]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_frr.git/blob - redhat/frr.spec.in
redhat: Always reference main frr start/stop script in /usr/lib/frr
[mirror_frr.git] / redhat / frr.spec.in
1 # configure options
2 #
3 # Some can be overriden on rpmbuild commandline with:
4 # rpmbuild --define 'variable value'
5 # (use any value, ie 1 for flag "with_XXXX" definitions)
6 #
7 # E.g. rpmbuild --define 'release_rev 02' may be useful if building
8 # rpms again and again on the same day, so the newer rpms can be installed.
9 # bumping the number each time.
11 #################### FRRouting (FRR) configure options #####################
12 # with-feature options
13 %{!?with_tcp_zebra: %global with_tcp_zebra 0 }
14 %{!?with_pam: %global with_pam 0 }
15 %{!?with_ospfclient: %global with_ospfclient 1 }
16 %{!?with_ospfapi: %global with_ospfapi 1 }
17 %{!?with_irdp: %global with_irdp 1 }
18 %{!?with_rtadv: %global with_rtadv 1 }
19 %{!?with_ldpd: %global with_ldpd 1 }
20 %{!?with_nhrpd: %global with_nhrpd 1 }
21 %{!?with_shared: %global with_shared 1 }
22 %{!?with_multipath: %global with_multipath 256 }
23 %{!?frr_user: %global frr_user frr }
24 %{!?vty_group: %global vty_group frrvty }
25 %{!?with_fpm: %global with_fpm 0 }
26 %{!?with_watchfrr: %global with_watchfrr 1 }
27 %{!?with_bgp_vnc: %global with_bgp_vnc 0 }
28 %{!?with_pimd: %global with_pimd 1 }
30 # path defines
31 %define _sysconfdir /etc/frr
32 %define _sbindir /usr/lib/frr
33 %define zeb_src %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{frrversion}
34 %define zeb_rh_src %{zeb_src}/redhat
35 %define zeb_docs %{zeb_src}/doc
36 %define frr_tools %{zeb_src}/tools
38 # defines for configure
39 %define _localstatedir /var/run/frr
40 ############################################################################
42 #### Version String tweak
43 # Remove invalid characters form version string and replace with _
44 %{expand: %%global rpmversion %(echo '@VERSION@' | tr [:blank:]- _ )}
45 %define frrversion @VERSION@
47 #### Check version of texi2html
48 # Old versions don't support "--number-footnotes" option.
49 %{expand: %%global texi2htmlversion %(if [[ -f /usr/bin/texi2html ]]; then /usr/bin/texi2html --version | cut -d. -f1; else echo 0; fi)}
51 #### Check for systemd or init.d (upstart)
52 # Check for init.d (upstart) as used in CentOS 6 or systemd (ie CentOS 7)
53 %{expand: %%global initsystem %(if [[ `/sbin/init --version 2> /dev/null` =~ upstart ]]; then echo upstart; elif [[ `file /sbin/init` =~ "symbolic link to \`../lib/systemd/systemd'" ]]; then echo systemd; elif [[ `systemctl` =~ -\.mount ]]; then echo systemd; fi)}
54 #
55 # If init system is systemd, then always disable watchfrr
56 #
57 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
58 # Note: For systems with systemd, watchfrr will NOT be built. Systemd
59 # takes over the role of restarting crashed processes. Value will
60 # be overwritten with 0 below for systemd independent on the setting here
61 %global with_watchfrr 1
62 %endif
64 #### Check for RedHat 6.x or CentOS 6.x - they are too old to support PIM.
