]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-installer.git/blob - proxmox-installer-common/src/utils.rs
[pve-installer.git] / proxmox-installer-common / src / utils.rs
1 use std::{
2 fmt,
3 net::{AddrParseError, IpAddr},
4 num::ParseIntError,
5 str::FromStr,
6 };
8 use serde::Deserialize;
10 /// Possible errors that might occur when parsing CIDR addresses.
11 #[derive(Debug)]
12 pub enum CidrAddressParseError {
13 /// No delimiter for separating address and mask was found.
14 NoDelimiter,
15 /// The IP address part could not be parsed.
16 InvalidAddr(AddrParseError),
17 /// The mask could not be parsed.
18 InvalidMask(Option<ParseIntError>),
19 }
21 /// An IP address (IPv4 or IPv6), including network mask.
22 ///
23 /// See the [`IpAddr`] type for more information how IP addresses are handled.
24 /// The mask is appropriately enforced to be `0 <= mask <= 32` for IPv4 or
25 /// `0 <= mask <= 128` for IPv6 addresses.
26 ///
27 /// # Examples
28 /// ```
29 /// use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
30 /// use proxmox_installer_common::utils::CidrAddress;
31 /// let ipv4 = CidrAddress::new(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 0, 1), 24).unwrap();
32 /// let ipv6 = CidrAddress::new(Ipv6Addr::new(0x2001, 0xdb8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xc0a8, 1), 32).unwrap();
33 ///
34 /// assert_eq!(ipv4.to_string(), "");
35 /// assert_eq!(ipv6.to_string(), "2001:db8::c0a8:1/32");
36 /// ```
37 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
38 pub struct CidrAddress {
39 addr: IpAddr,
40 mask: usize,
41 }
43 impl CidrAddress {
44 /// Constructs a new CIDR address.
45 ///
46 /// It fails if the mask is invalid for the given IP address.
47 pub fn new<T: Into<IpAddr>>(addr: T, mask: usize) -> Result<Self, CidrAddressParseError> {
48 let addr = addr.into();
50 if mask > mask_limit(&addr) {
51 Err(CidrAddressParseError::InvalidMask(None))
52 } else {
53 Ok(Self { addr, mask })
54 }
55 }
57 /// Returns only the IP address part of the address.
58 pub fn addr(&self) -> IpAddr {
59 self.addr
60 }
62 /// Returns `true` if this address is an IPv4 address, `false` otherwise.
63 pub fn is_ipv4(&self) -> bool {
64 self.addr.is_ipv4()
65 }
67 /// Returns `true` if this address is an IPv6 address, `false` otherwise.
68 pub fn is_ipv6(&self) -> bool {
69 self.addr.is_ipv6()
70 }
72 /// Returns only the mask part of the address.
73 pub fn mask(&self) -> usize {
74 self.mask
75 }
76 }
78 impl FromStr for CidrAddress {
79 type Err = CidrAddressParseError;
81 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
82 let (addr, mask) = s
83 .split_once('/')
84 .ok_or(CidrAddressParseError::NoDelimiter)?;
86 let addr = addr.parse().map_err(CidrAddressParseError::InvalidAddr)?;
88 let mask = mask
89 .parse()
90 .map_err(|err| CidrAddressParseError::InvalidMask(Some(err)))?;
92 if mask > mask_limit(&addr) {
93 Err(CidrAddressParseError::InvalidMask(None))
94 } else {
95 Ok(Self { addr, mask })
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 impl fmt::Display for CidrAddress {
101 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
102 write!(f, "{}/{}", self.addr, self.mask)
103 }
104 }
106 fn mask_limit(addr: &IpAddr) -> usize {
107 if addr.is_ipv4() {
108 32
109 } else {
110 128
111 }
112 }
114 /// Possible errors that might occur when parsing FQDNs.
115 #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
116 pub enum FqdnParseError {
117 MissingHostname,
118 NumericHostname,
119 InvalidPart(String),
120 TooLong(usize),
121 }
123 impl fmt::Display for FqdnParseError {
124 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
125 use FqdnParseError::*;
126 match self {
127 MissingHostname => write!(f, "missing hostname part"),
128 NumericHostname => write!(f, "hostname cannot be purely numeric"),
129 InvalidPart(part) => write!(
130 f,
131 "FQDN must only consist of alphanumeric characters and dashes. Invalid part: '{part}'",
132 ),
133 TooLong(len) => write!(f, "FQDN too long: {len} > {}", Fqdn::MAX_LENGTH),
134 }
135 }
136 }
138 /// A type for safely representing fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs).
139 ///
140 /// It considers following RFCs:
141 /// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc952.txt (sec. "ASSUMPTIONS", 1.)
142 /// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt (sec. 2.3. "Conventions")
143 /// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1123.txt (sec. 2.1. "Host Names and Numbers")
144 /// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3492.txt
145 /// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4343.txt
146 ///
147 /// .. and applies some restriction given by Debian, e.g. 253 instead of 255
148 /// maximum total length and maximum 63 characters per label.
149 /// https://manpages.debian.org/stable/manpages/hostname.7.en.html
150 ///
151 /// Additionally:
152 /// - It enforces the restriction as per Bugzilla #1054, in that
153 /// purely numeric hostnames are not allowed - against RFC1123 sec. 2.1.
