]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox.git/blob - proxmox-acme/src/account.rs
[proxmox.git] / proxmox-acme / src / account.rs
1 //! ACME Account management and creation. The [`Account`] type also contains most of the ACME API
2 //! entry point helpers.
4 use std::collections::HashMap;
5 use std::convert::TryFrom;
7 use openssl::pkey::{PKey, Private};
8 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
9 use serde_json::Value;
11 use crate::authorization::{Authorization, GetAuthorization};
12 use crate::b64u;
13 use crate::directory::Directory;
14 use crate::eab::ExternalAccountBinding;
15 use crate::jws::Jws;
16 use crate::key::{Jwk, PublicKey};
17 use crate::order::{NewOrder, Order, OrderData};
18 use crate::request::Request;
19 use crate::Error;
21 /// An ACME Account.
22 ///
23 /// This contains the location URL, the account data and the private key for an account.
24 /// This can directly be serialized via serde to persist the account.
25 ///
26 /// In order to register a new account with an ACME provider, see the [`Account::creator`] method.
27 #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
28 #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
29 pub struct Account {
30 /// Account location URL.
31 pub location: String,
33 /// Acme account data.
34 pub data: AccountData,
36 /// base64url encoded PEM formatted private key.
37 pub private_key: String,
38 }
40 impl Account {
41 /// Rebuild an account from its components.
42 pub fn from_parts(location: String, private_key: String, data: AccountData) -> Self {
43 Self {
44 location,
45 data,
46 private_key,
47 }
48 }
50 /// Builds an [`AccountCreator`]. This handles creation of the private key and account data as
51 /// well as handling the response sent by the server for the registration request.
52 pub fn creator() -> AccountCreator {
53 AccountCreator::default()
54 }
56 /// Place a new order. This will build a [`NewOrder`] representing an in flight order creation
57 /// request.
58 ///
59 /// The returned `NewOrder`'s `request` option is *guaranteed* to be `Some(Request)`.
60 pub fn new_order(
61 &self,
62 order: &OrderData,
63 directory: &Directory,
64 nonce: &str,
65 ) -> Result<NewOrder, Error> {
66 let key = PKey::private_key_from_pem(self.private_key.as_bytes())?;
68 if order.identifiers.is_empty() {
69 return Err(Error::EmptyOrder);
70 }
72 let url = directory.new_order_url();
73 let body = serde_json::to_string(&Jws::new(
74 &key,
75 Some(self.location.clone()),
76 url.to_owned(),
77 nonce.to_owned(),
78 order,
79 )?)?;
81 let request = Request {
82 url: url.to_owned(),
83 method: "POST",
84 content_type: crate::request::JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
85 body,
86 expected: crate::request::CREATED,
87 };
89 Ok(NewOrder::new(request))
90 }
92 /// Prepare a "POST-as-GET" request to fetch data. Low level helper.
93 pub fn get_request(&self, url: &str, nonce: &str) -> Result<Request, Error> {
94 let key = PKey::private_key_from_pem(self.private_key.as_bytes())?;
95 let body = serde_json::to_string(&Jws::new_full(
96 &key,
97 Some(self.location.clone()),
98 url.to_owned(),
99 nonce.to_owned(),
100 String::new(),
101 )?)?;
103 Ok(Request {
104 url: url.to_owned(),
105 method: "POST",
106 content_type: crate::request::JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
107 body,
108 expected: 200,
109 })
110 }
112 /// Prepare a JSON POST request. Low level helper.
113 pub fn post_request<T: Serialize>(
114 &self,
115 url: &str,
116 nonce: &str,
117 data: &T,
118 ) -> Result<Request, Error> {
119 let key = PKey::private_key_from_pem(self.private_key.as_bytes())?;
120 let body = serde_json::to_string(&Jws::new(
121 &key,
122 Some(self.location.clone()),
123 url.to_owned(),
124 nonce.to_owned(),
125 data,
126 )?)?;
128 Ok(Request {
129 url: url.to_owned(),
130 method: "POST",
131 content_type: crate::request::JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
132 body,
133 expected: 200,
134 })
135 }
137 /// Prepare a JSON POST request.
