]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/qa/tasks/ceph_deploy.py
update sources to v12.1.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / ceph_deploy.py
2Execute ceph-deploy as a task
4from cStringIO import StringIO
6import contextlib
7import os
8import time
9import logging
10import traceback
12from teuthology import misc as teuthology
13from teuthology import contextutil
14from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
15from teuthology.task import install as install_fn
16from teuthology.orchestra import run
17from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import Filesystem
19log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
23def download_ceph_deploy(ctx, config):
24 """
25 Downloads ceph-deploy from the ceph.com git mirror and (by default)
26 switches to the master branch. If the `ceph-deploy-branch` is specified, it
27 will use that instead. The `bootstrap` script is ran, with the argument
28 obtained from `python_version`, if specified.
29 """
30 ceph_admin = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config))
32 try:
33 py_ver = str(config['python_version'])
34 except KeyError:
35 pass
36 else:
37 supported_versions = ['2', '3']
38 if py_ver not in supported_versions:
39 raise ValueError("python_version must be: {}, not {}".format(
40 ' or '.join(supported_versions), py_ver
41 ))
43 log.info("Installing Python")
44 for admin in ceph_admin.remotes:
45 system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(admin)
47 if system_type == 'rpm':
48 package = 'python34' if py_ver == '3' else 'python'
49 ctx.cluster.run(args=[
50 'sudo', 'yum', '-y', 'install',
51 package, 'python-virtualenv'
52 ])
53 else:
54 package = 'python3' if py_ver == '3' else 'python'
55 ctx.cluster.run(args=[
56 'sudo', 'apt-get', '-y', '--force-yes', 'install',
57 package, 'python-virtualenv'
58 ])
60 log.info('Downloading ceph-deploy...')
61 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
62 ceph_deploy_branch = config.get('ceph-deploy-branch', 'master')
64 ceph_admin.run(
65 args=[
66 'git', 'clone', '-b', ceph_deploy_branch,
67 teuth_config.ceph_git_base_url + 'ceph-deploy.git',
68 '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
69 ],
70 )
71 args = [
72 'cd',
73 '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
74 run.Raw('&&'),
75 './bootstrap',
76 ]
77 try:
78 args.append(str(config['python_version']))
79 except KeyError:
80 pass
81 ceph_admin.run(args=args)
83 try:
84 yield
85 finally:
86 log.info('Removing ceph-deploy ...')
87 ceph_admin.run(
88 args=[
89 'rm',
90 '-rf',
91 '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
92 ],
93 )
96def is_healthy(ctx, config):
97 """Wait until a Ceph cluster is healthy."""
98 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
99 ceph_admin = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
100 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(ceph_admin).remotes.keys()
101 max_tries = 90 # 90 tries * 10 secs --> 15 minutes
102 tries = 0
103 while True:
104 tries += 1
105 if tries >= max_tries:
106 msg = "ceph health was unable to get 'HEALTH_OK' after waiting 15 minutes"
107 remote.run(
108 args=[
109 'cd',
110 '{tdir}'.format(tdir=testdir),
111 run.Raw('&&'),
112 'sudo', 'ceph',
113 'report',
114 ],
115 )
116 raise RuntimeError(msg)
118 r = remote.run(
119 args=[
120 'cd',
121 '{tdir}'.format(tdir=testdir),
122 run.Raw('&&'),
123 'sudo', 'ceph',
124 'health',
125 ],
126 stdout=StringIO(),
127 logger=log.getChild('health'),
128 )
129 out = r.stdout.getvalue()
130 log.info('Ceph health: %s', out.rstrip('\n'))
131 if out.split(None, 1)[0] == 'HEALTH_OK':
132 break
133 time.sleep(10)
136def get_nodes_using_role(ctx, target_role):
137 """
138 Extract the names of nodes that match a given role from a cluster, and modify the
139 cluster's service IDs to match the resulting node-based naming scheme that ceph-deploy
140 uses, such that if "mon.a" is on host "foo23", it'll be renamed to "mon.foo23".
