]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/lua/TJsonProtocol.lua
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[ceph.git] / ceph / src / jaegertracing / thrift / lib / lua / TJsonProtocol.lua
1 --
2 -- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3 -- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4 -- distributed with this work for additional information
5 -- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6 -- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7 -- "License"), you may not use this file except in compliance
8 -- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 --
10 -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 --
12 -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13 -- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15 -- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16 -- specific language governing permissions and limitations
17 -- under the License.
18 --
20 require 'TProtocol'
21 require 'libluabpack'
22 require 'libluabitwise'
24 TJSONProtocol = __TObject.new(TProtocolBase, {
25 __type = 'TJSONProtocol',
27 jsonContext = {},
28 jsonContextVal = {first = true, colon = true, ttype = 2, null = true},
29 jsonContextIndex = 1,
30 hasReadByte = ""
31 })
33 TTypeToString = {}
34 TTypeToString[TType.BOOL] = "tf"
35 TTypeToString[TType.BYTE] = "i8"
36 TTypeToString[TType.I16] = "i16"
37 TTypeToString[TType.I32] = "i32"
38 TTypeToString[TType.I64] = "i64"
39 TTypeToString[TType.DOUBLE] = "dbl"
40 TTypeToString[TType.STRING] = "str"
41 TTypeToString[TType.STRUCT] = "rec"
42 TTypeToString[TType.LIST] = "lst"
43 TTypeToString[TType.SET] = "set"
44 TTypeToString[TType.MAP] = "map"
46 StringToTType = {
47 tf = TType.BOOL,
48 i8 = TType.BYTE,
49 i16 = TType.I16,
50 i32 = TType.I32,
51 i64 = TType.I64,
52 dbl = TType.DOUBLE,
53 str = TType.STRING,
54 rec = TType.STRUCT,
55 map = TType.MAP,
56 set = TType.SET,
57 lst = TType.LIST
58 }
60 JSONNode = {
61 ObjectBegin = '{',
62 ObjectEnd = '}',
63 ArrayBegin = '[',
64 ArrayEnd = ']',
65 PairSeparator = ':',
66 ElemSeparator = ',',
67 Backslash = '\\',
68 StringDelimiter = '"',
69 ZeroChar = '0',
70 EscapeChar = 'u',
71 Nan = 'NaN',
72 Infinity = 'Infinity',
73 NegativeInfinity = '-Infinity',
74 EscapeChars = "\"\\bfnrt",
75 EscapePrefix = "\\u00"
76 }
78 EscapeCharVals = {
79 '"', '\\', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t'
80 }
82 JSONCharTable = {
83 --0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
84 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98,116,110, 0,102,114, 0, 0,
85 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
86 1, 1,34, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
87 }
89 -- character table string
90 local b='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
92 -- encoding
93 function base64_encode(data)
94 return ((data:gsub('.', function(x)
95 local r,b='',x:byte()
96 for i=8,1,-1 do r=r..(b%2^i-b%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end
97 return r;
98 end)..'0000'):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
99 if (#x < 6) then return '' end
100 local c=0
101 for i=1,6 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(6-i) or 0) end
102 return b:sub(c+1,c+1)
103 end)..({ '', '==', '=' })[#data%3+1])
104 end
106 -- decoding
107 function base64_decode(data)
108 data = string.gsub(data, '[^'..b..'=]', '')
109 return (data:gsub('.', function(x)
110 if (x == '=') then return '' end
111 local r,f='',(b:find(x)-1)
112 for i=6,1,-1 do r=r..(f%2^i-f%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end
113 return r;
114 end):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
115 if (#x ~= 8) then return '' end
116 local c=0
117 for i=1,8 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(8-i) or 0) end
118 return string.char(c)
119 end))
120 end
122 function TJSONProtocol:resetContext()
123 self.jsonContext = {}
124 self.jsonContextVal = {first = true, colon = true, ttype = 2, null = true}
125 self.jsonContextIndex = 1
126 end
128 function TJSONProtocol:contextPush(context)
129 self.jsonContextIndex = self.jsonContextIndex + 1