138 fn post_request_raw_payload(
139 &self,
140 url: &str,
141 nonce: &str,
142 payload: String,
143 ) -> Result<Request, Error> {
144 let key = PKey::private_key_from_pem(self.private_key.as_bytes())?;
145 let body = serde_json::to_string(&Jws::new_full(
146 &key,
147 Some(self.location.clone()),
148 url.to_owned(),
149 nonce.to_owned(),
150 payload,
151 )?)?;
153 Ok(Request {
154 url: url.to_owned(),
155 method: "POST",
156 content_type: crate::request::JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
157 body,
158 expected: 200,
159 })
160 }
162 /// Get the "key authorization" for a token.
163 pub fn key_authorization(&self, token: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
164 let key = PKey::private_key_from_pem(self.private_key.as_bytes())?;
165 let thumbprint = PublicKey::try_from(&*key)?.thumbprint()?;
166 Ok(format!("{}.{}", token, thumbprint))
167 }
169 /// Get the TXT field value for a dns-01 token. This is the base64url encoded sha256 digest of
170 /// the key authorization value.
171 pub fn dns_01_txt_value(&self, token: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
172 let key_authorization = self.key_authorization(token)?;
173 let digest = openssl::sha::sha256(key_authorization.as_bytes());
174 Ok(b64u::encode(&digest))
175 }
177 /// Prepare a request to update account data.
178 ///
179 /// This is a rather low level interface. You should know what you're doing.
180 pub fn update_account_request<T: Serialize>(
181 &self,
182 nonce: &str,
183 data: &T,
184 ) -> Result<Request, Error> {
185 self.post_request(&self.location, nonce, data)
186 }
188 /// Prepare a request to deactivate this account.
189 pub fn deactivate_account_request<T: Serialize>(&self, nonce: &str) -> Result<Request, Error> {
190 self.post_request_raw_payload(
191 &self.location,
192 nonce,
193 r#"{"status":"deactivated"}"#.to_string(),
194 )
195 }
197 /// Prepare a request to query an Authorization for an Order.
198 ///
199 /// Returns `Ok(None)` if `auth_index` is out of out of range. You can query the number of
200 /// authorizations from via [`Order::authorization_len`] or by manually inspecting its
201 /// `.data.authorization` vector.
202 pub fn get_authorization(
203 &self,
204 order: &Order,
205 auth_index: usize,
206 nonce: &str,
207 ) -> Result<Option<GetAuthorization>, Error> {
208 match order.authorization(auth_index) {
209 None => Ok(None),
210 Some(url) => Ok(Some(GetAuthorization::new(self.get_request(url, nonce)?))),
211 }
212 }
214 /// Prepare a request to validate a Challenge from an Authorization.
215 ///
216 /// Returns `Ok(None)` if `challenge_index` is out of out of range. The challenge count is
217 /// available by inspecting the [`Authorization::challenges`] vector.
218 ///
219 /// This returns a raw `Request` since validation takes some time and the `Authorization`
220 /// object has to be re-queried and its `status` inspected.
221 pub fn validate_challenge(
222 &self,
223 authorization: &Authorization,
224 challenge_index: usize,
225 nonce: &str,
226 ) -> Result<Option<Request>, Error> {
227 match authorization.challenges.get(challenge_index) {
228 None => Ok(None),
229 Some(challenge) => self
230 .post_request_raw_payload(&challenge.url, nonce, "{}".to_string())
231 .map(Some),
232 }
233 }
235 /// Prepare a request to revoke a certificate.
236 ///
237 /// The certificate can be either PEM or DER formatted.
238 ///
239 /// Note that this uses the account's key for authorization.
240 ///
241 /// Revocation using a certificate's private key is not yet implemented.
242 pub fn revoke_certificate(
243 &self,
244 certificate: &[u8],
245 reason: Option<u32>,
246 ) -> Result<CertificateRevocation, Error> {
247 let cert = if certificate.starts_with(b"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") {
248 b64u::encode(&openssl::x509::X509::from_pem(certificate)?.to_der()?)
