]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/nfs/cluster.py
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / nfs / cluster.py
1 import ipaddress
2 import logging
3 import json
4 import re
5 import socket
6 from typing import cast, Dict, List, Any, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple
8 from mgr_module import NFS_POOL_NAME as POOL_NAME
9 from ceph.deployment.service_spec import NFSServiceSpec, PlacementSpec, IngressSpec
11 import orchestrator
13 from .exception import NFSInvalidOperation, ClusterNotFound
14 from .utils import (available_clusters, restart_nfs_service, conf_obj_name,
15 user_conf_obj_name)
16 from .export import NFSRados, exception_handler
19 from nfs.module import Module
20 from mgr_module import MgrModule
23 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
26 def resolve_ip(hostname: str) -> str:
27 try:
28 r = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, None, flags=socket.AI_CANONNAME,
29 type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
30 # pick first v4 IP, if present
31 for a in r:
32 if a[0] == socket.AF_INET:
33 return a[4][0]
34 return r[0][4][0]
35 except socket.gaierror as e:
36 raise NFSInvalidOperation(f"Cannot resolve IP for host {hostname}: {e}")
39 def create_ganesha_pool(mgr: 'MgrModule') -> None:
40 pool_list = [p['pool_name'] for p in mgr.get_osdmap().dump().get('pools', [])]
41 if POOL_NAME not in pool_list:
42 mgr.check_mon_command({'prefix': 'osd pool create', 'pool': POOL_NAME})
43 mgr.check_mon_command({'prefix': 'osd pool application enable',
44 'pool': POOL_NAME,
45 'app': 'nfs'})
46 log.debug("Successfully created nfs-ganesha pool %s", POOL_NAME)
49 class NFSCluster:
50 def __init__(self, mgr: 'Module') -> None:
51 self.mgr = mgr
53 def _call_orch_apply_nfs(
54 self,
55 cluster_id: str,
56 placement: Optional[str],
57 virtual_ip: Optional[str] = None,
58 port: Optional[int] = None,
59 ) -> None:
60 if not port:
61 port = 2049 # default nfs port
62 if virtual_ip:
63 # nfs + ingress
64 # run NFS on non-standard port
65 spec = NFSServiceSpec(service_type='nfs', service_id=cluster_id,
66 placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement),
67 # use non-default port so we don't conflict with ingress
68 port=10000 + port) # semi-arbitrary, fix me someday
69 completion = self.mgr.apply_nfs(spec)
70 orchestrator.raise_if_exception(completion)
71 ispec = IngressSpec(service_type='ingress',
72 service_id='nfs.' + cluster_id,
73 backend_service='nfs.' + cluster_id,
74 frontend_port=port,
75 monitor_port=7000 + port, # semi-arbitrary, fix me someday
76 virtual_ip=virtual_ip)
77 completion = self.mgr.apply_ingress(ispec)
78 orchestrator.raise_if_exception(completion)
79 else:
80 # standalone nfs
81 spec = NFSServiceSpec(service_type='nfs', service_id=cluster_id,
82 placement=PlacementSpec.from_string(placement),
83 port=port)
84 completion = self.mgr.apply_nfs(spec)
85 orchestrator.raise_if_exception(completion)
86 log.debug("Successfully deployed nfs daemons with cluster id %s and placement %s",
87 cluster_id, placement)
89 def create_empty_rados_obj(self, cluster_id: str) -> None:
90 common_conf = conf_obj_name(cluster_id)
91 self._rados(cluster_id).write_obj('', conf_obj_name(cluster_id))
92 log.info("Created empty object:%s", common_conf)
94 def delete_config_obj(self, cluster_id: str) -> None:
95 self._rados(cluster_id).remove_all_obj()
96 log.info("Deleted %s object and all objects in %s",
97 conf_obj_name(cluster_id), cluster_id)
99 def create_nfs_cluster(
100 self,
101 cluster_id: str,
102 placement: Optional[str],
103 virtual_ip: Optional[str],
104 ingress: Optional[bool] = None,
105 port: Optional[int] = None,
106 ) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
108 try:
109 if virtual_ip:
110 # validate virtual_ip value: ip_address throws a ValueError
111 # exception in case it's not a valid ipv4 or ipv6 address
112 ip = virtual_ip.split('/')[0]
113 ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
114 if virtual_ip and not ingress:
115 raise NFSInvalidOperation('virtual_ip can only be provided with ingress enabled')
116 if not virtual_ip and ingress:
117 raise NFSInvalidOperation('ingress currently requires a virtual_ip')
118 invalid_str = re.search('[^A-Za-z0-9-_.]', cluster_id)
119 if invalid_str:
120 raise NFSInvalidOperation(f"cluster id {cluster_id} is invalid. "
121 f"{invalid_str.group()} is char not permitted")
123 create_ganesha_pool(self.mgr)
125 self.create_empty_rados_obj(cluster_id)
127 if cluster_id not in available_clusters(self.mgr):
128 self._call_orch_apply_nfs(cluster_id, placement, virtual_ip, port)
129 return 0, "NFS Cluster Created Successfully", ""
130 return 0, "", f"{cluster_id} cluster already exists"
131 except Exception as e:
132 return exception_handler(e, f"NFS Cluster {cluster_id} could not be created")
134 def delete_nfs_cluster(self, cluster_id: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
135 try:
136 cluster_list = available_clusters(self.mgr)
137 if cluster_id in cluster_list:
