]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_zfs.git/blob - zfs/lib/libzfs/libzfs_graph.c
Initial Linux ZFS GIT Repo
[mirror_zfs.git] / zfs / lib / libzfs / libzfs_graph.c
1 /*
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
5 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
6 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 *
8 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
9 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
10 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
11 * and limitations under the License.
12 *
13 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
14 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
15 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
16 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
17 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
18 *
20 */
21 /*
22 * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
23 * Use is subject to license terms.
24 */
26 #pragma ident "@(#)libzfs_graph.c 1.8 08/02/27 SMI"
28 /*
29 * Iterate over all children of the current object. This includes the normal
30 * dataset hierarchy, but also arbitrary hierarchies due to clones. We want to
31 * walk all datasets in the pool, and construct a directed graph of the form:
32 *
33 * home
34 * |
35 * +----+----+
36 * | |
37 * v v ws
38 * bar baz |
39 * | |
40 * v v
41 * @yesterday ----> foo
42 *
43 * In order to construct this graph, we have to walk every dataset in the pool,
44 * because the clone parent is stored as a property of the child, not the
45 * parent. The parent only keeps track of the number of clones.
46 *
47 * In the normal case (without clones) this would be rather expensive. To avoid
48 * unnecessary computation, we first try a walk of the subtree hierarchy
49 * starting from the initial node. At each dataset, we construct a node in the
50 * graph and an edge leading from its parent. If we don't see any snapshots
51 * with a non-zero clone count, then we are finished.
52 *
53 * If we do find a cloned snapshot, then we finish the walk of the current
54 * subtree, but indicate that we need to do a complete walk. We then perform a
55 * global walk of all datasets, avoiding the subtree we already processed.
56 *
57 * At the end of this, we'll end up with a directed graph of all relevant (and
58 * possible some irrelevant) datasets in the system. We need to both find our
59 * limiting subgraph and determine a safe ordering in which to destroy the
60 * datasets. We do a topological ordering of our graph starting at our target
61 * dataset, and then walk the results in reverse.
62 *
63 * It's possible for the graph to have cycles if, for example, the user renames
64 * a clone to be the parent of its origin snapshot. The user can request to
65 * generate an error in this case, or ignore the cycle and continue.
66 *
67 * When removing datasets, we want to destroy the snapshots in chronological
68 * order (because this is the most efficient method). In order to accomplish
69 * this, we store the creation transaction group with each vertex and keep each
70 * vertex's edges sorted according to this value. The topological sort will
71 * automatically walk the snapshots in the correct order.
72 */
74 #include <assert.h>
75 #include <libintl.h>
76 #include <stdio.h>
77 #include <stdlib.h>
78 #include <string.h>
79 #include <strings.h>
80 #include <unistd.h>
82 #include <libzfs.h>
84 #include "libzfs_impl.h"
85 #include "zfs_namecheck.h"
87 #define MIN_EDGECOUNT 4
89 /*
90 * Vertex structure. Indexed by dataset name, this structure maintains a list
91 * of edges to other vertices.
92 */
93 struct zfs_edge;
94 typedef struct zfs_vertex {
95 char zv_dataset[ZFS_MAXNAMELEN];
96 struct zfs_vertex *zv_next;
97 int zv_visited;
98 uint64_t zv_txg;
99 struct zfs_edge **zv_edges;
100 int zv_edgecount;
101 int zv_edgealloc;
102 } zfs_vertex_t;
104 enum {
105 VISIT_SEEN = 1,
108 };
110 /*
111 * Edge structure. Simply maintains a pointer to the destination vertex. There
112 * is no need to store the source vertex, since we only use edges in the context
113 * of the source vertex.
114 */
115 typedef struct zfs_edge {
116 zfs_vertex_t *ze_dest;
117 struct zfs_edge *ze_next;
118 } zfs_edge_t;
120 #define ZFS_GRAPH_SIZE 1027 /* this could be dynamic some day */
122 /*
123 * Graph structure. Vertices are maintained in a hash indexed by dataset name.
124 */
125 typedef struct zfs_graph {
126 zfs_vertex_t **zg_hash;
127 size_t zg_size;
128 size_t zg_nvertex;
129 const char *zg_root;
130 int zg_clone_count;
131 } zfs_graph_t;
133 /*
134 * Allocate a new edge pointing to the target vertex.
