]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/qa/tasks/rgw.py
bump version to 12.0.3-pve3
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / rgw.py
2rgw routines
4import argparse
5import contextlib
6import json
7import logging
8import os
9import errno
10import util.rgw as rgw_utils
12from requests.packages.urllib3 import PoolManager
13from requests.packages.urllib3.util import Retry
15from cStringIO import StringIO
17from teuthology.orchestra import run
18from teuthology import misc as teuthology
19from teuthology import contextutil
20from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError
21from util.rgw import rgwadmin, get_config_master_client, extract_zone_info, extract_region_info
22from util.rados import (rados, create_ec_pool,
23 create_replicated_pool,
24 create_cache_pool)
26log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
29def create_apache_dirs(ctx, config, on_client = None, except_client = None):
30 """
31 Remotely create apache directories. Delete when finished.
32 """
33 log.info('Creating apache directories...')
34 log.debug('client is %r', on_client)
35 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
36 clients_to_create_as = [on_client]
37 if on_client is None:
38 clients_to_create_as = config.keys()
39 for client in clients_to_create_as:
40 if client == except_client:
41 continue
42 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
43 client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + daemon_type + '.' + client_id
44 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
45 args=[
46 'mkdir',
47 '-p',
48 '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client_with_cluster}'.format(tdir=testdir,
49 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
50 '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client_with_cluster}/fastcgi_sock'.format(
51 tdir=testdir,
52 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
53 run.Raw('&&'),
54 'mkdir',
55 '{tdir}/archive/apache.{client_with_cluster}'.format(tdir=testdir,
56 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
57 ],
58 )
59 try:
60 yield
61 finally:
62 log.info('Cleaning up apache directories...')
63 for client in clients_to_create_as:
64 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
65 args=[
66 'rm',
67 '-rf',
68 '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client_with_cluster}'.format(tdir=testdir,
69 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
70 run.Raw('&&'),
71 'rmdir',
72 '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client_with_cluster}'.format(tdir=testdir,
73 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
74 ],
75 )
76 for client in clients_to_create_as:
77 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
78 args=[
79 'rmdir',
80 '{tdir}/apache'.format(tdir=testdir),
81 ],
82 check_status=False, # only need to remove once per host
83 )
86def _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote):
87 """
88 Returns true if this node supports the usage of
89 unix domain sockets with mod_proxy_fcgi.
91 FIXME: returns False always for now until we know for
92 sure what distros will support UDS. RHEL 7.0 is the only one
93 currently I know of, but we can't install that version of apache
94 yet in the labs.
95 """
96 return False
100def ship_apache_configs(ctx, config, role_endpoints, on_client = None,
101 except_client = None):
102 """
103 Ship apache config and rgw.fgci to all clients. Clean up on termination
104 """
105 assert isinstance(config, dict)
106 assert isinstance(role_endpoints, dict)
107 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
108 log.info('Shipping apache config and rgw.fcgi...')
109 src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'apache.conf.template')
110 clients_to_create_as = [on_client]
111 if on_client is None:
112 clients_to_create_as = config.keys()
113 for client in clients_to_create_as:
114 if client == except_client:
115 continue
116 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
117 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
118 client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + client_with_id
119 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
120 system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote)
121 conf = config.get(client)
122 if not conf:
123 conf = {}
124 idle_timeout = conf.get('idle_timeout', ctx.rgw.default_idle_timeout)
125 if system_type == 'deb':
126 mod_path = '/usr/lib/apache2/modules'
127 print_continue = 'on'
128 user = 'www-data'
129 group = 'www-data'
130 apache24_modconfig = '''
131 IncludeOptional /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_event.conf
132 IncludeOptional /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_event.load
134 else:
135 mod_path = '/usr/lib64/httpd/modules'
136 print_continue = 'off'
137 user = 'apache'
138 group = 'apache'
139 apache24_modconfig = \
140 'IncludeOptional /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf'
141 host, port = role_endpoints[client]
143 # decide if we want to use mod_fastcgi or mod_proxy_fcgi
144 template_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
145 fcgi_config = os.path.join(template_dir,
146 'mod_proxy_fcgi.tcp.conf.template')
147 if ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi:
148 log.info("Apache is configured to use mod_fastcgi")
149 fcgi_config = os.path.join(template_dir,
150 'mod_fastcgi.conf.template')
151 elif _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote):
152 log.info("Apache is configured to use mod_proxy_fcgi with UDS")
153 fcgi_config = os.path.join(template_dir,
154 'mod_proxy_fcgi.uds.conf.template')
155 else:
156 log.info("Apache is configured to use mod_proxy_fcgi with TCP")
158 with file(fcgi_config, 'rb') as f:
159 fcgi_config = f.read()
160 with file(src, 'rb') as f:
161 conf = f.read() + fcgi_config
162 conf = conf.format(
163 testdir=testdir,
164 mod_path=mod_path,
165 print_continue=print_continue,
166 host=host,
167 port=port,
168 client=client_with_cluster,
169 idle_timeout=idle_timeout,
170 user=user,
171 group=group,
172 apache24_modconfig=apache24_modconfig,
173 )
174 teuthology.write_file(
175 remote=remote,
176 path='{tdir}/apache/apache.{client_with_cluster}.conf'.format(
177 tdir=testdir,
178 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
179 data=conf,
180 )
181 rgw_options = []
182 if ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi or _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote):
