]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/ceph-create-keys
update sources to v12.1.1
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / ceph-create-keys
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import argparse
3 import errno
4 import json
5 import logging
6 import os
7 import subprocess
8 import sys
9 import time
10 import pwd
11 import grp
14 LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
16 QUORUM_STATES = ['leader', 'peon']
18 def get_ceph_uid():
19 try:
20 uid = pwd.getpwnam('ceph').pw_uid
21 except:
22 uid = -1
23 return uid
25 def get_ceph_gid():
26 try:
27 gid = grp.getgrnam('ceph').gr_gid
28 except:
29 gid = -1
30 return gid
32 def wait_for_quorum(cluster, mon_id, wait_count=600):
33 # wait 10 minutes by default
34 while wait_count > 0:
35 p = subprocess.Popen(
36 args=[
37 'ceph',
38 '--cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster),
39 '--admin-daemon=/var/run/ceph/{cluster}-mon.{mon_id}.asok'.format(
40 cluster=cluster,
41 mon_id=mon_id,
42 ),
43 'mon_status',
44 ],
45 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
46 )
47 out = p.stdout.read()
48 returncode = p.wait()
49 if returncode != 0:
50 LOG.info('ceph-mon admin socket not ready yet.')
51 time.sleep(1)
52 wait_count -= 1
53 continue
55 if out == '':
56 LOG.info('ceph-mon admin socket returned no data')
57 time.sleep(1)
58 wait_count -= 1
59 continue
61 try:
62 data = json.loads(out)
63 except:
64 LOG.info('failed to parse json %s', out)
65 sys.exit(errno.EINVAL)
67 state = data['state']
68 if state not in QUORUM_STATES:
69 LOG.info('ceph-mon is not in quorum: %r', state)
70 time.sleep(1)
71 wait_count -= 1
72 continue
74 break
76 if wait_count == 0:
77 raise SystemExit("ceph-mon was not able to join quorum within %d seconds" % wait_count)
80 def get_key(cluster, mon_id, wait_count=600):
81 path = '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.client.admin.keyring'.format(
82 cluster=cluster,
83 )
84 if os.path.exists(path):
85 LOG.info('Key exists already: %s', path)
86 return
87 tmp = '{path}.{pid}.tmp'.format(
88 path=path,
89 pid=os.getpid(),
90 )
91 pathdir = os.path.dirname(path)
92 if not os.path.exists(pathdir):
93 os.makedirs(pathdir)
94 os.chmod(pathdir, 0770)
95 os.chown(pathdir, get_ceph_uid(), get_ceph_gid())
96 while wait_count > 0:
97 try:
98 with file(tmp, 'w') as f:
99 os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0600)
100 os.fchown(f.fileno(), get_ceph_uid(), get_ceph_gid())
101 LOG.info('Talking to monitor...')
103 args_prefix = [
104 "ceph",
105 '--connect-timeout=20',
106 '--cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster),
107 '--name=mon.',
108 '--keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/{cluster}-{mon_id}/keyring'.format(
109 cluster=cluster,
110 mon_id=mon_id,
111 ),
112 ]
114 # First try getting the key if it already exists, to handle
115 # the case where it exists but doesn't match the caps
116 # we would pass into get-or-create.
