]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/thir/pattern/const_to_pat.rs
New upstream version 1.66.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_mir_build / src / thir / pattern / const_to_pat.rs
1 use rustc_errors::DelayDm;
2 use rustc_hir as hir;
3 use rustc_index::vec::Idx;
4 use rustc_infer::infer::{InferCtxt, TyCtxtInferExt};
5 use rustc_middle::mir::{self, Field};
6 use rustc_middle::thir::{FieldPat, Pat, PatKind};
7 use rustc_middle::ty::print::with_no_trimmed_paths;
8 use rustc_middle::ty::{self, AdtDef, Ty, TyCtxt};
9 use rustc_session::lint;
10 use rustc_span::Span;
11 use rustc_trait_selection::traits::predicate_for_trait_def;
12 use rustc_trait_selection::traits::query::evaluate_obligation::InferCtxtExt;
13 use rustc_trait_selection::traits::{self, ObligationCause, PredicateObligation};
15 use std::cell::Cell;
17 use super::PatCtxt;
19 impl<'a, 'tcx> PatCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
20 /// Converts an evaluated constant to a pattern (if possible).
21 /// This means aggregate values (like structs and enums) are converted
22 /// to a pattern that matches the value (as if you'd compared via structural equality).
23 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), ret)]
24 pub(super) fn const_to_pat(
25 &self,
26 cv: mir::ConstantKind<'tcx>,
27 id: hir::HirId,
28 span: Span,
29 mir_structural_match_violation: bool,
30 ) -> Box<Pat<'tcx>> {
31 let infcx = self.tcx.infer_ctxt().build();
32 let mut convert = ConstToPat::new(self, id, span, infcx);
33 convert.to_pat(cv, mir_structural_match_violation)
34 }
35 }
37 struct ConstToPat<'tcx> {
38 id: hir::HirId,
39 span: Span,
40 param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
42 // This tracks if we emitted some hard error for a given const value, so that
43 // we will not subsequently issue an irrelevant lint for the same const
44 // value.
45 saw_const_match_error: Cell<bool>,
47 // This tracks if we emitted some diagnostic for a given const value, so that
48 // we will not subsequently issue an irrelevant lint for the same const
49 // value.
50 saw_const_match_lint: Cell<bool>,
52 // For backcompat we need to keep allowing non-structurally-eq types behind references.
53 // See also all the `cant-hide-behind` tests.
54 behind_reference: Cell<bool>,
56 // inference context used for checking `T: Structural` bounds.
57 infcx: InferCtxt<'tcx>,
59 include_lint_checks: bool,
61 treat_byte_string_as_slice: bool,
62 }
64 mod fallback_to_const_ref {
65 #[derive(Debug)]
66 /// This error type signals that we encountered a non-struct-eq situation behind a reference.
67 /// We bubble this up in order to get back to the reference destructuring and make that emit
68 /// a const pattern instead of a deref pattern. This allows us to simply call `PartialEq::eq`
69 /// on such patterns (since that function takes a reference) and not have to jump through any
70 /// hoops to get a reference to the value.
71 pub(super) struct FallbackToConstRef(());
73 pub(super) fn fallback_to_const_ref<'tcx>(c2p: &super::ConstToPat<'tcx>) -> FallbackToConstRef {
74 assert!(c2p.behind_reference.get());
75 FallbackToConstRef(())
76 }
77 }
78 use fallback_to_const_ref::{fallback_to_const_ref, FallbackToConstRef};
80 impl<'tcx> ConstToPat<'tcx> {
81 fn new(
82 pat_ctxt: &PatCtxt<'_, 'tcx>,
83 id: hir::HirId,
84 span: Span,
85 infcx: InferCtxt<'tcx>,
86 ) -> Self {
87 trace!(?pat_ctxt.typeck_results.hir_owner);
88 ConstToPat {
89 id,
90 span,
91 infcx,
92 param_env: pat_ctxt.param_env,
93 include_lint_checks: pat_ctxt.include_lint_checks,
94 saw_const_match_error: Cell::new(false),
95 saw_const_match_lint: Cell::new(false),
96 behind_reference: Cell::new(false),
97 treat_byte_string_as_slice: pat_ctxt
98 .typeck_results
99 .treat_byte_string_as_slice
100 .contains(&id.local_id),
101 }
102 }
104 fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
105 self.infcx.tcx
106 }
108 fn adt_derive_msg(&self, adt_def: AdtDef<'tcx>) -> String {
109 let path = self.tcx().def_path_str(adt_def.did());
110 format!(
111 "to use a constant of type `{}` in a pattern, \
112 `{}` must be annotated with `#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]`",
113 path, path,
114 )
115 }