183 rgw_options = [
184 '--rgw-socket-path',
185 '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client_with_cluster}/fastcgi_sock/rgw_sock'.format(
186 tdir=testdir,
187 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster
188 ),
189 '--rgw-frontends',
190 'fastcgi',
191 ]
192 else:
193 rgw_options = [
194 '--rgw-socket-path', '""',
195 '--rgw-print-continue', 'false',
196 '--rgw-frontends',
197 'fastcgi socket_port=9000 socket_host=',
198 ]
200 teuthology.write_file(
201 remote=remote,
202 path='{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client_with_cluster}/rgw.fcgi'.format(
203 tdir=testdir,
204 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
205 data="""#!/bin/sh
206ulimit -c unlimited
207exec radosgw -f -n {client_with_id} --cluster {cluster_name} -k /etc/ceph/{client_with_cluster}.keyring {rgw_options}
209""".format(tdir=testdir, client_with_id=client_with_id, client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster, cluster_name=cluster_name, rgw_options=" ".join(rgw_options))
210 )
211 remote.run(
212 args=[
213 'chmod',
214 'a=rx',
215 '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client_with_cluster}/rgw.fcgi'.format(tdir=testdir,
216 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
217 ],
218 )
219 try:
220 yield
221 finally:
222 log.info('Removing apache config...')
223 for client in clients_to_create_as:
224 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
225 args=[
226 'rm',
227 '-f',
228 '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client_with_cluster}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir,
229 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
230 run.Raw('&&'),
231 'rm',
232 '-f',
233 '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client_with_cluster}/rgw.fcgi'.format(
234 tdir=testdir,
235 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
236 ],
237 )
241def start_rgw(ctx, config, on_client = None, except_client = None):
242 """
243 Start rgw on remote sites.
244 """
245 log.info('Starting rgw...')
246 log.debug('client %r', on_client)
247 clients_to_run = [on_client]
248 if on_client is None:
249 clients_to_run = config.keys()
250 log.debug('client %r', clients_to_run)
251 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
252 for client in clients_to_run:
253 if client == except_client:
254 continue
255 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
256 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
257 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
258 client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + client_with_id
259 zone = rgw_utils.zone_for_client(ctx, client)
260 log.debug('zone %s', zone)
262 client_config = config.get(client)
263 if client_config is None:
264 client_config = {}
265 log.info("rgw %s config is %s", client, client_config)
266 id_ = client.split('.', 1)[1]
267 log.info('client {client} is id {id}'.format(client=client, id=id_))
268 cmd_prefix = [
269 'sudo',
270 'adjust-ulimits',
271 'ceph-coverage',
272 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
273 'daemon-helper',
274 'term',
275 ]
277 rgw_cmd = ['radosgw']
279 if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache':
280 if ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi or _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote):
281 rgw_cmd.extend([
282 '--rgw-socket-path',
283 '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client_with_cluster}/fastcgi_sock/rgw_sock'.format(
284 tdir=testdir,
285 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster,
286 ),
287 '--rgw-frontends',
288 'fastcgi',
289 ])
290 else:
291 # for mod_proxy_fcgi, using tcp
292 rgw_cmd.extend([
293 '--rgw-socket-path', '',
294 '--rgw-print-continue', 'false',
295 '--rgw-frontends',
296 'fastcgi socket_port=9000 socket_host=',
297 ])
299 elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb':
300 host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client]
301 rgw_cmd.extend([
302 '--rgw-frontends',
303 'civetweb port={port}'.format(port=port),
304 ])
306 if zone is not None:
307 rgw_cmd.extend(['--rgw-zone', zone])
309 rgw_cmd.extend([
310 '-n', client_with_id,
311 '--cluster', cluster_name,
312 '-k', '/etc/ceph/{client_with_cluster}.keyring'.format(client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
313 '--log-file',
314 '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client_with_cluster}.log'.format(client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
315 '--rgw_ops_log_socket_path',
316 '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client_with_cluster}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir,
317 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
318 '--foreground',
319 run.Raw('|'),
320 'sudo',
321 'tee',
322 '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client_with_cluster}.stdout'.format(tdir=testdir,
323 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
324 run.Raw('2>&1'),
325 ])
327 if client_config.get('valgrind'):
328 cmd_prefix = teuthology.get_valgrind_args(
329 testdir,
330 client,
331 cmd_prefix,
332 client_config.get('valgrind')
333 )
335 run_cmd = list(cmd_prefix)
336 run_cmd.extend(rgw_cmd)
338 ctx.daemons.add_daemon(
339 remote, 'rgw', client,
340 cluster=cluster_name,
341 args=run_cmd,
342 logger=log.getChild(client),
343 stdin=run.PIPE,
344 wait=False,
345 )
347 # XXX: add_daemon() doesn't let us wait until radosgw finishes startup
348 # use a connection pool with retry/backoff to poll each gateway until it starts listening
349 http = PoolManager(retries=Retry(connect=8, backoff_factor=1))
350 for client in clients_to_run:
351 if client == except_client:
352 continue
353 host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client]
354 endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port)
355 log.info('Polling {client} until it starts accepting connections on {endpoint}'.format(client=client, endpoint=endpoint))
356 http.request('GET', endpoint)
358 try:
359 yield
360 finally:
361 teuthology.stop_daemons_of_type(ctx, 'rgw')
362 for client in config.iterkeys():
363 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
364 args=[
365 'rm',
366 '-f',
367 '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client_with_cluster}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir,
368 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
369 ],
370 )
374def start_apache(ctx, config, on_client = None, except_client = None):
375 """
