]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - src/bin/proxmox_restore_daemon/disk.rs
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[proxmox-backup.git] / src / bin / proxmox_restore_daemon / disk.rs
1 //! Low-level disk (image) access functions for file restore VMs.
2 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
3 use lazy_static::lazy_static;
4 use log::{info, warn};
6 use std::collections::HashMap;
7 use std::fs::{create_dir_all, File};
8 use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
9 use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
10 use std::process::Command;
12 use proxmox::const_regex;
13 use proxmox::tools::fs;
14 use proxmox_backup::api2::types::BLOCKDEVICE_NAME_REGEX;
15 use proxmox_backup::tools::run_command;
17 const_regex! {
18 VIRTIO_PART_REGEX = r"^vd[a-z]+(\d+)$";
19 ZPOOL_POOL_NAME_REGEX = r"^ {3}pool: (.*)$";
20 ZPOOL_IMPORT_DISK_REGEX = r"^\t {2,4}(vd[a-z]+(?:\d+)?)\s+ONLINE$";
21 }
23 lazy_static! {
24 static ref FS_OPT_MAP: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> = {
25 let mut m = HashMap::new();
27 // otherwise ext complains about mounting read-only
28 m.insert("ext2", "noload");
29 m.insert("ext3", "noload");
30 m.insert("ext4", "noload");
32 m.insert("xfs", "norecovery");
34 // ufs2 is used as default since FreeBSD 5.0 released in 2003, so let's assume that
35 // whatever the user is trying to restore is not using anything older...
36 m.insert("ufs", "ufstype=ufs2");
38 m.insert("ntfs", "utf8");
40 m
41 };
42 }
44 pub enum ResolveResult {
45 Path(PathBuf),
46 BucketTypes(Vec<&'static str>),
47 BucketComponents(Vec<(String, Option<u64>)>),
48 }
50 #[derive(Clone)]
51 struct PartitionBucketData {
52 dev_node: String,
53 number: i32,
54 mountpoint: Option<PathBuf>,
55 size: u64,
56 }
58 #[derive(Clone)]
59 struct ZFSBucketData {
60 name: String,
61 mountpoint: Option<PathBuf>,
62 size: Option<u64>,
63 }
65 #[derive(Clone)]
66 struct LVMBucketData {
67 vg_name: String,
68 lv_name: String,
69 mountpoint: Option<PathBuf>,
70 size: u64,
71 }
73 /// A "Bucket" represents a mapping found on a disk, e.g. a partition, a zfs dataset or an LV. A
74 /// uniquely identifying path to a file then consists of four components:
75 /// "/disk/bucket/component/path"
76 /// where
77 /// disk: fidx file name
78 /// bucket: bucket type
79 /// component: identifier of the specific bucket
80 /// path: relative path of the file on the filesystem indicated by the other parts, may contain
81 /// more subdirectories
82 /// e.g.: "/drive-scsi0/part/0/etc/passwd"
83 #[derive(Clone)]
84 enum Bucket {
85 Partition(PartitionBucketData),
86 RawFs(PartitionBucketData),
87 ZPool(ZFSBucketData),
88 LVM(LVMBucketData),
89 }
91 impl Bucket {
92 fn filter_mut<'a, A: AsRef<str>, B: AsRef<str>>(
93 haystack: &'a mut Vec<Bucket>,
94 ty: A,
95 comp: &[B],
96 ) -> Option<&'a mut Bucket> {
97 let ty = ty.as_ref();
98 haystack.iter_mut().find(|b| match b {
99 Bucket::Partition(data) => {
100 if let Some(comp) = comp.get(0) {
101 ty == "part" && comp.as_ref().parse::<i32>().unwrap() == data.number
102 } else {
103 false
104 }
105 }
106 Bucket::RawFs(_) => ty == "raw",
107 Bucket::ZPool(data) => {
108 if let Some(ref comp) = comp.get(0) {
109 ty == "zpool" && comp.as_ref() == &data.name
110 } else {
111 false
112 }
113 }
114 Bucket::LVM(data) => {
115 if let (Some(ref vg), Some(ref lv)) = (comp.get(0), comp.get(1)) {
116 ty == "lvm" && vg.as_ref() == &data.vg_name && lv.as_ref() == &data.lv_name
