]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/test/ui/asm/x86_64/sym.rs
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[rustc.git] / src / test / ui / asm / x86_64 / sym.rs
1 // only-x86_64
2 // only-linux
3 // needs-asm-support
4 // run-pass
6 #![feature(thread_local)]
8 use std::arch::asm;
10 extern "C" fn f1() -> i32 {
11 111
12 }
14 // The compiler will generate a shim to hide the caller location parameter.
15 #[track_caller]
16 fn f2() -> i32 {
17 222
18 }
20 macro_rules! call {
21 ($func:path) => {
22 unsafe {
23 let result: i32;
24 asm!("call {}", sym $func,
25 out("rax") result,
26 out("rcx") _, out("rdx") _, out("rdi") _, out("rsi") _,
27 out("r8") _, out("r9") _, out("r10") _, out("r11") _,
28 out("xmm0") _, out("xmm1") _, out("xmm2") _, out("xmm3") _,
29 out("xmm4") _, out("xmm5") _, out("xmm6") _, out("xmm7") _,
30 out("xmm8") _, out("xmm9") _, out("xmm10") _, out("xmm11") _,
31 out("xmm12") _, out("xmm13") _, out("xmm14") _, out("xmm15") _,
32 );
33 result
34 }
35 }
36 }
38 macro_rules! static_addr {
39 ($s:expr) => {
40 unsafe {
41 let result: *const u32;
42 // LEA performs a RIP-relative address calculation and returns the address
43 asm!("lea {}, [rip + {}]", out(reg) result, sym $s);
44 result
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 macro_rules! static_tls_addr {
49 ($s:expr) => {
50 unsafe {
51 let result: *const u32;
52 asm!(
53 "
54 # Load TLS base address
55 mov {out}, qword ptr fs:[0]
56 # Calculate the address of sym in the TLS block. The @tpoff
57 # relocation gives the offset of the symbol from the start
58 # of the TLS block.
59 lea {out}, [{out} + {sym}@tpoff]
60 ",
61 out = out(reg) result,
62 sym = sym $s
63 );
64 result
65 }
66 }
67 }
69 static S1: u32 = 111;
70 #[thread_local]
71 static S2: u32 = 222;
73 fn main() {
74 assert_eq!(call!(f1), 111);
75 assert_eq!(call!(f2), 222);
76 assert_eq!(static_addr!(S1), &S1 as *const u32);
77 assert_eq!(static_tls_addr!(S2), &S2 as *const u32);
78 std::thread::spawn(|| {
79 assert_eq!(static_addr!(S1), &S1 as *const u32);
80 assert_eq!(static_tls_addr!(S2), &S2 as *const u32);
81 })
82 .join()
83 .unwrap();
84 }