]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/math/example/root_elliptic_finding.cpp
import new upstream nautilus stable release 14.2.8
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / math / example / root_elliptic_finding.cpp
1 // Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2015
3 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
4 // Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
5 // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
6 // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8 // Comparison of finding roots using TOMS748, Newton-Raphson, Halley & Schroder algorithms.
9 // root_n_finding_algorithms.cpp Generalised for nth root version.
11 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cube_root
13 // Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
14 // and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
15 // This program also writes files in Quickbook tables mark-up format.
17 #include <boost/cstdlib.hpp>
18 #include <boost/config.hpp>
19 #include <boost/array.hpp>
20 #include <boost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp>
21 #include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
22 #include <boost/math/special_functions/ellint_1.hpp>
23 #include <boost/math/special_functions/ellint_2.hpp>
25 //using boost::math::policies::policy;
26 //using boost::math::tools::eps_tolerance; // Binary functor for specified number of bits.
27 //using boost::math::tools::bracket_and_solve_root;
28 //using boost::math::tools::toms748_solve;
29 //using boost::math::tools::halley_iterate;
30 //using boost::math::tools::newton_raphson_iterate;
31 //using boost::math::tools::schroder_iterate;
33 #include <boost/math/special_functions/next.hpp> // For float_distance.
35 #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp> // is binary.
36 using boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float_100;
37 using boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float_50;
39 #include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
40 #include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
41 #include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
43 // STL
44 #include <iostream>
45 #include <iomanip>
46 #include <string>
47 #include <vector>
48 #include <limits>
49 #include <fstream> // std::ofstream
50 #include <cmath>
51 #include <typeinfo> // for type name using typid(thingy).name();
53 #ifdef __FILE__
54 std::string sourcefilename = __FILE__;
55 #else
56 std::string sourcefilename("");
57 #endif
59 std::string chop_last(std::string s)
60 {
61 std::string::size_type pos = s.find_last_of("\\/");
62 if(pos != std::string::npos)
63 s.erase(pos);
64 else if(s.empty())
65 abort();
66 else
67 s.erase();
68 return s;
69 }
71 std::string make_root()
72 {
73 std::string result;
74 if(sourcefilename.find_first_of(":") != std::string::npos)
75 {
76 result = chop_last(sourcefilename); // lose filename part
77 result = chop_last(result); // lose /example/
78 result = chop_last(result); // lose /math/
79 result = chop_last(result); // lose /libs/
80 }
81 else
82 {
83 result = chop_last(sourcefilename); // lose filename part
84 if(result.empty())
85 result = ".";
86 result += "/../../..";
87 }
88 return result;
89 }
91 std::string short_file_name(std::string s)
92 {
93 std::string::size_type pos = s.find_last_of("\\/");
94 if(pos != std::string::npos)
95 s.erase(0, pos + 1);
96 return s;
97 }
99 std::string boost_root = make_root();
102 std::string fp_hardware; // Any hardware features like SEE or AVX
104 const std::string roots_name = "libs/math/doc/roots/";
106 const std::string full_roots_name(boost_root + "/libs/math/doc/roots/");
108 const std::size_t nooftypes = 4;
109 const std::size_t noofalgos = 4;
111 double digits_accuracy = 1.0; // 1 == maximum possible accuracy.
113 std::stringstream ss;
115 std::ofstream fout;
117 std::vector<std::string> algo_names =
118 {
119 "TOMS748", "Newton", "Halley", "Schr'''&#xf6;'''der"
120 };
122 std::vector<std::string> names =
123 {
124 "float", "double", "long double", "cpp_bin_float50"
125 };
127 uintmax_t iters; // Global as value of iterations is not returned.
129 struct root_info
130 { // for a floating-point type, float, double ...
131 std::size_t max_digits10; // for type.
132 std::string full_typename; // for type from type_id.name().
133 std::string short_typename; // for type "float", "double", "cpp_bin_float_50" ....
134 std::size_t bin_digits; // binary in floating-point type numeric_limits<T>::digits;
135 int get_digits; // fraction of maximum possible accuracy required.
136 // = digits * digits_accuracy
137 // Vector of values (4) for each algorithm, TOMS748, Newton, Halley & Schroder.
138 //std::vector< boost::int_least64_t> times; converted to int.
