]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/boost/regex/v4/regex_format.hpp
import new upstream nautilus stable release 14.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / boost / regex / v4 / regex_format.hpp
1 /*
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 1998-2009 John Maddock
4 * Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler.
5 *
6 * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
7 * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
8 * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 *
10 */
12 /*
13 * LOCATION: see http://www.boost.org for most recent version.
14 * FILE regex_format.hpp
15 * VERSION see <boost/version.hpp>
16 * DESCRIPTION: Provides formatting output routines for search and replace
17 * operations. Note this is an internal header file included
18 * by regex.hpp, do not include on its own.
19 */
24 #include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
25 #include <boost/type_traits/is_function.hpp>
26 #include <boost/type_traits/is_class.hpp>
27 #include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
28 #include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
29 #include <boost/type_traits/remove_pointer.hpp>
30 #include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>
31 #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
32 #include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
33 #include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
34 #ifndef BOOST_NO_SFINAE
35 #include <boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp>
36 #endif
37 #include <boost/ref.hpp>
39 namespace boost{
41 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
42 #pragma warning(push)
43 #pragma warning(disable: 4103)
44 #endif
46 # include BOOST_ABI_PREFIX
47 #endif
48 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
49 #pragma warning(pop)
50 #endif
52 //
53 // Forward declaration:
54 //
55 template <class BidiIterator, class Allocator = BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME std::vector<sub_match<BidiIterator> >::allocator_type >
56 class match_results;
60 //
61 // struct trivial_format_traits:
62 // defines minimum localisation support for formatting
63 // in the case that the actual regex traits is unavailable.
64 //
65 template <class charT>
66 struct trivial_format_traits
67 {
68 typedef charT char_type;
70 static std::ptrdiff_t length(const charT* p)
71 {
72 return global_length(p);
73 }
74 static charT tolower(charT c)
75 {
76 return ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::global_lower(c);
77 }
78 static charT toupper(charT c)
79 {
80 return ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::global_upper(c);
81 }
82 static int value(const charT c, int radix)
83 {
84 int result = global_value(c);
85 return result >= radix ? -1 : result;
86 }
87 int toi(const charT*& p1, const charT* p2, int radix)const
88 {
89 return (int)global_toi(p1, p2, radix, *this);
90 }
91 };
93 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
94 class basic_regex_formatter
95 {
96 public:
97 typedef typename traits::char_type char_type;
98 basic_regex_formatter(OutputIterator o, const Results& r, const traits& t)
99 : m_traits(t), m_results(r), m_out(o), m_position(), m_end(), m_flags(), m_state(output_copy), m_restore_state(output_copy), m_have_conditional(false) {}
100 OutputIterator format(ForwardIter p1, ForwardIter p2, match_flag_type f);
101 OutputIterator format(ForwardIter p1, match_flag_type f)
102 {
103 return format(p1, p1 + m_traits.length(p1), f);
104 }
105 private:
106 typedef typename Results::value_type sub_match_type;
107 enum output_state
108 {
109 output_copy,
110 output_next_lower,
111 output_next_upper,
112 output_lower,
113 output_upper,
114 output_none
115 };
117 void put(char_type c);
118 void put(const sub_match_type& sub);
119 void format_all();
120 void format_perl();
121 void format_escape();
122 void format_conditional();
123 void format_until_scope_end();
124 bool handle_perl_verb(bool have_brace);
126 inline typename Results::value_type const& get_named_sub(ForwardIter i, ForwardIter j, const mpl::false_&)
127 {
128 std::vector<char_type> v(i, j);
129 return (i != j) ? this->m_results.named_subexpression(&v[0], &v[0] + v.size())
