier];\n let j = handlers ? handlers.length - 1 : -1;\n for (; j >= 0; j--) {\n // undefined or true means success and to stop bubbling\n if (handlers[j](content) !== false) {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (j < 0) {\n this._oscHandlerFb(identifier, content);\n }\n }\n }\n if (code === 0x1b) transition |= ParserState.ESCAPE;\n osc = '';\n params = [0];\n collect = '';\n dcs = -1;\n break;\n }\n currentState = transition & 15;\n }\n\n // push leftover pushable buffers to terminal\n if (currentState === ParserState.GROUND && ~print) {\n this._printHandler(data, print, length);\n } else if (currentState === ParserState.DCS_PASSTHROUGH && ~dcs && dcsHandler) {\n dcsHandler.put(data, dcs, length);\n }\n\n // save non pushable buffers\n this._osc = osc;\n this._collect = collect;\n this._params = params;\n\n // save active dcs handler reference\n this._activeDcsHandler = dcsHandler;\n\n // save state\n this.currentState = currentState;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from './Types';\n\ninterface IPosition {\n start: number;\n end: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates the logic for handling compositionstart, compositionupdate and compositionend\n * events, displaying the in-progress composition to the UI and forwarding the final composition\n * to the handler.\n */\nexport class CompositionHelper {\n /**\n * Whether input composition is currently happening, eg. via a mobile keyboard, speech input or\n * IME. This variable determines whether the compositionText should be displayed on the UI.\n */\n private _isComposing: boolean;\n\n /**\n * The position within the input textarea's value of the current composition.\n */\n private _compositionPosition: IPosition;\n\n /**\n * Whether a composition is in the process of being sent, setting this to false will cancel any\n * in-progress composition.\n */\n private _isSendingComposition: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Creates a new CompositionHelper.\n * @param _textarea The textarea that xterm uses for input.\n * @param _compositionView The element to display the in-progress composition in.\n * @param _terminal The Terminal to forward the finished composition to.\n */\n constructor(\n private _textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement,\n private _compositionView: HTMLElement,\n private _terminal: ITerminal\n ) {\n this._isComposing = false;\n this._isSendingComposition = false;\n this._compositionPosition = { start: null, end: null };\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the compositionstart event, activating the composition view.\n */\n public compositionstart(): void {\n this._isComposing = true;\n this._compositionPosition.start = this._textarea.value.length;\n this._compositionView.textContent = '';\n this._compositionView.classList.add('active');\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the compositionupdate event, updating the composition view.\n * @param ev The event.\n */\n public compositionupdate(ev: CompositionEvent): void {\n this._compositionView.textContent = ev.data;\n this.updateCompositionElements();\n setTimeout(() => {\n this._compositionPosition.end = this._textarea.value.length;\n }, 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the compositionend event, hiding the composition view and sending the composition to\n * the handler.\n */\n public compositionend(): void {\n this._finalizeComposition(true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Handles the keydown event, routing any necessary events to the CompositionHelper functions.\n * @param ev The keydown event.\n * @return Whether the Terminal should continue processing the keydown event.\n */\n public keydown(ev: KeyboardEvent): boolean {\n if (this._isComposing || this._isSendingComposition) {\n if (ev.keyCode === 229) {\n // Continue composing if the keyCode is the \"composition character\"\n return false;\n } else if (ev.keyCode === 16 || ev.keyCode === 17 || ev.keyCode === 18) {\n // Continue composing if the keyCode is a modifier key\n return false;\n }\n // Finish composition immediately. This is mainly here for the case where enter is\n // pressed and the handler needs to be triggered before the command is executed.\n this._finalizeComposition(false);\n }\n\n if (ev.keyCode === 229) {\n // If the \"composition character\" is used but gets to this point it means a non-composition\n // character (eg. numbers and punctuation) was pressed when the IME was active.\n this._handleAnyTextareaChanges();\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * Finalizes the composition, resuming regular input actions. This is called when a composition\n * is ending.\n * @param waitForPropagation Whether to wait for events to propagate before sending\n * the input. This should be false if a non-composition keystroke is entered before the\n * compositionend event is triggered, such as enter, so that the composition is sent before\n * the command is executed.\n */\n private _finalizeComposition(waitForPropagation: boolean): void {\n this._compositionView.classList.remove('active');\n this._isComposing = false;\n this._clearTextareaPosition();\n\n if (!waitForPropagation) {\n // Cancel any delayed composition send requests and send the input immediately.\n this._isSendingComposition = false;\n const input = this._textarea.value.substring(this._compositionPosition.start, this._compositionPosition.end);\n this._terminal.handler(input);\n } else {\n // Make a deep copy of the composition position here as a new compositionstart event may\n // fire before the setTimeout executes.\n const currentCompositionPosition = {\n start: this._compositionPosition.start,\n end: this._compositionPosition.end\n };\n\n // Since composition* events happen before the changes take place in the textarea on most\n // browsers, use a setTimeout with 0ms time to allow the native compositionend event to\n // complete. This ensures the correct character is retrieved.\n // This solution was used because:\n // - The compositionend event's data property is unreliable, at least on Chromium\n // - The last compositionupdate event's data property does not always accurately describe\n // the character, a counter example being Korean where an ending consonsant can move to\n // the following character if the following input is a vowel.\n this._isSendingComposition = true;\n setTimeout(() => {\n // Ensure that the input has not already been sent\n if (this._isSendingComposition) {\n this._isSendingComposition = false;\n let input;\n if (this._isComposing) {\n // Use the end position to get the string if a new composition has started.\n input = this._textarea.value.substring(currentCompositionPosition.start, currentCompositionPosition.end);\n } else {\n // Don't use the end position here in order to pick up any characters after the\n // composition has finished, for example when typing a non-composition character\n // (eg. 2) after a composition character.\n input = this._textarea.value.substring(currentCompositionPosition.start);\n }\n this._terminal.handler(input);\n }\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Apply any changes made to the textarea after the current event chain is allowed to complete.\n * This should be called when not currently composing but a keydown event with the \"composition\n * character\" (229) is triggered, in order to allow non-composition text to be entered when an\n * IME is active.\n */\n private _handleAnyTextareaChanges(): void {\n const oldValue = this._textarea.value;\n setTimeout(() => {\n // Ignore if a composition has started since the timeout\n if (!this._isComposing) {\n const newValue = this._textarea.value;\n const diff = newValue.replace(oldValue, '');\n if (diff.length > 0) {\n this._terminal.handler(diff);\n }\n }\n }, 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Positions the composition view on top of the cursor and the textarea just below it (so the\n * IME helper dialog is positioned correctly).\n * @param dontRecurse Whether to use setTimeout to recursively trigger another update, this is\n * necessary as the IME events across browsers are not consistently triggered.\n */\n public updateCompositionElements(dontRecurse?: boolean): void {\n if (!this._isComposing) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._terminal.buffer.isCursorInViewport) {\n const cellHeight = Math.ceil(this._terminal.charMeasure.height * this._terminal.options.lineHeight);\n const cursorTop = this._terminal.buffer.y * cellHeight;\n const cursorLeft = this._terminal.buffer.x * this._terminal.charMeasure.width;\n\n this._compositionView.style.left = cursorLeft + 'px';\n this._compositionView.style.top = cursorTop + 'px';\n this._compositionView.style.height = cellHeight + 'px';\n this._compositionView.style.lineHeight = cellHeight + 'px';\n this._compositionView.style.fontFamily = this._terminal.options.fontFamily;\n this._compositionView.style.fontSize = this._terminal.options.fontSize + 'px';\n // Sync the textarea to the exact position of the composition view so the IME knows where the\n // text is.\n const compositionViewBounds = this._compositionView.getBoundingClientRect();\n this._textarea.style.left = cursorLeft + 'px';\n this._textarea.style.top = cursorTop + 'px';\n this._textarea.style.width = compositionViewBounds.width + 'px';\n this._textarea.style.height = compositionViewBounds.height + 'px';\n this._textarea.style.lineHeight = compositionViewBounds.height + 'px';\n }\n\n if (!dontRecurse) {\n setTimeout(() => this.updateCompositionElements(true), 0);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears the textarea's position so that the cursor does not blink on IE.\n * @private\n */\n private _clearTextareaPosition(): void {\n this._textarea.style.left = '';\n this._textarea.style.top = '';\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal, ISelectionManager } from './Types';\n\ninterface IWindow extends Window {\n clipboardData?: {\n getData(format: string): string;\n setData(format: string, data: string): void;\n };\n}\n\ndeclare var window: IWindow;\n\n/**\n * Prepares text to be pasted into the terminal by normalizing the line endings\n * @param text The pasted text that needs processing before inserting into the terminal\n */\nexport function prepareTextForTerminal(text: string): string {\n return text.replace(/\\r?\\n/g, '\\r');\n}\n\n/**\n * Bracket text for paste, if necessary, as per https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste\n * @param text The pasted text to bracket\n */\nexport function bracketTextForPaste(text: string, bracketedPasteMode: boolean): string {\n if (bracketedPasteMode) {\n return '\\x1b[200~' + text + '\\x1b[201~';\n }\n return text;\n}\n\n/**\n * Binds copy functionality to the given terminal.\n * @param ev The original copy event to be handled\n */\nexport function copyHandler(ev: ClipboardEvent, term: ITerminal, selectionManager: ISelectionManager): void {\n if (term.browser.isMSIE) {\n window.clipboardData.setData('Text', selectionManager.selectionText);\n } else {\n ev.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', selectionManager.selectionText);\n }\n\n // Prevent or the original text will be copied.\n ev.preventDefault();\n}\n\n/**\n * Redirect the clipboard's data to the terminal's input handler.