139 std::vector<int> times; // arbirary units (ticks).
140 //boost::int_least64_t min_time = std::numeric_limits<boost::int_least64_t>::max(); // Used to normalize times (as int).
141 std::vector<double> normed_times;
142 int min_time = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(); // Used to normalize times.
143 std::vector<uintmax_t> iterations;
144 std::vector<long int> distances;
145 std::vector<cpp_bin_float_100> full_results;
146 }; // struct root_info
148 std::vector<root_info> root_infos; // One element for each floating-point type used.
150 inline std::string build_test_name(const char* type_name, const char* test_name)
151 {
152 std::string result(BOOST_COMPILER);
153 result += "|";
154 result += BOOST_STDLIB;
155 result += "|";
156 result += BOOST_PLATFORM;
157 result += "|";
158 result += type_name;
159 result += "|";
160 result += test_name;
161 #if defined(_DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG)
162 result += "|";
163 result += " debug";
164 #else
165 result += "|";
166 result += " release";
167 #endif
168 result += "|";
169 return result;
170 } // std::string build_test_name
172 // Algorithms //////////////////////////////////////////////
174 // No derivatives - using TOMS748 internally.
175 //[elliptic_noderv_func
176 template <typename T = double>
177 struct elliptic_root_functor_noderiv
178 { // Nth root of x using only function - no derivatives.
179 elliptic_root_functor_noderiv(T const& arc, T const& radius) : m_arc(arc), m_radius(radius)
180 { // Constructor just stores value a to find root of.
181 }
182 T operator()(T const& x)
183 {
184 using std::sqrt;
185 // return the difference between required arc-length, and the calculated arc-length for an
186 // ellipse with radii m_radius and x:
187 T a = (std::max)(m_radius, x);
188 T b = (std::min)(m_radius, x);
189 T k = sqrt(1 - b * b / (a * a));
190 return 4 * a * boost::math::ellint_2(k) - m_arc;
191 }
192 private:
193 T m_arc; // length of arc.
194 T m_radius; // one of the two radii of the ellipse
195 }; // template <class T> struct elliptic_root_functor_noderiv
196 //]
197 //[elliptic_root_noderiv
198 template <class T = double>
199 T elliptic_root_noderiv(T radius, T arc)
200 { // return the other radius of an ellipse, given one radii and the arc-length
201 using namespace std; // Help ADL of std functions.
202 using namespace boost::math::tools; // For bracket_and_solve_root.
204 T guess = sqrt(arc * arc / 16 - radius * radius);
205 T factor = 1.2; // How big steps to take when searching.
207 const boost::uintmax_t maxit = 50; // Limit to maximum iterations.
208 boost::uintmax_t it = maxit; // Initally our chosen max iterations, but updated with actual.
209 bool is_rising = true; // arc-length increases if one radii increases, so function is rising
210 // Define a termination condition, stop when nearly all digits are correct, but allow for
211 // the fact that we are returning a range, and must have some inaccuracy in the elliptic integral:
212 eps_tolerance<T> tol(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - 2);
213 // Call bracket_and_solve_root to find the solution, note that this is a rising function:
214 std::pair<T, T> r = bracket_and_solve_root(elliptic_root_functor_noderiv<T>(arc, radius), guess, factor, is_rising, tol, it);
215 //<-
216 iters = it;
217 //->
218 // Result is midway between the endpoints of the range:
219 return r.first + (r.second - r.first) / 2;
220 } // template <class T> T elliptic_root_noderiv(T x)
221 //]
222 // Using 1st derivative only Newton-Raphson
223 //[elliptic_1deriv_func
224 template <class T = double>
225 struct elliptic_root_functor_1deriv
226 { // Functor also returning 1st derviative.
227 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<T>::value == false, "Only floating-point type types can be used!");
229 elliptic_root_functor_1deriv(T const& arc, T const& radius) : m_arc(arc), m_radius(radius)
230 { // Constructor just stores value a to find root of.
231 }
232 std::pair<T, T> operator()(T const& x)
233 {
234 using std::sqrt;
235 // Return the difference between required arc-length, and the calculated arc-length for an
236 // ellipse with radii m_radius and x, plus it's derivative.