135 */
136 static zfs_edge_t *
137 zfs_edge_create(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, zfs_vertex_t *dest)
138 {
139 zfs_edge_t *zep = zfs_alloc(hdl, sizeof (zfs_edge_t));
141 if (zep == NULL)
142 return (NULL);
144 zep->ze_dest = dest;
146 return (zep);
147 }
149 /*
150 * Destroy an edge.
151 */
152 static void
153 zfs_edge_destroy(zfs_edge_t *zep)
154 {
155 free(zep);
156 }
158 /*
159 * Allocate a new vertex with the given name.
160 */
161 static zfs_vertex_t *
162 zfs_vertex_create(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *dataset)
163 {
164 zfs_vertex_t *zvp = zfs_alloc(hdl, sizeof (zfs_vertex_t));
166 if (zvp == NULL)
167 return (NULL);
169 assert(strlen(dataset) < ZFS_MAXNAMELEN);
171 (void) strlcpy(zvp->zv_dataset, dataset, sizeof (zvp->zv_dataset));
173 if ((zvp->zv_edges = zfs_alloc(hdl,
174 MIN_EDGECOUNT * sizeof (void *))) == NULL) {
175 free(zvp);
176 return (NULL);
177 }
179 zvp->zv_edgealloc = MIN_EDGECOUNT;
181 return (zvp);
182 }
184 /*
185 * Destroy a vertex. Frees up any associated edges.
186 */
187 static void
188 zfs_vertex_destroy(zfs_vertex_t *zvp)
189 {
190 int i;
192 for (i = 0; i < zvp->zv_edgecount; i++)
193 zfs_edge_destroy(zvp->zv_edges[i]);
195 free(zvp->zv_edges);
196 free(zvp);
197 }
199 /*
200 * Given a vertex, add an edge to the destination vertex.
201 */
202 static int
203 zfs_vertex_add_edge(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, zfs_vertex_t *zvp,
204 zfs_vertex_t *dest)
205 {
206 zfs_edge_t *zep = zfs_edge_create(hdl, dest);
208 if (zep == NULL)
209 return (-1);
211 if (zvp->zv_edgecount == zvp->zv_edgealloc) {
212 void *ptr;
214 if ((ptr = zfs_realloc(hdl, zvp->zv_edges,
215 zvp->zv_edgealloc * sizeof (void *),
216 zvp->zv_edgealloc * 2 * sizeof (void *))) == NULL)
217 return (-1);
219 zvp->zv_edges = ptr;
220 zvp->zv_edgealloc *= 2;
221 }
223 zvp->zv_edges[zvp->zv_edgecount++] = zep;
225 return (0);
226 }
228 static int
229 zfs_edge_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
230 {
231 const zfs_edge_t *ea = *((zfs_edge_t **)a);
232 const zfs_edge_t *eb = *((zfs_edge_t **)b);
234 if (ea->ze_dest->zv_txg < eb->ze_dest->zv_txg)
235 return (-1);
236 if (ea->ze_dest->zv_txg > eb->ze_dest->zv_txg)
237 return (1);
238 return (0);
239 }
241 /*
242 * Sort the given vertex edges according to the creation txg of each vertex.
243 */
244 static void
245 zfs_vertex_sort_edges(zfs_vertex_t *zvp)
246 {
247 if (zvp->zv_edgecount == 0)
248 return;
250 qsort(zvp->zv_edges, zvp->zv_edgecount, sizeof (void *),
251 zfs_edge_compare);
252 }
254 /*
255 * Construct a new graph object. We allow the size to be specified as a
256 * parameter so in the future we can size the hash according to the number of
257 * datasets in the pool.
258 */
259 static zfs_graph_t *
260 zfs_graph_create(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *dataset, size_t size)
261 {
262 zfs_graph_t *zgp = zfs_alloc(hdl, sizeof (zfs_graph_t));
264 if (zgp == NULL)
265 return (NULL);
267 zgp->zg_size = size;
268 if ((zgp->zg_hash = zfs_alloc(hdl,
269 size * sizeof (zfs_vertex_t *))) == NULL) {
270 free(zgp);
271 return (NULL);
272 }
274 zgp->zg_root = dataset;
275 zgp->zg_clone_count = 0;
277 return (zgp);
278 }
280 /*
281 * Destroy a graph object. We have to iterate over all the hash chains,
282 * destroying each vertex in the process.