65 #### Always disable it on these old systems unconditionally
66 %{expand: %%global redhat6 %(if [[ `cat /etc/redhat-release 2> /dev/null` =~ release\ 6\. ]]; then echo 6; else echo 0; fi)}
67 #
68 # if CentOS 6 / RedHat 6, then disable PIMd
69 %if "%{redhat6}" == "6"
70 %global with_pimd 0
71 %endif
73 # if FPM is enabled, then enable tcp_zebra as well
74 #
75 %if %{with_fpm}
76 %global with_tcp_zebra 1
77 %endif
79 # misc internal defines
80 %{!?frr_uid: %global frr_uid 92 }
81 %{!?frr_gid: %global frr_gid 92 }
82 %{!?vty_gid: %global vty_gid 85 }
84 %define daemon_list zebra ripd ospfd bgpd isisd ripngd ospf6d
86 %if %{with_ldpd}
87 %define daemon_ldpd ldpd
88 %else
89 %define daemon_ldpd ""
90 %endif
92 %if %{with_pimd}
93 %define daemon_pimd pimd
94 %else
95 %define daemon_pimd ""
96 %endif
98 %if %{with_nhrpd}
99 %define daemon_nhrpd nhrpd
100 %else
101 %define daemon_nhrpd ""
102 %endif
104 %if %{with_watchfrr}
105 %define daemon_watchfrr watchfrr
106 %else
107 %define daemon_watchfrr ""
108 %endif
110 %define all_daemons %{daemon_list} %{daemon_ldpd} %{daemon_pimd} %{daemon_nhrpd} %{daemon_watchfrr}
112 # allow build dir to be kept
113 %{!?keep_build: %global keep_build 0 }
115 #release sub-revision (the two digits after the CONFDATE)
116 %{!?release_rev: %global release_rev 01 }
118 Summary: Routing daemon
119 Name: frr
120 Version: %{rpmversion}
121 Release: @CONFDATE@%{release_rev}%{?dist}
122 License: GPLv2+
123 Group: System Environment/Daemons
124 Source0: http://www.frrouting.org/releases/frr/%{name}-%{frrversion}.tar.gz
125 URL: http://www.frrouting.org
126 Requires(pre): /sbin/install-info
127 Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info
128 Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
129 BuildRequires: gcc texi2html texinfo patch libcap-devel groff
130 BuildRequires: readline readline-devel ncurses ncurses-devel
131 BuildRequires: json-c-devel bison >= 2.7 flex make
132 Requires: ncurses json-c initscripts
133 %if %{with_pam}
134 BuildRequires: pam-devel
135 Requires: pam
136 %endif
137 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
138 BuildRequires: systemd systemd-devel
139 Requires(post): systemd
140 Requires(preun): systemd
141 Requires(postun): systemd
142 %else
143 # Initscripts > 5.60 is required for IPv6 support
144 Requires(pre): initscripts >= 5.60
145 %endif
146 Provides: routingdaemon = %{version}-%{release}
147 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
148 Obsoletes: bird gated mrt zebra frr-sysvinit
150 %description
151 FRRouting is a free software that manages TCP/IP based routing
152 protocol. It takes multi-server and multi-thread approach to resolve
153 the current complexity of the Internet.
155 FRRouting supports BGP4, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, ISIS, RIP, RIPng, PIM, LDP
156 NHRP and EIGRP.
158 FRRouting is a fork of Quagga.
160 %package contrib
161 Summary: contrib tools for frr
162 Group: System Environment/Daemons
164 %description contrib
165 Contributed/3rd party tools which may be of use with frr.
167 %package pythontools
168 Summary: python tools for frr
169 BuildRequires: python
170 Requires: python python-ipaddr
171 Group: System Environment/Daemons
173 %description pythontools
174 Contributed python 2.7 tools which may be of use with frr.
176 %package devel
177 Summary: Header and object files for frr development
178 Group: System Environment/Daemons
179 Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
181 %description devel
182 The frr-devel package contains the header and object files neccessary for
183 developing OSPF-API and frr applications.