141 """
143 # Nodes containing a service of the specified role
144 nodes_of_interest = []
146 # Prepare a modified version of cluster.remotes with ceph-deploy-ized names
147 modified_remotes = {}
149 for _remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
150 modified_remotes[_remote] = []
151 for svc_id in roles_for_host:
152 if svc_id.startswith("{0}.".format(target_role)):
153 fqdn = str(_remote).split('@')[-1]
154 nodename = str(str(_remote).split('.')[0]).split('@')[1]
155 if target_role == 'mon':
156 nodes_of_interest.append(fqdn)
157 else:
158 nodes_of_interest.append(nodename)
160 modified_remotes[_remote].append(
161 "{0}.{1}".format(target_role, nodename))
162 else:
163 modified_remotes[_remote].append(svc_id)
165 ctx.cluster.remotes = modified_remotes
167 return nodes_of_interest
170def get_dev_for_osd(ctx, config):
171 """Get a list of all osd device names."""
172 osd_devs = []
173 for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
174 host = remote.name.split('@')[-1]
175 shortname = host.split('.')[0]
176 devs = teuthology.get_scratch_devices(remote)
177 num_osd_per_host = list(
178 teuthology.roles_of_type(
179 roles_for_host, 'osd'))
180 num_osds = len(num_osd_per_host)
181 if config.get('separate_journal_disk') is not None:
182 num_devs_reqd = 2 * num_osds
183 assert num_devs_reqd <= len(
184 devs), 'fewer data and journal disks than required ' + shortname
185 for dindex in range(0, num_devs_reqd, 2):
186 jd_index = dindex + 1
187 dev_short = devs[dindex].split('/')[-1]
188 jdev_short = devs[jd_index].split('/')[-1]
189 osd_devs.append((shortname, dev_short, jdev_short))
190 else:
191 assert num_osds <= len(devs), 'fewer disks than osds ' + shortname
192 for dev in devs[:num_osds]:
193 dev_short = dev.split('/')[-1]
194 osd_devs.append((shortname, dev_short))
195 return osd_devs
198def get_all_nodes(ctx, config):
199 """Return a string of node names separated by blanks"""
200 nodelist = []
201 for t, k in ctx.config['targets'].iteritems():
202 host = t.split('@')[-1]
203 simple_host = host.split('.')[0]
204 nodelist.append(simple_host)
205 nodelist = " ".join(nodelist)
206 return nodelist
210def build_ceph_cluster(ctx, config):
211 """Build a ceph cluster"""
213 # Expect to find ceph_admin on the first mon by ID, same place that the download task
214 # puts it. Remember this here, because subsequently IDs will change from those in
215 # the test config to those that ceph-deploy invents.
216 (ceph_admin,) = ctx.cluster.only(
217 teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)).remotes.iterkeys()
219 def execute_ceph_deploy(cmd):
220 """Remotely execute a ceph_deploy command"""
221 return ceph_admin.run(
222 args=[
223 'cd',
224 '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
225 run.Raw('&&'),
226 run.Raw(cmd),
227 ],
228 check_status=False,
229 ).exitstatus
231 try:
232 log.info('Building ceph cluster using ceph-deploy...')
233 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
234 ceph_branch = None
235 if config.get('branch') is not None:
236 cbranch = config.get('branch')
237 for var, val in cbranch.iteritems():
238 ceph_branch = '--{var}={val}'.format(var=var, val=val)
239 all_nodes = get_all_nodes(ctx, config)
240 mds_nodes = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mds')
241 mds_nodes = " ".join(mds_nodes)
242 mon_node = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mon')
243 mon_nodes = " ".join(mon_node)
244 mgr_nodes = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mgr')
245 mgr_nodes = " ".join(mgr_nodes)
7c673cae 246 new_mon = './ceph-deploy new' + " " + mon_nodes
224ce89b 247 mgr_create = './ceph-deploy mgr create' + " " + mgr_nodes
248 mon_hostname = mon_nodes.split(' ')[0]
249 mon_hostname = str(mon_hostname)
250 gather_keys = './ceph-deploy gatherkeys' + " " + mon_hostname
251 deploy_mds = './ceph-deploy mds create' + " " + mds_nodes
252 no_of_osds = 0
254 if mon_nodes is None:
255 raise RuntimeError("no monitor nodes in the config file")
257 estatus_new = execute_ceph_deploy(new_mon)
258 if estatus_new != 0:
259 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: new command failed")
261 log.info('adding config inputs...')
