]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/services/rgw_client.py
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / services / rgw_client.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 import ipaddress
4 import json
5 import logging
6 import re
7 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # noqa: N814
8 from distutils.util import strtobool
9 from subprocess import SubprocessError
11 from mgr_util import build_url
13 from .. import mgr
14 from ..awsauth import S3Auth
15 from ..exceptions import DashboardException
16 from ..rest_client import RequestException, RestClient
17 from ..settings import Settings
18 from ..tools import dict_contains_path, dict_get, json_str_to_object
20 try:
21 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
22 except ImportError:
23 pass # For typing only
25 logger = logging.getLogger('rgw_client')
28 class NoRgwDaemonsException(Exception):
29 def __init__(self):
30 super().__init__('No RGW service is running.')
33 class NoCredentialsException(Exception):
34 def __init__(self):
35 super(NoCredentialsException, self).__init__(
36 'No RGW credentials found, '
37 'please consult the documentation on how to enable RGW for '
38 'the dashboard.')
41 class RgwAdminException(Exception):
42 pass
45 class RgwDaemon:
46 """Simple representation of a daemon."""
47 host: str
48 name: str
49 port: int
50 ssl: bool
51 realm_name: str
52 zonegroup_name: str
53 zone_name: str
56 def _get_daemons() -> Dict[str, RgwDaemon]:
57 """
58 Retrieve RGW daemon info from MGR.
59 """
60 service_map = mgr.get('service_map')
61 if not dict_contains_path(service_map, ['services', 'rgw', 'daemons']):
62 raise NoRgwDaemonsException
64 daemons = {}
65 daemon_map = service_map['services']['rgw']['daemons']
66 for key in daemon_map.keys():
67 if dict_contains_path(daemon_map[key], ['metadata', 'frontend_config#0']):
68 daemon = _determine_rgw_addr(daemon_map[key])
69 daemon.name = daemon_map[key]['metadata']['id']
70 daemon.realm_name = daemon_map[key]['metadata']['realm_name']
71 daemon.zonegroup_name = daemon_map[key]['metadata']['zonegroup_name']
72 daemon.zone_name = daemon_map[key]['metadata']['zone_name']
73 daemons[daemon.name] = daemon
74 logger.info('Found RGW daemon with configuration: host=%s, port=%d, ssl=%s',
75 daemon.host, daemon.port, str(daemon.ssl))
76 if not daemons:
77 raise NoRgwDaemonsException
79 return daemons
82 def _determine_rgw_addr(daemon_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> RgwDaemon:
83 """
84 Parse RGW daemon info to determine the configured host (IP address) and port.
85 """
86 daemon = RgwDaemon()
87 daemon.host = _parse_addr(daemon_info['addr'])
88 daemon.port, daemon.ssl = _parse_frontend_config(daemon_info['metadata']['frontend_config#0'])
90 return daemon
93 def _parse_addr(value) -> str:
94 """
95 Get the IP address the RGW is running on.
97 >>> _parse_addr('')
98 ''
100 >>> _parse_addr('[2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334]:49774/1534999298')
101 '2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334'
103 >>> _parse_addr('xyz')
104 Traceback (most recent call last):
105 ...
106 LookupError: Failed to determine RGW address
108 >>> _parse_addr('192.168.178.a:8080/123456789')
109 Traceback (most recent call last):
110 ...
111 LookupError: Invalid RGW address '192.168.178.a' found
113 >>> _parse_addr('[2001:0db8:1234]:443/123456789')
114 Traceback (most recent call last):
115 ...
116 LookupError: Invalid RGW address '2001:0db8:1234' found
118 >>> _parse_addr('2001:0db8::1234:49774/1534999298')
119 Traceback (most recent call last):
120 ...
121 LookupError: Failed to determine RGW address
123 :param value: The string to process. The syntax is '<HOST>:<PORT>/<NONCE>'.
124 :type: str
125 :raises LookupError if parsing fails to determine the IP address.
126 :return: The IP address.
