]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blame_incremental - BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/Fv.py
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[mirror_edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / Python / GenFds / Fv.py
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1## @file\r
2# process FV generation\r
4# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>\r
6# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent\r
10# Import Modules\r
12from __future__ import absolute_import\r
13import Common.LongFilePathOs as os\r
14import subprocess\r
15from io import BytesIO\r
16from struct import *\r
17from . import FfsFileStatement\r
18from .GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable\r
19from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange, PackGUID\r
20from Common.LongFilePathSupport import CopyLongFilePath\r
21from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open\r
22from Common.DataType import *\r
26## generate FV\r
29class FV (object):\r
30 ## The constructor\r
31 #\r
32 # @param self The object pointer\r
33 #\r
34 def __init__(self, Name=None):\r
35 self.UiFvName = Name\r
36 self.CreateFileName = None\r
37 self.BlockSizeList = []\r
38 self.DefineVarDict = {}\r
39 self.SetVarDict = {}\r
40 self.FvAlignment = None\r
41 self.FvAttributeDict = {}\r
42 self.FvNameGuid = None\r
43 self.FvNameString = None\r
44 self.AprioriSectionList = []\r
45 self.FfsList = []\r
46 self.BsBaseAddress = None\r
47 self.RtBaseAddress = None\r
48 self.FvInfFile = None\r
49 self.FvAddressFile = None\r
50 self.BaseAddress = None\r
51 self.InfFileName = None\r
52 self.FvAddressFileName = None\r
53 self.CapsuleName = None\r
54 self.FvBaseAddress = None\r
55 self.FvForceRebase = None\r
56 self.FvRegionInFD = None\r
57 self.UsedSizeEnable = False\r
58 self.FvExtEntryTypeValue = []\r
59 self.FvExtEntryType = []\r
60 self.FvExtEntryData = []\r
61 ## AddToBuffer()\r
62 #\r
63 # Generate Fv and add it to the Buffer\r
64 #\r
65 # @param self The object pointer\r
66 # @param Buffer The buffer generated FV data will be put\r
67 # @param BaseAddress base address of FV\r
68 # @param BlockSize block size of FV\r
69 # @param BlockNum How many blocks in FV\r
70 # @param ErasePolarity Flash erase polarity\r
71 # @param MacroDict macro value pair\r
72 # @retval string Generated FV file path\r
73 #\r
74 def AddToBuffer (self, Buffer, BaseAddress=None, BlockSize= None, BlockNum=None, ErasePloarity='1', MacroDict = {}, Flag=False):\r
75 if BaseAddress is None and self.UiFvName.upper() + 'fv' in GenFdsGlobalVariable.ImageBinDict:\r
76 return GenFdsGlobalVariable.ImageBinDict[self.UiFvName.upper() + 'fv']\r
78 #\r
79 # Check whether FV in Capsule is in FD flash region.\r
80 # If yes, return error. Doesn't support FV in Capsule image is also in FD flash region.\r
81 #\r
82 if self.CapsuleName is not None:\r
83 for FdObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.FdDict.values():\r
84 for RegionObj in FdObj.RegionList:\r
85 if RegionObj.RegionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV:\r
86 for RegionData in RegionObj.RegionDataList:\r
87 if RegionData.endswith(".fv"):\r
88 continue\r
89 elif RegionData.upper() + 'fv' in GenFdsGlobalVariable.ImageBinDict:\r
90 continue\r
91 elif self.UiFvName.upper() == RegionData.upper():\r
92 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("Capsule %s in FD region can't contain a FV %s in FD region." % (self.CapsuleName, self.UiFvName.upper()))\r
93 if not Flag:\r
94 GenFdsGlobalVariable.InfLogger( "\nGenerating %s FV" %self.UiFvName)\r
95 GenFdsGlobalVariable.LargeFileInFvFlags.append(False)\r
96 FFSGuid = None\r
98 if self.FvBaseAddress is not None:\r
99 BaseAddress = self.FvBaseAddress\r
100 if not Flag:\r
101 self._InitializeInf(BaseAddress, BlockSize, BlockNum, ErasePloarity)\r
102 #\r
103 # First Process the Apriori section\r
104 #\r
105 MacroDict.update(self.DefineVarDict)\r
107 GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger('First generate Apriori file !')\r
