]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/include/Context.h
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / include / Context.h
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 *
13 */
16 #ifndef CEPH_CONTEXT_H
17 #define CEPH_CONTEXT_H
19 #include "common/dout.h"
21 #include <boost/function.hpp>
22 #include <list>
23 #include <set>
24 #include <memory>
26 #include "include/assert.h"
27 #include "include/memory.h"
29 #define mydout(cct, v) lgeneric_subdout(cct, context, v)
31 /*
32 * GenContext - abstract callback class
33 */
34 template <typename T>
35 class GenContext {
36 GenContext(const GenContext& other);
37 const GenContext& operator=(const GenContext& other);
39 protected:
40 virtual void finish(T t) = 0;
42 public:
43 GenContext() {}
44 virtual ~GenContext() {} // we want a virtual destructor!!!
46 template <typename C>
47 void complete(C &&t) {
48 finish(std::forward<C>(t));
49 delete this;
50 }
51 };
53 template <typename T>
54 using GenContextURef = std::unique_ptr<GenContext<T> >;
56 /*
57 * Context - abstract callback class
58 */
59 class Context {
60 Context(const Context& other);
61 const Context& operator=(const Context& other);
63 protected:
64 virtual void finish(int r) = 0;
66 public:
67 Context() {}
68 virtual ~Context() {} // we want a virtual destructor!!!
69 virtual void complete(int r) {
70 finish(r);
71 delete this;
72 }
73 };
75 /**
76 * Simple context holding a single object
77 */
78 template<class T>
79 class ContainerContext : public Context {
80 T obj;
81 public:
82 ContainerContext(T &obj) : obj(obj) {}
83 void finish(int r) override {}
84 };
85 template <typename T>
86 ContainerContext<T> *make_container_context(T &&t) {
87 return new ContainerContext<T>(std::forward<T>(t));
88 }
90 template <class T>
91 struct Wrapper : public Context {
92 Context *to_run;
93 T val;
94 Wrapper(Context *to_run, T val) : to_run(to_run), val(val) {}
95 void finish(int r) override {
96 if (to_run)
97 to_run->complete(r);
98 }
99 };
100 struct RunOnDelete {
101 Context *to_run;
102 RunOnDelete(Context *to_run) : to_run(to_run) {}
103 ~RunOnDelete() {
104 if (to_run)
105 to_run->complete(0);
106 }
107 };
108 typedef ceph::shared_ptr<RunOnDelete> RunOnDeleteRef;
110 template <typename T>
111 struct LambdaContext : public Context {
112 T t;
113 LambdaContext(T &&t) : t(std::forward<T>(t)) {}
114 void finish(int) override {
115 t();
116 }
117 };
118 template <typename T>
119 LambdaContext<T> *make_lambda_context(T &&t) {
120 return new LambdaContext<T>(std::move(t));
121 }
123 template <typename F, typename T>
124 struct LambdaGenContext : GenContext<T> {
125 F f;
126 LambdaGenContext(F &&f) : f(std::forward<F>(f)) {}
127 void finish(T t) override {
128 f(std::forward<T>(t));
129 }
130 };
131 template <typename T, typename F>
132 GenContextURef<T> make_gen_lambda_context(F &&f) {
133 return GenContextURef<T>(new LambdaGenContext<F, T>(std::move(f)));
134 }
136 /*
137 * finish and destroy a list of Contexts
138 */
139 template<class A>
140 inline void finish_contexts(CephContext *cct, std::list<A*>& finished,
141 int result = 0)
142 {
143 if (finished.empty())
144 return;
146 list<A*> ls;
147 ls.swap(finished); // swap out of place to avoid weird loops
149 if (cct)
150 mydout(cct, 10) << ls.size() << " contexts to finish with " << result << dendl;
151 typename std::list<A*>::iterator it;
152 for (it = ls.begin(); it != ls.end(); it++) {
153 A *c = *it;
154 if (cct)
155 mydout(cct,10) << "---- " << c << dendl;
156 c->complete(result);
157 }
158 }
160 inline void finish_contexts(CephContext *cct, std::vector<Context*>& finished,
161 int result = 0)
162 {
163 if (finished.empty())
164 return;
166 vector<Context*> ls;
167 ls.swap(finished); // swap out of place to avoid weird loops
169 if (cct)
170 mydout(cct,10) << ls.size() << " contexts to finish with " << result << dendl;
171 for (std::vector<Context*>::iterator it = ls.begin();
172 it != ls.end();
173 it++) {
174 Context *c = *it;
175 if (cct)
176 mydout(cct,10) << "---- " << c << dendl;
177 c->complete(result);
178 }
179 }
181 class C_NoopContext : public Context {
182 public:
183 void finish(int r) override { }
184 };
187 struct C_Lock : public Context {
188 Mutex *lock;
189 Context *fin;
190 C_Lock(Mutex *l, Context *c) : lock(l), fin(c) {}
191 ~C_Lock() override {
192 delete fin;
193 }
194 void finish(int r) override {
195 if (fin) {
196 lock->Lock();
197 fin->complete(r);
198 fin = NULL;
199 lock->Unlock();
200 }
201 }
202 };
204 /*
205 * C_Contexts - set of Contexts
206 *
207 * ContextType must be an ancestor class of ContextInstanceType, or the same class.