\n * @param ev The original paste event to be handled\n * @param term The terminal on which to apply the handled paste event\n */\nexport function pasteHandler(ev: ClipboardEvent, term: ITerminal): void {\n ev.stopPropagation();\n\n let text: string;\n\n const dispatchPaste = function(text: string): void {\n text = prepareTextForTerminal(text);\n text = bracketTextForPaste(text, term.bracketedPasteMode);\n term.handler(text);\n term.textarea.value = '';\n term.emit('paste', text);\n term.cancel(ev);\n };\n\n if (term.browser.isMSIE) {\n if (window.clipboardData) {\n text = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');\n dispatchPaste(text);\n }\n } else {\n if (ev.clipboardData) {\n text = ev.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');\n dispatchPaste(text);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Moves the textarea under the mouse cursor and focuses it.\n * @param ev The original right click event to be handled.\n * @param textarea The terminal's textarea.\n */\nexport function moveTextAreaUnderMouseCursor(ev: MouseEvent, term: ITerminal): void {\n\n // Calculate textarea position relative to the screen element\n const pos = term.screenElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n const left = ev.clientX - pos.left - 10;\n const top = ev.clientY - pos.top - 10;\n\n // Bring textarea at the cursor position\n term.textarea.style.position = 'absolute';\n term.textarea.style.width = '20px';\n term.textarea.style.height = '20px';\n term.textarea.style.left = `${left}px`;\n term.textarea.style.top = `${top}px`;\n term.textarea.style.zIndex = '1000';\n\n term.textarea.focus();\n\n // Reset the terminal textarea's styling\n // Timeout needs to be long enough for click event to be handled.\n setTimeout(() => {\n term.textarea.style.position = null;\n term.textarea.style.width = null;\n term.textarea.style.height = null;\n term.textarea.style.left = null;\n term.textarea.style.top = null;\n term.textarea.style.zIndex = null;\n }, 200);\n}\n\n/**\n * Bind to right-click event and allow right-click copy and paste.\n * @param ev The original right click event to be handled.\n * @param textarea The terminal's textarea.\n * @param selectionManager The terminal's selection manager.\n * @param shouldSelectWord If true and there is no selection the current word will be selected\n */\nexport function rightClickHandler(ev: MouseEvent, term: ITerminal, selectionManager: ISelectionManager, shouldSelectWord: boolean): void {\n moveTextAreaUnderMouseCursor(ev, term);\n\n if (shouldSelectWord && !selectionManager.isClickInSelection(ev)) {\n selectionManager.selectWordAtCursor(ev);\n }\n\n // Get textarea ready to copy from the context menu\n term.textarea.value = selectionManager.selectionText;\n term.textarea.select();\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { fill } from './common/TypedArrayUtils';\n\nexport const wcwidth = (function(opts: {nul: number, control: number}): (ucs: number) => number {\n // extracted from https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/%7Emgk25/ucs/wcwidth.c\n // combining characters\n const COMBINING_BMP = [\n [0x0300, 0x036F], [0x0483, 0x0486], [0x0488, 0x0489],\n [0x0591, 0x05BD], [0x05BF, 0x05BF], [0x05C1, 0x05C2],\n [0x05C4, 0x05C5], [0x05C7, 0x05C7], [0x0600, 0x0603],\n [0x0610, 0x0615], [0x064B, 0x065E], [0x0670, 0x0670],\n [0x06D6, 0x06E4], [0x06E7, 0x06E8], [0x06EA, 0x06ED],\n [0x070F, 0x070F], [0x0711, 0x0711], [0x0730, 0x074A],\n [0x07A6, 0x07B0], [0x07EB, 0x07F3], [0x0901, 0x0902],\n [0x093C, 0x093C], [0x0941, 0x0948], [0x094D, 0x094D],\n [0x0951, 0x0954], [0x0962, 0x0963], [0x0981, 0x0981],\n [0x09BC, 0x09BC], [0x09C1, 0x09C4], [0x09CD, 0x09CD],\n [0x09E2, 0x09E3], [0x0A01, 0x0A02], [0x0A3C, 0x0A3C],\n [0x0A41, 0x0A42], [0x0A47, 0x0A48], [0x0A4B, 0x0A4D],\n [0x0A70, 0x0A71], [0x0A81, 0x0A82], [0x0ABC, 0x0ABC],\n [0x0AC1, 0x0AC5], [0x0AC7, 0x0AC8], [0x0ACD, 0x0ACD],\n [0x0AE2, 0x0AE3], [0x0B01, 0x0B01], [0x0B3C, 0x0B3C],\n [0x0B3F, 0x0B3F], [0x0B41, 0x0B43], [0x0B4D, 0x0B4D],\n [0x0B56, 0x0B56], [0x0B82, 0x0B82], [0x0BC0, 0x0BC0],\n [0x0BCD, 0x0BCD], [0x0C3E, 0x0C40], [0x0C46, 0x0C48],\n [0x0C4A, 0x0C4D], [0x0C55, 0x0C56], [0x0CBC, 0x0CBC],\n [0x0CBF, 0x0CBF], [0x0CC6, 0x0CC6], [0x0CCC, 0x0CCD],\n [0x0CE2, 0x0CE3], [0x0D41, 0x0D43], [0x0D4D, 0x0D4D],\n [0x0DCA, 0x0DCA], [0x0DD2, 0x0DD4], [0x0DD6, 0x0DD6],\n [0x0E31, 0x0E31], [0x0E34, 0x0E3A], [0x0E47, 0x0E4E],\n [0x0EB1, 0x0EB1], [0x0EB4, 0x0EB9], [0x0EBB, 0x0EBC],\n [0x0EC8, 0x0ECD], [0x0F18, 0x0F19], [0x0F35, 0x0F35],\n [0x0F37, 0x0F37], [0x0F39, 0x0F39], [0x0F71, 0x0F7E],\n [0x0F80, 0x0F84], [0x0F86, 0x0F87], [0x0F90, 0x0F97],\n [0x0F99, 0x0FBC], [0x0FC6, 0x0FC6], [0x102D, 0x1030],\n [0x1032, 0x1032], [0x1036, 0x1037], [0x1039, 0x1039],\n [0x1058, 0x1059], [0x1160, 0x11FF], [0x135F, 0x135F],\n [0x1712, 0x1714], [0x1732, 0x1734], [0x1752, 0x1753],\n [0x1772, 0x1773], [0x17B4, 0x17B5], [0x17B7, 0x17BD],\n [0x17C6, 0x17C6], [0x17C9, 0x17D3], [0x17DD, 0x17DD],\n [0x180B, 0x180D], [0x18A9, 0x18A9], [0x1920, 0x1922],\n [0x1927, 0x1928], [0x1932, 0x1932], [0x1939, 0x193B],\n [0x1A17, 0x1A18], [0x1B00, 0x1B03], [0x1B34, 0x1B34],\n [0x1B36, 0x1B3A], [0x1B3C, 0x1B3C], [0x1B42, 0x1B42],\n [0x1B6B, 0x1B73], [0x1DC0, 0x1DCA], [0x1DFE, 0x1DFF],\n [0x200B, 0x200F], [0x202A, 0x202E], [0x2060, 0x2063],\n [0x206A, 0x206F], [0x20D0, 0x20EF], [0x302A, 0x302F],\n [0x3099, 0x309A], [0xA806, 0xA806], [0xA80B, 0xA80B],\n [0xA825, 0xA826], [0xFB1E, 0xFB1E], [0xFE00, 0xFE0F],\n [0xFE20, 0xFE23], [0xFEFF, 0xFEFF], [0xFFF9, 0xFFFB]\n ];\n const COMBINING_HIGH = [\n [0x10A01, 0x10A03], [0x10A05, 0x10A06], [0x10A0C, 0x10A0F],\n [0x10A38, 0x10A3A], [0x10A3F, 0x10A3F], [0x1D167, 0x1D169],\n [0x1D173, 0x1D182], [0x1D185, 0x1D18B], [0x1D1AA, 0x1D1AD],\n [0x1D242, 0x1D244], [0xE0001, 0xE0001], [0xE0020, 0xE007F],\n [0xE0100, 0xE01EF]\n ];\n // binary search\n function bisearch(ucs: number, data: number[][]): boolean {\n let min = 0;\n let max = data.length - 1;\n let mid;\n if (ucs < data[0][0] || ucs > data[max][1]) {\n return false;\n }\n while (max >= min) {\n mid = (min + max) >> 1;\n if (ucs > data[mid][1]) {\n min = mid + 1;\n } else if (ucs < data[mid][0]) {\n max = mid - 1;\n } else {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n function wcwidthHigh(ucs: number): 0 | 1 | 2 {\n if (bisearch(ucs, COMBINING_HIGH)) {\n return 0;\n }\n if ((ucs >= 0x20000 && ucs <= 0x2fffd) || (ucs >= 0x30000 && ucs <= 0x3fffd)) {\n return 2;\n }\n return 1;\n }\n const control = opts.control | 0;\n\n // create lookup table for BMP plane\n const table = new Uint8Array(65536);\n fill(table, 1);\n table[0] = opts.nul;\n // control chars\n fill(table, opts.control, 1, 32);\n fill(table, opts.control, 0x7f, 0xa0);\n\n // apply wide char rules first\n // wide chars\n fill(table, 2, 0x1100, 0x1160);\n table[0x2329] = 2;\n table[0x232a] = 2;\n fill(table, 2, 0x2e80, 0xa4d0);\n table[0x303f] = 1; // wrongly in last line\n\n fill(table, 2, 0xac00, 0xd7a4);\n fill(table, 2, 0xf900, 0xfb00);\n fill(table, 2, 0xfe10, 0xfe1a);\n fill(table, 2, 0xfe30, 0xfe70);\n fill(table, 2, 0xff00, 0xff61);\n fill(table, 2, 0xffe0, 0xffe7);\n\n // apply combining last to ensure we overwrite\n // wrongly wide set chars:\n // the original algo evals combining first and falls\n // through to wide check so we simply do here the opposite\n // combining 0\n for (let r = 0; r < COMBINING_BMP.length; ++r) {\n fill(table, 0, COMBINING_BMP[r][0], COMBINING_BMP[r][1] + 1);\n }\n\n return function (num: number): number {\n if (num < 32) {\n return control | 0;\n }\n if (num < 127) {\n return 1;\n }\n if (num < 65536) {\n return table[num];\n }\n // do a full search for high codepoints\n return wcwidthHigh(num);\n };\n})({nul: 0, control: 0}); // configurable options\n\n/**\n * Get the terminal cell width for a string.\n */\nexport function getStringCellWidth(s: string): number {\n let result = 0;\n const length = s.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n let code = s.charCodeAt(i);\n // surrogate pair first\n if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) {\n if (++i >= length) {\n // this should not happen with strings retrieved from\n // Buffer.translateToString as it converts from UTF-32\n // and therefore always should contain the second part\n // for any other string we still have to handle it somehow:\n // simply treat the lonely surrogate first as a single char (UCS-2 behavior)\n return result + wcwidth(code);\n }\n const second = s.charCodeAt(i);\n // convert surrogate pair to high codepoint only for valid second part (UTF-16)\n // otherwise treat them independently (UCS-2 behavior)\n if (0xDC00 <= second && second <= 0xDFFF) {\n code = (code - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;\n } else {\n result += wcwidth(second);\n }\n }\n result += wcwidth(code);\n }\n return result;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ICharMeasure, ITerminalOptions } from './Types';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\n\n/**\n * Utility class that measures the size of a character. Measurements are done in\n * the DOM rather than with a canvas context because support for extracting the\n * height of characters is patchy across browsers.\n */\nexport class CharMeasure implements ICharMeasure {\n private _document: Document;\n private _parentElement: HTMLElement;\n private _measureElement: HTMLElement;\n private _width: number;\n private _height: number;\n\n private _onCharSizeChanged = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onCharSizeChanged(): IEvent<void> { return this._onCharSizeChanged.event; }\n\n constructor(document: Document, parentElement: HTMLElement) {\n this._document = document;\n this._parentElement = parentElement;\n this._measureElement = this._document.createElement('span');\n this._measureElement.classList.add('xterm-char-measure-element');\n this._measureElement.textContent = 'W';\n this._measureElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n this._parentElement.appendChild(this._measureElement);\n }\n\n public get width(): number {\n return this._width;\n }\n\n public get height(): number {\n return this._height;\n }\n\n public measure(options: ITerminalOptions): void {\n this._measureElement.style.fontFamily = options.fontFamily;\n this._measureElement.style.fontSize = `${options.fontSize}px`;\n const geometry = this._measureElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n // The element is likely currently display:none, we should retain the\n // previous value.\n if (geometry.width === 0 || geometry.height === 0) {\n return;\n }\n const adjustedHeight = Math.ceil(geometry.height);\n if (this._width !== geometry.width || this._height !== adjustedHeight) {\n this._width = geometry.width;\n this._height = adjustedHeight;\n this._onCharSizeChanged.fire();\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal, IBufferSet, IAttributeData, IBuffer } from './Types';\nimport { Buffer } from './Buffer';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\n\n/**\n * The BufferSet represents the set of two buffers used by xterm terminals (normal and alt) and\n * provides also utilities for working with them.\n */\nexport class BufferSet implements IBufferSet {\n private _normal: Buffer;\n private _alt: Buffer;\n private _activeBuffer: Buffer;\n\n\n private _onBufferActivate = new EventEmitter2<{activeBuffer: IBuffer, inactiveBuffer: IBuffer}>();\n public get onBufferActivate(): IEvent<{activeBuffer: IBuffer, inactiveBuffer: IBuffer}> { return this._onBufferActivate.event; }\n\n /**\n * Create a new BufferSet for the given terminal.