376 Start apache on remote sites.
377 """
378 log.info('Starting apache...')
379 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
380 apaches = {}
381 clients_to_run = [on_client]
382 if on_client is None:
383 clients_to_run = config.keys()
384 for client in clients_to_run:
385 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
386 client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + daemon_type + '.' + client_id
387 if client == except_client:
388 continue
389 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
390 system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote)
391 if system_type == 'deb':
392 apache_name = 'apache2'
393 else:
394 try:
395 remote.run(
396 args=[
397 'stat',
398 '/usr/sbin/httpd.worker',
399 ],
400 )
401 apache_name = '/usr/sbin/httpd.worker'
402 except CommandFailedError:
403 apache_name = '/usr/sbin/httpd'
405 proc = remote.run(
406 args=[
407 'adjust-ulimits',
408 'daemon-helper',
409 'kill',
410 apache_name,
411 '-X',
412 '-f',
413 '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client_with_cluster}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir,
414 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
415 ],
416 logger=log.getChild(client),
417 stdin=run.PIPE,
418 wait=False,
419 )
420 apaches[client_with_cluster] = proc
422 try:
423 yield
424 finally:
425 log.info('Stopping apache...')
426 for client, proc in apaches.iteritems():
427 proc.stdin.close()
429 run.wait(apaches.itervalues())
431def extract_user_info(client_config):
432 """
433 Extract user info from the client config specified. Returns a dict
434 that includes system key information.
435 """
436 # test if there isn't a system user or if there isn't a name for that
437 # user, return None
438 if ('system user' not in client_config or
439 'name' not in client_config['system user']):
440 return None
442 user_info = dict()
443 user_info['system_key'] = dict(
444 user=client_config['system user']['name'],
445 access_key=client_config['system user']['access key'],
446 secret_key=client_config['system user']['secret key'],
447 )
448 return user_info
451def assign_ports(ctx, config):
452 """
453 Assign port numberst starting with port 7280.
454 """
455 port = 7280
456 role_endpoints = {}
457 for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
458 for role in roles_for_host:
459 if role in config:
460 role_endpoints[role] = (remote.name.split('@')[1], port)
461 port += 1
463 return role_endpoints
466def fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints):
467 """
468 Iterate through the list of role_endpoints, filling in zone information
470 :param region_info: region data
471 :param role_zones: region and zone information.
472 :param role_endpoints: endpoints being used
473 """
474 for role, (host, port) in role_endpoints.iteritems():
475 region, zone, zone_info, _ = role_zones[role]
476 host, port = role_endpoints[role]
477 endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port)
478 # check if the region specified under client actually exists
479 # in region_info (it should, if properly configured).
480 # If not, throw a reasonable error
481 if region not in region_info:
482 raise Exception(
483 'Region: {region} was specified but no corresponding'
484 ' entry was found under \'regions\''.format(region=region))
486 region_conf = region_info[region]
487 region_conf.setdefault('endpoints', [])
488 region_conf['endpoints'].append(endpoint)
490 # this is the payload for the 'zones' field in the region field
491 zone_payload = dict()
492 zone_payload['endpoints'] = [endpoint]
493 zone_payload['name'] = zone
495 # Pull the log meta and log data settings out of zone_info, if they
496 # exist, then pop them as they don't actually belong in the zone info
497 for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']:
498 new_key = key.split(' ', 1)[1]
499 new_key = new_key.replace(' ', '_')
501 if key in zone_info:
502 value = zone_info.pop(key)
503 else:
504 value = 'false'
506 zone_payload[new_key] = value
508 region_conf.setdefault('zones', [])
509 region_conf['zones'].append(zone_payload)
513def configure_users_for_client(ctx, config, client, everywhere=False):
514 """
515 Create users by remotely running rgwadmin commands using extracted
516 user information.