127 :rtype: str
128 """
129 match = re.search(r'^(\[)?(?(1)([^\]]+)\]|([^:]+)):\d+/\d+?', value)
130 if match:
131 # IPv4:
132 # Group 0:
133 # Group 3:
134 # IPv6:
135 # Group 0: [2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334]:49774/1534999298
136 # Group 1: [
137 # Group 2: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334
138 addr = match.group(3) if match.group(3) else match.group(2)
139 try:
140 ipaddress.ip_address(addr)
141 return addr
142 except ValueError:
143 raise LookupError('Invalid RGW address \'{}\' found'.format(addr))
144 raise LookupError('Failed to determine RGW address')
147 def _parse_frontend_config(config) -> Tuple[int, bool]:
148 """
149 Get the port the RGW is running on. Due the complexity of the
150 syntax not all variations are supported.
152 If there are multiple (ssl_)ports/(ssl_)endpoints options, then
153 the first found option will be returned.
155 Get more details about the configuration syntax here:
156 http://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/frontends/
157 https://civetweb.github.io/civetweb/UserManual.html
159 :param config: The configuration string to parse.
160 :type config: str
161 :raises LookupError if parsing fails to determine the port.
162 :return: A tuple containing the port number and the information
163 whether SSL is used.
164 :rtype: (int, boolean)
165 """
166 match = re.search(r'^(beast|civetweb)\s+.+$', config)
167 if match:
168 if match.group(1) == 'beast':
169 match = re.search(r'(port|ssl_port|endpoint|ssl_endpoint)=(.+)',
170 config)
171 if match:
172 option_name = match.group(1)
173 if option_name in ['port', 'ssl_port']:
174 match = re.search(r'(\d+)', match.group(2))
175 if match:
176 port = int(match.group(1))
177 ssl = option_name == 'ssl_port'
178 return port, ssl
179 if option_name in ['endpoint', 'ssl_endpoint']:
180 match = re.search(r'([\d.]+|\[.+\])(:(\d+))?',
181 match.group(2)) # type: ignore
182 if match:
183 port = int(match.group(3)) if \
184 match.group(2) is not None else 443 if \
185 option_name == 'ssl_endpoint' else \
186 80
187 ssl = option_name == 'ssl_endpoint'
188 return port, ssl
189 if match.group(1) == 'civetweb': # type: ignore
190 match = re.search(r'port=(.*:)?(\d+)(s)?', config)
191 if match:
192 port = int(match.group(2))
193 ssl = match.group(3) == 's'
194 return port, ssl
195 raise LookupError('Failed to determine RGW port from "{}"'.format(config))
198 def _parse_secrets(user: str, data: dict) -> Tuple[str, str]:
199 for key in data.get('keys', []):
200 if key.get('user') == user and data.get('system') in ['true', True]:
201 access_key = key.get('access_key')
202 secret_key = key.get('secret_key')
203 return access_key, secret_key
204 return '', ''
207 def _get_user_keys(user: str, realm: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
208 access_key = ''
209 secret_key = ''
210 rgw_user_info_cmd = ['user', 'info', '--uid', user]
211 cmd_realm_option = ['--rgw-realm', realm] if realm else []
212 if realm:
213 rgw_user_info_cmd += cmd_realm_option
214 try:
215 _, out, err = mgr.send_rgwadmin_command(rgw_user_info_cmd)
216 if out:
217 access_key, secret_key = _parse_secrets(user, out)
218 if not access_key:
219 rgw_create_user_cmd = [
220 'user', 'create',
221 '--uid', user,
222 '--display-name', 'Ceph Dashboard',
223 '--system',
224 ] + cmd_realm_option
225 _, out, err = mgr.send_rgwadmin_command(rgw_create_user_cmd)
226 if out:
227 access_key, secret_key = _parse_secrets(user, out)
228 if not access_key:
229 logger.error('Unable to create rgw user "%s": %s', user, err)
230 except SubprocessError as error:
231 logger.exception(error)
233 return access_key, secret_key
236 def configure_rgw_credentials():
237 logger.info('Configuring dashboard RGW credentials')
238 user = 'dashboard'
239 realms = []
240 access_key = ''
241 secret_key = ''
242 try:
243 _, out, err = mgr.send_rgwadmin_command(['realm', 'list'])
244 if out:
245 realms = out.get('realms', [])
246 if err:
247 logger.error('Unable to list RGW realms: %s', err)
248 if realms:
