]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_novnc.git/blob - utils/svc_wrapper.sh
Don't fade the control bar if it has focus
[mirror_novnc.git] / utils / svc_wrapper.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # `snapctl get services` returns a JSON array, example:
4 #{
5 #"n6801": {
6 # "listen": 6801,
7 # "vnc": "localhost:5901"
8 #},
9 #"n6802": {
10 # "listen": 6802,
11 # "vnc": "localhost:5902"
12 #}
13 #}
14 snapctl get services | jq -c '.[]' | while read service; do # for each service the user sepcified..
15 # get the important data for the service (listen port, VNC host:port)
16 listen_port="$(echo $service | jq --raw-output '.listen')"
17 vnc_host_port="$(echo $service | jq --raw-output '.vnc')" # --raw-output removes any quotation marks from the output
19 # check whether those values are valid
20 expr "$listen_port" : '^[0-9]\+$' > /dev/null
21 listen_port_valid=$?
22 if [ ! $listen_port_valid ] || [ -z "$vnc_host_port" ]; then
23 # invalid values mean the service is disabled, do nothing except for printing a message (logged in /var/log/system or systemd journal)
24 echo "novnc: not starting service ${service} with listen_port ${listen_port} and vnc_host_port ${vnc_host_port}"
25 else
26 # start (and fork with '&') the service using the specified listen port and VNC host:port
27 $SNAP/utils/launch.sh --listen $listen_port --vnc $vnc_host_port &
28 fi
29 done