\n * @param _terminal - The terminal the BufferSet will belong to\n */\n constructor(private _terminal: ITerminal) {\n this._normal = new Buffer(this._terminal, true);\n this._normal.fillViewportRows();\n\n // The alt buffer should never have scrollback.\n // See http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h2-The-Alternate-Screen-Buffer\n this._alt = new Buffer(this._terminal, false);\n this._activeBuffer = this._normal;\n\n this.setupTabStops();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the alt Buffer of the BufferSet\n */\n public get alt(): Buffer {\n return this._alt;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the normal Buffer of the BufferSet\n */\n public get active(): Buffer {\n return this._activeBuffer;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the currently active Buffer of the BufferSet\n */\n public get normal(): Buffer {\n return this._normal;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the normal Buffer of the BufferSet as its currently active Buffer\n */\n public activateNormalBuffer(): void {\n if (this._activeBuffer === this._normal) {\n return;\n }\n this._normal.x = this._alt.x;\n this._normal.y = this._alt.y;\n // The alt buffer should always be cleared when we switch to the normal\n // buffer. This frees up memory since the alt buffer should always be new\n // when activated.\n this._alt.clear();\n this._activeBuffer = this._normal;\n this._onBufferActivate.fire({\n activeBuffer: this._normal,\n inactiveBuffer: this._alt\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the alt Buffer of the BufferSet as its currently active Buffer\n */\n public activateAltBuffer(fillAttr?: IAttributeData): void {\n if (this._activeBuffer === this._alt) {\n return;\n }\n // Since the alt buffer is always cleared when the normal buffer is\n // activated, we want to fill it when switching to it.\n this._alt.fillViewportRows(fillAttr);\n this._alt.x = this._normal.x;\n this._alt.y = this._normal.y;\n this._activeBuffer = this._alt;\n this._onBufferActivate.fire({\n activeBuffer: this._alt,\n inactiveBuffer: this._normal\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Resizes both normal and alt buffers, adjusting their data accordingly.\n * @param newCols The new number of columns.\n * @param newRows The new number of rows.\n */\n public resize(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {\n this._normal.resize(newCols, newRows);\n this._alt.resize(newCols, newRows);\n }\n\n /**\n * Setup the tab stops.\n * @param i The index to start setting up tab stops from.\n */\n public setupTabStops(i?: number): void {\n this._normal.setupTabStops(i);\n this._alt.setupTabStops(i);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { BufferLine } from './BufferLine';\nimport { CircularList } from './common/CircularList';\nimport { IBufferLine, ICellData } from './Types';\n\nexport interface INewLayoutResult {\n layout: number[];\n countRemoved: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Evaluates and returns indexes to be removed after a reflow larger occurs. Lines will be removed\n * when a wrapped line unwraps.\n * @param lines The buffer lines.\n * @param newCols The columns after resize.\n */\nexport function reflowLargerGetLinesToRemove(lines: CircularList<IBufferLine>, oldCols: number, newCols: number, bufferAbsoluteY: number, nullCell: ICellData): number[] {\n // Gather all BufferLines that need to be removed from the Buffer here so that they can be\n // batched up and only committed once\n const toRemove: number[] = [];\n\n for (let y = 0; y < lines.length - 1; y++) {\n // Check if this row is wrapped\n let i = y;\n let nextLine = lines.get(++i) as BufferLine;\n if (!nextLine.isWrapped) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // Check how many lines it's wrapped for\n const wrappedLines: BufferLine[] = [lines.get(y) as BufferLine];\n while (i < lines.length && nextLine.isWrapped) {\n wrappedLines.push(nextLine);\n nextLine = lines.get(++i) as BufferLine;\n }\n\n // If these lines contain the cursor don't touch them, the program will handle fixing up wrapped\n // lines with the cursor\n if (bufferAbsoluteY >= y && bufferAbsoluteY < i) {\n y += wrappedLines.length - 1;\n continue;\n }\n\n // Copy buffer data to new locations\n let destLineIndex = 0;\n let destCol = getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, destLineIndex, oldCols);\n let srcLineIndex = 1;\n let srcCol = 0;\n while (srcLineIndex < wrappedLines.length) {\n const srcTrimmedTineLength = getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, srcLineIndex, oldCols);\n const srcRemainingCells = srcTrimmedTineLength - srcCol;\n const destRemainingCells = newCols - destCol;\n const cellsToCopy = Math.min(srcRemainingCells, destRemainingCells);\n\n wrappedLines[destLineIndex].copyCellsFrom(wrappedLines[srcLineIndex], srcCol, destCol, cellsToCopy, false);\n\n destCol += cellsToCopy;\n if (destCol === newCols) {\n destLineIndex++;\n destCol = 0;\n }\n srcCol += cellsToCopy;\n if (srcCol === srcTrimmedTineLength) {\n srcLineIndex++;\n srcCol = 0;\n }\n\n // Make sure the last cell isn't wide, if it is copy it to the current dest\n if (destCol === 0 && destLineIndex !== 0) {\n if (wrappedLines[destLineIndex - 1].getWidth(newCols - 1) === 2) {\n wrappedLines[destLineIndex].copyCellsFrom(wrappedLines[destLineIndex - 1], newCols - 1, destCol++, 1, false);\n // Null out the end of the last row\n wrappedLines[destLineIndex - 1].setCell(newCols - 1, nullCell);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Clear out remaining cells or fragments could remain;\n wrappedLines[destLineIndex].replaceCells(destCol, newCols, nullCell);\n\n // Work backwards and remove any rows at the end that only contain null cells\n let countToRemove = 0;\n for (let i = wrappedLines.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n if (i > destLineIndex || wrappedLines[i].getTrimmedLength() === 0) {\n countToRemove++;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (countToRemove > 0) {\n toRemove.push(y + wrappedLines.length - countToRemove); // index\n toRemove.push(countToRemove);\n }\n\n y += wrappedLines.length - 1;\n }\n return toRemove;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates and return the new layout for lines given an array of indexes to be removed.\n * @param lines The buffer lines.\n * @param toRemove The indexes to remove.\n */\nexport function reflowLargerCreateNewLayout(lines: CircularList<IBufferLine>, toRemove: number[]): INewLayoutResult {\n const layout: number[] = [];\n // First iterate through the list and get the actual indexes to use for rows\n let nextToRemoveIndex = 0;\n let nextToRemoveStart = toRemove[nextToRemoveIndex];\n let countRemovedSoFar = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {\n if (nextToRemoveStart === i) {\n const countToRemove = toRemove[++nextToRemoveIndex];\n\n // Tell markers that there was a deletion\n lines.onDeleteEmitter.fire({\n index: i - countRemovedSoFar,\n amount: countToRemove\n });\n\n i += countToRemove - 1;\n countRemovedSoFar += countToRemove;\n nextToRemoveStart = toRemove[++nextToRemoveIndex];\n } else {\n layout.push(i);\n }\n }\n return {\n layout,\n countRemoved: countRemovedSoFar\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies a new layout to the buffer. This essentially does the same as many splice calls but it's\n * done all at once in a single iteration through the list since splice is very expensive.\n * @param lines The buffer lines.\n * @param newLayout The new layout to apply.\n */\nexport function reflowLargerApplyNewLayout(lines: CircularList<IBufferLine>, newLayout: number[]): void {\n // Record original lines so they don't get overridden when we rearrange the list\n const newLayoutLines: BufferLine[] = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < newLayout.length; i++) {\n newLayoutLines.push(lines.get(newLayout[i]) as BufferLine);\n }\n\n // Rearrange the list\n for (let i = 0; i < newLayoutLines.length; i++) {\n lines.set(i, newLayoutLines[i]);\n }\n lines.length = newLayout.length;\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the new line lengths for a given wrapped line. The purpose of this function it to pre-\n * compute the wrapping points since wide characters may need to be wrapped onto the following line.\n * This function will return an array of numbers of where each line wraps to, the resulting array\n * will only contain the values `newCols` (when the line does not end with a wide character) and\n * `newCols - 1` (when the line does end with a wide character), except for the last value which\n * will contain the remaining items to fill the line.\n *\n * Calling this with a `newCols` value of `1` will lock up.\n *\n * @param wrappedLines The wrapped lines to evaluate.\n * @param oldCols The columns before resize.\n * @param newCols The columns after resize.\n */\nexport function reflowSmallerGetNewLineLengths(wrappedLines: BufferLine[], oldCols: number, newCols: number): number[] {\n const newLineLengths: number[] = [];\n const cellsNeeded = wrappedLines.map((l, i) => getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, i, oldCols)).reduce((p, c) => p + c);\n\n // Use srcCol and srcLine to find the new wrapping point, use that to get the cellsAvailable and\n // linesNeeded\n let srcCol = 0;\n let srcLine = 0;\n let cellsAvailable = 0;\n while (cellsAvailable < cellsNeeded) {\n if (cellsNeeded - cellsAvailable < newCols) {\n // Add the final line and exit the loop\n newLineLengths.push(cellsNeeded - cellsAvailable);\n break;\n }\n srcCol += newCols;\n const oldTrimmedLength = getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, srcLine, oldCols);\n if (srcCol > oldTrimmedLength) {\n srcCol -= oldTrimmedLength;\n srcLine++;\n }\n const endsWithWide = wrappedLines[srcLine].getWidth(srcCol - 1) === 2;\n if (endsWithWide) {\n srcCol--;\n }\n const lineLength = endsWithWide ? newCols - 1 : newCols;\n newLineLengths.push(lineLength);\n cellsAvailable += lineLength;\n }\n\n return newLineLengths;\n}\n\nexport function getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(lines: BufferLine[], i: number, cols: number): number {\n // If this is the last row in the wrapped line, get the actual trimmed length\n if (i === lines.length - 1) {\n return lines[i].getTrimmedLength();\n }\n // Detect whether the following line starts with a wide character and the end of the current line\n // is null, if so then we can be pretty sure the null character should be excluded from the line\n // length]\n const endsInNull = !(lines[i].hasContent(cols - 1)) && lines[i].getWidth(cols - 1) === 1;\n const followingLineStartsWithWide = lines[i + 1].getWidth(0) === 2;\n if (endsInNull && followingLineStartsWithWide) {\n return cols - 1;\n }\n return cols;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\nimport { CharData, IBufferLine, ICellData, IColorRGB, IAttributeData } from './Types';\nimport { NULL_CELL_CODE, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CHAR, CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX, CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX, WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR, CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX } from './Buffer';\nimport { stringFromCodePoint } from './core/input/TextDecoder';\n\n\n/**\n * buffer memory layout:\n *\n * | uint32_t | uint32_t | uint32_t |\n * | `content` | `FG` | `BG` |\n * | wcwidth(2) comb(1) codepoint(21) | flags(8) R(8) G(8) B(8) | flags(8) R(8) G(8) B(8) |\n */\n\n\n/** typed array slots taken by one cell */\nconst CELL_SIZE = 3;\n\n/**\n * Cell member indices.