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27 <H2>2.2.6. Dictionary Filters</H2>
29 <P>
30 A <SPAN CLASS='term'>dictionary filter</SPAN> is a Filter which performs text substitution in the following manner. It maintains a collection of pairs of strings whose first components are words and whose second components represent replacement text &#8212; I'll call such a collection a <SPAN CLASS='term'>dictionary</SPAN>, and refer to the pairs it contains as <SPAN CLASS='term'>definitions</SPAN>. When a dictionary filter encounters a word which appears as the first component of a definition, it forwards the replacement text instead of the original word. Other words, whitespace and punctuation are forwarded unchanged.
31 </P>
33 <P>
34 The basic algorithm is as follows: You examine characters one at a time, appending them to a string which I'll call the <SPAN CLASS='term'>current word</SPAN>. When you encounter a non-alphabetic character, you consult the dictionary to determine whether the current word appears as the first component of a definition. If it does, you forward the replacement text followed by the non-alphabetic character. Otherwise, you forward the current word followed by the non-alphabetic character. When the end-of-stream is reached, you consult the dictionary again and forward either the curent word or its replacement, as appropriate.
35 </P>
37 <P>
38 In the following sections, I'll express this algorithm as a <A HREF="../classes/stdio_filter.html"><CODE>stdio_filter</CODE></A>, an <A HREF="../concepts/input_filter.html">InputFilter</A> and an <A HREF="../concepts/output_filter.html">OutputFilter</A>. The source code can be found in the header <A HREF="../../example/dictionary_filter.hpp"><CODE>&lt;libs/iostreams/example/dictionary_filter.hpp&gt;</CODE></A>.
39 </P>
41 <A NAME="dictionary"></A>
42 <H4><CODE>dictionary</CODE></H4>
44 <P>You can represent a dictionary using the following class:</P>
46 <PRE class="broken_ie"><SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;map&gt;</SPAN>
47 <SPAN CLASS="preprocessor">#include</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;string&gt;</SPAN>
49 <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> boost { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> iostreams { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> example {
51 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">class</SPAN> dictionary {
52 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN>:
53 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">void</SPAN> add(std::string key, <SPAN CLASS="keyword">const</SPAN> std::string&amp; value);
54 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">void</SPAN> replace(std::string&amp; key);
56 <SPAN CLASS='comment'>/* ... */</SPAN>
57 };
59 } } } <SPAN CLASS="comment">// End namespace boost::iostreams:example</SPAN></PRE>
61 <P>
62 The member function <CODE>add</CODE> converts <CODE>key</CODE> to lower case and adds the pair <CODE>key</CODE>, <CODE>value</CODE> to the dictionary. The member function <CODE>replace</CODE> searches for a definition whose first component is equal to the result of converting <CODE>key</CODE> to lower case. If it finds such a definition, it assigns the replacement text to <CODE>key</CODE>, adjusting the case of the first character to match the case of the first character of <CODE>key</CODE>. Otherwise, it does nothing.