249 } else {
250 b64u::encode(certificate)
251 };
253 let data = match reason {
254 Some(reason) => serde_json::json!({ "certificate": cert, "reason": reason }),
255 None => serde_json::json!({ "certificate": cert }),
256 };
258 Ok(CertificateRevocation {
259 account: self,
260 data,
261 })
262 }
263 }
265 /// Certificate revocation involves converting the certificate to base64url encoded DER and then
266 /// embedding it in a json structure. Since we also need a nonce and possibly retry the request if
267 /// a `BadNonce` error happens, this caches the converted data for efficiency.
268 pub struct CertificateRevocation<'a> {
269 account: &'a Account,
270 data: Value,
271 }
273 impl CertificateRevocation<'_> {
274 /// Create the revocation request using the specified nonce for the given directory.
275 pub fn request(&self, directory: &Directory, nonce: &str) -> Result<Request, Error> {
276 self.account
277 .post_request(&directory.data.revoke_cert, nonce, &self.data)
278 }
279 }
281 /// Status of an ACME account.
282 #[cfg_attr(feature="api-types", proxmox_schema::api())]
283 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
284 #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
285 pub enum AccountStatus {
286 /// This is not part of the ACME API, but a temporary marker for us until the ACME provider
287 /// tells us the account's real status.
288 #[serde(rename = "<invalid>")]
289 New,
291 /// Means the account is valid and can be used.
292 Valid,
294 /// The account has been deactivated by its user and cannot be used anymore.
295 Deactivated,
297 /// The account has been revoked by the server and cannot be used anymore.
298 Revoked,
299 }
301 impl AccountStatus {
302 #[inline]
303 fn new() -> Self {
304 AccountStatus::New
305 }
307 #[inline]
308 fn is_new(&self) -> bool {
309 *self == AccountStatus::New
310 }
311 }
313 #[cfg_attr(feature="api-types", proxmox_schema::api(
314 properties: {
315 extra: { type: Object, properties: {}, additional_properties: true },
316 contact: { type: Array, items: { type: String, description: "Contact Info." }}
317 }
318 ))]
319 /// ACME Account data. This is the part of the account returned from and possibly sent to the ACME
320 /// provider. Some fields may be uptdated by the user via a request to the account location, others
321 /// may not be changed.
322 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
323 #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
324 pub struct AccountData {
325 /// The current account status.
326 #[serde(
327 skip_serializing_if = "AccountStatus::is_new",
328 default = "AccountStatus::new"
329 )]
330 pub status: AccountStatus,
332 /// URLs to currently pending orders.
333 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
334 pub orders: Option<String>,
336 /// The acccount's contact info.
337 ///
338 /// This usually contains a `"mailto:<email address>"` entry but may also contain some other
339 /// data if the server accepts it.
340 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty", default)]
341 pub contact: Vec<String>,
343 /// Indicated whether the user agreed to the ACME provider's terms of service.
344 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
345 pub terms_of_service_agreed: Option<bool>,
347 /// External account information.
348 #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
349 pub external_account_binding: Option<ExternalAccountBinding>,
351 /// This is only used by the client when querying an account.
352 #[serde(default = "default_true", skip_serializing_if = "is_false")]
353 pub only_return_existing: bool,
355 /// Stores unknown fields if there are any.
356 #[serde(flatten, default, skip_serializing_if = "HashMap::is_empty")]
357 pub extra: HashMap<String, Value>,
358 }
360 #[inline]
361 fn default_true() -> bool {
362 true
363 }
365 #[inline]
366 fn is_false(b: &bool) -> bool {
367 !*b
368 }
370 /// Helper to create an account.
371 ///
372 /// This is used to generate a private key and set the contact info for the account. Afterwards the
373 /// creation request can be created via the [`request`](AccountCreator::request()) method, giving
374 /// it a nonce and a directory. This can be repeated, if necessary, like when the nonce fails.
375 ///
376 /// When the server sends a succesful response, it should be passed to the
377 /// [`response`](AccountCreator::response()) method to finish the creation of an [`Account`] which
378 /// can then be persisted.
379 #[derive(Default)]
380 #[must_use = "when creating an account you must pass the response to AccountCreator::response()!"]
381 pub struct AccountCreator {
382 contact: Vec<String>,
383 terms_of_service_agreed: bool,
384 key: Option<PKey<Private>>,
385 eab_credentials: Option<(String, PKey<Private>)>,
386 }
388 impl AccountCreator {
389 /// Replace the contact infor with the provided ACME compatible data.