249 realm_access_keys = {}
250 realm_secret_keys = {}
251 for realm in realms:
252 realm_access_key, realm_secret_key = _get_user_keys(user, realm)
253 if realm_access_key:
254 realm_access_keys[realm] = realm_access_key
255 realm_secret_keys[realm] = realm_secret_key
256 if realm_access_keys:
257 access_key = json.dumps(realm_access_keys)
258 secret_key = json.dumps(realm_secret_keys)
259 else:
260 access_key, secret_key = _get_user_keys(user)
262 assert access_key and secret_key
263 Settings.RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY = access_key
264 Settings.RGW_API_SECRET_KEY = secret_key
265 except (AssertionError, SubprocessError) as error:
266 logger.exception(error)
267 raise NoCredentialsException
270 class RgwClient(RestClient):
271 _host = None
272 _port = None
273 _ssl = None
274 _user_instances = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, RgwClient]]
275 _config_instances = {} # type: Dict[str, RgwClient]
276 _rgw_settings_snapshot = None
277 _daemons: Dict[str, RgwDaemon] = {}
278 daemon: RgwDaemon
279 got_keys_from_config: bool
280 userid: str
282 @staticmethod
283 def _handle_response_status_code(status_code: int) -> int:
284 # Do not return auth error codes (so they are not handled as ceph API user auth errors).
285 return 404 if status_code in [401, 403] else status_code
287 @staticmethod
288 def _get_daemon_connection_info(daemon_name: str) -> dict:
289 try:
290 realm_name = RgwClient._daemons[daemon_name].realm_name
291 access_key = Settings.RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY[realm_name]
292 secret_key = Settings.RGW_API_SECRET_KEY[realm_name]
293 except TypeError:
294 # Legacy string values.
295 access_key = Settings.RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY
296 secret_key = Settings.RGW_API_SECRET_KEY
297 except KeyError as error:
298 raise DashboardException(msg='Credentials not found for RGW Daemon: {}'.format(error),
299 http_status_code=404,
300 component='rgw')
302 return {'access_key': access_key, 'secret_key': secret_key}
304 def _get_daemon_zone_info(self): # type: () -> dict
305 return json_str_to_object(self.proxy('GET', 'config?type=zone', None, None))
307 def _get_realms_info(self): # type: () -> dict
308 return json_str_to_object(self.proxy('GET', 'realm?list', None, None))
310 def _get_realm_info(self, realm_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
311 return json_str_to_object(self.proxy('GET', f'realm?id={realm_id}', None, None))
313 @staticmethod
314 def _rgw_settings():
315 return (Settings.RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY,
316 Settings.RGW_API_SECRET_KEY,
318 Settings.RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY)
320 @staticmethod
321 def instance(userid: Optional[str] = None,
322 daemon_name: Optional[str] = None) -> 'RgwClient':
323 # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
325 RgwClient._daemons = _get_daemons()
327 # The API access key and secret key are mandatory for a minimal configuration.
328 if not (Settings.RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY and Settings.RGW_API_SECRET_KEY):
329 configure_rgw_credentials()
331 if not daemon_name:
332 # Select 1st daemon:
333 daemon_name = next(iter(RgwClient._daemons.keys()))
335 # Discard all cached instances if any rgw setting has changed
336 if RgwClient._rgw_settings_snapshot != RgwClient._rgw_settings():
337 RgwClient._rgw_settings_snapshot = RgwClient._rgw_settings()
338 RgwClient.drop_instance()
340 if daemon_name not in RgwClient._config_instances:
341 connection_info = RgwClient._get_daemon_connection_info(daemon_name)
342 RgwClient._config_instances[daemon_name] = RgwClient(connection_info['access_key'],
343 connection_info['secret_key'],
344 daemon_name)
346 if not userid or userid == RgwClient._config_instances[daemon_name].userid:
347 return RgwClient._config_instances[daemon_name]
349 if daemon_name not in RgwClient._user_instances \
350 or userid not in RgwClient._user_instances[daemon_name]:
351 # Get the access and secret keys for the specified user.
