]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_novnc.git/blob - tests/test.mouse.js
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[mirror_novnc.git] / tests / test.mouse.js
1 var assert = chai.assert;
2 var expect = chai.expect;
4 import sinon from '../vendor/sinon.js';
6 import Mouse from '../core/input/mouse.js';
7 import * as eventUtils from '../core/util/events.js';
9 /* jshint newcap: false, expr: true */
10 describe('Mouse Event Handling', function() {
11 "use strict";
13 sinon.stub(eventUtils, 'setCapture');
14 // This function is only used on target (the canvas)
15 // and for these tests we can assume that the canvas is 100x100
16 // located at coordinates 10x10
17 sinon.stub(Element.prototype, 'getBoundingClientRect').returns(
18 {left: 10, right: 110, top: 10, bottom: 110, width: 100, height: 100});
19 var target = document.createElement('canvas');
21 // The real constructors might not work everywhere we
22 // want to run these tests
23 var mouseevent, touchevent;
24 mouseevent = touchevent = function(typeArg, MouseEventInit) {
25 var e = { type: typeArg };
26 for (var key in MouseEventInit) {
27 e[key] = MouseEventInit[key];
28 }
29 e.stopPropagation = sinon.spy();
30 e.preventDefault = sinon.spy();
31 return e;
32 };
34 describe('Decode Mouse Events', function() {
35 it('should decode mousedown events', function(done) {
36 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
37 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
38 expect(bmask).to.be.equal(0x01);
39 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
40 done();
41 };
42 mouse._handleMouseDown(mouseevent('mousedown', { button: '0x01' }));
43 });
44 it('should decode mouseup events', function(done) {
45 var calls = 0;
46 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
47 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
48 expect(bmask).to.be.equal(0x01);
49 if (calls++ === 1) {
50 expect(down).to.not.be.equal(1);
51 done();
52 }
53 };
54 mouse._handleMouseDown(mouseevent('mousedown', { button: '0x01' }));
55 mouse._handleMouseUp(mouseevent('mouseup', { button: '0x01' }));
56 });
57 it('should decode mousemove events', function(done) {
58 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
59 mouse.onmousemove = function(x, y) {
60 // Note that target relative coordinates are sent
61 expect(x).to.be.equal(40);
62 expect(y).to.be.equal(10);
63 done();
64 };
65 mouse._handleMouseMove(mouseevent('mousemove',
66 { clientX: 50, clientY: 20 }));
67 });
68 it('should decode mousewheel events', function(done) {
69 var calls = 0;
70 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
71 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
72 calls++;
73 expect(bmask).to.be.equal(1<<6);
74 if (calls === 1) {
75 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
76 } else if (calls === 2) {
77 expect(down).to.not.be.equal(1);
78 done();
79 }
80 };
81 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent('mousewheel',
82 { deltaX: 50, deltaY: 0,
83 deltaMode: 0}));
84 });
85 });
87 describe('Double-click for Touch', function() {
89 beforeEach(function () { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); });
90 afterEach(function () { this.clock.restore(); });
92 it('should use same pos for 2nd tap if close enough', function(done) {
93 var calls = 0;
94 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
95 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
96 calls++;
97 if (calls === 1) {
98 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
99 expect(x).to.be.equal(68);
100 expect(y).to.be.equal(36);
101 } else if (calls === 3) {
102 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
103 expect(x).to.be.equal(68);
104 expect(y).to.be.equal(36);
105 done();
106 }
107 };
108 // touch events are sent in an array of events
109 // with one item for each touch point
110 mouse._handleMouseDown(touchevent(
111 'touchstart', { touches: [{ clientX: 78, clientY: 46 }]}));
112 this.clock.tick(10);
113 mouse._handleMouseUp(touchevent(
114 'touchend', { touches: [{ clientX: 79, clientY: 45 }]}));
115 this.clock.tick(200);
116 mouse._handleMouseDown(touchevent(
117 'touchstart', { touches: [{ clientX: 67, clientY: 35 }]}));
118 this.clock.tick(10);
119 mouse._handleMouseUp(touchevent(
120 'touchend', { touches: [{ clientX: 66, clientY: 36 }]}));
121 });
123 it('should not modify 2nd tap pos if far apart', function(done) {
124 var calls = 0;
125 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
126 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
127 calls++;
128 if (calls === 1) {
129 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
130 expect(x).to.be.equal(68);
131 expect(y).to.be.equal(36);
132 } else if (calls === 3) {
133 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
134 expect(x).to.not.be.equal(68);
135 expect(y).to.not.be.equal(36);
136 done();
137 }
138 };
139 mouse._handleMouseDown(touchevent(
140 'touchstart', { touches: [{ clientX: 78, clientY: 46 }]}));
141 this.clock.tick(10);
142 mouse._handleMouseUp(touchevent(
143 'touchend', { touches: [{ clientX: 79, clientY: 45 }]}));
144 this.clock.tick(200);
145 mouse._handleMouseDown(touchevent(
146 'touchstart', { touches: [{ clientX: 57, clientY: 35 }]}));
147 this.clock.tick(10);
148 mouse._handleMouseUp(touchevent(