130 self.jsonContext[self.jsonContextIndex] = self.jsonContextVal
131 self.jsonContextVal = context
132 end
134 function TJSONProtocol:contextPop()
135 self.jsonContextVal = self.jsonContext[self.jsonContextIndex]
136 self.jsonContextIndex = self.jsonContextIndex - 1
137 end
139 function TJSONProtocol:escapeNum()
140 if self.jsonContextVal.ttype == 1 then
141 return self.jsonContextVal.colon
142 else
143 return false
144 end
145 end
147 function TJSONProtocol:writeElemSeparator()
148 if self.jsonContextVal.null then
149 return
150 end
151 if self.jsonContextVal.first then
152 self.jsonContextVal.first = false
153 else
154 if self.jsonContextVal.ttype == 1 then
155 if self.jsonContextVal.colon then
156 self.trans:write(JSONNode.PairSeparator)
157 self.jsonContextVal.colon = false
158 else
159 self.trans:write(JSONNode.ElemSeparator)
160 self.jsonContextVal.colon = true
161 end
162 else
163 self.trans:write(JSONNode.ElemSeparator)
164 end
165 end
166 end
168 function TJSONProtocol:hexChar(val)
169 val = libluabitwise.band(val, 0x0f)
170 if val < 10 then
171 return val + 48
172 else
173 return val + 87
174 end
175 end
177 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONEscapeChar(ch)
178 self.trans:write(JSONNode.EscapePrefix)
179 local outCh = hexChar(libluabitwise.shiftr(ch, 4))
180 local buff = libluabpack.bpack('c', outCh)
181 self.trans:write(buff)
182 outCh = hexChar(ch)
183 buff = libluabpack.bpack('c', outCh)
184 self.trans:write(buff)
185 end
187 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONChar(byte)
188 ch = string.byte(byte)
189 if ch >= 0x30 then
190 if ch == JSONNode.Backslash then
191 self.trans:write(JSONNode.Backslash)
192 self.trans:write(JSONNode.Backslash)
193 else
194 self.trans:write(byte)
195 end
196 else
197 local outCh = JSONCharTable[ch+1]
198 if outCh == 1 then
199 self.trans:write(byte)
200 elseif outCh > 1 then
201 self.trans:write(JSONNode.Backslash)
202 local buff = libluabpack.bpack('c', outCh)
203 self.trans:write(buff)
204 else
205 self:writeJSONEscapeChar(ch)
206 end
207 end
208 end
210 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONString(str)
211 self:writeElemSeparator()
212 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
213 -- TODO escape special characters
214 local length = string.len(str)
215 local ii = 1
216 while ii <= length do
217 self:writeJSONChar(string.sub(str, ii, ii))
218 ii = ii + 1
219 end
220 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
221 end
223 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONBase64(str)
224 self:writeElemSeparator()
225 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
226 local length = string.len(str)
227 local offset = 1
228 while length >= 3 do
229 -- Encode 3 bytes at a time
230 local bytes = base64_encode(string.sub(str, offset, offset+3))
231 self.trans:write(bytes)
232 length = length - 3
233 offset = offset + 3
234 end
235 if length > 0 then
236 local bytes = base64_encode(string.sub(str, offset, offset+length))
237 self.trans:write(bytes)
238 end
239 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
240 end
242 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONInteger(num)
243 self:writeElemSeparator()
244 if self:escapeNum() then
245 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
246 end
247 local numstr = "" .. num
248 numstr = string.sub(numstr, string.find(numstr, "^[+-]?%d+"))
249 self.trans:write(numstr)
250 if self:escapeNum() then
251 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
252 end
253 end
255 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONDouble(dub)
256 self:writeElemSeparator()
257 local val = "" .. dub
258 local prefix = string.sub(val, 1, 1)
259 local special = false
260 if prefix == 'N' or prefix == 'n' then
261 val = JSONNode.Nan
262 special = true
263 elseif prefix == 'I' or prefix == 'i' then
264 val = JSONNode.Infinity
265 special = true
266 elseif prefix == '-' then
267 local secondByte = string.sub(val, 2, 2)
268 if secondByte == 'I' or secondByte == 'i' then
269 val = JSONNode.NegativeInfinity
270 special = true
271 end
272 end