517 """
518 log.info('Configuring users...')
519 log.info('for client %s', client)
520 log.info('everywhere %s', everywhere)
522 # For data sync the master zones and regions must have the
523 # system users of the secondary zones. To keep this simple,
524 # just create the system users on every client if regions are
525 # configured.
526 clients_to_create_as = [client]
527 if everywhere:
528 clients_to_create_as = config.keys()
530 # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given
531 # client
532 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
533 if not c_config:
534 continue
535 user_info = extract_user_info(c_config)
536 if not user_info:
537 continue
539 for client_name in clients_to_create_as:
540 log.debug('Creating user {user} on {client}'.format(
541 user=user_info['system_key']['user'], client=client_name))
542 rgwadmin(ctx, client_name,
543 cmd=[
544 'user', 'create',
545 '--uid', user_info['system_key']['user'],
546 '--access-key', user_info['system_key']['access_key'],
547 '--secret', user_info['system_key']['secret_key'],
548 '--display-name', user_info['system_key']['user'],
549 '--system',
550 ],
551 check_status=True,
552 )
553 yield
556def configure_users(ctx, config, everywhere=False):
557 """
558 Create users by remotely running rgwadmin commands using extracted
559 user information.
560 """
561 log.info('Configuring users...')
563 # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given
564 # client
565 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
566 if not c_config:
567 continue
568 user_info = extract_user_info(c_config)
569 if not user_info:
570 continue
572 # For data sync the master zones and regions must have the
573 # system users of the secondary zones. To keep this simple,
574 # just create the system users on every client if regions are
575 # configured.
576 clients_to_create_as = [client]
577 if everywhere:
578 clients_to_create_as = config.keys()
579 for client_name in clients_to_create_as:
580 log.debug('Creating user {user} on {client}'.format(
581 user=user_info['system_key']['user'], client=client))
582 rgwadmin(ctx, client_name,
583 cmd=[
584 'user', 'create',
585 '--uid', user_info['system_key']['user'],
586 '--access-key', user_info['system_key']['access_key'],
587 '--secret', user_info['system_key']['secret_key'],
588 '--display-name', user_info['system_key']['user'],
589 '--system',
590 ],
591 check_status=True,
592 )
594 yield
597def create_nonregion_pools(ctx, config, regions):
598 """Create replicated or erasure coded data pools for rgw."""
599 if regions:
600 yield
601 return
603 log.info('creating data pools')
604 for client in config.keys():
605 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
606 data_pool = '.rgw.buckets'
607 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
609 if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool:
610 create_ec_pool(remote, data_pool, client, 64,
611 ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile, cluster_name)
612 else:
613 create_replicated_pool(remote, data_pool, 64, cluster_name)
614 if ctx.rgw.cache_pools:
615 create_cache_pool(remote, data_pool, data_pool + '.cache', 64,
616 64*1024*1024, cluster_name)
617 yield
620def configure_multisite_regions_and_zones(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints, realm, master_client):
621 """
622 Configure multisite regions and zones from rados and rgw.
623 """
624 if not regions:
625 log.debug(
626 'In rgw.configure_multisite_regions_and_zones() and regions is None. '
627 'Bailing')
628 yield
629 return
631 if not realm:
632 log.debug(
633 'In rgw.configure_multisite_regions_and_zones() and realm is None. '
634 'Bailing')
635 yield
636 return
638 log.info('Configuring multisite regions and zones...')