117 } else {
118 false
119 }
120 }
121 })
122 }
124 fn type_string(&self) -> &'static str {
125 match self {
126 Bucket::Partition(_) => "part",
127 Bucket::RawFs(_) => "raw",
128 Bucket::ZPool(_) => "zpool",
129 Bucket::LVM(_) => "lvm",
130 }
131 }
133 fn component_string(&self, idx: usize) -> Result<String, Error> {
134 let max_depth = Self::component_depth(self.type_string())?;
135 if idx >= max_depth {
136 bail!(
137 "internal error: component index out of range {}/{} ({})",
138 idx,
139 max_depth,
140 self.type_string()
141 );
142 }
143 Ok(match self {
144 Bucket::Partition(data) => data.number.to_string(),
145 Bucket::RawFs(_) => "raw".to_owned(),
146 Bucket::ZPool(data) => data.name.clone(),
147 Bucket::LVM(data) => {
148 if idx == 0 {
149 data.vg_name.clone()
150 } else {
151 data.lv_name.clone()
152 }
153 }
154 })
155 }
157 fn component_depth(type_string: &str) -> Result<usize, Error> {
158 Ok(match type_string {
159 "part" => 1,
160 "raw" => 0,
161 "zpool" => 1,
162 "lvm" => 2,
163 _ => bail!("invalid bucket type for component depth: {}", type_string),
164 })
165 }
167 fn size(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<u64> {
168 match self {
169 Bucket::Partition(data) | Bucket::RawFs(data) => Some(data.size),
170 Bucket::ZPool(data) => data.size,
171 Bucket::LVM(data) => {
172 if idx == 1 {
173 Some(data.size)
174 } else {
175 None
176 }
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 }
182 /// Functions related to the local filesystem. This mostly exists so we can use 'supported_fs' in
183 /// try_mount while a Bucket is still mutably borrowed from DiskState.
184 struct Filesystems {
185 supported_fs: Vec<String>,
186 }
188 impl Filesystems {
189 fn scan() -> Result<Self, Error> {
190 // detect kernel supported filesystems
191 let mut supported_fs = Vec::new();
192 for f in BufReader::new(File::open("/proc/filesystems")?)
193 .lines()
194 .filter_map(Result::ok)
195 {
196 // ZFS is treated specially, don't attempt to do a regular mount with it
197 let f = f.trim();
198 if !f.starts_with("nodev") && f != "zfs" {
199 supported_fs.push(f.to_owned());
200 }
201 }
203 info!("Supported FS: {}", supported_fs.join(", "));
205 Ok(Self { supported_fs })
206 }
208 fn ensure_mounted(&self, bucket: &mut Bucket) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
209 match bucket {
210 Bucket::Partition(data) | Bucket::RawFs(data) => {
211 // regular data partition à la "/dev/vdxN" or FS directly on a disk
212 if let Some(mp) = &data.mountpoint {
213 return Ok(mp.clone());
214 }
216 let mp = format!("/mnt{}/", data.dev_node);
217 self.try_mount(&data.dev_node, &mp)?;
218 let mp = PathBuf::from(mp);
219 data.mountpoint = Some(mp.clone());
220 Ok(mp)
221 }
222 Bucket::ZPool(data) => {
223 if let Some(mp) = &data.mountpoint {
224 return Ok(mp.clone());
225 }
227 let mntpath = format!("/mnt/zpool/{}", &data.name);
228 create_dir_all(&mntpath)?;
230 // call ZFS tools to import and mount the pool with the root mount at 'mntpath'
231 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/zpool");
232 cmd.args(
233 [
234 "import",
235 "-f",
236 "-o",
237 "readonly=on",
238 "-d",
239 "/dev",
240 "-R",
241 &mntpath,
242 &data.name,
243 ]
244 .iter(),
245 );
246 if let Err(msg) = run_command(cmd, None) {
247 // ignore double import, this may happen if a previous attempt failed further
248 // down below - this way we can at least try again
249 if !msg
250 .to_string()
251 .contains("a pool with that name already exists")