274 if special or self:escapeNum() then
275 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
276 end
277 self.trans:write(val)
278 if special or self:escapeNum() then
279 self.trans:write(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
280 end
281 end
283 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONObjectBegin()
284 self:writeElemSeparator()
285 self.trans:write(JSONNode.ObjectBegin)
286 self:contextPush({first = true, colon = true, ttype = 1, null = false})
287 end
289 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONObjectEnd()
290 self:contextPop()
291 self.trans:write(JSONNode.ObjectEnd)
292 end
294 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONArrayBegin()
295 self:writeElemSeparator()
296 self.trans:write(JSONNode.ArrayBegin)
297 self:contextPush({first = true, colon = true, ttype = 2, null = false})
298 end
300 function TJSONProtocol:writeJSONArrayEnd()
301 self:contextPop()
302 self.trans:write(JSONNode.ArrayEnd)
303 end
305 function TJSONProtocol:writeMessageBegin(name, ttype, seqid)
306 self:resetContext()
307 self:writeJSONArrayBegin()
309 self:writeJSONString(name)
310 self:writeJSONInteger(ttype)
311 self:writeJSONInteger(seqid)
312 end
314 function TJSONProtocol:writeMessageEnd()
315 self:writeJSONArrayEnd()
316 end
318 function TJSONProtocol:writeStructBegin(name)
319 self:writeJSONObjectBegin()
320 end
322 function TJSONProtocol:writeStructEnd()
323 self:writeJSONObjectEnd()
324 end
326 function TJSONProtocol:writeFieldBegin(name, ttype, id)
327 self:writeJSONInteger(id)
328 self:writeJSONObjectBegin()
329 self:writeJSONString(TTypeToString[ttype])
330 end
332 function TJSONProtocol:writeFieldEnd()
333 self:writeJSONObjectEnd()
334 end
336 function TJSONProtocol:writeFieldStop()
337 end
339 function TJSONProtocol:writeMapBegin(ktype, vtype, size)
340 self:writeJSONArrayBegin()
341 self:writeJSONString(TTypeToString[ktype])
342 self:writeJSONString(TTypeToString[vtype])
343 self:writeJSONInteger(size)
344 return self:writeJSONObjectBegin()
345 end
347 function TJSONProtocol:writeMapEnd()
348 self:writeJSONObjectEnd()
349 self:writeJSONArrayEnd()
350 end
352 function TJSONProtocol:writeListBegin(etype, size)
353 self:writeJSONArrayBegin()
354 self:writeJSONString(TTypeToString[etype])
355 self:writeJSONInteger(size)
356 end
358 function TJSONProtocol:writeListEnd()
359 self:writeJSONArrayEnd()
360 end
362 function TJSONProtocol:writeSetBegin(etype, size)
363 self:writeJSONArrayBegin()
364 self:writeJSONString(TTypeToString[etype])
365 self:writeJSONInteger(size)
366 end
368 function TJSONProtocol:writeSetEnd()
369 self:writeJSONArrayEnd()
370 end
372 function TJSONProtocol:writeBool(bool)
373 if bool then
374 self:writeJSONInteger(1)
375 else
376 self:writeJSONInteger(0)
377 end
378 end
380 function TJSONProtocol:writeByte(byte)
381 local buff = libluabpack.bpack('c', byte)
382 local val = libluabpack.bunpack('c', buff)
383 self:writeJSONInteger(val)
384 end
386 function TJSONProtocol:writeI16(i16)
387 local buff = libluabpack.bpack('s', i16)
388 local val = libluabpack.bunpack('s', buff)
389 self:writeJSONInteger(val)
390 end
392 function TJSONProtocol:writeI32(i32)
393 local buff = libluabpack.bpack('i', i32)
394 local val = libluabpack.bunpack('i', buff)
395 self:writeJSONInteger(val)
396 end
398 function TJSONProtocol:writeI64(i64)
399 local buff = libluabpack.bpack('l', i64)
400 local val = libluabpack.bunpack('l', buff)
401 self:writeJSONInteger(tostring(val))
402 end
404 function TJSONProtocol:writeDouble(dub)
405 self:writeJSONDouble(string.format("%.16f", dub))
406 end
408 function TJSONProtocol:writeString(str)
409 self:writeJSONString(str)
410 end
412 function TJSONProtocol:writeBinary(str)
413 -- Should be utf-8
414 self:writeJSONBase64(str)
415 end
417 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONSyntaxChar(ch)
418 local ch2 = ""
419 if self.hasReadByte ~= "" then
420 ch2 = self.hasReadByte
421 self.hasReadByte = ""
422 else
423 ch2 = self.trans:readAll(1)
424 end
425 if ch2 ~= ch then
426 terror(TProtocolException:new{message = "Expected ".. ch .. ", got " .. ch2})