640 log.debug('config is %r', config)
641 log.debug('regions are %r', regions)
642 log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints)
643 log.debug('realm is %r', realm)
645 # extract the zone info
646 role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config))
647 for client, c_config in config.iteritems()])
648 log.debug('role_zones = %r', role_zones)
650 # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given
651 # client
652 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
653 if not c_config:
654 user_info = None
655 else:
656 user_info = extract_user_info(c_config)
658 (region, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client]
659 role_zones[client] = (region, zone, zone_info, user_info)
661 region_info = dict([
662 (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config))
663 for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()])
665 fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints)
667 # clear out the old defaults
668 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(master_client)
669 first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
670 (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
672 # read master zonegroup and master_zone
673 for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems():
674 if zg_info['is_master']:
675 master_zonegroup = zonegroup
676 master_zone = zg_info['master_zone']
677 break
679 log.debug('master zonegroup =%r', master_zonegroup)
680 log.debug('master zone = %r', master_zone)
681 log.debug('master client = %r', master_client)
683 rgwadmin(ctx, master_client,
684 cmd=['realm', 'create', '--rgw-realm', realm, '--default'],
685 check_status=True)
687 for region, info in region_info.iteritems():
688 region_json = json.dumps(info)
689 log.debug('region info is: %s', region_json)
690 rgwadmin(ctx, master_client,
691 cmd=['zonegroup', 'set'],
692 stdin=StringIO(region_json),
693 check_status=True)
695 rgwadmin(ctx, master_client,
696 cmd=['zonegroup', 'default', '--rgw-zonegroup', master_zonegroup],
697 check_status=True)
699 for role, (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) in role_zones.iteritems():
700 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()
701 for pool_info in zone_info['placement_pools']:
702 remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
703 pool_info['val']['index_pool'], '64', '64', '--cluster', cluster_name])
704 if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool:
705 create_ec_pool(remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'],
706 zone, 64, ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile, cluster_name)
707 else:
708 create_replicated_pool(remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'], 64, cluster_name)
710 (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) = role_zones[master_client]
711 zone_json = json.dumps(dict(zone_info.items() + user_info.items()))
712 log.debug("zone info is: %r", zone_json)
713 rgwadmin(ctx, master_client,
714 cmd=['zone', 'set', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup,
715 '--rgw-zone', zone],
716 stdin=StringIO(zone_json),
717 check_status=True)
719 rgwadmin(ctx, master_client,
720 cmd=['zone', 'default', '--rgw-zone', zone],
721 check_status=True)
723 rgwadmin(ctx, master_client,
724 cmd=['period', 'update', '--commit'],
725 check_status=True)
727 yield
729def configure_compression_in_default_zone(ctx, config):
730 ceph_config = ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('global', {})
731 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('client', {}))
732 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
733 ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get(client, {}))
734 key = 'rgw compression type'
735 if not key in ceph_config:
736 log.debug('No compression setting to enable')
737 break
738 compression = ceph_config[key]
739 log.debug('Configuring compression type = %s', compression)
741 # XXX: the 'default' zone and zonegroup aren't created until we run RGWRados::init_complete().
742 # issue a 'radosgw-admin user list' command to trigger this
743 rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['user', 'list'], check_status=True)
745 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
746 cmd=['zone', 'placement', 'modify', '--rgw-zone', 'default',
747 '--placement-id', 'default-placement', '--compression', compression],
748 check_status=True)
749 break # only the first client
752def configure_regions_and_zones(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints, realm):
753 """
754 Configure regions and zones from rados and rgw.
755 """
756 if not regions:
757 log.debug(
758 'In rgw.configure_regions_and_zones() and regions is None. '
759 'Bailing')
760 configure_compression_in_default_zone(ctx, config)
761 yield
762 return
764 if not realm:
765 log.debug(
766 'In rgw.configure_regions_and_zones() and realm is None. '
767 'Bailing')
768 configure_compression_in_default_zone(ctx, config)
769 yield
770 return
772 log.info('Configuring regions and zones...')
774 log.debug('config is %r', config)
775 log.debug('regions are %r', regions)
776 log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints)
777 log.debug('realm is %r', realm)
779 # extract the zone info
780 role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config))
781 for client, c_config in config.iteritems()])
782 log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones)
784 # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given
785 # client
786 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
787 if not c_config:
788 user_info = None
789 else:
790 user_info = extract_user_info(c_config)
792 (region, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client]
793 role_zones[client] = (region, zone, zone_info, user_info)
795 region_info = dict([
796 (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config))
797 for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()])
799 fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints)
801 # clear out the old defaults
802 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
803 first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
804 (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
805 # removing these objects from .rgw.root and the per-zone root pools
806 # may or may not matter
807 rados(ctx, mon,
808 cmd=['-p', '.rgw.root', 'rm', 'region_info.default', '--cluster', cluster_name])
809 rados(ctx, mon,
