]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/crimson/osd/osd_operations/client_request.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / crimson / osd / osd_operations / client_request.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #pragma once
6 #include <seastar/core/future.hh>
8 #include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
9 #include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
11 #include "osd/osd_op_util.h"
12 #include "crimson/net/Connection.h"
13 #include "crimson/osd/object_context.h"
14 #include "crimson/osd/osdmap_gate.h"
15 #include "crimson/osd/osd_operation.h"
16 #include "crimson/osd/osd_operations/client_request_common.h"
17 #include "crimson/osd/osd_operations/common/pg_pipeline.h"
18 #include "crimson/osd/pg_activation_blocker.h"
19 #include "crimson/osd/pg_map.h"
20 #include "crimson/common/type_helpers.h"
21 #include "crimson/common/utility.h"
22 #include "messages/MOSDOp.h"
24 namespace crimson::osd {
25 class PG;
26 class OSD;
27 class ShardServices;
29 class ClientRequest final : public PhasedOperationT<ClientRequest>,
30 private CommonClientRequest {
31 // Initially set to primary core, updated to pg core after move,
32 // used by put_historic
33 ShardServices *put_historic_shard_services = nullptr;
35 crimson::net::ConnectionRef conn;
36 // must be after conn due to ConnectionPipeline's life-time
37 Ref<MOSDOp> m;
38 OpInfo op_info;
39 seastar::promise<> on_complete;
40 unsigned instance_id = 0;
42 public:
43 class PGPipeline : public CommonPGPipeline {
44 public:
45 struct AwaitMap : OrderedExclusivePhaseT<AwaitMap> {
46 static constexpr auto type_name = "ClientRequest::PGPipeline::await_map";
47 } await_map;
48 struct WaitRepop : OrderedConcurrentPhaseT<WaitRepop> {
49 static constexpr auto type_name = "ClientRequest::PGPipeline::wait_repop";
50 } wait_repop;
51 struct SendReply : OrderedExclusivePhaseT<SendReply> {
52 static constexpr auto type_name = "ClientRequest::PGPipeline::send_reply";
53 } send_reply;
54 friend class ClientRequest;
55 friend class LttngBackend;
56 friend class HistoricBackend;
57 friend class ReqRequest;
58 friend class LogMissingRequest;
59 friend class LogMissingRequestReply;
60 };
62 /**
63 * instance_handle_t
64 *
65 * Client request is, at present, the only Operation which can be requeued.
66 * This is, mostly, fine. However, reusing the PipelineHandle or
67 * BlockingEvent structures before proving that the prior instance has stopped
68 * can create hangs or crashes due to violations of the BlockerT and
69 * PipelineHandle invariants.
70 *
71 * To solve this, we create an instance_handle_t which contains the events
72 * for the portion of execution that can be rerun as well as the
73 * PipelineHandle. ClientRequest::with_pg_int grabs a reference to the current
74 * instance_handle_t and releases its PipelineHandle in the finally block.
75 * On requeue, we create a new instance_handle_t with a fresh PipelineHandle
76 * and events tuple and use it and use it for the next invocation of
77 * with_pg_int.
78 */
79 std::tuple<
80 StartEvent,
81 ConnectionPipeline::AwaitActive::BlockingEvent,
82 ConnectionPipeline::AwaitMap::BlockingEvent,
83 OSD_OSDMapGate::OSDMapBlocker::BlockingEvent,
84 ConnectionPipeline::GetPG::BlockingEvent,
85 PGMap::PGCreationBlockingEvent,
86 CompletionEvent
87 > tracking_events;
89 class instance_handle_t : public boost::intrusive_ref_counter<
90 instance_handle_t, boost::thread_unsafe_counter> {
91 public:
92 // intrusive_ptr because seastar::lw_shared_ptr includes a cpu debug check
93 // that we will fail since the core on which we allocate the request may not
94 // be the core on which we perform with_pg_int. This is harmless, since we
95 // don't leave any references on the source core, so we just bypass it by using
96 // intrusive_ptr instead.
