]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/doc/dev/cephadm/developing-cephadm.rst
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[ceph.git] / ceph / doc / dev / cephadm / developing-cephadm.rst
1 =======================
2 Developing with cephadm
3 =======================
5 There are several ways to develop with cephadm. Which you use depends
6 on what you're trying to accomplish.
8 vstart --cephadm
9 ================
11 - Start a cluster with vstart, with cephadm configured
12 - Manage any additional daemons with cephadm
13 - Requires compiled ceph binaries
15 In this case, the mon and manager at a minimum are running in the usual
16 vstart way, not managed by cephadm. But cephadm is enabled and the local
17 host is added, so you can deploy additional daemons or add additional hosts.
19 This works well for developing cephadm itself, because any mgr/cephadm
20 or cephadm/cephadm code changes can be applied by kicking ceph-mgr
21 with ``ceph mgr fail x``. (When the mgr (re)starts, it loads the
22 cephadm/cephadm script into memory.)
24 ::
26 MON=1 MGR=1 OSD=0 MDS=0 ../src/vstart.sh -d -n -x --cephadm
28 - ``~/.ssh/id_dsa[.pub]`` is used as the cluster key. It is assumed that
29 this key is authorized to ssh with no passphrase to root@`hostname`.
30 - cephadm does not try to manage any daemons started by vstart.sh (any
31 nonzero number in the environment variables). No service spec is defined
32 for mon or mgr.
33 - You'll see health warnings from cephadm about stray daemons--that's because
34 the vstart-launched daemons aren't controlled by cephadm.
35 - The default image is ``quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:master``, but you can change
36 this by passing ``-o container_image=...`` or ``ceph config set global container_image ...``.
39 cstart and cpatch
40 =================
42 The ``cstart.sh`` script will launch a cluster using cephadm and put the
43 conf and keyring in your build dir, so that the ``bin/ceph ...`` CLI works
44 (just like with vstart). The ``ckill.sh`` script will tear it down.
46 - A unique but stable fsid is stored in ``fsid`` (in the build dir).
47 - The mon port is random, just like with vstart.
48 - The container image is ``quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:$tag`` where $tag is
49 the first 8 chars of the fsid.
50 - If the container image doesn't exist yet when you run cstart for the
51 first time, it is built with cpatch.
53 There are a few advantages here:
55 - The cluster is a "normal" cephadm cluster that looks and behaves
56 just like a user's cluster would. In contract, vstart and teuthology
57 clusters tend to be special in subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways.
59 To start a test cluster::
61 sudo ../src/cstart.sh
63 The last line of this will be a line you can cut+paste to update the
64 container image. For instance::
66 sudo ../src/script/cpatch -t quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:8f509f4e
68 By default, cpatch will patch everything it can think of from the local
69 build dir into the container image. If you are working on a specific
70 part of the system, though, can you get away with smaller changes so that
71 cpatch runs faster. For instance::
73 sudo ../src/script/cpatch -t quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:8f509f4e --py
75 will update the mgr modules (minus the dashboard). Or::
77 sudo ../src/script/cpatch -t quay.io/ceph-ci/ceph:8f509f4e --core
79 will do most binaries and libraries. Pass ``-h`` to cpatch for all options.
81 Once the container is updated, you can refresh/restart daemons by bouncing
82 them with::
84 sudo systemctl restart ceph-`cat fsid`.target
86 When you're done, you can tear down the cluster with::
88 sudo ../src/ckill.sh # or,
89 sudo ../src/cephadm/cephadm rm-cluster --force --fsid `cat fsid`
91 cephadm bootstrap --shared_ceph_folder
92 ======================================
94 Cephadm can also be used directly without compiled ceph binaries.
96 Run cephadm like so::
98 sudo ./cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip \
99 --ssh-private-key /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa \
100 --skip-mon-network \
101 --skip-monitoring-stack --single-host-defaults \
102 --skip-dashboard \
103 --shared_ceph_folder /home/<user>/path/to/ceph/
105 - ``~/.ssh/id_rsa`` is used as the cluster key. It is assumed that
106 this key is authorized to ssh with no passphrase to root@`hostname`.
108 Source code changes made in the ``pybind/mgr/`` directory then
109 require a daemon restart to take effect.
111 Note regarding network calls from CLI handlers
112 ==============================================
114 Executing any cephadm CLI commands like ``ceph orch ls`` will block the
115 mon command handler thread within the MGR, thus preventing any concurrent
116 CLI calls. Note that pressing ``^C`` will not resolve this situation,
117 as *only* the client will be aborted, but not execution of the command
118 within the orchestrator manager module itself. This means, cephadm will
119 be completely unresponsive until the execution of the CLI handler is
120 fully completed. Note that even ``ceph orch ps`` will not respond while
121 another handler is executing.
123 This means we should do very few synchronous calls to remote hosts.
124 As a guideline, cephadm should do at most ``O(1)`` network calls in CLI handlers.
125 Everything else should be done asynchronously in other threads, like ``serve()``.
127 Kcli: a virtualization management tool to make easy orchestrators development
128 =============================================================================
129 `Kcli <https://github.com/karmab/kcli>`_ is meant to interact with existing
130 virtualization providers (libvirt, KubeVirt, oVirt, OpenStack, VMware vSphere,
131 GCP and AWS) and to easily deploy and customize VMs from cloud images.
133 It allows you to setup an environment with several vms with your preferred
134 configuration( memory, cpus, disks) and OS flavor.