427 end
428 end
430 function TJSONProtocol:readElemSeparator()
431 if self.jsonContextVal.null then
432 return
433 end
434 if self.jsonContextVal.first then
435 self.jsonContextVal.first = false
436 else
437 if self.jsonContextVal.ttype == 1 then
438 if self.jsonContextVal.colon then
439 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.PairSeparator)
440 self.jsonContextVal.colon = false
441 else
442 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ElemSeparator)
443 self.jsonContextVal.colon = true
444 end
445 else
446 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ElemSeparator)
447 end
448 end
449 end
451 function TJSONProtocol:hexVal(ch)
452 local val = string.byte(ch)
453 if val >= 48 and val <= 57 then
454 return val - 48
455 elseif val >= 97 and val <= 102 then
456 return val - 87
457 else
458 terror(TProtocolException:new{message = "Expected hex val ([0-9a-f]); got " .. ch})
459 end
460 end
462 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONEscapeChar(ch)
463 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ZeroChar)
464 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ZeroChar)
465 local b1 = self.trans:readAll(1)
466 local b2 = self.trans:readAll(1)
467 return libluabitwise.shiftl(self:hexVal(b1), 4) + self:hexVal(b2)
468 end
471 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONString()
472 self:readElemSeparator()
473 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
474 local result = ""
475 while true do
476 local ch = self.trans:readAll(1)
477 if ch == JSONNode.StringDelimiter then
478 break
479 end
480 if ch == JSONNode.Backslash then
481 ch = self.trans:readAll(1)
482 if ch == JSONNode.EscapeChar then
483 self:readJSONEscapeChar(ch)
484 else
485 local pos, _ = string.find(JSONNode.EscapeChars, ch)
486 if pos == nil then
487 terror(TProtocolException:new{message = "Expected control char, got " .. ch})
488 end
489 ch = EscapeCharVals[pos]
490 end
491 end
492 result = result .. ch
493 end
494 return result
495 end
497 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONBase64()
498 local result = self:readJSONString()
499 local length = string.len(result)
500 local str = ""
501 local offset = 1
502 while length >= 4 do
503 local bytes = string.sub(result, offset, offset+4)
504 str = str .. base64_decode(bytes)
505 offset = offset + 4
506 length = length - 4
507 end
508 if length >= 0 then
509 str = str .. base64_decode(string.sub(result, offset, offset + length))
510 end
511 return str
512 end
514 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONNumericChars()
515 local result = ""
516 while true do
517 local ch = self.trans:readAll(1)
518 if string.find(ch, '[-+0-9.Ee]') then
519 result = result .. ch
520 else
521 self.hasReadByte = ch
522 break
523 end
524 end
525 return result
526 end
528 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONLongInteger()
529 self:readElemSeparator()
530 if self:escapeNum() then
531 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
532 end
533 local result = self:readJSONNumericChars()
534 if self:escapeNum() then
535 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
536 end
537 return result
538 end
540 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONInteger()
541 return tonumber(self:readJSONLongInteger())
542 end
544 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONDouble()
545 self:readElemSeparator()
546 local delimiter = self.trans:readAll(1)
547 local num = 0.0
548 if delimiter == JSONNode.StringDelimiter then
549 local str = self:readJSONString()
550 if str == JSONNode.Nan then
551 num = 1.0
552 elseif str == JSONNode.Infinity then
553 num = math.maxinteger
554 elseif str == JSONNode.NegativeInfinity then
555 num = math.mininteger
556 else
557 num = tonumber(str)
558 end
559 else
560 if self:escapeNum() then
561 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.StringDelimiter)
562 end
563 local result = self:readJSONNumericChars()
564 num = tonumber(delimiter.. result)
565 end
566 return num
567 end
569 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONObjectBegin()
570 self:readElemSeparator()
