]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/tasks/rgw.py
update sources to v12.1.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / tasks / rgw.py
1 """
2 rgw routines
3 """
4 import argparse
5 import contextlib
6 import json
7 import logging
8 import os
9 import errno
10 import util.rgw as rgw_utils
12 from teuthology.orchestra import run
13 from teuthology import misc as teuthology
14 from teuthology import contextutil
15 from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError
16 from util.rgw import rgwadmin, wait_for_radosgw
17 from util.rados import (rados, create_ec_pool,
18 create_replicated_pool,
19 create_cache_pool)
21 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
23 @contextlib.contextmanager
24 def start_rgw(ctx, config):
25 """
26 Start rgw on remote sites.
27 """
28 log.info('Starting rgw...')
29 testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
30 for client in config.keys():
31 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
32 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
33 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
34 client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + client_with_id
36 client_config = config.get(client)
37 if client_config is None:
38 client_config = {}
39 log.info("rgw %s config is %s", client, client_config)
40 cmd_prefix = [
41 'sudo',
42 'adjust-ulimits',
43 'ceph-coverage',
44 '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
45 'daemon-helper',
46 'term',
47 ]
49 rgw_cmd = ['radosgw']
51 log.info("Using %s as radosgw frontend", ctx.rgw.frontend)
53 host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client]
54 rgw_cmd.extend([
55 '--rgw-frontends',
56 '{frontend} port={port}'.format(frontend=ctx.rgw.frontend, port=port),
57 '-n', client_with_id,
58 '--cluster', cluster_name,
59 '-k', '/etc/ceph/{client_with_cluster}.keyring'.format(client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
60 '--log-file',
61 '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client_with_cluster}.log'.format(client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
62 '--rgw_ops_log_socket_path',
63 '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client_with_cluster}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir,
64 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
65 '--foreground',
66 run.Raw('|'),
67 'sudo',
68 'tee',
69 '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client_with_cluster}.stdout'.format(tdir=testdir,
70 client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
71 run.Raw('2>&1'),
72 ])
74 if client_config.get('valgrind'):
75 cmd_prefix = teuthology.get_valgrind_args(
76 testdir,
77 client_with_cluster,
78 cmd_prefix,
79 client_config.get('valgrind')
80 )
82 run_cmd = list(cmd_prefix)
83 run_cmd.extend(rgw_cmd)
85 ctx.daemons.add_daemon(
86 remote, 'rgw', client_with_id,
87 cluster=cluster_name,
88 args=run_cmd,
89 logger=log.getChild(client),
90 stdin=run.PIPE,
91 wait=False,
92 )
94 # XXX: add_daemon() doesn't let us wait until radosgw finishes startup
95 for client in config.keys():
96 host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client]
97 endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port)
98 log.info('Polling {client} until it starts accepting connections on {endpoint}'.format(client=client, endpoint=endpoint))
99 wait_for_radosgw(endpoint)
101 try:
102 yield
103 finally:
104 for client in config.iterkeys():
105 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
106 client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
107 client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + client_with_id
108 ctx.daemons.get_daemon('rgw', client_with_id, cluster_name).stop()
109 ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
110 args=[
111 'rm',
112 '-f',
113 '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir,
114 client=client_with_cluster),
115 ],
116 )
118 def assign_ports(ctx, config):
119 """
120 Assign port numberst starting with port 7280.
121 """
122 port = 7280
123 role_endpoints = {}
124 for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
125 for role in roles_for_host:
126 if role in config:
127 role_endpoints[role] = (remote.name.split('@')[1], port)
128 port += 1
130 return role_endpoints
132 @contextlib.contextmanager
133 def create_pools(ctx, config):
134 """Create replicated or erasure coded data pools for rgw."""
136 log.info('Creating data pools')
137 for client in config.keys():
138 (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
139 data_pool = '.rgw.buckets'
140 cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
142 if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool:
143 create_ec_pool(remote, data_pool, client, 64,
144 ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile, cluster_name)
145 else:
146 create_replicated_pool(remote, data_pool, 64, cluster_name)
147 if ctx.rgw.cache_pools:
148 create_cache_pool(remote, data_pool, data_pool + '.cache', 64,
149 64*1024*1024, cluster_name)
150 log.debug('Pools created')
151 yield
153 @contextlib.contextmanager
154 def configure_compression(ctx, config, compression):
155 """ set a compression type in the default zone placement """
156 log.info('Configuring compression type = %s', compression)
157 for client, c_config in config.iteritems():
158 # XXX: the 'default' zone and zonegroup aren't created until we run RGWRados::init_complete().
159 # issue a 'radosgw-admin user list' command to trigger this
160 rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['user', 'list'], check_status=True)
162 rgwadmin(ctx, client,
163 cmd=['zone', 'placement', 'modify', '--rgw-zone', 'default',
164 '--placement-id', 'default-placement',
165 '--compression', compression],
166 check_status=True)
167 yield
169 @contextlib.contextmanager
170 def task(ctx, config):
171 """
172 For example, to run rgw on all clients::
174 tasks:
175 - ceph:
176 - rgw:
178 To only run on certain clients::
180 tasks:
181 - ceph:
182 - rgw: [client.0, client.3]
184 or
186 tasks:
187 - ceph:
188 - rgw:
189 client.0:
190 client.3:
192 To run radosgw through valgrind:
194 tasks:
195 - ceph:
196 - rgw:
197 client.0:
198 valgrind: [--tool=memcheck]
199 client.3:
200 valgrind: [--tool=memcheck]
201 """
202 if config is None:
203 config = dict(('client.{id}'.format(id=id_), None)
204 for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(
205 ctx.cluster, 'client'))
206 elif isinstance(config, list):
207 config = dict((name, None) for name in config)
209 overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
210 teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('rgw', {}))
212 role_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config)
213 ctx.rgw = argparse.Namespace()
214 ctx.rgw.role_endpoints = role_endpoints
216 ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool = bool(config.pop('ec-data-pool', False))
217 ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile = config.pop('erasure_code_profile', {})
218 ctx.rgw.cache_pools = bool(config.pop('cache-pools', False))
219 ctx.rgw.frontend = config.pop('frontend', 'civetweb')
220 ctx.rgw.compression_type = config.pop('compression type', None)
221 ctx.rgw.config = config
223 subtasks = [
224 lambda: create_pools(ctx=ctx, config=config),
225 ]
226 if ctx.rgw.compression_type:
227 subtasks.extend([
228 lambda: configure_compression(ctx=ctx, config=config,
229 compression=ctx.rgw.compression_type),
230 ])
231 subtasks.extend([
232 lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config),
233 ])
235 with contextutil.nested(*subtasks):
236 yield