]> git.proxmox.com Git - pmg-gui.git/blame - js/mobile/utils.js
fix wrong 'no subscription' toolbar
[pmg-gui.git] / js / mobile / utils.js
1Template7.registerHelper('gettext', function(value) {
2 return gettext(value);
5var PMG = {
6 Utils: {
7 getCookie(name) {
8 let cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/);
9 for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
10 let cookie = cookies[i].split('=');
11 if (cookie[0] === name && cookie.length > 1) {
12 return cookie[1];
13 }
14 }
15 return undefined;
16 },
17 setCookie(name, value, expires) {
18 value = encodeURIComponent(value);
19 let cookie = `${name}=${value}`;
20 if (expires) {
21 cookie += `; expires=${expires}`;
22 }
23 document.cookie = cookie;
24 },
25 deleteCookie(name) {
26 PMG.Utils.setCookie(name, "", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC");
27 },
28 authOK(options) {
29 var authCookie = PMG.Utils.getCookie('PMGAuthCookie') || "";
30 return (authCookie.substr(0,7) === 'PMGQUAR' && Proxmox.UserName !== '');
31 },
32 isoToUnix(iso) {
33 let fields = iso.split('-').map((field) => parseInt(field, 10));
34 // monthIndex starts at 0
35 let date = new Date(fields[0],fields[1]-1, fields[2]);
36 return Math.round(date.getTime()/1000);
37 },
38 unixToIso(unix) {
39 let date = new Date(unix*1000);
40 let year = date.getFullYear().toString();
41 let month = (date.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2, "0");
42 let day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");
43 return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
44 },
45 showError(xhr) {
46 let statusText = "", errorText = "";
47 if (xhr instanceof Error) {
48 statusText = gettext("Error");
49 errorText = xhr.message;
50 } else if (xhr.error instanceof Error) {
51 statusText = gettext("Error");
52 errorText = xhr.error.message;
53 } else {
54 statusText = xhr.status.toString() + ' ' + xhr.statusText;
55 try {
56 let errorObj = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
57 if (errorObj.errors) {
58 let errors = Object.keys(errorObj.errors).map((key) => key + ": " + errorObj.errors[key]);
59 errorText = errors.join('<br>');
60 }
61 } catch (e) {
62 statusText = gettext("Error");
63 errorText = e.message;
64 }
65 }
66 app.toast.show({
67 text: `Error:<br>
68 ${statusText}<br>
69 ${errorText}
70 `,
71 closeButton: true,
72 destroyOnClose: true
73 });
74 },
75 extractParams() {
76 let queryObj = app.utils.parseUrlQuery(location.search);
77 let mail, action, date, username, ticket;
78 if (queryObj.ticket) {
79 let tocheck = decodeURIComponent(queryObj.ticket);
80 let match = tocheck.match(/^PMGQUAR:([^\s\:]+):/);
81 if (match) {
82 ticket = tocheck;
83 username = match[1];
84 }
85 delete queryObj.ticket;
86 }
88 if (queryObj.date) {
89 date =queryObj.date;
90 delete queryObj.date;
91 }
93 if (queryObj.cselect) {
94 mail = queryObj.cselect;
95 action = queryObj.action;
96 delete queryObj.cselect;
97 delete queryObj.action;
98 }
100 if (mail || action || date || ticket) {
101 let queryString = app.utils.serializeObject(queryObj);
102 window.history.replaceState(
103 window.history.state,
104 document.title,
105 location.pathname + (queryString? "?" + queryString : '')
106 );
107 }
109 return { mail, action, date, username, ticket };
110 },
111 setLoginInfo(result) {
112 PMG.Utils.setCookie('PMGAuthCookie', result.data.ticket);
113 Proxmox.CSRFPreventionToken = result.data.CSRFPreventionToken;
114 },
115 getSubscriptionInfo() {
116 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
117 app.request({
118 url: '/api2/json/nodes/localhost/subscription',
119 dataType: 'json',
120 success: (result, status, xhr) => {
121 resolve(result.data);
122 },
123 error: (xhr, status) => {
124 reject(xhr);
125 }
126 });
127 });
128 },
129 checkSubscription(data, showPopup) {
130 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
131 if (data.status !== 'Active') {
132 let url = data.url || 'https://wwww.proxmox.com';
133 let err = `You do not have a valid subscription for this server.
134 Please visit
135 <a target="_blank" href="${url}">www.proxmox.com</a>
136 to get a list of available options.`;
137 app.toolbar.show('.toolbar.subscription');
138 $$('.button.subscription').on('click', () => {
139 app.dialog.alert(
140 err,
141 gettext("No valid subscription"),
142 );
143 });
144 if (showPopup) {
145 app.dialog.alert(
146 err,
147 gettext("No valid subscription"),
148 () => {
149 resolve(data);
150 }
151 );
152 } else {
153 resolve();
154 }
155 } else {
c29d577d 156 $$('.toolbar.subscription').remove();
157 resolve();
158 }
159 });
160 }
161 }