810 cmd=['-p', '.rgw.root', 'rm', 'zone_info.default', '--cluster', cluster_name])
812 # read master zonegroup and master_zone
813 for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems():
814 if zg_info['is_master']:
815 master_zonegroup = zonegroup
816 master_zone = zg_info['master_zone']
817 break
819 for client in config.iterkeys():
820 (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) = role_zones[client]
821 if zonegroup == master_zonegroup and zone == master_zone:
822 master_client = client
823 break
825 log.debug('master zonegroup =%r', master_zonegroup)
826 log.debug('master zone = %r', master_zone)
827 log.debug('master client = %r', master_client)
828 log.debug('config %r ', config)
830 (ret, out)=rgwadmin(ctx, client,
831 cmd=['realm', 'create', '--rgw-realm', realm, '--default'])
832 log.debug('realm create ret %r exists %r', -ret, errno.EEXIST)
833 assert ret == 0 or ret != -errno.EEXIST
834 if ret is -errno.EEXIST:
835 log.debug('realm %r exists', realm)
837 for client in config.iterkeys():
838 for role, (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) in role_zones.iteritems():
839 rados(ctx, mon,
840 cmd=['-p', zone_info['domain_root'],
841 'rm', 'region_info.default', '--cluster', cluster_name])
842 rados(ctx, mon,
843 cmd=['-p', zone_info['domain_root'],
844 'rm', 'zone_info.default', '--cluster', cluster_name])
846 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()
847 for pool_info in zone_info['placement_pools']:
848 remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'osd', 'pool', 'create',
849 pool_info['val']['index_pool'], '64', '64', '--cluster', cluster_name])
850 if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool:
851 create_ec_pool(remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'],
852 zone, 64, ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile, cluster_name)
853 else:
854 create_replicated_pool(
855 remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'],
856 64, cluster_name)
857 zone_json = json.dumps(dict(zone_info.items() + user_info.items()))
858 log.debug('zone info is: %r', zone_json)
859 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
860 cmd=['zone', 'set', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup,
861 '--rgw-zone', zone],
862 stdin=StringIO(zone_json),
863 check_status=True)
865 for region, info in region_info.iteritems():
866 region_json = json.dumps(info)
867 log.debug('region info is: %s', region_json)
868 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
869 cmd=['zonegroup', 'set'],
870 stdin=StringIO(region_json),
871 check_status=True)
872 if info['is_master']:
873 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
874 cmd=['zonegroup', 'default', '--rgw-zonegroup', master_zonegroup],
875 check_status=True)
877 (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) = role_zones[client]
878 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
879 cmd=['zone', 'default', '--rgw-zone', zone],
880 check_status=True)
882 #this used to take master_client, need to edit that accordingly
883 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
884 cmd=['period', 'update', '--commit'],
885 check_status=True)
887 yield
890def pull_configuration(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints, realm, master_client):
891 """
892 Configure regions and zones from rados and rgw.
893 """
894 if not regions:
895 log.debug(
896 'In rgw.pull_confguration() and regions is None. '
897 'Bailing')
898 yield
899 return
901 if not realm:
902 log.debug(
903 'In rgw.pull_configuration() and realm is None. '
904 'Bailing')
905 yield
906 return
908 log.info('Pulling configuration...')
910 log.debug('config is %r', config)
911 log.debug('regions are %r', regions)
912 log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints)
913 log.debug('realm is %r', realm)
914 log.debug('master client = %r', master_client)
916 # extract the zone info
917 role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config))
918 for client, c_config in config.iteritems()])
919 log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones)
921 # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given
922 # client
923 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
924 if not c_config:
925 user_info = None
926 else:
927 user_info = extract_user_info(c_config)
929 (region, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client]
930 role_zones[client] = (region, zone, zone_info, user_info)
932 region_info = dict([
933 (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config))
934 for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()])
936 fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints)
938 for client in config.iterkeys():
939 if client != master_client:
940 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
941 host, port = role_endpoints[master_client]
942 endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port)
943 log.debug("endpoint: %s", endpoint)
944 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
945 cmd=['realm', 'pull', '--rgw-realm', realm, '--default', '--url',
946 endpoint, '--access_key',
947 user_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret',
948 user_info['system_key']['secret_key']],
949 check_status=True)
951 (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, zone_user_info) = role_zones[client]
952 zone_json = json.dumps(dict(zone_info.items() + zone_user_info.items()))
953 log.debug("zone info is: %r", zone_json)
954 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
955 cmd=['zone', 'set', '--default',
956 '--rgw-zone', zone],
957 stdin=StringIO(zone_json),
958 check_status=True)
960 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
961 cmd=['zonegroup', 'add', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup, '--rgw-zone', zone],
962 check_status=True)
964 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
965 cmd=['zonegroup', 'default', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup],
966 check_status=True)
968 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
969 cmd=['period', 'update', '--commit', '--url',
970 endpoint, '--access_key',
971 user_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret',
972 user_info['system_key']['secret_key']],
973 check_status=True)
975 yield
978def task(ctx, config):
979 """
980 Either use configure apache to run a rados gateway, or use the built-in
981 civetweb server.
982 Only one should be run per machine, since it uses a hard-coded port for
983 now.