130 : this->m_results.named_subexpression(static_cast<const char_type*>(0), static_cast<const char_type*>(0));
131 }
132 inline typename Results::value_type const& get_named_sub(ForwardIter i, ForwardIter j, const mpl::true_&)
133 {
134 return this->m_results.named_subexpression(i, j);
135 }
136 inline typename Results::value_type const& get_named_sub(ForwardIter i, ForwardIter j)
137 {
138 typedef typename boost::is_convertible<ForwardIter, const char_type*>::type tag_type;
139 return get_named_sub(i, j, tag_type());
140 }
141 inline int get_named_sub_index(ForwardIter i, ForwardIter j, const mpl::false_&)
142 {
143 std::vector<char_type> v(i, j);
144 return (i != j) ? this->m_results.named_subexpression_index(&v[0], &v[0] + v.size())
145 : this->m_results.named_subexpression_index(static_cast<const char_type*>(0), static_cast<const char_type*>(0));
146 }
147 inline int get_named_sub_index(ForwardIter i, ForwardIter j, const mpl::true_&)
148 {
149 return this->m_results.named_subexpression_index(i, j);
150 }
151 inline int get_named_sub_index(ForwardIter i, ForwardIter j)
152 {
153 typedef typename boost::is_convertible<ForwardIter, const char_type*>::type tag_type;
154 return get_named_sub_index(i, j, tag_type());
155 }
156 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
157 // msvc-8.0 issues a spurious warning on the call to std::advance here:
158 #pragma warning(push)
159 #pragma warning(disable:4244)
160 #endif
161 inline int toi(ForwardIter& i, ForwardIter j, int base, const boost::mpl::false_&)
162 {
163 if(i != j)
164 {
165 std::vector<char_type> v(i, j);
166 const char_type* start = &v[0];
167 const char_type* pos = start;
168 int r = (int)m_traits.toi(pos, &v[0] + v.size(), base);
169 std::advance(i, pos - start);
170 return r;
171 }
172 return -1;
173 }
174 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
175 #pragma warning(pop)
176 #endif
177 inline int toi(ForwardIter& i, ForwardIter j, int base, const boost::mpl::true_&)
178 {
179 return m_traits.toi(i, j, base);
180 }
181 inline int toi(ForwardIter& i, ForwardIter j, int base)
182 {
183 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && ((__INTEL_COMPILER == 9999) || (__INTEL_COMPILER == 1210))
184 // Workaround for Intel support issue #656654.
185 // See also https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6359
186 return toi(i, j, base, mpl::false_());
187 #else
188 typedef typename boost::is_convertible<ForwardIter, const char_type*&>::type tag_type;
189 return toi(i, j, base, tag_type());
190 #endif
191 }
193 const traits& m_traits; // the traits class for localised formatting operations
194 const Results& m_results; // the match_results being used.
195 OutputIterator m_out; // where to send output.
196 ForwardIter m_position; // format string, current position
197 ForwardIter m_end; // format string end
198 match_flag_type m_flags; // format flags to use
199 output_state m_state; // what to do with the next character
200 output_state m_restore_state; // what state to restore to.
201 bool m_have_conditional; // we are parsing a conditional
202 private:
203 basic_regex_formatter(const basic_regex_formatter&);
204 basic_regex_formatter& operator=(const basic_regex_formatter&);
205 };
207 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
208 OutputIterator basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::format(ForwardIter p1, ForwardIter p2, match_flag_type f)
209 {
210 m_position = p1;
211 m_end = p2;
212 m_flags = f;
213 format_all();
214 return m_out;
215 }
217 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
218 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::format_all()
219 {
220 // over and over:
221 while(m_position != m_end)
222 {
223 switch(*m_position)
224 {
225 case '&':
226 if(m_flags & ::boost::regex_constants::format_sed)
227 {
228 ++m_position;
229 put(m_results[0]);
230 break;
231 }
232 put(*m_position++);
233 break;
234 case '\\':
235 format_escape();
236 break;
237 case '(':
238 if(m_flags & boost::regex_constants::format_all)
239 {
240 ++m_position;
241 bool have_conditional = m_have_conditional;
242 m_have_conditional = false;
243 format_until_scope_end();