185 %prep
186 %setup -q -n frr-%{frrversion}
188 %build
190 # For standard gcc verbosity, uncomment these lines:
191 #CFLAGS="%{optflags} -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wpointer-arith"
192 #CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wbad-function-cast -Wwrite-strings"
194 # For ultra gcc verbosity, uncomment these lines also:
195 #CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -W -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes"
196 #CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn"
197 #CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wunreachable-code"
198 #CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wpacked -Wpadded"
200 %configure \
201 --sbindir=%{_sbindir} \
202 --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
203 --libdir=%{_libdir} \
204 --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \
205 --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
206 --disable-werror \
207 %if !%{with_shared}
208 --disable-shared \
209 %endif
210 %if %{with_multipath}
211 --enable-multipath=%{with_multipath} \
212 %endif
213 %if %{with_tcp_zebra}
214 --enable-tcp-zebra \
215 %endif
216 --enable-vtysh \
217 %if %{with_ospfclient}
218 --enable-ospfclient \
219 %else
220 --disable-ospfclient\
221 %endif
222 %if %{with_ospfapi}
223 --enable-ospfapi=yes \
224 %else
225 --enable-ospfapi=no \
226 %endif
227 %if %{with_irdp}
228 --enable-irdp=yes \
229 %else
230 --enable-irdp=no \
231 %endif
232 %if %{with_rtadv}
233 --enable-rtadv=yes \
234 %else
235 --enable-rtadv=no \
236 %endif
237 %if %{with_ldpd}
238 --enable-ldpd \
239 %else
240 --disable-ldpd \
241 %endif
242 %if %{with_pimd}
243 --enable-pimd \
244 %else
245 --disable-pimd \
246 %endif
247 %if %{with_nhrpd}
248 --enable-nhrpd \
249 %else
250 --disable-nhrpd \
251 %endif
252 %if %{with_pam}
253 --with-libpam \
254 %endif
255 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
256 --enable-user=%frr_user \
257 --enable-group=%frr_user \
258 %endif
259 %if 0%{?vty_group:1}
260 --enable-vty-group=%vty_group \
261 %endif
262 %if %{with_fpm}
263 --enable-fpm \
264 %else
265 --disable-fpm \
266 %endif
267 %if %{with_watchfrr}
268 --enable-watchfrr \
269 %else
270 --disable-watchfrr \
271 %endif
272 %if %{with_bgp_vnc}
273 --enable-bgp-vnc \
274 %else
275 --disable-bgp-vnc \
276 %endif
277 --enable-gcc-rdynamic \
278 --enable-isisd=yes \
279 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
280 --enable-systemd=yes \
281 %endif
282 --enable-poll=yes
284 make %{?_smp_mflags} MAKEINFO="makeinfo --no-split"
286 pushd doc
287 %if %{texi2htmlversion} < 5
288 texi2html --number-sections frr.texi
289 %else
290 texi2html --number-footnotes --number-sections frr.texi
291 %endif
292 popd
294 %install
295 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/{frr,sysconfig,logrotate.d,pam.d,default} \
296 %{buildroot}/var/log/frr %{buildroot}%{_infodir}
297 make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} INSTALL="install -p" CP="cp -p" install
299 # Remove this file, as it is uninstalled and causes errors when building on RH9
300 rm -rf %{buildroot}/usr/share/info/dir
302 # Remove debian init script if it was installed
303 rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/frr
305 # install /etc sources
306 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
307 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
308 install %{zeb_rh_src}/frr.service \
309 %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/frr.service
310 install %{zeb_rh_src}/frr.init \
311 %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/frr
312 %else
313 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d