\n *\n * Direct access:\n * `content = data[column * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];`\n * `fg = data[column * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG];`\n * `bg = data[column * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG];`\n */\nconst enum Cell {\n CONTENT = 0,\n FG = 1, // currently simply holds all known attrs\n BG = 2 // currently unused\n}\n\n/**\n * Bitmasks for accessing data in `content`.\n */\nexport const enum Content {\n /**\n * bit 1..21 codepoint, max allowed in UTF32 is 0x10FFFF (21 bits taken)\n * read: `codepoint = content & Content.codepointMask;`\n * write: `content |= codepoint & Content.codepointMask;`\n * shortcut if precondition `codepoint <= 0x10FFFF` is met:\n * `content |= codepoint;`\n */\n CODEPOINT_MASK = 0x1FFFFF,\n\n /**\n * bit 22 flag indication whether a cell contains combined content\n * read: `isCombined = content & Content.isCombined;`\n * set: `content |= Content.isCombined;`\n * clear: `content &= ~Content.isCombined;`\n */\n IS_COMBINED_MASK = 0x200000, // 1 << 21\n\n /**\n * bit 1..22 mask to check whether a cell contains any string data\n * we need to check for codepoint and isCombined bits to see\n * whether a cell contains anything\n * read: `isEmpty = !(content & Content.hasContent)`\n */\n HAS_CONTENT_MASK = 0x3FFFFF,\n\n /**\n * bit 23..24 wcwidth value of cell, takes 2 bits (ranges from 0..2)\n * read: `width = (content & Content.widthMask) >> Content.widthShift;`\n * `hasWidth = content & Content.widthMask;`\n * as long as wcwidth is highest value in `content`:\n * `width = content >> Content.widthShift;`\n * write: `content |= (width << Content.widthShift) & Content.widthMask;`\n * shortcut if precondition `0 <= width <= 3` is met:\n * `content |= width << Content.widthShift;`\n */\n WIDTH_MASK = 0xC00000, // 3 << 22\n WIDTH_SHIFT = 22\n}\n\n\nexport const enum Attributes {\n /**\n * bit 1..8 blue in RGB, color in P256 and P16\n */\n BLUE_MASK = 0xFF,\n BLUE_SHIFT = 0,\n PCOLOR_MASK = 0xFF,\n PCOLOR_SHIFT = 0,\n\n /**\n * bit 9..16 green in RGB\n */\n GREEN_MASK = 0xFF00,\n GREEN_SHIFT = 8,\n\n /**\n * bit 17..24 red in RGB\n */\n RED_MASK = 0xFF0000,\n RED_SHIFT = 16,\n\n /**\n * bit 25..26 color mode: DEFAULT (0) | P16 (1) | P256 (2) | RGB (3)\n */\n CM_MASK = 0x3000000,\n CM_DEFAULT = 0,\n CM_P16 = 0x1000000,\n CM_P256 = 0x2000000,\n CM_RGB = 0x3000000,\n\n /**\n * bit 1..24 RGB room\n */\n RGB_MASK = 0xFFFFFF\n}\n\nexport const enum FgFlags {\n /**\n * bit 27..31 (32th bit unused)\n */\n INVERSE = 0x4000000,\n BOLD = 0x8000000,\n UNDERLINE = 0x10000000,\n BLINK = 0x20000000,\n INVISIBLE = 0x40000000\n}\n\nexport const enum BgFlags {\n /**\n * bit 27..32 (upper 4 unused)\n */\n ITALIC = 0x4000000,\n DIM = 0x8000000\n}\n\nexport class AttributeData implements IAttributeData {\n static toColorRGB(value: number): IColorRGB {\n return [\n value >>> Attributes.RED_SHIFT & 255,\n value >>> Attributes.GREEN_SHIFT & 255,\n value & 255\n ];\n }\n static fromColorRGB(value: IColorRGB): number {\n return (value[0] & 255) << Attributes.RED_SHIFT | (value[1] & 255) << Attributes.GREEN_SHIFT | value[2] & 255;\n }\n\n public clone(): IAttributeData {\n const newObj = new AttributeData();\n newObj.fg = this.fg;\n newObj.bg = this.bg;\n return newObj;\n }\n\n // data\n public fg: number = 0;\n public bg: number = 0;\n\n // flags\n public isInverse(): number { return this.fg & FgFlags.INVERSE; }\n public isBold(): number { return this.fg & FgFlags.BOLD; }\n public isUnderline(): number { return this.fg & FgFlags.UNDERLINE; }\n public isBlink(): number { return this.fg & FgFlags.BLINK; }\n public isInvisible(): number { return this.fg & FgFlags.INVISIBLE; }\n public isItalic(): number { return this.bg & BgFlags.ITALIC; }\n public isDim(): number { return this.bg & BgFlags.DIM; }\n\n // color modes\n public getFgColorMode(): number { return this.fg & Attributes.CM_MASK; }\n public getBgColorMode(): number { return this.bg & Attributes.CM_MASK; }\n public isFgRGB(): boolean { return (this.fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === Attributes.CM_RGB; }\n public isBgRGB(): boolean { return (this.bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === Attributes.CM_RGB; }\n public isFgPalette(): boolean { return (this.fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === Attributes.CM_P16 || (this.fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === Attributes.CM_P256; }\n public isBgPalette(): boolean { return (this.bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === Attributes.CM_P16 || (this.bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === Attributes.CM_P256; }\n public isFgDefault(): boolean { return (this.fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === 0; }\n public isBgDefault(): boolean { return (this.bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) === 0; }\n\n // colors\n public getFgColor(): number {\n switch (this.fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) {\n case Attributes.CM_P16:\n case Attributes.CM_P256: return this.fg & Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK;\n case Attributes.CM_RGB: return this.fg & Attributes.RGB_MASK;\n default: return -1; // CM_DEFAULT defaults to -1\n }\n }\n public getBgColor(): number {\n switch (this.bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) {\n case Attributes.CM_P16:\n case Attributes.CM_P256: return this.bg & Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK;\n case Attributes.CM_RGB: return this.bg & Attributes.RGB_MASK;\n default: return -1; // CM_DEFAULT defaults to -1\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * CellData - represents a single Cell in the terminal buffer.\n */\nexport class CellData extends AttributeData implements ICellData {\n\n /** Helper to create CellData from CharData. */\n public static fromCharData(value: CharData): CellData {\n const obj = new CellData();\n obj.setFromCharData(value);\n return obj;\n }\n\n /** Primitives from terminal buffer. */\n public content: number = 0;\n public fg: number = 0;\n public bg: number = 0;\n public combinedData: string = '';\n\n /** Whether cell contains a combined string. */\n public isCombined(): number {\n return this.content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK;\n }\n\n /** Width of the cell. */\n public getWidth(): number {\n return this.content >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT;\n }\n\n /** JS string of the content. */\n public getChars(): string {\n if (this.content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) {\n return this.combinedData;\n }\n if (this.content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) {\n return stringFromCodePoint(this.content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK);\n }\n return '';\n }\n\n /**\n * Codepoint of cell\n * Note this returns the UTF32 codepoint of single chars,\n * if content is a combined string it returns the codepoint\n * of the last char in string to be in line with code in CharData.\n * */\n public getCode(): number {\n return (this.isCombined())\n ? this.combinedData.charCodeAt(this.combinedData.length - 1)\n : this.content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK;\n }\n\n /** Set data from CharData */\n public setFromCharData(value: CharData): void {\n this.fg = value[CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX];\n this.bg = 0;\n let combined = false;\n\n // surrogates and combined strings need special treatment\n if (value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].length > 2) {\n combined = true;\n } else if (value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].length === 2) {\n const code = value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].charCodeAt(0);\n // if the 2-char string is a surrogate create single codepoint\n // everything else is combined\n if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) {\n const second = value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].charCodeAt(1);\n if (0xDC00 <= second && second <= 0xDFFF) {\n this.content = ((code - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000) | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n } else {\n combined = true;\n }\n } else {\n combined = true;\n }\n } else {\n this.content = value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].charCodeAt(0) | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n }\n if (combined) {\n this.combinedData = value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX];\n this.content = Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n }\n }\n\n /** Get data as CharData. */\n public getAsCharData(): CharData {\n return [this.fg, this.getChars(), this.getWidth(), this.getCode()];\n }\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Typed array based bufferline implementation.\n *\n * There are 2 ways to insert data into the cell buffer:\n * - `setCellFromCodepoint` + `addCodepointToCell`\n * Use these for data that is already UTF32.\n * Used during normal input in `InputHandler` for faster buffer access.\n * - `setCell`\n * This method takes a CellData object and stores the data in the buffer.\n * Use `CellData.fromCharData` to create the CellData object (e.g. from JS string).\n *\n * To retrieve data from the buffer use either one of the primitive methods\n * (if only one particular value is needed) or `loadCell`. For `loadCell` in a loop\n * memory allocs / GC pressure can be greatly reduced by reusing the CellData object.\n */\nexport class BufferLine implements IBufferLine {\n protected _data: Uint32Array | null = null;\n protected _combined: {[index: number]: string} = {};\n public length: number;\n\n constructor(cols: number, fillCellData?: ICellData, public isWrapped: boolean = false) {\n if (cols) {\n this._data = new Uint32Array(cols * CELL_SIZE);\n const cell = fillCellData || CellData.fromCharData([0, NULL_CELL_CHAR, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CODE]);\n for (let i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {\n this.setCell(i, cell);\n }\n }\n this.length = cols;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get cell data CharData.\n * @deprecated\n */\n public get(index: number): CharData {\n const content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];\n const cp = content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK;\n return [\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG],\n (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK)\n ? this._combined[index]\n : (cp) ? stringFromCodePoint(cp) : '',\n content >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT,\n (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK)\n ? this._combined[index].charCodeAt(this._combined[index].length - 1)\n : cp\n ];\n }\n\n /**\n * Set cell data from CharData.