117 fn search_for_structural_match_violation(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<String> {
118 traits::search_for_structural_match_violation(self.span, self.tcx(), ty).map(|non_sm_ty| {
119 with_no_trimmed_paths!(match non_sm_ty.kind() {
120 ty::Adt(adt, _) => self.adt_derive_msg(*adt),
121 ty::Dynamic(..) => {
122 "trait objects cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
123 }
124 ty::Opaque(..) => {
125 "opaque types cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
126 }
127 ty::Closure(..) => {
128 "closures cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
129 }
130 ty::Generator(..) | ty::GeneratorWitness(..) => {
131 "generators cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
132 }
133 ty::Float(..) => {
134 "floating-point numbers cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
135 }
136 ty::FnPtr(..) => {
137 "function pointers cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
138 }
139 ty::RawPtr(..) => {
140 "raw pointers cannot be used in patterns".to_string()
141 }
142 _ => {
143 bug!("use of a value of `{non_sm_ty}` inside a pattern")
144 }
145 })
146 })
147 }
149 fn type_marked_structural(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
150 ty.is_structural_eq_shallow(self.infcx.tcx)
151 }
153 fn to_pat(
154 &mut self,
155 cv: mir::ConstantKind<'tcx>,
156 mir_structural_match_violation: bool,
157 ) -> Box<Pat<'tcx>> {
158 trace!(self.treat_byte_string_as_slice);
159 // This method is just a wrapper handling a validity check; the heavy lifting is
160 // performed by the recursive `recur` method, which is not meant to be
161 // invoked except by this method.
162 //
163 // once indirect_structural_match is a full fledged error, this
164 // level of indirection can be eliminated
166 let inlined_const_as_pat =
167 self.recur(cv, mir_structural_match_violation).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
168 Box::new(Pat {
169 span: self.span,
170 ty: cv.ty(),
171 kind: PatKind::Constant { value: cv },
172 })
173 });
175 if self.include_lint_checks && !self.saw_const_match_error.get() {
176 // If we were able to successfully convert the const to some pat,
177 // double-check that all types in the const implement `Structural`.
179 let structural = self.search_for_structural_match_violation(cv.ty());
180 debug!(
181 "search_for_structural_match_violation cv.ty: {:?} returned: {:?}",
182 cv.ty(),
183 structural
184 );
186 // This can occur because const qualification treats all associated constants as
187 // opaque, whereas `search_for_structural_match_violation` tries to monomorphize them
188 // before it runs.
189 //
190 // FIXME(#73448): Find a way to bring const qualification into parity with
191 // `search_for_structural_match_violation`.
192 if structural.is_none() && mir_structural_match_violation {
193 warn!("MIR const-checker found novel structural match violation. See #73448.");
194 return inlined_const_as_pat;
195 }
197 if let Some(msg) = structural {
198 if !self.type_may_have_partial_eq_impl(cv.ty()) {
199 // span_fatal avoids ICE from resolution of non-existent method (rare case).
200 self.tcx().sess.span_fatal(self.span, &msg);
201 } else if mir_structural_match_violation && !self.saw_const_match_lint.get() {
202 self.tcx().struct_span_lint_hir(
204 self.id,
205 self.span,
206 msg,
207 |lint| lint,
208 );
209 } else {
210 debug!(
211 "`search_for_structural_match_violation` found one, but `CustomEq` was \
212 not in the qualifs for that `const`"
213 );
214 }
215 }
216 }
218 inlined_const_as_pat
219 }
221 fn type_may_have_partial_eq_impl(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
222 // double-check there even *is* a semantic `PartialEq` to dispatch to.
223 //
224 // (If there isn't, then we can safely issue a hard
225 // error, because that's never worked, due to compiler
226 // using `PartialEq::eq` in this scenario in the past.)
227 let partial_eq_trait_id =
228 self.tcx().require_lang_item(hir::LangItem::PartialEq, Some(self.span));
229 let obligation: PredicateObligation<'_> = predicate_for_trait_def(
230 self.tcx(),
231 self.param_env,
232 ObligationCause::misc(self.span, self.id),
233 partial_eq_trait_id,
234 0,
235 ty,
236 &[],
237 );
238 // FIXME: should this call a `predicate_must_hold` variant instead?