314 install %{zeb_rh_src}/frr.init \
315 %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/frr
316 ln -s %{_sbindir}/frr \
317 %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d/frr
318 %endif
320 install %{zeb_rh_src}/daemons %{buildroot}/etc/frr
321 install -m644 %{zeb_rh_src}/frr.pam \
322 %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d/frr
323 install -m644 %{zeb_rh_src}/frr.logrotate \
324 %{buildroot}/etc/logrotate.d/frr
325 install -d -m750 %{buildroot}/var/run/frr
327 %pre
328 # add vty_group
329 %if 0%{?vty_group:1}
330 if getent group %vty_group > /dev/null ; then : ; else \
331 /usr/sbin/groupadd -r -g %vty_gid %vty_group > /dev/null || : ; fi
332 %endif
334 # add frr user and group
335 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
336 # Ensure that frr_gid gets correctly allocated
337 if getent group %frr_user >/dev/null; then : ; else \
338 /usr/sbin/groupadd -g %frr_gid %frr_user > /dev/null || : ; \
339 fi
340 if getent passwd %frr_user >/dev/null ; then : ; else \
341 /usr/sbin/useradd -u %frr_uid -g %frr_gid \
342 -M -r -s /sbin/nologin -c "FRRouting suite" \
343 -d %_localstatedir %frr_user 2> /dev/null || : ; \
344 fi
345 %if 0%{?vty_group:1}
346 /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G %vty_group %frr_user
347 %endif
348 %endif
351 %post
352 # zebra_spec_add_service <service name> <port/proto> <comment>
353 # e.g. zebra_spec_add_service zebrasrv 2600/tcp "zebra service"
355 zebra_spec_add_service ()
356 {
357 # Add port /etc/services entry if it isn't already there
358 if [ -f /etc/services ] && \
359 ! %__sed -e 's/#.*$//' /etc/services | %__grep -wq $1 ; then
360 echo "$1 $2 # $3" >> /etc/services
361 fi
362 }
364 zebra_spec_add_service zebrasrv 2600/tcp "zebra service"
365 zebra_spec_add_service zebra 2601/tcp "zebra vty"
366 zebra_spec_add_service ripd 2602/tcp "RIPd vty"
367 zebra_spec_add_service ripngd 2603/tcp "RIPngd vty"
368 zebra_spec_add_service ospfd 2604/tcp "OSPFd vty"
369 zebra_spec_add_service bgpd 2605/tcp "BGPd vty"
370 zebra_spec_add_service ospf6d 2606/tcp "OSPF6d vty"
371 %if %{with_ospfapi}
372 zebra_spec_add_service ospfapi 2607/tcp "OSPF-API"
373 %endif
374 zebra_spec_add_service isisd 2608/tcp "ISISd vty"
375 %if %{with_nhrpd}
376 zebra_spec_add_service nhrpd 2610/tcp "NHRPd vty"
377 %endif
378 %if %{with_pimd}
379 zebra_spec_add_service pimd 2611/tcp "PIMd vty"
380 %endif
381 %if %{with_ldpd}
382 zebra_spec_add_service ldpd 2612/tcp "LDPd vty"
383 %endif
385 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
386 for daemon in %all_daemons ; do
387 %systemd_post frr.service
388 done
389 %else
390 /sbin/chkconfig --add frr
391 %endif
393 /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/frr.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir
395 # Create dummy files if they don't exist so basic functions can be used.
396 if [ ! -e %{_sysconfdir}/zebra.conf ]; then
397 echo "hostname `hostname`" > %{_sysconfdir}/zebra.conf
398 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
399 chown %frr_user:%frr_user %{_sysconfdir}/zebra.conf*
400 %endif
401 chmod 640 %{_sysconfdir}/zebra.conf*
402 fi
403 for daemon in %{all_daemons} ; do
404 if [ x"${daemon}" != x"" ] ; then
405 if [ ! -e %{_sysconfdir}/${daemon}.conf ]; then
406 touch %{_sysconfdir}/${daemon}.conf
407 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
408 chown %frr_user:%frr_user %{_sysconfdir}/${daemon}.conf*
409 %endif
410 fi
411 fi
412 done
413 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
414 chown %frr_user:%frr_user %{_sysconfdir}/daemons
415 %endif
417 %if %{with_watchfrr}
418 # No config for watchfrr - this is part of /etc/sysconfig/frr
419 rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/watchfrr.*