208 * ContextInstanceType must be default-constructable.
209 */
210 template <class ContextType, class ContextInstanceType>
211 class C_ContextsBase : public ContextInstanceType {
212 public:
213 CephContext *cct;
214 std::list<ContextType*> contexts;
216 C_ContextsBase(CephContext *cct_)
217 : cct(cct_)
218 {
219 }
220 ~C_ContextsBase() override {
221 for (auto c : contexts) {
222 delete c;
223 }
224 }
225 void add(ContextType* c) {
226 contexts.push_back(c);
227 }
228 void take(std::list<ContextType*>& ls) {
229 contexts.splice(contexts.end(), ls);
230 }
231 void complete(int r) override {
232 // Neuter any ContextInstanceType custom complete(), because although
233 // I want to look like it, I don't actually want to run its code.
234 Context::complete(r);
235 }
236 void finish(int r) override {
237 finish_contexts(cct, contexts, r);
238 }
239 bool empty() { return contexts.empty(); }
241 static ContextType *list_to_context(list<ContextType *> &cs) {
242 if (cs.size() == 0) {
243 return 0;
244 } else if (cs.size() == 1) {
245 ContextType *c = cs.front();
246 cs.clear();
247 return c;
248 } else {
249 C_ContextsBase<ContextType, ContextInstanceType> *c(new C_ContextsBase<ContextType, ContextInstanceType>(0));
250 c->take(cs);
251 return c;
252 }
253 }
254 };
256 typedef C_ContextsBase<Context, Context> C_Contexts;
258 /*
259 * C_Gather
260 *
261 * ContextType must be an ancestor class of ContextInstanceType, or the same class.
262 * ContextInstanceType must be default-constructable.
263 *
264 * BUG:? only reports error from last sub to have an error return
265 */
266 template <class ContextType, class ContextInstanceType>
267 class C_GatherBase : public ContextType {
268 private:
269 CephContext *cct;
270 int result;
271 ContextType *onfinish;
272 #ifdef DEBUG_GATHER
273 std::set<ContextType*> waitfor;
274 #endif
275 int sub_created_count;
276 int sub_existing_count;
277 mutable Mutex lock;
278 bool activated;
280 void sub_finish(ContextType* sub, int r) {
281 lock.Lock();
282 #ifdef DEBUG_GATHER
283 assert(waitfor.count(sub));
284 waitfor.erase(sub);
285 #endif
286 --sub_existing_count;
287 mydout(cct,10) << "C_GatherBase " << this << ".sub_finish(r=" << r << ") " << sub
288 #ifdef DEBUG_GATHER
289 << " (remaining " << waitfor << ")"
290 #endif
291 << dendl;
292 if (r < 0 && result == 0)
293 result = r;
294 if ((activated == false) || (sub_existing_count != 0)) {
295 lock.Unlock();
296 return;
297 }
298 lock.Unlock();
299 delete_me();
300 }
302 void delete_me() {
303 if (onfinish) {
304 onfinish->complete(result);
305 onfinish = 0;
306 }
307 delete this;
308 }
310 class C_GatherSub : public ContextInstanceType {
311 C_GatherBase *gather;
312 public:
313 C_GatherSub(C_GatherBase *g) : gather(g) {}
314 void complete(int r) override {
315 // Cancel any customized complete() functionality
316 // from the Context subclass we're templated for,
317 // we only want to hit that in onfinish, not at each
318 // sub finish. e.g. MDSInternalContext.
319 Context::complete(r);
320 }
321 void finish(int r) override {
322 gather->sub_finish(this, r);
323 gather = 0;
324 }
325 ~C_GatherSub() override {
326 if (gather)
327 gather->sub_finish(this, 0);
328 }
329 };
331 public:
332 C_GatherBase(CephContext *cct_, ContextType *onfinish_)
333 : cct(cct_), result(0), onfinish(onfinish_),
334 sub_created_count(0), sub_existing_count(0),
335 lock("C_GatherBase::lock", true, false), //disable lockdep
336 activated(false)
337 {
338 mydout(cct,10) << "C_GatherBase " << this << ".new" << dendl;
339 }
340 ~C_GatherBase() override {
341 mydout(cct,10) << "C_GatherBase " << this << ".delete" << dendl;
342 }
343 void set_finisher(ContextType *onfinish_) {
344 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
345 assert(!onfinish);
346 onfinish = onfinish_;
347 }
348 void activate() {
349 lock.Lock();
350 assert(activated == false);
351 activated = true;
352 if (sub_existing_count != 0) {
353 lock.Unlock();
354 return;
355 }
356 lock.Unlock();
357 delete_me();
358 }
359 ContextType *new_sub() {
360 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
361 assert(activated == false);
362 sub_created_count++;
363 sub_existing_count++;
364 ContextType *s = new C_GatherSub(this);
365 #ifdef DEBUG_GATHER
366 waitfor.insert(s);
367 #endif
368 mydout(cct,10) << "C_GatherBase " << this << ".new_sub is " << sub_created_count << " " << s << dendl;
369 return s;
370 }
371 void finish(int r) override {
372 ceph_abort(); // nobody should ever call me.