244 m_have_conditional = have_conditional;
245 if(m_position == m_end)
246 return;
247 BOOST_ASSERT(*m_position == static_cast<char_type>(')'));
248 ++m_position; // skip the closing ')'
249 break;
250 }
251 put(*m_position);
252 ++m_position;
253 break;
254 case ')':
255 if(m_flags & boost::regex_constants::format_all)
256 {
257 return;
258 }
259 put(*m_position);
260 ++m_position;
261 break;
262 case ':':
263 if((m_flags & boost::regex_constants::format_all) && m_have_conditional)
264 {
265 return;
266 }
267 put(*m_position);
268 ++m_position;
269 break;
270 case '?':
271 if(m_flags & boost::regex_constants::format_all)
272 {
273 ++m_position;
274 format_conditional();
275 break;
276 }
277 put(*m_position);
278 ++m_position;
279 break;
280 case '$':
281 if((m_flags & format_sed) == 0)
282 {
283 format_perl();
284 break;
285 }
286 // not a special character:
288 default:
289 put(*m_position);
290 ++m_position;
291 break;
292 }
293 }
294 }
296 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
297 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::format_perl()
298 {
299 //
300 // On entry *m_position points to a '$' character
301 // output the information that goes with it:
302 //
303 BOOST_ASSERT(*m_position == '$');
304 //
305 // see if this is a trailing '$':
306 //
307 if(++m_position == m_end)
308 {
309 --m_position;
310 put(*m_position);
311 ++m_position;
312 return;
313 }
314 //
315 // OK find out what kind it is:
316 //
317 bool have_brace = false;
318 ForwardIter save_position = m_position;
319 switch(*m_position)
320 {
321 case '&':
322 ++m_position;
323 put(this->m_results[0]);
324 break;
325 case '`':
326 ++m_position;
327 put(this->m_results.prefix());
328 break;
329 case '\'':
330 ++m_position;
331 put(this->m_results.suffix());
332 break;
333 case '$':
334 put(*m_position++);
335 break;
336 case '+':
337 if((++m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '{'))
338 {
339 ForwardIter base = ++m_position;
340 while((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position != '}')) ++m_position;
341 if(m_position != m_end)
342 {
343 // Named sub-expression:
344 put(get_named_sub(base, m_position));
345 ++m_position;
346 break;
347 }
348 else
349 {
350 m_position = --base;
351 }
352 }
353 put((this->m_results)[this->m_results.size() > 1 ? static_cast<int>(this->m_results.size() - 1) : 1]);
354 break;
355 case '{':
356 have_brace = true;
357 ++m_position;
359 default:
360 // see if we have a number:
361 {
362 std::ptrdiff_t len = ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::distance(m_position, m_end);
363 //len = (std::min)(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(2), len);
364 int v = this->toi(m_position, m_position + len, 10);
365 if((v < 0) || (have_brace && ((m_position == m_end) || (*m_position != '}'))))
366 {
367 // Look for a Perl-5.10 verb:
368 if(!handle_perl_verb(have_brace))
369 {
370 // leave the $ as is, and carry on:
371 m_position = --save_position;
372 put(*m_position);
373 ++m_position;
374 }
375 break;
376 }
377 // otherwise output sub v:
378 put(this->m_results[v]);
379 if(have_brace)
380 ++m_position;
381 }
382 }
383 }
385 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
386 bool basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::handle_perl_verb(bool have_brace)
387 {
388 //
389 // We may have a capitalised string containing a Perl action:
390 //
391 static const char_type MATCH[] = { 'M', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'H' };
392 static const char_type PREMATCH[] = { 'P', 'R', 'E', 'M', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'H' };
393 static const char_type POSTMATCH[] = { 'P', 'O', 'S', 'T', 'M', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'H' };
394 static const char_type LAST_PAREN_MATCH[] = { 'L', 'A', 'S', 'T', '_', 'P', 'A', 'R', 'E', 'N', '_', 'M', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'H' };
395 static const char_type LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT[] = { 'L', 'A', 'S', 'T', '_', 'S', 'U', 'B', 'M', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'H', '_', 'R', 'E', 'S', 'U', 'L', 'T' };
396 static const char_type LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT_ALT[] = { '^', 'N' };