420 %endif
422 if [ ! -e %{_sysconfdir}/vtysh.conf ]; then
423 touch %{_sysconfdir}/vtysh.conf
424 chmod 640 %{_sysconfdir}/vtysh.conf
425 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
426 %if 0%{?vty_group:1}
427 chown %{frr_user}:%{vty_group} %{_sysconfdir}/vtysh.conf*
428 %endif
429 %endif
430 fi
432 %postun
433 if [ "$1" -ge 1 ]; then
434 #
435 # Upgrade from older version
436 #
437 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
438 ##
439 ## Systemd Version
440 ##
441 %systemd_postun frr.service
442 %else
443 ##
444 ## init.d Version
445 ##
446 /etc/rc.d/init.d/frr restart >/dev/null 2>&1
447 %endif
448 :
449 fi
451 %preun
452 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
453 ##
454 ## Systemd Version
455 ##
456 if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
457 for daemon in %all_daemons ; do
458 if [ x"${daemon}" != x"" ] ; then
459 %systemd_preun frr.service
460 fi
461 done
462 fi
463 %else
464 ##
465 ## init.d Version
466 ##
467 if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
468 /etc/rc.d/init.d/frr stop >/dev/null 2>&1
469 /sbin/chkconfig --del frr
470 fi
471 %endif
472 /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/frr.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir
474 %clean
475 %if !0%{?keep_build:1}
476 rm -rf %{buildroot}
477 %endif
479 %files
480 %defattr(-,root,root)
481 %doc */*.sample* AUTHORS COPYING
482 %doc doc/frr.html
483 %doc doc/mpls
485 %if 0%{?frr_user:1}
486 %dir %attr(751,%frr_user,%frr_user) %{_sysconfdir}
487 %dir %attr(750,%frr_user,%frr_user) /var/log/frr
488 %dir %attr(751,%frr_user,%frr_user) /var/run/frr
489 %else
490 %dir %attr(750,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}
491 %dir %attr(750,root,root) /var/log/frr
492 %dir %attr(750,root,root) /var/run/frr
493 %endif
494 %if 0%{?vty_group:1}
495 %attr(750,%frr_user,%vty_group) %{_sysconfdir}/vtysh.conf.sample
496 %endif
497 %{_infodir}/frr.info.gz
498 %{_mandir}/man*/*
499 %{_sbindir}/zebra
500 %{_sbindir}/ospfd
501 %{_sbindir}/ripd
502 %{_sbindir}/bgpd
503 %exclude %{_sbindir}/ssd
504 %if %{with_watchfrr}
505 %{_sbindir}/watchfrr
506 %endif
507 %{_sbindir}/ripngd
508 %{_sbindir}/ospf6d
509 %if %{with_pimd}
510 %{_sbindir}/pimd
511 %endif
512 %{_sbindir}/isisd
513 %if %{with_ldpd}
514 %{_sbindir}/ldpd
515 %endif
516 %if %{with_nhrpd}
517 %{_sbindir}/nhrpd
518 %endif
519 %if %{with_shared}
520 %{_libdir}/lib*.so
521 %{_libdir}/lib*.so.0
522 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so.0.*
523 %endif
524 %{_bindir}/*
525 %config(noreplace) /etc/frr/[!v]*.conf*
526 %config(noreplace) %attr(750,%frr_user,%frr_user) /etc/frr/daemons
527 %if "%{initsystem}" == "systemd"
528 %{_unitdir}/frr.service
529 %{_sbindir}/frr
530 %else
531 /etc/rc.d/init.d/frr
532 %{_sbindir}/frr
533 %endif
534 %config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/frr
535 %config(noreplace) %attr(640,root,root) /etc/logrotate.d/*
537 %files contrib
538 %defattr(-,root,root)
539 %doc tools
541 %files pythontools
542 %defattr(-,root,root)
543 %{_sbindir}/frr-reload.py
544 %{_sbindir}/frr-reload.pyc
545 %{_sbindir}/frr-reload.pyo
547 %files devel
548 %defattr(-,root,root)
549 %if %{with_ospfclient}
550 %{_sbindir}/ospfclient
551 %endif
552 %{_libdir}/*.a
553 %{_libdir}/*.la
554 %dir %attr(755,root,root) %{_includedir}/%{name}
555 %{_includedir}/%name/*.h
556 %dir %attr(755,root,root) %{_includedir}/%{name}/ospfd
557 %{_includedir}/%name/ospfd/*.h
558 %if %{with_ospfapi}
559 %dir %attr(755,root,root) %{_includedir}/%{name}/ospfapi
560 %{_includedir}/%name/ospfapi/*.h
561 %endif
563 %changelog
564 * Mon Jun 5 2017 Martin Winter <mwinter@opensourcerouting.org> - %{version}
