]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blame - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/cypress/e2e/filesystems/subvolumes.e2e-spec.feature
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / frontend / cypress / e2e / filesystems / subvolumes.e2e-spec.feature
1Feature: CephFS Subvolume management
3 Goal: To test out the CephFS subvolume management features
5 Background: Login
6 Given I am logged in
8 Scenario: Create a CephFS Volume
9 Given I am on the "cephfs" page
10 And I click on "Create" button
11 And enter "name" "test_cephfs"
12 And I click on "Create File System" button
13 Then I should see a row with "test_cephfs"
15 Scenario: Create a CephFS Subvolume
16 Given I am on the "cephfs" page
17 When I expand the row "test_cephfs"
18 And I go to the "Subvolumes" tab
19 And I click on "Create" button from the expanded row
20 And enter "subvolumeName" "test_subvolume" in the modal
21 And I click on "Create Subvolume" button
22 Then I should see a row with "test_subvolume" in the expanded row
24 Scenario: Edit a CephFS Subvolume
25 Given I am on the "cephfs" page
26 When I expand the row "test_cephfs"
27 And I go to the "Subvolumes" tab
28 When I select a row "test_subvolume" in the expanded row
29 And I click on "Edit" button from the table actions in the expanded row
30 And enter "size" "1" in the modal
31 And I click on "Edit Subvolume" button
32 Then I should see row "test_subvolume" of the expanded row to have a usage bar
34 Scenario: Remove a CephFS Subvolume
35 Given I am on the "cephfs" page
36 When I expand the row "test_cephfs"
37 And I go to the "Subvolumes" tab
38 When I select a row "test_subvolume" in the expanded row
39 And I click on "Remove" button from the table actions in the expanded row
40 And I check the tick box in modal
41 And I click on "Remove Subvolume" button
42 Then I should not see a row with "test_subvolume" in the expanded row
44 Scenario: Remove CephFS Volume
45 Given I am on the "cephfs" page
46 And I select a row "test_cephfs"
47 And I click on "Remove" button from the table actions
48 Then I should see the modal
49 And I check the tick box in modal
50 And I click on "Remove File System" button
51 Then I should not see a row with "test_cephfs_edit"