283 */
284 static void
285 zfs_graph_destroy(zfs_graph_t *zgp)
286 {
287 int i;
288 zfs_vertex_t *current, *next;
290 for (i = 0; i < zgp->zg_size; i++) {
291 current = zgp->zg_hash[i];
292 while (current != NULL) {
293 next = current->zv_next;
294 zfs_vertex_destroy(current);
295 current = next;
296 }
297 }
299 free(zgp->zg_hash);
300 free(zgp);
301 }
303 /*
304 * Graph hash function. Classic bernstein k=33 hash function, taken from
305 * usr/src/cmd/sgs/tools/common/strhash.c
306 */
307 static size_t
308 zfs_graph_hash(zfs_graph_t *zgp, const char *str)
309 {
310 size_t hash = 5381;
311 int c;
313 while ((c = *str++) != 0)
314 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */
316 return (hash % zgp->zg_size);
317 }
319 /*
320 * Given a dataset name, finds the associated vertex, creating it if necessary.
321 */
322 static zfs_vertex_t *
323 zfs_graph_lookup(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, zfs_graph_t *zgp, const char *dataset,
324 uint64_t txg)
325 {
326 size_t idx = zfs_graph_hash(zgp, dataset);
327 zfs_vertex_t *zvp;
329 for (zvp = zgp->zg_hash[idx]; zvp != NULL; zvp = zvp->zv_next) {
330 if (strcmp(zvp->zv_dataset, dataset) == 0) {
331 if (zvp->zv_txg == 0)
332 zvp->zv_txg = txg;
333 return (zvp);
334 }
335 }
337 if ((zvp = zfs_vertex_create(hdl, dataset)) == NULL)
338 return (NULL);
340 zvp->zv_next = zgp->zg_hash[idx];
341 zvp->zv_txg = txg;
342 zgp->zg_hash[idx] = zvp;
343 zgp->zg_nvertex++;
345 return (zvp);
346 }
348 /*
349 * Given two dataset names, create an edge between them. For the source vertex,
350 * mark 'zv_visited' to indicate that we have seen this vertex, and not simply
351 * created it as a destination of another edge. If 'dest' is NULL, then this
352 * is an individual vertex (i.e. the starting vertex), so don't add an edge.
353 */
354 static int
355 zfs_graph_add(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, zfs_graph_t *zgp, const char *source,
356 const char *dest, uint64_t txg)
357 {
358 zfs_vertex_t *svp, *dvp;
360 if ((svp = zfs_graph_lookup(hdl, zgp, source, 0)) == NULL)
361 return (-1);
362 svp->zv_visited = VISIT_SEEN;
363 if (dest != NULL) {
364 dvp = zfs_graph_lookup(hdl, zgp, dest, txg);
365 if (dvp == NULL)
366 return (-1);
367 if (zfs_vertex_add_edge(hdl, svp, dvp) != 0)
368 return (-1);
369 }
371 return (0);
372 }
374 /*
375 * Iterate over all children of the given dataset, adding any vertices
376 * as necessary. Returns -1 if there was an error, or 0 otherwise.
377 * This is a simple recursive algorithm - the ZFS namespace typically
378 * is very flat. We manually invoke the necessary ioctl() calls to
379 * avoid the overhead and additional semantics of zfs_open().
380 */
381 static int
382 iterate_children(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, zfs_graph_t *zgp, const char *dataset)
383 {
384 zfs_cmd_t zc = { 0 };
385 zfs_vertex_t *zvp;
387 /*
388 * Look up the source vertex, and avoid it if we've seen it before.
389 */
390 zvp = zfs_graph_lookup(hdl, zgp, dataset, 0);
391 if (zvp == NULL)
392 return (-1);
393 if (zvp->zv_visited == VISIT_SEEN)
394 return (0);
396 /*
397 * Iterate over all children
398 */
399 for ((void) strlcpy(zc.zc_name, dataset, sizeof (zc.zc_name));
400 ioctl(hdl->libzfs_fd, ZFS_IOC_DATASET_LIST_NEXT, &zc) == 0;
401 (void) strlcpy(zc.zc_name, dataset, sizeof (zc.zc_name))) {
403 /*
404 * Ignore private dataset names.
