]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - proxmox-restore-daemon/src/proxmox_restore_daemon/api.rs
[proxmox-backup.git] / proxmox-restore-daemon / src / proxmox_restore_daemon / api.rs
1 ///! File-restore API running inside the restore VM
2 use std::ffi::OsStr;
3 use std::fs;
4 use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
5 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
7 use anyhow::{bail, Error};
8 use futures::FutureExt;
9 use hyper::http::request::Parts;
10 use hyper::{header, Body, Response, StatusCode};
11 use log::error;
12 use serde_json::Value;
13 use tokio::sync::Semaphore;
15 use pathpatterns::{MatchEntry, MatchPattern, MatchType, Pattern};
16 use proxmox::{identity, sortable};
17 use proxmox_router::{
18 list_subdirs_api_method,
19 ApiHandler, ApiMethod, ApiResponseFuture, Permission, Router, RpcEnvironment, SubdirMap,
20 };
21 use proxmox_schema::*;
22 use proxmox_async::zip::zip_directory;
24 use pbs_api_types::file_restore::RestoreDaemonStatus;
25 use pbs_client::pxar::{create_archive, Flags, PxarCreateOptions, ENCODER_MAX_ENTRIES};
26 use pbs_datastore::catalog::{ArchiveEntry, DirEntryAttribute};
27 use pbs_tools::fs::read_subdir;
28 use pbs_tools::json::required_string_param;
30 use pxar::encoder::aio::TokioWriter;
32 use super::{disk::ResolveResult, watchdog_remaining, watchdog_inhibit, watchdog_ping};
34 // NOTE: All API endpoints must have Permission::Superuser, as the configs for authentication do
35 // not exist within the restore VM. Safety is guaranteed by checking a ticket via a custom ApiAuth.
37 const SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[
38 ("extract", &Router::new().get(&API_METHOD_EXTRACT)),
39 ("list", &Router::new().get(&API_METHOD_LIST)),
40 ("status", &Router::new().get(&API_METHOD_STATUS)),
41 ("stop", &Router::new().get(&API_METHOD_STOP)),
42 ];
44 pub const ROUTER: Router = Router::new()
45 .get(&list_subdirs_api_method!(SUBDIRS))
46 .subdirs(SUBDIRS);
48 static DOWNLOAD_SEM: Semaphore = Semaphore::const_new(8);
50 fn read_uptime() -> Result<f32, Error> {
51 let uptime = fs::read_to_string("/proc/uptime")?;
52 // unwrap the Option, if /proc/uptime is empty we have bigger problems
53 Ok(uptime.split_ascii_whitespace().next().unwrap().parse()?)
54 }
56 #[api(
57 input: {
58 properties: {
59 "keep-timeout": {
60 type: bool,
61 description: "If true, do not reset the watchdog timer on this API call.",
62 default: false,
63 optional: true,
64 },
65 },
66 },
67 access: {
68 description: "Permissions are handled outside restore VM. This call can be made without a ticket, but keep-timeout is always assumed 'true' then.",
69 permission: &Permission::World,
70 },
71 returns: {
72 type: RestoreDaemonStatus,
73 }
74 )]
75 /// General status information
76 fn status(rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment, keep_timeout: bool) -> Result<RestoreDaemonStatus, Error> {
77 if !keep_timeout && rpcenv.get_auth_id().is_some() {
78 watchdog_ping();
79 }
80 Ok(RestoreDaemonStatus {
81 uptime: read_uptime()? as i64,
82 timeout: watchdog_remaining(),
83 })
84 }
86 #[api(
87 access: {
88 description: "Permissions are handled outside restore VM.",
89 permission: &Permission::Superuser,
90 },
91 )]
92 /// Stop the restore VM immediately, this will never return if successful
93 fn stop() {
94 use nix::sys::reboot;
95 println!("/stop called, shutting down");
96 let err = reboot::reboot(reboot::RebootMode::RB_POWER_OFF).unwrap_err();
97 println!("'reboot' syscall failed: {}", err);
98 std::process::exit(1);
99 }
101 fn get_dir_entry(path: &Path) -> Result<DirEntryAttribute, Error> {
102 use nix::sys::stat;
104 let stat = stat::stat(path)?;
105 Ok(match stat.st_mode & libc::S_IFMT {
106 libc::S_IFREG => DirEntryAttribute::File {
107 size: stat.st_size as u64,
108 mtime: stat.st_mtime,
109 },
110 libc::S_IFDIR => DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start: 0 },
111 _ => bail!("unsupported file type: {}", stat.st_mode),
112 })
113 }
115 #[api(
116 input: {
117 properties: {
118 "path": {
119 type: String,
120 description: "base64-encoded path to list files and directories under",
121 },
122 },
123 },
124 access: {
125 description: "Permissions are handled outside restore VM.",
126 permission: &Permission::Superuser,
127 },
128 )]
129 /// List file details for given file or a list of files and directories under the given path if it
130 /// points to a directory.