352 keys = RgwClient._config_instances[daemon_name].get_user_keys(userid)
353 if not keys:
354 raise RequestException(
355 "User '{}' does not have any keys configured.".format(
356 userid))
357 instance = RgwClient(keys['access_key'],
358 keys['secret_key'],
359 daemon_name,
360 userid)
361 RgwClient._user_instances.update({daemon_name: {userid: instance}})
363 return RgwClient._user_instances[daemon_name][userid]
365 @staticmethod
366 def admin_instance(daemon_name: Optional[str] = None) -> 'RgwClient':
367 return RgwClient.instance(daemon_name=daemon_name)
369 @staticmethod
370 def drop_instance(instance: Optional['RgwClient'] = None):
371 """
372 Drop a cached instance or all.
373 """
374 if instance:
375 if instance.got_keys_from_config:
376 del RgwClient._config_instances[instance.daemon.name]
377 else:
378 del RgwClient._user_instances[instance.daemon.name][instance.userid]
379 else:
380 RgwClient._config_instances.clear()
381 RgwClient._user_instances.clear()
383 def _reset_login(self):
384 if self.got_keys_from_config:
385 raise RequestException('Authentication failed for the "{}" user: wrong credentials'
386 .format(self.userid), status_code=401)
387 logger.info("Fetching new keys for user: %s", self.userid)
388 keys = RgwClient.admin_instance(daemon_name=self.daemon.name).get_user_keys(self.userid)
389 self.auth = S3Auth(keys['access_key'], keys['secret_key'],
390 service_url=self.service_url)
392 def __init__(self,
393 access_key: str,
394 secret_key: str,
395 daemon_name: str,
396 user_id: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
397 try:
398 daemon = RgwClient._daemons[daemon_name]
399 except KeyError as error:
400 raise DashboardException(msg='RGW Daemon not found: {}'.format(error),
401 http_status_code=404,
402 component='rgw')
403 ssl_verify = Settings.RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY
404 self.admin_path = Settings.RGW_API_ADMIN_RESOURCE
405 self.service_url = build_url(host=daemon.host, port=daemon.port)
407 self.auth = S3Auth(access_key, secret_key, service_url=self.service_url)
408 super(RgwClient, self).__init__(daemon.host,
409 daemon.port,
410 'RGW',
411 daemon.ssl,
412 self.auth,
413 ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
414 self.got_keys_from_config = not user_id
415 try:
416 self.userid = self._get_user_id(self.admin_path) if self.got_keys_from_config \
417 else user_id
418 except RequestException as error:
419 logger.exception(error)
420 msg = 'Error connecting to Object Gateway'
421 if error.status_code == 404:
422 msg = '{}: {}'.format(msg, str(error))
423 raise DashboardException(msg=msg,
424 http_status_code=error.status_code,
425 component='rgw')
426 self.daemon = daemon
428 logger.info("Created new connection: daemon=%s, host=%s, port=%s, ssl=%d, sslverify=%d",
429 daemon.name, daemon.host, daemon.port, daemon.ssl, ssl_verify)
431 @RestClient.api_get('/', resp_structure='[0] > (ID & DisplayName)')
432 def is_service_online(self, request=None) -> bool:
433 """
434 Consider the service as online if the response contains the
435 specified keys. Nothing more is checked here.