237 // See http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=d%2Fda+[4+*+a+*+EllipticE%281+-+b^2%2Fa^2%29]
238 // We require two elliptic integral calls, but from these we can calculate both
239 // the function and it's derivative:
240 T a = (std::max)(m_radius, x);
241 T b = (std::min)(m_radius, x);
242 T a2 = a * a;
243 T b2 = b * b;
244 T k = sqrt(1 - b2 / a2);
245 T Ek = boost::math::ellint_2(k);
246 T Kk = boost::math::ellint_1(k);
247 T fx = 4 * a * Ek - m_arc;
248 T dfx = 4 * (a2 * Ek - b2 * Kk) / (a2 - b2);
249 return std::make_pair(fx, dfx);
250 }
251 private:
252 T m_arc; // length of arc.
253 T m_radius; // one of the two radii of the ellipse
254 }; // struct elliptic_root__functor_1deriv
255 //]
256 //[elliptic_1deriv
257 template <class T = double>
258 T elliptic_root_1deriv(T radius, T arc)
259 {
260 using namespace std; // Help ADL of std functions.
261 using namespace boost::math::tools; // For newton_raphson_iterate.
263 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<T>::value == false, "Only floating-point type types can be used!");
265 T guess = sqrt(arc * arc / 16 - radius * radius);
266 T min = 0; // Minimum possible value is zero.
267 T max = arc; // Maximum possible value is the arc length.
269 // Accuracy doubles at each step, so stop when just over half of the digits are
270 // correct, and rely on that step to polish off the remainder:
271 int get_digits = static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * 0.6);
272 const boost::uintmax_t maxit = 20;
273 boost::uintmax_t it = maxit;
274 T result = newton_raphson_iterate(elliptic_root_functor_1deriv<T>(arc, radius), guess, min, max, get_digits, it);
275 //<-
276 iters = it;
277 //->
278 return result;
279 } // T elliptic_root_1_deriv Newton-Raphson
280 //]
282 // Using 1st and 2nd derivatives with Halley algorithm.
283 //[elliptic_2deriv_func
284 template <class T = double>
285 struct elliptic_root_functor_2deriv
286 { // Functor returning both 1st and 2nd derivatives.
287 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<T>::value == false, "Only floating-point type types can be used!");
289 elliptic_root_functor_2deriv(T const& arc, T const& radius) : m_arc(arc), m_radius(radius) {}
290 std::tuple<T, T, T> operator()(T const& x)
291 {
292 using std::sqrt;
293 // Return the difference between required arc-length, and the calculated arc-length for an
294 // ellipse with radii m_radius and x, plus it's derivative.
295 // See http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=d^2%2Fda^2+[4+*+a+*+EllipticE%281+-+b^2%2Fa^2%29]
296 // for the second derivative.
297 T a = (std::max)(m_radius, x);
298 T b = (std::min)(m_radius, x);
299 T a2 = a * a;
300 T b2 = b * b;
301 T k = sqrt(1 - b2 / a2);
302 T Ek = boost::math::ellint_2(k);
303 T Kk = boost::math::ellint_1(k);
304 T fx = 4 * a * Ek - m_arc;
305 T dfx = 4 * (a2 * Ek - b2 * Kk) / (a2 - b2);
306 T dfx2 = 4 * b2 * ((a2 + b2) * Kk - 2 * a2 * Ek) / (a * (a2 - b2) * (a2 - b2));
307 return std::make_tuple(fx, dfx, dfx2);
308 }
309 private:
310 T m_arc; // length of arc.
311 T m_radius; // one of the two radii of the ellipse
312 };
313 //]
314 //[elliptic_2deriv
315 template <class T = double>
316 T elliptic_root_2deriv(T radius, T arc)
317 {
318 using namespace std; // Help ADL of std functions.
319 using namespace boost::math::tools; // For halley_iterate.
321 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<T>::value == false, "Only floating-point type types can be used!");
323 T guess = sqrt(arc * arc / 16 - radius * radius);
324 T min = 0; // Minimum possible value is zero.
325 T max = arc; // radius can't be larger than the arc length.
327 // Accuracy triples at each step, so stop when just over one-third of the digits
328 // are correct, and the last iteration will polish off the remaining digits:
329 int get_digits = static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * 0.4);
330 const boost::uintmax_t maxit = 20;
331 boost::uintmax_t it = maxit;
332 T result = halley_iterate(elliptic_root_functor_2deriv<T>(arc, radius), guess, min, max, get_digits, it);
333 //<-
334 iters = it;
335 //->
336 return result;
337 } // nth_2deriv Halley
338 //]
339 // Using 1st and 2nd derivatives using Schroder algorithm.
