]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/setup.rs
New upstream version 1.69.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / setup.rs
1 use crate::builder::{Builder, RunConfig, ShouldRun, Step};
2 use crate::Config;
3 use crate::{t, VERSION};
4 use sha2::Digest;
5 use std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX;
6 use std::fmt::Write as _;
7 use std::fs::File;
8 use std::io::Write;
9 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, MAIN_SEPARATOR};
10 use std::process::Command;
11 use std::str::FromStr;
12 use std::{fmt, fs, io};
14 #[cfg(test)]
15 mod tests;
17 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
18 pub enum Profile {
19 Compiler,
20 Codegen,
21 Library,
22 Tools,
23 User,
24 None,
25 }
27 /// A list of historical hashes of `src/etc/vscode_settings.json`.
28 /// New entries should be appended whenever this is updated so we can detect
29 /// outdated vs. user-modified settings files.
30 static SETTINGS_HASHES: &[&str] = &[
31 "ea67e259dedf60d4429b6c349a564ffcd1563cf41c920a856d1f5b16b4701ac8",
32 "56e7bf011c71c5d81e0bf42e84938111847a810eee69d906bba494ea90b51922",
33 "af1b5efe196aed007577899db9dae15d6dbc923d6fa42fa0934e68617ba9bbe0",
34 ];
35 static VSCODE_SETTINGS: &str = include_str!("../etc/vscode_settings.json");
37 impl Profile {
38 fn include_path(&self, src_path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
39 PathBuf::from(format!("{}/src/bootstrap/defaults/config.{}.toml", src_path.display(), self))
40 }
42 pub fn all() -> impl Iterator<Item = Self> {
43 use Profile::*;
44 // N.B. these are ordered by how they are displayed, not alphabetically
45 [Library, Compiler, Codegen, Tools, User, None].iter().copied()
46 }
48 pub fn purpose(&self) -> String {
49 use Profile::*;
50 match self {
51 Library => "Contribute to the standard library",
52 Compiler => "Contribute to the compiler itself",
53 Codegen => "Contribute to the compiler, and also modify LLVM or codegen",
54 Tools => "Contribute to tools which depend on the compiler, but do not modify it directly (e.g. rustdoc, clippy, miri)",
55 User => "Install Rust from source",
56 None => "Do not modify `config.toml`"
57 }
58 .to_string()
59 }
61 pub fn all_for_help(indent: &str) -> String {
62 let mut out = String::new();
63 for choice in Profile::all() {
64 writeln!(&mut out, "{}{}: {}", indent, choice, choice.purpose()).unwrap();
65 }
66 out
67 }
69 pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
70 match self {
71 Profile::Compiler => "compiler",
72 Profile::Codegen => "codegen",
73 Profile::Library => "library",
74 Profile::Tools => "tools",
75 Profile::User => "user",
76 Profile::None => "none",
77 }
78 }
79 }
81 impl FromStr for Profile {
82 type Err = String;
84 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
85 match s {
86 "lib" | "library" => Ok(Profile::Library),
87 "compiler" => Ok(Profile::Compiler),
88 "llvm" | "codegen" => Ok(Profile::Codegen),
89 "maintainer" | "user" => Ok(Profile::User),
90 "tools" | "tool" | "rustdoc" | "clippy" | "miri" | "rustfmt" | "rls" => {
91 Ok(Profile::Tools)
92 }
93 "none" => Ok(Profile::None),
94 _ => Err(format!("unknown profile: '{}'", s)),
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 impl fmt::Display for Profile {
100 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
101 f.write_str(self.as_str())
102 }
103 }
105 impl Step for Profile {
106 type Output = ();
107 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
109 fn should_run(mut run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
110 for choice in Profile::all() {
111 run = run.alias(choice.as_str());
112 }
113 run
114 }
116 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
117 if run.builder.config.dry_run() {
118 return;
119 }
121 // for Profile, `run.paths` will have 1 and only 1 element
122 // this is because we only accept at most 1 path from user input.
123 // If user calls `x.py setup` without arguments, the interactive TUI
124 // will guide user to provide one.
125 let profile = if run.paths.len() > 1 {
126 // HACK: `builder` runs this step with all paths if no path was passed.