262 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
263 conf_path = '{tdir}/ceph-deploy/ceph.conf'.format(tdir=testdir)
265 if config.get('conf') is not None:
266 confp = config.get('conf')
267 for section, keys in confp.iteritems():
268 lines = '[{section}]\n'.format(section=section)
269 teuthology.append_lines_to_file(ceph_admin, conf_path, lines,
270 sudo=True)
271 for key, value in keys.iteritems():
272 log.info("[%s] %s = %s" % (section, key, value))
273 lines = '{key} = {value}\n'.format(key=key, value=value)
274 teuthology.append_lines_to_file(
275 ceph_admin, conf_path, lines, sudo=True)
277 # install ceph
278 dev_branch = ctx.config['branch']
279 branch = '--dev={branch}'.format(branch=dev_branch)
280 if ceph_branch:
281 option = ceph_branch
282 else:
283 option = branch
284 install_nodes = './ceph-deploy install ' + option + " " + all_nodes
285 estatus_install = execute_ceph_deploy(install_nodes)
286 if estatus_install != 0:
287 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to install ceph")
288 # install ceph-test package too
289 install_nodes2 = './ceph-deploy install --tests ' + option + \
290 " " + all_nodes
291 estatus_install = execute_ceph_deploy(install_nodes2)
292 if estatus_install != 0:
293 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to install ceph-test")
295 mon_create_nodes = './ceph-deploy mon create-initial'
296 # If the following fails, it is OK, it might just be that the monitors
297 # are taking way more than a minute/monitor to form quorum, so lets
298 # try the next block which will wait up to 15 minutes to gatherkeys.
299 execute_ceph_deploy(mon_create_nodes)
224ce89b 300 execute_ceph_deploy(mgr_create)
302 # create-keys is explicit now
303 # http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/16036
304 mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
305 for remote in mons.remotes.iterkeys():
306 remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph-create-keys', '--cluster', 'ceph',
307 '--id', remote.shortname])
309 estatus_gather = execute_ceph_deploy(gather_keys)
310 if mds_nodes:
311 estatus_mds = execute_ceph_deploy(deploy_mds)
312 if estatus_mds != 0:
313 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to deploy mds")
315 if config.get('test_mon_destroy') is not None:
316 for d in range(1, len(mon_node)):
317 mon_destroy_nodes = './ceph-deploy mon destroy' + \
318 " " + mon_node[d]
319 estatus_mon_d = execute_ceph_deploy(mon_destroy_nodes)
320 if estatus_mon_d != 0:
321 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to delete monitor")
323 node_dev_list = get_dev_for_osd(ctx, config)
324 for d in node_dev_list:
325 node = d[0]
326 for disk in d[1:]:
327 zap = './ceph-deploy disk zap ' + node + ':' + disk
328 estatus = execute_ceph_deploy(zap)
329 if estatus != 0:
330 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to zap osds")
331 osd_create_cmd = './ceph-deploy osd create '
332 if config.get('dmcrypt') is not None:
333 osd_create_cmd += '--dmcrypt '
334 osd_create_cmd += ":".join(d)
335 estatus_osd = execute_ceph_deploy(osd_create_cmd)
336 if estatus_osd == 0:
337 log.info('successfully created osd')
338 no_of_osds += 1
339 else:
340 raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to create osds")
342 if config.get('wait-for-healthy', True) and no_of_osds >= 2:
343 is_healthy(ctx=ctx, config=None)
345 log.info('Setting up client nodes...')