108 FfsFileList = []\r
109 for AprSection in self.AprioriSectionList:\r
110 FileName = AprSection.GenFfs (self.UiFvName, MacroDict, IsMakefile=Flag)\r
111 FfsFileList.append(FileName)\r
112 # Add Apriori file name to Inf file\r
113 if not Flag:\r
114 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_FILE_NAME = " + \\r
115 FileName + \\r
118 # Process Modules in FfsList\r
119 for FfsFile in self.FfsList:\r
120 if Flag:\r
121 if isinstance(FfsFile, FfsFileStatement.FileStatement):\r
122 continue\r
123 if GenFdsGlobalVariable.EnableGenfdsMultiThread and GenFdsGlobalVariable.ModuleFile and GenFdsGlobalVariable.ModuleFile.Path.find(os.path.normpath(FfsFile.InfFileName)) == -1:\r
124 continue\r
125 FileName = FfsFile.GenFfs(MacroDict, FvParentAddr=BaseAddress, IsMakefile=Flag, FvName=self.UiFvName)\r
126 FfsFileList.append(FileName)\r
127 if not Flag:\r
128 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_FILE_NAME = " + \\r
129 FileName + \\r
131 if not Flag:\r
132 FvInfFile = ''.join(self.FvInfFile)\r
133 SaveFileOnChange(self.InfFileName, FvInfFile, False)\r
134 #\r
135 # Call GenFv tool\r
136 #\r
137 FvOutputFile = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, self.UiFvName)\r
138 FvOutputFile = FvOutputFile + '.Fv'\r
139 # BUGBUG: FvOutputFile could be specified from FDF file (FV section, CreateFile statement)\r
140 if self.CreateFileName is not None:\r
141 FvOutputFile = self.CreateFileName\r
143 if Flag:\r
144 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ImageBinDict[self.UiFvName.upper() + 'fv'] = FvOutputFile\r
145 return FvOutputFile\r
147 FvInfoFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FfsDir, self.UiFvName + '.inf')\r
148 if not Flag:\r
149 CopyLongFilePath(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvAddressFileName, FvInfoFileName)\r
150 OrigFvInfo = None\r
151 if os.path.exists (FvInfoFileName):\r
152 OrigFvInfo = open(FvInfoFileName, 'r').read()\r
153 if GenFdsGlobalVariable.LargeFileInFvFlags[-1]:\r
154 FFSGuid = GenFdsGlobalVariable.EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM3_GUID\r
155 GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFirmwareVolume(\r
156 FvOutputFile,\r
157 [self.InfFileName],\r
158 AddressFile=FvInfoFileName,\r
159 FfsList=FfsFileList,\r
160 ForceRebase=self.FvForceRebase,\r
161 FileSystemGuid=FFSGuid\r
162 )\r
164 NewFvInfo = None\r
165 if os.path.exists (FvInfoFileName):\r
166 NewFvInfo = open(FvInfoFileName, 'r').read()\r
167 if NewFvInfo is not None and NewFvInfo != OrigFvInfo:\r
168 FvChildAddr = []\r
169 AddFileObj = open(FvInfoFileName, 'r')\r
170 AddrStrings = AddFileObj.readlines()\r
171 AddrKeyFound = False\r
172 for AddrString in AddrStrings:\r
173 if AddrKeyFound:\r
174 #get base address for the inside FvImage\r
175 FvChildAddr.append (AddrString)\r
176 elif AddrString.find ("[FV_BASE_ADDRESS]") != -1:\r
177 AddrKeyFound = True\r
178 AddFileObj.close()\r
180 if FvChildAddr != []:\r
181 # Update Ffs again\r
182 for FfsFile in self.FfsList:\r
183 FileName = FfsFile.GenFfs(MacroDict, FvChildAddr, BaseAddress, IsMakefile=Flag, FvName=self.UiFvName)\r
185 if GenFdsGlobalVariable.LargeFileInFvFlags[-1]:\r
186 FFSGuid = GenFdsGlobalVariable.EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM3_GUID;\r
187 #Update GenFv again\r
188 GenFdsGlobalVariable.GenerateFirmwareVolume(\r
189 FvOutputFile,\r
190 [self.InfFileName],\r
191 AddressFile=FvInfoFileName,\r
192 FfsList=FfsFileList,\r
193 ForceRebase=self.FvForceRebase,\r
194 FileSystemGuid=FFSGuid\r
195 )\r
197 #\r
198 # Write the Fv contents to Buffer\r
199 #\r
200 if os.path.isfile(FvOutputFile) and os.path.getsize(FvOutputFile) >= 0x48:\r
201 FvFileObj = open(FvOutputFile, 'rb')\r
202 # PI FvHeader is 0x48 byte\r
203 FvHeaderBuffer = FvFileObj.read(0x48)\r
204 Signature = FvHeaderBuffer[0x28:0x32]\r
205 if Signature and Signature.startswith(b'_FVH'):\r
206 GenFdsGlobalVariable.VerboseLogger("\nGenerate %s FV Successfully" % self.UiFvName)\r