405 */
406 if (dataset_name_hidden(zc.zc_name))
407 continue;
409 /*
410 * Get statistics for this dataset, to determine the type of the
411 * dataset and clone statistics. If this fails, the dataset has
412 * since been removed, and we're pretty much screwed anyway.
413 */
414 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin[0] = '\0';
415 if (ioctl(hdl->libzfs_fd, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, &zc) != 0)
416 continue;
418 if (zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin[0] != '\0') {
419 if (zfs_graph_add(hdl, zgp,
420 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin, zc.zc_name,
421 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_creation_txg) != 0)
422 return (-1);
423 /*
424 * Count origins only if they are contained in the graph
425 */
426 if (isa_child_of(zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin,
427 zgp->zg_root))
428 zgp->zg_clone_count--;
429 }
431 /*
432 * Add an edge between the parent and the child.
433 */
434 if (zfs_graph_add(hdl, zgp, dataset, zc.zc_name,
435 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_creation_txg) != 0)
436 return (-1);
438 /*
439 * Recursively visit child
440 */
441 if (iterate_children(hdl, zgp, zc.zc_name))
442 return (-1);
443 }
445 /*
446 * Now iterate over all snapshots.
447 */
448 bzero(&zc, sizeof (zc));
450 for ((void) strlcpy(zc.zc_name, dataset, sizeof (zc.zc_name));
451 ioctl(hdl->libzfs_fd, ZFS_IOC_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NEXT, &zc) == 0;
452 (void) strlcpy(zc.zc_name, dataset, sizeof (zc.zc_name))) {
454 /*
455 * Get statistics for this dataset, to determine the type of the
456 * dataset and clone statistics. If this fails, the dataset has
457 * since been removed, and we're pretty much screwed anyway.
458 */
459 if (ioctl(hdl->libzfs_fd, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, &zc) != 0)
460 continue;
462 /*
463 * Add an edge between the parent and the child.
464 */
465 if (zfs_graph_add(hdl, zgp, dataset, zc.zc_name,
466 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_creation_txg) != 0)
467 return (-1);
469 zgp->zg_clone_count += zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_num_clones;
470 }
472 zvp->zv_visited = VISIT_SEEN;
474 return (0);
475 }
477 /*
478 * Returns false if there are no snapshots with dependent clones in this
479 * subtree or if all of those clones are also in this subtree. Returns
480 * true if there is an error or there are external dependents.
481 */
482 static boolean_t
483 external_dependents(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, zfs_graph_t *zgp, const char *dataset)
484 {
485 zfs_cmd_t zc = { 0 };
487 /*
488 * Check whether this dataset is a clone or has clones since
489 * iterate_children() only checks the children.
490 */
491 (void) strlcpy(zc.zc_name, dataset, sizeof (zc.zc_name));
492 if (ioctl(hdl->libzfs_fd, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, &zc) != 0)
493 return (B_TRUE);
495 if (zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin[0] != '\0') {
496 if (zfs_graph_add(hdl, zgp,
497 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin, zc.zc_name,
498 zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_creation_txg) != 0)
499 return (B_TRUE);
500 if (isa_child_of(zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_origin, dataset))
501 zgp->zg_clone_count--;
502 }
504 if ((zc.zc_objset_stats.dds_num_clones) ||
505 iterate_children(hdl, zgp, dataset))
506 return (B_TRUE);
508 return (zgp->zg_clone_count != 0);
509 }
511 /*
512 * Construct a complete graph of all necessary vertices. First, iterate over
513 * only our object's children. If no cloned snapshots are found, or all of
514 * the cloned snapshots are in this subtree then return a graph of the subtree.
515 * Otherwise, start at the root of the pool and iterate over all datasets.
516 */
517 static zfs_graph_t *
518 construct_graph(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *dataset)
519 {
520 zfs_graph_t *zgp = zfs_graph_create(hdl, dataset, ZFS_GRAPH_SIZE);
521 int ret = 0;
523 if (zgp == NULL)
524 return (zgp);
526 if ((strchr(dataset, '/') == NULL) ||
527 (external_dependents(hdl, zgp, dataset))) {
528 /*
529 * Determine pool name and try again.