138 self.mgr.export_mgr.delete_all_exports(cluster_id)
139 completion = self.mgr.remove_service('ingress.nfs.' + cluster_id)
140 orchestrator.raise_if_exception(completion)
141 completion = self.mgr.remove_service('nfs.' + cluster_id)
142 orchestrator.raise_if_exception(completion)
143 self.delete_config_obj(cluster_id)
144 return 0, "NFS Cluster Deleted Successfully", ""
145 return 0, "", "Cluster does not exist"
146 except Exception as e:
147 return exception_handler(e, f"Failed to delete NFS Cluster {cluster_id}")
149 def list_nfs_cluster(self) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
150 try:
151 return 0, '\n'.join(available_clusters(self.mgr)), ""
152 except Exception as e:
153 return exception_handler(e, "Failed to list NFS Cluster")
155 def _show_nfs_cluster_info(self, cluster_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
156 completion = self.mgr.list_daemons(daemon_type='nfs')
157 # Here completion.result is a list DaemonDescription objects
158 clusters = orchestrator.raise_if_exception(completion)
159 backends: List[Dict[str, Union[Any]]] = []
161 for cluster in clusters:
162 if cluster_id == cluster.service_id():
163 assert cluster.hostname
164 try:
165 if cluster.ip:
166 ip = cluster.ip
167 else:
168 c = self.mgr.get_hosts()
169 orchestrator.raise_if_exception(c)
170 hosts = [h for h in c.result or []
171 if h.hostname == cluster.hostname]
172 if hosts:
173 ip = resolve_ip(hosts[0].addr)
174 else:
175 # sigh
176 ip = resolve_ip(cluster.hostname)
177 backends.append({
178 "hostname": cluster.hostname,
179 "ip": ip,
180 "port": cluster.ports[0] if cluster.ports else None
181 })
182 except orchestrator.OrchestratorError:
183 continue
185 r: Dict[str, Any] = {
186 'virtual_ip': None,
187 'backend': backends,
188 }
189 sc = self.mgr.describe_service(service_type='ingress')
190 services = orchestrator.raise_if_exception(sc)
191 for i in services:
192 spec = cast(IngressSpec, i.spec)
193 if spec.backend_service == f'nfs.{cluster_id}':
194 r['virtual_ip'] = i.virtual_ip.split('/')[0] if i.virtual_ip else None
195 if i.ports:
196 r['port'] = i.ports[0]
197 if len(i.ports) > 1:
198 r['monitor_port'] = i.ports[1]
199 log.debug("Successfully fetched %s info: %s", cluster_id, r)
200 return r
202 def show_nfs_cluster_info(self, cluster_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
203 try:
204 info_res = {}
205 if cluster_id:
206 cluster_ls = [cluster_id]
207 else:
208 cluster_ls = available_clusters(self.mgr)
210 for cluster_id in cluster_ls:
211 res = self._show_nfs_cluster_info(cluster_id)
212 if res:
213 info_res[cluster_id] = res
214 return (0, json.dumps(info_res, indent=4), '')
215 except Exception as e:
216 return exception_handler(e, "Failed to show info for cluster")
218 def get_nfs_cluster_config(self, cluster_id: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
219 try:
220 if cluster_id in available_clusters(self.mgr):
221 rados_obj = self._rados(cluster_id)
222 conf = rados_obj.read_obj(user_conf_obj_name(cluster_id))
223 return 0, conf or "", ""
224 raise ClusterNotFound()
225 except Exception as e:
226 return exception_handler(e, f"Fetching NFS-Ganesha Config failed for {cluster_id}")
228 def set_nfs_cluster_config(self, cluster_id: str, nfs_config: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
229 try:
230 if cluster_id in available_clusters(self.mgr):
231 rados_obj = self._rados(cluster_id)
232 if rados_obj.check_user_config():
233 return 0, "", "NFS-Ganesha User Config already exists"
234 rados_obj.write_obj(nfs_config, user_conf_obj_name(cluster_id),
235 conf_obj_name(cluster_id))
236 log.debug("Successfully saved %s's user config: \n %s", cluster_id, nfs_config)
237 restart_nfs_service(self.mgr, cluster_id)
238 return 0, "NFS-Ganesha Config Set Successfully", ""
239 raise ClusterNotFound()
240 except NotImplementedError:
241 return 0, "NFS-Ganesha Config Added Successfully "\
242 "(Manual Restart of NFS PODS required)", ""
243 except Exception as e:
244 return exception_handler(e, f"Setting NFS-Ganesha Config failed for {cluster_id}")
246 def reset_nfs_cluster_config(self, cluster_id: str) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
247 try:
248 if cluster_id in available_clusters(self.mgr):
249 rados_obj = self._rados(cluster_id)
250 if not rados_obj.check_user_config():
251 return 0, "", "NFS-Ganesha User Config does not exist"
252 rados_obj.remove_obj(user_conf_obj_name(cluster_id),
253 conf_obj_name(cluster_id))
254 restart_nfs_service(self.mgr, cluster_id)
255 return 0, "NFS-Ganesha Config Reset Successfully", ""
256 raise ClusterNotFound()
257 except NotImplementedError:
258 return 0, "NFS-Ganesha Config Removed Successfully "\
259 "(Manual Restart of NFS PODS required)", ""
260 except Exception as e:
261 return exception_handler(e, f"Resetting NFS-Ganesha Config failed for {cluster_id}")
263 def _rados(self, cluster_id: str) -> NFSRados:
264 """Return a new NFSRados object for the given cluster id."""
265 return NFSRados(self.mgr.rados, cluster_id)