252 {
253 return Err(msg);
254 }
255 }
257 // 'mount -a' simply mounts all datasets that haven't been automounted, which
258 // should only be ones that we've imported just now
259 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/zfs");
260 cmd.args(["mount", "-a"].iter());
261 run_command(cmd, None)?;
263 // detect any datasets with 'legacy' mountpoints
264 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/zfs");
265 cmd.args(["list", "-Hpro", "name,mountpoint", &data.name].iter());
266 let mps = run_command(cmd, None)?;
267 for subvol in mps.lines() {
268 let subvol = subvol.splitn(2, '\t').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
269 if subvol.len() != 2 {
270 continue;
271 }
272 let name = subvol[0];
273 let mp = subvol[1];
275 if mp == "legacy" {
276 let mut newmp = PathBuf::from(format!(
277 "{}/legacy-{}",
278 &mntpath,
279 name.replace('/', "_")
280 ));
281 let mut i = 1;
282 while newmp.exists() {
283 newmp.set_extension(i.to_string());
284 i += 1;
285 }
286 create_dir_all(&newmp)?;
287 self.do_mount(Some(name), newmp.to_string_lossy().as_ref(), "zfs")?;
288 }
289 }
291 // Now that we have imported the pool, we can also query the size
292 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/zpool");
293 cmd.args(["list", "-o", "size", "-Hp", &data.name].iter());
294 let size = run_command(cmd, None)?;
295 if let Ok(size) = size.trim().parse::<u64>() {
296 data.size = Some(size);
297 }
299 let mp = PathBuf::from(mntpath);
300 data.mountpoint = Some(mp.clone());
301 Ok(mp)
302 }
303 Bucket::LVM(data) => {
304 if let Some(mp) = &data.mountpoint {
305 return Ok(mp.clone());
306 }
308 let mntpath = format!("/mnt/lvm/{}/{}", &data.vg_name, &data.lv_name);
309 create_dir_all(&mntpath)?;
311 let mapper_path = format!("/dev/mapper/{}-{}", &data.vg_name, &data.lv_name);
312 self.try_mount(&mapper_path, &mntpath)?;
314 let mp = PathBuf::from(mntpath);
315 data.mountpoint = Some(mp.clone());
316 Ok(mp)
317 }
318 }
319 }
321 fn try_mount(&self, source: &str, target: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
322 create_dir_all(target)?;
324 // try all supported fs until one works - this is the way Busybox's 'mount' does it too:
325 // https://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/util-linux/mount.c?id=808d93c0eca49e0b22056e23d965f0d967433fbb#n2152
326 // note that ZFS is intentionally left out (see scan())
327 for fs in &self.supported_fs {
328 let fs: &str = fs.as_ref();
329 match self.do_mount(Some(source), target, fs) {
330 Ok(()) => {
331 info!("mounting '{}' succeeded, fstype: '{}'", source, fs);
332 return Ok(());
333 }
334 Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::errno::Errno::EINVAL)) => {}
335 Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::errno::Errno::EBUSY)) => return Ok(()),
336 Err(err) => {
337 warn!("mount error on '{}' ({}) - {}", source, fs, err);
338 }
339 }
340 }
342 bail!("all mounts failed or no supported file system")
343 }
345 fn do_mount(&self, source: Option<&str>, target: &str, fs: &str) -> Result<(), nix::Error> {
346 use nix::mount::*;
347 let flags =
348 MsFlags::MS_RDONLY | MsFlags::MS_NOEXEC | MsFlags::MS_NOSUID | MsFlags::MS_NODEV;
349 let opts = FS_OPT_MAP.get(fs).copied();
350 mount(source, target, Some(fs), flags, opts)
351 }
352 }
354 pub struct DiskState {
355 filesystems: Filesystems,
356 disk_map: HashMap<String, Vec<Bucket>>,
357 }
359 impl DiskState {
360 /// Scan all disks for supported buckets.
