]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - src/bin/proxmox_file_restore/qemu_helper.rs
split out proxmox-backup-debug binary
[proxmox-backup.git] / src / bin / proxmox_file_restore / qemu_helper.rs
1 //! Helper to start a QEMU VM for single file restore.
2 use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
3 use std::io::prelude::*;
4 use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
5 use std::path::PathBuf;
6 use std::time::Duration;
8 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
9 use tokio::time;
11 use nix::sys::signal::{kill, Signal};
12 use nix::unistd::Pid;
14 use proxmox::tools::fs::{create_path, file_read_string, make_tmp_file, CreateOptions};
16 use pbs_client::{VsockClient, DEFAULT_VSOCK_PORT};
18 use proxmox_backup::backup::backup_user;
19 use proxmox_backup::tools;
21 use super::SnapRestoreDetails;
23 const PBS_VM_NAME: &str = "pbs-restore-vm";
24 const MAX_CID_TRIES: u64 = 32;
26 fn create_restore_log_dir() -> Result<String, Error> {
27 let logpath = format!("{}/file-restore", pbs_buildcfg::PROXMOX_BACKUP_LOG_DIR);
29 proxmox::try_block!({
30 let backup_user = backup_user()?;
31 let opts = CreateOptions::new()
32 .owner(backup_user.uid)
33 .group(backup_user.gid);
35 let opts_root = CreateOptions::new()
36 .owner(nix::unistd::ROOT)
37 .group(nix::unistd::Gid::from_raw(0));
39 create_path(pbs_buildcfg::PROXMOX_BACKUP_LOG_DIR, None, Some(opts))?;
40 create_path(&logpath, None, Some(opts_root))?;
41 Ok(())
42 })
43 .map_err(|err: Error| format_err!("unable to create file-restore log dir - {}", err))?;
45 Ok(logpath)
46 }
48 fn validate_img_existance(debug: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
49 let kernel = PathBuf::from(pbs_buildcfg::PROXMOX_BACKUP_KERNEL_FN);
50 let initramfs = PathBuf::from(if debug {
52 } else {
54 });
55 if !kernel.exists() || !initramfs.exists() {
56 bail!("cannot run file-restore VM: package 'proxmox-backup-restore-image' is not (correctly) installed");
57 }
58 Ok(())
59 }
61 pub fn try_kill_vm(pid: i32) -> Result<(), Error> {
62 let pid = Pid::from_raw(pid);
63 if let Ok(()) = kill(pid, None) {
64 // process is running (and we could kill it), check if it is actually ours
65 // (if it errors assume we raced with the process's death and ignore it)
66 if let Ok(cmdline) = file_read_string(format!("/proc/{}/cmdline", pid)) {
67 if cmdline.split('\0').any(|a| a == PBS_VM_NAME) {
68 // yes, it's ours, kill it brutally with SIGKILL, no reason to take
69 // any chances - in this state it's most likely broken anyway
70 if let Err(err) = kill(pid, Signal::SIGKILL) {
71 bail!(
72 "reaping broken VM (pid {}) with SIGKILL failed: {}",
73 pid,
74 err
75 );
76 }
77 }
78 }
79 }
81 Ok(())
82 }
84 async fn create_temp_initramfs(ticket: &str, debug: bool) -> Result<(File, String), Error> {
85 use std::ffi::CString;
86 use tokio::fs::File;
88 let (tmp_file, tmp_path) =
89 make_tmp_file("/tmp/file-restore-qemu.initramfs.tmp", CreateOptions::new())?;
90 nix::unistd::unlink(&tmp_path)?;
91 tools::fd_change_cloexec(tmp_file.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
93 let initramfs = if debug {
95 } else {
97 };
99 let mut f = File::from_std(tmp_file);
100 let mut base = File::open(initramfs).await?;
102 tokio::io::copy(&mut base, &mut f).await?;
104 let name = CString::new("ticket").unwrap();
105 tools::cpio::append_file(
106 &mut f,
107 ticket.as_bytes(),