398 if(m_position == m_end)
399 return false;
400 if(have_brace && (*m_position == '^'))
401 ++m_position;
403 std::ptrdiff_t max_len = m_end - m_position;
405 if((max_len >= 5) && std::equal(m_position, m_position + 5, MATCH))
406 {
407 m_position += 5;
408 if(have_brace)
409 {
410 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '}'))
411 ++m_position;
412 else
413 {
414 m_position -= 5;
415 return false;
416 }
417 }
418 put(this->m_results[0]);
419 return true;
420 }
421 if((max_len >= 8) && std::equal(m_position, m_position + 8, PREMATCH))
422 {
423 m_position += 8;
424 if(have_brace)
425 {
426 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '}'))
427 ++m_position;
428 else
429 {
430 m_position -= 8;
431 return false;
432 }
433 }
434 put(this->m_results.prefix());
435 return true;
436 }
437 if((max_len >= 9) && std::equal(m_position, m_position + 9, POSTMATCH))
438 {
439 m_position += 9;
440 if(have_brace)
441 {
442 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '}'))
443 ++m_position;
444 else
445 {
446 m_position -= 9;
447 return false;
448 }
449 }
450 put(this->m_results.suffix());
451 return true;
452 }
453 if((max_len >= 16) && std::equal(m_position, m_position + 16, LAST_PAREN_MATCH))
454 {
455 m_position += 16;
456 if(have_brace)
457 {
458 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '}'))
459 ++m_position;
460 else
461 {
462 m_position -= 16;
463 return false;
464 }
465 }
466 put((this->m_results)[this->m_results.size() > 1 ? static_cast<int>(this->m_results.size() - 1) : 1]);
467 return true;
468 }
469 if((max_len >= 20) && std::equal(m_position, m_position + 20, LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT))
470 {
471 m_position += 20;
472 if(have_brace)
473 {
474 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '}'))
475 ++m_position;
476 else
477 {
478 m_position -= 20;
479 return false;
480 }
481 }
482 put(this->m_results.get_last_closed_paren());
483 return true;
484 }
485 if((max_len >= 2) && std::equal(m_position, m_position + 2, LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT_ALT))
486 {
487 m_position += 2;
488 if(have_brace)
489 {
490 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == '}'))
491 ++m_position;
492 else
493 {
494 m_position -= 2;
495 return false;
496 }
497 }
498 put(this->m_results.get_last_closed_paren());
499 return true;
500 }
501 return false;
502 }
504 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
505 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::format_escape()
506 {
507 // skip the escape and check for trailing escape:
508 if(++m_position == m_end)
509 {
510 put(static_cast<char_type>('\\'));
511 return;
512 }
513 // now switch on the escape type:
514 switch(*m_position)
515 {
516 case 'a':
517 put(static_cast<char_type>('\a'));
518 ++m_position;
519 break;
520 case 'f':
521 put(static_cast<char_type>('\f'));
522 ++m_position;
523 break;
524 case 'n':
525 put(static_cast<char_type>('\n'));
526 ++m_position;
527 break;
528 case 'r':
529 put(static_cast<char_type>('\r'));
530 ++m_position;
531 break;
532 case 't':
533 put(static_cast<char_type>('\t'));
534 ++m_position;
535 break;
536 case 'v':
537 put(static_cast<char_type>('\v'));
538 ++m_position;
539 break;
540 case 'x':
541 if(++m_position == m_end)
542 {
543 put(static_cast<char_type>('x'));
544 return;
545 }
546 // maybe have \x{ddd}
547 if(*m_position == static_cast<char_type>('{'))
548 {
549 ++m_position;
550 int val = this->toi(m_position, m_end, 16);
551 if(val < 0)
552 {
553 // invalid value treat everything as literals:
554 put(static_cast<char_type>('x'));
555 put(static_cast<char_type>('{'));
556 return;
557 }
558 if((m_position == m_end) || (*m_position != static_cast<char_type>('}')))
559 {
560 --m_position;
561 while(*m_position != static_cast<char_type>('\\'))
562 --m_position;
563 ++m_position;
564 put(*m_position++);
565 return;
566 }
567 ++m_position;
568 put(static_cast<char_type>(val));
569 return;
570 }
571 else
572 {
573 std::ptrdiff_t len = ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::distance(m_position, m_end);
574 len = (std::min)(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(2), len);
575 int val = this->toi(m_position, m_position + len, 16);
