]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/cypress/integration/orchestrator/workflow/02-create-cluster-add-host.feature
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / cypress / integration / orchestrator / workflow / 02-create-cluster-add-host.feature
1 Feature: Cluster expansion host addition
3 Add some hosts and perform some host related actions like editing the labels
4 and removing the hosts from the cluster and verify all of the actions are performed
5 as expected
7 Background: Cluster expansion wizard
8 Given I am logged in
9 And I am on the "welcome" page
10 And I click on "Expand Cluster" button
12 Scenario Outline: Add hosts
13 Given I am on the "Add Hosts" section
14 When I click on "Add" button
15 And enter "hostname" "<hostname>"
16 And select options "<labels>"
17 And I click on submit button
18 Then I should see a row with "<hostname>"
19 And I should see row "<hostname>" have "<labels>"
21 Examples:
22 | hostname | labels |
23 | ceph-node-01 | mon, mgr |
24 | ceph-node-02 ||
26 Scenario Outline: Remove hosts
27 Given I am on the "Add Hosts" section
28 And I should see a row with "<hostname>"
29 When I select a row "<hostname>"
30 And I click on "Remove" button from the table actions
31 Then I should see the modal
32 And I check the tick box in modal
33 And I click on "Remove Host" button
34 Then I should not see the modal
35 And I should not see a row with "<hostname>"
37 Examples:
38 | hostname |
39 | ceph-node-01 |
40 | ceph-node-02 |
42 Scenario: Add hosts using pattern 'ceph-node-[01-02]'
43 Given I am on the "Add Hosts" section
44 When I click on "Add" button
45 And enter "hostname" "ceph-node-[01-02]"
46 And I click on submit button
47 Then I should see rows with following entries
48 | hostname |
49 | ceph-node-01 |
50 | ceph-node-02 |
52 Scenario: Add exisiting host and verify it failed
53 Given I am on the "Add Hosts" section
54 And I should see a row with "ceph-node-00"
55 When I click on "Add" button
56 And enter "hostname" "ceph-node-00"
57 Then I should see an error in "hostname" field
59 Scenario Outline: Add and remove labels on host
60 Given I am on the "Add Hosts" section
61 When I select a row "<hostname>"
62 And I click on "Edit" button from the table actions
63 And "add" option "<labels>"
64 And I click on submit button
65 Then I should see row "<hostname>" have "<labels>"
66 When I select a row "<hostname>"
67 And I click on "Edit" button from the table actions
68 And "remove" option "<labels>"
69 And I click on submit button
70 Then I should see row "<hostname>" does not have "<labels>"
72 Examples:
73 | hostname | labels |
74 | ceph-node-01 | foo |