127 t!(interactive_path())
128 } else {
129 run.paths
130 .first()
131 .unwrap()
132 .assert_single_path()
133 .path
134 .as_path()
135 .as_os_str()
136 .to_str()
137 .unwrap()
138 .parse()
139 .unwrap()
140 };
142 run.builder.ensure(profile);
143 }
145 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
146 setup(&builder.build.config, self)
147 }
148 }
150 pub fn setup(config: &Config, profile: Profile) {
151 let suggestions: &[&str] = match profile {
152 Profile::Codegen | Profile::Compiler | Profile::None => &["check", "build", "test"],
153 Profile::Tools => &[
154 "check",
155 "build",
156 "test tests/rustdoc*",
157 "test src/tools/clippy",
158 "test src/tools/miri",
159 "test src/tools/rustfmt",
160 ],
161 Profile::Library => &["check", "build", "test library/std", "doc"],
162 Profile::User => &["dist", "build"],
163 };
165 println!();
167 println!("To get started, try one of the following commands:");
168 for cmd in suggestions {
169 println!("- `x.py {}`", cmd);
170 }
172 if profile != Profile::User {
173 println!(
174 "For more suggestions, see https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/building/suggested.html"
175 );
176 }
178 let path = &config.config.clone().unwrap_or(PathBuf::from("config.toml"));
179 setup_config_toml(path, profile, config);
180 }
182 fn setup_config_toml(path: &PathBuf, profile: Profile, config: &Config) {
183 if profile == Profile::None {
184 return;
185 }
186 if path.exists() {
187 eprintln!();
188 eprintln!(
189 "error: you asked `x.py` to setup a new config file, but one already exists at `{}`",
190 path.display()
191 );
192 eprintln!("help: try adding `profile = \"{}\"` at the top of {}", profile, path.display());
193 eprintln!(
194 "note: this will use the configuration in {}",
195 profile.include_path(&config.src).display()
196 );
197 crate::detail_exit(1);
198 }
200 let settings = format!(
201 "# Includes one of the default files in src/bootstrap/defaults\n\
202 profile = \"{}\"\n\
203 changelog-seen = {}\n",
204 profile, VERSION
205 );
207 t!(fs::write(path, settings));
209 let include_path = profile.include_path(&config.src);
210 println!("`x.py` will now use the configuration at {}", include_path.display());
211 }
213 /// Creates a toolchain link for stage1 using `rustup`
214 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
215 pub struct Link;
216 impl Step for Link {
217 type Output = ();
218 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
219 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
220 run.alias("link")
221 }
222 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
223 if run.builder.config.dry_run() {
224 return;
225 }
226 if let [cmd] = &run.paths[..] {
227 if cmd.assert_single_path().path.as_path().as_os_str() == "link" {
228 run.builder.ensure(Link);
229 }
230 }
231 }
232 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Self::Output {
233 let config = &builder.config;
234 if config.dry_run() {
235 return;
236 }
237 let stage_path =
238 ["build", config.build.rustc_target_arg(), "stage1"].join(&MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string());
240 if !rustup_installed() {
241 eprintln!("`rustup` is not installed; cannot link `stage1` toolchain");
242 } else if stage_dir_exists(&stage_path[..]) && !config.dry_run() {
243 attempt_toolchain_link(&stage_path[..]);
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 fn rustup_installed() -> bool {
249 Command::new("rustup")
250 .arg("--version")
251 .stdout(std::process::Stdio::null())
252 .output()
253 .map_or(false, |output| output.status.success())
254 }
256 fn stage_dir_exists(stage_path: &str) -> bool {
257 match fs::create_dir(&stage_path) {
258 Ok(_) => true,
259 Err(_) => Path::new(&stage_path).exists(),
260 }
261 }
263 fn attempt_toolchain_link(stage_path: &str) {
264 if toolchain_is_linked() {
265 return;
266 }
268 if !ensure_stage1_toolchain_placeholder_exists(stage_path) {
269 eprintln!(
270 "Failed to create a template for stage 1 toolchain or confirm that it already exists"
271 );
272 return;
273 }
275 if try_link_toolchain(&stage_path) {
276 println!(
277 "Added `stage1` rustup toolchain; try `cargo +stage1 build` on a separate rust project to run a newly-built toolchain"
278 );
279 } else {
280 eprintln!("`rustup` failed to link stage 1 build to `stage1` toolchain");
281 eprintln!(
282 "To manually link stage 1 build to `stage1` toolchain, run:\n
283 `rustup toolchain link stage1 {}`",
284 &stage_path
285 );
286 }
287 }
289 fn toolchain_is_linked() -> bool {
290 match Command::new("rustup")
291 .args(&["toolchain", "list"])
292 .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped())
293 .output()
294 {
295 Ok(toolchain_list) => {
296 if !String::from_utf8_lossy(&toolchain_list.stdout).contains("stage1") {
297 return false;
298 }
299 // The toolchain has already been linked.
300 println!(
301 "`stage1` toolchain already linked; not attempting to link `stage1` toolchain"
302 );
303 }
304 Err(_) => {
305 // In this case, we don't know if the `stage1` toolchain has been linked;
306 // but `rustup` failed, so let's not go any further.