149 'touchend', { touches: [{ clientX: 56, clientY: 36 }]}));
150 });
152 it('should not modify 2nd tap pos if not soon enough', function(done) {
153 var calls = 0;
154 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
155 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
156 calls++;
157 if (calls === 1) {
158 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
159 expect(x).to.be.equal(68);
160 expect(y).to.be.equal(36);
161 } else if (calls === 3) {
162 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
163 expect(x).to.not.be.equal(68);
164 expect(y).to.not.be.equal(36);
165 done();
166 }
167 };
168 mouse._handleMouseDown(touchevent(
169 'touchstart', { touches: [{ clientX: 78, clientY: 46 }]}));
170 this.clock.tick(10);
171 mouse._handleMouseUp(touchevent(
172 'touchend', { touches: [{ clientX: 79, clientY: 45 }]}));
173 this.clock.tick(500);
174 mouse._handleMouseDown(touchevent(
175 'touchstart', { touches: [{ clientX: 67, clientY: 35 }]}));
176 this.clock.tick(10);
177 mouse._handleMouseUp(touchevent(
178 'touchend', { touches: [{ clientX: 66, clientY: 36 }]}));
179 });
181 it('should not modify 2nd tap pos if not touch', function(done) {
182 var calls = 0;
183 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
184 mouse.onmousebutton = function(x, y, down, bmask) {
185 calls++;
186 if (calls === 1) {
187 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
188 expect(x).to.be.equal(68);
189 expect(y).to.be.equal(36);
190 } else if (calls === 3) {
191 expect(down).to.be.equal(1);
192 expect(x).to.not.be.equal(68);
193 expect(y).to.not.be.equal(36);
194 done();
195 }
196 };
197 mouse._handleMouseDown(mouseevent(
198 'mousedown', { button: '0x01', clientX: 78, clientY: 46 }));
199 this.clock.tick(10);
200 mouse._handleMouseUp(mouseevent(
201 'mouseup', { button: '0x01', clientX: 79, clientY: 45 }));
202 this.clock.tick(200);
203 mouse._handleMouseDown(mouseevent(
204 'mousedown', { button: '0x01', clientX: 67, clientY: 35 }));
205 this.clock.tick(10);
206 mouse._handleMouseUp(mouseevent(
207 'mouseup', { button: '0x01', clientX: 66, clientY: 36 }));
208 });
210 });
212 describe('Accumulate mouse wheel events with small delta', function() {
214 beforeEach(function () { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); });
215 afterEach(function () { this.clock.restore(); });
217 it('should accumulate wheel events if small enough', function () {
218 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
219 mouse.onmousebutton = sinon.spy();
221 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
222 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
223 deltaX: 4, deltaY: 0, deltaMode: 0 }));
224 this.clock.tick(10);
225 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
226 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
227 deltaX: 4, deltaY: 0, deltaMode: 0 }));
229 // threshold is 10
230 expect(mouse._accumulatedWheelDeltaX).to.be.equal(8);
232 this.clock.tick(10);
233 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
234 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
235 deltaX: 4, deltaY: 0, deltaMode: 0 }));
237 expect(mouse.onmousebutton).to.have.callCount(2); // mouse down and up
239 this.clock.tick(10);
240 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
241 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
242 deltaX: 4, deltaY: 9, deltaMode: 0 }));
244 expect(mouse._accumulatedWheelDeltaX).to.be.equal(4);
245 expect(mouse._accumulatedWheelDeltaY).to.be.equal(9);
247 expect(mouse.onmousebutton).to.have.callCount(2); // still
248 });
250 it('should not accumulate large wheel events', function () {
251 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
252 mouse.onmousebutton = sinon.spy();
254 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
255 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
256 deltaX: 11, deltaY: 0, deltaMode: 0 }));
257 this.clock.tick(10);
258 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
259 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
260 deltaX: 0, deltaY: 70, deltaMode: 0 }));
261 this.clock.tick(10);
262 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
263 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
264 deltaX: 400, deltaY: 400, deltaMode: 0 }));
266 expect(mouse.onmousebutton).to.have.callCount(8); // mouse down and up
267 });
269 it('should send even small wheel events after a timeout', function () {
270 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
271 mouse.onmousebutton = sinon.spy();
273 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
274 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
275 deltaX: 1, deltaY: 0, deltaMode: 0 }));
276 this.clock.tick(51); // timeout on 50 ms
278 expect(mouse.onmousebutton).to.have.callCount(2); // mouse down and up
279 });
281 it('should account for non-zero deltaMode', function () {
282 var mouse = new Mouse(target);
283 mouse.onmousebutton = sinon.spy();
285 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
286 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
287 deltaX: 0, deltaY: 2, deltaMode: 1 }));
289 this.clock.tick(10);
291 mouse._handleMouseWheel(mouseevent(
292 'mousewheel', { clientX: 18, clientY: 40,
293 deltaX: 1, deltaY: 0, deltaMode: 2 }));
295 expect(mouse.onmousebutton).to.have.callCount(4); // mouse down and up
296 });
297 });
299 });