576 if(val < 0)
577 {
578 --m_position;
579 put(*m_position++);
580 return;
581 }
582 put(static_cast<char_type>(val));
583 }
584 break;
585 case 'c':
586 if(++m_position == m_end)
587 {
588 --m_position;
589 put(*m_position++);
590 return;
591 }
592 put(static_cast<char_type>(*m_position++ % 32));
593 break;
594 case 'e':
595 put(static_cast<char_type>(27));
596 ++m_position;
597 break;
598 default:
599 // see if we have a perl specific escape:
600 if((m_flags & boost::regex_constants::format_sed) == 0)
601 {
602 bool breakout = false;
603 switch(*m_position)
604 {
605 case 'l':
606 ++m_position;
607 m_restore_state = m_state;
608 m_state = output_next_lower;
609 breakout = true;
610 break;
611 case 'L':
612 ++m_position;
613 m_state = output_lower;
614 breakout = true;
615 break;
616 case 'u':
617 ++m_position;
618 m_restore_state = m_state;
619 m_state = output_next_upper;
620 breakout = true;
621 break;
622 case 'U':
623 ++m_position;
624 m_state = output_upper;
625 breakout = true;
626 break;
627 case 'E':
628 ++m_position;
629 m_state = output_copy;
630 breakout = true;
631 break;
632 }
633 if(breakout)
634 break;
635 }
636 // see if we have a \n sed style backreference:
637 std::ptrdiff_t len = ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::distance(m_position, m_end);
638 len = (std::min)(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(1), len);
639 int v = this->toi(m_position, m_position+len, 10);
640 if((v > 0) || ((v == 0) && (m_flags & ::boost::regex_constants::format_sed)))
641 {
642 put(m_results[v]);
643 break;
644 }
645 else if(v == 0)
646 {
647 // octal ecape sequence:
648 --m_position;
649 len = ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::distance(m_position, m_end);
650 len = (std::min)(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(4), len);
651 v = this->toi(m_position, m_position + len, 8);
652 BOOST_ASSERT(v >= 0);
653 put(static_cast<char_type>(v));
654 break;
655 }
656 // Otherwise output the character "as is":
657 put(*m_position++);
658 break;
659 }
660 }
662 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
663 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::format_conditional()
664 {
665 if(m_position == m_end)
666 {
667 // oops trailing '?':
668 put(static_cast<char_type>('?'));
669 return;
670 }
671 int v;
672 if(*m_position == '{')
673 {
674 ForwardIter base = m_position;
675 ++m_position;
676 v = this->toi(m_position, m_end, 10);
677 if(v < 0)
678 {
679 // Try a named subexpression:
680 while((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position != '}'))
681 ++m_position;
682 v = this->get_named_sub_index(base + 1, m_position);
683 }
684 if((v < 0) || (*m_position != '}'))
685 {
686 m_position = base;
687 // oops trailing '?':
688 put(static_cast<char_type>('?'));
689 return;
690 }
691 // Skip trailing '}':
692 ++m_position;
693 }
694 else
695 {
696 std::ptrdiff_t len = ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::distance(m_position, m_end);
697 len = (std::min)(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(2), len);
698 v = this->toi(m_position, m_position + len, 10);
699 }
700 if(v < 0)
701 {
702 // oops not a number:
703 put(static_cast<char_type>('?'));
704 return;
705 }
707 // output varies depending upon whether sub-expression v matched or not:
708 if(m_results[v].matched)
709 {
710 m_have_conditional = true;
711 format_all();
712 m_have_conditional = false;
713 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == static_cast<char_type>(':')))
714 {
715 // skip the ':':
716 ++m_position;
717 // save output state, then turn it off:
718 output_state saved_state = m_state;
719 m_state = output_none;
720 // format the rest of this scope:
721 format_until_scope_end();
722 // restore output state:
723 m_state = saved_state;
724 }
725 }
726 else
727 {
728 // save output state, then turn it off:
729 output_state saved_state = m_state;
730 m_state = output_none;
731 // format until ':' or ')':
732 m_have_conditional = true;
733 format_all();
734 m_have_conditional = false;
735 // restore state:
736 m_state = saved_state;
737 if((m_position != m_end) && (*m_position == static_cast<char_type>(':')))
738 {
739 // skip the ':':
740 ++m_position;