307 println!(
308 "`rustup` failed to list current toolchains; not attempting to link `stage1` toolchain"
309 );
310 }
311 }
312 true
313 }
315 fn try_link_toolchain(stage_path: &str) -> bool {
316 Command::new("rustup")
317 .stdout(std::process::Stdio::null())
318 .args(&["toolchain", "link", "stage1", &stage_path])
319 .output()
320 .map_or(false, |output| output.status.success())
321 }
323 fn ensure_stage1_toolchain_placeholder_exists(stage_path: &str) -> bool {
324 let pathbuf = PathBuf::from(stage_path);
326 if fs::create_dir_all(pathbuf.join("lib")).is_err() {
327 return false;
328 };
330 let pathbuf = pathbuf.join("bin");
331 if fs::create_dir_all(&pathbuf).is_err() {
332 return false;
333 };
335 let pathbuf = pathbuf.join(format!("rustc{}", EXE_SUFFIX));
337 if pathbuf.exists() {
338 return true;
339 }
341 // Take care not to overwrite the file
342 let result = File::options().append(true).create(true).open(&pathbuf);
343 if result.is_err() {
344 return false;
345 }
347 return true;
348 }
350 // Used to get the path for `Subcommand::Setup`
351 pub fn interactive_path() -> io::Result<Profile> {
352 fn abbrev_all() -> impl Iterator<Item = ((String, String), Profile)> {
353 ('a'..)
354 .zip(1..)
355 .map(|(letter, number)| (letter.to_string(), number.to_string()))
356 .zip(Profile::all())
357 }
359 fn parse_with_abbrev(input: &str) -> Result<Profile, String> {
360 let input = input.trim().to_lowercase();
361 for ((letter, number), profile) in abbrev_all() {
362 if input == letter || input == number {
363 return Ok(profile);
364 }
365 }
366 input.parse()
367 }
369 println!("Welcome to the Rust project! What do you want to do with x.py?");
370 for ((letter, _), profile) in abbrev_all() {
371 println!("{}) {}: {}", letter, profile, profile.purpose());
372 }
373 let template = loop {
374 print!(
375 "Please choose one ({}): ",
376 abbrev_all().map(|((l, _), _)| l).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("/")
377 );
378 io::stdout().flush()?;
379 let mut input = String::new();
380 io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
381 if input.is_empty() {
382 eprintln!("EOF on stdin, when expecting answer to question. Giving up.");
383 crate::detail_exit(1);
384 }
385 break match parse_with_abbrev(&input) {
386 Ok(profile) => profile,
387 Err(err) => {
388 eprintln!("error: {}", err);
389 eprintln!("note: press Ctrl+C to exit");
390 continue;
391 }
392 };
393 };
394 Ok(template)
395 }
397 #[derive(PartialEq)]
398 enum PromptResult {
399 Yes, // y/Y/yes
400 No, // n/N/no
401 Print, // p/P/print
402 }
404 /// Prompt a user for a answer, looping until they enter an accepted input or nothing
405 fn prompt_user(prompt: &str) -> io::Result<Option<PromptResult>> {
406 let mut input = String::new();
407 loop {
408 print!("{prompt} ");
409 io::stdout().flush()?;
410 input.clear();
411 io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
412 match input.trim().to_lowercase().as_str() {
413 "y" | "yes" => return Ok(Some(PromptResult::Yes)),
414 "n" | "no" => return Ok(Some(PromptResult::No)),
415 "p" | "print" => return Ok(Some(PromptResult::Print)),
416 "" => return Ok(None),
417 _ => {
418 eprintln!("error: unrecognized option '{}'", input.trim());
419 eprintln!("note: press Ctrl+C to exit");
420 }
421 };
422 }
423 }
425 /// Installs `src/etc/pre-push.sh` as a Git hook
426 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
427 pub struct Hook;
429 impl Step for Hook {
430 type Output = ();
431 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
432 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
433 run.alias("hook")
434 }
435 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
436 if run.builder.config.dry_run() {
437 return;
438 }
439 if let [cmd] = &run.paths[..] {
440 if cmd.assert_single_path().path.as_path().as_os_str() == "hook" {
441 run.builder.ensure(Hook);
442 }
443 }
444 }
445 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Self::Output {
446 let config = &builder.config;
447 if config.dry_run() {
448 return;
449 }
450 t!(install_git_hook_maybe(&config));
451 }
452 }
454 // install a git hook to automatically run tidy, if they want
455 fn install_git_hook_maybe(config: &Config) -> io::Result<()> {
456 let git = t!(config.git().args(&["rev-parse", "--git-common-dir"]).output().map(|output| {
457 assert!(output.status.success(), "failed to run `git`");
458 PathBuf::from(t!(String::from_utf8(output.stdout)).trim())
459 }));
460 let dst = git.join("hooks").join("pre-push");
461 if dst.exists() {
462 // The git hook has already been set up, or the user already has a custom hook.