240 let has_impl = self.infcx.predicate_may_hold(&obligation);
242 // Note: To fix rust-lang/rust#65466, we could just remove this type
243 // walk hack for function pointers, and unconditionally error
244 // if `PartialEq` is not implemented. However, that breaks stable
245 // code at the moment, because types like `for <'a> fn(&'a ())` do
246 // not *yet* implement `PartialEq`. So for now we leave this here.
247 has_impl
248 || ty.walk().any(|t| match t.unpack() {
249 ty::subst::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) => false,
250 ty::subst::GenericArgKind::Type(t) => t.is_fn_ptr(),
251 ty::subst::GenericArgKind::Const(_) => false,
252 })
253 }
255 fn field_pats(
256 &self,
257 vals: impl Iterator<Item = mir::ConstantKind<'tcx>>,
258 ) -> Result<Vec<FieldPat<'tcx>>, FallbackToConstRef> {
259 vals.enumerate()
260 .map(|(idx, val)| {
261 let field = Field::new(idx);
262 Ok(FieldPat { field, pattern: self.recur(val, false)? })
263 })
264 .collect()
265 }
267 // Recursive helper for `to_pat`; invoke that (instead of calling this directly).
268 #[instrument(skip(self), level = "debug")]
269 fn recur(
270 &self,
271 cv: mir::ConstantKind<'tcx>,
272 mir_structural_match_violation: bool,
273 ) -> Result<Box<Pat<'tcx>>, FallbackToConstRef> {
274 let id = self.id;
275 let span = self.span;
276 let tcx = self.tcx();
277 let param_env = self.param_env;
279 let kind = match cv.ty().kind() {
280 ty::Float(_) => {
281 if self.include_lint_checks {
282 tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(
284 id,
285 span,
286 "floating-point types cannot be used in patterns",
287 |lint| lint,
288 );
289 }
290 PatKind::Constant { value: cv }
291 }
292 ty::Adt(adt_def, _) if adt_def.is_union() => {
293 // Matching on union fields is unsafe, we can't hide it in constants
294 self.saw_const_match_error.set(true);
295 let msg = "cannot use unions in constant patterns";
296 if self.include_lint_checks {
297 tcx.sess.span_err(span, msg);
298 } else {
299 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, msg);
300 }
301 PatKind::Wild
302 }
303 ty::Adt(..)
304 if !self.type_may_have_partial_eq_impl(cv.ty())
305 // FIXME(#73448): Find a way to bring const qualification into parity with
306 // `search_for_structural_match_violation` and then remove this condition.
307 && self.search_for_structural_match_violation(cv.ty()).is_some() =>
308 {
309 // Obtain the actual type that isn't annotated. If we just looked at `cv.ty` we
310 // could get `Option<NonStructEq>`, even though `Option` is annotated with derive.
311 let msg = self.search_for_structural_match_violation(cv.ty()).unwrap();
312 self.saw_const_match_error.set(true);
313 if self.include_lint_checks {
314 tcx.sess.span_err(self.span, &msg);
315 } else {
316 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(self.span, &msg);
317 }
318 PatKind::Wild
319 }
320 // If the type is not structurally comparable, just emit the constant directly,
321 // causing the pattern match code to treat it opaquely.
322 // FIXME: This code doesn't emit errors itself, the caller emits the errors.
323 // So instead of specific errors, you just get blanket errors about the whole
324 // const type. See
325 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/70743#discussion_r404701963 for
326 // details.
327 // Backwards compatibility hack because we can't cause hard errors on these
328 // types, so we compare them via `PartialEq::eq` at runtime.
329 ty::Adt(..) if !self.type_marked_structural(cv.ty()) && self.behind_reference.get() => {
330 if self.include_lint_checks
331 && !self.saw_const_match_error.get()
332 && !self.saw_const_match_lint.get()
333 {
334 self.saw_const_match_lint.set(true);
335 tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(
337 id,
338 span,
339 DelayDm(|| {
340 format!(
341 "to use a constant of type `{}` in a pattern, \
342 `{}` must be annotated with `#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]`",
343 cv.ty(),
344 cv.ty(),
345 )
346 }),
347 |lint| lint,
348 );
349 }
350 // Since we are behind a reference, we can just bubble the error up so we get a
351 // constant at reference type, making it easy to let the fallback call
352 // `PartialEq::eq` on it.