346 conf_path = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
347 admin_keyring_path = '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring'
348 first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
349 (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.keys()
350 conf_data = teuthology.get_file(
351 remote=mon0_remote,
352 path=conf_path,
353 sudo=True,
354 )
355 admin_keyring = teuthology.get_file(
356 remote=mon0_remote,
357 path=admin_keyring_path,
358 sudo=True,
359 )
361 clients = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('client'))
362 for remot, roles_for_host in clients.remotes.iteritems():
363 for id_ in teuthology.roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'client'):
364 client_keyring = \
365 '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{id}.keyring'.format(id=id_)
366 mon0_remote.run(
367 args=[
368 'cd',
369 '{tdir}'.format(tdir=testdir),
370 run.Raw('&&'),
371 'sudo', 'bash', '-c',
372 run.Raw('"'), 'ceph',
373 'auth',
374 'get-or-create',
375 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_),
376 'mds', 'allow',
377 'mon', 'allow *',
378 'osd', 'allow *',
379 run.Raw('>'),
380 client_keyring,
381 run.Raw('"'),
382 ],
383 )
384 key_data = teuthology.get_file(
385 remote=mon0_remote,
386 path=client_keyring,
387 sudo=True,
388 )
389 teuthology.sudo_write_file(
390 remote=remot,
391 path=client_keyring,
392 data=key_data,
393 perms='0644'
394 )
395 teuthology.sudo_write_file(
396 remote=remot,
397 path=admin_keyring_path,
398 data=admin_keyring,
399 perms='0644'
400 )
401 teuthology.sudo_write_file(
402 remote=remot,
403 path=conf_path,
404 data=conf_data,
405 perms='0644'
406 )
408 if mds_nodes:
409 log.info('Configuring CephFS...')
410 ceph_fs = Filesystem(ctx, create=True)
411 elif not config.get('only_mon'):
412 raise RuntimeError(
413 "The cluster is NOT operational due to insufficient OSDs")
414 yield
416 except Exception:
417 log.info(
418 "Error encountered, logging exception before tearing down ceph-deploy")
419 log.info(traceback.format_exc())
420 raise
421 finally:
422 if config.get('keep_running'):
423 return
424 log.info('Stopping ceph...')
425 ctx.cluster.run(args=['sudo', 'stop', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
426 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'stop', run.Raw('||'),
427 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'stop', 'ceph.target'])
429 # Are you really not running anymore?
430 # try first with the init tooling
431 # ignoring the status so this becomes informational only
432 ctx.cluster.run(
433 args=[
434 'sudo', 'status', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
435 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'status', run.Raw('||'),
436 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'status', 'ceph.target'],
437 check_status=False)
439 # and now just check for the processes themselves, as if upstart/sysvinit
440 # is lying to us. Ignore errors if the grep fails
441 ctx.cluster.run(args=['sudo', 'ps', 'aux', run.Raw('|'),
442 'grep', '-v', 'grep', run.Raw('|'),
443 'grep', 'ceph'], check_status=False)
445 if ctx.archive is not None:
446 # archive mon data, too
447 log.info('Archiving mon data...')
448 path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'data')
449 os.makedirs(path)
450 mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
451 for remote, roles in mons.remotes.iteritems():
452 for role in roles:
453 if role.startswith('mon.'):
454 teuthology.pull_directory_tarball(
455 remote,
456 '/var/lib/ceph/mon',
457 path + '/' + role + '.tgz')
459 log.info('Compressing logs...')
460 run.wait(
461 ctx.cluster.run(
462 args=[
463 'sudo',
464 'find',
465 '/var/log/ceph',
466 '-name',
467 '*.log',
468 '-print0',
469 run.Raw('|'),
470 'sudo',
471 'xargs',
472 '-0',
473 '--no-run-if-empty',
474 '--',
475 'gzip',
476 '--',
477 ],
478 wait=False,
479 ),
480 )
482 log.info('Archiving logs...')
483 path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'remote')
484 os.makedirs(path)
485 for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys():
486 sub = os.path.join(path, remote.shortname)
487 os.makedirs(sub)
488 teuthology.pull_directory(remote, '/var/log/ceph',
489 os.path.join(sub, 'log'))
491 # Prevent these from being undefined if the try block fails
492 all_nodes = get_all_nodes(ctx, config)
493 purge_nodes = './ceph-deploy purge' + " " + all_nodes
494 purgedata_nodes = './ceph-deploy purgedata' + " " + all_nodes
496 log.info('Purging package...')
497 execute_ceph_deploy(purge_nodes)
498 log.info('Purging data...')