63 </P>
65 <A NAME="dictionary_stdio_filter"></A>
66 <H4><CODE>dictionary_stdio_filter</CODE></H4>
68 <P>You can express a dictionary filter as a <A HREF="../classes/stdio_filter.html"><CODE>stdio_filter</CODE></A> as follows:</P>
70 <PRE class="broken_ie"><SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;cstdio&gt;</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// EOF</SPAN>
71 <SPAN CLASS="preprocessor">#include</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;iostream&gt;</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// cin, cout</SPAN>
72 <SPAN CLASS="preprocessor">#include</SPAN> <A CLASS="header" HREF="../../../../boost/iostreams/filter/stdio.hpp"><SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;boost/iostreams/filter/stdio.hpp&gt;</SPAN></A>
74 <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> boost { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> iostreams { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> example {
76 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">class</SPAN> dictionary_stdio_filter : <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> stdio_filter {
77 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN>:
78 dictionary_stdio_filter(dictionary&amp; d) : dictionary_(d) { }
79 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">private</SPAN>:
80 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">void</SPAN> do_filter()
81 {
82 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">using</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">namespace</SPAN> std;
83 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">while</SPAN> (<SPAN CLASS="keyword">true</SPAN>) {
84 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">int</SPAN></SPAN> c = std::cin.get();
85 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (c == <SPAN CLASS="numeric_literal">EOF</SPAN> || !std::isalpha((<SPAN CLASS="keyword">unsigned</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">char</SPAN>) c)) {
86 dictionary_.replace(current_word_);
87 cout.write( current_word_.data(),
88 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">static_cast</SPAN>&lt;streamsize&gt;(current_word_.size()) );
89 current_word_.erase();
90 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (c == <SPAN CLASS="numeric_literal">EOF</SPAN>)
91 break;
92 cout.put(c);
93 } <SPAN CLASS="keyword">else</SPAN> {
94 current_word_ += c;
95 }
96 }
97 }
98 dictionary&amp; dictionary_;
99 std::string current_word_;
100 };
102 } } } <SPAN CLASS="comment">// End namespace boost::iostreams:example</SPAN></PRE>
104 <P>
105 The implementation of <CODE>do_filter</CODE> simply loops, reading characters from <CODE>std::cin</CODE> and <CODE>appending</CODE> them to the member variable <CODE>current_word_</CODE> until a non-alphabetic character or end-of-stream indication is encountered. When this occurs it uses its dictionary, stored in the member variable <CODE>dictionary_</CODE>, to replace the current word if necessary. Finally, it writes the current word, followed by the non-alphabetic character, if any, to <CODE>std::cout</CODE>.
106 </P>
108 <A NAME="dictionary_input_filter"></A>
109 <H4><CODE>dictionary_input_filter</CODE></H4>
111 <P>You can express a dictionary filter as an <A HREF="../concepts/input_filter.html">InputFilter</A> as follows:</P>
113 <PRE class="broken_ie"><SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <A CLASS="header" HREF="../../../../boost/iostreams/char_traits.hpp"><SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;boost/iostreams/char_traits.hpp&gt;</SPAN></A> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// EOF, WOULD_BLOCK</SPAN>
114 <SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <A CLASS="header" HREF="../../../../boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp"><SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp&gt;</SPAN></A> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// input_filter</SPAN>
115 <SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <A CLASS="header" HREF="../../../../boost/iostreams/operations.hpp"><SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;boost/iostreams/operations.hpp&gt;</SPAN></A> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// get</SPAN>
117 <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> boost { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> iostreams { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> example {
119 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">class</SPAN> dictionary_input_filter : <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> input_filter {
120 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN>:
121 dictionary_input_filter(dictionary&amp; d)
122 : dictionary_(d), off_(std::string::npos), eof_(<SPAN CLASS="keyword">false</SPAN>)
123 { }
125 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Source&gt;
126 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">int</SPAN></SPAN> get(Source&amp; src);
128 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Source&gt;
129 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">void</SPAN> close(Source&amp;);
130 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">private</SPAN>:
131 dictionary&amp; dictionary_;
132 std::string current_word_;
133 std::string::size_type off_;
134 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">bool</SPAN></SPAN> eof_;
135 };
137 } } } <SPAN CLASS="comment">// End namespace boost::iostreams:example</SPAN></PRE>
139 <P>The function <CODE>get</CODE> is implemented as follows:</P>
141 <PRE class="broken_ie"> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Source&gt;
142 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">int</SPAN></SPAN> get(Source&amp; src)
143 {
144 <SPAN CLASS='comment'>// Handle unfinished business.</SPAN>
145 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (off_ != std::string::npos &amp;&amp; off_ &lt; current_word_.size())
146 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> current_word_[off_++];
147 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (off_ == current_word_.size()) {
148 current_word_.erase();
149 off_ = std::string::npos;
150 }
151 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (eof_)
152 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="numeric_literal">EOF</SPAN>;
154 <SPAN CLASS='comment'>// Compute curent word.</SPAN>
155 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">while</SPAN> (<SPAN CLASS="keyword">true</SPAN>) {
156 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">int</SPAN></SPAN> c;
157 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> ((c = iostreams::get(src)) == WOULD_BLOCK)
158 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> WOULD_BLOCK;
160 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (c == <SPAN CLASS="numeric_literal">EOF</SPAN> || !std::isalpha((<SPAN CLASS="keyword">unsigned</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">char</SPAN>) c)) {
161 dictionary_.replace(current_word_);
162 off_ = 0;
163 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (c == <SPAN CLASS="numeric_literal">EOF</SPAN>)
164 eof_ = <SPAN CLASS="keyword">true</SPAN>;
165 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">else</SPAN>
166 current_word_ += c;
167 break;
168 } <SPAN CLASS="keyword">else</SPAN> {
169 current_word_ += c;
170 }
171 }
173 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> this-&gt;get(src); <SPAN CLASS='comment'>// Note: current_word_ is not empty.</SPAN>
174 }</PRE>
176 <P>
177 You first check to see whether there are any characters which remain from a previous invocation of <CODE>get</CODE>. If so, you update some book keeping information and return the first such character.