361 pub fn scan() -> Result<Self, Error> {
362 let filesystems = Filesystems::scan()?;
364 let mut disk_map = HashMap::new();
365 let mut drive_info = HashMap::new();
367 // create mapping for virtio drives and .fidx files (via serial description)
368 // note: disks::DiskManager relies on udev, which we don't have
369 for entry in pbs_tools::fs::scan_subdir(
370 libc::AT_FDCWD,
371 "/sys/block",
373 )?
374 .filter_map(Result::ok)
375 {
376 let name = unsafe { entry.file_name_utf8_unchecked() };
377 if !name.starts_with("vd") {
378 continue;
379 }
381 let sys_path: &str = &format!("/sys/block/{}", name);
383 let serial = fs::file_read_string(&format!("{}/serial", sys_path));
384 let fidx = match serial {
385 Ok(serial) => serial,
386 Err(err) => {
387 warn!("disk '{}': could not read serial file - {}", name, err);
388 continue;
389 }
390 };
392 drive_info.insert(name.to_owned(), fidx.clone());
394 // attempt to mount device directly
395 let dev_node = format!("/dev/{}", name);
396 let size = Self::make_dev_node(&dev_node, &sys_path)?;
397 let mut dfs_bucket = Bucket::RawFs(PartitionBucketData {
398 dev_node: dev_node.clone(),
399 number: 0,
400 mountpoint: None,
401 size,
402 });
403 if let Ok(_) = filesystems.ensure_mounted(&mut dfs_bucket) {
404 // mount succeeded, add bucket and skip any other checks for the disk
405 info!(
406 "drive '{}' ('{}', '{}') contains fs directly ({}B)",
407 name, fidx, dev_node, size
408 );
409 disk_map.insert(fidx, vec![dfs_bucket]);
410 continue;
411 }
413 let mut parts = Vec::new();
414 for entry in pbs_tools::fs::scan_subdir(
415 libc::AT_FDCWD,
416 sys_path,
418 )?
419 .filter_map(Result::ok)
420 {
421 let part_name = unsafe { entry.file_name_utf8_unchecked() };
422 let dev_node = format!("/dev/{}", part_name);
423 let part_path = format!("/sys/block/{}/{}", name, part_name);
425 // create partition device node for further use
426 let size = Self::make_dev_node(&dev_node, &part_path)?;
428 let number = fs::file_read_firstline(&format!("{}/partition", part_path))?