97 using ref_t = boost::intrusive_ptr<instance_handle_t>;
98 PipelineHandle handle;
100 std::tuple<
101 PGPipeline::AwaitMap::BlockingEvent,
102 PG_OSDMapGate::OSDMapBlocker::BlockingEvent,
103 PGPipeline::WaitForActive::BlockingEvent,
104 PGActivationBlocker::BlockingEvent,
105 PGPipeline::RecoverMissing::BlockingEvent,
106 PGPipeline::GetOBC::BlockingEvent,
107 PGPipeline::Process::BlockingEvent,
108 PGPipeline::WaitRepop::BlockingEvent,
109 PGPipeline::SendReply::BlockingEvent,
110 CompletionEvent
111 > pg_tracking_events;
113 template <typename BlockingEventT, typename InterruptorT=void, typename F>
114 auto with_blocking_event(F &&f, ClientRequest &op) {
115 auto ret = std::forward<F>(f)(
116 typename BlockingEventT::template Trigger<ClientRequest>{
117 std::get<BlockingEventT>(pg_tracking_events), op
118 });
119 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<InterruptorT, void>) {
120 return ret;
121 } else {
122 using ret_t = decltype(ret);
123 return typename InterruptorT::template futurize_t<ret_t>{std::move(ret)};
124 }
125 }
127 template <typename InterruptorT=void, typename StageT>
128 auto enter_stage(StageT &stage, ClientRequest &op) {
129 return this->template with_blocking_event<
130 typename StageT::BlockingEvent,
131 InterruptorT>(
132 [&stage, this](auto &&trigger) {
133 return handle.template enter<ClientRequest>(
134 stage, std::move(trigger));
135 }, op);
136 }
138 template <
139 typename InterruptorT=void, typename BlockingObj, typename Method,
140 typename... Args>
141 auto enter_blocker(
142 ClientRequest &op, BlockingObj &obj, Method method, Args&&... args) {
143 return this->template with_blocking_event<
144 typename BlockingObj::Blocker::BlockingEvent,
145 InterruptorT>(
146 [&obj, method,
147 args=std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(args)...)](auto &&trigger) mutable {
148 return apply_method_to_tuple(
149 obj, method,
150 std::tuple_cat(
151 std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(trigger)),
152 std::move(args))
153 );
154 }, op);
155 }
156 };
157 instance_handle_t::ref_t instance_handle;
158 void reset_instance_handle() {
159 instance_handle = new instance_handle_t;
160 }
161 auto get_instance_handle() { return instance_handle; }
163 using ordering_hook_t = boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<>;
164 ordering_hook_t ordering_hook;
165 class Orderer {
166 using list_t = boost::intrusive::list<
167 ClientRequest,
168 boost::intrusive::member_hook<
169 ClientRequest,
170 typename ClientRequest::ordering_hook_t,
171 &ClientRequest::ordering_hook>
172 >;
173 list_t list;
175 public:
176 void add_request(ClientRequest &request) {
177 assert(!request.ordering_hook.is_linked());
178 intrusive_ptr_add_ref(&request);
179 list.push_back(request);
180 }
181 void remove_request(ClientRequest &request) {
182 assert(request.ordering_hook.is_linked());
183 list.erase(list_t::s_iterator_to(request));
184 intrusive_ptr_release(&request);
185 }
186 void requeue(ShardServices &shard_services, Ref<PG> pg);
187 void clear_and_cancel();
188 };
189 void complete_request();
191 static constexpr OperationTypeCode type = OperationTypeCode::client_request;
193 ClientRequest(
194 ShardServices &shard_services,
195 crimson::net::ConnectionRef, Ref<MOSDOp> &&m);
196 ~ClientRequest();
198 void print(std::ostream &) const final;
199 void dump_detail(Formatter *f) const final;
201 static constexpr bool can_create() { return false; }
202 spg_t get_pgid() const {
203 return m->get_spg();
204 }
205 PipelineHandle &get_handle() { return instance_handle->handle; }
206 epoch_t get_epoch() const { return m->get_min_epoch(); }
208 ConnectionPipeline &get_connection_pipeline();
209 seastar::future<crimson::net::ConnectionFRef> prepare_remote_submission() {
210 assert(conn);
211 return conn.get_foreign(
212 ).then([this](auto f_conn) {
213 conn.reset();
214 return f_conn;
215 });
216 }
217 void finish_remote_submission(crimson::net::ConnectionFRef _conn) {
218 assert(!conn);
219 conn = make_local_shared_foreign(std::move(_conn));
220 }
222 seastar::future<> with_pg_int(
223 ShardServices &shard_services, Ref<PG> pg);
225 public:
226 seastar::future<> with_pg(
227 ShardServices &shard_services, Ref<PG> pgref);
229 private:
230 template <typename FuncT>
231 interruptible_future<> with_sequencer(FuncT&& func);
232 auto reply_op_error(const Ref<PG>& pg, int err);
234 interruptible_future<> do_process(
235 instance_handle_t &ihref,
236 Ref<PG>& pg,
237 crimson::osd::ObjectContextRef obc);
238 ::crimson::interruptible::interruptible_future<
239 ::crimson::osd::IOInterruptCondition> process_pg_op(
240 Ref<PG> &pg);
241 ::crimson::interruptible::interruptible_future<
242 ::crimson::osd::IOInterruptCondition> process_op(
243 instance_handle_t &ihref,
244 Ref<PG> &pg);
245 bool is_pg_op() const;
247 PGPipeline &client_pp(PG &pg);
249 template <typename Errorator>
250 using interruptible_errorator =
251 ::crimson::interruptible::interruptible_errorator<
252 ::crimson::osd::IOInterruptCondition,
253 Errorator>;
255 bool is_misdirected(const PG& pg) const;
257 const SnapContext get_snapc(
258 Ref<PG>& pg,
259 crimson::osd::ObjectContextRef obc) const;
261 public:
263 friend class LttngBackend;
264 friend class HistoricBackend;
266 auto get_started() const {
267 return get_event<StartEvent>().get_timestamp();
268 };
270 auto get_completed() const {
271 return get_event<CompletionEvent>().get_timestamp();
272 };
274 void put_historic() const;
275 };
277 }
279 #if FMT_VERSION >= 90000
280 template <> struct fmt::formatter<crimson::osd::ClientRequest> : fmt::ostream_formatter {};
281 #endif