154 ///
155 /// Some terminology:
156 /// - "label" - a single part of a FQDN, e.g. <label>.<label>.<tld>
157 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq)]
158 pub struct Fqdn {
159 parts: Vec<String>,
160 }
162 impl Fqdn {
163 /// Maximum length of a single label of the FQDN
164 const MAX_LABEL_LENGTH: usize = 63;
165 /// Maximum total length of the FQDN
166 const MAX_LENGTH: usize = 253;
168 pub fn from(fqdn: &str) -> Result<Self, FqdnParseError> {
169 if fqdn.len() > Self::MAX_LENGTH {
170 return Err(FqdnParseError::TooLong(fqdn.len()));
171 }
173 let parts = fqdn
174 .split('.')
175 .map(ToOwned::to_owned)
176 .collect::<Vec<String>>();
178 for part in &parts {
179 if !Self::validate_single(part) {
180 return Err(FqdnParseError::InvalidPart(part.clone()));
181 }
182 }
184 if parts.len() < 2 {
185 Err(FqdnParseError::MissingHostname)
186 } else if parts[0].chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_digit()) {
187 // Do not allow a purely numeric hostname, see:
188 // https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1054
189 Err(FqdnParseError::NumericHostname)
190 } else {
191 Ok(Self { parts })
192 }
193 }
195 pub fn host(&self) -> Option<&str> {
196 self.has_host().then_some(&self.parts[0])
197 }
199 pub fn domain(&self) -> String {
200 let parts = if self.has_host() {
201 &self.parts[1..]
202 } else {
203 &self.parts
204 };
206 parts.join(".")
207 }
209 /// Checks whether the FQDN has a hostname associated with it, i.e. is has more than 1 part.
210 fn has_host(&self) -> bool {
211 self.parts.len() > 1
212 }
214 fn validate_single(s: &String) -> bool {
215 !s.is_empty()
216 && s.len() <= Self::MAX_LABEL_LENGTH
217 // First character must be alphanumeric
218 && s.chars()
219 .next()
220 .map(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric())
221 .unwrap_or_default()
222 // .. last character as well,
223 && s.chars()
224 .last()
225 .map(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric())
226 .unwrap_or_default()
227 // and anything between must be alphanumeric or -
228 && s.chars()
229 .skip(1)
230 .take(s.len().saturating_sub(2))
231 .all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '-')
232 }
233 }
235 impl FromStr for Fqdn {
236 type Err = FqdnParseError;
238 fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
239 Self::from(value)
240 }
241 }
243 impl fmt::Display for Fqdn {
244 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
245 write!(f, "{}", self.parts.join("."))
246 }
247 }
249 impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Fqdn {
250 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
251 where
252 D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
253 {
254 let s: String = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?;
255 s.parse()
256 .map_err(|_| serde::de::Error::custom("invalid FQDN"))
257 }
258 }
260 impl PartialEq for Fqdn {
261 fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
262 // Case-insensitive comparison, as per RFC 952 "ASSUMPTIONS",
263 // RFC 1035 sec. 2.3.3. "Character Case" and RFC 4343 as a whole
264 let a = self
265 .parts
266 .iter()
267 .map(|s| s.to_lowercase())
268 .collect::<Vec<String>>();
270 let b = other
271 .parts
272 .iter()
273 .map(|s| s.to_lowercase())
274 .collect::<Vec<String>>();
276 a == b
277 }
278 }
280 #[cfg(test)]
281 mod tests {
282 use super::*;
284 #[test]
285 fn fqdn_construct() {
286 use FqdnParseError::*;
287 assert!(Fqdn::from("foo.example.com").is_ok());
288 assert!(Fqdn::from("foo-bar.com").is_ok());
289 assert!(Fqdn::from("a-b.com").is_ok());
291 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("foo"), Err(MissingHostname));
293 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("-foo.com"), Err(InvalidPart("-foo".to_owned())));
294 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("foo-.com"), Err(InvalidPart("foo-".to_owned())));
295 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("foo.com-"), Err(InvalidPart("com-".to_owned())));
296 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("-o-.com"), Err(InvalidPart("-o-".to_owned())));
298 // https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1054
299 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("123.com"), Err(NumericHostname));
300 assert!(Fqdn::from("foo123.com").is_ok());
301 assert!(Fqdn::from("123foo.com").is_ok());
303 assert!(Fqdn::from(&format!("{}.com", "a".repeat(63))).is_ok());
304 assert_eq!(
305 Fqdn::from(&format!("{}.com", "a".repeat(250))),
306 Err(TooLong(254)),
307 );
308 assert_eq!(
309 Fqdn::from(&format!("{}.com", "a".repeat(64))),
310 Err(InvalidPart("a".repeat(64))),
311 );
313 // https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5230
314 assert_eq!(
315 Fqdn::from("123@foo.com"),
316 Err(InvalidPart("123@foo".to_owned()))
317 );
318 }
320 #[test]
321 fn fqdn_parts() {
322 let fqdn = Fqdn::from("pve.example.com").unwrap();
323 assert_eq!(fqdn.host().unwrap(), "pve");
324 assert_eq!(fqdn.domain(), "example.com");
325 assert_eq!(
326 fqdn.parts,
327 &["pve".to_owned(), "example".to_owned(), "com".to_owned()]
328 );
329 }
331 #[test]
332 fn fqdn_display() {
333 assert_eq!(
334 Fqdn::from("foo.example.com").unwrap().to_string(),
335 "foo.example.com"
336 );
337 }
339 #[test]
340 fn fqdn_compare() {
341 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("example.com"), Fqdn::from("ExAmPle.Com"));
342 assert_eq!(Fqdn::from("ExAmPle.Com"), Fqdn::from("example.com"));
343 }
344 }