207 GenFdsGlobalVariable.SharpCounter = 0\r
209 FvFileObj.seek(0)\r
210 Buffer.write(FvFileObj.read())\r
211 # FV alignment position.\r
212 FvAlignmentValue = 1 << (ord(FvHeaderBuffer[0x2E:0x2F]) & 0x1F)\r
213 if FvAlignmentValue >= 0x400:\r
214 if FvAlignmentValue >= 0x100000:\r
215 if FvAlignmentValue >= 0x1000000:\r
216 #The max alignment supported by FFS is 16M.\r
217 self.FvAlignment = "16M"\r
218 else:\r
219 self.FvAlignment = str(FvAlignmentValue // 0x100000) + "M"\r
220 else:\r
221 self.FvAlignment = str(FvAlignmentValue // 0x400) + "K"\r
222 else:\r
223 # FvAlignmentValue is less than 1K\r
224 self.FvAlignment = str (FvAlignmentValue)\r
225 FvFileObj.close()\r
226 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ImageBinDict[self.UiFvName.upper() + 'fv'] = FvOutputFile\r
227 GenFdsGlobalVariable.LargeFileInFvFlags.pop()\r
228 else:\r
229 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("Invalid FV file %s." % self.UiFvName)\r
230 else:\r
231 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("Failed to generate %s FV file." %self.UiFvName)\r
232 return FvOutputFile\r
234 ## _GetBlockSize()\r
235 #\r
236 # Calculate FV's block size\r
237 # Inherit block size from FD if no block size specified in FV\r
238 #\r
239 def _GetBlockSize(self):\r
240 if self.BlockSizeList:\r
241 return True\r
243 for FdObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable.FdfParser.Profile.FdDict.values():\r
244 for RegionObj in FdObj.RegionList:\r
245 if RegionObj.RegionType != BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV:\r
246 continue\r
247 for RegionData in RegionObj.RegionDataList:\r
248 #\r
249 # Found the FD and region that contain this FV\r
250 #\r
251 if self.UiFvName.upper() == RegionData.upper():\r
252 RegionObj.BlockInfoOfRegion(FdObj.BlockSizeList, self)\r
253 if self.BlockSizeList:\r
254 return True\r
255 return False\r
257 ## _InitializeInf()\r
258 #\r
259 # Initialize the inf file to create FV\r
260 #\r
261 # @param self The object pointer\r
262 # @param BaseAddress base address of FV\r
263 # @param BlockSize block size of FV\r
264 # @param BlockNum How many blocks in FV\r
265 # @param ErasePolarity Flash erase polarity\r
266 #\r
267 def _InitializeInf (self, BaseAddress = None, BlockSize= None, BlockNum = None, ErasePloarity='1'):\r
268 #\r
269 # Create FV inf file\r
270 #\r
271 self.InfFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir,\r
272 self.UiFvName + '.inf')\r
273 self.FvInfFile = []\r
275 #\r
276 # Add [Options]\r
277 #\r
278 self.FvInfFile.append("[options]" + TAB_LINE_BREAK)\r
279 if BaseAddress is not None:\r
280 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_BASE_ADDRESS = " + \\r
281 BaseAddress + \\r
284 if BlockSize is not None:\r
285 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_BLOCK_SIZE = " + \\r
286 '0x%X' %BlockSize + \\r
288 if BlockNum is not None:\r
289 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_NUM_BLOCKS = " + \\r
290 ' 0x%X' %BlockNum + \\r
292 else:\r
293 if self.BlockSizeList == []:\r
294 if not self._GetBlockSize():\r
295 #set default block size is 1\r
296 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x1" + TAB_LINE_BREAK)\r
298 for BlockSize in self.BlockSizeList:\r
299 if BlockSize[0] is not None:\r
300 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_BLOCK_SIZE = " + \\r
301 '0x%X' %BlockSize[0] + \\r
304 if BlockSize[1] is not None:\r
305 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_NUM_BLOCKS = " + \\r
306 ' 0x%X' %BlockSize[1] + \\r
309 if self.BsBaseAddress is not None:\r
310 self.FvInfFile.append('EFI_BOOT_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS = ' + \\r
311 '0x%X' %self.BsBaseAddress)\r
312 if self.RtBaseAddress is not None:\r
313 self.FvInfFile.append('EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS = ' + \\r
314 '0x%X' %self.RtBaseAddress)\r
315 #\r
316 # Add attribute\r
317 #\r
318 self.FvInfFile.append("[attributes]" + TAB_LINE_BREAK)\r
320 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_ERASE_POLARITY = " + \\r