178 </P>
179 <P>
180 The <CODE>while</CODE> loop is very similar to that of <A HREF="#dictionary_stdio_filter"><CODE>dictionary_stdio_filter::do_filter</CODE></A>: it reads characters from the <A HREF="../concepts/source.html">Source</A> <CODE>src</CODE>, appending them to <CODE>current_word_</CODE> until a non-alphabetic character, <CODE>EOF</CODE> or <CODE>WOULD_BLOCK</CODE> is encountered. The value <CODE>WOULD_BLOCK</CODE> is passed on to the caller. In the remaining cases, the dictionary is consulted to determine the appropriate replacement text.
181 </P>
183 <P>Finally, <CODE>get</CODE> is called recursively to return the first character of the current word.</P>
185 <P>As usual, the function <CODE>close</CODE> resets the Filter's state:</P>
187 <PRE class="broken_ie"> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Source&gt;
188 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">void</SPAN> close(Source&amp;)
189 {
190 current_word_.erase();
191 off_ = std::string::npos;
192 eof_ = <SPAN CLASS="keyword">false</SPAN>;
193 }</PRE>
195 <A NAME="dictionary_output_filter"></A>
196 <H4><CODE>dictionary_output_filter</CODE></H4>
198 <P>You can express a dictionary filter as an <A HREF="../concepts/output_filter.html">OutputFilter</A> as follows:</P>
200 <PRE class="broken_ie"><SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS='literal'>&lt;algorithm&gt;</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS='comment'>// swap</SPAN>
201 <SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <A CLASS="header" HREF="../../../../boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp"><SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp&gt;</SPAN></A> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// output_filter</SPAN>
202 <SPAN CLASS='preprocessor'>#include</SPAN> <A CLASS="header" HREF="../../../../boost/iostreams/operations.hpp"><SPAN CLASS="literal">&lt;boost/iostreams/operations.hpp&gt;</SPAN></A> <SPAN CLASS="comment">// write</SPAN>
204 <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> boost { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> iostreams { <SPAN CLASS='keyword'>namespace</SPAN> example {
206 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">class</SPAN> dictionary_output_filter : <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN> output_filter {
207 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">public</SPAN>:
208 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">typedef</SPAN> std::map&lt;std::string, std::string&gt; map_type;
209 dictionary_output_filter(dictionary&amp; d)
210 : dictionary_(d), off_(std::string::npos)
211 { }
213 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Sink&gt;
214 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">bool</SPAN></SPAN> put(Sink&amp; dest, <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">int</SPAN></SPAN> c);
216 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Sink&gt;
217 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">void</SPAN> close(Sink&amp; dest);
218 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">private</SPAN>:
219 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Sink&gt;
220 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">bool</SPAN></SPAN> write_current_word(Sink&amp; dest);
221 dictionary&amp; dictionary_;
222 std::string current_word_;
223 std::string::size_type off_;
224 };
226 } } } <SPAN CLASS="comment">// End namespace boost::iostreams:example</SPAN></PRE>
228 <P>Let's look first at the helper function <CODE>write_current_word</CODE>:</P>
230 <PRE class="broken_ie"> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Sink&gt;
231 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">bool</SPAN></SPAN> write_current_word(Sink&amp; dest)
232 {
233 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">using</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">namespace</SPAN> std;
234 streamsize amt = <SPAN CLASS="keyword">static_cast</SPAN>&lt;streamsize&gt;(current_word_.size() - off_);
235 streamsize result =
236 iostreams::write(dest, current_word_.data() + off_, amt);
237 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (result == amt) {
238 current_word_.erase();
239 off_ = string::npos;
240 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">true</SPAN>;
241 } <SPAN CLASS="keyword">else</SPAN> {
242 off_ += <SPAN CLASS="keyword">static_cast</SPAN>&lt;string::size_type&gt;(result);
243 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">false</SPAN>;
244 }
245 }</PRE>
247 <P>
248 This function attempts to write <CODE>current_word_</CODE>, beginning at the offset <CODE>off_</CODE>, to the provided <A HREF="../concepts/sink.html">Sink</A>. If the entire sequence is successfully written, <CODE>current_word_</CODE> is cleared and the function returns <CODE>true</CODE>. Otherwise the member variable <CODE>off_</CODE> is updated to point to the first unwritten character and the function fails.