136 main advantages:
137 ----------------
138 - Is fast. Typically you can have a completely new Ceph cluster ready to debug
139 and develop orchestrator features in less than 5 minutes.
140 - Is a "near production" lab. The lab created with kcli is very near of "real"
141 clusters in QE labs or even in production. So easy to test "real things" in
142 almost "real environment"
143 - Is safe and isolated. Do not depend of the things you have installed in your
144 machine. And the vms are isolated from your environment.
145 - Easy to work "dev" environment. For "not compilated" software pieces,
146 for example any mgr module. It is an environment that allow you to test your
147 changes interactively.
149 Installation:
150 -------------
151 Complete documentation in `kcli installation <https://kcli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#installation>`_
152 but we strongly suggest to use the container image approach.
154 So things to do:
155 - 1. Review `requeriments <https://kcli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#libvirt-hypervisor-requisites>`_
156 and install/configure whatever you need to meet them.
157 - 2. get the kcli image and create one alias for executing the kcli command
158 ::
160 # podman pull quay.io/karmab/kcli
161 # alias kcli='podman run --net host -it --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $HOME/.kcli:/root/.kcli -v /var/lib/libvirt/images:/var/lib/libvirt/images -v /var/run/libvirt:/var/run/libvirt -v $PWD:/workdir -v /var/tmp:/ignitiondir quay.io/karmab/kcli'
163 .. note:: /var/lib/libvirt/images can be customized.... be sure that you are
164 using this folder for your OS images
166 .. note:: Once you have used your kcli tool to create and use different labs, we
167 suggest you to "save" and use your own kcli image.
168 Why?: kcli is alive and it changes (and for the moment only exists one tag ...
169 latest). Because we have more than enough with the current functionality, and
170 what we want is overall stability,
171 we suggest to store the kcli image you are using in a safe place and update
172 your kcli alias to use your own image.
174 Test your kcli installation:
175 ----------------------------
176 See the kcli `basic usage workflow <https://kcli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#basic-workflow>`_
178 Create a Ceph lab cluster
179 -------------------------
180 In order to make easy this task we are going to use a kcli plan.
182 A kcli plan is a file where you can define the different settings you want to
183 have in a set of vms.
184 You can define hardware parameters (cpu, memory, disks ..), operating system and
185 it also allows you to automate the installation and configuration of any
186 software you want to have.
188 There is a `repository <https://github.com/karmab/kcli-plans>`_ with a collection of
189 plans that can be used for different purposes. And we have predefined plans to
190 install Ceph clusters using Ceph ansible or cephadm, lets create our first Ceph
191 cluster using cephadm::
193 # kcli2 create plan -u https://github.com/karmab/kcli-plans/blob/master/ceph/ceph_cluster.yml
195 This will create a set of three vms using the plan file pointed by the url.
196 After a few minutes (depend of your laptop power), lets examine the cluster:
198 * Take a look to the vms created::
200 # kcli list vms
202 * Enter in the bootstrap node::
204 # kcli ssh ceph-node-00
206 * Take a look to the ceph cluster installed::
208 [centos@ceph-node-00 ~]$ sudo -i
209 [root@ceph-node-00 ~]# cephadm version
210 [root@ceph-node-00 ~]# cephadm shell
211 [ceph: root@ceph-node-00 /]# ceph orch host ls
213 Create a Ceph cluster to make easy developing in mgr modules (Orchestrators and Dashboard)
214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 The cephadm kcli plan (and cephadm) are prepared to do that.
217 The idea behind this method is to replace several python mgr folders in each of
218 the ceph daemons with the source code folders in your host machine.
219 This "trick" will allow you to make changes in any orchestrator or dashboard
220 module and test them intermediately. (only needed to disable/enable the mgr module)
222 So in order to create a ceph cluster for development purposes you must use the
223 same cephadm plan but with a new parameter pointing your Ceph source code folder::
225 # kcli create plan -u https://github.com/karmab/kcli-plans/blob/master/ceph/ceph_cluster.yml -P ceph_dev_folder=/home/mycodefolder/ceph
227 Ceph Dashboard development
228 --------------------------
229 Ceph dashboard module is not going to be loaded if previously you have not
230 generated the frontend bundle.
232 For now, in order load properly the Ceph Dashboardmodule and to apply frontend
233 changes you have to run "ng build" on your laptop::
235 # Start local frontend build with watcher (in background):
236 sudo dnf install -y nodejs
237 cd <path-to-your-ceph-repo>
238 cd src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend
239 sudo chown -R <your-user>:root dist node_modules
240 NG_CLI_ANALYTICS=false npm ci
241 npm run build -- --deleteOutputPath=false --watch &
243 After saving your changes, the frontend bundle will be built again.
244 When completed, you'll see::
246 "Localized bundle generation complete."
248 Then you can reload your Dashboard browser tab.