530 */
531 int len = strcspn(dataset, "/@") + 1;
532 char *pool = zfs_alloc(hdl, len);
534 if (pool == NULL) {
535 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
536 return (NULL);
537 }
538 (void) strlcpy(pool, dataset, len);
540 if (iterate_children(hdl, zgp, pool) == -1 ||
541 zfs_graph_add(hdl, zgp, pool, NULL, 0) != 0) {
542 free(pool);
543 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
544 return (NULL);
545 }
546 free(pool);
547 }
549 if (ret == -1 || zfs_graph_add(hdl, zgp, dataset, NULL, 0) != 0) {
550 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
551 return (NULL);
552 }
554 return (zgp);
555 }
557 /*
558 * Given a graph, do a recursive topological sort into the given array. This is
559 * really just a depth first search, so that the deepest nodes appear first.
560 * hijack the 'zv_visited' marker to avoid visiting the same vertex twice.
561 */
562 static int
563 topo_sort(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, boolean_t allowrecursion, char **result,
564 size_t *idx, zfs_vertex_t *zgv)
565 {
566 int i;
568 if (zgv->zv_visited == VISIT_SORT_PRE && !allowrecursion) {
569 /*
570 * If we've already seen this vertex as part of our depth-first
571 * search, then we have a cyclic dependency, and we must return
572 * an error.
573 */
574 zfs_error_aux(hdl, dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN,
575 "recursive dependency at '%s'"),
576 zgv->zv_dataset);
577 return (zfs_error(hdl, EZFS_RECURSIVE,
578 dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN,
579 "cannot determine dependent datasets")));
580 } else if (zgv->zv_visited >= VISIT_SORT_PRE) {
581 /*
582 * If we've already processed this as part of the topological
583 * sort, then don't bother doing so again.
584 */
585 return (0);
586 }
588 zgv->zv_visited = VISIT_SORT_PRE;
590 /* avoid doing a search if we don't have to */
591 zfs_vertex_sort_edges(zgv);
592 for (i = 0; i < zgv->zv_edgecount; i++) {
593 if (topo_sort(hdl, allowrecursion, result, idx,
594 zgv->zv_edges[i]->ze_dest) != 0)
595 return (-1);
596 }
598 /* we may have visited this in the course of the above */
599 if (zgv->zv_visited == VISIT_SORT_POST)
600 return (0);
602 if ((result[*idx] = zfs_alloc(hdl,
603 strlen(zgv->zv_dataset) + 1)) == NULL)
604 return (-1);
606 (void) strcpy(result[*idx], zgv->zv_dataset);
607 *idx += 1;
608 zgv->zv_visited = VISIT_SORT_POST;
609 return (0);
610 }
612 /*
613 * The only public interface for this file. Do the dirty work of constructing a
614 * child list for the given object. Construct the graph, do the toplogical
615 * sort, and then return the array of strings to the caller.
616 *
617 * The 'allowrecursion' parameter controls behavior when cycles are found. If
618 * it is set, the the cycle is ignored and the results returned as if the cycle
619 * did not exist. If it is not set, then the routine will generate an error if
620 * a cycle is found.
621 */
622 int
623 get_dependents(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, boolean_t allowrecursion,
624 const char *dataset, char ***result, size_t *count)
625 {
626 zfs_graph_t *zgp;
627 zfs_vertex_t *zvp;
629 if ((zgp = construct_graph(hdl, dataset)) == NULL)
630 return (-1);
632 if ((*result = zfs_alloc(hdl,
633 zgp->zg_nvertex * sizeof (char *))) == NULL) {
634 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
635 return (-1);
636 }
638 if ((zvp = zfs_graph_lookup(hdl, zgp, dataset, 0)) == NULL) {
639 free(*result);
640 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
641 return (-1);
642 }
644 *count = 0;
645 if (topo_sort(hdl, allowrecursion, *result, count, zvp) != 0) {
646 free(*result);
647 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
648 return (-1);
649 }
651 /*
652 * Get rid of the last entry, which is our starting vertex and not
653 * strictly a dependent.
654 */
655 assert(*count > 0);
656 free((*result)[*count - 1]);
657 (*count)--;
659 zfs_graph_destroy(zgp);
661 return (0);
662 }