]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/zerovec/benches/vzv.rs
New upstream version 1.69.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / zerovec / benches / vzv.rs
1 // This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
2 // called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
3 // (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
5 use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
6 use rand::SeedableRng;
7 use rand_distr::{Alphanumeric, Distribution, Uniform};
8 use rand_pcg::Lcg64Xsh32;
9 use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
11 use zerovec::VarZeroVec;
13 #[repr(align(8))]
14 #[derive(Default)]
15 struct AlignedBuffer(Vec<u8>);
17 /// Generates an array of random alphanumeric strings.
18 ///
19 /// - length = range of lengths for the strings (chosen uniformly at random)
20 /// - count = number of strings to generate
21 /// - seed = seed for the PRNG
22 ///
23 /// Returns a tuple including the vector and a u64 that can be used to seed the next PRNG.
24 fn random_alphanums(lengths: RangeInclusive<usize>, count: usize, seed: u64) -> (Vec<String>, u64) {
25 // Lcg64Xsh32 is a small, fast PRNG for reproducible benchmarks.
26 let mut rng1 = Lcg64Xsh32::seed_from_u64(seed);
27 let mut rng2 = Lcg64Xsh32::seed_from_u64(rand::Rng::gen(&mut rng1));
28 let alpha_dist = Alphanumeric;
29 let len_dist = Uniform::from(lengths);
30 let string_vec = len_dist
31 .sample_iter(&mut rng1)
32 .take(count)
33 .map(|len| {
34 (&alpha_dist)
35 .sample_iter(&mut rng2)
36 .take(len)
37 .map(char::from)
38 .collect::<String>()
39 })
40 .collect();
41 (string_vec, rand::Rng::gen(&mut rng1))
42 }
44 fn overview_bench(c: &mut Criterion) {
45 // Same as vzv/char_count/vzv but with different inputs
46 let seed = 42;
47 let (string_vec, _) = random_alphanums(2..=10, 100, seed);
48 let bytes: Vec<u8> = VarZeroVec::<str>::from(&string_vec).into_bytes();
49 let vzv = VarZeroVec::<str>::parse_byte_slice(black_box(bytes.as_slice())).unwrap();
51 c.bench_function("vzv/overview", |b| {
52 b.iter(|| {
53 black_box(&vzv)
54 .iter()
55 .fold(0, |sum, string| sum + string.chars().count())
56 });
57 });
59 #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
60 {
61 char_count_benches(c);
62 binary_search_benches(c);
63 vzv_precompute_bench(c);
64 }
66 #[cfg(all(feature = "bench", feature = "serde"))]
67 {
68 serde_benches(c);
69 }
70 }
72 #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
73 fn char_count_benches(c: &mut Criterion) {
74 let seed = 2021;
75 let (string_vec, _) = random_alphanums(2..=20, 100, seed);
76 let bytes: Vec<u8> = VarZeroVec::<str>::from(&string_vec).into_bytes();
77 let vzv = VarZeroVec::<str>::parse_byte_slice(black_box(bytes.as_slice())).unwrap();
79 // *** Count chars in vec of 100 strings ***
80 c.bench_function("vzv/char_count/slice", |b| {
81 b.iter(|| {
82 black_box(&string_vec)
83 .iter()
84 .fold(0, |sum, string| sum + string.chars().count())
85 });
86 });
88 // *** Count chars in vec of 100 strings ***
89 c.bench_function("vzv/char_count/vzv", |b| {
90 b.iter(|| {
91 black_box(&vzv)
92 .iter()
93 .fold(0, |sum, string| sum + string.chars().count())
94 });
95 });
96 }
98 #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
99 fn binary_search_benches(c: &mut Criterion) {
100 let seed = 2021;
101 let (string_vec, seed) = random_alphanums(2..=20, 500, seed);
102 let (needles, _) = random_alphanums(2..=20, 10, seed);
103 let bytes: Vec<u8> = VarZeroVec::<str>::from(&string_vec).into_bytes();