499 execute_ceph_deploy(purgedata_nodes)
503def cli_test(ctx, config):
504 """
505 ceph-deploy cli to exercise most commonly use cli's and ensure
506 all commands works and also startup the init system.
508 """
509 log.info('Ceph-deploy Test')
510 if config is None:
511 config = {}
512 test_branch = ''
513 conf_dir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) + "/cdtest"
515 def execute_cdeploy(admin, cmd, path):
516 """Execute ceph-deploy commands """
517 """Either use git path or repo path """
518 args = ['cd', conf_dir, run.Raw(';')]
519 if path:
520 args.append('{path}/ceph-deploy/ceph-deploy'.format(path=path));
521 else:
522 args.append('ceph-deploy')
523 args.append(run.Raw(cmd))
524 ec = admin.run(args=args, check_status=False).exitstatus
525 if ec != 0:
526 raise RuntimeError(
527 "failed during ceph-deploy cmd: {cmd} , ec={ec}".format(cmd=cmd, ec=ec))
529 if config.get('rhbuild'):
530 path = None
531 else:
532 path = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
533 # test on branch from config eg: wip-* , master or next etc
534 # packages for all distro's should exist for wip*
535 if ctx.config.get('branch'):
536 branch = ctx.config.get('branch')
537 test_branch = ' --dev={branch} '.format(branch=branch)
538 mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
539 for node, role in mons.remotes.iteritems():
540 admin = node
541 admin.run(args=['mkdir', conf_dir], check_status=False)
542 nodename = admin.shortname
543 system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(admin)
544 if config.get('rhbuild'):
545 admin.run(args=['sudo', 'yum', 'install', 'ceph-deploy', '-y'])
546 log.info('system type is %s', system_type)
547 osds = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('osd'))
549 for remote, roles in osds.remotes.iteritems():
550 devs = teuthology.get_scratch_devices(remote)
551 log.info("roles %s", roles)
552 if (len(devs) < 3):
553 log.error(
554 'Test needs minimum of 3 devices, only found %s',
555 str(devs))
556 raise RuntimeError("Needs minimum of 3 devices ")
558 conf_path = '{conf_dir}/ceph.conf'.format(conf_dir=conf_dir)
559 new_cmd = 'new ' + nodename
560 execute_cdeploy(admin, new_cmd, path)
561 if config.get('conf') is not None:
562 confp = config.get('conf')
563 for section, keys in confp.iteritems():
564 lines = '[{section}]\n'.format(section=section)
565 teuthology.append_lines_to_file(admin, conf_path, lines,
566 sudo=True)
567 for key, value in keys.iteritems():
568 log.info("[%s] %s = %s" % (section, key, value))
569 lines = '{key} = {value}\n'.format(key=key, value=value)
570 teuthology.append_lines_to_file(admin, conf_path, lines,
571 sudo=True)
572 new_mon_install = 'install {branch} --mon '.format(
573 branch=test_branch) + nodename
574 new_mgr_install = 'install {branch} --mgr '.format(
575 branch=test_branch) + nodename
576 new_osd_install = 'install {branch} --osd '.format(
577 branch=test_branch) + nodename
578 new_admin = 'install {branch} --cli '.format(branch=test_branch) + nodename
579 create_initial = 'mon create-initial '
580 # either use create-keys or push command
581 push_keys = 'admin ' + nodename
582 execute_cdeploy(admin, new_mon_install, path)
583 execute_cdeploy(admin, new_mgr_install, path)
584 execute_cdeploy(admin, new_osd_install, path)
585 execute_cdeploy(admin, new_admin, path)
586 execute_cdeploy(admin, create_initial, path)
587 execute_cdeploy(admin, push_keys, path)
589 for i in range(3):
590 zap_disk = 'disk zap ' + "{n}:{d}".format(n=nodename, d=devs[i])
591 prepare = 'osd prepare ' + "{n}:{d}".format(n=nodename, d=devs[i])
592 execute_cdeploy(admin, zap_disk, path)
593 execute_cdeploy(admin, prepare, path)
595 log.info("list files for debugging purpose to check file permissions")
596 admin.run(args=['ls', run.Raw('-lt'), conf_dir])
