]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/arrow/go/parquet/internal/thrift/helpers.go
import quincy 17.2.0
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / arrow / go / parquet / internal / thrift / helpers.go
1 // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2 // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
3 // distributed with this work for additional information
4 // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
5 // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6 // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7 // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 // limitations under the License.
17 // Package thrift is just some useful helpers for interacting with thrift to
18 // make other code easier to read/write and centralize interactions.
19 package thrift
21 import (
22 "bytes"
23 "context"
24 "io"
26 "github.com/apache/arrow/go/v6/parquet/internal/encryption"
27 "github.com/apache/thrift/lib/go/thrift"
28 )
30 // default factory for creating thrift protocols for serialization/deserialization
31 var protocolFactory = thrift.NewTCompactProtocolFactoryConf(&thrift.TConfiguration{})
33 // DeserializeThrift deserializes the bytes in buf into the given thrift msg type
34 // returns the number of remaining bytes in the buffer that weren't needed for deserialization
35 // and any error if there was one, or nil.
36 func DeserializeThrift(msg thrift.TStruct, buf []byte) (remain uint64, err error) {
37 tbuf := &thrift.TMemoryBuffer{Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf)}
38 err = msg.Read(context.TODO(), protocolFactory.GetProtocol(tbuf))
39 remain = tbuf.RemainingBytes()
40 return
41 }
43 // SerializeThriftStream writes out the serialized bytes of the passed in type
44 // to the given writer stream.
45 func SerializeThriftStream(msg thrift.TStruct, w io.Writer) error {
46 return msg.Write(context.TODO(), protocolFactory.GetProtocol(thrift.NewStreamTransportW(w)))
47 }
49 // DeserializeThriftStream populates the given msg by reading from the provided
50 // stream until it completes the deserialization.
51 func DeserializeThriftStream(msg thrift.TStruct, r io.Reader) error {
52 return msg.Read(context.TODO(), protocolFactory.GetProtocol(thrift.NewStreamTransportR(r)))
53 }
55 // Serializer is an object that can stick around to provide convenience
56 // functions and allow object reuse
57 type Serializer struct {
58 thrift.TSerializer
59 }
61 // NewThriftSerializer constructs a serializer with a default buffer of 1024
62 func NewThriftSerializer() *Serializer {
63 tbuf := thrift.NewTMemoryBufferLen(1024)
64 return &Serializer{thrift.TSerializer{
65 Transport: tbuf,
66 Protocol: protocolFactory.GetProtocol(tbuf),
67 }}
68 }
70 // Serialize will serialize the given msg to the writer stream w, optionally encrypting it on the way
71 // if enc is not nil, returning the total number of bytes written and any error received, or nil
72 func (t *Serializer) Serialize(msg thrift.TStruct, w io.Writer, enc encryption.Encryptor) (int, error) {
73 b, err := t.Write(context.Background(), msg)
74 if err != nil {
75 return 0, err
76 }
78 if enc == nil {
79 return w.Write(b)
80 }
82 var cipherBuf bytes.Buffer
83 cipherBuf.Grow(enc.CiphertextSizeDelta() + len(b))
84 enc.Encrypt(&cipherBuf, b)
85 n, err := cipherBuf.WriteTo(w)
86 return int(n), err
87 }