321 ' %s' %ErasePloarity + \\r
323 if not (self.FvAttributeDict is None):\r
324 for FvAttribute in self.FvAttributeDict.keys():\r
325 if FvAttribute == "FvUsedSizeEnable":\r
326 if self.FvAttributeDict[FvAttribute].upper() in ('TRUE', '1'):\r
327 self.UsedSizeEnable = True\r
328 continue\r
329 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_" + \\r
330 FvAttribute + \\r
331 ' = ' + \\r
332 self.FvAttributeDict[FvAttribute] + \\r
334 if self.FvAlignment is not None:\r
335 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_" + \\r
336 self.FvAlignment.strip() + \\r
337 " = TRUE" + \\r
340 #\r
341 # Generate FV extension header file\r
342 #\r
343 if not self.FvNameGuid:\r
344 if len(self.FvExtEntryType) > 0 or self.UsedSizeEnable:\r
345 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("FV Extension Header Entries declared for %s with no FvNameGuid declaration." % (self.UiFvName))\r
346 else:\r
347 TotalSize = 16 + 4\r
348 Buffer = bytearray()\r
349 if self.UsedSizeEnable:\r
350 TotalSize += (4 + 4)\r
351 ## define EFI_FV_EXT_TYPE_USED_SIZE_TYPE 0x03\r
352 #typedef struct\r
353 # {\r
355 # UINT32 UsedSize;\r
357 Buffer += pack('HHL', 8, 3, 0)\r
359 if self.FvNameString == 'TRUE':\r
360 #\r
361 # Create EXT entry for FV UI name\r
362 # This GUID is used: A67DF1FA-8DE8-4E98-AF09-4BDF2EFFBC7C\r
363 #\r
364 FvUiLen = len(self.UiFvName)\r
365 TotalSize += (FvUiLen + 16 + 4)\r
366 Guid = FV_UI_EXT_ENTY_GUID.split('-')\r
367 #\r
368 # Layout:\r
370 # GUID: size 16\r
371 # FV UI name\r
372 #\r
373 Buffer += (pack('HH', (FvUiLen + 16 + 4), 0x0002)\r
374 + PackGUID(Guid)\r
375 + self.UiFvName.encode('utf-8'))\r
377 for Index in range (0, len(self.FvExtEntryType)):\r
378 if self.FvExtEntryType[Index] == 'FILE':\r
379 # check if the path is absolute or relative\r
380 if os.path.isabs(self.FvExtEntryData[Index]):\r
381 FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(self.FvExtEntryData[Index])\r
382 else:\r
383 FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, self.FvExtEntryData[Index]))\r
384 # check if the file path exists or not\r
385 if not os.path.isfile(FileFullPath):\r
386 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("Error opening FV Extension Header Entry file %s." % (self.FvExtEntryData[Index]))\r
387 FvExtFile = open (FileFullPath, 'rb')\r
388 FvExtFile.seek(0, 2)\r
389 Size = FvExtFile.tell()\r
390 if Size >= 0x10000:\r
391 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("The size of FV Extension Header Entry file %s exceeds 0x10000." % (self.FvExtEntryData[Index]))\r
392 TotalSize += (Size + 4)\r
393 FvExtFile.seek(0)\r
394 Buffer += pack('HH', (Size + 4), int(self.FvExtEntryTypeValue[Index], 16))\r
395 Buffer += FvExtFile.read()\r
396 FvExtFile.close()\r
397 if self.FvExtEntryType[Index] == 'DATA':\r
398 ByteList = self.FvExtEntryData[Index].split(',')\r
399 Size = len (ByteList)\r
400 if Size >= 0x10000:\r
401 GenFdsGlobalVariable.ErrorLogger("The size of FV Extension Header Entry data %s exceeds 0x10000." % (self.FvExtEntryData[Index]))\r
402 TotalSize += (Size + 4)\r
403 Buffer += pack('HH', (Size + 4), int(self.FvExtEntryTypeValue[Index], 16))\r
404 for Index1 in range (0, Size):\r
405 Buffer += pack('B', int(ByteList[Index1], 16))\r
407 Guid = self.FvNameGuid.split('-')\r
408 Buffer = PackGUID(Guid) + pack('=L', TotalSize) + Buffer\r
410 #\r
411 # Generate FV extension header file if the total size is not zero\r
412 #\r
413 if TotalSize > 0:\r
414 FvExtHeaderFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, self.UiFvName + '.ext')\r
415 FvExtHeaderFile = BytesIO()\r
416 FvExtHeaderFile.write(Buffer)\r
417 Changed = SaveFileOnChange(FvExtHeaderFileName, FvExtHeaderFile.getvalue(), True)\r
418 FvExtHeaderFile.close()\r
419 if Changed:\r
420 if os.path.exists (self.InfFileName):\r
421 os.remove (self.InfFileName)\r
422 self.FvInfFile.append("EFI_FV_EXT_HEADER_FILE_NAME = " + \\r
423 FvExtHeaderFileName + \\r
426 #\r
427 # Add [Files]\r
428 #\r
429 self.FvInfFile.append("[files]" + TAB_LINE_BREAK)\r