741 // format the rest of this scope:
742 format_until_scope_end();
743 }
744 }
745 }
747 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
748 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::format_until_scope_end()
749 {
750 do
751 {
752 format_all();
753 if((m_position == m_end) || (*m_position == static_cast<char_type>(')')))
754 return;
755 put(*m_position++);
756 }while(m_position != m_end);
757 }
759 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
760 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::put(char_type c)
761 {
762 // write a single character to output
763 // according to which case translation mode we are in:
764 switch(this->m_state)
765 {
766 case output_none:
767 return;
768 case output_next_lower:
769 c = m_traits.tolower(c);
770 this->m_state = m_restore_state;
771 break;
772 case output_next_upper:
773 c = m_traits.toupper(c);
774 this->m_state = m_restore_state;
775 break;
776 case output_lower:
777 c = m_traits.tolower(c);
778 break;
779 case output_upper:
780 c = m_traits.toupper(c);
781 break;
782 default:
783 break;
784 }
785 *m_out = c;
786 ++m_out;
787 }
789 template <class OutputIterator, class Results, class traits, class ForwardIter>
790 void basic_regex_formatter<OutputIterator, Results, traits, ForwardIter>::put(const sub_match_type& sub)
791 {
792 typedef typename sub_match_type::iterator iterator_type;
793 iterator_type i = sub.first;
794 while(i != sub.second)
795 {
796 put(*i);
797 ++i;
798 }
799 }
801 template <class S>
802 class string_out_iterator
803 {
804 S* out;
805 public:
806 string_out_iterator(S& s) : out(&s) {}
807 string_out_iterator& operator++() { return *this; }
808 string_out_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; }
809 string_out_iterator& operator*() { return *this; }
810 string_out_iterator& operator=(typename S::value_type v)
811 {
812 out->append(1, v);
813 return *this;
814 }
816 typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
817 typedef typename S::value_type value_type;
818 typedef value_type* pointer;
819 typedef value_type& reference;
820 typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
821 };
823 template <class OutputIterator, class Iterator, class Alloc, class ForwardIter, class traits>
824 OutputIterator regex_format_imp(OutputIterator out,
825 const match_results<Iterator, Alloc>& m,
826 ForwardIter p1, ForwardIter p2,
827 match_flag_type flags,
828 const traits& t
829 )
830 {
831 if(flags & regex_constants::format_literal)
832 {
833 return BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::copy(p1, p2, out);
834 }
836 BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::basic_regex_formatter<
837 OutputIterator,
838 match_results<Iterator, Alloc>,
839 traits, ForwardIter> f(out, m, t);
840 return f.format(p1, p2, flags);
841 }
843 #ifndef BOOST_NO_SFINAE
845 BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_TRAIT_DEF(const_iterator)
847 struct any_type
848 {
849 template <class T>
850 any_type(const T&);
851 template <class T, class U>
852 any_type(const T&, const U&);
853 template <class T, class U, class V>
854 any_type(const T&, const U&, const V&);
855 };
856 typedef char no_type;
857 typedef char (&unary_type)[2];
858 typedef char (&binary_type)[3];
859 typedef char (&ternary_type)[4];
861 no_type check_is_formatter(unary_type, binary_type, ternary_type);
862 template<typename T>
863 unary_type check_is_formatter(T const &, binary_type, ternary_type);
864 template<typename T>
865 binary_type check_is_formatter(unary_type, T const &, ternary_type);
866 template<typename T, typename U>
867 binary_type check_is_formatter(T const &, U const &, ternary_type);
868 template<typename T>
869 ternary_type check_is_formatter(unary_type, binary_type, T const &);
870 template<typename T, typename U>
871 ternary_type check_is_formatter(T const &, binary_type, U const &);
872 template<typename T, typename U>
873 ternary_type check_is_formatter(unary_type, T const &, U const &);
874 template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
875 ternary_type check_is_formatter(T const &, U const &, V const &);
877 struct unary_binary_ternary
878 {
879 typedef unary_type (*unary_fun)(any_type);