353 return Err(fallback_to_const_ref(self));
354 }
355 ty::Adt(adt_def, _) if !self.type_marked_structural(cv.ty()) => {
356 debug!(
357 "adt_def {:?} has !type_marked_structural for cv.ty: {:?}",
358 adt_def,
359 cv.ty()
360 );
361 let path = tcx.def_path_str(adt_def.did());
362 let msg = format!(
363 "to use a constant of type `{}` in a pattern, \
364 `{}` must be annotated with `#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]`",
365 path, path,
366 );
367 self.saw_const_match_error.set(true);
368 if self.include_lint_checks {
369 tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
370 } else {
371 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, &msg);
372 }
373 PatKind::Wild
374 }
375 ty::Adt(adt_def, substs) if adt_def.is_enum() => {
376 let destructured = tcx.destructure_mir_constant(param_env, cv);
378 PatKind::Variant {
379 adt_def: *adt_def,
380 substs,
381 variant_index: destructured
382 .variant
383 .expect("destructed const of adt without variant id"),
384 subpatterns: self.field_pats(destructured.fields.iter().copied())?,
385 }
386 }
387 ty::Tuple(_) | ty::Adt(_, _) => {
388 let destructured = tcx.destructure_mir_constant(param_env, cv);
389 PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns: self.field_pats(destructured.fields.iter().copied())? }
390 }
391 ty::Array(..) => PatKind::Array {
392 prefix: tcx
393 .destructure_mir_constant(param_env, cv)
394 .fields
395 .iter()
396 .map(|val| self.recur(*val, false))
397 .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
398 slice: None,
399 suffix: Box::new([]),
400 },
401 ty::Ref(_, pointee_ty, ..) => match *pointee_ty.kind() {
402 // These are not allowed and will error elsewhere anyway.
403 ty::Dynamic(..) => {
404 self.saw_const_match_error.set(true);
405 let msg = format!("`{}` cannot be used in patterns", cv.ty());
406 if self.include_lint_checks {
407 tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
408 } else {
409 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, &msg);
410 }
411 PatKind::Wild
412 }
413 // `&str` is represented as `ConstValue::Slice`, let's keep using this
414 // optimization for now.
415 ty::Str => PatKind::Constant { value: cv },
416 // `b"foo"` produces a `&[u8; 3]`, but you can't use constants of array type when
417 // matching against references, you can only use byte string literals.
418 // The typechecker has a special case for byte string literals, by treating them
419 // as slices. This means we turn `&[T; N]` constants into slice patterns, which
420 // has no negative effects on pattern matching, even if we're actually matching on
421 // arrays.
422 ty::Array(..) if !self.treat_byte_string_as_slice => {
423 let old = self.behind_reference.replace(true);
424 let array = tcx.deref_mir_constant(self.param_env.and(cv));
425 let val = PatKind::Deref {
426 subpattern: Box::new(Pat {
427 kind: PatKind::Array {
428 prefix: tcx
429 .destructure_mir_constant(param_env, array)
430 .fields
431 .iter()
432 .map(|val| self.recur(*val, false))
433 .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
434 slice: None,
435 suffix: Box::new([]),
436 },
437 span,
438 ty: *pointee_ty,
439 }),
440 };
441 self.behind_reference.set(old);
442 val
443 }
444 ty::Array(elem_ty, _) |
445 // Cannot merge this with the catch all branch below, because the `const_deref`
446 // changes the type from slice to array, we need to keep the original type in the
447 // pattern.
448 ty::Slice(elem_ty) => {
449 let old = self.behind_reference.replace(true);
450 let array = tcx.deref_mir_constant(self.param_env.and(cv));
451 let val = PatKind::Deref {
452 subpattern: Box::new(Pat {
453 kind: PatKind::Slice {
454 prefix: tcx
455 .destructure_mir_constant(param_env, array)
456 .fields
457 .iter()
458 .map(|val| self.recur(*val, false))
459 .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
460 slice: None,
461 suffix: Box::new([]),
462 },
463 span,
464 ty: tcx.mk_slice(elem_ty),
465 }),
466 };
467 self.behind_reference.set(old);
468 val
469 }
470 // Backwards compatibility hack: support references to non-structural types.
471 // We'll lower
472 // this pattern to a `PartialEq::eq` comparison and `PartialEq::eq` takes a
473 // reference. This makes the rest of the matching logic simpler as it doesn't have
474 // to figure out how to get a reference again.