373 }
375 inline int get_sub_existing_count() const {
376 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
377 return sub_existing_count;
378 }
380 inline int get_sub_created_count() const {
381 Mutex::Locker l(lock);
382 return sub_created_count;
383 }
384 };
386 /*
387 * The C_GatherBuilder remembers each C_Context created by
388 * C_GatherBuilder.new_sub() in a C_Gather. When a C_Context created
389 * by new_sub() is complete(), C_Gather forgets about it. When
390 * C_GatherBuilder notices that there are no C_Context left in
391 * C_Gather, it calls complete() on the C_Context provided as the
392 * second argument of the constructor (finisher).
393 *
394 * How to use C_GatherBuilder:
395 *
396 * 1. Create a C_GatherBuilder on the stack
397 * 2. Call gather_bld.new_sub() as many times as you want to create new subs
398 * It is safe to call this 0 times, or 100, or anything in between.
399 * 3. If you didn't supply a finisher in the C_GatherBuilder constructor,
400 * set one with gather_bld.set_finisher(my_finisher)
401 * 4. Call gather_bld.activate()
402 *
403 * Example:
404 *
405 * C_SaferCond all_done;
406 * C_GatherBuilder gb(g_ceph_context, all_done);
407 * j.submit_entry(1, first, 0, gb.new_sub()); // add a C_Context to C_Gather
408 * j.submit_entry(2, first, 0, gb.new_sub()); // add a C_Context to C_Gather
409 * gb.activate(); // consume C_Context as soon as they complete()
410 * all_done.wait(); // all_done is complete() after all new_sub() are complete()
411 *
412 * The finisher may be called at any point after step 4, including immediately
413 * from the activate() function.
414 * The finisher will never be called before activate().
415 *
416 * Note: Currently, subs must be manually freed by the caller (for some reason.)
417 */
418 template <class ContextType, class GatherType>
419 class C_GatherBuilderBase
420 {
421 public:
422 C_GatherBuilderBase(CephContext *cct_)
423 : cct(cct_), c_gather(NULL), finisher(NULL), activated(false)
424 {
425 }
426 C_GatherBuilderBase(CephContext *cct_, ContextType *finisher_)
427 : cct(cct_), c_gather(NULL), finisher(finisher_), activated(false)
428 {
429 }
430 ~C_GatherBuilderBase() {
431 if (c_gather) {
432 assert(activated); // Don't forget to activate your C_Gather!
433 }
434 else {
435 delete finisher;
436 }
437 }
438 ContextType *new_sub() {
439 if (!c_gather) {
440 c_gather = new GatherType(cct, finisher);
441 }
442 return c_gather->new_sub();
443 }
444 void activate() {
445 if (!c_gather)
446 return;
447 assert(finisher != NULL);
448 activated = true;
449 c_gather->activate();
450 }
451 void set_finisher(ContextType *finisher_) {
452 finisher = finisher_;
453 if (c_gather)
454 c_gather->set_finisher(finisher);
455 }
456 GatherType *get() const {
457 return c_gather;
458 }
459 bool has_subs() const {
460 return (c_gather != NULL);
461 }
462 int num_subs_created() {
463 assert(!activated);
464 if (c_gather == NULL)
465 return 0;
466 return c_gather->get_sub_created_count();
467 }
468 int num_subs_remaining() {
469 assert(!activated);
470 if (c_gather == NULL)
471 return 0;
472 return c_gather->get_sub_existing_count();
473 }
475 private:
476 CephContext *cct;
477 GatherType *c_gather;
478 ContextType *finisher;
479 bool activated;
480 };
482 typedef C_GatherBase<Context, Context> C_Gather;
483 typedef C_GatherBuilderBase<Context, C_Gather > C_GatherBuilder;
485 class FunctionContext : public Context {
486 public:
487 FunctionContext(boost::function<void(int)> &&callback)
488 : m_callback(std::move(callback))
489 {
490 }
492 void finish(int r) override {
493 m_callback(r);
494 }
495 private:
496 boost::function<void(int)> m_callback;
497 };
499 #undef mydout
501 #endif