565 - added NHRP daemon
567 * Mon Apr 17 2017 Martin Winter <mwinter@opensourcerouting.org>
568 - new subpackage frr-pythontools with python 2.7 restart script
569 - remove PIMd from CentOS/RedHat 6 RPM packages (won't work - too old)
570 - converted to single frr init script (not per daemon) based on debian init script
571 - created systemd service file for systemd based systems (which uses init script)
572 - Various other RPM package fixes for FRR 2.0
574 * Fri Jan 6 2017 Martin Winter <mwinter@opensourcerouting.org>
575 - Renamed to frr for FRRouting fork of Quagga
577 * Thu Feb 11 2016 Paul Jakma <paul@jakma.org>
578 - remove with_ipv6 conditionals, always build v6
579 - Fix UTF-8 char in spec changelog
580 - remove quagga.pam.stack, long deprecated.
582 * Thu Oct 22 2015 Martin Winter <mwinter@opensourcerouting.org>
583 - Cleanup configure: remove --enable-ipv6 (default now), --enable-nssa,
584 --enable-netlink
585 - Remove support for old fedora 4/5
586 - Fix for package nameing
587 - Fix Weekdays of previous changelogs (bogus dates)
588 - Add conditional logic to only build tex footnotes with supported texi2html
589 - Added pimd to files section and fix double listing of /var/lib*/quagga
590 - Numerous fixes to unify upstart/systemd startup into same spec file
591 - Only allow use of watchfrr for non-systemd systems. no need with systemd
593 * Fri Sep 4 2015 Paul Jakma <paul@jakma.org>
594 - buildreq updates
595 - add a default define for with_pimd
597 * Mon Sep 12 2005 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
598 - Steal some changes from Fedora spec file:
599 - Add with_rtadv variable
600 - Test for groups/users with getent before group/user adding
601 - Readline need not be an explicit prerequisite
602 - install-info delete should be postun, not preun
604 * Wed Jan 12 2005 Andrew J. Schorr <ajschorr@alumni.princeton.edu>
605 - on package upgrade, implement careful, phased restart logic
606 - use gcc -rdynamic flag when linking for better backtraces
608 * Wed Dec 22 2004 Andrew J. Schorr <ajschorr@alumni.princeton.edu>
609 - daemonv6_list should contain only IPv6 daemons
611 * Wed Dec 22 2004 Andrew J. Schorr <ajschorr@alumni.princeton.edu>
612 - watchfrr added
613 - on upgrade, all daemons should be condrestart'ed
614 - on removal, all daemons should be stopped
616 * Mon Nov 08 2004 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
617 - Use makeinfo --html to generate quagga.html
619 * Sun Nov 07 2004 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
620 - Fix with_ipv6 set to 0 build
622 * Sat Oct 23 2004 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
623 - Update to 0.97.2
625 * Sat Oct 23 2004 Andrew J. Schorr <aschorr@telemetry-investments.com>
626 - Make directories be owned by the packages concerned
627 - Update logrotate scripts to use correct path to killall and use pid files
629 * Fri Oct 08 2004 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
630 - Update to 0.97.0
632 * Wed Sep 15 2004 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
633 - build snmp support by default
634 - build irdp support
635 - build with shared libs
636 - devel subpackage for archives and headers
638 * Thu Jan 08 2004 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
639 - updated sysconfig files to specify local dir
640 - added ospf_dump.c crash quick fix patch
641 - added ospfd persistent interface configuration patch
643 * Tue Dec 30 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
644 - sync to CVS
645 - integrate RH sysconfig patch to specify daemon options (RH)
646 - default to have vty listen only to 127.1 (RH)
647 - add user with fixed UID/GID (RH)