341 template <class T = double>
342 T elliptic_root_2deriv_s(T arc, T radius)
343 { // return nth root of x using 1st and 2nd derivatives and Schroder.
345 using namespace std; // Help ADL of std functions.
346 using namespace boost::math::tools; // For schroder_iterate.
348 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<T>::value == false, "Only floating-point type types can be used!");
350 T guess = sqrt(arc * arc / 16 - radius * radius);
351 T min = 0; // Minimum possible value is zero.
352 T max = arc; // radius can't be larger than the arc length.
354 int digits = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits; // Maximum possible binary digits accuracy for type T.
355 int get_digits = static_cast<int>(digits * digits_accuracy);
356 const boost::uintmax_t maxit = 20;
357 boost::uintmax_t it = maxit;
358 T result = schroder_iterate(elliptic_root_functor_2deriv<T>(arc, radius), guess, min, max, get_digits, it);
359 iters = it;
361 return result;
362 } // T elliptic_root_2deriv_s Schroder
364 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end of algorithms - perhaps in a separate .hpp?
366 //! Print 4 floating-point types info: max_digits10, digits and required accuracy digits as a Quickbook table.
367 int table_type_info(double digits_accuracy)
368 {
369 std::string qbk_name = full_roots_name; // Prefix by boost_root file.
371 qbk_name += "type_info_table";
372 std::stringstream ss;
373 ss.precision(3);
374 ss << "_" << digits_accuracy * 100;
375 qbk_name += ss.str();
377 #ifdef _MSC_VER
378 qbk_name += "_msvc.qbk";
379 #else // assume GCC
380 qbk_name += "_gcc.qbk";
381 #endif
383 // Example: type_info_table_100_msvc.qbk
384 fout.open(qbk_name, std::ios_base::out);
386 if (fout.is_open())
387 {
388 std::cout << "Output type table to " << qbk_name << std::endl;
389 }
390 else
391 { // Failed to open.
392 std::cout << " Open file " << qbk_name << " for output failed!" << std::endl;
393 std::cout << "errno " << errno << std::endl;
394 return errno;
395 }
397 fout <<
398 "[/"
399 << qbk_name
400 << "\n"
401 "Copyright 2015 Paul A. Bristow.""\n"
402 "Copyright 2015 John Maddock.""\n"
403 "Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.""\n"
404 "(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at""\n"
405 "http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).""\n"
406 "]""\n"
407 << std::endl;
409 fout << "[h6 Fraction of maximum possible bits of accuracy required is " << digits_accuracy << ".]\n" << std::endl;
411 std::string table_id("type_info");
412 table_id += ss.str(); // Fraction digits accuracy.
414 #ifdef _MSC_VER
415 table_id += "_msvc";
416 #else // assume GCC
417 table_id += "_gcc";
418 #endif
420 fout << "[table:" << table_id << " Digits for float, double, long double and cpp_bin_float_50\n"
421 << "[[type name] [max_digits10] [binary digits] [required digits]]\n";// header.
423 // For all fout types:
425 fout << "[[" << "float" << "]"
426 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<float>::max_digits10 << "]" // max_digits10
427 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<float>::digits << "]"// < "Binary digits
428 << "[" << static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<float>::digits * digits_accuracy) << "]]\n"; // Accuracy digits.
430 fout << "[[" << "float" << "]"
431 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10 << "]" // max_digits10
432 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<double>::digits << "]"// < "Binary digits
433 << "[" << static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits * digits_accuracy) << "]]\n"; // Accuracy digits.
435 fout << "[[" << "long double" << "]"
436 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<long double>::max_digits10 << "]" // max_digits10
437 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits << "]"// < "Binary digits
438 << "[" << static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits * digits_accuracy) << "]]\n"; // Accuracy digits.
440 fout << "[[" << "cpp_bin_float_50" << "]"
441 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<cpp_bin_float_50>::max_digits10 << "]" // max_digits10
442 << "[" << std::numeric_limits<cpp_bin_float_50>::digits << "]"// < "Binary digits
443 << "[" << static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<cpp_bin_float_50>::digits * digits_accuracy) << "]]\n"; // Accuracy digits.
