]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - src/api2/node/mod.rs
move more tools for the client into subcrates
[proxmox-backup.git] / src / api2 / node / mod.rs
1 //! Server/Node Configuration and Administration
3 use std::net::TcpListener;
4 use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
6 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
7 use futures::future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
8 use hyper::body::Body;
9 use hyper::http::request::Parts;
10 use hyper::upgrade::Upgraded;
11 use hyper::Request;
12 use serde_json::{json, Value};
13 use tokio::io::{AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader};
15 use proxmox::api::router::{Router, SubdirMap};
16 use proxmox::api::{
17 api, schema::*, ApiHandler, ApiMethod, ApiResponseFuture, Permission, RpcEnvironment,
18 };
19 use proxmox::list_subdirs_api_method;
20 use proxmox_http::websocket::WebSocket;
21 use proxmox::{identity, sortable};
23 use pbs_tools::auth::private_auth_key;
24 use pbs_tools::ticket::{self, Empty, Ticket};
26 use crate::api2::types::*;
27 use crate::config::acl::PRIV_SYS_CONSOLE;
28 use crate::server::WorkerTask;
29 use crate::tools;
31 pub mod apt;
32 pub mod certificates;
33 pub mod config;
34 pub mod disks;
35 pub mod dns;
36 pub mod network;
37 pub mod tasks;
38 pub mod subscription;
40 pub(crate) mod rrd;
42 mod journal;
43 pub(crate) mod services;
44 mod status;
45 mod syslog;
46 mod time;
47 mod report;
49 pub const SHELL_CMD_SCHEMA: Schema = StringSchema::new("The command to run.")
50 .format(&ApiStringFormat::Enum(&[
51 EnumEntry::new("login", "Login"),
52 EnumEntry::new("upgrade", "Upgrade"),
53 ]))
54 .schema();
56 #[api(
57 protected: true,
58 input: {
59 properties: {
60 node: {
61 schema: NODE_SCHEMA,
62 },
63 cmd: {
64 schema: SHELL_CMD_SCHEMA,
65 optional: true,
66 },
67 },
68 },
69 returns: {
70 type: Object,
71 description: "Object with the user, ticket, port and upid",
72 properties: {
73 user: {
74 description: "",
75 type: String,
76 },
77 ticket: {
78 description: "",
79 type: String,
80 },
81 port: {
82 description: "",
83 type: String,
84 },
85 upid: {
86 description: "",
87 type: String,
88 },
89 }
90 },
91 access: {
92 description: "Restricted to users on realm 'pam'",
93 permission: &Permission::Privilege(&["system"], PRIV_SYS_CONSOLE, false),
94 }
95 )]
96 /// Call termproxy and return shell ticket
97 async fn termproxy(
98 cmd: Option<String>,
99 rpcenv: &mut dyn RpcEnvironment,
100 ) -> Result<Value, Error> {
101 // intentionally user only for now
102 let auth_id: Authid = rpcenv
103 .get_auth_id()
104 .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no authid available"))?
105 .parse()?;
107 if auth_id.is_token() {
108 bail!("API tokens cannot access this API endpoint");
109 }
111 let userid = auth_id.user();
113 if userid.realm() != "pam" {
114 bail!("only pam users can use the console");
115 }
117 let path = "/system";
119 // use port 0 and let the kernel decide which port is free
120 let listener = TcpListener::bind("localhost:0")?;
121 let port = listener.local_addr()?.port();
123 let ticket = Ticket::new(ticket::TERM_PREFIX, &Empty)?
124 .sign(
125 private_auth_key(),
126 Some(&tools::ticket::term_aad(&userid, &path, port)),
127 )?;
129 let mut command = Vec::new();
130 match cmd.as_deref() {
131 Some("login") | None => {
132 command.push("login");
133 if userid == "root@pam" {
134 command.push("-f");
135 command.push("root");
136 }
137 }
138 Some("upgrade") => {
139 if userid != "root@pam" {
140 bail!("only root@pam can upgrade");
141 }
142 // TODO: add nicer/safer wrapper like in PVE instead
143 command.push("sh");
144 command.push("-c");
145 command.push("apt full-upgrade; bash -l");
146 }
147 _ => bail!("invalid command"),
148 };
150 let username = userid.name().to_owned();
151 let upid = WorkerTask::spawn(
152 "termproxy",
153 None,
154 auth_id,
155 false,
156 move |worker| async move {
157 // move inside the worker so that it survives and does not close the port
158 // remove CLOEXEC from listenere so that we can reuse it in termproxy
159 tools::fd_change_cloexec(listener.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
161 let mut arguments: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
162 let fd_string = listener.as_raw_fd().to_string();
163 arguments.push(&fd_string);
164 arguments.extend_from_slice(&[
165 "--path",
166 &path,
167 "--perm",
168 "Sys.Console",
169 "--authport",
170 "82",
171 "--port-as-fd",
172 "--",
173 ]);
174 arguments.extend_from_slice(&command);
176 let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new("/usr/bin/termproxy");