\n * @deprecated\n */\n public set(index: number, value: CharData): void {\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG] = value[CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX];\n if (value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].length > 1) {\n this._combined[index] = value[1];\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = index | Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n } else {\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = value[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].charCodeAt(0) | (value[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * primitive getters\n * use these when only one value is needed, otherwise use `loadCell`\n */\n public getWidth(index: number): number {\n return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT;\n }\n\n /** Test whether content has width. */\n public hasWidth(index: number): number {\n return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.WIDTH_MASK;\n }\n\n /** Get FG cell component. */\n public getFg(index: number): number {\n return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG];\n }\n\n /** Get BG cell component. */\n public getBg(index: number): number {\n return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG];\n }\n\n /**\n * Test whether contains any chars.\n * Basically an empty has no content, but other cells might differ in FG/BG\n * from real empty cells.\n * */\n public hasContent(index: number): number {\n return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.HAS_CONTENT_MASK;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get codepoint of the cell.\n * To be in line with `code` in CharData this either returns\n * a single UTF32 codepoint or the last codepoint of a combined string.\n */\n public getCodePoint(index: number): number {\n const content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];\n if (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) {\n return this._combined[index].charCodeAt(this._combined[index].length - 1);\n }\n return content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK;\n }\n\n /** Test whether the cell contains a combined string. */\n public isCombined(index: number): number {\n return this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK;\n }\n\n /** Returns the string content of the cell. */\n public getString(index: number): string {\n const content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];\n if (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) {\n return this._combined[index];\n }\n if (content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) {\n return stringFromCodePoint(content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK);\n }\n // return empty string for empty cells\n return '';\n }\n\n /**\n * Load data at `index` into `cell`. This is used to access cells in a way that's more friendly\n * to GC as it significantly reduced the amount of new objects/references needed.\n */\n public loadCell(index: number, cell: ICellData): ICellData {\n const startIndex = index * CELL_SIZE;\n cell.content = this._data[startIndex + Cell.CONTENT];\n cell.fg = this._data[startIndex + Cell.FG];\n cell.bg = this._data[startIndex + Cell.BG];\n if (cell.content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) {\n cell.combinedData = this._combined[index];\n }\n return cell;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set data at `index` to `cell`.\n */\n public setCell(index: number, cell: ICellData): void {\n if (cell.content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) {\n this._combined[index] = cell.combinedData;\n }\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = cell.content;\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG] = cell.fg;\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG] = cell.bg;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set cell data from input handler.\n * Since the input handler see the incoming chars as UTF32 codepoints,\n * it gets an optimized access method.\n */\n public setCellFromCodePoint(index: number, codePoint: number, width: number, fg: number, bg: number): void {\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = codePoint | (width << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.FG] = fg;\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.BG] = bg;\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a codepoint to a cell from input handler.\n * During input stage combining chars with a width of 0 follow and stack\n * onto a leading char. Since we already set the attrs\n * by the previous `setDataFromCodePoint` call, we can omit it here.\n */\n public addCodepointToCell(index: number, codePoint: number): void {\n let content = this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];\n if (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) {\n // we already have a combined string, simply add\n this._combined[index] += stringFromCodePoint(codePoint);\n } else {\n if (content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) {\n // normal case for combining chars:\n // - move current leading char + new one into combined string\n // - set combined flag\n this._combined[index] = stringFromCodePoint(content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK) + stringFromCodePoint(codePoint);\n content &= ~Content.CODEPOINT_MASK; // set codepoint in buffer to 0\n content |= Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK;\n } else {\n // should not happen - we actually have no data in the cell yet\n // simply set the data in the cell buffer with a width of 1\n content = codePoint | (1 << Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n }\n this._data[index * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] = content;\n }\n }\n\n public insertCells(pos: number, n: number, fillCellData: ICellData): void {\n pos %= this.length;\n if (n < this.length - pos) {\n const cell = new CellData();\n for (let i = this.length - pos - n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n this.setCell(pos + n + i, this.loadCell(pos + i, cell));\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\n this.setCell(pos + i, fillCellData);\n }\n } else {\n for (let i = pos; i < this.length; ++i) {\n this.setCell(i, fillCellData);\n }\n }\n }\n\n public deleteCells(pos: number, n: number, fillCellData: ICellData): void {\n pos %= this.length;\n if (n < this.length - pos) {\n const cell = new CellData();\n for (let i = 0; i < this.length - pos - n; ++i) {\n this.setCell(pos + i, this.loadCell(pos + n + i, cell));\n }\n for (let i = this.length - n; i < this.length; ++i) {\n this.setCell(i, fillCellData);\n }\n } else {\n for (let i = pos; i < this.length; ++i) {\n this.setCell(i, fillCellData);\n }\n }\n }\n\n public replaceCells(start: number, end: number, fillCellData: ICellData): void {\n while (start < end && start < this.length) {\n this.setCell(start++, fillCellData);\n }\n }\n\n public resize(cols: number, fillCellData: ICellData): void {\n if (cols === this.length) {\n return;\n }\n if (cols > this.length) {\n const data = new Uint32Array(cols * CELL_SIZE);\n if (this.length) {\n if (cols * CELL_SIZE < this._data.length) {\n data.set(this._data.subarray(0, cols * CELL_SIZE));\n } else {\n data.set(this._data);\n }\n }\n this._data = data;\n for (let i = this.length; i < cols; ++i) {\n this.setCell(i, fillCellData);\n }\n } else {\n if (cols) {\n const data = new Uint32Array(cols * CELL_SIZE);\n data.set(this._data.subarray(0, cols * CELL_SIZE));\n this._data = data;\n // Remove any cut off combined data\n const keys = Object.keys(this._combined);\n for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n const key = parseInt(keys[i], 10);\n if (key >= cols) {\n delete this._combined[key];\n }\n }\n } else {\n this._data = null;\n this._combined = {};\n }\n }\n this.length = cols;\n }\n\n /** fill a line with fillCharData */\n public fill(fillCellData: ICellData): void {\n this._combined = {};\n for (let i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {\n this.setCell(i, fillCellData);\n }\n }\n\n /** alter to a full copy of line */\n public copyFrom(line: BufferLine): void {\n if (this.length !== line.length) {\n this._data = new Uint32Array(line._data);\n } else {\n // use high speed copy if lengths are equal\n this._data.set(line._data);\n }\n this.length = line.length;\n this._combined = {};\n for (const el in line._combined) {\n this._combined[el] = line._combined[el];\n }\n this.isWrapped = line.isWrapped;\n }\n\n /** create a new clone */\n public clone(): IBufferLine {\n const newLine = new BufferLine(0);\n newLine._data = new Uint32Array(this._data);\n newLine.length = this.length;\n for (const el in this._combined) {\n newLine._combined[el] = this._combined[el];\n }\n newLine.isWrapped = this.isWrapped;\n return newLine;\n }\n\n public getTrimmedLength(): number {\n for (let i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n if ((this._data[i * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] & Content.HAS_CONTENT_MASK)) {\n return i + (this._data[i * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT] >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT);\n }\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n public copyCellsFrom(src: BufferLine, srcCol: number, destCol: number, length: number, applyInReverse: boolean): void {\n const srcData = src._data;\n if (applyInReverse) {\n for (let cell = length - 1; cell >= 0; cell--) {\n for (let i = 0; i < CELL_SIZE; i++) {\n this._data[(destCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i] = srcData[(srcCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i];\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (let cell = 0; cell < length; cell++) {\n for (let i = 0; i < CELL_SIZE; i++) {\n this._data[(destCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i] = srcData[(srcCol + cell) * CELL_SIZE + i];\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Move any combined data over as needed\n const srcCombinedKeys = Object.keys(src._combined);\n for (let i = 0; i < srcCombinedKeys.length; i++) {\n const key = parseInt(srcCombinedKeys[i], 10);\n if (key >= srcCol) {\n this._combined[key - srcCol + destCol] = src._combined[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n public translateToString(trimRight: boolean = false, startCol: number = 0, endCol: number = this.length): string {\n if (trimRight) {\n endCol = Math.min(endCol, this.getTrimmedLength());\n }\n let result = '';\n while (startCol < endCol) {\n const content = this._data[startCol * CELL_SIZE + Cell.CONTENT];\n const cp = content & Content.CODEPOINT_MASK;\n result += (content & Content.IS_COMBINED_MASK) ? this._combined[startCol] : (cp) ? stringFromCodePoint(cp) : WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR;\n startCol += (content >> Content.WIDTH_SHIFT) || 1; // always advance by 1\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { CircularList, IInsertEvent } from './common/CircularList';\nimport { ITerminal, IBuffer, IBufferLine, BufferIndex, IBufferStringIterator, IBufferStringIteratorResult, ICellData, IAttributeData } from './Types';\nimport { IMarker } from 'xterm';\nimport { BufferLine, CellData, AttributeData } from './BufferLine';\nimport { reflowLargerApplyNewLayout, reflowLargerCreateNewLayout, reflowLargerGetLinesToRemove, reflowSmallerGetNewLineLengths, getWrappedLineTrimmedLength } from './BufferReflow';\nimport { DEFAULT_COLOR } from './renderer/atlas/Types';\nimport { EventEmitter2, IEvent } from './common/EventEmitter2';\nimport { Disposable } from '../lib/common/Lifecycle';\n\nexport const DEFAULT_ATTR = (0 << 18) | (DEFAULT_COLOR << 9) | (256 << 0);\n\nexport const DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA = new AttributeData();\n\nexport const CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX = 0;\nexport const CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX = 1;\nexport const CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX = 2;\nexport const CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX = 3;\nexport const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4294967295; // 2^32 - 1\n\n/**\n * Null cell - a real empty cell (containing nothing).