880 typedef binary_type (*binary_fun)(any_type, any_type);
881 typedef ternary_type (*ternary_fun)(any_type, any_type, any_type);
882 operator unary_fun();
883 operator binary_fun();
884 operator ternary_fun();
885 };
887 template<typename Formatter, bool IsFunction = boost::is_function<Formatter>::value>
888 struct formatter_wrapper
889 : Formatter
890 , unary_binary_ternary
891 {
892 formatter_wrapper(){}
893 };
895 template<typename Formatter>
896 struct formatter_wrapper<Formatter, true>
897 : unary_binary_ternary
898 {
899 operator Formatter *();
900 };
902 template<typename Formatter>
903 struct formatter_wrapper<Formatter *, false>
904 : unary_binary_ternary
905 {
906 operator Formatter *();
907 };
909 template <class F, class M, class O>
910 struct format_traits_imp
911 {
912 private:
913 //
914 // F must be a pointer, a function, or a class with a function call operator:
915 //
916 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_pointer<F>::value || ::boost::is_function<F>::value || ::boost::is_class<F>::value));
917 static formatter_wrapper<typename unwrap_reference<F>::type> f;
918 static M m;
919 static O out;
920 static boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type flags;
921 public:
922 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = sizeof(check_is_formatter(f(m), f(m, out), f(m, out, flags))));
923 };
925 template <class F, class M, class O>
926 struct format_traits
927 {
928 public:
929 //
930 // Type is mpl::int_<N> where N is one of:
931 //
932 // 0 : F is a pointer to a presumably null-terminated string.
933 // 1 : F is a character-container such as a std::string.
934 // 2 : F is a Unary Functor.
935 // 3 : F is a Binary Functor.
936 // 4 : F is a Ternary Functor.
937 //
938 typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
939 boost::mpl::and_<boost::is_pointer<F>, boost::mpl::not_<boost::is_function<typename boost::remove_pointer<F>::type> > >,
940 boost::mpl::int_<0>,
941 typename boost::mpl::if_<
942 has_const_iterator<F>,
943 boost::mpl::int_<1>,
944 boost::mpl::int_<format_traits_imp<F, M, O>::value>
945 >::type
946 >::type type;
947 //
948 // This static assertion will fail if the functor passed does not accept
949 // the same type of arguments passed.
950 //
951 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( boost::is_class<F>::value && !has_const_iterator<F>::value ? (type::value > 1) : true);
952 };
954 #else // BOOST_NO_SFINAE
956 template <class F, class M, class O>
957 struct format_traits
958 {
959 public:
960 //
961 // Type is mpl::int_<N> where N is one of:
962 //
963 // 0 : F is a pointer to a presumably null-terminated string.
964 // 1 : F is a character-container such as a std::string.
965 //
966 // Other options such as F being a Functor are not supported without
967 // SFINAE support.
968 //
969 typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
970 boost::is_pointer<F>,
971 boost::mpl::int_<0>,
972 boost::mpl::int_<1>
973 >::type type;
974 };
976 #endif // BOOST_NO_SFINAE
978 template <class Base, class Match>
979 struct format_functor3
980 {
981 format_functor3(Base b) : func(b) {}
982 template <class OutputIter>
983 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f)
984 {
985 return boost::unwrap_ref(func)(m, i, f);
986 }
987 template <class OutputIter, class Traits>
988 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f, const Traits&)
989 {
990 return (*this)(m, i, f);
991 }
992 private:
993 Base func;
994 format_functor3(const format_functor3&);
995 format_functor3& operator=(const format_functor3&);
996 };
998 template <class Base, class Match>
999 struct format_functor2
1000 {
1001 format_functor2(Base b) : func(b) {}
1002 template <class OutputIter>
1003 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type /*f*/)
1004 {
1005 return boost::unwrap_ref(func)(m, i);
1006 }
1007 template <class OutputIter, class Traits>
1008 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f, const Traits&)
1009 {
1010 return (*this)(m, i, f);
1011 }
1012 private:
1013 Base func;
1014 format_functor2(const format_functor2&);
1015 format_functor2& operator=(const format_functor2&);
1016 };
1018 template <class Base, class Match>
1019 struct format_functor1
1020 {
1021 format_functor1(Base b) : func(b) {}