390 pub fn set_contacts(mut self, contact: Vec<String>) -> Self {
391 self.contact = contact;
392 self
393 }
395 /// Append a contact string.
396 pub fn contact(mut self, contact: String) -> Self {
397 self.contact.push(contact);
398 self
399 }
401 /// Append an email address to the contact list.
402 pub fn email(self, email: String) -> Self {
403 self.contact(format!("mailto:{}", email))
404 }
406 /// Change whether the account agrees to the terms of service. Use the directory's or client's
407 /// `terms_of_service_url()` method to present the user with the Terms of Service.
408 pub fn agree_to_tos(mut self, agree: bool) -> Self {
409 self.terms_of_service_agreed = agree;
410 self
411 }
413 /// Set the EAB credentials for the account registration
414 pub fn set_eab_credentials(mut self, kid: String, hmac_key: String) -> Result<Self, Error> {
415 let hmac_key = PKey::hmac(&base64::decode(hmac_key)?)?;
416 self.eab_credentials = Some((kid, hmac_key));
417 Ok(self)
418 }
420 /// Generate a new RSA key of the specified key size.
421 pub fn generate_rsa_key(self, bits: u32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
422 let key = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(bits)?;
423 Ok(self.with_key(PKey::from_rsa(key)?))
424 }
426 /// Generate a new P-256 EC key.
427 pub fn generate_ec_key(self) -> Result<Self, Error> {
428 let key = openssl::ec::EcKey::generate(
429 openssl::ec::EcGroup::from_curve_name(openssl::nid::Nid::X9_62_PRIME256V1)?.as_ref(),
430 )?;
431 Ok(self.with_key(PKey::from_ec_key(key)?))
432 }
434 /// Use an existing key. Note that only RSA and EC keys using the `P-256` curve are currently
435 /// supported, however, this will not be checked at this point.
436 pub fn with_key(mut self, key: PKey<Private>) -> Self {
437 self.key = Some(key);
438 self
439 }
441 /// Prepare a HTTP request to create this account.
442 ///
443 /// Changes to the user data made after this will have no effect on the account generated with
444 /// the resulting request.
445 /// Changing the private key between using the request and passing the response to
446 /// [`response`](AccountCreator::response()) will render the account unusable!
447 pub fn request(&self, directory: &Directory, nonce: &str) -> Result<Request, Error> {
448 let key = self.key.as_deref().ok_or(Error::MissingKey)?;
449 let url = directory.new_account_url();
451 let external_account_binding = self
452 .eab_credentials
453 .as_ref()
454 .map(|cred| {
455 ExternalAccountBinding::new(&cred.0, &cred.1, Jwk::try_from(key)?, url.to_string())
456 })
457 .transpose()?;
459 let data = AccountData {
460 orders: None,
461 status: AccountStatus::New,
462 contact: self.contact.clone(),
463 terms_of_service_agreed: if self.terms_of_service_agreed {
464 Some(true)
465 } else {
466 None
467 },
468 external_account_binding,
469 only_return_existing: false,
470 extra: HashMap::new(),
471 };
473 let body = serde_json::to_string(&Jws::new(
474 key,
475 None,
476 url.to_owned(),
477 nonce.to_owned(),
478 &data,
479 )?)?;
481 Ok(Request {
482 url: url.to_owned(),
483 method: "POST",
484 content_type: crate::request::JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
485 body,
486 expected: crate::request::CREATED,
487 })
488 }
490 /// After issuing the request from [`request()`](AccountCreator::request()), the response's
491 /// `Location` header and body must be passed to this for verification and to create an account
492 /// which is to be persisted!
493 pub fn response(self, location_header: String, response_body: &[u8]) -> Result<Account, Error> {
494 let private_key = self
495 .key
496 .ok_or(Error::MissingKey)?
497 .private_key_to_pem_pkcs8()?;
498 let private_key = String::from_utf8(private_key).map_err(|_| {
499 Error::Custom("PEM key contained illegal non-utf-8 characters".to_string())
500 })?;
502 Ok(Account {
503 location: location_header,
504 data: serde_json::from_slice(response_body)
505 .map_err(|err| Error::BadAccountData(err.to_string()))?,
506 private_key,
507 })
508 }
509 }