436 """
437 _ = request({'format': 'json'})
438 return True
440 @RestClient.api_get('/{admin_path}/metadata/user?myself',
441 resp_structure='data > user_id')
442 def _get_user_id(self, admin_path, request=None):
443 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
444 """
445 Get the user ID of the user that is used to communicate with the
446 RGW Admin Ops API.
447 :rtype: str
448 :return: The user ID of the user that is used to sign the
449 RGW Admin Ops API calls.
450 """
451 response = request()
452 return response['data']['user_id']
454 @RestClient.api_get('/{admin_path}/metadata/user', resp_structure='[+]')
455 def _user_exists(self, admin_path, user_id, request=None):
456 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
457 response = request()
458 if user_id:
459 return user_id in response
460 return self.userid in response
462 def user_exists(self, user_id=None):
463 return self._user_exists(self.admin_path, user_id)
465 @RestClient.api_get('/{admin_path}/metadata/user?key={userid}',
466 resp_structure='data > system')
467 def _is_system_user(self, admin_path, userid, request=None) -> bool:
468 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
469 response = request()
470 return strtobool(response['data']['system'])
472 def is_system_user(self) -> bool:
473 return self._is_system_user(self.admin_path, self.userid)
475 @RestClient.api_get(
476 '/{admin_path}/user',
477 resp_structure='tenant & user_id & email & keys[*] > '
478 ' (user & access_key & secret_key)')
479 def _admin_get_user_keys(self, admin_path, userid, request=None):
480 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
481 colon_idx = userid.find(':')
482 user = userid if colon_idx == -1 else userid[:colon_idx]
483 response = request({'uid': user})
484 for key in response['keys']:
485 if key['user'] == userid:
486 return {
487 'access_key': key['access_key'],
488 'secret_key': key['secret_key']
489 }
490 return None
492 def get_user_keys(self, userid):
493 return self._admin_get_user_keys(self.admin_path, userid)
495 @RestClient.api('/{admin_path}/{path}')
496 def _proxy_request(
497 self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
498 admin_path,
499 path,
500 method,
501 params,
502 data,
503 request=None):
504 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
505 return request(method=method, params=params, data=data,
506 raw_content=True)
508 def proxy(self, method, path, params, data):
509 logger.debug("proxying method=%s path=%s params=%s data=%s",
510 method, path, params, data)
511 return self._proxy_request(self.admin_path, path, method,
512 params, data)
514 @RestClient.api_get('/', resp_structure='[1][*] > Name')
515 def get_buckets(self, request=None):
516 """
517 Get a list of names from all existing buckets of this user.
518 :return: Returns a list of bucket names.
519 """
520 response = request({'format': 'json'})
521 return [bucket['Name'] for bucket in response[1]]
523 @RestClient.api_get('/{bucket_name}')
524 def bucket_exists(self, bucket_name, userid, request=None):
525 """
526 Check if the specified bucket exists for this user.
527 :param bucket_name: The name of the bucket.
528 :return: Returns True if the bucket exists, otherwise False.