\n * Note that code should always be 0 for a null cell as\n * several test condition of the buffer line rely on this.\n */\nexport const NULL_CELL_CHAR = '';\nexport const NULL_CELL_WIDTH = 1;\nexport const NULL_CELL_CODE = 0;\n\n/**\n * Whitespace cell.\n * This is meant as a replacement for empty cells when needed\n * during rendering lines to preserve correct aligment.\n */\nexport const WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR = ' ';\nexport const WHITESPACE_CELL_WIDTH = 1;\nexport const WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE = 32;\n\n/**\n * This class represents a terminal buffer (an internal state of the terminal), where the\n * following information is stored (in high-level):\n * - text content of this particular buffer\n * - cursor position\n * - scroll position\n */\nexport class Buffer implements IBuffer {\n public lines: CircularList<IBufferLine>;\n public ydisp: number;\n public ybase: number;\n public y: number;\n public x: number;\n public scrollBottom: number;\n public scrollTop: number;\n public tabs: any;\n public savedY: number;\n public savedX: number;\n public savedCurAttrData = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA.clone();\n public markers: Marker[] = [];\n private _nullCell: ICellData = CellData.fromCharData([0, NULL_CELL_CHAR, NULL_CELL_WIDTH, NULL_CELL_CODE]);\n private _whitespaceCell: ICellData = CellData.fromCharData([0, WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR, WHITESPACE_CELL_WIDTH, WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE]);\n private _cols: number;\n private _rows: number;\n\n /**\n * Create a new Buffer.\n * @param _terminal The terminal the Buffer will belong to.\n * @param _hasScrollback Whether the buffer should respect the scrollback of\n * the terminal.\n */\n constructor(\n private _terminal: ITerminal,\n private _hasScrollback: boolean\n ) {\n this._cols = this._terminal.cols;\n this._rows = this._terminal.rows;\n this.clear();\n }\n\n public getNullCell(attr?: IAttributeData): ICellData {\n if (attr) {\n this._nullCell.fg = attr.fg;\n this._nullCell.bg = attr.bg;\n } else {\n this._nullCell.fg = 0;\n this._nullCell.bg = 0;\n }\n return this._nullCell;\n }\n\n public getWhitespaceCell(attr?: IAttributeData): ICellData {\n if (attr) {\n this._whitespaceCell.fg = attr.fg;\n this._whitespaceCell.bg = attr.bg;\n } else {\n this._whitespaceCell.fg = 0;\n this._whitespaceCell.bg = 0;\n }\n return this._whitespaceCell;\n }\n\n public getBlankLine(attr: IAttributeData, isWrapped?: boolean): IBufferLine {\n return new BufferLine(this._terminal.cols, this.getNullCell(attr), isWrapped);\n }\n\n public get hasScrollback(): boolean {\n return this._hasScrollback && this.lines.maxLength > this._rows;\n }\n\n public get isCursorInViewport(): boolean {\n const absoluteY = this.ybase + this.y;\n const relativeY = absoluteY - this.ydisp;\n return (relativeY >= 0 && relativeY < this._rows);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the correct buffer length based on the rows provided, the terminal's\n * scrollback and whether this buffer is flagged to have scrollback or not.\n * @param rows The terminal rows to use in the calculation.\n */\n private _getCorrectBufferLength(rows: number): number {\n if (!this._hasScrollback) {\n return rows;\n }\n\n const correctBufferLength = rows + this._terminal.options.scrollback;\n\n return correctBufferLength > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ? MAX_BUFFER_SIZE : correctBufferLength;\n }\n\n /**\n * Fills the buffer's viewport with blank lines.\n */\n public fillViewportRows(fillAttr?: IAttributeData): void {\n if (this.lines.length === 0) {\n if (fillAttr === undefined) {\n fillAttr = DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA;\n }\n let i = this._rows;\n while (i--) {\n this.lines.push(this.getBlankLine(fillAttr));\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Clears the buffer to it's initial state, discarding all previous data.\n */\n public clear(): void {\n this.ydisp = 0;\n this.ybase = 0;\n this.y = 0;\n this.x = 0;\n this.lines = new CircularList<IBufferLine>(this._getCorrectBufferLength(this._rows));\n this.scrollTop = 0;\n this.scrollBottom = this._rows - 1;\n this.setupTabStops();\n }\n\n /**\n * Resizes the buffer, adjusting its data accordingly.\n * @param newCols The new number of columns.\n * @param newRows The new number of rows.\n */\n public resize(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {\n // store reference to null cell with default attrs\n const nullCell = this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA);\n\n // Increase max length if needed before adjustments to allow space to fill\n // as required.\n const newMaxLength = this._getCorrectBufferLength(newRows);\n if (newMaxLength > this.lines.maxLength) {\n this.lines.maxLength = newMaxLength;\n }\n\n // The following adjustments should only happen if the buffer has been\n // initialized/filled.\n if (this.lines.length > 0) {\n // Deal with columns increasing (reducing needs to happen after reflow)\n if (this._cols < newCols) {\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {\n this.lines.get(i).resize(newCols, nullCell);\n }\n }\n\n // Resize rows in both directions as needed\n let addToY = 0;\n if (this._rows < newRows) {\n for (let y = this._rows; y < newRows; y++) {\n if (this.lines.length < newRows + this.ybase) {\n if (this.ybase > 0 && this.lines.length <= this.ybase + this.y + addToY + 1) {\n // There is room above the buffer and there are no empty elements below the line,\n // scroll up\n this.ybase--;\n addToY++;\n if (this.ydisp > 0) {\n // Viewport is at the top of the buffer, must increase downwards\n this.ydisp--;\n }\n } else {\n // Add a blank line if there is no buffer left at the top to scroll to, or if there\n // are blank lines after the cursor\n this.lines.push(new BufferLine(newCols, nullCell));\n }\n }\n }\n } else { // (this._rows >= newRows)\n for (let y = this._rows; y > newRows; y--) {\n if (this.lines.length > newRows + this.ybase) {\n if (this.lines.length > this.ybase + this.y + 1) {\n // The line is a blank line below the cursor, remove it\n this.lines.pop();\n } else {\n // The line is the cursor, scroll down\n this.ybase++;\n this.ydisp++;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Reduce max length if needed after adjustments, this is done after as it\n // would otherwise cut data from the bottom of the buffer.\n if (newMaxLength < this.lines.maxLength) {\n // Trim from the top of the buffer and adjust ybase and ydisp.\n const amountToTrim = this.lines.length - newMaxLength;\n if (amountToTrim > 0) {\n this.lines.trimStart(amountToTrim);\n this.ybase = Math.max(this.ybase - amountToTrim, 0);\n this.ydisp = Math.max(this.ydisp - amountToTrim, 0);\n }\n this.lines.maxLength = newMaxLength;\n }\n\n // Make sure that the cursor stays on screen\n this.x = Math.min(this.x, newCols - 1);\n this.y = Math.min(this.y, newRows - 1);\n if (addToY) {\n this.y += addToY;\n }\n this.savedY = Math.min(this.savedY, newRows - 1);\n this.savedX = Math.min(this.savedX, newCols - 1);\n\n this.scrollTop = 0;\n }\n\n this.scrollBottom = newRows - 1;\n\n if (this._isReflowEnabled) {\n this._reflow(newCols, newRows);\n\n // Trim the end of the line off if cols shrunk\n if (this._cols > newCols) {\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {\n this.lines.get(i).resize(newCols, nullCell);\n }\n }\n }\n\n this._cols = newCols;\n this._rows = newRows;\n }\n\n private get _isReflowEnabled(): boolean {\n return this._hasScrollback && !this._terminal.options.windowsMode;\n }\n\n private _reflow(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {\n if (this._cols === newCols) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Iterate through rows, ignore the last one as it cannot be wrapped\n if (newCols > this._cols) {\n this._reflowLarger(newCols, newRows);\n } else {\n this._reflowSmaller(newCols, newRows);\n }\n }\n\n private _reflowLarger(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {\n const toRemove: number[] = reflowLargerGetLinesToRemove(this.lines, this._cols, newCols, this.ybase + this.y, this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA));\n if (toRemove.length > 0) {\n const newLayoutResult = reflowLargerCreateNewLayout(this.lines, toRemove);\n reflowLargerApplyNewLayout(this.lines, newLayoutResult.layout);\n this._reflowLargerAdjustViewport(newCols, newRows, newLayoutResult.countRemoved);\n }\n }\n\n private _reflowLargerAdjustViewport(newCols: number, newRows: number, countRemoved: number): void {\n const nullCell = this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA);\n // Adjust viewport based on number of items removed\n let viewportAdjustments = countRemoved;\n while (viewportAdjustments-- > 0) {\n if (this.ybase === 0) {\n if (this.y > 0) {\n this.y--;\n }\n if (this.lines.length < newRows) {\n // Add an extra row at the bottom of the viewport\n this.lines.push(new BufferLine(newCols, nullCell));\n }\n } else {\n if (this.ydisp === this.ybase) {\n this.ydisp--;\n }\n this.ybase--;\n }\n }\n }\n\n private _reflowSmaller(newCols: number, newRows: number): void {\n const nullCell = this.getNullCell(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA);\n // Gather all BufferLines that need to be inserted into the Buffer here so that they can be\n // batched up and only committed once\n const toInsert = [];\n let countToInsert = 0;\n // Go backwards as many lines may be trimmed and this will avoid considering them\n for (let y = this.lines.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {\n // Check whether this line is a problem\n let nextLine = this.lines.get(y) as BufferLine;\n if (!nextLine.isWrapped && nextLine.getTrimmedLength() <= newCols) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // Gather wrapped lines and adjust y to be the starting line\n const wrappedLines: BufferLine[] = [nextLine];\n while (nextLine.isWrapped && y > 0) {\n nextLine = this.lines.get(--y) as BufferLine;\n wrappedLines.unshift(nextLine);\n }\n\n // If these lines contain the cursor don't touch them, the program will handle fixing up\n // wrapped lines with the cursor\n const absoluteY = this.ybase + this.y;\n if (absoluteY >= y && absoluteY < y + wrappedLines.length) {\n continue;\n }\n\n const lastLineLength = wrappedLines[wrappedLines.length - 1].getTrimmedLength();\n const destLineLengths = reflowSmallerGetNewLineLengths(wrappedLines, this._cols, newCols);\n const linesToAdd = destLineLengths.length - wrappedLines.length;\n let trimmedLines: number;\n if (this.ybase === 0 && this.y !== this.lines.length - 1) {\n // If the top section of the buffer is not yet filled\n trimmedLines = Math.max(0, this.y - this.lines.maxLength + linesToAdd);\n } else {\n trimmedLines = Math.max(0, this.lines.length - this.lines.maxLength + linesToAdd);\n }\n\n // Add the new lines\n const newLines: BufferLine[] = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < linesToAdd; i++) {\n const newLine = this.getBlankLine(DEFAULT_ATTR_DATA, true) as BufferLine;\n newLines.push(newLine);\n }\n if (newLines.length > 0) {\n toInsert.push({\n // countToInsert here gets the actual index, taking into account other inserted items.