445 fout << "] [/table table_id_msvc] \n" << std::endl; // End of table.
447 fout.close();
448 return 0;
449 } // type_table
451 //! Evaluate root N timing for each algorithm, and for one floating-point type T.
452 template <typename T>
453 int test_root(cpp_bin_float_100 big_radius, cpp_bin_float_100 big_arc, cpp_bin_float_100 answer, const char* type_name, std::size_t type_no)
454 {
455 std::size_t max_digits = 2 + std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * 3010 / 10000;
456 // For new versions use max_digits10
457 // std::cout.precision(std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10);
458 std::cout.precision(max_digits);
459 std::cout << std::showpoint << std::endl; // Show trailing zeros too.
461 root_infos.push_back(root_info());
463 root_infos[type_no].max_digits10 = max_digits;
464 root_infos[type_no].full_typename = typeid(T).name(); // Full typename.
465 root_infos[type_no].short_typename = type_name; // Short typename.
466 root_infos[type_no].bin_digits = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;
467 root_infos[type_no].get_digits = static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * digits_accuracy);
469 T radius = static_cast<T>(big_radius);
470 T arc = static_cast<T>(big_arc);
472 T result; // root
473 T sum = 0;
474 T ans = static_cast<T>(answer);
476 using boost::timer::nanosecond_type;
477 using boost::timer::cpu_times;
478 using boost::timer::cpu_timer;
480 long eval_count = boost::is_floating_point<T>::value ? 1000000 : 10000; // To give a sufficiently stable timing for the fast built-in types,
481 // This takes an inconveniently long time for multiprecision cpp_bin_float_50 etc types.
483 cpu_times now; // Holds wall, user and system times.
485 { // Evaluate times etc for each algorithm.
486 //algorithm_names.push_back("TOMS748"); //
487 cpu_timer ti; // Can start, pause, resume and stop, and read elapsed.
488 ti.start();
489 for(long i = eval_count; i >= 0; --i)
490 {
491 result = elliptic_root_noderiv(radius, arc); //
492 sum += result;
493 }
494 now = ti.elapsed();
495 int time = static_cast<int>(now.user / eval_count);
496 root_infos[type_no].times.push_back(time); // CPU time taken.
497 if (time < root_infos[type_no].min_time)
498 {
499 root_infos[type_no].min_time = time;
500 }
501 ti.stop();
502 long int distance = static_cast<int>(boost::math::float_distance<T>(result, ans));
503 root_infos[type_no].distances.push_back(distance);
504 root_infos[type_no].iterations.push_back(iters); //
505 root_infos[type_no].full_results.push_back(result);
506 }
507 {
508 // algorithm_names.push_back("Newton"); // algorithm
509 cpu_timer ti; // Can start, pause, resume and stop, and read elapsed.
510 ti.start();
511 for(long i = eval_count; i >= 0; --i)
512 {
513 result = elliptic_root_1deriv(radius, arc); //
514 sum += result;
515 }
516 now = ti.elapsed();
517 int time = static_cast<int>(now.user / eval_count);
518 root_infos[type_no].times.push_back(time); // CPU time taken.
519 if (time < root_infos[type_no].min_time)
520 {
521 root_infos[type_no].min_time = time;
522 }
524 ti.stop();
525 long int distance = static_cast<int>(boost::math::float_distance<T>(result, ans));
526 root_infos[type_no].distances.push_back(distance);
527 root_infos[type_no].iterations.push_back(iters); //
528 root_infos[type_no].full_results.push_back(result);
529 }
530 {
531 //algorithm_names.push_back("Halley"); // algorithm
532 cpu_timer ti; // Can start, pause, resume and stop, and read elapsed.
533 ti.start();
534 for(long i = eval_count; i >= 0; --i)
535 {
536 result = elliptic_root_2deriv(radius, arc); //
537 sum += result;
538 }
539 now = ti.elapsed();
540 int time = static_cast<int>(now.user / eval_count);
541 root_infos[type_no].times.push_back(time); // CPU time taken.