597 remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', '-s'], check_status=False)
598 r = remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'health'], stdout=StringIO())
599 out = r.stdout.getvalue()
600 log.info('Ceph health: %s', out.rstrip('\n'))
601 log.info("Waiting for cluster to become healthy")
602 with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=10, tries=6,
603 action='check health') as proceed:
604 while proceed():
605 r = remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'health'], stdout=StringIO())
606 out = r.stdout.getvalue()
607 if (out.split(None,1)[0] == 'HEALTH_OK'):
608 break
609 rgw_install = 'install {branch} --rgw {node}'.format(
610 branch=test_branch,
611 node=nodename,
612 )
613 rgw_create = 'rgw create ' + nodename
614 execute_cdeploy(admin, rgw_install, path)
615 execute_cdeploy(admin, rgw_create, path)
616 log.info('All ceph-deploy cli tests passed')
617 try:
618 yield
619 finally:
620 log.info("cleaning up")
621 ctx.cluster.run(args=['sudo', 'stop', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
622 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'stop', run.Raw('||'),
623 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'stop', 'ceph.target'],
624 check_status=False)
625 time.sleep(4)
626 for i in range(3):
627 umount_dev = "{d}1".format(d=devs[i])
628 r = remote.run(args=['sudo', 'umount', run.Raw(umount_dev)])
629 cmd = 'purge ' + nodename
630 execute_cdeploy(admin, cmd, path)
631 cmd = 'purgedata ' + nodename
632 execute_cdeploy(admin, cmd, path)
633 log.info("Removing temporary dir")
634 admin.run(
635 args=[
636 'rm',
637 run.Raw('-rf'),
638 run.Raw(conf_dir)],
639 check_status=False)
640 if config.get('rhbuild'):
641 admin.run(args=['sudo', 'yum', 'remove', 'ceph-deploy', '-y'])
645def single_node_test(ctx, config):
646 """
647 - ceph-deploy.single_node_test: null
649 #rhbuild testing
650 - ceph-deploy.single_node_test:
651 rhbuild: 1.2.3
653 """
654 log.info("Testing ceph-deploy on single node")
655 if config is None:
656 config = {}
657 overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
658 teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph-deploy', {}))
660 if config.get('rhbuild'):
661 log.info("RH Build, Skip Download")
662 with contextutil.nested(
663 lambda: cli_test(ctx=ctx, config=config),
664 ):
665 yield
666 else:
667 with contextutil.nested(
668 lambda: install_fn.ship_utilities(ctx=ctx, config=None),
669 lambda: download_ceph_deploy(ctx=ctx, config=config),
670 lambda: cli_test(ctx=ctx, config=config),
671 ):
672 yield
676def task(ctx, config):
677 """
678 Set up and tear down a Ceph cluster.
680 For example::
682 tasks:
683 - install:
684 extras: yes
685 - ssh_keys:
686 - ceph-deploy:
687 branch:
688 stable: bobtail
689 mon_initial_members: 1
690 only_mon: true
691 keep_running: true
693 tasks:
694 - install:
695 extras: yes
696 - ssh_keys:
697 - ceph-deploy:
698 branch:
699 dev: master
700 conf:
701 mon:
702 debug mon = 20
704 tasks:
705 - install:
706 extras: yes
707 - ssh_keys:
708 - ceph-deploy:
709 branch:
710 testing:
711 dmcrypt: yes
712 separate_journal_disk: yes
714 """
715 if config is None:
716 config = {}
718 assert isinstance(config, dict), \
719 "task ceph-deploy only supports a dictionary for configuration"
721 overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
722 teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph-deploy', {}))
724 if config.get('branch') is not None:
725 assert isinstance(
726 config['branch'], dict), 'branch must be a dictionary'
728 log.info('task ceph-deploy with config ' + str(config))
730 with contextutil.nested(
731 lambda: install_fn.ship_utilities(ctx=ctx, config=None),
732 lambda: download_ceph_deploy(ctx=ctx, config=config),
733 lambda: build_ceph_cluster(ctx=ctx, config=config),
734 ):
735 yield