108 &name,
109 0,
110 (libc::S_IFREG | 0o400) as u16,
111 0,
112 0,
113 0,
114 ticket.len() as u32,
115 )
116 .await?;
117 tools::cpio::append_trailer(&mut f).await?;
119 let tmp_file = f.into_std().await;
120 let path = format!("/dev/fd/{}", &tmp_file.as_raw_fd());
122 Ok((tmp_file, path))
123 }
125 pub async fn start_vm(
126 // u16 so we can do wrapping_add without going too high
127 mut cid: u16,
128 details: &SnapRestoreDetails,
129 files: impl Iterator<Item = String>,
130 ticket: &str,
131 ) -> Result<(i32, i32), Error> {
132 if let Err(_) = std::env::var("PBS_PASSWORD") {
133 bail!("environment variable PBS_PASSWORD has to be set for QEMU VM restore");
134 }
136 let debug = if let Ok(val) = std::env::var("PBS_QEMU_DEBUG") {
137 !val.is_empty()
138 } else {
139 false
140 };
142 validate_img_existance(debug)?;
144 let pid;
145 let (mut pid_file, pid_path) = make_tmp_file("/tmp/file-restore-qemu.pid.tmp", CreateOptions::new())?;
146 nix::unistd::unlink(&pid_path)?;
147 tools::fd_change_cloexec(pid_file.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
149 let (_ramfs_pid, ramfs_path) = create_temp_initramfs(ticket, debug).await?;
151 let logpath = create_restore_log_dir()?;
152 let logfile = &format!("{}/qemu.log", logpath);
153 let mut logrotate = tools::logrotate::LogRotate::new(logfile, false)
154 .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("could not get QEMU log file names"))?;
156 if let Err(err) = logrotate.do_rotate(CreateOptions::default(), Some(16)) {
157 eprintln!("warning: logrotate for QEMU log file failed - {}", err);
158 }
160 let mut logfd = OpenOptions::new()
161 .append(true)
162 .create_new(true)
163 .open(logfile)?;
164 tools::fd_change_cloexec(logfd.as_raw_fd(), false)?;
166 // preface log file with start timestamp so one can see how long QEMU took to start
167 writeln!(logfd, "[{}] PBS file restore VM log", {
168 let now = proxmox::tools::time::epoch_i64();
169 proxmox::tools::time::epoch_to_rfc3339(now)?
170 },)?;
172 let base_args = [
173 "-chardev",
174 &format!(
175 "file,id=log,path=/dev/null,logfile=/dev/fd/{},logappend=on",
176 logfd.as_raw_fd()
177 ),
178 "-serial",
179 "chardev:log",
180 "-vnc",
181 "none",
182 "-enable-kvm",
183 "-kernel",
184 pbs_buildcfg::PROXMOX_BACKUP_KERNEL_FN,
185 "-initrd",
186 &ramfs_path,
187 "-append",
188 &format!(
189 "{} panic=1 zfs_arc_min=0 zfs_arc_max=0",
190 if debug { "debug" } else { "quiet" }
191 ),
192 "-daemonize",
193 "-pidfile",
194 &format!("/dev/fd/{}", pid_file.as_raw_fd()),
195 "-name",
197 ];
199 // Generate drive arguments for all fidx files in backup snapshot
200 let mut drives = Vec::new();
201 let mut id = 0;
202 for file in files {
203 if !file.ends_with(".img.fidx") {
204 continue;
205 }
206 drives.push("-drive".to_owned());
207 let keyfile = if let Some(ref keyfile) = details.keyfile {
208 format!(",,keyfile={}", keyfile)
209 } else {
210 "".to_owned()
211 };
212 drives.push(format!(
213 "file=pbs:repository={},,snapshot={},,archive={}{},read-only=on,if=none,id=drive{}",
214 details.repo, details.snapshot, file, keyfile, id
215 ));
217 // a PCI bus can only support 32 devices, so add a new one every 32
218 let bus = (id / 32) + 2;
219 if id % 32 == 0 {
220 drives.push("-device".to_owned());
221 drives.push(format!("pci-bridge,id=bridge{},chassis_nr={}", bus, bus));
222 }
224 drives.push("-device".to_owned());