131 fn list(
132 path: String,
133 _info: &ApiMethod,
134 _rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
135 ) -> Result<Vec<ArchiveEntry>, Error> {
136 watchdog_ping();
138 let mut res = Vec::new();
140 let param_path = base64::decode(path)?;
141 let mut path = param_path.clone();
142 if let Some(b'/') = path.last() {
143 path.pop();
144 }
145 let path_str = OsStr::from_bytes(&path[..]);
146 let param_path_buf = Path::new(path_str);
148 let mut disk_state = crate::DISK_STATE.lock().unwrap();
149 let query_result = disk_state.resolve(&param_path_buf)?;
151 match query_result {
152 ResolveResult::Path(vm_path) => {
153 let root_entry = get_dir_entry(&vm_path)?;
154 match root_entry {
155 DirEntryAttribute::File { .. } => {
156 // list on file, return details
157 res.push(ArchiveEntry::new(&param_path, Some(&root_entry)));
158 }
159 DirEntryAttribute::Directory { .. } => {
160 // list on directory, return all contained files/dirs
161 for f in read_subdir(libc::AT_FDCWD, &vm_path)? {
162 if let Ok(f) = f {
163 let name = f.file_name().to_bytes();
164 let path = &Path::new(OsStr::from_bytes(name));
165 if path.components().count() == 1 {
166 // ignore '.' and '..'
167 match path.components().next().unwrap() {
168 std::path::Component::CurDir
169 | std::path::Component::ParentDir => continue,
170 _ => {}
171 }
172 }
174 let mut full_vm_path = PathBuf::new();
175 full_vm_path.push(&vm_path);
176 full_vm_path.push(path);
177 let mut full_path = PathBuf::new();
178 full_path.push(param_path_buf);
179 full_path.push(path);
181 let entry = get_dir_entry(&full_vm_path);
182 if let Ok(entry) = entry {
183 res.push(ArchiveEntry::new(
184 full_path.as_os_str().as_bytes(),
185 Some(&entry),
186 ));
187 }
188 }
189 }
190 }
191 _ => unreachable!(),
192 }
193 }
194 ResolveResult::BucketTypes(types) => {
195 for t in types {
196 let mut t_path = path.clone();
197 t_path.push(b'/');
198 t_path.extend(t.as_bytes());
199 res.push(ArchiveEntry::new(
200 &t_path[..],
201 None,
202 ));
203 }
204 }
205 ResolveResult::BucketComponents(comps) => {
206 for c in comps {
207 let mut c_path = path.clone();
208 c_path.push(b'/');
209 c_path.extend(c.0.as_bytes());
210 res.push(ArchiveEntry::new_with_size(
211 &c_path[..],
212 // this marks the beginning of a filesystem, i.e. '/', so this is a Directory
213 Some(&DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start: 0 }),
214 c.1,
215 ));
216 }
217 }
218 }
220 Ok(res)
221 }
223 #[sortable]
224 pub const API_METHOD_EXTRACT: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
225 &ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(&extract),
226 &ObjectSchema::new(
227 "Extract a file or directory from the VM as a pxar archive.",
228 &sorted!([
229 (
230 "path",
231 false,
232 &StringSchema::new("base64-encoded path to list files and directories under")
233 .schema()
234 ),
235 (
236 "pxar",
237 true,
238 &BooleanSchema::new(concat!(
239 "if true, return a pxar archive, otherwise either the ",
240 "file content or the directory as a zip file"
241 ))
242 .default(true)
243 .schema()
244 )
245 ]),
246 ),
247 )
248 .access(None, &Permission::Superuser);
250 fn extract(
251 _parts: Parts,
252 _req_body: Body,
253 param: Value,
254 _info: &ApiMethod,
255 _rpcenv: Box<dyn RpcEnvironment>,
256 ) -> ApiResponseFuture {
257 // download can take longer than watchdog timeout, inhibit until done
258 let _inhibitor = watchdog_inhibit();
259 async move {
260 let _inhibitor = _inhibitor;
262 let _permit = match DOWNLOAD_SEM.try_acquire() {
263 Ok(permit) => permit,
264 Err(_) => bail!("maximum concurrent download limit reached, please wait for another restore to finish before attempting a new one"),
265 };
267 let path = required_string_param(&param, "path")?;
268 let mut path = base64::decode(path)?;
269 if let Some(b'/') = path.last() {
270 path.pop();
271 }
272 let path = Path::new(OsStr::from_bytes(&path[..]));
274 let pxar = param["pxar"].as_bool().unwrap_or(true);
276 let query_result = {
277 let mut disk_state = crate::DISK_STATE.lock().unwrap();
278 disk_state.resolve(&path)?