542 ti.stop();
543 if (time < root_infos[type_no].min_time)
544 {
545 root_infos[type_no].min_time = time;
546 }
547 long int distance = static_cast<int>(boost::math::float_distance<T>(result, ans));
548 root_infos[type_no].distances.push_back(distance);
549 root_infos[type_no].iterations.push_back(iters); //
550 root_infos[type_no].full_results.push_back(result);
551 }
552 {
553 // algorithm_names.push_back("Schr'''&#xf6;'''der"); // algorithm
554 cpu_timer ti; // Can start, pause, resume and stop, and read elapsed.
555 ti.start();
556 for(long i = eval_count; i >= 0; --i)
557 {
558 result = elliptic_root_2deriv_s(arc, radius); //
559 sum += result;
560 }
561 now = ti.elapsed();
562 int time = static_cast<int>(now.user / eval_count);
563 root_infos[type_no].times.push_back(time); // CPU time taken.
564 if (time < root_infos[type_no].min_time)
565 {
566 root_infos[type_no].min_time = time;
567 }
568 ti.stop();
569 long int distance = static_cast<int>(boost::math::float_distance<T>(result, ans));
570 root_infos[type_no].distances.push_back(distance);
571 root_infos[type_no].iterations.push_back(iters); //
572 root_infos[type_no].full_results.push_back(result);
573 }
574 for (size_t i = 0; i != root_infos[type_no].times.size(); i++) // For each time.
575 { // Normalize times.
576 root_infos[type_no].normed_times.push_back(static_cast<double>(root_infos[type_no].times[i]) / root_infos[type_no].min_time);
577 }
579 std::cout << "Accumulated result was: " << sum << std::endl;
581 return 4; // eval_count of how many algorithms used.
582 } // test_root
584 /*! Fill array of times, interations, etc for Nth root for all 4 types,
585 and write a table of results in Quickbook format.
586 */
587 void table_root_info(cpp_bin_float_100 radius, cpp_bin_float_100 arc)
588 {
589 using std::abs;
591 std::cout << nooftypes << " floating-point types tested:" << std::endl;
592 #if defined(_DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG)
593 std::cout << "Compiled in debug mode." << std::endl;
594 #else
595 std::cout << "Compiled in optimise mode." << std::endl;
596 #endif
597 std::cout << "FP hardware " << fp_hardware << std::endl;
598 // Compute the 'right' answer for root N at 100 decimal digits.
599 cpp_bin_float_100 full_answer = elliptic_root_noderiv(radius, arc);
601 root_infos.clear(); // Erase any previous data.
602 // Fill the elements of the array for each floating-point type.
604 test_root<float>(radius, arc, full_answer, "float", 0);
605 test_root<double>(radius, arc, full_answer, "double", 1);
606 test_root<long double>(radius, arc, full_answer, "long double", 2);
607 test_root<cpp_bin_float_50>(radius, arc, full_answer, "cpp_bin_float_50", 3);
609 // Use info from 4 floating point types to
611 // Prepare Quickbook table for a single root
612 // with columns of times, iterations, distances repeated for various floating-point types,
613 // and 4 rows for each algorithm.
615 std::stringstream table_info;
616 table_info.precision(3);
617 table_info << "[table:elliptic root with radius " << radius << " and arc length " << arc << ") for float, double, long double and cpp_bin_float_50 types";
618 if (fp_hardware != "")
619 {
620 table_info << ", using " << fp_hardware;
621 }
622 table_info << std::endl;
624 fout << table_info.str()
625 << "[[][float][][][] [][double][][][] [][long d][][][] [][cpp50][][]]\n"
626 << "[[Algo ]";
627 for (size_t tp = 0; tp != nooftypes; tp++)
628 { // For all types:
629 fout << "[Its]" << "[Times]" << "[Norm]" << "[Dis]" << "[ ]";
630 }
631 fout << "]" << std::endl;
633 // Row for all algorithms.
634 for (std::size_t algo = 0; algo != noofalgos; algo++)
635 {
636 fout << "[[" << std::left << std::setw(9) << algo_names[algo] << "]";
637 for (size_t tp = 0; tp != nooftypes; tp++)
638 { // For all types:
639 fout
640 << "[" << std::right << std::showpoint
641 << std::setw(3) << std::setprecision(2) << root_infos[tp].iterations[algo] << "]["
642 << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(5) << root_infos[tp].times[algo] << "][";
643 fout << std::setw(3) << std::setprecision(3);
644 double normed_time = root_infos[tp].normed_times[algo];
645 if (abs(normed_time - 1.00) <= 0.05)
646 { // At or near the best time, so show as blue.