225 // drive serial is used by VM to map .fidx files to /dev paths
226 let serial = file.strip_suffix(".img.fidx").unwrap_or(&file);
227 drives.push(format!(
228 "virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive{},serial={},bus=bridge{}",
229 id, serial, bus
230 ));
231 id += 1;
232 }
234 let ram = if debug {
235 1024
236 } else {
237 // add more RAM if many drives are given
238 match id {
239 f if f < 10 => 192,
240 f if f < 20 => 256,
241 _ => 384,
242 }
243 };
245 // Try starting QEMU in a loop to retry if we fail because of a bad 'cid' value
246 let mut attempts = 0;
247 loop {
248 let mut qemu_cmd = std::process::Command::new("qemu-system-x86_64");
249 qemu_cmd.args(base_args.iter());
250 qemu_cmd.arg("-m");
251 qemu_cmd.arg(ram.to_string());
252 qemu_cmd.args(&drives);
253 qemu_cmd.arg("-device");
254 qemu_cmd.arg(format!(
255 "vhost-vsock-pci,guest-cid={},disable-legacy=on",
256 cid
257 ));
259 if debug {
260 let debug_args = [
261 "-chardev",
262 &format!(
263 "socket,id=debugser,path=/run/proxmox-backup/file-restore-serial-{}.sock,server,nowait",
264 cid
265 ),
266 "-serial",
267 "chardev:debugser",
268 ];
269 qemu_cmd.args(debug_args.iter());
270 }
272 qemu_cmd.stdout(std::process::Stdio::null());
273 qemu_cmd.stderr(std::process::Stdio::piped());
275 let res = tokio::task::block_in_place(|| qemu_cmd.spawn()?.wait_with_output())?;
277 if res.status.success() {
278 // at this point QEMU is already daemonized and running, so if anything fails we
279 // technically leave behind a zombie-VM... this shouldn't matter, as it will stop
280 // itself soon enough (timer), and the following operations are unlikely to fail
281 let mut pidstr = String::new();
282 pid_file.read_to_string(&mut pidstr)?;
283 pid = pidstr.trim_end().parse().map_err(|err| {
284 format_err!("cannot parse PID returned by QEMU ('{}'): {}", &pidstr, err)
285 })?;
286 break;
287 } else {
288 let out = String::from_utf8_lossy(&res.stderr);
289 if out.contains("unable to set guest cid: Address already in use") {
290 attempts += 1;
291 if attempts >= MAX_CID_TRIES {
292 bail!("CID '{}' in use, but max attempts reached, aborting", cid);
293 }
294 // CID in use, try next higher one
295 eprintln!("CID '{}' in use by other VM, attempting next one", cid);
296 // skip special-meaning low values
297 cid = cid.wrapping_add(1).max(10);
298 } else {
299 eprint!("{}", out);
300 bail!("Starting VM failed. See output above for more information.");
301 }
302 }
303 }
305 // QEMU has started successfully, now wait for virtio socket to become ready
306 let pid_t = Pid::from_raw(pid);
307 for _ in 0..60 {
308 let client = VsockClient::new(cid as i32, DEFAULT_VSOCK_PORT, Some(ticket.to_owned()));
309 if let Ok(Ok(_)) =
310 time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), client.get("api2/json/status", None)).await
311 {
312 if debug {
313 eprintln!(
314 "Connect to '/run/proxmox-backup/file-restore-serial-{}.sock' for shell access",
315 cid
316 )
317 }
318 return Ok((pid, cid as i32));
319 }
320 if kill(pid_t, None).is_err() { // check if QEMU process exited in between
321 bail!("VM exited before connection could be established");
322 }
323 time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)).await;
324 }
326 // start failed
327 if let Err(err) = try_kill_vm(pid) {
328 eprintln!("killing failed VM failed: {}", err);
329 }
330 bail!("starting VM timed out");
331 }