249 </P>
251 <P>Using <CODE>write_current_word</CODE> you can implement <CODE>put</CODE> as follows:</P>
253 <PRE class="broken_ie"> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Sink&gt;
254 <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">bool</SPAN></SPAN> put(Sink&amp; dest, <SPAN CLASS="keyword"><SPAN CLASS="keyword">int</SPAN></SPAN> c)
255 {
256 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (off_ != std::string::npos &amp;&amp; !write_current_word(dest))
257 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">false</SPAN>;
258 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (!std::isalpha((<SPAN CLASS="keyword">unsigned</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">char</SPAN>) c)) {
259 dictionary_.replace(current_word_);
260 off_ = 0;
261 }
263 current_word_ += c;
264 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">return</SPAN> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">true</SPAN>;
265 }</PRE>
267 <P>
268 As in the implementation of <A HREF="#dictionary_input_filter"><CODE>dictionary_input_filter::get</CODE></A>, you first check to see whether there are any characters from a previous invocation of <CODE>put</CODE> which remain to be written. If so, you attempt to write these characters using <CODE>write_current_word</CODE>. If successful, you next examine the given character <CODE>c</CODE>. If it is a non-alphabetic character, you consult the dictionary to determine the appropriate replacement text. In any case, you append <CODE>c</CODE> to <CODE>current_word_</CODE> and return <CODE>true</CODE>.
269 </P>
271 <P>The function <CODE>close</CODE> has more work to do in this case than simply reseting the Filter's state. Unless the last character of the unfiltered sequence happened to be a non-alphabetic character, the contents of current_word_ will not yet have been written:</P>
273 <PRE class="broken_ie"> <SPAN CLASS="keyword">template</SPAN>&lt;<SPAN CLASS="keyword">typename</SPAN> Sink&gt;
274 void close(Sink&amp; dest)
275 {
276 <SPAN CLASS='comment'>// Reset current_word_ and off_, saving old values.</SPAN>
277 std::string current_word;
278 std::string::size_type off = <SPAN CLASS='numeric_literal'>0</SPAN>;
279 current_word.swap(current_word_);
280 std::swap(off, off_);
282 <SPAN CLASS='comment'>// Write remaining characters to dest.</SPAN>
283 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (off == std::string::npos) {
284 dictionary_.replace(current_word);
285 off = <SPAN CLASS='numeric_literal'>0</SPAN>;
286 }
287 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">if</SPAN> (!current_word.empty())
288 iostreams::write(
289 dest,
290 current_word.data() + off,
291 <SPAN CLASS="keyword">static_cast</SPAN>&lt;std::streamsize&gt;(current_word.size() - off)
292 );
293 }</PRE>
295 <P>Note that you may assume that the template argument is a <A HREF="../concepts/blocking.html">Blocking</A> <A HREF="../concepts/sink.html">Sink</A>, and that you must reset the values of <CODE>current_word_</CODE> and <CODE>off_</CODE> before calling <A HREF="../functions/write.html"><CODE>write</CODE></A>, in case <A HREF="../functions/write.html"><CODE>write</CODE></A> throws an exception.</P>
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314 <P CLASS="copyright">
315 Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 2.0. (See accompanying file <A HREF="../../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or copy at <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>)
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