475 ty::Adt(adt_def, _) if !self.type_marked_structural(*pointee_ty) => {
476 if self.behind_reference.get() {
477 if self.include_lint_checks
478 && !self.saw_const_match_error.get()
479 && !self.saw_const_match_lint.get()
480 {
481 self.saw_const_match_lint.set(true);
482 let msg = self.adt_derive_msg(adt_def);
483 self.tcx().struct_span_lint_hir(
485 self.id,
486 self.span,
487 msg,
488 |lint| lint,
489 );
490 }
491 PatKind::Constant { value: cv }
492 } else {
493 if !self.saw_const_match_error.get() {
494 self.saw_const_match_error.set(true);
495 let msg = self.adt_derive_msg(adt_def);
496 if self.include_lint_checks {
497 tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
498 } else {
499 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, &msg);
500 }
501 }
502 PatKind::Wild
503 }
504 }
505 // All other references are converted into deref patterns and then recursively
506 // convert the dereferenced constant to a pattern that is the sub-pattern of the
507 // deref pattern.
508 _ => {
509 if !pointee_ty.is_sized(tcx, param_env) {
510 // `tcx.deref_mir_constant()` below will ICE with an unsized type
511 // (except slices, which are handled in a separate arm above).
512 let msg = format!("cannot use unsized non-slice type `{}` in constant patterns", pointee_ty);
513 if self.include_lint_checks {
514 tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
515 } else {
516 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, &msg);
517 }
518 PatKind::Wild
519 } else {
520 let old = self.behind_reference.replace(true);
521 // In case there are structural-match violations somewhere in this subpattern,
522 // we fall back to a const pattern. If we do not do this, we may end up with
523 // a !structural-match constant that is not of reference type, which makes it
524 // very hard to invoke `PartialEq::eq` on it as a fallback.
525 let val = match self.recur(tcx.deref_mir_constant(self.param_env.and(cv)), false) {
526 Ok(subpattern) => PatKind::Deref { subpattern },
527 Err(_) => PatKind::Constant { value: cv },
528 };
529 self.behind_reference.set(old);
530 val
531 }
532 }
533 },
534 ty::Bool | ty::Char | ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::FnDef(..) => {
535 PatKind::Constant { value: cv }
536 }
537 ty::RawPtr(pointee) if pointee.ty.is_sized(tcx, param_env) => {
538 PatKind::Constant { value: cv }
539 }
540 // FIXME: these can have very surprising behaviour where optimization levels or other
541 // compilation choices change the runtime behaviour of the match.
542 // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/70861 for examples.
543 ty::FnPtr(..) | ty::RawPtr(..) => {
544 if self.include_lint_checks
545 && !self.saw_const_match_error.get()
546 && !self.saw_const_match_lint.get()
547 {
548 self.saw_const_match_lint.set(true);
549 let msg = "function pointers and unsized pointers in patterns behave \
550 unpredictably and should not be relied upon. \
551 See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/70861 for details.";
552 tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(
553 lint::builtin::POINTER_STRUCTURAL_MATCH,
554 id,
555 span,
556 msg,
557 |lint| lint,
558 );
559 }
560 PatKind::Constant { value: cv }
561 }
562 _ => {
563 self.saw_const_match_error.set(true);
564 let msg = format!("`{}` cannot be used in patterns", cv.ty());
565 if self.include_lint_checks {
566 tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
567 } else {
568 tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(span, &msg);
569 }
570 PatKind::Wild
571 }
572 };
574 if self.include_lint_checks
575 && !self.saw_const_match_error.get()
576 && !self.saw_const_match_lint.get()
577 && mir_structural_match_violation
578 // FIXME(#73448): Find a way to bring const qualification into parity with
579 // `search_for_structural_match_violation` and then remove this condition.
580 && self.search_for_structural_match_violation(cv.ty()).is_some()
581 {
582 self.saw_const_match_lint.set(true);
583 // Obtain the actual type that isn't annotated. If we just looked at `cv.ty` we
584 // could get `Option<NonStructEq>`, even though `Option` is annotated with derive.
585 let msg = self.search_for_structural_match_violation(cv.ty()).unwrap().replace(
586 "in a pattern,",
587 "in a pattern, the constant's initializer must be trivial or",
588 );
589 tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(
591 id,
592 span,
593 msg,
594 |lint| lint,
595 );
596 }
598 Ok(Box::new(Pat { span, ty: cv.ty(), kind }))
599 }
600 }