279 };
281 let vm_path = match query_result {
282 ResolveResult::Path(vm_path) => vm_path,
283 _ => bail!("invalid path, cannot restore meta-directory: {:?}", path),
284 };
286 // check here so we can return a real error message, failing in the async task will stop
287 // the transfer, but not return a useful message
288 if !vm_path.exists() {
289 bail!("file or directory {:?} does not exist", path);
290 }
292 let (mut writer, reader) = tokio::io::duplex(1024 * 64);
294 if pxar {
295 tokio::spawn(async move {
296 let _inhibitor = _inhibitor;
297 let _permit = _permit;
298 let result = async move {
299 // pxar always expects a directory as it's root, so to accommodate files as
300 // well we encode the parent dir with a filter only matching the target instead
301 let mut patterns = vec![MatchEntry::new(
302 MatchPattern::Pattern(Pattern::path(b"*").unwrap()),
303 MatchType::Exclude,
304 )];
306 let name = match vm_path.file_name() {
307 Some(name) => name,
308 None => bail!("no file name found for path: {:?}", vm_path),
309 };
311 if vm_path.is_dir() {
312 let mut pat = name.as_bytes().to_vec();
313 patterns.push(MatchEntry::new(
314 MatchPattern::Pattern(Pattern::path(pat.clone())?),
315 MatchType::Include,
316 ));
317 pat.extend(b"/**/*".iter());
318 patterns.push(MatchEntry::new(
319 MatchPattern::Pattern(Pattern::path(pat)?),
320 MatchType::Include,
321 ));
322 } else {
323 patterns.push(MatchEntry::new(
324 MatchPattern::Literal(name.as_bytes().to_vec()),
325 MatchType::Include,
326 ));
327 }
329 let dir_path = vm_path.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("/"));
330 let dir = nix::dir::Dir::open(
331 dir_path,
332 nix::fcntl::OFlag::O_NOFOLLOW,
333 nix::sys::stat::Mode::empty(),
334 )?;
336 let options = PxarCreateOptions {
337 entries_max: ENCODER_MAX_ENTRIES,
338 device_set: None,
339 patterns,
340 verbose: false,
341 skip_lost_and_found: false,
342 };
344 let pxar_writer = TokioWriter::new(writer);
345 create_archive(dir, pxar_writer, Flags::DEFAULT, |_| Ok(()), None, options)
346 .await
347 }
348 .await;
349 if let Err(err) = result {
350 error!("pxar streaming task failed - {}", err);
351 }
352 });
353 } else {
354 tokio::spawn(async move {
355 let _inhibitor = _inhibitor;
356 let _permit = _permit;
357 let result = async move {
358 if vm_path.is_dir() {
359 zip_directory(&mut writer, &vm_path).await?;
360 Ok(())
361 } else if vm_path.is_file() {
362 let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new()
363 .read(true)
364 .open(vm_path)
365 .await?;
366 tokio::io::copy(&mut file, &mut writer).await?;
367 Ok(())
368 } else {
369 bail!("invalid entry type for path: {:?}", vm_path);
370 }
371 }
372 .await;
373 if let Err(err) = result {
374 error!("file or dir streaming task failed - {}", err);
375 }
376 });
377 }
379 let stream = tokio_util::io::ReaderStream::new(reader);
381 let body = Body::wrap_stream(stream);
382 Ok(Response::builder()
383 .status(StatusCode::OK)
384 .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream")
385 .body(body)
386 .unwrap())
387 }
388 .boxed()
389 }