647 fout << "[role blue " << normed_time << "]";
648 }
649 else if (abs(normed_time) > 4.)
650 { // markedly poor so show as red.
651 fout << "[role red " << normed_time << "]";
652 }
653 else
654 { // Not the best, so normal black.
655 fout << normed_time;
656 }
657 fout << "]["
658 << std::setw(3) << std::setprecision(2) << root_infos[tp].distances[algo] << "][ ]";
659 } // tp
660 fout << "]" << std::endl;
661 } // for algo
662 fout << "] [/end of table root]\n";
663 } // void table_root_info
665 /*! Output program header, table of type info, and tables for 4 algorithms and 4 floating-point types,
666 for Nth root required digits_accuracy.
667 */
669 int roots_tables(cpp_bin_float_100 radius, cpp_bin_float_100 arc, double digits_accuracy)
670 {
671 ::digits_accuracy = digits_accuracy;
672 // Save globally so that it is available to root-finding algorithms. Ugly :-(
674 #if defined(_DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG)
675 std::string debug_or_optimize("Compiled in debug mode.");
676 #else
677 std::string debug_or_optimize("Compiled in optimise mode.");
678 #endif
680 // Create filename for roots_table
681 std::string qbk_name = full_roots_name;
682 qbk_name += "elliptic_table";
684 std::stringstream ss;
685 ss.precision(3);
686 // ss << "_" << N // now put all the tables in one .qbk file?
687 ss << "_" << digits_accuracy * 100
688 << std::flush;
689 // Assume only save optimize mode runs, so don't add any _DEBUG info.
690 qbk_name += ss.str();
692 #ifdef _MSC_VER
693 qbk_name += "_msvc";
694 #else // assume GCC
695 qbk_name += "_gcc";
696 #endif
697 if (fp_hardware != "")
698 {
699 qbk_name += fp_hardware;
700 }
701 qbk_name += ".qbk";
703 fout.open(qbk_name, std::ios_base::out);
705 if (fout.is_open())
706 {
707 std::cout << "Output root table to " << qbk_name << std::endl;
708 }
709 else
710 { // Failed to open.
711 std::cout << " Open file " << qbk_name << " for output failed!" << std::endl;
712 std::cout << "errno " << errno << std::endl;
713 return errno;
714 }
716 fout <<
717 "[/"
718 << qbk_name
719 << "\n"
720 "Copyright 2015 Paul A. Bristow.""\n"
721 "Copyright 2015 John Maddock.""\n"
722 "Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.""\n"
723 "(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at""\n"
724 "http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).""\n"
725 "]""\n"
726 << std::endl;
728 // Print out the program/compiler/stdlib/platform names as a Quickbook comment:
729 fout << "\n[h6 Program [@../../example/" << short_file_name(sourcefilename) << " " << short_file_name(sourcefilename) << "],\n "
730 << BOOST_COMPILER << ", "
731 << BOOST_STDLIB << ", "
732 << BOOST_PLATFORM << "\n"
733 << debug_or_optimize
734 << ((fp_hardware != "") ? ", " + fp_hardware : "")
735 << "]" // [h6 close].
736 << std::endl;
738 //fout << "Fraction of full accuracy " << digits_accuracy << std::endl;
740 table_root_info(radius, arc);
742 fout.close();
744 // table_type_info(digits_accuracy);
746 return 0;
747 } // roots_tables
750 int main()
751 {
752 using namespace boost::multiprecision;
753 using namespace boost::math;
756 try
757 {
758 std::cout << "Tests run with " << BOOST_COMPILER << ", "
759 << BOOST_STDLIB << ", " << BOOST_PLATFORM << ", ";
761 // How to: Configure Visual C++ Projects to Target 64-Bit Platforms
762 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9yb4317s.aspx
764 #ifdef _M_X64 // Defined for compilations that target x64 processors.