\n // using this we can iterate through the list forwards\n start: y + wrappedLines.length + countToInsert,\n newLines\n });\n countToInsert += newLines.length;\n }\n wrappedLines.push(...newLines);\n\n // Copy buffer data to new locations, this needs to happen backwards to do in-place\n let destLineIndex = destLineLengths.length - 1; // Math.floor(cellsNeeded / newCols);\n let destCol = destLineLengths[destLineIndex]; // cellsNeeded % newCols;\n if (destCol === 0) {\n destLineIndex--;\n destCol = destLineLengths[destLineIndex];\n }\n let srcLineIndex = wrappedLines.length - linesToAdd - 1;\n let srcCol = lastLineLength;\n while (srcLineIndex >= 0) {\n const cellsToCopy = Math.min(srcCol, destCol);\n wrappedLines[destLineIndex].copyCellsFrom(wrappedLines[srcLineIndex], srcCol - cellsToCopy, destCol - cellsToCopy, cellsToCopy, true);\n destCol -= cellsToCopy;\n if (destCol === 0) {\n destLineIndex--;\n destCol = destLineLengths[destLineIndex];\n }\n srcCol -= cellsToCopy;\n if (srcCol === 0) {\n srcLineIndex--;\n const wrappedLinesIndex = Math.max(srcLineIndex, 0);\n srcCol = getWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, wrappedLinesIndex, this._cols);\n }\n }\n\n // Null out the end of the line ends if a wide character wrapped to the following line\n for (let i = 0; i < wrappedLines.length; i++) {\n if (destLineLengths[i] < newCols) {\n wrappedLines[i].setCell(destLineLengths[i], nullCell);\n }\n }\n\n // Adjust viewport as needed\n let viewportAdjustments = linesToAdd - trimmedLines;\n while (viewportAdjustments-- > 0) {\n if (this.ybase === 0) {\n if (this.y < newRows - 1) {\n this.y++;\n this.lines.pop();\n } else {\n this.ybase++;\n this.ydisp++;\n }\n } else {\n // Ensure ybase does not exceed its maximum value\n if (this.ybase < Math.min(this.lines.maxLength, this.lines.length + countToInsert) - newRows) {\n if (this.ybase === this.ydisp) {\n this.ydisp++;\n }\n this.ybase++;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Rearrange lines in the buffer if there are any insertions, this is done at the end rather\n // than earlier so that it's a single O(n) pass through the buffer, instead of O(n^2) from many\n // costly calls to CircularList.splice.\n if (toInsert.length > 0) {\n // Record buffer insert events and then play them back backwards so that the indexes are\n // correct\n const insertEvents: IInsertEvent[] = [];\n\n // Record original lines so they don't get overridden when we rearrange the list\n const originalLines: BufferLine[] = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {\n originalLines.push(this.lines.get(i) as BufferLine);\n }\n const originalLinesLength = this.lines.length;\n\n let originalLineIndex = originalLinesLength - 1;\n let nextToInsertIndex = 0;\n let nextToInsert = toInsert[nextToInsertIndex];\n this.lines.length = Math.min(this.lines.maxLength, this.lines.length + countToInsert);\n let countInsertedSoFar = 0;\n for (let i = Math.min(this.lines.maxLength - 1, originalLinesLength + countToInsert - 1); i >= 0; i--) {\n if (nextToInsert && nextToInsert.start > originalLineIndex + countInsertedSoFar) {\n // Insert extra lines here, adjusting i as needed\n for (let nextI = nextToInsert.newLines.length - 1; nextI >= 0; nextI--) {\n this.lines.set(i--, nextToInsert.newLines[nextI]);\n }\n i++;\n\n // Create insert events for later\n insertEvents.push({\n index: originalLineIndex + 1,\n amount: nextToInsert.newLines.length\n });\n\n countInsertedSoFar += nextToInsert.newLines.length;\n nextToInsert = toInsert[++nextToInsertIndex];\n } else {\n this.lines.set(i, originalLines[originalLineIndex--]);\n }\n }\n\n // Update markers\n let insertCountEmitted = 0;\n for (let i = insertEvents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n insertEvents[i].index += insertCountEmitted;\n this.lines.onInsertEmitter.fire(insertEvents[i]);\n insertCountEmitted += insertEvents[i].amount;\n }\n const amountToTrim = Math.max(0, originalLinesLength + countToInsert - this.lines.maxLength);\n if (amountToTrim > 0) {\n this.lines.onTrimEmitter.fire(amountToTrim);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // private _reflowSmallerGetLinesNeeded()\n\n /**\n * Translates a string index back to a BufferIndex.\n * To get the correct buffer position the string must start at `startCol` 0\n * (default in translateBufferLineToString).\n * The method also works on wrapped line strings given rows were not trimmed.\n * The method operates on the CharData string length, there are no\n * additional content or boundary checks. Therefore the string and the buffer\n * should not be altered in between.\n * TODO: respect trim flag after fixing #1685\n * @param lineIndex line index the string was retrieved from\n * @param stringIndex index within the string\n * @param startCol column offset the string was retrieved from\n */\n public stringIndexToBufferIndex(lineIndex: number, stringIndex: number, trimRight: boolean = false): BufferIndex {\n while (stringIndex) {\n const line = this.lines.get(lineIndex);\n if (!line) {\n return [-1, -1];\n }\n const length = (trimRight) ? line.getTrimmedLength() : line.length;\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n if (line.get(i)[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX]) {\n // empty cells report a string length of 0, but get replaced\n // with a whitespace in translateToString, thus replace with 1\n stringIndex -= line.get(i)[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX].length || 1;\n }\n if (stringIndex < 0) {\n return [lineIndex, i];\n }\n }\n lineIndex++;\n }\n return [lineIndex, 0];\n }\n\n /**\n * Translates a buffer line to a string, with optional start and end columns.\n * Wide characters will count as two columns in the resulting string. This\n * function is useful for getting the actual text underneath the raw selection\n * position.\n * @param line The line being translated.\n * @param trimRight Whether to trim whitespace to the right.\n * @param startCol The column to start at.\n * @param endCol The column to end at.\n */\n public translateBufferLineToString(lineIndex: number, trimRight: boolean, startCol: number = 0, endCol?: number): string {\n const line = this.lines.get(lineIndex);\n if (!line) {\n return '';\n }\n return line.translateToString(trimRight, startCol, endCol);\n }\n\n public getWrappedRangeForLine(y: number): { first: number, last: number } {\n let first = y;\n let last = y;\n // Scan upwards for wrapped lines\n while (first > 0 && this.lines.get(first).isWrapped) {\n first--;\n }\n // Scan downwards for wrapped lines\n while (last + 1 < this.lines.length && this.lines.get(last + 1).isWrapped) {\n last++;\n }\n return { first, last };\n }\n\n /**\n * Setup the tab stops.\n * @param i The index to start setting up tab stops from.\n */\n public setupTabStops(i?: number): void {\n if (i !== null && i !== undefined) {\n if (!this.tabs[i]) {\n i = this.prevStop(i);\n }\n } else {\n this.tabs = {};\n i = 0;\n }\n\n for (; i < this._cols; i += this._terminal.options.tabStopWidth) {\n this.tabs[i] = true;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Move the cursor to the previous tab stop from the given position (default is current).\n * @param x The position to move the cursor to the previous tab stop.\n */\n public prevStop(x?: number): number {\n if (x === null || x === undefined) {\n x = this.x;\n }\n while (!this.tabs[--x] && x > 0);\n return x >= this._cols ? this._cols - 1 : x < 0 ? 0 : x;\n }\n\n /**\n * Move the cursor one tab stop forward from the given position (default is current).\n * @param x The position to move the cursor one tab stop forward.\n */\n public nextStop(x?: number): number {\n if (x === null || x === undefined) {\n x = this.x;\n }\n while (!this.tabs[++x] && x < this._cols);\n return x >= this._cols ? this._cols - 1 : x < 0 ? 0 : x;\n }\n\n public addMarker(y: number): Marker {\n const marker = new Marker(y);\n this.markers.push(marker);\n marker.register(this.lines.onTrim(amount => {\n marker.line -= amount;\n // The marker should be disposed when the line is trimmed from the buffer\n if (marker.line < 0) {\n marker.dispose();\n }\n }));\n marker.register(this.lines.onInsert(event => {\n if (marker.line >= event.index) {\n marker.line += event.amount;\n }\n }));\n marker.register(this.lines.onDelete(event => {\n // Delete the marker if it's within the range\n if (marker.line >= event.index && marker.line < event.index + event.amount) {\n marker.dispose();\n }\n\n // Shift the marker if it's after the deleted range\n if (marker.line > event.index) {\n marker.line -= event.amount;\n }\n }));\n marker.register(marker.onDispose(() => this._removeMarker(marker)));\n return marker;\n }\n\n private _removeMarker(marker: Marker): void {\n this.markers.splice(this.markers.indexOf(marker), 1);\n }\n\n public iterator(trimRight: boolean, startIndex?: number, endIndex?: number, startOverscan?: number, endOverscan?: number): IBufferStringIterator {\n return new BufferStringIterator(this, trimRight, startIndex, endIndex, startOverscan, endOverscan);\n }\n}\n\nexport class Marker extends Disposable implements IMarker {\n private static _nextId = 1;\n\n private _id: number = Marker._nextId++;\n public isDisposed: boolean = false;\n\n public get id(): number { return this._id; }\n\n private _onDispose = new EventEmitter2<void>();\n public get onDispose(): IEvent<void> { return this._onDispose.event; }\n\n constructor(\n public line: number\n ) {\n super();\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n if (this.isDisposed) {\n return;\n }\n this.isDisposed = true;\n // Emit before super.dispose such that dispose listeners get a change to react\n this._onDispose.fire();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterator to get unwrapped content strings from the buffer.\n * The iterator returns at least the string data between the borders\n * `startIndex` and `endIndex` (exclusive) and will expand the lines\n * by `startOverscan` to the top and by `endOverscan` to the bottom,\n * if no new line was found in between.\n * It will never read/return string data beyond `startIndex - startOverscan`\n * or `endIndex + endOverscan`. Therefore the first and last line might be truncated.\n * It is possible to always get the full string for the first and last line as well\n * by setting the overscan values to the actual buffer length. This not recommended\n * since it might return the whole buffer within a single string in a worst case scenario.