985 For example, to run rgw on all clients::
987 tasks:
988 - ceph:
989 - rgw:
991 To only run on certain clients::
993 tasks:
994 - ceph:
995 - rgw: [client.0, client.3]
997 or
999 tasks:
1000 - ceph:
1001 - rgw:
1002 client.0:
1003 client.3:
1005 You can adjust the idle timeout for fastcgi (default is 30 seconds):
1007 tasks:
1008 - ceph:
1009 - rgw:
1010 client.0:
1011 idle_timeout: 90
1013 To run radosgw through valgrind:
1015 tasks:
1016 - ceph:
1017 - rgw:
1018 client.0:
1019 valgrind: [--tool=memcheck]
1020 client.3:
1021 valgrind: [--tool=memcheck]
1023 To use civetweb instead of apache:
1025 tasks:
1026 - ceph:
1027 - rgw:
1028 - client.0
1029 overrides:
1030 rgw:
1031 frontend: civetweb
1033 Note that without a modified fastcgi module e.g. with the default
1034 one on CentOS, you must have rgw print continue = false in ceph.conf::
1036 tasks:
1037 - ceph:
1038 conf:
1039 global:
1040 rgw print continue: false
1041 - rgw: [client.0]
1043 To use mod_proxy_fcgi instead of mod_fastcgi:
1045 overrides:
1046 rgw:
1047 use_fcgi: true
1049 To run rgws for multiple regions or zones, describe the regions
1050 and their zones in a regions section. The endpoints will be
1051 generated by this task. Each client must have a region, zone,
1052 and pools assigned in ceph.conf::
1054 tasks:
1055 - install:
1056 - ceph:
1057 conf:
1058 client.0:
1059 rgw region: foo
1060 rgw zone: foo-1
1061 rgw region root pool: .rgw.rroot.foo
1062 rgw zone root pool: .rgw.zroot.foo
1063 rgw log meta: true
1064 rgw log data: true
1065 client.1:
1066 rgw region: bar
1067 rgw zone: bar-master
1068 rgw region root pool: .rgw.rroot.bar
1069 rgw zone root pool: .rgw.zroot.bar
1070 rgw log meta: true
1071 rgw log data: true
1072 client.2:
1073 rgw region: bar
1074 rgw zone: bar-secondary
1075 rgw region root pool: .rgw.rroot.bar
1076 rgw zone root pool: .rgw.zroot.bar-secondary
1077 - rgw:
1078 default_idle_timeout: 30
1079 ec-data-pool: true
1080 erasure_code_profile:
1081 k: 2
1082 m: 1
1083 ruleset-failure-domain: osd
1084 realm: foo
1085 regions:
1086 foo:
1087 api name: api_name # default: region name
1088 is master: true # default: false
1089 master zone: foo-1 # default: first zone
1090 zones: [foo-1]
1091 log meta: true
1092 log data: true
1093 placement targets: [target1, target2] # default: []
1094 default placement: target2 # default: ''
1095 bar:
1096 api name: bar-api
1097 zones: [bar-master, bar-secondary]
1098 client.0:
1099 system user:
1100 name: foo-system
1101 access key: X2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC
1102 secret key: YIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm
1103 client.1:
1104 system user:
1105 name: bar1
1106 access key: Y2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC
1107 secret key: XIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm
1108 client.2:
1109 system user:
1110 name: bar2
1111 access key: Z2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC
1112 secret key: ZIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm
1113 """
1114 if config is None:
1115 config = dict(('client.{id}'.format(id=id_), None)
1116 for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(
1117 ctx.cluster, 'client'))
1118 elif isinstance(config, list):
1119 config = dict((name, None) for name in config)
1121 overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
1122 teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('rgw', {}))
1124 regions = {}
1125 if 'regions' in config:
1126 # separate region info so only clients are keys in config
1127 regions = config['regions']
1128 del config['regions']
1130 role_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config)
1131 ctx.rgw = argparse.Namespace()
1132 ctx.rgw.role_endpoints = role_endpoints
1133 # stash the region info for later, since it was deleted from the config
1134 # structure
1135 ctx.rgw.regions = regions
1137 realm = None
1138 if 'realm' in config:
1139 # separate region info so only clients are keys in config
1140 realm = config['realm']
1141 del config['realm']
1142 ctx.rgw.realm = realm
1144 ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool = False
1145 if 'ec-data-pool' in config:
1146 ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool = bool(config['ec-data-pool'])
1147 del config['ec-data-pool']
1148 ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile = {}
1149 if 'erasure_code_profile' in config:
1150 ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile = config['erasure_code_profile']
1151 del config['erasure_code_profile']
1152 ctx.rgw.default_idle_timeout = 30
1153 if 'default_idle_timeout' in config:
1154 ctx.rgw.default_idle_timeout = int(config['default_idle_timeout'])
1155 del config['default_idle_timeout']
1156 ctx.rgw.cache_pools = False
1157 if 'cache-pools' in config:
1158 ctx.rgw.cache_pools = bool(config['cache-pools'])
1159 del config['cache-pools']
1161 ctx.rgw.frontend = 'civetweb'
1162 if 'frontend' in config:
1163 ctx.rgw.frontend = config['frontend']
1164 del config['frontend']
1166 ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi = True
1167 if "use_fcgi" in config:
1168 ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi = False
1169 log.info("Using mod_proxy_fcgi instead of mod_fastcgi...")
