]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-manager.git/blob - www/manager6/dc/Health.js
refactor health icons
[pve-manager.git] / www / manager6 / dc / Health.js
1 Ext.define('PVE.dc.Health', {
2 extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
3 alias: 'widget.pveDcHealth',
5 title: gettext('Datacenter Health'),
7 bodyPadding: '0 20 0 20',
8 height: 200,
9 layout: 'column',
11 defaults: {
12 columnWidth: 0.5,
13 xtype: 'box',
14 style: {
15 'text-align':'center'
16 }
17 },
19 cepherrors: 0,
21 updateStatus: function(store, records, success) {
22 var me = this;
23 if (!success) {
24 return;
25 }
27 var cluster = {
28 iconCls: PVE.Utils.get_health_icon('good', true),
29 text: gettext("Standalone node - no cluster defined")
30 };
32 var nodes = {
33 online: 0,
34 offline: 0
35 };
37 // by default we have one node
38 var numNodes = 1;
39 var i;
41 for (i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
42 var item = records[i];
43 if (item.data.type === 'node') {
44 nodes[item.data.online === 1 ? 'online':'offline']++;
45 } else if(item.data.type === 'cluster') {
46 cluster.text = gettext("Cluster") + ": ";
47 cluster.text += item.data.name + ", ";
48 cluster.text += gettext("Quorate") + ": ";
49 cluster.text += PVE.Utils.format_boolean(item.data.quorate);
50 if (item.data.quorate != 1) {
51 cluster.iconCls = PVE.Utils.get_health_icon('critical', true);
52 }
54 numNodes = item.data.nodes;
55 }
56 }
58 if (numNodes !== (nodes.online + nodes.offline)) {
59 nodes.offline = numNodes - nodes.online;
60 }
62 me.getComponent('clusterstatus').update(cluster);
63 me.getComponent('nodestatus').update(nodes);
64 },
66 updateCeph: function(store, records, success) {
67 var me = this;
68 var cephstatus = me.getComponent('ceph');
69 if (!success || records.length < 1) {
70 me.cepherrors++;
71 cephstatus.setVisible(false);
73 // after 3 unsuccessful tries of
74 // /nodes/localhost/ceph/status
75 // we give up (there probably is no ceph installed)
76 if (me.cepherrors >= 3) {
77 me.cephstore.stopUpdate();
78 }
79 return;
80 }
82 me.cepherrors = 0;
84 var cephstate = {
85 iconCls: 'faded fa-question-circle',
86 text: ''
87 };
89 switch (records[0].data.health.overall_status) {
90 case 'HEALTH_OK':
91 cephstate.iconCls = 'good fa-check-circle';
92 break;
93 case 'HEALTH_WARN':
94 cephstate.iconCls = 'warning fa-info-circle';
95 break;
96 case 'HEALTH_ERR':
97 cephstate.iconCls = 'critical fa-times-circle';
98 break;
99 default:
100 cephstate.iconCls = 'faded fa-question-circle';
101 break;
102 }
103 cephstate.text = records[0].data.health.overall_status;
104 cephstatus.update(cephstate);
105 cephstatus.setVisible(true);
106 },
108 listeners: {
109 destroy: function() {
110 var me = this;
111 me.cephstore.stopUpdate();
112 }
113 },
115 items: [
116 {
117 itemId: 'clusterstatus',
118 data: {
119 iconCls: 'faded fa-question-circle',
120 text: ''
121 },
122 tpl: [
123 '<h3>' + gettext('Status') + '</h3>',
124 '<i class="fa fa-5x {iconCls}"></i>',
125 '<br /><br/>',
126 '{text}'
127 ]
128 },
129 {
130 itemId: 'nodestatus',
131 data: {
132 online: 0,
133 offline: 0
134 },
135 tpl: [
136 '<h3>' + gettext('Nodes') + '</h3><br />',
137 '<div style="width: 150px;margin: auto;font-size: 12pt">',
138 '<div class="left-aligned">',
139 '<i class="good fa fa-fw fa-check">&nbsp;</i>',
140 gettext('Online'),
141 '</div>',
142 '<div class="right-aligned">{online}</div>',
143 '<br /><br />',
144 '<div class="left-aligned">',
145 '<i class="critical fa fa-fw fa-times">&nbsp;</i>',
146 gettext('Offline'),
147 '</div>',
148 '<div class="right-aligned">{offline}</div>',
149 '</div>'
150 ]
151 },
152 {
153 itemId: 'ceph',
154 width: 250,
155 columnWidth: undefined,
156 data: {
157 text: '',
158 iconCls: 'faded fa-question-circle'
159 },
160 tpl: [
161 '<h3>Ceph</h3>',
162 '<i class="fa fa-5x {iconCls}"></i><br /><br />',
163 gettext("Health") + ': {text}'
164 ],
165 hidden: true
166 }
167 ],
169 initComponent: function() {
170 var me = this;
172 me.cephstore = Ext.create('PVE.data.UpdateStore', {
173 interval: 3000,
174 storeid: 'pve-cluster-ceph',
175 proxy: {
176 type: 'pve',
177 url: '/api2/json/nodes/localhost/ceph/status'
178 }
179 });
180 me.callParent();
181 me.cephstore.startUpdate();
182 me.mon(me.cephstore, 'load', me.updateCeph, me);
183 }
184 });