104 let vzv = VarZeroVec::<str>::parse_byte_slice(black_box(bytes.as_slice())).unwrap();
105 let single_needle = "lmnop".to_owned();
107 // *** Binary search vec of 500 strings 10 times ***
108 c.bench_function("vzv/binary_search/slice", |b| {
109 b.iter(|| {
110 black_box(&needles)
111 .iter()
112 .map(|needle| black_box(&string_vec).binary_search(needle))
113 .filter(|r| r.is_ok())
114 .count()
115 });
116 });
118 // *** Binary search vec of 500 strings 10 times ***
119 c.bench_function("vzv/binary_search/vzv", |b| {
120 b.iter(|| {
121 black_box(&needles)
122 .iter()
123 .map(|needle| black_box(&vzv).binary_search(needle))
124 .filter(|r| r.is_ok())
125 .count()
126 });
127 });
129 c.bench_function("vzv/binary_search/single/slice", |b| {
130 b.iter(|| black_box(&string_vec).binary_search(black_box(&single_needle)));
131 });
133 c.bench_function("vzv/binary_search/single/vzv", |b| {
134 b.iter(|| black_box(&vzv).binary_search(black_box(&single_needle)));
135 });
136 }
138 #[cfg(all(feature = "bench", feature = "serde"))]
139 fn serde_benches(c: &mut Criterion) {
140 let seed = 2021;
141 let (string_vec, _) = random_alphanums(2..=20, 100, seed);
142 let bincode_vec = bincode::serialize(&string_vec).unwrap();
143 let vzv: VarZeroVec<str> = VarZeroVec::from(&*string_vec);
144 let bincode_vzv = bincode::serialize(&vzv).unwrap();
146 // *** Deserialize vec of 100 strings ***
147 c.bench_function("vzv/deserialize/string/vec_owned", |b| {
148 b.iter(|| bincode::deserialize::<Vec<String>>(black_box(&bincode_vec)));
149 });
151 // *** Deserialize vec of 100 strings ***
152 c.bench_function("vzv/deserialize/string/vec_borrowed", |b| {
153 b.iter(|| bincode::deserialize::<Vec<&str>>(black_box(&bincode_vec)));
154 });
156 // *** Deserialize vec of 100 strings ***
157 c.bench_function("vzv/deserialize/string/vzv", |b| {
158 b.iter(|| bincode::deserialize::<VarZeroVec<str>>(black_box(&bincode_vzv)));
159 });
160 }
162 #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
163 // Testing differences between operating on slices with precomputed/non-precomputed indexing info
164 fn vzv_precompute_bench(c: &mut Criterion) {
165 let seed = 2021;
166 let (string_vec, seed) = random_alphanums(2..=20, 500, seed);
167 let (needles, _) = random_alphanums(2..=20, 10, seed);
168 let bytes: Vec<u8> = VarZeroVec::<str>::from(&string_vec).into_bytes();
169 let vzv = VarZeroVec::<str>::parse_byte_slice(black_box(bytes.as_slice())).unwrap();
170 let borrowed = vzv.as_components();
171 let slice = vzv.as_slice();
172 let single_needle = "lmnop";
174 c.bench_function("vzv_precompute/get/precomputed", |b| {
175 b.iter(|| black_box(&borrowed).get(100));
176 });
178 c.bench_function("vzv_precompute/get/slice", |b| {
179 b.iter(|| black_box(&slice).get(100));
180 });
182 c.bench_function("vzv_precompute/search/precomputed", |b| {
183 b.iter(|| black_box(&borrowed).binary_search(single_needle));
184 });
186 c.bench_function("vzv_precompute/search/slice", |b| {
187 b.iter(|| black_box(&slice).binary_search(single_needle));
188 });
190 c.bench_function("vzv_precompute/search_multi/precomputed", |b| {
191 b.iter(|| {
192 black_box(&needles)
193 .iter()
194 .map(|needle| black_box(&borrowed).binary_search(needle))
195 .filter(|r| r.is_ok())
196 .count()
197 });
198 });
200 c.bench_function("vzv_precompute/search_multi/slice", |b| {
201 b.iter(|| {
202 black_box(&needles)
203 .iter()
204 .map(|needle| black_box(&slice).binary_search(needle))
205 .filter(|r| r.is_ok())
206 .count()
207 });
208 });
209 }
211 criterion_group!(benches, overview_bench,);
212 criterion_main!(benches);