429 .trim()
430 .parse::<i32>()?;
432 info!(
433 "drive '{}' ('{}'): found partition '{}' ({}, {}B)",
434 name, fidx, dev_node, number, size
435 );
437 let bucket = Bucket::Partition(PartitionBucketData {
438 dev_node,
439 mountpoint: None,
440 number,
441 size,
442 });
444 parts.push(bucket);
446 drive_info.insert(part_name.to_owned(), fidx.clone());
447 }
449 disk_map.insert(fidx, parts);
450 }
452 // After the above, every valid disk should have a device node in /dev, so we can query all
453 // of them for zpools
454 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/zpool");
455 cmd.args(["import", "-d", "/dev"].iter());
456 let result = run_command(cmd, None).unwrap();
457 for (pool, disks) in Self::parse_zpool_import(&result) {
458 let mut bucket = Bucket::ZPool(ZFSBucketData {
459 name: pool.clone(),
460 size: None,
461 mountpoint: None,
462 });
464 // anything more than 5 disks we assume to take too long to mount, so we don't
465 // automatically - this means that no size can be reported
466 if disks.len() <= 5 {
467 let mp = filesystems.ensure_mounted(&mut bucket);
468 info!(
469 "zpool '{}' (on: {:?}) auto-mounted at '{:?}' (size: {:?})",
470 &pool,
471 &disks,
472 mp,
473 bucket.size(0)
474 );
475 } else {
476 info!(
477 "zpool '{}' (on: {:?}) auto-mount skipped, too many disks",
478 &pool, &disks
479 );
480 }
482 for disk in disks {
483 if let Some(fidx) = drive_info.get(&disk) {
484 match disk_map.get_mut(fidx) {
485 Some(v) => v.push(bucket.clone()),
486 None => {
487 disk_map.insert(fidx.to_owned(), vec![bucket.clone()]);
488 }
489 }
490 }
491 }
492 }
494 Self::scan_lvm(&mut disk_map, &drive_info)?;
496 Ok(Self {
497 filesystems,
498 disk_map,
499 })
500 }
502 /// scan for LVM volumes and create device nodes for them to later mount on demand
503 fn scan_lvm(
504 disk_map: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<Bucket>>,
505 drive_info: &HashMap<String, String>,
506 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
507 // first get mapping between devices and vgs
508 let mut pv_map: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
509 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/pvs");
510 cmd.args(["-o", "pv_name,vg_name", "--reportformat", "json"].iter());
511 let result = run_command(cmd, None).unwrap();
512 let result: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&result)?;
513 if let Some(result) = result["report"][0]["pv"].as_array() {
514 for pv in result {
515 let vg_name = pv["vg_name"].as_str().unwrap();
516 if vg_name.is_empty() {
517 continue;
518 }
519 let pv_name = pv["pv_name"].as_str().unwrap();
520 // remove '/dev/' part
521 let pv_name = &pv_name[pv_name.rfind('/').map(|i| i + 1).unwrap_or(0)..];
522 if let Some(fidx) = drive_info.get(pv_name) {
523 info!("LVM: found VG '{}' on '{}' ({})", vg_name, pv_name, fidx);
524 match pv_map.get_mut(vg_name) {
525 Some(list) => list.push(fidx.to_owned()),
526 None => {
527 pv_map.insert(vg_name.to_owned(), vec![fidx.to_owned()]);
528 }
529 }
530 }
531 }
532 }
534 let mknodes = || {
535 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/vgscan");
536 cmd.arg("--mknodes");
537 if let Err(err) = run_command(cmd, None) {
538 warn!("LVM: 'vgscan --mknodes' failed: {}", err);
539 }
540 };
542 // then scan for LVs and assign their buckets to the correct disks
543 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/lvs");
544 cmd.args(
545 [
546 "-o",
547 "vg_name,lv_name,lv_size,metadata_lv",
548 "--units",
549 "B",
550 "--reportformat",
551 "json",
552 ]
553 .iter(),
554 );
555 let result = run_command(cmd, None).unwrap();
556 let result: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&result)?;
557 let mut thinpools = Vec::new();
558 if let Some(result) = result["report"][0]["lv"].as_array() {