463 return Ok(());
464 }
466 println!(
467 "\nRust's CI will automatically fail if it doesn't pass `tidy`, the internal tool for ensuring code quality.
468 If you'd like, x.py can install a git hook for you that will automatically run `test tidy` before
469 pushing your code to ensure your code is up to par. If you decide later that this behavior is
470 undesirable, simply delete the `pre-push` file from .git/hooks."
471 );
473 if prompt_user("Would you like to install the git hook?: [y/N]")? != Some(PromptResult::Yes) {
474 println!("Ok, skipping installation!");
475 return Ok(());
476 }
477 let src = config.src.join("src").join("etc").join("pre-push.sh");
478 match fs::hard_link(src, &dst) {
479 Err(e) => {
480 eprintln!(
481 "error: could not create hook {}: do you already have the git hook installed?\n{}",
482 dst.display(),
483 e
484 );
485 return Err(e);
486 }
487 Ok(_) => println!("Linked `src/etc/pre-push.sh` to `.git/hooks/pre-push`"),
488 };
489 Ok(())
490 }
492 /// Sets up or displays `src/etc/vscode_settings.json`
493 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
494 pub struct Vscode;
496 impl Step for Vscode {
497 type Output = ();
498 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
499 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
500 run.alias("vscode")
501 }
502 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
503 if run.builder.config.dry_run() {
504 return;
505 }
506 if let [cmd] = &run.paths[..] {
507 if cmd.assert_single_path().path.as_path().as_os_str() == "vscode" {
508 run.builder.ensure(Vscode);
509 }
510 }
511 }
512 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Self::Output {
513 let config = &builder.config;
514 if config.dry_run() {
515 return;
516 }
517 t!(create_vscode_settings_maybe(&config));
518 }
519 }
521 /// Create a `.vscode/settings.json` file for rustc development, or just print it
522 fn create_vscode_settings_maybe(config: &Config) -> io::Result<()> {
523 let (current_hash, historical_hashes) = SETTINGS_HASHES.split_last().unwrap();
524 let vscode_settings = config.src.join(".vscode").join("settings.json");
525 // If None, no settings.json exists
526 // If Some(true), is a previous version of settings.json
527 // If Some(false), is not a previous version (i.e. user modified)
528 // If it's up to date we can just skip this
529 let mut mismatched_settings = None;
530 if let Ok(current) = fs::read_to_string(&vscode_settings) {
531 let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::new();
532 hasher.update(&current);
533 let hash = hex::encode(hasher.finalize().as_slice());
534 if hash == *current_hash {
535 return Ok(());
536 } else if historical_hashes.contains(&hash.as_str()) {
537 mismatched_settings = Some(true);
538 } else {
539 mismatched_settings = Some(false);
540 }
541 }
542 println!(
543 "\nx.py can automatically install the recommended `.vscode/settings.json` file for rustc development"
544 );
545 match mismatched_settings {
546 Some(true) => eprintln!(
547 "warning: existing `.vscode/settings.json` is out of date, x.py will update it"
548 ),
549 Some(false) => eprintln!(
550 "warning: existing `.vscode/settings.json` has been modified by user, x.py will back it up and replace it"
551 ),
552 _ => (),
553 }
554 let should_create = match prompt_user(
555 "Would you like to create/update `settings.json`, or only print suggested settings?: [y/p/N]",
556 )? {
557 Some(PromptResult::Yes) => true,
558 Some(PromptResult::Print) => false,
559 _ => {
560 println!("Ok, skipping settings!");
561 return Ok(());
562 }
563 };
564 if should_create {
565 let path = config.src.join(".vscode");
566 if !path.exists() {
567 fs::create_dir(&path)?;
568 }
569 let verb = match mismatched_settings {
570 // exists but outdated, we can replace this
571 Some(true) => "Updated",
572 // exists but user modified, back it up
573 Some(false) => {
574 // exists and is not current version or outdated, so back it up
575 let mut backup = vscode_settings.clone();
576 backup.set_extension("bak");
577 eprintln!("warning: copying `settings.json` to `settings.json.bak`");
578 fs::copy(&vscode_settings, &backup)?;
579 "Updated"
580 }
581 _ => "Created",
582 };
583 fs::write(&vscode_settings, &VSCODE_SETTINGS)?;
584 println!("{verb} `.vscode/settings.json`");
585 } else {
586 println!("\n{VSCODE_SETTINGS}");
587 }
588 Ok(())
589 }