1023 template <class S, class OutputIter>
1024 OutputIter do_format_string(const S& s, OutputIter i)
1025 {
1026 return BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), i);
1027 }
1028 template <class S, class OutputIter>
1029 inline OutputIter do_format_string(const S* s, OutputIter i)
1030 {
1031 while(s && *s)
1032 {
1033 *i = *s;
1034 ++i;
1035 ++s;
1036 }
1037 return i;
1038 }
1039 template <class OutputIter>
1040 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type /*f*/)
1041 {
1042 return do_format_string(boost::unwrap_ref(func)(m), i);
1043 }
1044 template <class OutputIter, class Traits>
1045 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f, const Traits&)
1046 {
1047 return (*this)(m, i, f);
1048 }
1049 private:
1050 Base func;
1051 format_functor1(const format_functor1&);
1052 format_functor1& operator=(const format_functor1&);
1053 };
1055 template <class charT, class Match, class Traits>
1056 struct format_functor_c_string
1057 {
1058 format_functor_c_string(const charT* ps) : func(ps) {}
1060 template <class OutputIter>
1061 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f, const Traits& t = Traits())
1062 {
1063 //typedef typename Match::char_type char_type;
1064 const charT* end = func;
1065 while(*end) ++end;
1066 return regex_format_imp(i, m, func, end, f, t);
1067 }
1068 private:
1069 const charT* func;
1070 format_functor_c_string(const format_functor_c_string&);
1071 format_functor_c_string& operator=(const format_functor_c_string&);
1072 };
1074 template <class Container, class Match, class Traits>
1075 struct format_functor_container
1076 {
1077 format_functor_container(const Container& c) : func(c) {}
1079 template <class OutputIter>
1080 OutputIter operator()(const Match& m, OutputIter i, boost::regex_constants::match_flag_type f, const Traits& t = Traits())
1081 {
1082 //typedef typename Match::char_type char_type;
1083 return BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::regex_format_imp(i, m, func.begin(), func.end(), f, t);
1084 }
1085 private:
1086 const Container& func;
1087 format_functor_container(const format_functor_container&);
1088 format_functor_container& operator=(const format_functor_container&);
1089 };
1091 template <class Func, class Match, class OutputIterator, class Traits = BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::trivial_format_traits<typename Match::char_type> >
1092 struct compute_functor_type
1093 {
1094 typedef typename format_traits<Func, Match, OutputIterator>::type tag;
1095 typedef typename boost::remove_cv< typename boost::remove_pointer<Func>::type>::type maybe_char_type;
1097 typedef typename mpl::if_<
1098 ::boost::is_same<tag, mpl::int_<0> >, format_functor_c_string<maybe_char_type, Match, Traits>,
1099 typename mpl::if_<
1100 ::boost::is_same<tag, mpl::int_<1> >, format_functor_container<Func, Match, Traits>,
1101 typename mpl::if_<
1102 ::boost::is_same<tag, mpl::int_<2> >, format_functor1<Func, Match>,
1103 typename mpl::if_<
1104 ::boost::is_same<tag, mpl::int_<3> >, format_functor2<Func, Match>,
1105 format_functor3<Func, Match>
1106 >::type
1107 >::type
1108 >::type
1109 >::type type;
1110 };
1112 } // namespace BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS
1114 template <class OutputIterator, class Iterator, class Allocator, class Functor>
1115 inline OutputIterator regex_format(OutputIterator out,
1116 const match_results<Iterator, Allocator>& m,
1117 Functor fmt,
1118 match_flag_type flags = format_all
1119 )
1120 {
1121 return m.format(out, fmt, flags);
1122 }
1124 template <class Iterator, class Allocator, class Functor>
1125 inline std::basic_string<typename match_results<Iterator, Allocator>::char_type> regex_format(const match_results<Iterator, Allocator>& m,
1126 Functor fmt,
1127 match_flag_type flags = format_all)
1128 {
1129 return m.format(fmt, flags);
1130 }
1132 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
1133 #pragma warning(push)
1134 #pragma warning(disable: 4103)
1135 #endif
1137 # include BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX
1138 #endif
1139 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
1140 #pragma warning(pop)
1141 #endif
1143 } // namespace boost