]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blame - src/src/draw/engine/Svg.js
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / src / draw / engine / Svg.js
2 * @class Ext.draw.engine.Svg
3 * @extends Ext.draw.Surface
4 *
5 * SVG engine.
6 */
7Ext.define('Ext.draw.engine.Svg', {
8 extend: 'Ext.draw.Surface',
9 requires: ['Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext'],
11 statics: {
12 BBoxTextCache: {}
13 },
15 config: {
16 /**
17 * Nothing needs to be done in high precision mode.
18 */
19 highPrecision: false
20 },
22 getElementConfig: function () {
23 return {
24 reference: 'element',
25 style: {
26 position: 'absolute'
27 },
28 children: [
29 {
30 reference: 'innerElement',
31 style: {
32 width: '100%',
33 height: '100%',
34 position: 'relative'
35 },
36 children: [
37 {
38 tag: 'svg',
39 reference: 'svgElement',
40 namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
41 version: 1.1,
42 cls: 'x-surface'
43 }
44 ]
45 }
46 ]
47 };
48 },
50 constructor: function (config) {
51 var me = this;
52 me.callSuper([config]);
53 me.mainGroup = me.createSvgNode("g");
54 me.defElement = me.createSvgNode("defs");
55 // me.svgElement is assigned in element creation of Ext.Component.
56 me.svgElement.appendChild(me.mainGroup);
57 me.svgElement.appendChild(me.defElement);
58 me.ctx = new Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext(me);
59 },
61 /**
62 * Creates a DOM element under the SVG namespace of the given type.
63 * @param {String} type The type of the SVG DOM element.
64 * @return {*} The created element.
65 */
66 createSvgNode: function (type) {
67 var node = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", type);
68 return Ext.get(node);
69 },
71 /**
72 * @private
73 * Returns the SVG DOM element at the given position. If it does not already exist or is a different element tag
74 * it will be created and inserted into the DOM.
75 * @param {Ext.dom.Element} group The parent DOM element.
76 * @param {String} tag The SVG element tag.
77 * @param {Number} position The position of the element in the DOM.
78 * @return {Ext.dom.Element} The SVG element.
79 */
80 getSvgElement: function (group, tag, position) {
81 var element;
82 if (group.dom.childNodes.length > position) {
83 element = group.dom.childNodes[position];
84 if (element.tagName === tag) {
85 return Ext.get(element);
86 } else {
87 Ext.destroy(element);
88 }
89 }
91 element = Ext.get(this.createSvgNode(tag));
92 if (position === 0) {
93 group.insertFirst(element);
94 } else {
95 element.insertAfter(Ext.fly(group.dom.childNodes[position - 1]));
96 }
97 element.cache = {};
98 return element;
99 },
101 /**
102 * @private
103 * Applies attributes to the given element.
104 * @param {Ext.dom.Element} element The DOM element to be applied.
105 * @param {Object} attributes The attributes to apply to the element.
106 */
107 setElementAttributes: function (element, attributes) {
108 var dom = element.dom,
109 cache = element.cache,
110 name, value;
111 for (name in attributes) {
112 value = attributes[name];
113 if (cache[name] !== value) {
114 cache[name] = value;
115 dom.setAttribute(name, value);
116 }
117 }
118 },
120 /**
121 * @private
122 * Gets the next reference element under the SVG 'defs' tag.
123 * @param {String} tagName The type of reference element.
124 * @return {Ext.dom.Element} The reference element.
125 */
126 getNextDef: function (tagName) {
127 return this.getSvgElement(this.defElement, tagName, this.defPosition++);
128 },
130 /**
131 * @inheritdoc
132 */
133 clearTransform: function () {
134 var me = this;
135 me.mainGroup.set({transform: me.matrix.toSvg()});
136 },
138 /**
139 * @inheritdoc
140 */
141 clear: function () {
142 this.ctx.clear();
143 this.defPosition = 0;
144 },
146 /**
147 * @inheritdoc
148 */
149 renderSprite: function (sprite) {
150 var me = this,
151 region = me.getRegion(),
152 ctx = me.ctx;
153 if (sprite.attr.hidden || sprite.attr.opacity === 0) {
154 ctx.save();
155 ctx.restore();
156 return;
157 }
158 try {
159 sprite.element = ctx.save();
160 sprite.preRender(this);
161 sprite.useAttributes(ctx, region);
162 if (false === sprite.render(this, ctx, [0, 0, region[2], region[3]])) {
163 return false;
164 }
165 sprite.setDirty(false);
166 } finally {
167 ctx.restore();
168 }
169 },
171 /**
172 * Destroys the Canvas element and prepares it for Garbage Collection.
173 */
174 destroy: function (path, matrix, band) {
175 var me = this;
176 me.ctx.destroy();
177 me.mainGroup.destroy();
178 delete me.mainGroup;
179 delete me.ctx;
180 me.callSuper(arguments);
181 },
183 remove: function (sprite, destroySprite) {
184 if (sprite && sprite.element) {
185 //if sprite has an associated svg element remove it from the surface
186 if (this.ctx) {
187 this.ctx.removeElement(sprite.element);
188 } else {
189 sprite.element.destroy();
190 }
191 sprite.element = null;
192 }
193 this.callSuper(arguments);
194 }