1170 del config['use_fcgi']
1172 subtasks = [
1173 lambda: create_nonregion_pools(
1174 ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions),
1175 ]
1176 log.debug('Nonregion pools created')
1178 multisite = len(regions) > 1
1180 if not multisite:
1181 for zonegroup, zonegroup_info in regions.iteritems():
1182 log.debug("zonegroup_info =%r", zonegroup_info)
1183 if len(zonegroup_info['zones']) > 1:
1184 multisite = True
1185 break
1187 log.debug('multisite %s', multisite)
1189 multi_cluster = False
1190 if multisite:
1191 prev_cluster_name = None
1192 roles = ctx.config['roles']
1193 #check if any roles have a different cluster_name from eachother
1194 for lst in roles:
1195 for role in lst:
1196 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(role)
1197 if cluster_name != prev_cluster_name and prev_cluster_name != None:
1198 multi_cluster = True
1199 break
1200 prev_cluster_name = cluster_name
1201 if multi_cluster:
1202 break
1204 log.debug('multi_cluster %s', multi_cluster)
1205 ctx.rgw.config = config
1206 master_client = None
1208 if multi_cluster:
1209 log.debug('multi cluster run')
1211 master_client = get_config_master_client(ctx=ctx,
1212 config=config,
1213 regions=regions)
1214 log.debug('master_client %r', master_client)
1215 subtasks.extend([
1216 lambda: configure_multisite_regions_and_zones(
1217 ctx=ctx,
1218 config=config,
1219 regions=regions,
1220 role_endpoints=role_endpoints,
1221 realm=realm,
1222 master_client = master_client,
1223 )
1224 ])
1226 subtasks.extend([
1227 lambda: configure_users_for_client(
1228 ctx=ctx,
1229 config=config,
1230 client=master_client,
1231 everywhere=False,
1232 ),
1233 ])
1235 if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache':
1236 subtasks.insert(0,
1237 lambda: create_apache_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config,
1238 on_client=master_client))
1239 subtasks.extend([
1240 lambda: ship_apache_configs(ctx=ctx, config=config,
1241 role_endpoints=role_endpoints, on_client=master_client),
1242 lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client),
1243 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client),
1244 ])
1245 elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb':
1246 subtasks.extend([
1247 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client),
1248 ])
1249 else:
1250 raise ValueError("frontend must be 'apache' or 'civetweb'")
1252 subtasks.extend([
1253 lambda: pull_configuration(ctx=ctx,
1254 config=config,
1255 regions=regions,
1256 role_endpoints=role_endpoints,
1257 realm=realm,
1258 master_client=master_client
1259 ),
1260 ])
1262 subtasks.extend([
1263 lambda: configure_users_for_client(
1264 ctx=ctx,
1265 config=config,
1266 client=master_client,
1267 everywhere=True
1268 ),
1269 ])
1271 if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache':
1272 subtasks.insert(0,
1273 lambda: create_apache_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config,
1274 on_client=None,
1275 except_client = master_client))
1276 subtasks.extend([
1277 lambda: ship_apache_configs(ctx=ctx, config=config,
1278 role_endpoints=role_endpoints,
1279 on_client=None,
1280 except_client = master_client,
1281 ),
1282 lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx,
1283 config = config,
1284 on_client=None,
1285 except_client = master_client,
1286 ),
1287 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx,
1288 config=config,
1289 on_client=None,
1290 except_client = master_client),
1291 ])
1292 elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb':
1293 subtasks.extend([
1294 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx,
1295 config=config,
1296 on_client=None,
1297 except_client = master_client),
1298 ])
1299 else:
1300 raise ValueError("frontend must be 'apache' or 'civetweb'")
1302 else:
1303 log.debug('single cluster run')
1304 subtasks.extend([
1305 lambda: configure_regions_and_zones(
1306 ctx=ctx,
1307 config=config,
1308 regions=regions,
1309 role_endpoints=role_endpoints,
1310 realm=realm,
1311 ),
1312 lambda: configure_users(
1313 ctx=ctx,
1314 config=config,
1315 everywhere=True,
1316 ),
1317 ])
1318 if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache':
1319 subtasks.insert(0, lambda: create_apache_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config))
1320 subtasks.extend([
1321 lambda: ship_apache_configs(ctx=ctx, config=config,
1322 role_endpoints=role_endpoints),
1323 lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx, config=config),
1324 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx,
1325 config=config),
1326 ])
1327 elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb':
1328 subtasks.extend([
1329 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx,
1330 config=config),
1331 ])
1332 else:
1333 raise ValueError("frontend must be 'apache' or 'civetweb'")
1335 log.info("Using %s as radosgw frontend", ctx.rgw.frontend)
1336 with contextutil.nested(*subtasks):
1337 yield