\n */\nexport class BufferStringIterator implements IBufferStringIterator {\n private _current: number;\n\n constructor (\n private _buffer: IBuffer,\n private _trimRight: boolean,\n private _startIndex: number = 0,\n private _endIndex: number = _buffer.lines.length,\n private _startOverscan: number = 0,\n private _endOverscan: number = 0\n ) {\n if (this._startIndex < 0) {\n this._startIndex = 0;\n }\n if (this._endIndex > this._buffer.lines.length) {\n this._endIndex = this._buffer.lines.length;\n }\n this._current = this._startIndex;\n }\n\n public hasNext(): boolean {\n return this._current < this._endIndex;\n }\n\n public next(): IBufferStringIteratorResult {\n const range = this._buffer.getWrappedRangeForLine(this._current);\n // limit search window to overscan value at both borders\n if (range.first < this._startIndex - this._startOverscan) {\n range.first = this._startIndex - this._startOverscan;\n }\n if (range.last > this._endIndex + this._endOverscan) {\n range.last = this._endIndex + this._endOverscan;\n }\n // limit to current buffer length\n range.first = Math.max(range.first, 0);\n range.last = Math.min(range.last, this._buffer.lines.length);\n let result = '';\n for (let i = range.first; i <= range.last; ++i) {\n result += this._buffer.translateBufferLineToString(i, this._trimRight);\n }\n this._current = range.last + 1;\n return {range: range, content: result};\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport * as Strings from './Strings';\nimport { ITerminal, IBuffer } from './Types';\nimport { isMac } from './common/Platform';\nimport { RenderDebouncer } from './ui/RenderDebouncer';\nimport { addDisposableDomListener } from './ui/Lifecycle';\nimport { Disposable } from './common/Lifecycle';\n\nconst MAX_ROWS_TO_READ = 20;\n\nconst enum BoundaryPosition {\n TOP,\n BOTTOM\n}\n\nexport class AccessibilityManager extends Disposable {\n private _accessibilityTreeRoot: HTMLElement;\n private _rowContainer: HTMLElement;\n private _rowElements: HTMLElement[];\n private _liveRegion: HTMLElement;\n private _liveRegionLineCount: number = 0;\n\n private _renderRowsDebouncer: RenderDebouncer;\n\n private _topBoundaryFocusListener: (e: FocusEvent) => void;\n private _bottomBoundaryFocusListener: (e: FocusEvent) => void;\n\n /**\n * This queue has a character pushed to it for keys that are pressed, if the\n * next character added to the terminal is equal to the key char then it is\n * not announced (added to live region) because it has already been announced\n * by the textarea event (which cannot be canceled). There are some race\n * condition cases if there is typing while data is streaming, but this covers\n * the main case of typing into the prompt and inputting the answer to a\n * question (Y/N, etc.).\n */\n private _charsToConsume: string[] = [];\n\n constructor(private _terminal: ITerminal) {\n super();\n this._accessibilityTreeRoot = document.createElement('div');\n this._accessibilityTreeRoot.classList.add('xterm-accessibility');\n\n this._rowContainer = document.createElement('div');\n this._rowContainer.classList.add('xterm-accessibility-tree');\n this._rowElements = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < this._terminal.rows; i++) {\n this._rowElements[i] = this._createAccessibilityTreeNode();\n this._rowContainer.appendChild(this._rowElements[i]);\n }\n\n this._topBoundaryFocusListener = e => this._onBoundaryFocus(e, BoundaryPosition.TOP);\n this._bottomBoundaryFocusListener = e => this._onBoundaryFocus(e, BoundaryPosition.BOTTOM);\n this._rowElements[0].addEventListener('focus', this._topBoundaryFocusListener);\n this._rowElements[this._rowElements.length - 1].addEventListener('focus', this._bottomBoundaryFocusListener);\n\n this._refreshRowsDimensions();\n this._accessibilityTreeRoot.appendChild(this._rowContainer);\n\n this._renderRowsDebouncer = new RenderDebouncer(this._renderRows.bind(this));\n this._refreshRows();\n\n this._liveRegion = document.createElement('div');\n this._liveRegion.classList.add('live-region');\n this._liveRegion.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive');\n this._accessibilityTreeRoot.appendChild(this._liveRegion);\n\n this._terminal.element.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this._accessibilityTreeRoot);\n\n this.register(this._renderRowsDebouncer);\n this.register(this._terminal.onResize(e => this._onResize(e.rows)));\n this.register(this._terminal.onRender(e => this._refreshRows(e.start, e.end)));\n this.register(this._terminal.onScroll(() => this._refreshRows()));\n // Line feed is an issue as the prompt won't be read out after a command is run\n this.register(this._terminal.addDisposableListener('a11y.char', (char) => this._onChar(char)));\n this.register(this._terminal.onLineFeed(() => this._onChar('\\n')));\n this.register(this._terminal.addDisposableListener('a11y.tab', spaceCount => this._onTab(spaceCount)));\n this.register(this._terminal.onKey(e => this._onKey(e.key)));\n this.register(this._terminal.addDisposableListener('blur', () => this._clearLiveRegion()));\n // TODO: Maybe renderer should fire an event on terminal when the characters change and that\n // should be listened to instead? That would mean that the order of events are always\n // guarenteed\n this.register(this._terminal.addDisposableListener('dprchange', () => this._refreshRowsDimensions()));\n this.register(this._terminal.renderer.onCanvasResize(() => this._refreshRowsDimensions()));\n // This shouldn't be needed on modern browsers but is present in case the\n // media query that drives the dprchange event isn't supported\n this.register(addDisposableDomListener(window, 'resize', () => this._refreshRowsDimensions()));\n }\n\n public dispose(): void {\n super.dispose();\n this._terminal.element.removeChild(this._accessibilityTreeRoot);\n this._rowElements.length = 0;\n }\n\n private _onBoundaryFocus(e: FocusEvent, position: BoundaryPosition): void {\n const boundaryElement = <HTMLElement>e.target;\n const beforeBoundaryElement = this._rowElements[position === BoundaryPosition.TOP ? 1 : this._rowElements.length - 2];\n\n // Don't scroll if the buffer top has reached the end in that direction\n const posInSet = boundaryElement.getAttribute('aria-posinset');\n const lastRowPos = position === BoundaryPosition.TOP ? '1' : `${this._terminal.buffer.lines.length}`;\n if (posInSet === lastRowPos) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Don't scroll when the last focused item was not the second row (focus is going the other\n // direction)\n if (e.relatedTarget !== beforeBoundaryElement) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Remove old boundary element from array\n let topBoundaryElement: HTMLElement;\n let bottomBoundaryElement: HTMLElement;\n if (position === BoundaryPosition.TOP) {\n topBoundaryElement = boundaryElement;\n bottomBoundaryElement = this._rowElements.pop()!;\n this._rowContainer.removeChild(bottomBoundaryElement);\n } else {\n topBoundaryElement = this._rowElements.shift()!;\n bottomBoundaryElement = boundaryElement;\n this._rowContainer.removeChild(topBoundaryElement);\n }\n\n // Remove listeners from old boundary elements\n topBoundaryElement.removeEventListener('focus', this._topBoundaryFocusListener);\n bottomBoundaryElement.removeEventListener('focus', this._bottomBoundaryFocusListener);\n\n // Add new element to array/DOM\n if (position === BoundaryPosition.TOP) {\n const newElement = this._createAccessibilityTreeNode();\n this._rowElements.unshift(newElement);\n this._rowContainer.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', newElement);\n } else {\n const newElement = this._createAccessibilityTreeNode();\n this._rowElements.push(newElement);\n this._rowContainer.appendChild(newElement);\n }\n\n // Add listeners to new boundary elements\n this._rowElements[0].addEventListener('focus', this._topBoundaryFocusListener);\n this._rowElements[this._rowElements.length - 1].addEventListener('focus', this._bottomBoundaryFocusListener);\n\n // Scroll up\n this._terminal.scrollLines(position === BoundaryPosition.TOP ? -1 : 1);\n\n // Focus new boundary before element\n this._rowElements[position === BoundaryPosition.TOP ? 1 : this._rowElements.length - 2].focus();\n\n // Prevent the standard behavior\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n\n private _onResize(rows: number): void {\n // Remove bottom boundary listener\n this._rowElements[this._rowElements.length - 1].removeEventListener('focus', this._bottomBoundaryFocusListener);\n\n // Grow rows as required\n for (let i = this._rowContainer.children.length; i < this._terminal.rows; i++) {\n this._rowElements[i] = this._createAccessibilityTreeNode();\n this._rowContainer.appendChild(this._rowElements[i]);\n }\n // Shrink rows as required\n while (this._rowElements.length > rows) {\n this._rowContainer.removeChild(this._rowElements.pop()!);\n }\n\n // Add bottom boundary listener\n this._rowElements[this._rowElements.length - 1].addEventListener('focus', this._bottomBoundaryFocusListener);\n\n this._refreshRowsDimensions();\n }\n\n private _createAccessibilityTreeNode(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement('div');\n element.setAttribute('role', 'listitem');\n element.tabIndex = -1;\n this._refreshRowDimensions(element);\n return element;\n }\n\n private _onTab(spaceCount: number): void {\n for (let i = 0; i < spaceCount; i++) {\n this._onChar(' ');\n }\n }\n\n private _onChar(char: string): void {\n if (this._liveRegionLineCount < MAX_ROWS_TO_READ + 1) {\n if (this._charsToConsume.length > 0) {\n // Have the screen reader ignore the char if it was just input\n const shiftedChar = this._charsToConsume.shift();\n if (shiftedChar !== char) {\n this._announceCharacter(char);\n }\n } else {\n this._announceCharacter(char);\n }\n\n if (char === '\\n') {\n this._liveRegionLineCount++;\n if (this._liveRegionLineCount === MAX_ROWS_TO_READ + 1) {\n this._liveRegion.textContent += Strings.tooMuchOutput;\n }\n }\n\n // Only detach/attach on mac as otherwise messages can go unaccounced\n if (isMac) {\n if (this._liveRegion.textContent && this._liveRegion.textContent.length > 0 && !this._liveRegion.parentNode) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n this._accessibilityTreeRoot.appendChild(this._liveRegion);\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n private _clearLiveRegion(): void {\n this._liveRegion.textContent = '';\n this._liveRegionLineCount = 0;\n\n // Only detach/attach on mac as otherwise messages can go unaccounced\n if (isMac) {\n if (this._liveRegion.parentNode) {\n this._accessibilityTreeRoot.removeChild(this._liveRegion);\n }\n }\n }\n\n private _onKey(keyChar: string): void {\n this._clearLiveRegion();\n this._charsToConsume.push(keyChar);\n }\n\n private _refreshRows(start?: number, end?: number): void {\n this._renderRowsDebouncer.refresh(start, end, this._terminal.rows);\n }\n\n private _renderRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n const buffer: IBuffer = this._terminal.buffer;\n const setSize = buffer.lines.length.toString();\n for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {\n const lineData = buffer.translateBufferLineToString(buffer.ydisp + i, true);\n const posInSet = (buffer.ydisp + i + 1).toString();\n const element = this._rowElements[i];\n if (element) {\n element.textContent = lineData.length === 0 ? Strings.blankLine : lineData;\n element.setAttribute('aria-posinset', posInSet);\n element.setAttribute('aria-setsize', setSize);\n }\n }\n }\n\n private _refreshRowsDimensions(): void {\n if (!this._terminal.renderer.dimensions.actualCellHeight) {\n return;\n }\n if (this._rowElements.length !== this._terminal.rows) {\n this._onResize(this._terminal.rows);\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < this._terminal.rows; i++) {\n this._refreshRowDimensions(this._rowElements[i]);\n }\n }\n\n private _refreshRowDimensions(element: HTMLElement): void {\n element.style.height = `${this._terminal.renderer.dimensions.actualCellHeight}px`;\n }\n\n private _announceCharacter(char: string): void {\n if (char === ' ') {\n // Always use nbsp for spaces in order to preserve the space between characters in\n // voiceover's caption window\n this._liveRegion.innerHTML += '&nbsp;';\n } else {\n this._liveRegion.textContent += char;\n }\n 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