648 - create user with shell /sbin/nologin rather than /bin/false (RH)
649 - stop daemons on uninstall (RH)
650 - delete info file on preun, not postun to avoid deletion on upgrade. (RH)
651 - isisd added
652 - cleanup tasks carried out for every daemon
654 * Sun Nov 2 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
655 - Fix -devel package to include all files
656 - Sync to 0.96.4
658 * Tue Aug 12 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
659 - Renamed to Quagga
660 - Sync to Quagga release 0.96
662 * Thu Mar 20 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
663 - zebra privileges support
665 * Tue Mar 18 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
666 - Fix mem leak in 'show thread cpu'
667 - Ralph Keller's OSPF-API
668 - Amir: Fix configure.ac for net-snmp
670 * Sat Mar 1 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
671 - ospfd IOS prefix to interface matching for 'network' statement
672 - temporary fix for PtP and IPv6
673 - sync to zebra.org CVS
675 * Mon Jan 20 2003 Paul Jakma <paul@dishone.st>
676 - update to latest cvs
677 - Yon's "show thread cpu" patch - 17217
678 - walk up tree - 17218
679 - ospfd NSSA fixes - 16681
680 - ospfd nsm fixes - 16824
681 - ospfd OLSA fixes and new feature - 16823
682 - KAME and ifindex fixes - 16525
683 - spec file changes to allow redhat files to be in tree
685 * Sat Dec 28 2002 Alexander Hoogerhuis <alexh@ihatent.com>
686 - Added conditionals for building with(out) IPv6, vtysh, RIP, BGP
687 - Fixed up some build requirements (patch)
688 - Added conditional build requirements for vtysh / snmp
689 - Added conditional to files for _bindir depending on vtysh
691 * Mon Nov 11 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
692 - update to latest CVS
693 - add Greg Troxel's md5 buffer copy/dup fix
694 - add RIPv1 fix
695 - add Frank's multicast flag fix
697 * Wed Oct 09 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
698 - update to latest CVS
699 - timestamped crypt_seqnum patch
700 - oi->on_write_q fix
702 * Mon Sep 30 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
703 - update to latest CVS
704 - add vtysh 'write-config (integrated|daemon)' patch
705 - always 'make rebuild' in vtysh/ to catch new commands
707 * Fri Sep 13 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
708 - update to 0.93b
710 * Wed Sep 11 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
711 - update to latest CVS
712 - add "/sbin/ip route flush proto zebra" to zebra RH init on startup
714 * Sat Aug 24 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
715 - update to current CVS
716 - add OSPF point to multipoint patch
717 - add OSPF bugfixes
718 - add BGP hash optimisation patch
720 * Fri Jun 14 2002 Paul Jakma <paulj@alphyra.ie>
721 - update to 0.93-pre1 / CVS
722 - add link state detection support
723 - add generic PtP and RFC3021 support
724 - various bug fixes
726 * Thu Aug 09 2001 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com> 0.91a-6
727 - Fix bug #51336
729 * Wed Aug 1 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <teg@redhat.com> 0.91a-5
730 - Use generic initscript strings instead of initscript specific
731 ( "Starting foo: " -> "Starting $prog:" )
733 * Fri Jul 27 2001 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com> 0.91a-4
734 - Bump the release when rebuilding into the dist.
736 * Tue Feb 6 2001 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
737 - built for Powertools
739 * Sun Feb 4 2001 Pekka Savola <pekkas@netcore.fi>
740 - Hacked up from PLD Linux 0.90-1, Mandrake 0.90-1mdk and one from zebra.org.
741 - Update to 0.91a
742 - Very heavy modifications to init.d/*, .spec, pam, i18n, logrotate, etc.
743 - Should be quite Red Hat'isque now.