559 // first, look for thin-pools
560 for lv in result {
561 let metadata = lv["metadata_lv"].as_str().unwrap_or_default();
562 if !metadata.is_empty() {
563 // this is a thin-pool, activate the metadata LV
564 let vg_name = lv["vg_name"].as_str().unwrap();
565 let metadata = metadata.trim_matches(&['[', ']'][..]);
566 info!("LVM: attempting to activate thinpool '{}'", metadata);
567 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/lvchange");
568 cmd.args(["-ay", "-y", &format!("{}/{}", vg_name, metadata)].iter());
569 if let Err(err) = run_command(cmd, None) {
570 // not critical, will simply mean its children can't be loaded
571 warn!("LVM: activating thinpool failed: {}", err);
572 } else {
573 thinpools.push((vg_name, metadata));
574 }
575 }
576 }
578 // now give the metadata LVs a device node
579 mknodes();
581 // cannot leave the metadata LV active, otherwise child-LVs won't activate
582 for (vg_name, metadata) in thinpools {
583 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/lvchange");
584 cmd.args(["-an", "-y", &format!("{}/{}", vg_name, metadata)].iter());
585 let _ = run_command(cmd, None);
586 }
588 for lv in result {
589 let lv_name = lv["lv_name"].as_str().unwrap();
590 let vg_name = lv["vg_name"].as_str().unwrap();
591 let metadata = lv["metadata_lv"].as_str().unwrap_or_default();
592 if lv_name.is_empty() || vg_name.is_empty() || !metadata.is_empty() {
593 continue;
594 }
595 let lv_size = lv["lv_size"].as_str().unwrap();
596 // lv_size is in bytes with a capital 'B' at the end
597 let lv_size = lv_size[..lv_size.len() - 1].parse::<u64>().unwrap_or(0);
599 let bucket = Bucket::LVM(LVMBucketData {
600 vg_name: vg_name.to_owned(),
601 lv_name: lv_name.to_owned(),
602 size: lv_size,
603 mountpoint: None,
604 });
606 // activate the LV so 'vgscan' can create a node later - this may fail, and if it
607 // does, we ignore it and continue
608 let mut cmd = Command::new("/sbin/lvchange");
609 cmd.args(["-ay", &format!("{}/{}", vg_name, lv_name)].iter());
610 if let Err(err) = run_command(cmd, None) {
611 warn!(
612 "LVM: LV '{}' on '{}' ({}B) failed to activate: {}",
613 lv_name, vg_name, lv_size, err
614 );
615 continue;
616 }
618 info!(
619 "LVM: found LV '{}' on '{}' ({}B)",
620 lv_name, vg_name, lv_size
621 );
623 if let Some(drives) = pv_map.get(vg_name) {
624 for fidx in drives {
625 match disk_map.get_mut(fidx) {
626 Some(v) => v.push(bucket.clone()),
627 None => {
628 disk_map.insert(fidx.to_owned(), vec![bucket.clone()]);
629 }
630 }
631 }
632 }
633 }
635 // now that we've imported and activated all LV's, we let vgscan create the dev nodes
636 mknodes();
637 }
639 Ok(())
640 }
642 /// Given a path like "/drive-scsi0.img.fidx/part/0/etc/passwd", this will mount the first
643 /// partition of 'drive-scsi0' on-demand (i.e. if not already mounted) and return a path
644 /// pointing to the requested file locally, e.g. "/mnt/vda1/etc/passwd", which can be used to
645 /// read the file. Given a partial path, i.e. only "/drive-scsi0.img.fidx" or
646 /// "/drive-scsi0.img.fidx/part", it will return a list of available bucket types or bucket
647 /// components respectively
648 pub fn resolve(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<ResolveResult, Error> {
649 let mut cmp = path.components().peekable();
650 match cmp.peek() {
651 Some(Component::RootDir) | Some(Component::CurDir) => {
652 cmp.next();
653 }
654 None => bail!("empty path cannot be resolved to file location"),
655 _ => {}
656 }
658 let req_fidx = match cmp.next() {
659 Some(Component::Normal(x)) => x.to_string_lossy(),
660 _ => bail!("no or invalid image in path"),
661 };
663 let buckets = match self.disk_map.get_mut(
664 req_fidx
665 .strip_suffix(".img.fidx")