117 returncode = subprocess.call(
118 args=args_prefix + [
119 'auth',
120 'get',
121 'client.admin',
122 ],
123 stdout=f,
124 )
125 if returncode == errno.ENOENT:
126 returncode = subprocess.call(
127 args=args_prefix + [
128 'auth',
129 'get-or-create',
130 'client.admin',
131 'mon', 'allow *',
132 'osd', 'allow *',
133 'mds', 'allow *',
134 'mgr', 'allow *',
135 ],
136 stdout=f,
137 )
138 else:
139 returncode = subprocess.call(
140 args=args_prefix + [
141 'auth',
142 'caps',
143 'client.admin',
144 'mon', 'allow *',
145 'osd', 'allow *',
146 'mds', 'allow *',
147 'mgr', 'allow *',
148 ],
149 stdout=f,
150 )
152 if returncode != 0:
153 if returncode == errno.EPERM or returncode == errno.EACCES:
154 LOG.info('Cannot get or create admin key, permission denied')
155 sys.exit(returncode)
156 else:
157 LOG.info('Cannot get or create admin key')
158 time.sleep(1)
159 wait_count -= 1
160 continue
162 os.rename(tmp, path)
163 break
164 finally:
165 try:
166 os.unlink(tmp)
167 except OSError as e:
168 if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
169 pass
170 else:
171 raise
173 if wait_count == 0:
174 raise SystemExit("Could not get or create the admin key after %d seconds" % wait_count)
177 def bootstrap_key(cluster, type_, wait_count=600):
178 path = '/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-{type}/{cluster}.keyring'.format(
179 type=type_,
180 cluster=cluster,
181 )
182 if os.path.exists(path):
183 LOG.info('Key exists already: %s', path)
184 return
185 tmp = '{path}.{pid}.tmp'.format(
186 path=path,
187 pid=os.getpid(),
188 )
190 args = [
191 'ceph',
192 '--connect-timeout=20',
193 '--cluster={cluster}'.format(cluster=cluster),
194 'auth',
195 'get-or-create',
196 'client.bootstrap-{type}'.format(type=type_),
197 'mon',
198 'allow profile bootstrap-{type}'.format(type=type_),
199 ]
201 pathdir = os.path.dirname(path)
202 if not os.path.exists(pathdir):
203 os.makedirs(pathdir)
204 os.chmod(pathdir, 0770)
205 os.chown(pathdir, get_ceph_uid(), get_ceph_gid())
207 while wait_count > 0:
208 try:
209 with file(tmp, 'w') as f:
210 os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0600)
211 os.fchown(f.fileno(), get_ceph_uid(), get_ceph_gid())
212 LOG.info('Talking to monitor...')
213 returncode = subprocess.call(
214 args=args,
215 stdout=f,
216 )
217 if returncode != 0:
218 if returncode == errno.EPERM or returncode == errno.EACCES:
219 LOG.info('Cannot get or create bootstrap key for %s, permission denied', type_)
220 break
221 else:
222 LOG.info('Cannot get or create bootstrap key for %s', type_)
223 time.sleep(1)
224 wait_count -= 1
225 continue
227 os.rename(tmp, path)
228 break
229 finally:
230 try:
231 os.unlink(tmp)
232 except OSError as e:
233 if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
234 pass
235 else:
236 raise
237 if wait_count == 0:
238 raise SystemExit("Could not get or create %s bootstrap key after %d seconds" % (type_, wait_count))
241 def parse_args():
242 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
243 description='Create Ceph client.admin key when ceph-mon is ready',
244 )
245 parser.add_argument(
246 '-v', '--verbose',
247 action='store_true', default=None,
248 help='be more verbose',
249 )
250 parser.add_argument(
251 '--cluster',
252 metavar='NAME',
253 help='name of the cluster',
254 )
255 parser.add_argument(
256 '--id', '-i',
257 metavar='ID',
258 help='id of a ceph-mon that is coming up',
259 required=True,
260 )
261 parser.add_argument(
262 '--timeout', '-t',
263 metavar='TIMEOUT',
264 type=int,
265 help='timeout in seconds to wait',
266 )
267 parser.set_defaults(
268 cluster='ceph',
269 timeout=600,
270 )
271 parser.set_defaults(
272 # we want to hold on to this, for later
273 prog=parser.prog,
274 )
275 args = parser.parse_args()
276 return args
279 def main():
280 args = parse_args()
282 loglevel = logging.INFO
283 if args.verbose:
284 loglevel = logging.DEBUG
286 logging.basicConfig(
287 level=loglevel,
288 )
290 wait_for_quorum(cluster=args.cluster, mon_id=args.id, wait_count=args.timeout)
291 get_key(cluster=args.cluster, mon_id=args.id, wait_count=args.timeout)
293 bootstrap_key(
294 cluster=args.cluster,
295 type_='osd',
296 wait_count=args.timeout,
297 )
298 bootstrap_key(
299 cluster=args.cluster,
300 type_='rgw',
301 wait_count=args.timeout,
302 )
303 bootstrap_key(
304 cluster=args.cluster,
305 type_='mds',
306 wait_count=args.timeout,
307 )
310 if __name__ == '__main__':
311 main()