]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - proxmox-restore-daemon/src/main.rs
[proxmox-backup.git] / proxmox-restore-daemon / src / main.rs
1 ///! Daemon binary to run inside a micro-VM for secure single file restore of disk images
2 use std::fs::File;
3 use std::io::prelude::*;
4 use std::os::unix::{
5 io::{FromRawFd, RawFd},
6 net,
7 };
8 use std::path::Path;
9 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
10 use std::future::Future;
11 use std::pin::Pin;
13 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
14 use lazy_static::lazy_static;
15 use log::{error, info};
16 use tokio::sync::mpsc;
17 use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
18 use http::request::Parts;
19 use http::Response;
20 use hyper::{Body, StatusCode};
21 use hyper::header;
23 use proxmox::api::RpcEnvironmentType;
25 use pbs_client::DEFAULT_VSOCK_PORT;
26 use proxmox_rest_server::{ApiConfig, RestServer, RestEnvironment};
28 mod proxmox_restore_daemon;
29 use proxmox_restore_daemon::*;
31 /// Maximum amount of pending requests. If saturated, virtio-vsock returns ETIMEDOUT immediately.
32 /// We should never have more than a few requests in queue, so use a low number.
33 pub const MAX_PENDING: usize = 32;
35 /// Will be present in base initramfs
36 pub const VM_DETECT_FILE: &str = "/restore-vm-marker";
38 lazy_static! {
39 /// The current disks state. Use for accessing data on the attached snapshots.
40 pub static ref DISK_STATE: Arc<Mutex<DiskState>> = {
41 Arc::new(Mutex::new(DiskState::scan().unwrap()))
42 };
43 }
45 /// This is expected to be run by 'proxmox-file-restore' within a mini-VM
46 fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
47 if !Path::new(VM_DETECT_FILE).exists() {
48 bail!(
49 "This binary is not supposed to be run manually, use 'proxmox-file-restore' instead."
50 );
51 }
53 // don't have a real syslog (and no persistance), so use env_logger to print to a log file (via
54 // stdout to a serial terminal attached by QEMU)
55 env_logger::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info"))
56 .write_style(env_logger::WriteStyle::Never)
57 .format_timestamp_millis()
58 .init();
60 info!("setup basic system environment...");
61 setup_system_env().map_err(|err| format_err!("system environment setup failed: {}", err))?;
63 // scan all attached disks now, before starting the API
64 // this will panic and stop the VM if anything goes wrong
65 info!("scanning all disks...");
66 {
67 let _disk_state = DISK_STATE.lock().unwrap();
68 }
70 info!("disk scan complete, starting main runtime...");
72 pbs_runtime::main(run())
73 }
75 /// ensure we have our /run dirs, system users and stuff like that setup
76 fn setup_system_env() -> Result<(), Error> {
77 // the API may save some stuff there, e.g., the memcon tracking file
78 // we do not care much, but it's way less headache to just create it
79 std::fs::create_dir_all("/run/proxmox-backup")?;
81 // we now ensure that all lock files are owned by the backup user, and as we reuse the
82 // specialized REST module from pbs api/daemon we have some checks there for user/acl stuff
83 // that gets locked, and thus needs the backup system user to work.
84 std::fs::create_dir_all("/etc")?;
85 let mut passwd = File::create("/etc/passwd")?;
86 writeln!(passwd, "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh")?;
87 writeln!(passwd, "backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/usr/sbin/nologin")?;
89 let mut group = File::create("/etc/group")?;
90 writeln!(group, "root:x:0:")?;
91 writeln!(group, "backup:x:34:")?;
93 Ok(())
94 }
96 fn get_index<'a>(
97 _env: RestEnvironment,
98 _parts: Parts,
99 ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = http::Response<Body>> + Send + 'a>> {
100 Box::pin(async move {
102 let index = "<center><h1>Proxmox Backup Restore Daemon/h1></center>";
104 Response::builder()
105 .status(StatusCode::OK)
106 .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html")
107 .body(index.into())
108 .unwrap()
109 })
110 }
112 async fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
113 watchdog_init();
115 let auth_config = Arc::new(
116 auth::ticket_auth().map_err(|err| format_err!("reading ticket file failed: {}", err))?,
117 );
118 let config = ApiConfig::new("", &ROUTER, RpcEnvironmentType::PUBLIC, auth_config, &get_index)?;
119 let rest_server = RestServer::new(config);
121 let vsock_fd = get_vsock_fd()?;
122 let connections = accept_vsock_connections(vsock_fd);
123 let receiver_stream = ReceiverStream::new(connections);
124 let acceptor = hyper::server::accept::from_stream(receiver_stream);
126 hyper::Server::builder(acceptor).serve(rest_server).await?;
128 bail!("hyper server exited");
129 }
131 fn accept_vsock_connections(
132 vsock_fd: RawFd,
133 ) -> mpsc::Receiver<Result<tokio::net::UnixStream, Error>> {
134 use nix::sys::socket::*;
135 let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(MAX_PENDING);
137 tokio::spawn(async move {
138 loop {
139 let stream: Result<tokio::net::UnixStream, Error> = tokio::task::block_in_place(|| {
140 // we need to accept manually, as UnixListener aborts if socket type != AF_UNIX ...
141 let client_fd = accept(vsock_fd)?;
142 let stream = unsafe { net::UnixStream::from_raw_fd(client_fd) };
143 stream.set_nonblocking(true)?;
144 tokio::net::UnixStream::from_std(stream).map_err(|err| err.into())
145 });
147 match stream {
148 Ok(stream) => {
149 if sender.send(Ok(stream)).await.is_err() {
150 error!("connection accept channel was closed");
151 }
152 }
153 Err(err) => {
154 error!("error accepting vsock connetion: {}", err);
155 }
156 }
157 }
158 });
160 receiver
161 }
163 fn get_vsock_fd() -> Result<RawFd, Error> {
164 use nix::sys::socket::*;
165 let sock_fd = socket(
166 AddressFamily::Vsock,
167 SockType::Stream,
168 SockFlag::empty(),
169 None,
170 )?;
171 let sock_addr = VsockAddr::new(libc::VMADDR_CID_ANY, DEFAULT_VSOCK_PORT as u32);
172 bind(sock_fd, &SockAddr::Vsock(sock_addr))?;
173 listen(sock_fd, MAX_PENDING)?;
174 Ok(sock_fd)
175 }