666 .unwrap_or_else(|| req_fidx.as_ref()),
667 ) {
668 Some(x) => x,
669 None => bail!("given image '{}' not found", req_fidx),
670 };
672 let bucket_type = match cmp.next() {
673 Some(Component::Normal(x)) => x.to_string_lossy(),
674 Some(c) => bail!("invalid bucket in path: {:?}", c),
675 None => {
676 // list bucket types available
677 let mut types = buckets
678 .iter()
679 .map(|b| b.type_string())
680 .collect::<Vec<&'static str>>();
681 // dedup requires duplicates to be consecutive, which is the case - see scan()
682 types.dedup();
683 return Ok(ResolveResult::BucketTypes(types));
684 }
685 };
687 let mut components = Vec::new();
688 let component_count = Bucket::component_depth(&bucket_type)?;
690 while components.len() < component_count {
691 let component = match cmp.next() {
692 Some(Component::Normal(x)) => x.to_string_lossy(),
693 Some(c) => bail!("invalid bucket component in path: {:?}", c),
694 None => {
695 // list bucket components available at this level
696 let mut comps = buckets
697 .iter()
698 .filter_map(|b| {
699 if b.type_string() != bucket_type {
700 return None;
701 }
702 match b.component_string(components.len()) {
703 Ok(cs) => Some((cs.to_owned(), b.size(components.len()))),
704 Err(_) => None,
705 }
706 })
707 .collect::<Vec<(String, Option<u64>)>>();
708 comps.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0));
709 comps.dedup();
710 return Ok(ResolveResult::BucketComponents(comps));
711 }
712 };
714 components.push(component);
715 }
717 let mut bucket = match Bucket::filter_mut(buckets, &bucket_type, &components) {
718 Some(bucket) => bucket,
719 None => bail!(
720 "bucket/component path not found: {}/{}/{}",
721 req_fidx,
722 bucket_type,
723 components.join("/")
724 ),
725 };
727 // bucket found, check mount
728 let mountpoint = self
729 .filesystems
730 .ensure_mounted(&mut bucket)
731 .map_err(|err| {
732 format_err!(
733 "mounting '{}/{}/{}' failed: {}",
734 req_fidx,
735 bucket_type,
736 components.join("/"),
737 err
738 )
739 })?;
741 let mut local_path = PathBuf::new();
742 local_path.push(mountpoint);
743 for rem in cmp {
744 local_path.push(rem);
745 }
747 Ok(ResolveResult::Path(local_path))
748 }
750 fn make_dev_node(devnode: &str, sys_path: &str) -> Result<u64, Error> {
751 let dev_num_str = fs::file_read_firstline(&format!("{}/dev", sys_path))?;
752 let (major, minor) = dev_num_str.split_at(dev_num_str.find(':').unwrap());
753 Self::mknod_blk(&devnode, major.parse()?, minor[1..].trim_end().parse()?)?;
755 // this *always* contains the number of 512-byte sectors, regardless of the true
756 // blocksize of this disk - which should always be 512 here anyway
757 let size = fs::file_read_firstline(&format!("{}/size", sys_path))?
758 .trim()
759 .parse::<u64>()?
760 * 512;
762 Ok(size)
763 }
765 fn mknod_blk(path: &str, maj: u64, min: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
766 use nix::sys::stat;
767 let dev = stat::makedev(maj, min);
768 stat::mknod(path, stat::SFlag::S_IFBLK, stat::Mode::S_IRWXU, dev)?;
769 Ok(())
770 }
772 fn parse_zpool_import(data: &str) -> Vec<(String, Vec<String>)> {
773 let mut ret = Vec::new();
774 let mut disks = Vec::new();
775 let mut cur = "".to_string();
776 for line in data.lines() {
777 if let Some(groups) = (ZPOOL_POOL_NAME_REGEX.regex_obj)().captures(line) {
778 if let Some(name) = groups.get(1) {
779 if !disks.is_empty() {
780 ret.push((cur, disks.clone()));
781 }
782 disks.clear();
783 cur = name.as_str().to_owned();
784 }
785 } else if let Some(groups) = (ZPOOL_IMPORT_DISK_REGEX.regex_obj)().captures(line) {
786 if let Some(disk) = groups.get(1) {
787 disks.push(disk.as_str().to_owned());
788 }
789 }
790 }
791 if !disks.is_empty() && !cur.is_empty() {
792 ret.push((cur, disks));
793 }
794 ret
795 }
796 }