571 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ObjectBegin)
572 self:contextPush({first = true, colon = true, ttype = 1, null = false})
573 end
575 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONObjectEnd()
576 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ObjectEnd)
577 self:contextPop()
578 end
580 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONArrayBegin()
581 self:readElemSeparator()
582 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ArrayBegin)
583 self:contextPush({first = true, colon = true, ttype = 2, null = false})
584 end
586 function TJSONProtocol:readJSONArrayEnd()
587 self:readJSONSyntaxChar(JSONNode.ArrayEnd)
588 self:contextPop()
589 end
591 function TJSONProtocol:readMessageBegin()
592 self:resetContext()
593 self:readJSONArrayBegin()
594 local version = self:readJSONInteger()
595 if version ~= self.THRIFT_JSON_PROTOCOL_VERSION then
596 terror(TProtocolException:new{message = "Message contained bad version."})
597 end
598 local name = self:readJSONString()
599 local ttype = self:readJSONInteger()
600 local seqid = self:readJSONInteger()
601 return name, ttype, seqid
602 end
604 function TJSONProtocol:readMessageEnd()
605 self:readJSONArrayEnd()
606 end
608 function TJSONProtocol:readStructBegin()
609 self:readJSONObjectBegin()
610 return nil
611 end
613 function TJSONProtocol:readStructEnd()
614 self:readJSONObjectEnd()
615 end
617 function TJSONProtocol:readFieldBegin()
618 local ttype = TType.STOP
619 local id = 0
620 local ch = self.trans:readAll(1)
621 self.hasReadByte = ch
622 if ch ~= JSONNode.ObjectEnd then
623 id = self:readJSONInteger()
624 self:readJSONObjectBegin()
625 local typeName = self:readJSONString()
626 ttype = StringToTType[typeName]
627 end
628 return nil, ttype, id
629 end
631 function TJSONProtocol:readFieldEnd()
632 self:readJSONObjectEnd()
633 end
635 function TJSONProtocol:readMapBegin()
636 self:readJSONArrayBegin()
637 local typeName = self:readJSONString()
638 local ktype = StringToTType[typeName]
639 typeName = self:readJSONString()
640 local vtype = StringToTType[typeName]
641 local size = self:readJSONInteger()
642 self:readJSONObjectBegin()
643 return ktype, vtype, size
644 end
646 function TJSONProtocol:readMapEnd()
647 self:readJSONObjectEnd()
648 self:readJSONArrayEnd()
649 end
651 function TJSONProtocol:readListBegin()
652 self:readJSONArrayBegin()
653 local typeName = self:readJSONString()
654 local etype = StringToTType[typeName]
655 local size = self:readJSONInteger()
656 return etype, size
657 end
659 function TJSONProtocol:readListEnd()
660 return self:readJSONArrayEnd()
661 end
663 function TJSONProtocol:readSetBegin()
664 return self:readListBegin()
665 end
667 function TJSONProtocol:readSetEnd()
668 return self:readJSONArrayEnd()
669 end
671 function TJSONProtocol:readBool()
672 local result = self:readJSONInteger()
673 if result == 1 then
674 return true
675 else
676 return false
677 end
678 end
680 function TJSONProtocol:readByte()
681 local result = self:readJSONInteger()
682 if result >= 256 then
683 terror(TProtocolException:new{message = "UnExpected Byte " .. result})
684 end
685 return result
686 end
688 function TJSONProtocol:readI16()
689 return self:readJSONInteger()
690 end
692 function TJSONProtocol:readI32()
693 return self:readJSONInteger()
694 end
696 function TJSONProtocol:readI64()
697 local long = liblualongnumber.new
698 return long(self:readJSONLongInteger())
699 end
701 function TJSONProtocol:readDouble()
702 return self:readJSONDouble()
703 end
705 function TJSONProtocol:readString()
706 return self:readJSONString()
707 end
709 function TJSONProtocol:readBinary()
710 return self:readJSONBase64()
711 end
713 TJSONProtocolFactory = TProtocolFactory:new{
714 __type = 'TJSONProtocolFactory',
715 }
717 function TJSONProtocolFactory:getProtocol(trans)
718 -- TODO Enforce that this must be a transport class (ie not a bool)
719 if not trans then
720 terror(TProtocolException:new{
721 message = 'Must supply a transport to ' .. ttype(self)
722 })
723 end
724 return TJSONProtocol:new{
725 trans = trans
726 }
727 end