765 std::cout << "X64 " << std::endl;
766 fp_hardware += "_X64";
767 #else
768 # ifdef _M_IX86
769 std::cout << "X32 " << std::endl;
770 fp_hardware += "_X86";
771 # endif
772 #endif
774 #ifdef _M_AMD64
775 std::cout << "AMD64 " << std::endl;
776 // fp_hardware += "_AMD64";
777 #endif
779 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7t5yh4fd.aspx
780 // /arch (x86) options /arch:[IA32|SSE|SSE2|AVX|AVX2]
781 // default is to use SSE and SSE2 instructions by default.
782 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj620901.aspx
783 // /arch (x64) options /arch:AVX and /arch:AVX2
785 // MSVC doesn't bother to set these SSE macros!
786 // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18563978/sse-sse2-is-enabled-control-in-visual-studio
787 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b0084kay.aspx predefined macros.
789 // But some of these macros are *not* defined by MSVC,
790 // unlike AVX (but *are* defined by GCC and Clang).
791 // So the macro code above does define them.
792 #if (defined(_M_AMD64) || defined (_M_X64))
793 # define _M_X64
794 # define __SSE2__
795 #else
796 # ifdef _M_IX86_FP // Expands to an integer literal value indicating which /arch compiler option was used:
797 std::cout << "Floating-point _M_IX86_FP = " << _M_IX86_FP << std::endl;
798 # if (_M_IX86_FP == 2) // 2 if /arch:SSE2, /arch:AVX or /arch:AVX2
799 # define __SSE2__ // x32
800 # elif (_M_IX86_FP == 1) // 1 if /arch:SSE was used.
801 # define __SSE__ // x32
802 # elif (_M_IX86_FP == 0) // 0 if /arch:IA32 was used.
803 # define _X32 // No special FP instructions.
804 # endif
805 # endif
806 #endif
807 // Set the fp_hardware that is used in the .qbk filename.
808 #ifdef __AVX2__
809 std::cout << "Floating-point AVX2 " << std::endl;
810 fp_hardware += "_AVX2";
811 # else
812 # ifdef __AVX__
813 std::cout << "Floating-point AVX " << std::endl;
814 fp_hardware += "_AVX";
815 # else
816 # ifdef __SSE2__
817 std::cout << "Floating-point SSE2 " << std::endl;
818 fp_hardware += "_SSE2";
819 # else
820 # ifdef __SSE__
821 std::cout << "Floating-point SSE " << std::endl;
822 fp_hardware += "_SSE";
823 # endif
824 # endif
825 # endif
826 # endif
828 #ifdef _M_IX86
829 std::cout << "Floating-point X86 _M_IX86 = " << _M_IX86 << std::endl;
830 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa273918%28v=vs.60%29.aspx#_predir_table_1..3
831 // 600 = Pentium Pro
832 #endif
834 #ifdef _MSC_FULL_VER
835 std::cout << "Floating-point _MSC_FULL_VER " << _MSC_FULL_VER << std::endl;
836 #endif
839 std::cout << "Runtime __MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS " << std::endl;
840 #endif
844 cpp_bin_float_100 radius("28.");
845 cpp_bin_float_100 arc("300.");
846 // Compute full answer to more than precision of tests.
847 //T value = 28.; // integer (exactly representable as floating-point)
848 // whose cube root is *not* exactly representable.
849 // Wolfram Alpha command N[28 ^ (1 / 3), 100] computes cube root to 100 decimal digits.
850 // 3.036588971875662519420809578505669635581453977248111123242141654169177268411884961770250390838097895
852 std::cout.precision(100);
853 std::cout << "radius 1" << radius << std::endl;
854 std::cout << "arc length" << arc << std::endl;
855 // std::cout << ",\n""answer = " << full_answer << std::endl;
856 std::cout.precision(6);
857 // cbrt cpp_bin_float_100 full_answer("3.036588971875662519420809578505669635581453977248111123242141654169177268411884961770250390838097895");
859 // Output the table of types, maxdigits10 and digits and required digits for some accuracies.
861 // Output tables for some roots at full accuracy.
862 roots_tables(radius, arc, 1.);
864 // Output tables for some roots at less accuracy.
865 //roots_tables(full_value, 0.75);
867 return boost::exit_success;
868 }
869 catch (std::exception const& ex)
870 {
871 std::cout << "exception thrown: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
872 return boost::exit_failure;
873 }
874 } // int main()
876 /*
878 */