178 cmd.args(&arguments)
179 .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped())
180 .stderr(std::process::Stdio::piped());
182 let mut child = cmd.spawn().expect("error executing termproxy");
184 let stdout = child.stdout.take().expect("no child stdout handle");
185 let stderr = child.stderr.take().expect("no child stderr handle");
187 let worker_stdout = worker.clone();
188 let stdout_fut = async move {
189 let mut reader = BufReader::new(stdout).lines();
190 while let Some(line) = reader.next_line().await? {
191 worker_stdout.log(line);
192 }
193 Ok::<(), Error>(())
194 };
196 let worker_stderr = worker.clone();
197 let stderr_fut = async move {
198 let mut reader = BufReader::new(stderr).lines();
199 while let Some(line) = reader.next_line().await? {
200 worker_stderr.warn(line);
201 }
202 Ok::<(), Error>(())
203 };
205 let mut needs_kill = false;
206 let res = tokio::select!{
207 res = child.wait() => {
208 let exit_code = res?;
209 if !exit_code.success() {
210 match exit_code.code() {
211 Some(code) => bail!("termproxy exited with {}", code),
212 None => bail!("termproxy exited by signal"),
213 }
214 }
215 Ok(())
216 },
217 res = stdout_fut => res,
218 res = stderr_fut => res,
219 res = worker.abort_future() => {
220 needs_kill = true;
221 res.map_err(Error::from)
222 }
223 };
225 if needs_kill {
226 if res.is_ok() {
227 child.kill().await?;
228 return Ok(());
229 }
231 if let Err(err) = child.kill().await {
232 worker.warn(format!("error killing termproxy: {}", err));
233 } else if let Err(err) = child.wait().await {
234 worker.warn(format!("error awaiting termproxy: {}", err));
235 }
236 }
238 res
239 },
240 )?;
242 // FIXME: We're returning the user NAME only?
243 Ok(json!({
244 "user": username,
245 "ticket": ticket,
246 "port": port,
247 "upid": upid,
248 }))
249 }
251 #[sortable]
252 pub const API_METHOD_WEBSOCKET: ApiMethod = ApiMethod::new(
253 &ApiHandler::AsyncHttp(&upgrade_to_websocket),
254 &ObjectSchema::new(
255 "Upgraded to websocket",
256 &sorted!([
257 ("node", false, &NODE_SCHEMA),
258 (
259 "vncticket",
260 false,
261 &StringSchema::new("Terminal ticket").schema()
262 ),
263 ("port", false, &IntegerSchema::new("Terminal port").schema()),
264 ]),
265 ),
266 )
267 .access(
268 Some("The user needs Sys.Console on /system."),
269 &Permission::Privilege(&["system"], PRIV_SYS_CONSOLE, false),
270 );
272 fn upgrade_to_websocket(
273 parts: Parts,
274 req_body: Body,
275 param: Value,
276 _info: &ApiMethod,
277 rpcenv: Box<dyn RpcEnvironment>,
278 ) -> ApiResponseFuture {
279 async move {
280 // intentionally user only for now
281 let auth_id: Authid = rpcenv
282 .get_auth_id()
283 .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no authid available"))?
284 .parse()?;
286 if auth_id.is_token() {
287 bail!("API tokens cannot access this API endpoint");
288 }
290 let userid = auth_id.user();
291 let ticket = tools::required_string_param(&param, "vncticket")?;
292 let port: u16 = tools::required_integer_param(&param, "port")? as u16;
294 // will be checked again by termproxy
295 Ticket::<Empty>::parse(ticket)?
296 .verify(
297 crate::auth_helpers::public_auth_key(),
298 ticket::TERM_PREFIX,
299 Some(&tools::ticket::term_aad(&userid, "/system", port)),
300 )?;
302 let (ws, response) = WebSocket::new(parts.headers.clone())?;
304 crate::server::spawn_internal_task(async move {
305 let conn: Upgraded = match hyper::upgrade::on(Request::from_parts(parts, req_body)).map_err(Error::from).await {
306 Ok(upgraded) => upgraded,
307 _ => bail!("error"),
308 };
310 let local = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(format!("localhost:{}", port)).await?;
311 ws.serve_connection(conn, local).await
312 });
314 Ok(response)
315 }
316 .boxed()
317 }
319 pub const SUBDIRS: SubdirMap = &[
320 ("apt", &apt::ROUTER),
321 ("certificates", &certificates::ROUTER),
322 ("config", &config::ROUTER),
323 ("disks", &disks::ROUTER),
324 ("dns", &dns::ROUTER),
325 ("journal", &journal::ROUTER),
326 ("network", &network::ROUTER),
327 ("report", &report::ROUTER),
328 ("rrd", &rrd::ROUTER),
329 ("services", &services::ROUTER),
330 ("status", &status::ROUTER),
331 ("subscription", &subscription::ROUTER),
332 ("syslog", &syslog::ROUTER),
333 ("tasks", &tasks::ROUTER),
334 ("termproxy", &Router::new().post(&API_METHOD_TERMPROXY)),
335 ("time", &time::ROUTER),
336 (
337 "vncwebsocket",
338 &Router::new().upgrade(&API_METHOD_WEBSOCKET),
339 ),
340 ];
342 pub const ROUTER: Router = Router::new()
343 .get(&list_subdirs_api_method!(SUBDIRS))
344 .subdirs(SUBDIRS);