529 """
530 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
531 try:
532 request()
533 my_buckets = self.get_buckets()
534 if bucket_name not in my_buckets:
535 raise RequestException(
536 'Bucket "{}" belongs to other user'.format(bucket_name),
537 403)
538 return True
539 except RequestException as e:
540 if e.status_code == 404:
541 return False
543 raise e
545 @RestClient.api_put('/{bucket_name}')
546 def create_bucket(self, bucket_name, zonegroup=None,
547 placement_target=None, lock_enabled=False,
548 request=None):
549 logger.info("Creating bucket: %s, zonegroup: %s, placement_target: %s",
550 bucket_name, zonegroup, placement_target)
551 data = None
552 if zonegroup and placement_target:
553 create_bucket_configuration = ET.Element('CreateBucketConfiguration')
554 location_constraint = ET.SubElement(create_bucket_configuration, 'LocationConstraint')
555 location_constraint.text = '{}:{}'.format(zonegroup, placement_target)
556 data = ET.tostring(create_bucket_configuration, encoding='unicode')
558 headers = None # type: Optional[dict]
559 if lock_enabled:
560 headers = {'x-amz-bucket-object-lock-enabled': 'true'}
562 return request(data=data, headers=headers)
564 def get_placement_targets(self): # type: () -> dict
565 zone = self._get_daemon_zone_info()
566 placement_targets = [] # type: List[Dict]
567 for placement_pool in zone['placement_pools']:
568 placement_targets.append(
569 {
570 'name': placement_pool['key'],
571 'data_pool': placement_pool['val']['storage_classes']['STANDARD']['data_pool']
572 }
573 )
575 return {'zonegroup': self.daemon.zonegroup_name,
576 'placement_targets': placement_targets}
578 def get_realms(self): # type: () -> List
579 realms_info = self._get_realms_info()
580 if 'realms' in realms_info and realms_info['realms']:
581 return realms_info['realms']
583 return []
585 def get_default_realm(self) -> str:
586 realms_info = self._get_realms_info()
587 if 'default_info' in realms_info and realms_info['default_info']:
588 realm_info = self._get_realm_info(realms_info['default_info'])
589 if 'name' in realm_info and realm_info['name']:
590 return realm_info['name']
591 raise DashboardException(msg='Default realm not found.',
592 http_status_code=404,
593 component='rgw')
595 @RestClient.api_get('/{bucket_name}?versioning')
596 def get_bucket_versioning(self, bucket_name, request=None):
597 """
598 Get bucket versioning.
599 :param str bucket_name: the name of the bucket.
600 :return: versioning info
601 :rtype: Dict
602 """
603 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
604 result = request()
605 if 'Status' not in result:
606 result['Status'] = 'Suspended'
607 if 'MfaDelete' not in result:
608 result['MfaDelete'] = 'Disabled'
609 return result
611 @RestClient.api_put('/{bucket_name}?versioning')
612 def set_bucket_versioning(self, bucket_name, versioning_state, mfa_delete,
613 mfa_token_serial, mfa_token_pin, request=None):
614 """
615 Set bucket versioning.
616 :param str bucket_name: the name of the bucket.
617 :param str versioning_state:
618 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html
619 :param str mfa_delete: MFA Delete state.
620 :param str mfa_token_serial:
621 https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/mfa/
622 :param str mfa_token_pin: value of a TOTP token at a certain time (auth code)
623 :return: None
624 """
625 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
626 versioning_configuration = ET.Element('VersioningConfiguration')
627 status_element = ET.SubElement(versioning_configuration, 'Status')
628 status_element.text = versioning_state
630 headers = {}
631 if mfa_delete and mfa_token_serial and mfa_token_pin:
632 headers['x-amz-mfa'] = '{} {}'.format(mfa_token_serial, mfa_token_pin)
633 mfa_delete_element = ET.SubElement(versioning_configuration, 'MfaDelete')
634 mfa_delete_element.text = mfa_delete
636 data = ET.tostring(versioning_configuration, encoding='unicode')
638 try:
639 request(data=data, headers=headers)
640 except RequestException as error:
641 msg = str(error)
642 if mfa_delete and mfa_token_serial and mfa_token_pin \
643 and 'AccessDenied' in error.content.decode():
644 msg = 'Bad MFA credentials: {}'.format(msg)
645 raise DashboardException(msg=msg,
646 http_status_code=error.status_code,
647 component='rgw')
649 @RestClient.api_get('/{bucket_name}?object-lock')
650 def get_bucket_locking(self, bucket_name, request=None):
651 # type: (str, Optional[object]) -> dict
652 """
653 Gets the locking configuration for a bucket. The locking
654 configuration will be applied by default to every new object
655 placed in the specified bucket.
656 :param bucket_name: The name of the bucket.
657 :type bucket_name: str
658 :return: The locking configuration.
659 :rtype: Dict
660 """
661 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
663 # Try to get the Object Lock configuration. If there is none,
664 # then return default values.
665 try:
666 result = request() # type: ignore
667 return {
668 'lock_enabled': dict_get(result, 'ObjectLockEnabled') == 'Enabled',
669 'lock_mode': dict_get(result, 'Rule.DefaultRetention.Mode'),
670 'lock_retention_period_days': dict_get(result, 'Rule.DefaultRetention.Days', 0),
671 'lock_retention_period_years': dict_get(result, 'Rule.DefaultRetention.Years', 0)
672 }
673 except RequestException as e:
674 if e.content:
675 content = json_str_to_object(e.content)
676 if content.get(
677 'Code') == 'ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError':
678 return {
679 'lock_enabled': False,
680 'lock_mode': 'compliance',
681 'lock_retention_period_days': None,
682 'lock_retention_period_years': None
683 }
684 raise e
686 @RestClient.api_put('/{bucket_name}?object-lock')
687 def set_bucket_locking(self,
688 bucket_name: str,
689 mode: str,
690 retention_period_days: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
691 retention_period_years: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
692 request: Optional[object] = None) -> None:
693 """
694 Places the locking configuration on the specified bucket. The
695 locking configuration will be applied by default to every new
696 object placed in the specified bucket.
697 :param bucket_name: The name of the bucket.
698 :type bucket_name: str
699 :param mode: The lock mode, e.g. `COMPLIANCE` or `GOVERNANCE`.
700 :type mode: str
701 :param retention_period_days:
702 :type retention_period_days: int
703 :param retention_period_years:
704 :type retention_period_years: int
705 :rtype: None
706 """
707 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
709 # Do some validations.
710 try:
711 retention_period_days = int(retention_period_days) if retention_period_days else 0
712 retention_period_years = int(retention_period_years) if retention_period_years else 0
713 if retention_period_days < 0 or retention_period_years < 0:
714 raise ValueError
715 except (TypeError, ValueError):
716 msg = "Retention period must be a positive integer."
717 raise DashboardException(msg=msg, component='rgw')
718 if retention_period_days and retention_period_years:
719 # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/archive-RESTBucketPUTObjectLockConfiguration.html
720 msg = "Retention period requires either Days or Years. "\
721 "You can't specify both at the same time."
722 raise DashboardException(msg=msg, component='rgw')
723 if not retention_period_days and not retention_period_years:
724 msg = "Retention period requires either Days or Years. "\
725 "You must specify at least one."
726 raise DashboardException(msg=msg, component='rgw')
727 if not isinstance(mode, str) or mode.upper() not in ['COMPLIANCE', 'GOVERNANCE']:
728 msg = "Retention mode must be either COMPLIANCE or GOVERNANCE."
729 raise DashboardException(msg=msg, component='rgw')
731 # Generate the XML data like this:
732 # <ObjectLockConfiguration>
733 # <ObjectLockEnabled>string</ObjectLockEnabled>
734 # <Rule>
735 # <DefaultRetention>
736 # <Days>integer</Days>
737 # <Mode>string</Mode>
738 # <Years>integer</Years>
739 # </DefaultRetention>
740 # </Rule>
741 # </ObjectLockConfiguration>
742 locking_configuration = ET.Element('ObjectLockConfiguration')
743 enabled_element = ET.SubElement(locking_configuration,
744 'ObjectLockEnabled')
745 enabled_element.text = 'Enabled' # Locking can't be disabled.
746 rule_element = ET.SubElement(locking_configuration, 'Rule')
747 default_retention_element = ET.SubElement(rule_element,
748 'DefaultRetention')
749 mode_element = ET.SubElement(default_retention_element, 'Mode')
750 mode_element.text = mode.upper()
751 if retention_period_days:
752 days_element = ET.SubElement(default_retention_element, 'Days')
753 days_element.text = str(retention_period_days)
754 if retention_period_years:
755 years_element = ET.SubElement(default_retention_element, 'Years')
756 years_element.text = str(retention_period_years)
758 data = ET.tostring(locking_configuration, encoding='unicode')
760 try:
761 _ = request(data=data) # type: ignore
762 except RequestException as e:
763 raise DashboardException(msg=str(e), component='rgw')